Re: [LAD] students and copyright

2009-08-02 Thread laseray
On Sunday 02 August 2009 07:56:41 Arnout Engelen wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 01:31:41PM +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 To distribute the code, you must either get the copyright on the work back,
 or get permission from the actual copyright holder (employer, institution)
 to do so.


The thing is I already have this (GPL) code that was distributed for the 
program's earlier version with all these other people's names in the 
copyright part. Then with the next version their names are all gone. The
GPL indicates that all copyrights must remain intact. Unless those people
transferred their copyrights, in a bilateral agreement of some sort, then
something seems to be incorrect.

Maybe those people did sign some kind of document, enter into some type
of agreement that does hand over the copyrights. I do not know, but it would
be helpful to have some evidence of this, sample of document indicating the
case, or hear from a few of the people involved that are named in the 

The point of this would be to future-proof the code against violations by
settling these issues sooner than later. At present the documentation included
with the program does not specify anything about the situation relating listed
authors to copyrights. I think you can understand how it might seem that
something is amiss given different sets of source files for different versions
with altogether different copyrights then.

A little more details showing what the actual case is can prevent the issue
from arising again in the future. Possibly provide some explanation in a
readme file or help that is distributed with the application.

Just note that since the older source code has already been distributed,
with those other copyrights in place, it can continue to be distributed
with them intact and be modified and distributed in accord with the
GPL, as long as everything is legitimate.

Some more substance to the clarification on this point would be significantly
more helpful. Not only to users/developers, but to the original project
to ensure it can avoid future issues and questions surrounding points like


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] students and copyright

2009-08-02 Thread laseray
On Sunday 02 August 2009 08:25:19 Dave Phillips wrote:

 Just out of curiosity, how many participants in this discussion are
 copyright holders ? How many of you have published works under copyright ?

I have copyrighted work out there. These are mostly FOSS. GPL stuff, mostly,
but also LGPL, BSD, EPL, and OPL for some documentation.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-08-01 Thread laseray
On Saturday 01 August 2009 11:32:24 nescivi wrote:
 On Wednesday 29 July 2009 00:49:09 David Robillard wrote:

 The raw code seems okay over there. Running ant to make a dist
 package results in something that violates the GPL if a user were
 to distribute it.
No, it does not, and even if it did, this would not be a GPL
violation on Prof. Keller's part.
   Yes, it does. I just did it a little while ago. There is no license
   file in it. I checked the dist/zip targets.

 so that is unfortunate, and should be corrected to avoid confusion.
 But, it would still be the user distributing the binary violating and not

This was not the point though. Just pointing out that a user/developer
could inadvertently start distributing packages that do violate. As far
as I am concerned, a little bit more diligence should be directed to these
kinds of issues before distribution takes place. In the Impro-Visor 4
source package I distribute (on Improvisor at SF) I have fixed this so that
it won't happen.

On another related point. I am still wondering what is up with the copyright
changes that took place between version 2.04 and 3.39. I have the 2.04
source and I see that there are a number of people who have copyrights
indicated in the GPL headers for that. Then when you look at the 3.39
headers it only says that the copyrights belong to Keller and his educational
institution. What is the situation with that?

Either everybody transferred their copyrights to him and the institution or
this is another set of violations (one for each person who had their
respective copyright removed/changed). Personally, I would like see
everybody who did work on that have their proper copyrights indicated.
Some clarification would be helpful.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-29 Thread laseray
On Wednesday 29 July 2009 02:53:35 Arnout Engelen wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 10:38:18PM -0400, wrote:
  Whether he wanted to or not, use of GPL code makes it GPL code. That is
  the viral nature of GPL. (...) The code is automatically GPL by way of
  use of other GPL code.

 This is actually entirely wrong.

No it is entirely right and you are showing that you do not even know
the most basic thing about the GPL. Everybody who has read the GPL
properly knows what I wrote is true.

 For someone constantly (and rudely) insisting others should 'listen',
 'stick with the facts', 'read', 'learn' etc., it'd be nice if you returned
 the favour.

Get of the high horse of moral superiority here. You are wrong, so this
statement is really ridiculous after the fact.

 You cannot claim someone failed to distribute software under the GPL, and
 at the same time take said software and excercise the rights that *would*
 have been granted to you *if* the software was distributed under the GPL.

I never claimed the person failed to distribute software under the GPL.
I always claimed that the GPL was being violated.

Here we have yet another person who is probably responding out of emotion than
logic. Go back and check every message I wrote. You will not find me having 
written what you said.

An apology for making false accusations would be fitting.

I always believed the software is under the GPL and that is why I pursued this
matter in the first place. To make sure everyone gets their guaranteed rights
in accord with the license the program is being distributed under.

You might want to read the multiple times I wrote something to that effect


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-29 Thread laseray
On Wednesday 29 July 2009 04:21:08 you wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 3:38 AM, wrote:
  Whether he wanted to or not, use of GPL code makes it GPL code.

 This is not true.  It may simply make it code that was distributed in
 violation of the GPL.

You are wrong. Read the GPL. Everyone who really knows it understands
that your code comes under the GPL whenever you mix it with other GPL
code. That is the way it works.

The fact that it was distributed improperly, according to the license, 
makes it a violation of the license it is under. Otherwise there could be
no violation, right. Think it through. There cannot be a violation
unless the license is already in force.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-29 Thread laseray
On Wednesday 29 July 2009 08:30:00 Thorsten Wilms wrote:
 On Wed, 2009-07-29 at 08:08 -0400, wrote:
  On Wednesday 29 July 2009 04:21:08 you wrote:

 you wrote?

 I can't understand how you could ever look into a mirror with good
 conscience while having your mail user agent configured in such a way as
 to use a you instead of a name.

 This makes you a liar with each message to a mailing list!

 This is an OUTRAGEOUS VIOLATION of the most basic logic and also

 STOP VIOLATING this mailing list.

 BTW, for the rest your are just wrong and Chris is right. You really
 need to wake up and start to think!

What a ridiculous bunch of hogwash.

There are no rules in place for what you say, get off the emotion


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [snip]

2009-07-29 Thread laseray
On Wednesday 29 July 2009 11:11:46 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:

 Okay, a last not to the list, to avoid that somebody else tries to ad
 fuel to the fire.

 Everybody can see by the header of the mail what mail client somebody is
 using ;).

 For Thunderbird there's the Match all of the following option, so if
 somebody like to receive mails from Raymond and because of some subjects
 by everyone, but not from Raymond by explicit subjects, filtering seems
 not to be to difficult.

 Am I wrong?

Yes, it is easy to do. Anyone getting mail from the list can filter as they 

 Should it become a sport to provoke Raymond?

You can try. It might work depending on the situation.

For now, I am actually doing some work on getting the Impro-Visor 4 
stuff on my project, amongst other things. Still finding GPL violations in the
Impro-Visor source as given on SF, so I have to fix things up so as not to
propagate those problems onto others.

Things are missing that should be there to actually make certain installation

 At the moment I can't see any additional mail by Raymond, but I receive
 redundant mails to infalme something that long ago is dead.

It's a mirror on themselves.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 05:08:49 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
 Robert Keller wrote:
  Dear linux-audio developers,
  I have created New Project


  for Impro-Visor, which is its correct name. I will populate the
  source later today, as I need time to get acquainted with their
  system, but I have to be off right now to another important meeting
  for the afternoon and can't do it instantly. The source I will post
  will be our version 4.0.

 Ok, I see there is a svn version:
 |svn co

 impro-visor |

 I don't see copyright and license files yet though. I think it's wise to
 add them.

GPL violations on SF right away. Good work Keller.

 Is there already a binary, because I can't find build/install options.
 Would be nice if we could also download the binary from sourceforge,
 without having to subscribe to the yahoo group.

Another GPL violation on SF. You have to supply everything to build the 

And, again, my project is still there with all the files. Keller was wrong,
as I said previously.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 08:01:36 alex stone wrote:
 Just on a more serious note, amidst all this mayhem and frivolity, we
 forked a project recently to more specifically add and modify a set of
 tools for a defined purpose.
 Unlike this trainwreck, we not only tried our best to do so in a
 decent way, but the original author was thoroughly civilised about it,
 and showed a lot of class in his positive and encouraging responses.

 I certainly learned a lot from the process, and have even more respect
 for Chris (Cannam) as a result.

 It goes without saying that if Chris can use anything we write, then
 he's most welcome to do so, and has our encouragement as well.

 There's a way to do this that doesn't involve throwing digital
 hatchets or burning anyone at the stake.

Yes, but that could not be done in this case. Seemingly, people have not
been paying attention. The nice approach was tried almost a year ago now.
The same obnoxious attitude persists now with the original Impro-Visor side
of things, so action had to be taken. When doing the right thing causes
people to almost line up against the one in the right, what does that say
about those people? Some have not. My thanks go to them, for actually having
properly read the GPL and understanding the obligations involved.

For others, I believe they are all having some kind of residual effect left
over from childhood when parents and adults told them to never quarrel
or fight. As if all such attitudes can only lead to bad outcomes. The fact
is that civilized societies are built on argument, debate. That is how laws
are put into place to make life better. People must argue to make
improvements, else we will all be at the mercy of a few with all the power
deciding unfairly what is right or wrong for all of us. As opposed to having a
democratic process in place that is not supposed to discriminate without
proper cause. Try to get past this idea that all arguments are bad, they
aren't. They lead to results you won't get if you just sit around on your
hands. Such is what happened in this case. 

If I had interacted with someone like Chris, that would have been great,
then things would certainly have worked out better. But that is not the case.
I work on other FOSS projects, and aside from one other projects, I have never
had any problems like this. The other people I interact with are willing to
discuss things, clearly, openly, logically, and without resorting to personal
attacks on my character. Disagreements do occur from time to time, but they
just do not have the same self-inflated and arrogant motivation I have
experience with Impro-Visor.

There are lots of projects out there that pretend to be FOSS, using GPL
or whatever license. Then when you try to do what you are allowed
they react in a very proprietary manner. So there is a phenomena at play with
this--some developers riding the free software wagon just so they can claim to
be doing that, to get recognition, boost their egos, or whatever.

Learn to see this people. It is very scummy behavior that deserves no less
than being attacked and shamed into compliance. In fact, these are the exact
tactics that various GPL legal defender organizations use. So what I have done
is completely inline with them. Anybody who thinks otherwise has not done
their homework. So please go do some research before putting in your
comments that fall on the side of defending a violator. Never mind the
warm fuzzy feelings you want, get results. Impro-Visor has made it
impossible to cooperate, never mind the seemingly nice attitude pretentiously
given by those on that side about the issue. Only the facts count.

And the fact remains that Impro-Visor is still violating the GPL. Go check
for yourself, don't take my word for it. You will know who is really right
when you realize that this is a consistent pattern of behavior on their
part. Don't be fooled by childish excuses that sound like someone telling
their primary school teacher they forgot their homework. Responsibility
first, responsibility!


P.S. Bob kicked me off his Yahoo group with this new release he just made.
Why would he do that? He never let me post any message previously without
censoring or dumping them. So I haven't even sent any that might be 
questionable to him since last year because of this. He is just trying to
prevent me from getting at the files he is releasing. Apparently he must be
afraid of something or doing something wrong. And he is, GPL violations still
exist on that group with this release. Go check for yourselves.

Can you see more now the kind of person he is?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 10:39:45 you wrote:
 Raymond might be right or wrong.

 I remember some mails were people recommended Raymond to be cool, even
 if Bob might be wrong. I wonder why people now can't be cool, while they
 guess Raymond is wrong!

 So, even if Raymond should be wrong, why do you now blame him? Aren't
 you able to follow you own recommendation you gave Raymond before?

 You should be able to empathize Bob's emotions, if not you are just (a)

 My personal opinion is to see what will happen in the future. Bob should
 get a chance and it doesn't matter if he had chances before or not, at
 the same time I can't see any reason to blame Raymond.

 There's a film with Spencer Tracy, the protagonist played by Spencer
 Tracy said, that people should use any popular word that can be
 understood by everyone, because there are too less words that can be
 understood by everyone. Talking about a allegedly wrong chose of used
 words is stupid. The fact is, that Bob ignored the GPL, another fact
 seems to be that he's willing to consider with the GPL.

 Is there any reason to blame anybody now? Even if somebody should be
 wrong in your opinions, why can't you keep cool?

Well there is still a reason to blame, at this moment. Impro-Visor is
still violating the GPL and that is all there is too it.

All the rest of that emotional stuff about being nice is just showing
how superficial people are. They are swayed be surface issues rather
than real meaning. Mr. Keller is a professor at some institution and 
originally developed this application, therefore superficial people
side with that. They have authority issues and bend over for those
they deem to be in positions of power. Poor little sheep.

Linus Torvalds says some weird off the wall things, some smart,
some nasty. It does not bother me at all. It does not bother these
superficial people either because he is the originator of Linux, thus
up on a pedestal compared to mere mortals for them.

Same thing would happen to me if I originate a unique application
or project and someone were making justified claims of wrong doing
against me. These protests about my attitude would not even exist
and they would incorrectly think I was at least a little in the right. People,
you do not know your own minds.

I am sure the majority of these people, as well as a large portion
of the general population, are easily manipulated by narcissists.
You know, those people who come along and light up a room. They
smile and tell you everything you want to hear, the way you want to
hear it. Then when they have you under their control and you turn
your back, you get a knife in it.

Pay attention and watch out for these types of people that won't
give you the raw straight truth.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 12:33:19 you wrote:
  P.S. Bob kicked me off his Yahoo group with this new release he
  just made.
  Why would he do that? He never let me post any message previously
  censoring or dumping them. So I haven't even sent any that might be
  questionable to him since last year because of this. He is just
  trying to
  prevent me from getting at the files he is releasing. Apparently he
  must be
  afraid of something or doing something wrong. And he is, GPL
  violations still
  exist on that group with this release. Go check for yourselves.
  Can you see more now the kind of person he is?

 I blocked you last Friday, actually, when you were sending me those
 flaming messages, not last night when I posted the release. I was
 actually getting quite disturbed about your behavior, and thought it
 best to detach. These are the kinds of things you are bringing on with
 your attitude. As owner of that group, I can do what I want with it,
 just as you say you can do what you want with my sources.

Liar. I checked numbers of times over the weekend and it is only now after
you announce this release that I am banned, not blocked.

Yes, you can do what you want on your group, but I never sent any
messages to your group. Liar.

 There is no GPL violation on that site, because the sourceforge URL
 for the new release is clearly given. The source for the old release
 is still on the site itself.


 Give me a break. I really can't spend my entire day answering these

 I've tried to put my best foot forward in posting the sources as I
 said I would. I spent all of last evening doing it and got it to a
 level where it builds. Could someone other than you please tell me
 what I should add to be in compliance if I am not?

I told you last year, but you would not listen. Now, hear you come
with crocodile tears, once I have managed to motivate you to action.
Oh, poor you.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 13:58:06 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
 Robert Keller wrote:
  Arnold, thank you. I think I have everything in SF now. I added GPL
  notice to the files and added INSTALL.txt,
  COPYING.txt, and LICENSE.txt.
  Is there anything else I should have?
  I appreciate your help.

 In Copying it's say: GPLv2 or at your option, any later version.
 License says GPLv3

 Don't know if that's a problem...

Yes, it is a problem.


You must use the correct version of the license or else you

Can you understand that or do you need some kind of tutor?



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 15:02:48 you wrote: wrote:

 Bob Keller at the moment is willing to comply with the GPL, it might be
 a little bit late, but now he does, even if he needs still some time to
 do it 100% perfect.

Wrong! Now he still does not. Past two replies of mine show that.

I don't believe he will keep it up. He is just doing it now to quell
any controversy. Then later he will return to previous behavior.
Just like he did with preview release after I got him to release source
for 3.39 version last year.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 15:25:51 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
  Robert Keller wrote:
  Arnold, thank you. I think I have everything in SF now. I added GPL
  notice to the files and added INSTALL.txt,
  COPYING.txt, and LICENSE.txt.
  Is there anything else I should have?
  I appreciate your help.
  In Copying it's say: GPLv2 or at your option, any later version.
  License says GPLv3
  Don't know if that's a problem...

 Everything seems to be fine now :). I guess the rest is fine tuning and
 can be done bit by bit ;), if there should still be anything to do.

Wrong. GPL is still being violated by Keller on his Yahoo group.
The actual reason for kicking me off there is so that I won't be
able to see what files are there and check for violations.

It does not work though, because I already got back on and checked.
GPL violations everywhere. And these are with the supposed new
stuff he just put up, as well as old stuff.

Basically, he is one big fat liar.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 19:05:57 David Robillard wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 18:51 -0400, wrote:
  Basically, he is one big fat liar.

 Do you really think this tone helps in any way whatsoever?  Maybe you
 should try defending the GPL with more maturity than that typical of
 your average 12 year old.  You expect people to take you seriously,
 stamping your feet and throwing a tantrum like this?

Hey, I do not care what you think. Resorting to insults because you perceive
insults really makes you so above me. I was not really having any emotional 
outburst when I wrote that. To me it was an expression of truth. The guy is
fat and a liar.

 Hell, I am a card carrying member #7026 of the FSF and (facts aside) I'm
 strongly inclined to side with Prof. Keller solely because of your
 behaviour.  What kind of impact do you think you are having on people
 more apathetic to the issue?

Then you are very superficial and easily influenced by authority rather
than truth. It means you are a mental midget. No really intelligent
person would take sides with someone merely because they spoke nice.

 You are doing more harm than good.  Please stop making the rest of us
 look bad.

I am not associated with you. If you look bad, get a makeover.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 18:58:40 Grammostola Rosea wrote: wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 July 2009 13:58:06 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
 One of the main reasons why R. Stallman started GNU/FSF/GPL because of
 it's social aspect. You learn kids on schools for example to corporate
 and help each other, being social.

I think you need to read more on Stallman and how he vehemently defends
GPL code. Not by being nice, but attacking.

 99% of this list is trying to help Prof Keller how to use the GPL
 license, how to put the project on SourceForge and how to manage such an
 GPL project, being social.

Then you are all trying to help someone who is not really interested in GPL.
If he were then he would have ceased distributing binaries that violate the
GPL, but he did not. Even after he said he would. That is why he tries to
hide files on Yahoo, by banning me. I brought this whole matter up, so
he knows I will keep checking.

He also did that so I would not be able to get them and post them on my
project. Seems real open and cooperative to me.

Let him show that he is open and cooperative. Remove the need for membership
on the Yahoo group, make it open for others to download the files. He does
not want to.

 You, Raymond, act a-social:

No, you are an idiot to think you have some command over me. Already
explained that to you. Obviously, you do not listen either.

 1) You are not coorporative

Don't have to be. Still get results.

 2) You yell to more then one person, say rude things and use bad language

Too bad.

 3) You scream about violating GPL, and not helping him not violating GPL

I did help, he did not want it. He had to be shamed into doing anything.
Use your brain.

 4) you disturb the corporation and the work of other LAD developers

And they do not act badly at all, ever.

 5) You are giving GPL and FSF a bad name

Oh, piss off. The way I am doing it, to shame him, is a tactic used by
GPL legal defender organizations. Go tell them that they are giving themselves
a bad name now.


I am defending it, fool.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 20:27:20 David Robillard wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 19:36 -0400, wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 July 2009 19:05:57 David Robillard wrote:
   On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 18:51 -0400, wrote:
Basically, he is one big fat liar.
   Do you really think this tone helps in any way whatsoever?  Maybe you
   should try defending the GPL with more maturity than that typical of
   your average 12 year old.  You expect people to take you seriously,
   stamping your feet and throwing a tantrum like this?
  Hey, I do not care what you think. Resorting to insults because you
  perceive insults really makes you so above me. I was not really having
  any emotional outburst when I wrote that. To me it was an expression of
  truth. The guy is fat and a liar.
   Hell, I am a card carrying member #7026 of the FSF and (facts aside)
   I'm strongly inclined to side with Prof. Keller solely because of your
   behaviour.  What kind of impact do you think you are having on people
   more apathetic to the issue?
  Then you are very superficial and easily influenced by authority rather
  than truth. It means you are a mental midget. No really intelligent
  person would take sides with someone merely because they spoke nice.
   You are doing more harm than good.  Please stop making the rest of us
   look bad.
  I am not associated with you. If you look bad, get a makeover.

 Where two discourse, if the one's anger rise,
 The man who lets the contest fall is wise.

This is the mistake of those here who read without thought. They see
anger where there is none. It is all argument in the service of a cause.

Learn not to see emotions where there aren't really that much.

If we were all talking face-to-face you would see how wrong you are
and how relaxed about this I am. I am even making jokes about it
to people here. So cheer up people.

Some of you sound so pessimistic to me.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 19:56:34 you wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 7:36 PM, wrote:

 Your goal of GPL compliance is a noble one, and entirely correct. But
 ... your tactics have become are really offensive to more and more of
 us, and to claim that you take inspiration from Stallman, the FSF or
 groups like the SFLC is worse still. Stallman is a master at a certain
 kind of humor, and he uses sardonic wit and sharp analogy to leverage
 his position infinitely more often than he resorts to childish put
 downs ... you are a mental midget is grade school material and
 serves to discredit this community in many different ways.

That is funny because it is very convenient how you have taken it out of
context. My words are poison, yet others insulting me is okay.

 But your communication skills as demonstrated on this mailing list,
 and in the emails with Robert Keller that you posted, mark you in ways
 that I suspect you don't want to be marked.

Actually, you are wrong. For I do not care. Similar things have happened
with other nasty people that take themselves too seriously, yet I am
able to work on other projects with developers without problems. It is
just this particular situation. You all impute way too much into what you
think I am about. It is all words. I think many need to learn to lighten up,
because it sure seems they are not nearly as tolerant as they believe
themselves to be.

 I can say with certainty that there are several developers on this list who
 would refuse to work with you on projects because of your behaviour here.
 You probably believe that you can live with that, given the nobility of your
 cause and some community of other people that you think might help you with
 whatever work you want to accomplish with Impro-Visor. I certainly hope that
 is true, because it looks like an interesting and potentially powerful
 program. Unfortunately, your communication style has likely poisoned a good
 part of the potential community of interest in ways that make its
 development less likely to evolve more rapidly as a result of its (eventual)
 compliance with the GPL. 
 You are responsible for that, nobody else. Whether you like it or not, or
 believe us all to be mental midgets or some other put down that you
 dredge up in a further response, your emails over the last 36 hours
 make it far more likely that Keller and his group, not you, will get
 whatever cooperation might be forthcoming from other people here. And
 you are responsible for that too. Sleep well.

I have only gotten started. Wait and see.

Again, it is funny how YOU take things out of context. I was referring to one
person, not everybody. This is a general problem I see in the way other 
communicate. They assume you are talking to them, when you are not.
That is a real left brain thing where people read text, but cannot understand
context, a right brain thing (it happens all the time in the way people reply
to emails).

You also seem to be assuming feeling by others and results that are very
unlikely. People forget things after a while and it is a known phenomena that
these little incidents on these projects are overlooked when progress is made.  
You may want to read up on this sort of thing. I have seen this sort of thing 
first hand. Later users/developers coming along won't know anything about
this stuff and will choose what looks best to them. So much for your theory of
how things will turn out.

And I always sleep great, thanks. I mean, do you honestly think I feel in the
smallest bit bad? Not at all. I have caused a result, which is more than
anyone else here has done. Why would I feel bad when I know that there are
many positive things that could happen, not this bleak projection you have
given based on viewing some little arguments in a bad light.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 20:32:35 you wrote:
 On Jul 28, 2009, at 3:36 PM, wrote:
  I blocked you last Friday, actually, when you were sending me those
  flaming messages, not last night when I posted the release. I was
  actually getting quite disturbed about your behavior, and thought it
  best to detach. These are the kinds of things you are bringing on
  your attitude. As owner of that group, I can do what I want with it,
  just as you say you can do what you want with my sources.
  Liar. I checked numbers of times over the weekend and it is only now
  you announce this release that I am banned, not blocked.

 By blocked I meant banned. There is no separate thing as blocked
 in the Yahoo! groups.

 I know full well when I did it and it was last week after I was being
 flamed, not last night.

 By calling me a liar, you are just digging a hole for yourself.

Yes, you are a liar.

Show me where the hole is?

There is no reason to remove someone from a group for emails
they send to you privately. That is why you are so very much a liar.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 20:40:38 you wrote:
  By blocked I meant banned. There is no separate thing as blocked
  in the Yahoo! groups.
  I know full well when I did it and it was last week after I was being
  flamed, not last night.
  By calling me a liar, you are just digging a hole for yourself.

 Here is a partial screen shot from the Yahoo! management Banned
 members showing the date of banning, which would put it at last
 Saturday. I considered it Friday night because I was still up late
 preparing my slides for my talk Saturday morning.

How does that show I am being banned?

I cannot see a thing that would indicate that.

It just proves I was still there on the group on Saturday!

And, again, you have proved you are a liar.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 20:48:33 you wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:41 PM, wrote:

 [ ... more of the usual ... ]

 Again, it is funny how YOU take things out of context. I was referring to
  one person, not everybody.

 The context was:
 Hell, I am a card carrying member #7026 of the FSF and (facts aside) I'm
 strongly inclined to side with Prof. Keller solely because of your
 behaviour.  What kind of impact do you think you are having on people
 more apathetic to the issue?
 Then you are very superficial and easily influenced by authority rather
 than truth. It means you are a mental midget. No really intelligent
 person would take sides with someone merely because they spoke nice.

 Your response was a deliberate, personal insult to someone who happens
 to be one of the most intelligent, skilled, productive and yeah, even
 anti-authoritarian developers within the community that makes up this
 mailing list. You called him a mental midget. Did I miss anything?

So you agree that you took it out of context. That I never applied it to 
everybody on the list. That you were wrong. Just like some of the other
things you wrote were wrong.

So what is your point in responding, to evade the issue?

 better to keep one's mouth shut and be taken for a fool than to open
 it and prove the case beyond all doubt.

This seems to be what you have done by responding to my previous message yet
not showing where I was wrong!?

Think before writing.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 20:28:05 you wrote:
 On Jul 28, 2009, at 3:44 PM, wrote:
  On Tuesday 28 July 2009 13:58:06 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
  Robert Keller wrote:
  Arnold, thank you. I think I have everything in SF now. I added GPL
  notice to the files and added INSTALL.txt,
  COPYING.txt, and LICENSE.txt.
  Is there anything else I should have?
  I appreciate your help.
  In Copying it's say: GPLv2 or at your option, any later version.
  License says GPLv3
  Don't know if that's a problem...
  Yes, it is a problem.
  You must use the correct version of the license or else you
  Can you understand that or do you need some kind of tutor?

 I changed LICENSE.txt to Version 2 over 5 hours ago. I'm not sure what
 you are complaining about.

Oh my goodness, I made a mistake. I saw the post late because I was out
deep sea diving, my dog caught on fire, ... Will anybody forgive me?

Wait, it does not matter. YOU ARE STILL VIOLATING THE GPL on the Yahoo
group. I checked.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 21:51:12 you wrote:
  Yes, you are a liar.
  Show me where the hole is?
  There is no reason to remove someone from a group for emails
  they send to you privately. That is why you are so very much a liar.

 I am a liar because I banned you from my group?

You are liar because you made it sound like I was sending flames to the group.
When in fact they were private messages. A totally separate thing with
nothing to do with the group. For which there should be no associated action,
unless you are trying to be vindictive.

Anyway, I already explained this, but obviously you are trying to wiggle
out of things because you cannot face the truth of your bad actions.

 I refuse to continue this ridiculous exchange. I am going to be
 ignoring your emails from now on.

I thought you were going to do that last week when we exchanged messages.
I finally had to ask you why you were continuing when you wanted to stop. Then
you stopped. Logic is not your strength, I think.

 I am pretty sure most of the others are tired of hearing from you as
 well. But it is clear that you are never going to stop.

 Anyone who cares to examine the facts can see how transparent this
 situation is.

Sure. I am right and you keep violating the GPL all over the place
until I bring it up again.

 I have taken down all of the version 3.39 from my Yahoo! group, so
 there can't be any further accusation of violation regarding that.
 These are the same files that you took and posted on your sourceForge
 for distribution. So if there was any violation there, there is one on
 your site as well. Simply adding a GPL text file doesn't change that.
 Anyone that cares to take a look can see what you have done. But I
 doubt that anyone cares.

All that was missing was the license file, I added it in. That was all that is 
needed to bring it into compliance. Thus, I have no violations, as far as I
know. It was very easy to do. If there are any violations that came from your
bad actions, then if you read the GPL I cannot be liable for them. Read the

Did you you check the version 4 files also? I checked earlier today and

 Also the thumbs up review message you posted on your site says this:
 This projects hosts the Impro-Visor application and code. That is a
 misrepresentation. You already said your project was named
 improvisor, not Impro-Visor, the name of my project for four years.

There is no rule against me posting that. I am hosting the original
Impro-Visor on the project. What part do you not understand? I mean, I am
doing exactly what I am allowed to do, host distribution of a GPL program.
Do you not understand that this is what SF is for?

 In summary, I have tried my best to comply with all the GPL items.
 Each time you try to come up with something else that I am supposed to
 do. But I think you have run out now. If you have anything further,
 report it to the FSF.

Again, you show your ignorance. The FSF is not going to do anything about
it. It is not their concern. Only the copyright holders can do anything about
it. The exchanges we have been having are about you doing the right thing
regardless of whether those copyright holders want to take action or not.

What part of all this did you not understand?


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 22:12:44 you wrote:
  That woulds not be a violation at all. It is/was all under GPL.

 Wrong. Because Bob violated the GPL, right?

By not putting a licence file or giving the source. You put a license
and provide the source. No more violation.

 Remember? I'm pretty sure 
 I'm telling you something you already knew here, but he DIDN'T release
 the source code for the preview release. He SHOULD have but he DIDN'T,
 so you never got the GPL'd source with the preview mods in it. This
 put him in violation of jMusic's license but it did NOT magically
 grant you copyright, copyleft or copyanything to the code he should
 have released, but didn't.

Wrong. There is nothing in the GPL that says you cannot add the license
before you distribute. Think about it. You get some GPL code and change the
license to add in another copyright in addition to the original, as per GPL
rules. Where does this text that you are adding in come from? Where
does the license header come from? It does not matter. You can change
the whole header to look different, get it from other files, and so on, as
long as the GPL preamble and the copyrights are there. So adding in
headers is no violation as long as you know the code is GPL.

  Well sorry but Bob's violation of the jMusic authors' copyright
  ABSOLUTELY DOES NOT entitle you to commit such a violation of Bob's
  own copyright: Until and unless you have Bob's preview source files
  with GPL headers all present and correct, you don't have a license
  the mods in that code.
  Wrong. Bob's copyright is a copyleft, fool. Show any proof that
  there is
  something against decompiling GPL code. You cannot find any.

 This isn't about decompiling GPL code. Its about decompiling a binary
 that was released, without source, in violation of the GPL. (Please
 tell me you remember that Bob was VIOLATING the GPL? Please?). He
 SHOULD have licensed his modifications under the GPL but he DIDN'T
 (remember?) which means you don't have a license for the modifications.

Whether he wanted to or not, use of GPL code makes it GPL code. That is
the viral nature of GPL. End of story. Not putting out source or including
the license files does not make his changes/code not be GPL. I think you
are thinking too much in the vain of convention copyrights. The code is
automatically GPL by way of use of other GPL code. It no longer is some
independent proprietary code solely belonging to the original copyright
holder once mixed together.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fwd: Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-28 Thread laseray
On Tuesday 28 July 2009 22:38:03 David Robillard wrote:
 On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 18:51 -0700, Robert Keller wrote:
  Anyone who cares to examine the facts can see how transparent this
  situation is.

 Out of curiosity I checked.  Assuming the entire source code of the
 project is contained in what you get with:

 svn co

 at revision 12, this project is (in my non-lawyer non-authoritative
 opinion, etc), very obviously and correctly licensed under the GPL
 version 2 or later, in the way recommended by the FSF.

The raw code seems okay over there. Running ant to make a dist
package results in something that violates the GPL if a user were
to distribute it.

 The only thing even worth mentioning is that you may want to explicitly
 specify the license of the data files iff you want them to be something
 other than the GPLv2+.  This is just a matter of taste (some prefer a
 more liberal license for input files), and not a compliance problem.

 In summary: As far as I can tell, the sky is not falling, and your LAD
 karma is roughly +78000 LOC.  Chicken Little, whose LAD karma seems to
 be 0 at best, may safely and wisely be ignored.

Except for the big minus 100 for still violating the GPL on the Yahoo
group. You missed that part.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 11:12:05 Robert Keller wrote:

 I think you have a misimpression, created by laseray (aka biophotoray
 aka Raymond Martin), who apparently is trying to steal control of my
 project, known as Impro-Visor.

Calling what I am doing stealing is defamation of character. I think Bob
better watch what he says. Hardly what you would expect from someone
who thinks he is in such an irreproachable position.

 I do want to cooperate, and will be looking into what I can do to
 repair the damage he is causing. However, I need a little time,
 because I just got back from Europe and this is not my only obligation
 today. I can't move on the immediate demands of others, as this person
 seems to think.

Good luck with that. In my experience, there is little if anything a person
can do about someone legitimately forking a GPL project against their
approval. Using the GPL for a project is to give others approval to fork it,
at will. Thus he shows a lack of knowledge about what he has gotten himself
into in the first place by using the GPL.

 It would not be wise to contribute to his fork meanwhile, because
 there is a much more recent version that has not been released yet,
 including bug fixes to the preview version which was posted briefly as
 an executable (the only thing that is behind his asserted 'violation').

I have heard this before. All subterfuge to prevent competition.
Did I mention that I have already forked other GPL projects before
and tried all kinds of things to stop it. None of them worked because
I was completely within my legal rights to do it.

 For reference, I include below a message from Raymond which exposes
 his intent. Whether or not there was a violation on my part, it is no
 excuse for his sort of malicious behavior.

He includes private messages intended for him only, that shows real
character. There is nothing wrong with what I wrote in that message anyway.
Perhaps others will not like the tone, makes no difference though.

I think you can all see now the kind of person Bob is now by this post,
exactly what I have been trying to tell everyone all along.

 As I am not formerly a member of the linux-audio-dev community, I just
 now joined as a result of this.

 I must appeal to the reasonable members to understand and help me.

Why should they help? Nothing wrong has been done.
This is highly laughable.

I think he should go to the FSF and cry, they will laugh also.

I invite Bob to get a lawyer and try to sue me for doing what he has allowed
me to do by way of the GPL. It is contradictory to attack others for what you
have given them permission to do.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Background on the Impro-Visor project

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 13:10:50 Ralf Mardorf wrote:

  I have contacted sourceForge
  about his posting of sources relating to the project, and they
  suggested filing a copyright infringement (the project is copyright by
  me and Harvey Mudd College).

 You don't want that Raymond does forge his own version of Impro-Visor?
 Why not? I can't see any damage by doing this.

Of course, because there is no damage. In fact, my fork will help popularize
the application. That guy does not understand that though. There is no
such thing as negative publicity, ever heard that expression?

The only reason people like that do not want forks is that they cannot bear
the thought that someone might take their idea and improve upon it in ways
that they could not. It is all power-tripping to maintain control of something
that you have already released into the wild by virtue of using the GPL.

When you use the GPL you essentially are letting go of control. People
should read more before they use certain licenses. If that is not what they
want, then do something else. It is ultimately the responsibility of each
person to understand the license conditions and obligations upfront.
Anything less is just incompetence.

Complaining about actions that are completely legitimate and ethically
correct is a one way ticket to looking like a fool.

  a lot of the thinking that went into the project is
  that of me and my students.

 And also by some GPL coders.

 You won't share your knowledge?

Exactly. Selfishness. Keep control. Be top dog. All ideas that do not
sit well with those of us that believe in the philosophy of free software.

Free software is about meritocracy. You do good things, share those things,
welcome others to contribute, discuss differences of opinion (when people
are reasonable, this is not of one of those cases), and so on.


P.S. The Improvisor project still exists on SF along with the files.


I wonder why that is. I know, because there is nothing wrong being done.
Unlike the packages on the Impro-Visor Yahoo group, mine actually
have the GPL license. Thus, Impro-Visor continues to violate the GPL
even with the old version up. Check for yourself and see how incredulous
that guy is. Plus, he also lies about any copyright infringement. There
aren't any infringements with the packages I put up, they are exactly the
same as the ones on the Yahoo group, aside from actually being in compliance
with the GPL or the file names.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Background on the Impro-Visor project

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 14:19:30 Thorsten Wilms wrote:
 On Mon, 2009-07-27 at 13:34 -0400, wrote:
  Size of GPL code included is irrelevant.


  Inappropriate expectations. No license file was included in distribution,
  no text to indicate GPL. GPL violation #1.

 Yes, but I'm willing to believe it was negligence.

No, It is deliberate AFAIK.

  These are excuses. Not buying it. A bunch of rubbish. Assuming
  your users are dumb is very impolite.

 Assuming that your users would have trouble dealing with source code is
 very different from assuming they are dumb.

No, it is always condescending. Anybody can go to SF and download. It
is not brain surgery.

  You don't have to accept every suggestion. That is fine. But my
  suggestions which were actually real code were better than what you were
  doing. So the refusal was quite illogical. My code was GPL, so no problem
  there. The suggestions I made will make there way into the fork, then
  others will wonder what the heck was Bob thinking to refuse these
  practical bug fixes.

 Maybe it's true, but you do sound very arrogant and pushy to me ;)

Too bad. I have an attitude because I am not going to let people push
me around and insult me for being right. If you cannot comprehend
that from all the posts then perhaps you should keep your ideas to
yourself. You haven't had to deal with this person.

  Again, irrelevant. Excuses, excuses. All over the place. Stick to
  the license, then there is no problem.

 Sure. But it sounds like it was an honest mistake. Even if it wasn't
 your aggressive tone doesn't help at all.

Again, too bad. Get over it. There is a time for nice and that past a while
back. I tried nice and I also explained this previously. Clue in to the
situation please.

Where do all these people come from that assume style equals substance?
What you are really perceiving is backbone. Maybe you are not familiar
with that.

  This contains some lies. The first message I received from Bob had
  an insulting tone to it, as if I was doing something wrong by asking for
  the source. Nice attempt at back-paddling. Rubbish, throughout.

 We all know how clear-cut tone in emails is ;p
 What is anyone supposed to do with lots of hearsay, anyway?

You, nothing. But then again you are not really involved. So...

  If you want respect, give respect. Stop assuming you are somehow in a
  better position. It is very condescending.

 I see a 50% chance you should apply those lines to yourself.

I see 100% chance that you do not know what you are talking about because
you are not closely involved. You should check all the posts more carefully.
Don't worry you will not be the first person who does not see this clearly.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 14:33:30 Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
 hi bob!

 which means that raymond has a point. and he is also entitled to forking
 your project any way he sees fit. so much for the legal part.

 as to communication skills, raymond, i think you should go get a nice
 cup of coffee, tone down a bit, see what happens. this bears all the
 hallmarks of a excuse my french pissing contest, which might be
 explained by the history of your mutual correspondence, but from the
 outside, it looks like no big deal at all, and should sort itself out

I can agree with almost everything else written in this post, but get off
the attitude train people. It is not necessary to be nice all the time.
There are well established reason for the attitude. When others start behaving
better they will get treated more nicely (like not defaming others).

And you are right. this is really not that big of a deal. Others are blowing
it out of proportion to reality. Nothing illegal, immoral, or unethical is
happening by the existence of a fork. In fact, a fork does not exist yet, only
the same packages as on the Yahoo group, minus the GPL violations.
It would have been very easy to do the right thing from the start. But
that is the responsibility of others.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor created on sourceforge

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 15:16:15 Robert Keller wrote:
 Dear linux-audio developers,

 I have created New Project
 visor/ for Impro-Visor, which is its correct name. 

It is the correct name for Impro-Visor. My project is named Improvisor
for a reason. And you see, I could have easily chosen Impro-Visor, but
I did not on purpose. My project is not just about the original version.
I wish you would please try to reason things out a little more. My project
can have the original and forked versions. In which case the forks would not
be Impro-Visor in the absolute sense, would they. So at least a slight
different name seemed appropriate. Now say thank you for me leaving
that name open for you. What! No thank you, how uncivil.

 I will populate the 
 source later today, as I need time to get acquainted with their
 system, but I have to be off right now to another important meeting
 for the afternoon and can't do it instantly. The source I will post
 will be our version 4.0.

Now that was not difficult was it.

 Regarding the assertion made earlier by another that I did not contact
 sourceforge about the fork 'improvisor', see the forwarded message.
 The fact that SF did not remove the other project immediately does not
 mean they won't. Not everything happens at lightspeed. It would be a
 true indication of courtesy and cooperation if the creator of that
 project were simply to remove 'improvisor' as a possible source of
 confusion. If not, I will consider the options regarding this action.

If SF asks me then I will change it, not remove it (unless it is obligatory). 
I do not owe anything to the original project and can do what I want
within the rules of the GPL, and those of SF, if and or when they apply.

 Forking at 3.39 would not really be a problem for me, but it seems
 that there would be less stress and duplication of effort overall if
 we were to proceed as I am suggesting. A year of development has been
 put in between 3.39 and 4.0. (Why so long, you ask? For one thing
 because of changes started by students, but not integrated, sometimes
 take a long time to integrate.)

Makes no difference. There is no obligation for me or anyone else to
make it easier for anybody. Development can be conducted in any
way that a project sees fit, in accord with applicable licenses/rules.

As to the SF notice to him. Phoney, baloney. I never said that he did not 
contact them. I trying say that I seriously doubt his claim. That is just the
usual message to people when they try to make a complaint about copyright
infringement. He was making it sound like he had a legitimate claim. What
a bunch of BS. SF will go to my project get the packages, open them up and
see no infringements at all. Same code/binaries + GPL license equals
all in accord with the law and the SF rules. Read them, learn them, know them. 
I do.

Egg on the face or eating crow is not so good though.


 From: Support
 Date: July 27, 2009 9:20:36 AM PDT
 Subject: Re: Project: Improvisor has been reported as inappropriate


 Based on your complaint, it appears that you may wish to report a case
 of copyright infringement. deals expediently with
 reports of copyright infringement.

 To report copyright infringement, please use our DMCA Notification
 Procedure as per

 Chris Tsai
 SourceForge Support

 PS. When you submitted this report, you did not leave us any contact
 info to reply to. As such, I've taken the liberty of looking up your
 e-mail the Harvey Mudd College directory search. I trust this was not
 a problem.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 16:02:47 Chris Cannam wrote:
 2009/7/27 Jörn Nettingsmeier
  which means that raymond has a point. and he is also entitled to forking
  your project any way he sees fit.

 It isn't necessarily the case that he is entitled to fork it.  Raymond
 has repeatedly said that it was distributed to him without a GPL

 If a program is distributed to you under some proprietary terms, but
 it uses some GPL code, then it is presumably violating the terms of
 the GPL and so should not have been distributed.  Possible remedies
 depending on the circumstances might include GPL'ing the program or
 ceasing distribution.  But these are remedies between that program's
 distributors and the authors of the GPL'd code; the recipients of the
 improperly licensed program can't make any such remedy themselves.
 You can't just decide unilaterally that the ostensibly proprietary
 code was improperly licensed and so go and copy it to all your

 In this case, the situation is probably moot since Bob has said he
 intended to publish under the GPL from the outset, but I think that is
 the only thing that might make this action defensible.

It is moot. I previously gave proof of the GPL header in one of the
Java files of one of the packages up on my project. So there was never
any question of whether this was GPL or proprietary.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 16:33:48 Fons Adriaensen wrote:
 While I'd  normally respect the private nature of any
 message, this one goes well above any reasonable limit
 so I do feel free to quote it:

See this is exactly the kind of person that is like keller.
Disrespects privacy, sides with the wrong. Definitely deserves
a good insult. Thus, proving my point that they should shut
their mouth when they know nothing.

I am really starting think that a number of people that are responding
on this thread are not really getting it. They seem to side with the bad
person, rather than the correct one. What is wrong with people?

I know, easily manipulated by nice words but unwilling to examine
the content of anything that does not fit that. Weak-minded.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 16:45:37 Jens M Andreasen wrote:
 Metallica gone GPL? :-D

More like jazz fusion.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Fw: Re: At the hands of Professor Keller and Raymond

2009-07-27 Thread laseray
On Monday 27 July 2009 18:57:50 Nick Copeland wrote:
 Man, This discussion is too good not to stick an oar in. As far as Fons
 goes, the forwarded mail is simply stoking the flames. I have a few email
 from him, privately, that are extremely derogatory of anybody on this list
 with artistic instincts and he might also consider keeping his private
 messages as such. Fons had just got back from yet another pizza party, he
 says, so perhaps he had another bottle too many and his fingers ran away
 with him (before he flames me, I am also guilty of this at the very minute
 although I went for a curry and it was definitely hotter than parma). Fons
 has a tendency to talk a lot of drivel, then at times be unbelievably lucid
 although I am not convinced this mail fell into the latter. His message
 tends to be more succinct in those cases.

Ah, that is too damn funny.

 Anyway, enough of hassling Fons, he contributes too immensely to Linux
 Audio to heckled more than he is due.

 The message I did want to give, before I got sidetracked by what could have
 been a reasonable message to him (and I am pleased he forwarded it since it
 was firstly quite funny and secondly embodied a number of things I have
 wanted to say to him in the past but lacked that same clarity of
 expression), was that either you do make software freely available or you
 don't. If you can't let go of what you have created and let it go its own
 course then it was a mistake to put it out there to start with. If you
 really want to consider the legal alternatives then please just release
 your code on MacOS, then release it on Windows and finally sue yourself.
 That would be fun and it would at least leave the rest of us to get on with
 what we are doing.


 Either embrace the concept or don't get involved.

 Open source, publicly released code is just that. You put it out in the
 public. You let the cat out of the bag. There is no point in going bawling
 to some non existent legal 'daddy' to change that fact. Either do release
 or don't release it but please, don't look for sympathy from the open
 source community for the pain inflicted by somebody else picking up what
 you have done and improving/butchering/charging for the same. Unix is
 littered with failed lawsuits.

 The code is out there.

A man after my own heart.

FYI, still have not got any emails from SF, the project is still there, the
files are still there. Not surprisingly. Apparently, Mr. Keller did not
believe me when I said I had been through this before. Don't worry Bob,
there are lots of disingenuous folks out there pretending to be all FOSS and
using the GPL. That's why there are special legal groups and organizations to
protect exactly what I am doing. Look some of those up and check with
them. I'm sure they will get a laugh out of your protests too.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-26 Thread laseray
On Sunday 26 July 2009 03:14:25 Sampo Savolainen wrote:
 On Sun, 2009-07-26 at 01:20 +0200, Arnold Krille wrote:
  The main point I remembered from the last thread with Impro-Visor in
  the title: It uses gpl software itself. Which means that it has to
  publish the modifications of that part at least.

 True, if they have done any modifications to that external part. If
 it's only using it (jmusic?) as a library, the license of the library
 shouldn't affect the main software. But this has always been a hot topic
 with GPL: how to link dynamic / static and how does linking affect the
 license of the linkee.

Whether you use another GPL library as code, directly compiled in, or linked
to externally makes no difference under the GPL. This is just another case
of where people have not gone to the FSF and read the FAQ page on GPL.

  And as the software is GPL licensed, the source _has_ to be made
  available at least on request by ways equally convinient as the binaries
  (afaik this ruling in the gpl-text wants to prevent that requests for the
  source-code have to be written on 200$ notes or that the 1million lines
  of code are sent via fax or snail-mail).

 There is no statement about GPL on the Impro-visor site nor could I find
 such a statement in the copies of previous pages.

This is true. Not a violation in itself, but it does obscure the situation.
Most projects that use GPL usually make it well-known. You don't
have to, but given the previous actions of these folks it does not
exactly look like they are trying to be above board on the matter.

 Wikipedia states it's GPL as does 
 but .. has the copyright holder(s) ever declared it as GPL?

It does not make any difference whether the copyright holder of
Impro-Visor declares it as GPL or not. Once you use GPL code in
your application it too must be GPL. That is the viral nature of GPL.
Again, FSF and the FAQ on GPL. Read it.

 Furthermore,  as I said in my previous post: the copyright holders are free
 to stop using GPL. You may fork if you receive GPL licensed source from the
 authors or from a previous licensee (someone who made a copy while it
 was under GPL with the licenses intact etc.). You however may not fork
 it based on a disassembled code not released under GPL.

Sure, but again not relevant to the current situation. Can we stick to
the topic, please.

 Maybe I've missed something crucial in this discussion, so I'll ask the
 stupid question (directed towards Raymond):

   Was the impro-visor version 3.99 released under GPL?

   .. or

   Are you assuming the whole of Impro-visor is subject to GPL as it has
 violated the GPL of jmusic?


A few days ago I put up a GPL header direct from one of the java files
in Impro-Visor to make it clear that I was certain they were violating
the GPL.

Impro-Visor compiles in the jMusic code, which makes it even more
evident that there is a violation. And the header clearly mentions
using jMusic. So there is no mystery in whether this under GPL
or that violations have occurred.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-26 Thread laseray
On Sunday 26 July 2009 10:04:27 you wrote: wrote:
  I wanted to cooperate with people, but it was just too difficult for them
  to admit being wrong.

 Hardened fronts needs to calm down and then to find a way out the tight
 corner. Everybody needs a chance, otherwise he might do everything
 without publishing anything and one day there will be a program nobody
 really can prove used FLOSS code.

More than a year of chances are more than enough. You cannot continually
give people chances forever when it is obvious they just don't want to do
the right thing.

It may not matter if that guy changes things (e.g., license) once there is a
fork. It is not as if other people cannot write code you know. The currently
available source code is starter material for that.

I wish people would think over what has already been written about this
topic before they respond.

People should not remain ever patient with those who act improperly.
At some point you just have to act, not wait on the side until someone
else gives you the okay. Imagine how much in this world would not
get done if we all waited for others to smarten up. You give people
a chance, then when they don't come through just get to it. That
is what has happened here. Tune into that facts, please.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-26 Thread laseray
On Sunday 26 July 2009 10:52:43 you wrote:

 By moral you are right, but by some laws you might only attain one's
 ends by diplomacy. Dunno. And I'm not diplomatic too.

Sure. You do not have to be diplomatic about everything. You have to be right
about what you are trying to accomplish. So I am really sick to death of
people that think you have to be all nice, all the time. That is just noise.
There is a time for nice, but then you need to get something done also.

I'll stick with the pragmatic side of things and get something done.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-26 Thread laseray
On Sunday 26 July 2009 15:53:30 nescivi wrote:
 On Sunday 26 July 2009 09:31:10 wrote:
  Impro-Visor compiles in the jMusic code, which makes it even more
  evident that there is a violation. And the header clearly mentions
  using jMusic. So there is no mystery in whether this under GPL
  or that violations have occurred.

 Unless the authors of jMusic gave them permission to use it in a non-GPL
 Did they react at all on your emails about this issue?

I tried last year to contact them and just recently. No response
either time, but now the binaries were taken down so no real point.

I will try again soon. I am also going look more into jMusic while
working on this program. There may be improvements I can contribute.
So maybe I will have some communication then.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-25 Thread laseray
On Saturday 25 July 2009 14:09:26 you wrote:

 While you have every right to fork the code, one quibble I have (most
 likely just with your wording) is where you say that they are
 obligated to provide the binary. They have no such obligation
 whatsoever. If they provide a binary they are obligated to provide
 source, but they are free to offer neither without violating the GPL.

Okay, it was just a quick wording, so don't misconstrue my meaning.
The binaries were out, under GPL, source has to be available
then in accord with the license. That is what this is about.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-25 Thread laseray
On Saturday 25 July 2009 15:53:01 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
  The guy removed the preview version from his website.
  You don't have to release the source of development versions.
  Yes you do. This has been explained previously.

 I asked this on #gnu , they told me, it is not necessary

I do not know where these people get there info but it cannot be
the GPL. Thus you have more people that cannot read the GPL properly.
Go to the FSF and read the FAQ, not #gnu. Read the GPL.

There is no language in the GPL that EVER indicates some difference
between a release/stable (or whatever) and a development version.
Show it to me. You cannot find any language like that because all
FOSS under GPL can be consider in a constant state of development! 

  You don't have to make your source available, but people who gets your
  binaries should be able to get the source too.
  Yes you do. Depends on how you use the license. This also was established

 Same #gnu

Similar to above.

  Mmhh I'd rather saw a better corporation here.  I don't know who is
  non-coorporative here though, Raymond or Bob Keller.
  Bob. Do not equate packaging with contents. This seems to be
  the practical misunderstanding you are having.
  Maybe it would be good to invite  Bob Keller  for a reasonable
  dialogue  on this list. I like to hear his opinion about corporation.
  After such a public discussion we can decide whether there are good
  reasons to bundle forces on _his_ project or to fork it.
  my 2 cents,
  There you go again giving that guy the benefit of the doubt, even after
  he had a number of chances to act reasonably.
  In my last email to him I suggested we discuss this matter on his Yahoo
  group with others (court of public opinion), but I know he will never do
  that (which I directly mentioned to him).
  He will never allow free discussion of this point so that people can come
  to a consensus. As I already stated, a few people sided with him
  initially and then reversed their positions once they actually had the
  facts. Despite this he does not seem to be able to reason the whole thing
  out to its logical conclusion.
  In any event, I already have a project now and can do what I like in
  accord with the GPL. So there is no we to really decide anything. I
  already made the decision and will move forward. Others are free to do as
  they wish, also in accord with the GPL. If you want to participate on my
  project, fine. I will hook you up. If you want to make your own, also
  fine. Fork my stuff, when I put it up, I encourage it. Forks don't hurt a
  project they help to create that FOSS eco-system we are all happy to use.
  More versions will encourage better development. Do as you will and I
  will even help you out if you want to fork within my project, have
  separate branches of development, etc.

 We will see how it goes. For myself I wait to see how Bob acts in the
 coming time.
 I'm happy though that more people seems to have interest in this project.

Suit yourself. More interest can lead to improvements and that is what counts
for the end user.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-Visor packages now on SF

2009-07-25 Thread laseray
On Saturday 25 July 2009 18:14:45 you wrote:
 On Sat, 2009-07-25 at 16:23 -0400, wrote:
  On Saturday 25 July 2009 15:53:01 Grammostola Rosea wrote:
The guy removed the preview version from his website.
You don't have to release the source of development versions.
Yes you do. This has been explained previously.
   I asked this on #gnu , they told me, it is not necessary
  I do not know where these people get there info but it cannot be
  the GPL. Thus you have more people that cannot read the GPL properly.
  Go to the FSF and read the FAQ, not #gnu. Read the GPL.

 GPL is a license the copyright holder may or may not use to distribute
 his work. Having done a release under GPL, however, does not further
 encumber the copyright holder: he may decide to never release any new
 development under GPL or choose, as many people choose, to release only
 stable releases.

This is all very moot. This is a very specific case. Just trying to deal with
the practical considerations of this situation right now, not other variations
on how things might unfold. If something changes in the future with
distribution or the license it will get dealt with and reassessed then.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Impro-visor source code and fork

2009-07-19 Thread laseray
Hi all,

If anybody is interested, I have decompiled the latest Impro-visor version,
which has only been provide as a binary (in contradiction to the terms of the
GPL). So if you want the source code just let me know and I will send it.

I'm sure it won't compile immediately, since there are a number of incorrect
constructs returned by the decompilation. I will work on this in the next 
while to have it compile.

I think someone else mentioned they posted the older binary/source somewhere.
Perhaps this can be hosted at the same location (have to look back to see 
where that is/who posted).

Apart from that, I will be looking into forking Impro-visor in the next few
days. After making contact with the responsible parties about the GPL
violations, I have received no reply and the source code has not been
posted along with the binaries as is legally required. I also contacted
the department head at the institution responsible for this work to see
if they would look into the matter. Perhaps they can sort this out in the
next little while. Failing that, I will probably start a new project on 
SourceForge and be looking to put together a development team.
Contributions to the software by users will also be welcome. There will
be a need for new leadsheets, transcriptions, documentation, and even
translations of the user interface.



Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-visor source code and fork

2009-07-19 Thread laseray
On Sunday 19 July 2009 11:12:33 Dave Phillips wrote:
 Gene Heskett wrote:
  On Sunday 19 July 2009, wrote:
  If anybody is interested, I have decompiled the latest Impro-visor
  version, which has only been provide as a binary (in contradiction to
  the terms of the GPL). So if you want the source code just let me know
  and I will send it.
  Apart from that, I will be looking into forking Impro-visor in the next
  few days. After making contact with the responsible parties about the
  GPL violations, I have received no reply and the source code has not
  been posted along with the binaries as is legally required
  Turn this violation over to the kind folks at the FSF.  They have a legal
  team to pursue such, and have AFAIK, a 100% batting record.  Letters from
  attorneys will generally get their institutional attention.

 Maybe. I submitted details re: the LinuxSampler license to the FSF and
 never heard a thing from them.

Submitting a violation to FSF will probably only work if the copyright on the
source code that is being infringed is owned by the FSF. This is something
they encourage developers of FOSS to do so that they can fully pursue
these cases. Otherwise, it is up to the original copyright holder to pursue
action (in this case that would be the jMusic people). The jMusic people
can pursue this, if they want, but what be understood is that the GPL is
a license guaranteeing rights to users (who might be developers) to have
the source code. This right is being violated currently.

 For the OP's edification I submit this text from the GPL2 :

 *3.* You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
 under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
 Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

 *a)* Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
 source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1
 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

 *b)* Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
 years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost
 of physically performing source distribution, a complete
 machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
 distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
 customarily used for software interchange; or,

 *c)* Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
 to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
 allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received
 the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in
 accord with Subsection b above.)

 There is no legal requirement for the producer to post the source code
 along with the binary. The legal requirement is that he makes it
 available under conditions spelled out in the license.

Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code in section A means to post the source code
along with the binary. Unless you go by section B, but this distribution
does not include such an offer. Section C does not apply in this situation.

I have had to deal with GPL license issues with another project, which I ended
up forking. So I had to really read the GPL properly. And what I have
indicated is exactly correct.

To paraphrase the GPL, the source code must be available along with the 
binary in the same/normal medium of distribution or a written offer
(valid for three years) must accompany the distribution stating that the
source code can be obtained, for a minimal fee.

The binaries are distributed online, therefore I assume the source code must
also be available online, in the same location or possibly elsewhere, but
still accessible online. If the binary was on a CD/DVD, then the source has to 
be on it or in some similar form accompanying it (on another CD/DVD 
included), or a written offer must on the disk. There is no written offer
with this distribution, so my assumption is reasonable and in accord with the 


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-visor source code and fork

2009-07-19 Thread laseray
On Sunday 19 July 2009 13:24:25 you wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 11:59 AM, wrote:
  To paraphrase the GPL, the source code must be available along with the
  binary in the same/normal medium of distribution or a written offer
  (valid for three years) must accompany the distribution stating that the
  source code can be obtained, for a minimal fee.

 No, this *may not* not the case here.

 The GPL is a license issued by the copyright holder to others that
 describes what they may do with the material and under what
 conditions. The GPL license for the material does NOT apply to the
 copyright holder. They may do whatever they want.

 The only thing that makes the terms of the GPL of potential interest
 here is if this application is linked with other GPL'ed code in a way
 that makes it a derivative work. I do not know if that is the case.

This is exactly the case and reason why I brought this up in the first place.

I have already stated that it uses jMusic code in other posts. That is
GPL licensed software. Just open up the Impro-visor jar file and find the jm
folder for yourself, as I previously stated. They even state somewhere on the 
web pages for Impro-visor that they use jMusic in it! Talk about caught with 
your hand in the cookie jar. I have even contacted the jMusic people to make
sure they are aware of this situation.

So let me make this clear. This has all been investigated more than a
year ago. And the situation is exactly as I have stated, with the present
violation being due to not releasing the source code along with the binaries
(or making it available by an offer included in the distribution).

For those who think otherwise I advise you to go to the FSF site and read the
FAQ page about the GPL licenses. Many people do not properly understand or,
indeed, misinterpret how the license must be applied. That page clears all
that up once and for all. And that is what I am going by, in conjunction with
the license text.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Impro-visor source code and fork

2009-07-19 Thread laseray

This should settle any doubts people have about there being a GPL violation,
along with understanding how the GPL is properly applied. Here is part of
the header from a file in the previous version of Impro-Visor. No notice to
any change was given with the current preview version and jMusic code is still
used in it. Therefore, it be logically deduced that the GPL still applies:

 * This Java Class is part of the Impro-Visor API
 * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by Robert Keller and Harvey Mudd College
 * It has been edited from the jMusic API version 1.5, March 2004.
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Andrew Sorensen  Andrew Brown
 * Impro-Visor is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Improvisor lilypond support!?

2009-07-18 Thread laseray

 Thanks man. I'll forward this to Bob Keller too. 
 I think he mentioned in a message that he is willing to give developers 
 svn access to the recent code. 
  Really. Last year I found Improvisor and wanted to contribute to it,
  so I got  in contact with Bob. I made some changes to integrate the
  application better into the desktop (on Mac OS X also) and did some
  initial cleanup.  
  The reaction I received was less than welcoming. In fact, the message I
  got was that they were not interested in really allowing outside
  developers to contribute. Thus my changes were never used, or considered
  as far as I can tell. What I got was a bunch of excuses about the
  situation with the application until finally this Bob guy came straight
  out and harshly refused to cooperate on development. I even had to ask
  numbers of time before I could finally get the source code and this
  resulted in it finally being posted on the group. 
  Basically the group that works on it is his student research group at the
  educational institution he is employed at. So it appears that they just
  want to keep all the glory and credit for the application to themselves by
  disallowing outside contributions. This is really not manner that we
  usually associate with FOSS. The fact that you have to subscribe to a user
  group even to get the binary is one big clue. To my mind the only reason
  it is under GPL is because they use other libraries that are, not because
  they see some benefit to doing so. 
  The only way to go with this application, at the moment, is to fork it. I
  was considering doing this a while ago, but have other projects keeping me
  busy. If you can convince them to open it up, great. I wouldn't hold my
  breath though. If enough other developers are interested then I could give
  some time to a fork. 

 This is what he replied me 
 If there are developers who are serious, I could provide svn access to 
 our repository. Right now there are 3 people who are active. We are 
 about to release version 4, which is almost a year out from version 3.39 
 that is in the user group.  
 So I think we have to go the working together way first. 
 I've forwarded the message of Lasconic to him, let's wait for his reply 
 on that. 
No, I think you are wrong here to even consider trying to cooperate. I waited
after your initial reply to respond because obviously you weren't fully
considering my points, so I decided to see what happens. Now a preview of the 
next version of impro-visor has been released and it is as I expected. No
source code, again. Blatant GPL violation again. That was unexpected, not!

Where's that SourceForge project also? That's right, it does not exist.

I sent a message about the missing source code, again. I wonder what excuses
he will give, again (or has he decided to not even respond to my legitimate
inquiries now). Last time it was that he was on the road or busy or enter
lame excuse here. He had the time to package up binaries for Linux,
Mac, and Windows, but could not zip up the source and post it at the same 
time?! Go check that with him and let's see how the responses match what I am

Now I am seriously considering forking this application myself, to make
sure that everyone can get the current source code, they do not have
to join some group just to get the binary, and that real contributions can
actually get in. Yeah, I'm a serious developer, but that guy never offered to
give me any access and the new version still has bugs that I already fixed
which he would not accept.

I will give it a little longer, but if these people don't get their act
together and start doing things in accord with the GPL, then they should
either change their license and remove all GPL stuff or not be surprised when
a forked version appears (Improvisor+ sounds good: Improvisor, plus the source
code and the ability for others to contribute, and not needing to be in some
group just to get it, and ...).
There has been plenty of time for them to do the right thing. Time has run
out already. Let's not be naive. Some people put out applications as GPL
just so they can say they did, but really they just want to ride on the FOSS
bandwagon to look good. Then when you try to get involved, contribute, or
ask for the source code, all of a sudden they clamp down on things and show
you that they want to control everything, as if it is a commercial proprietary
program. Sorry this does not fly with me. I have had this experience with
another project that thinks they are FOSS and that they can do no wrong. The 
end result was that I did actually end up having to fork the program because 
of their inability to conduct themselves properly.

Perhaps some other people should get in contact with this project and voice
their concerns and views about how FOSS and GPL based projects do things.
If they start to do things right, then I won't have to fork it. But either 
way, the source code and binaries WILL be