Re: [LAD] A GUI request

2022-06-07 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Tue, 7 Jun 2022 00:06:08 +0200
Fons Adriaensen  wrote:

> Simple fact is that all popular GUI toolsets are targeted to developing 
> 'office'
> or 'social' type of applications and completely fail to address the needs for
> anything outside that limited scope. There is much more to this than just the
> choice of colors. 

Indeed. It’s a shame, as office-type applications could benefit from
higher standards of providing information at a glance and efficient
means of control (even at the cost of being less obvious).

> I've been involved in creating displays used in aircraft cockpits and similar
> technical environments. Almost all of the 'standard' GUI design guidelines
> (as advocated by 'computer science' academics) have been shown to be either
> irrelevant or just plain wrong for such applications. That probably includes
> graphical interfaces for pro-audio systems. 

So far I thought the differences are all about much higher requirements
on readability at a glance and stableness. More contrast, avoiding
superfluous styling, no deep layering. Being able to rely on training
much more.

Fons, do you have examples of such guidelines that don‘t work for
cockpits, that may surprise the layman? 

Thorsten Wilms 
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Resampling: SOX vs FFmpeg

2019-05-23 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Thu, 23 May 2019 10:58:54 +0200
Louigi Verona  wrote:

> 2. Does it make sense to resample to 44100 or to 48000?

AFAIR many soundcards and onboard solutions work with 48000 internally
and have to resample any 44100 source.

Thorsten Wilms
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Open Source Design (paid and pro bono design)

2018-11-29 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 29/11/2018 17.32, Louigi Verona wrote:
Interesting that on their goals page they never mention "users" or 
"customers". So how are they going to understand what works if users are 
never consulted?

That's clearly up to every single project. So from the point of view of 
"Open Source Design", the question is what works or doesn't work 
regarding designer involvement and designer-developer interaction.

Now one may complain that the Why is kinda missing. Obviously there's an 
assumption that "opening up the design process" and so on is a good 
thing that doesn't need to be explained.

It is then up to said designers and developers to care about user 
feedback, iterations, testing. Or not. One may concentrate on general 
fitness for purpose, pay not too much attention to the subset of users 
that gets loud, and lack the resources to do real user testing, anyway! ;)

The last time I got across that job listing, the few paid items were too 
old already.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list


2018-11-20 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 20/11/2018 00.44, Spencer Jackson wrote:
I've been happy with for hosting the Open Source Musician 
Podcast. We could create a collection there.

That would be very convenient, as I already have all my tracks there. 
Tagging them all with "Linux" as a Topic wasn't the most clever thing to 
do, as search results for that are "polluted" with podcasts ;)

My tracks are in 10 collections now, most of which or of the "Usernames 
Favorites" kind. I wasn't even aware of that, until looking just now. 
Given lots of those, the visibility of a "Linux Audio" collection would 
be very low, it seems.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Forgive me, for I have sinned, or: toss your Macintosh, as fast and wide as you can.

2017-12-05 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05.12.2017 17:21, Louigi Verona wrote:

I have to note you have no statistics, either, but of course that 
doesn't stop you. It's as if you would ask for a level of sobriety, 
factuality and precision that you yourself refuse to offer, while 
pretending otherwise.

I have reacted to the initial post because a person was claiming that 
because *a problem* on a Mac happened - that means that everything which 
is a Mac is now a problem.

For a person of such eloquence, it seems strange that your reading 
comprehension would fail you so terribly or that you would suddenly try 
your hardest to be the opposite of pedantic.

Jörn's post was an openly emotional reaction to a situation that came 
about because of a specific set of features that you get with an Apple 
laptop, if you want them, or not. It's a fact that there is a specific 
risk because of those features. So if you are that hell-bent on boiling 
it down, the statement would be: "There is a specific problem with every 
(since a certain generation) Apple laptop".

Anyway, ignoring the mood set with hyperbole like "... for I have 
sinned", going all pseudo-analytical instead, is rather tone-deaf.

I for one, consider the case interesting and the way it was brought 
forward entertaining. My thanks to Jörn, who doesn't deserve such 

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Implementing software knob behaviour

2017-05-16 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 16.05.2017 09:25, Christopher Arndt wrote:

- What should I use as the reference point for finding the distance of
the movement? The centre of the knob or where the first touch event

First touch.

Elsewise, if that point is above the center and the cursor/finger moves 
down, what are you going to do until the center has been passed?

- Should I apply the distance to the value directly or use the distance
as a relative value (i.e. increment / decrement to the value when the
touch started)? If the former, how do I prevent value jumps?

I don't quite understand what you are trying to describe here.

I think the behavior should be as if a slider was brought up, with the 
current value, positioned such that the indicator (top of the value bar) 
is right below the pointer/finger. You should probably actually display 
a slider. For touch, it's worth thinking about not (only) showing 
something right in place, as the finger/hand may obstruct it.

The slider area may end up  partially off screen. You could rely on the 
user to slide twice if they want to reach an extreme in such a case. Or 
implement a scroll-fully-into-view feature. With a mouse, you could 
allow the pointer to go off-screen / wrap-around (this works quite well 
in the 3D app Blender). At the same time the pointer goes over the edge, 
the slider could be moved appropriately. For a touch interface, you'd 
have to move the slider as the finger approaches the edge, though.

In case inspiration regarding the visuals is welcome:

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] User eXperience in Linux Audio

2015-04-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 24.04.2015 23:40, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

Consider a button that toggles between 'stop' and 'play'. Does
it show the current state of the player, or the one you get
when you click on it ?

Yes, a classic. It's the general problem that using any toggle-action 
successfully requires the user to be aware of the current state. That 
might sound like a non-issue seen in isolation, but if a user has to 
deal with lots of such states over a long period of time, mistakes will 
happen. At the very least frustrating double and triple triggering.

The reason to use one toggle button over 2 action buttons is saving 
space. Likewise, one shortcut over 2 shortcuts. A DAW can get away with 
Play/Pause toggling, but less often changed states that affect other 
actions are more troublesome as toggle.

I mean to recall that Rhino3D has buttons that will always enable / keep 
enabled something on left click and will always disable / keep disabled 
on right click.

Regarding ambiguous icons on toggle buttons that might display either 
state or action: If you can't avoid them, didn't find icons that imply 
action or state, the last line of defense is convention. Always state or 
always action.

Similar situation with 'slider switches'
which show 'on' or 'off' on the flat part. If you have no other
feedback, the state of the button or slider gives you a very
ambiguous hint at best.

The blind copying of Apple's sliding switches is one of the saddest 
things to happen in recent GUI design.

I for one can't take anyone serious who thinks this is acceptable:
If one wanted to infer a guideline from that screenshot, it could be: 
Make sure there is a huge gap between labels and associated widgets. 
This slows the user down to avoid stress and gives his eyeballs a nice 
workout. We already know a solution since decades. Checkboxes with 
their identifying graphics on the left side. Taking touch into account 
should not mess up pointer-based use. If you can't make sure of that, 
maybe a hybrid is a bad idea?

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] User eXperience in Linux Audio

2015-04-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 25.04.2015 09:50, Will Godfrey wrote:

One of my pet hates is erratic implementation of tooltips... that can't be

I'm not sure where I saw it ... an interesting alternative is to have a 
status line in a static location. It can be used for tooltip text, 
parameter values and perhaps a few messages. A drawback is of course the 
distance between the line and whatever the pointer is hovering.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] User eXperience in Linux Audio

2015-04-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 23.04.2015 21:55, Len Ovens wrote:

That is why being able to adjust with both horizontal and vertical
movement is a plus. Take a look at zita-mu1 for an example. It is also
important to continue watching the position of the mouse when it leaves
the application window.

Yes. If the linear knob happens to be too close to a corner of the 
screen, both part of the vertical and the horizontal range may be out of 
screen, though. Changing direction forces you to spend attention instead 
of relying on autonomous movement, trained by repetition.

With pointer-based usage, you can allow the pointer to go beyond the 
edge. Some 3D application will have the pointer appear on the other 
side, as if it traveled through a portal. But with touch, you are out of 
luck, have to move the active area and allow the finger to be repositioned.

I think in many cases, horizontal sliders with labels and numerical 
values inside the slider area, are the better approach.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] User eXperience in Linux Audio

2015-04-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 23.04.2015 22:59, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

And in the case I mentioned (flight deck displays and user interfaces)
were are talking about*specialists*  in ergonomics who have conducted
a not one but a series of studies and experiments involving a large
group of*expert*  users and costing tons of money. And the result is
quite different. So whom do you think I should believe ?

Writing a letter sitting safely at a desk leads to slightly different 
requirements for a UI than piloting an airplane ...

You do not seriously believe common aspects of mainstream desktop 
environments and core applications like the behavior of radio buttons, 
checkboxes, menus, dialogs and so on came to be without many rounds of 
research and refinement, do you?

There may admittedly be a problem with cargo-cult guideline writing, 
copying without taking first principles into account. Plus the people 
now working at Microsoft, Apple or Gnome and KDE are at risk of 
forgetting some of the things the GUI pioneers already understood.

Now in intensity and information load, applications like Blender or 
Ardour may come closer to a cockpit than a spreadsheet application does. 
But I guess the glass cockpits, just the screens, are not meant for 
direct manipulation, which surely influences the design. Centralized 
pure display combined with a shitload of buttons and doodads do not lend 
themselves as a model for a multi-purpose computer UI.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] User eXperience in Linux Audio

2015-04-23 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 23.04.2015 12:01, Gianfranco Ceccolini wrote:

I think that the point that most of us are missing is that, prior to
decide the features on a particular product (a software in the discussed
cases), one needs to decide THE TARGET AUDIENCE of such product.

There are cases where defining a target audience is possible and 
beneficial, sure. Once you allow a small number of distinct audiences, 
you get a little farther.

For some generic and/or complex products, things get messy fast. Just 
think of possible audiences for Blender: game developers, hobby vertex 
pushers, 3d printed bunny enthusiasts, product designers, professional 
illustrators and 3d animation specialists (coffee logisticians, 
modelers, texture artists, rigging and animation artists ...) ...

Even though you can expect conflicts and issues due to the sheer number 
of features, Blender can work for all of them. Note however, than some 
people think its unnecessarily strange and complicated, while others 
think it's basically sliced bread for 3D.

Oustide of marketing, I think it's not that important if you can assume 
your typical user to be Granny Smith, Tom Broman or little Susie. Truly 
important are the tasks to be accomplished, the work environments and 
the frequency and duration of use. Guess how the last 2 points relate to 
the different impressions people have of Blender.

Aside of all that, every single user being human has limited memory, a 
locus of attention easily pulled away by an important message ... or 
just a distraction, is better at recognizing than recalling, forms 
habits, is slowed down when having to consider options, ... and so on.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] User eXperience in Linux Audio

2015-04-23 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 23.04.2015 11:50, Vytautas Jancauskas wrote:

Who would think that having to operate a circular knob by moving the
mouse in a little circle is convenient? It's also a bit harder to
implement. Is there some argument for it I am not aware of?

Properly done radial knobs do not force you to move the pointer in a 
little circle, but allow you to increase the distance. This way, you get 
adjustable precision. In my own experience, this can work very well for 
parameters that have a huge range (i.e. _many_ steps) and control 
something sensitive to the smallest changes.

One issue is the placement of the knob relative to the edges of the 
screen and what you do when the pointer (ignoring touch) reaches them.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Units (was: Re: Experience driven design and Linux Audio)

2014-10-02 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 01.10.2014 22:19, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

The many times I've had to set a delay time the most convenient
unit could have been samples, millisecs or meters (at the speed
of sound), depending on the context. I've never had the need to
set it in beats. Which are not even a fixed unit but require the
delay processor to know the current bpm value. Could be done in
an app or plugin that mainly deals with beats, not in a general-
purpose plugin.

Sounds like a piece of functionality that should be covered once, for 
all, ideally. As some kind of unit conversion/entry lib/plugin.

For every plugin time parameter where any of the provided units make 
sense, there would be an input field with a default unit for that 
specific parameter, and a way to switch between samples, ms, s, d:h:m:s, 
..., meters at [some] speed, beats at hots-provided bpm.

The space required and the shear number of options would infer a cost 
with no payback for some users, but otherwise could make for a great 
user experience ;), where:
- no distraction is caused by having to do workarounds, even just having 
to get out the calculator.
- the consistency across plugins/apps means the interface can be learned 
once, with gains in efficiency on repeated use.

Another candidate would be frequency/pitch.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Ardour sampler feature?

2014-08-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 26.08.2014 19:39, Devin Venable wrote:

My dream feature?  Click on segment, select convert to sample and a
new midi track appears linked to a plugin sampler, ready to play.

I could have used something like that a few times.

Being an architecture astronaut by hobby, I've been wondering about the 
differences and commonalities between (audio-)sequencers and samplers. 
In both cases you have an abstraction on top of actual audio-files and 
playback start/stop. But playback is parameterized differently. The 
sequencer has a timeline position and transport state, while the sampler 
takes notes (and potentially a bunch of control events).

Lets think of a track in a sequencer to actually be a mapping of a 
playlist to a playback graph. The playlist can be reduced to a sequence 
of events. The playback graph consists of at least a playback engine and 
may contain an effect chain.

In typical sequencer use, for pure audio tracks, a playlist will contain 
regions that map to audio-files. That part of it can be reduced to a 
sequence of audio-sample-values, as main input to the playback engine. 
There may be other events/automation, all being inputs to the playback 
graph. The general idea is that you always deal with sequences of events 
as inputs to a playback graph.

Now all of that is coupled to a single, global playback control, 
consisting of transport state and timeline position. What if you could 
choose to decouple tracks from global control and make them take 
note-events for playback control instead? If the playback engine can 
variate playback speed in relation to note-value, you have a basic 
sampler. If the playback engine also offers realtime 
pitch-shifting/time-stretching and formant control, you have wonderland.

Note that you would not be limited to control a decoupled track's 
position and state by notes. There could also be direct control with 
start/stop/speed (including negative) and locate/go-to events. Tracks 
that play tracks ... Mmwuhahahaha!

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] So what do you think sucks about Linux audio ?

2013-02-05 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 02/05/2013 03:58 PM, Dave Phillips wrote:

So, in your honest and bold opinion as user and/or developer, what do we
lack most and what can we do without that we already have ?


Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] CC-by-sa licensed samples/instrument plugins

2012-08-31 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 08/31/2012 05:44 PM, Nils wrote:

But for Creative Commons ShareAlike? Is music a derived work from samples under 

'Adaptation' means a work based upon the Work, or upon the Work and 
other pre-existing works (...) or any other form in which the Work may 
be recast, transformed, or adapted including in any form recognizably 
derived from the original (...)

In this context, I lean towards considering music that uses samples to 
be an adaption of those sample.

However, the license is clearly written with remixes and combinations in 
mind, where you either stay in the same category as the licensed work 
(e.g remix music to music) or combine categories (add music to video). 
It is no written for works that are meant to be raw material, like 
fonts or sample-packs. In this sense, your question has no clear answer, 
which is worse than a Yes.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LV2 Achievement of GMPI Requirements

2012-08-01 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 07/31/2012 10:13 PM, David Robillard wrote:

I have adapted the GMPI requirements final draft document to a
comparison with the current state of LV2:

Great job!

Besides dynamic ports, most interesting to me seems to be the 
Instruments section,

In short: per voice control of any parameter.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Plugin buffer size restrictions

2012-05-29 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/29/2012 01:03 AM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

Things are different if the control data was not generated
'live' but e.g. created in an graphical automation editor
using a displayed recorded waveform - the one the plugin
will operate on - as the time reference. In that case
users will not expect an offset of control w.r.t. audio.
But otoh, even such data will probably be edited by 'trial
and error' - by listening to the result instead of trusting
the graphical input blindly - which means that even in this
case the user will somehow compensate for the delay (if it
is short enough).

The graphical environment would lead to the expectation that control 
points in the automation editor and the waveform view are strictly in 
one timeline, no delay.

It should be possible and provided for, that parts of automation 
recorded live and parts created graphically are mixed and also that 
recorded automation will be edited.

I guess that would mean that an automation editor has to show the result 
of the control values, not the values themselves. So on playback, the 
automation would be send with negative delay (requiring latency on the 
Play command ...)

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Plugin buffer size restrictions

2012-05-28 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 05/28/2012 12:52 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

They are not that stupid. And they didn't need me to find
out the things they did not like: extensions being created
and then deprecated, extensions that 'exist' on some web
page but are implemented nowhere, tutorials that start with
saying that everything has changed and they should be ignored,

LV2 may suffer from those issues, all hard to avoid for a free software 
project that moved slow at times, due to a lack of total qualified 
developer time.

If nobody takes control, it's yucky anarchism. If someone does step up, 
he becomes a dictator and there will be people who call him a fool for 
taking choices different from those they would have taken, but didn't 
and likely won't.

It's like you are asking again and again: David and Co, why didn't you 
just publish a complete specification at once, one all important plugin 
and host authors would agree with, magically. As you did not do this, 
why don't you throw away what you have to do it now?

Oh, and David, why don't you at least mention all the negatives, 
every-time you mention the project that your investing so many hours 
(weeks, months ...) in?

As I understand it, what you are insisting on would require a change to 
the core of LV2 and invalidate everything out there. Which would lead to 
deprecation and outdated documentation on a much larger scale. All that 
to gain something the creators of several other standards apparently 
didn't consider important or at all.

I think it is the impression that you keep measuring LV2 against an 
hypothetic solution that irritates not just David. Especially if it 
sounds like that hypothetic solution has to somehow appear at once, 
without the friction of experiments and visible social interaction. LV2 
Creators, why aren't you a company and invest a few man-years , working 
in secret, to then publish a *complete* spec and reference 
implementation at once?

It would be nice, if you could limit your further input in LV2 matters, 
if any, to things that LV2 developers can act on, realistically.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] Qtractor 0.5.4 - Echo Victor shouts out!

2012-03-03 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 03/03/2012 07:36 AM, Albert Graef wrote:

I don't see why an OSC track should make any assumptions about the
semantics of OSC messages.

For optimized representation and editing.

Avoiding artificial restrictions can give you both freedom and clumsiness ;)

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] FOSDEM 2012

2012-01-10 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 01/04/2012 12:28 PM, Nils wrote:

who is going to attend the FOSDEM Open Source Developers meeting in 
Brussels(Belgium) on 4./5. February?

I will most likely be there on Saturday.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] sliders/fans

2011-12-08 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 12/07/2011 09:03 PM, David Robillard wrote:

It's more like the distance along the minor axis controls sensitivity,
and the actual value change is always along the major axis?

Oh, I thought that's what happens with fan-sliders already ... and I 
should know ;)

The 3D application Houdini has controls that were one of inspirations. 
It has been a long time, but afair, you get a box with several rows. 
Values are decreased by dragging to the left and increased by dragging 
to the right. The choice of row determines if a certain distance equals 
0.1, 1, 10 ... units (or similar).

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list


2011-11-16 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/16/2011 07:15 AM, Louigi Verona wrote:

This is why I see any licenses that limit distribution and usage of
creative work as undesirable and unfounded. Even things like GPL and CC
seem to me like just lesser evil, as it still assumes that the author of
the work can be considered an owner of his ideas and thus assumes that
ideas can be property. This raises many-many problems, one of which is
giving the author too much power over society.

You may not like such licenses, even if I suspect you benefit from them 
quite much, but to call them unfounded is, and this is the nicest way to 
call it, ignorant. Especially the GPL has clear objectives and the 
widespread use is indicative of the need.

Being based on Copyright, licenses like the GPL do not protect ideas, 
but at most specific implementations of ideas.

If a programmer makes his source code available, that is a gift to 
society. Doing so with restrictions attached can be seen to make the 
act less generous, but it is still on the giving side. It still is 
enabling, not limiting. To then talk about power over society is 
ridiculous. Don't like the conditions? Don't take it, no force applied, 
nothing taken from you!

I see the GPL and similar licenses as a legal means of asking (and 
potentially forcing) people to play fair. If you build on top of someone 
else's source code, it's only fair to make the modifications available 
in the same manner. Give like you have received, an example of the 
golden rule.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list


2011-11-16 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/16/2011 10:57 AM, Louigi Verona wrote:

In a capitalistic society, it should be possible to earn money by
investing your time and effort in producing things people need/want.
People being paid for their time and effort directly may be preferable.
There's still a need/use for copyright to protect the outcome, to allow
the investment to be made beforehand. This way, payment can depend on
the quality of the outcome.

So basically what you are saying is that in your view copyright is
something that will motivate people to create things and that without
it people are less likely to do things.

That's not what I said, as I did not say anything about motivation, for one.

It is not a bad argument in itself as long as we speak about work for
hire. Culture is a different phenomena which cannot be limited to a
collection of works for hire. This is why I do not believe this argument
works when we speak about culture.

You cannot separate culture from money in any money-using society.

Does it work when we speak about a caste of professional creative
people? It does, definitely. But is the caste of professional creative
people so desirable to society? This is another question we can discuss.

As long as people have to earn money for a living, combined with the 
tendency to require a huge amount of time at that, the question is then 
if people being able to invest a majority of their time, effort and 
skill in creative endeavors is desirable.

I'm not a fan of capitalism and even less so of long work-days, but it's 
hard to even think of a better system that takes human nature into 
account, to not even speak of establishing one.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Conciderations of Design

2011-11-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 11/11/2011 11:19 PM, wrote:

I'm seeing downsides to each approach:
1: Tell it on every change - performance hit
2: Request it every time it runs - Keeping control over the many values
 unique ID's of class instances

This made me wonder what functional reactive programming * might have to 
offer here. This could be of interest:


Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] AMS to Ingen: VC to PCM

2011-09-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 09/26/2011 03:37 PM, Aurélien Leblond wrote:

Hi David,
Could you let me know where in Omins it is?

Well, not David, but:

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] AMS to Ingen: VC to PCM

2011-09-25 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 09/25/2011 05:07 PM, Aurélien Leblond wrote:

No, they are designed for use within AMS - so some control ports
  (those that should become connectors and not widgets) are at audio

Ah pity, they would have been great with Ingen...

There's nothing stopping you from using plugins with audio-rate control 
ports in Ingen. The reduced rate of ladspa and lv2 control ports is good 
for saving performance in cases where you don't need updates at full rate.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] IR: LV2 Convolution Reverb

2011-02-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 02/24/2011 12:43 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:

It's also foolish to suggest that the 'all inclusive universal
DAW' will cater for those needs - just ignore what you don't
use etc. It most definitely does *not* because it's by no means
as universal as you may think, but rather the reflection of
one particular musical culture. Which means that whatever is
not used in that particular scene will not be provided. Ardour,
despite all it qualities and being a magnificent piece of work,
is a good example of that.

Now you talk about features not being provided, when the starting point 
was features that are provided.

Also, 'ignoring the bits you don't need' is not always as simple
as it may seem. The simple fact that these things _are_ provided
has consequences on the overall design, they _do_ distract, they
_have_ to be checked and disabled (often each time again), they
_do_ take resources and they _do_ impact reliability. And they
are not compile time options.

Sure, a tool that offers exactly what you need and nothing more has 
something reassuring to it. But how much do you get to see of Ardour's 
MIDI support if you simply do not add any MIDI track to your session?

 And for a professional user that is irrelevant.

Spending some money on Protools is not really different to doing
the same for a kilometer of microphone cable or some XLR plugs.

You pay license fees for cables and plugs and you would never alter them 
in any way?

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Advice sought on project hosting and version control

2011-02-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On 02/12/2011 02:50 PM, Gordon JC Pearce wrote:

Github seems to be pretty good.

Just recently I wondered how Github and Gitorious compare.

It seems Github is much more popular and is said to have more features.
Unlike Github, Gitorious itself is Free Software.

Github allows private repositories if you pay. It looks like it has more 
of a focus on individuals, while Gitorious puts more weight on teams.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Fwd: Re: [LAU] OpenOctaveMidi2 (OOM2) beta release

2011-01-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms


clearly mentioning the project you forked is just good manners of the 
kind that should be expected among civilized people.

Your overreaction to Paul's mail is one hell of an ugly sight.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Mouse/knob interaction

2010-09-14 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Mon, 2010-09-13 at 22:14 +0200, Olivier Guilyardi wrote:

 For the default rendering of the blue part, using[GDK_STATE_SELECTED] seems to make sense since it renders to a 
 (blue, brown, etc..) in many modern themes. However, in some other themes, 
 just another shade of gray.
 Thorsten, did you think about this?

Sure. AFAIR fan-sliders use that approach.

I wonder if you can query for the color used for progress-bars.

Either ignore unfortunate themes, or try to evaluate the provided
colors, to use some fall-back if there isn't sufficient contrast.

An option for user-defined colors would have the problem that users have
to know about that and then have to bother defining it, if colors are
unpleasant, otherwise.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Mouse/knob interaction

2010-09-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2010-09-12 at 12:39 +0200, Olivier Guilyardi wrote:

 In regard to phat, if only the SVG, or XCF, or whatever sources were on svn,
 that would allow to tune the colors, the size, etc... Maybe that the solution 
 to redraw it in Inkscape.

The source is a Blender file. Peter Shorthose took care of animation and
post-processing after I did the design.

I would think this has to be in a repo somewhere, but I have a local
copy, anyway:

Great how those won't die, as much as I wish they would, while all the
stuff in didn't go anywhere.

The main issue for me is that they always appear alien in GTK windows.
Then the design is not strong enough to warrant creating a whole
matching theme. They are not scalable.

Creating such a series for a knob animation with Inkscape is not exactly
trivial, if you want consistent lighting and a physical feel. For
optimal, scalable results, the drawing should be coded, as otherwise you
get issues with lines that should stay 1px wide and might be neighbors
in some cases.

With knobs, you still have a problem with putting them into a layout
with labels. I think much could be gained with sliders with integrated

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] successive note on midi events

2010-04-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 08:07 +0200, Jens M Andreasen wrote:

 The question is what happens at the other end when a note gets struck a
 second time.
 a) Nothing, the note is already on.
 b) Re-trigger, the voice is reset and the note gets played from the top
 c) Trigger, a new voice is assigned and will play simultaneously to
 previous voices

a) and b) both might make sense for a monophonic synth part, but in the
polyphonic case, it should be c). Doubling a note seems perfectly
reasonable to me and accidental surplus Note-Ons are simply not
acceptable (I'm also not aware of that being a common problem).

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] successive note on midi events

2010-04-12 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Mon, 2010-04-12 at 12:30 +0200, Jens M Andreasen wrote:

 Surprisingly, all classical polyphonic keyboards like piano and organ
 works according to 'a'. If you - while playing four-handed piano -
 accidentally strikes a note already held by the other player, nothing
 will happen (in musical terms, that is ...)
 Polyphony is what is supposed to happen when you strike /different/
 notes and doubling notes will normally be done by pressing the
 hold-pedal and then striking the note twice.

There is no compulsory need to enforce the keyboard model unto the
interpretation of MIDI. I don't think it should be part of a definition
of polyphony, which to me simply is the simultaneous use of more than
one voice, be that from a single or multiple instruments.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Congratulations Ardour Team!!!

2010-01-03 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2010-01-03 at 12:27 +, Bob Ham wrote:

 This product, Mixbus, does indeed seem to be a modified version of
 Ardour.  However, I can't seem to find any source code or, for that
 matter any downloads at all on the Harrison website.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] aseqmm 0.2.0 released

2009-12-29 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Tue, 2009-12-29 at 14:39 +0100, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:
 On Tuesday, December 29, 2009, Paul Davis wrote:
  i notice that SDLmm has not had a commit in nearly a year, and appears
  to have been named under a similar belief as your own.
 Is it about belief? There is something about that in the Universal 
 of Human Rights. Article 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, 
 conscience and religion. I would also add the GUI toolkit and frameworks.
 Maybe you know the text of a Law, or a sacred text source of the absolute 
 truth, where it is stated that a library name ending in mm must not be used 
 by those not belonging to the congregation of true believers, under pain of 
 heresy ?

I'm glad that we finally see someone fighting for humanistic ideals, for
freedom of thought, speech and religion, truth and justice here, in the
dark pits of ignorance and isolationism. You, Pedro, are a true champion
of humankind!

Expectations that follow from conventions are a lie, breaking them is
true enlightened justice and who disagrees clearly doesn't like Qt for
inhuman reasons.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] planet LAD

2009-11-11 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Wed, 2009-11-11 at 09:39 +0100, Arnold Krille wrote:

 Would be cool to have a rss-feed to follow everything that is aggregated on 
 that planet.

Well, there's
My feed reader found it for me, I don't see it on the page, though.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] List of LV2 hosts, plugins and features, add yours here

2009-11-09 Thread Thorsten Wilms

So here's a preliminary zynjacku.ttl attached.

I would really like to see
used, but that would be left to Nedko in this case. Or a source/release
archaeologist. Though, there's a question: one ttl per host, or per host

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:
@prefix doap: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix foaf: .
@prefix hi: . a doap:Project, hi:Host ;
doap:name Zynjacku ;
doap:revision 5.0 ;
doap:shortdesc A host for LV2 Plugins. ;
doap:homepage ;
doap:bug-database ;
doap:license ;
doap:developer [
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name Nedko Arnaudov ;
rdfs:seeAlso ;
foaf:mbox ;
foaf:mbox_sha1sum 0eec3ceb427be759748f6693a6663a0b ;
foaf:homepage ;
] ;
doap:developer [
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name Krzysztof Foltman ;
foaf:mbox ;
foaf:mbox_sha1sum 335c21a4a6d1b0e8f0295fbf494bc89e ;
foaf:homepage ;
] ;
doap:programming-language C, Python ;
doap:repository [
a doap:GitRepository ;
] ;
hi:supportsExtension [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] , [
hi:extension ;
] ;
Zynjacku is JACK based, GTK (2.x) host for LV2 synths. It has one JACK MIDI 
input port (routed to all hosted synths) and one (two for stereo synths) 
JACK audio output port per plugin. Such design provides multi-timbral sound by 
running several synth plugins.

Zynjacku is a nunchaku weapon for JACK audio synthesis. You have solid parts 
for synthesis itself and you have flexible part that allows synthesis to suit 
your needs.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] How to develop guis for LV2?

2009-11-08 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2009-11-08 at 14:39 -0500, David Robillard wrote:

 New idea: it is tempting to define a very simple turtle document format
 for hosts to signify what they support, then this kind of compatibility
 information could be automatically generated as well (and in a much more
 useful form than a human could put together).  The information is
 already there for plugins.  As far as I'm concerned the lack of
 automatically generated documentation (and/or machine readable data in
 general) is pretty much the sole reason for every single complaint
 related to this whole thing.  This way is also decentralized, but the
 results for all known implementations could be hosted at
 (or anywhere else) for convenience.
 I am surprised I didn't think of this before, but it seems to be a
 pretty good idea.  All that is needed as far as maintenance goes is for
 hosts to supply a simple turtle document that says I implement foo and
 bar and baz extensions.  The rest can be compiled into whatever fancy
 human readable form you want, for every single plugin out there, by a
 tool.  If I provide a template, would anyone be willing to put together
 these documents?  I will gladly write the tool if the data is there, and
 the problem will be solved, and a convention set that solves it in the
 future with basically no effort involved.

As a start, I'll have a try with collecting a list of hosts and plugins
and what features(/extensions) they provide or require right here on the
list ;)

Longterm it might be useful to have a way to query for this locally. For
an application that builds a matrix for the hosts and plugins you have
installed. Now, it's clear where to look for plugins, but some
convention/mechanism would be needed to fin the host RDF files, right?

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] FLTK vs GTKmm

2009-08-10 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Mon, 2009-08-10 at 08:38 +0200, Christian wrote:

 I'm just curious what your long-time experiences with these
 gui-libraries are.
 Considering to use one of these two but can't really decide.
 But I do not want to switch in a year or two...

Well, I can't say anything about developing with either one of them, but
I think you should also take into account how the result will look and

All examples of FLTK I know of look horribly out of place on a modern
desktop. Like, the 80ies want their GUIs back!

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] students and copyright

2009-08-02 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2009-08-02 at 13:31 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 Referring to the copyleft statements by Stallman and the FSF you can 
 have a copyright by FLOSS, by GNU, but not by the GPL itself. The 
 institute might have a copyright for the software's name and the logos, 
 but each coder has to copyleft his changes on GPL code.

I have no idea what you mean with copyright by FLOSS, by GNU, by GPL.

On a name or logo would be trademark, not copyright.

 Students or developers for proprietary companies that don't use GPL code 
 might lost the copyright for their intellectual property because of 
 contracts. What ever I have done for Brauner microphones when I worked 
 for him, is owned by Brauner and not by me. I was paid to do it, even if 
 I was disproportional bad paid. Students won't get money, but the 
 universities might have contracts with the students, resp. with 
 proprietary companies that cooperate with universities, so they might 
 have to pay less college tuitions.
 For the GPL there only seems to be one way. The coder needs to keep the 
 original author and to add his name and the date when he changed GPL 
 code and if he writes complete new code, he needs to add his name and 
 need it to do by matching to GPL versions of GPL code done by other 
 authors, that is included to his project. No institute can take on a 
 copyright, while the institute is using GPL licensed code.
 I don't understand the GPL, but this is repeated and repeated by 
 Stallman and the FSF. I don't think, that I'm mistaken, but I might be 

I don't see how that would work out. It's up to the copyright holder to
license the software as GPL. AFAIK, you can give away your copyright on
your works in some jurisdictions, including the US. That means you can
sell it or give it away and there can be clauses to that extent in

This might be more complicated in countries such as Germany, where
citizens are not legally able to give up their copyright. But I guess
you can still grant someone else all rights, irrevocably, just not

Copyleft/GPL build on copyright. It's the lever to do anything.

Of course you have to keep all names of people that didn't hand over
copyright to you in.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-29 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 08:08 -0400, wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 July 2009 04:21:08 you wrote:

you wrote?

I can't understand how you could ever look into a mirror with good
conscience while having your mail user agent configured in such a way as
to use a you instead of a name.

This makes you a liar with each message to a mailing list!

This is an OUTRAGEOUS VIOLATION of the most basic logic and also

STOP VIOLATING this mailing list.

BTW, for the rest your are just wrong and Chris is right. You really
need to wake up and start to think!

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 02:28 -0700, Robert Keller wrote:

 There are copyright and GPL notices in every non-trivial source file.  
 Do I have to add another separate file as well?

You should include the text of the GPL in a file usually called COPYING.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Background on the Impro-Visor project

2009-07-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 13:34 -0400, wrote:

 Size of GPL code included is irrelevant.


 Inappropriate expectations. No license file was included in distribution,
 no text to indicate GPL. GPL violation #1.

Yes, but I'm willing to believe it was negligence.

 These are excuses. Not buying it. A bunch of rubbish. Assuming
 your users are dumb is very impolite.

Assuming that your users would have trouble dealing with source code is
very different from assuming they are dumb.

 You don't have to accept every suggestion. That is fine. But my suggestions
 which were actually real code were better than what you were doing. So the
 refusal was quite illogical. My code was GPL, so no problem there. The
 suggestions I made will make there way into the fork, then others will
 wonder what the heck was Bob thinking to refuse these practical bug

Maybe it's true, but you do sound very arrogant and pushy to me ;)

 Again, irrelevant. Excuses, excuses. All over the place. Stick to
 the license, then there is no problem.

Sure. But it sounds like it was an honest mistake. Even if it wasn't
your aggressive tone doesn't help at all.

 This contains some lies. The first message I received from Bob had
 an insulting tone to it, as if I was doing something wrong by asking for the
 source. Nice attempt at back-paddling. Rubbish, throughout.

We all know how clear-cut tone in emails is ;p
What is anyone supposed to do with lots of hearsay, anyway?

 If you want respect, give respect. Stop assuming you are somehow in a better
 position. It is very condescending.

I see a 50% chance you should apply those lines to yourself.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] uli-plugins 0.1, duplication

2009-07-05 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Fri, 2009-07-03 at 23:19 +0200, Ulrich Lorenz Schlüter wrote:

 The release contains a simple series of logic gates. Namely an AND,

So now I looked through the plugin menu in Ingen to check for the
duplication I suspected:
AND, NOT, OR and XOR are also present in Krzysztof Foltman's Calf
plugins (if configured with --enable-experimental.

I didn't test any of these, but I guess there's not much room for
malfunction or differing behavior, right? ;)

It would be great if you guys could get together to make sure there's
only one implementation of these very basic things, preferably in a
convenient package. This will make it easier to share lv2-using
modular-synth patches or sequencer sessions/arrangements.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ...

2009-01-06 Thread Thorsten Wilms

This already went to the LAU list, please ignore if you are subscribed
there, too.

This is a call for contributions. Take your chance of becoming part of 
a crowd of people all around the world, counting to the rhythm in
several languages!

Contributors will be credited in order of their submissions and this will
also likely influence the order of use in the track ;)

Besides recording yourself and family and friends and pets (if they are
able to count), you can help by spreading the word.

What I'm after are recordings of one person at a time, saying:
A: One Two Three Four
B: One and Two and Three and Four and
C: Beat (to be translated to whatever makes sense 4 times in one measure
at 4/4. A single utterance is enough, as I want to use these as accent.)

- Translated in a native language and any language spoken without much
of an accent. If there are special ways of counting to the beat in a 
language, use those (only or even better additionally) and inform me.
- With a tempo of 110 beats per minute (to be very clear, the and has 
to be between beats ;).
- A and B should ideally be recorded with about 4 iterations (4 measures)

Don't think that your language will already be well-represented without
you. Others might think the same ;) Also, the more I can layer in one
language, the better.

All files should be:
- ideally wavpacked, or plain WAV as second choice
- 32 bit float, 48 KHz
- Trimmed
- Normalized
- Dry
- Explicitly licensed as
  or released to the Public Domain

_Only_ if you don't record with a JACK application, 16 and 24 bit integer
formats are also acceptable.

Please name the files as follows:
- firstname_lastname_language_count.wav for One Two Three Four
- firstname_lastname_language_count_and.wav for One and Two ...
- firstname_lastname_language_beat.wav for Beat

Email attachments are no option for such large files, so only send
links to uploads. Consider using if you have
no other space. Please mail me off-list for submissions and on-list for
I'm also available as thorwil in #lad and #ardour at

My intention is to offer the result and the material on
This is an open-source project ;)
I also want to submit a version to the

I can't promise to use all contributions. I will sort out ones that
sound suspiciously different from others claimed to be in the same
language ;)
However, all serious contributors will be given credit.

I will start to work with the material as soon as I have enough, but 
will accept more until the 23rd of January.


Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [OT] vector drawing software

2008-08-08 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 20:17 -0400, nescivi wrote:

 Do you know any decent open source CAD tools?
 I haven't yet found one I am completely content with


There's, which looks like much-is-possible,

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [OT] vector drawing software

2008-08-07 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 14:03 -0400, nescivi wrote:

 At first sight it seems more geared to 3D modelling for animation graphics, 
 rather than for making realworld objects.
 I need to model some things in order to print them on a rapid prototyping 
 Is Blender a suitable candidate for that?

AFAIK rapid prototyping machines work with triangle meshes, so using a
polygon modeler is no problem. It's even the way to go for organic
shapes like action figures. There's a RP startup that works with Blender
a lot.

However, for precise geometrical shapes, Blender is the wrong tool. It
can be done to some degree, but it is just painful compared to a decent
CAD tool.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [OT] LinuxSampler and GPL - some clarifications

2008-01-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 01:02 +0100, Mlf Conv wrote:

 This means that:
 1. usage of a computer program licensed under the terms of GPL in a
 hardware product, whether modified or not, is not a distribution of a
 computer program licensed under the terms of GPL, and is thus
 prohibited by GPL.

I don't follow on this one. I was under the impression that it's
perfectly ok to include GPL software in hardware, but that the sources
must be provided.

 2. usage of a computer program licensed under the terms of GPL,
 whether modified or not, in a software product, the intention of which
 is not to distribute a computer program licensed under the terms of
 GPL, is not a distribution of a computer program licensed under the
 terms of GPL, and is thus prohibited by GPL.


 So to summarize that with respect to LinuxSampler, the exception
 LinuxSampler is licensed under the GNU GPL with the exception that
 USAGE of the source code, libraries and applications FOR COMMERCIAL
 at all, and is already covered by GPL.

We have been told that the LS team talked to the FSF people. If things
would be so easy, I'm sure it would have been resolved already.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Summercode 2008: LASH, pt. 2

2008-01-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 12:33 +0200, Nedko Arnaudov wrote:

  * User interface standard recommendation (documentation).
 fit: -5
 I dont think this is in the scope of LASH.
 IMHO, such plans fit much more to PHAT project.

I think such a standard would just start with what labels to 
use for LASH related actions and how to organise menu items.
It could contain one or the other layout recommendation or
how to handle certain scenarios regarding notifications and

So all things with a clear relation to LASH.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] JACK Synthesizer Manager Proposal

2008-01-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 12:55 +0100, Dennis Schulmeister wrote:

  The idea is to provide the JSM with a patch and synth (and other
  metadata) database,
  and a mechanism for sequencers to connect to and query the database. So
  patch selection
  will happen in the sequencer in the classical sense:
 I think that contradicts to what Thorsten wrote:

It can always be that we have somewhat different ideas, especially at
this early stage.

  I think the patch selection would be more part of the JSM than the
  sequencer, but the details must be figured out in collaboration with
  sequencer authors. So it wouldn't be the sequencer requesting a patch,
  but rather patch selection through the JSM, the JSM providing all
  necessary info to the sequencer and changing connections.

 Thorsten also writes about JSM providing info to the sequencer. But as I
 understand it the trick is that the sequencer tells JSM what sound it
 wants so that JSM can find and select an appropriate patch from one of
 the available synthesizers.

I wanted to emphasise that all the knowledge should be in the JSM and 
that a sequencer as client only offers an interface to use the JSM.
As such, a sequencer would never request a patch from the JSM that needs
to be resolved, because patch selection already happened through the JSM
so the selected patch is clearly defined.

 That's how I understand it: JSM implements a standard patch list. Much
 like the General MIDI patch list (only more comprehensive). When JSM
 receives a patch change it makes use of the user provided synth profile
 in order find a synthesizer and to select a fitting patch from it.

The General MIDI standard patch list will be useful thanks to all the
hardware supporting it and it could make sense to allow specifying GM
equivalents for Patches to have a fallback.

But the general idea is not a standard patch list, but listing
everything that is available in the specific environment plus having
meta-data for filtering/searching.

Unifying patch selection is at the core, improving the portability of
projects comes second.

Instead of having to select a device (implicitly via a port/channel), a
bank and a program number, the user should be able to pick a patch from
a flat list, aided by searching/filtering. Comparable to what Ardour
does for plugin selection (as pioneered in Om/Ingen).

It is not desired that only a description of the patch is stored and
resolved each time; the patch selection ends with a specific patch.
However, it might be possible to store search terms with the selection
and use them once the project is opened in another environment.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [OT] LinuxSampler and GPL - some clarifications

2008-01-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sun, 2008-01-27 at 14:37 +0100, Marek wrote:
 On Jan 27, 2008 1:19 PM, Luis Garrido
  1. usage of a computer program licensed under the terms of
 GPL in a hardware
  product, whether modified or not, is not a distribution of a
  program licensed under the terms of GPL, and is thus
 prohibited by GPL.
 I don't follow you there. Why the exception you mention
 computers with Linux preinstalled) is indeed a exception and
 not the
  It's the only case i can think of right now, that allows to
 distribute GPLed software inside hardware  for profit,
 because you're making profit out of the hardware  not the software. 

The Tivo, several routers and other appliances ...

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] JACK Synthesizer Manager Proposal

2008-01-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms

Audun Halland and I have been thinking about a set of related problems.
The first result is the following proposal, meant to gather feedback
from the community.

I'm posting about this to both LAD and LAU, but separately. Hopefully we
can keep it technical here and have the user POV on LAU :)

Please feel encouraged to come up with additional use cases and
implementation ideas.

You can read the following with a little bit of markup on
or the same text right here:

JSM, the JACK Synthesizer Manager

We propose a programm that acts as a proxy between sequencing software
and both software and hardware sythesizers. Among the goals are unified
patch selection and making projects more portable.
   If we get the impression that the JSM is something that both
developers and users will find handy and use, then development might
start real soon.
   In this text, we avoid going into technical details to foster free
thought and discussion.

Use Cases

1. Patch selection
Goal: Choose patches from all available hardware and software
   Giorgio uses a single means to select a patch among all patches of
all of his software and hardware synthesizers. He uses meta-data to find
the right patch. The right connections are made automatically.

2. Computer as syntheszier
Goal: Use the computer as a compound synthesizer in a live performance.
   Hiromi has her keyboard connected to her laptop live on stage. She
uses several soft-synths via keyboard-split and layering. A few selected
parameters are bound to the wheels of the keyboard. After each song, she
switches from one setup to the next with least effort.

3. Collaboration
Goal: Exchange projects without having to change settings back and
   Alice and Bob take turns on working on a project. They use different
hardware but don't have to manually change connections and choose
patches on each turn because of an abstraction layer.

MIDI Interface Ports

The problem with MIDI interface ports is that the hardware on the other
side and its setup might change. Or be entirely different if people
exchange projects. An abstraction layer can make this more comfortable
to handle.
   The JSM takes care of the mapping between software ports and MIDI
interface ports. It can work on a per MIDI channel level.

Patches and Instrument Definitions

Patches and controllers are chosen by name; the user doesn't have to
deal with cryptic numbers. For kit-programms, name mappings are given
(e.g. bass drum on C1).
   Patch selection happens by a single means, offering all available
patches (JACK apps, plugins, hardware). Making the required MIDI and
audio connections is automated as far as possible.


Categories help to find the right patch among many. When exchanging
projects, they help to replace unavailable patches with similar ones.

Virtual/Compound Synthesizers

From the outside, the computer can be dealt with like a single compound
synthesizer. Different synthesizers can be triggered from ranges on a
single keyboard (key splits). Synthesizers can be layered. The whole
setup can be switched with programm changes.

JACK to ALSA Bridge

JSM could be the de facto JACK MIDI to ALSA MIDI bridge. No Jack
SYSTEM midi ports, the jack world only sees the devices offered by

Audun Halland and Thorsten Wilms

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] JACK Synthesizer Manager Proposal

2008-01-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 19:16 +0100, Dennis Schulmeister wrote:

 Just a litte question to better understand your idea. How would a
 sequencer request a certain patch on a certain channel on a certain

I think the patch selection would be more part of the JSM than the
sequencer, but the details must be figured out in collaboration with
sequencer authors. So it wouldn't be the sequencer requesting a patch,
but rather patch selection throughy the JSM, the JSM providing all
necessary info to the sequencer and changing connections.

 With plain MIDI the sequencer would just send the appropriate control
 change / program change values on the given channel and midi port.
 Without knowing which device would interpret the values in which way.
 How would that be different with an abstraction layer? How could an
 abstraction layer assure that a given PC/CC value pair would always
 refer to a certain kind of patch? Regardless of the system and
 synthesizer setup employed.

 Obviously there would be some kind of translation. But who would define
 the translation rules? Who would define what kind of patches JSM can
 handle and which not. The JSM developers might come up with a snappy
 synth bass. All a user would have to do was to tell JSM how to select a
 snappy synth bass patch on a given synthesizer.

 But they might not come up with a blurry sound from space which sounds
 like a cat screaming when its tail gets clamped by the door. The user
 wouldn't be able to reliably select such a patch. Simply because it
 wouldn't be offered to him. On the other hand he could extend the
 translation rules to offer such a patch. But than again it wouldn't work
 on a foreign setup.

The minimum the abstraction layer would do, is automatic switching
between profiles. One per environment. This way you would not have to
adapt everything on each iteration of working on a project in turns.

Patch selections could be stacked. One selection for each environment.

The next thing could be virtual ports to represent roles in the project.
Roles like drum-module or lead-synth.

Then replacing unavailable patches with patches that are similar as far
as that can be discerned from meta-data.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LV2 quot; isn't well thought out ?quot; LV2 in the Reaper sequencer

2008-01-24 Thread Thorsten Wilms

On Thu, 2008-01-24 at 21:15 +0100, Esben Stien wrote:
 alex stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  we just want to avoid somebody to directly make money with our work,
  that is by selling our software in a sampler product like a sampler
  + sample library bundle, a hardware sampler or something equivalent,
  at least not without giving something back to the open source

I don't quite see what would stop a company from bundling LS with
commercial content, stating that LS is included as a freebie.

 But that's really the funny thing here. Your software isn't from the
 free/open source software communities. It doesn't conform to neither
 the free software definition nor the open source definition.

The really funny thing would be the authors going MIA and nobody being
there to give that permission that at least commercial distros might
think is required.

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] LV2 quot; isn't well thought out ?quot; LV2 in the Reaper sequencer

2008-01-22 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 15:18 +0100, Benno Senoner wrote:

 I think the attitude of certain LAD-ers is one of the reasons why
 linux audio will
 remain an irrelevant niche for a long time to come.

How about you put in names, coward?

You imply that there is some kind of overall linux audio thing. You also
seem to imply that it staying an irrelevant niche is a bad thing. If you
want to benefit from someones work offered for no charge, you might have
to at least tolerate their different point of view.

 How can you you create a standard like LV2 and then make statements
 reaper is the enemy ?

Who called it an enemy?

Even then, what has one to do with the other? Why shouldn't one make a
standard to suit ones own need and not care about what groups with
different views do ro don't do with it?

 I think LV2 devs did not do their math correctly, since it seems that
 every non GPLed app
 is labeled as the enemy, they should change the LV2 license to GPL and
 it will
  avoid pollution by proprietary apps.

Utter bullshit. Members of the LS project shouldn't give lixensing
advice, anyway.

 So LV2 devs, what was the true reason to release LV2 under LGPL ?
 (which allows the API
 being used by proprietary apps too)

No one said they can't use it. Stop making up statements that weren't

 Pieter summed it up well,  LV2 devs should speak out whether they want
 to create
 a true standard or an open-source application standard only.

 But given their attitude regardless of LGPL or GPL I don't see a great
 future for LV2,
 it will probably be used by a few open source niche apps and it was
 about it.

Please wake up to the fact that even if you just look at the core team,
Steve and Dave, you already see different views. You deal with
individuals. Scary, I know.

If you want to see LV2 make it beyond a few open source niche apps, do
something for it. Just because you might think it's a good goal doesn't
mean others have to.

 But it seems that people here simply don't care, what counts is one's
 religious belief. Different 
 religions are not accepted.

You still fail to differentiate between individuals.
You deride other peoples values/priorities as religion, only because you
don't share them. Then you complain about non-acceptance, but that's
exactly what you do: you don't accept differing values/priorities.

 If the need arises, other groups will be formed and they will put into
 practice their ideas.

Talk is cheap.

 If we were such close minded like certain LADers here LS would not
 enjoy this kind of success.
 Politeness, openess and dialogue is the key. 

Is this mail an example of your politeness and openness?
I think I have to throw up!

Thorsten Wilms

thorwil's design for free software:

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] new lossless/lossy audio compressor

2007-07-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 07:04:18AM +1000, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
   - Do you have any thoughts/plans on adding metadata like song title,
 artist, copyright info etc?

Besides using an existing container format, there are the metadata 
standards id3, APE and Vorbis Comment.

   - Have you thought of putting your codec data inside other standard
 container formats like WAV, Caf and Ogg?

Or Matroska. Ogg and Matroska are not (yet?) supported by libsndfile, 

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] new lossless/lossy audio compressor

2007-07-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 10:59:33AM +0800, Victor Roetman wrote:
 Openoffice's .odt files and Microsoft's .docx files are merely zip
 containers with directory structure and files inside.  You could just do
 something like that, and it would be very easy to take apart again.  It
 would also not be impossible to modify some program like rhythmbox to
 read those files directly.  Of course, maybe easier said than done.

More and more complete support for Matroska would be preferable 
to yet another approach. It seems to be more than flexible enough.

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] new lossless/lossy audio compressor

2007-07-26 Thread Thorsten Wilms
On Wed, Jul 25, 2007 at 04:19:03PM -0400, Paul Winkler wrote:
 Pretty cool.  Does JPEG 2000 handle float data?
 I'd love to be able to write an archive script for Ardour sessions
 that compresses the audio data losslessly, but FLAC won't do it.

WavPack does it.

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Widgets

2007-05-01 Thread Thorsten Wilms

I have been working on concepts and mockups on knobs, radial popup 
menus and sliders.

Feedback and implementations welcome ;)

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Sorting LAC Recordings

2007-04-27 Thread Thorsten Wilms

So I finally managed to name and sort the conference recordings.

where I don't know from which day/event they are.

the concer-ambisonics*, is that the tesla concert?
As there already are some tesla concert files (maybe I labeled
those incorrectly?)
Is sadly without sound, it would be nice if someone could combine it
with the audio file.

Also, if somone is willing to cut a bit:
Seems to contain the whole day, even though there are 3 other files.

The name already indicates the problem:

And the poor Rui is cut into 6 pieces in

LAC now moving around makes me wonder if the programms and papers
should be collected on (or,

Thorsten Wilms

Thorwil's Design for Free Software:
Linux-audio-dev mailing list