Re: [LAD] new-session-management on

2021-04-04 Thread Nils Hilbricht
>please read the subject line!
>it's about the new-session-management move to and only.
>it is NOT about the merits, technical or otherwise, of session managers in 
>general nor NSM in particular.

Then let me rephrase:
Why should NSM not be hosted under jackaudio, since it is the session manager 
for JACK programs?
The response to that was "because NSM is technically independent of JACK" and 
my answer was in the previous mail.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] new-session-management on

2021-04-04 Thread Nils Hilbricht
On 04/04/21 21:31, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:

>Although I still don't understand what has to do with the 
>new(er)-session-management (aka "NSM fork") and why it is now moved from 
> to

I am paraphrasing my answer from the LinuxMusiciansForum. I copied that before 
many messages were deleted, which was announced in advanced btw. and I believe 
was a good moderation move.

I moved the code from github to get peace for the people NOT 
involved in anything, that got dragged in. There was no "forced moved" from Github.

I already mentioned "bus factor reduction" in a still existing forum-post, so 
here is another ingredient in the hosting situation: 

There are not many things everybody agrees on, but one is that it is better if 
everyone is using the same session management protocol (not server, not gui. If 
properly implemented these can be changed). 

This needs 1) developer support and 2) user acceptance. Having the project 
hosted under an established brand helps that goal. This is not an "oopsie", 
this is not a "compromise". I want the best, most visible, most trusted place. 
Having it hosted on github or jackaudio shows that this is not a 
one man fringe project but something that is handled with care and sincerity.

Then somebody interjected with 
>"Note that Non-Session-Manager (NSM) is explicitly designed without any 
>dependency to JACK."

To which I responded:

And it still is. You can use it with ALSA only, no sound programs at all or 
PipeWire. And so it will remain.

That said, NSM in reality is the usual answer to "I have multiple JACK programs 
and connections. How can I save and restore them without doing it by hand every 
time". All NSM clients are JACK programs and the Non-SM API document handles 
JACK client names in great detail.

Please all remember, that we are just talking about a piece of software that 
starts programs and removes the burden of repeatedly drawing lines on a 
patchbay canvas.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Forgive me, for I have sinned, or: toss your Macintosh, as fast and wide as you can.

2017-12-09 Thread nils
Yes, that is possible and I wholeheartly lobby for that because library
bugs and mismatches are common and could be avoided.

Ardour does it and I do it in my own programs as well, or at least will
if properly released. If you can copy a library into your source tree
(Python in my case) why would depend to the external ecosystem?

Some Linux distributions  (mostly very small and unknown though) do it
already but the "way of forefathers", the shared library, is still stuck
in peoples head.

Bottom line: It turned out the Windows way of shipping all or most
libs with the program is a really good way to compatibility.

On 12/09/2017 02:24 PM, Louigi Verona wrote:
> This is a good point, Fons.
> On Windows it is typical to bundle a program with stable libraries and
> dependencies. Is this strategy thinkable on FLOSS systems?
> ___
> Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Forgive me, for I have sinned, or: toss your Macintosh, as fast and wide as you can.

2017-12-04 Thread nils
These are all just anecdotes. If there is a bug please report or fix it.
If it is a conceptual problem that leads to misbehaviour please discuss
here specific solutions to specific problems.

Otherwise this will just be a thread with "But me..." and "But I..."
back and forth.  Keep that for LAU, please.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] "Sonoj", a community organized event about Open Source Music Production struggles to get funded. Please help

2017-10-14 Thread Nils, Sonoj Convention
(Disclaimer: I am an organizer of this event)

In less than a month the "Sonoj Convention" shall happen.
[quote]Admission is free. You will be able to enjoy demonstrations,
talks and workshops about music production through open source software.
Hands-on tutorials and workflow presentations can be expected.
Everything will be recorded and released as online videos afterwards.

Please consider helping us by donating and spreading the word. You will
get some appreciation through the "Reward" system on the website.

For that we are asking for some modest donations here:

Currently it looks like that this will not succeed, as you can see from
the link above. This is the usual "all or nothing" platform that only
gives you money if the goal is reached, otherwise donors get their money

However, despite submitting the event announcements and several updates
to nearly one hundred on-topic websites, magazines (including posting it
ourselves on KVR, Reddit etc.) and blogs there is nearly zero response.
That excludes the Linux Audio Scene itself, which was very supportive to
this day (at least the news, not the donations).

I was hoping that Sonoj could be an event that brings in people from the
"outside", that are not already well connected with Linux Audio. It
seems I was wrong.

So here I am in one of the last places I wanted to ask for donations,
because this is the crowd that usually already gives a lot, be it their
own time, development of software or actual donations to well deserving

Please consider helping us by donating and spreading the word. You will
get some appreciation through the "Reward" system on the website.

Nils, for the Sonoj Convention

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Looking for speakers and demonstrations for the "Open Source Audio Meeting Cologne" (monthly community meeting)

2016-02-18 Thread Nils Gey
Dear developers and users,

the "Open Source Audio Meeting Cologne" takes places monthly since June
2014 in Cologne, Germany.

It is a community meeting: linux and open source audio enthusiasts,
user, musicians and developers connect, share, discuss and help each other.

But the meeting is also a monthly "mini linux audio conference". While
not really a formal conference we have talks and demonstrations each
time that deal with musical, technical or scientific aspects of
everything music and audio with free and open source software and hardware.

Regular attendance is close to 10 people for regular meetings and more
for special meetings, for example when we have invited speakers and

I would like any of you to be such an invited star. If you are in the
area (or willing to make a trip) it would be fantastic to have you here
and give us a talk or demonstration about YOUR topic. Be it your music,
your software or anything that you work with or on.

You can answer me in private or publicly, your choice.

If you are interested here is some more condensed information:
 -The time frame for a talk or demo is from 30 minutes to 2 hours for
such an event.
 -Dates for 2016 (all Wednesdays, all 7pm): March 16th, April 20th, Mai
18th, June 15th, July 20th, August 17th, September 21st, October 19th,
November 16th
 -The language can be English or German
 -The place is Heliostrasse 6a, 50825 Cologne Germany and has very good
public transportation nearby and is therefore easy to get to.
 -While we have no money to offer you can get a place to sleep for the
night and food.
 -We provide the option to record your talk on video and upload it (or
simply send it to you, if you prefer)


It would be fantastic to hear from you!

 Nils Gey
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] QjackCtl 0.4.1 is out!

2015-10-28 Thread Nils Gey
Very good to see that this core tool still gets regular and meaningful
updates and fixes!

Thanks for all the years we have qjackctl now!


On 28.10.2015 18:27, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
> Yup, that's true:
>   QjackCtl 0.4.1 (fall'15) is out!
> QjackCtl [1] is a(n ageing but still) simple Qt [3] application to
> control the JACK [2] sound server, for the Linux Audio [4] infrastructure.
> Website:
> Downloads:
> - source tarball:
> - source package:
> - binary packages:
> Change-log:
> - Probing portaudio audio device in a separate thread (by Kjetil
> Matheussen, thanks).
> - Messages standard output capture has been improved again, now in both
> ways a non-blocking pipe may get.
> - Regression fix for invalid system-tray icon dimensions reported by
> some desktop environment frameworks.
> - New hi-res application icon (by Uttrup Renzel, Max Christian Pohle,
> thanks).
> - System tray icon red background now blinks when a XRUN occurs.
> - Desktop environment session shutdown/logout management has been also
> adapted to Qt5 framework.
> - Single/unique application instance control adapted to Qt5/X11.
> - Prefer Qt5 over Qt4 by default with configure script.
> - Override-able tool-tips with latency info (re. Connections JACK
> client/ports: patch by Xavier Mendez, thanks).
> - Complete rewrite of Qt4 vs. Qt5 configure builds.
> - French (fr) translation update (by Olivier Humbert, thanks).
> License:
>   QjackCtl [1] is free, open-source Linux Audio [4] software,
> distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL [5])
> version 2 or later.
> From the footnote department: for quite some time there's an alternate
> repository [6] which is kept in sync with the one [7].
> However, this doesn't mean that the QjackCtl project is about to migrate
> to a brand new hosting whatsoever: the original upstream source code
> repository is, will be, as ever was, always kept somewhere else still in
> this world and universe.
> See also:
> References:
> [1] QjackCtl - A JACK Audio Connection Kit Qt GUI Interface
> [2] JACK Audio Connection Kit
> [3] Qt framework, C++ class library and tools for
> cross-platform application and UI development
> [4] Linux Audio consortium of libre software for audio-related work
> [5] GPL - GNU General Public License
> [6] QjackCtl Git repository on
> [7] QjackCtl Git repository on
> Enjoy && keep the fun!
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] PyNSMClient 2.0 - Non Session Manager support for your python program in one file

2015-07-23 Thread Nils Gey
Hello list,

I just put PyNSMClient 2.0 on my github page.

It is a Non Session Manager Client-Library in one file with no
dependencies except Python3 (and NSMd of course).

It is designed to make it easier for your program to support non
session management.

There is an example file which is a complete program with a PyQt5 GUI
and a JACK noise generator output. Both the example and the lib-file
are documented. Additionally there is a small

License is LGPL.

The client is largely untested and there are some NSM-API features
missing, but it should be easier to use and be more stable than version

Real testing and a proper release will begin once I use my own lib
with Laborejo2 ( in development behind the scenes).

Have a nice day,

irc: #laborejo on freenode.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Linux Audio Berlin user group

2015-04-21 Thread Nils Gey
Hello Berlin User Group! Hello Bruno, Hello Sam,

that is very good to hear! On behalf of the Open Source Audio Meeting
Cologne I wish you luck.
We exist for a year now and our regular meetings are 4 to 10 people.

Maybe you find these information useful:

Most important first:
- Keep it social. There is no topic and no information which people just
simply couldn't look up on the internet, if they are really interested.
The point of such an event is to meet real humans.

- There is a small website. Everything on one page. I asked for a subdomain.
- Additionaly there is an Etherpad for protocols and where people can
announce if they plan to come
- We started with a meeting every two month and then upgraded to monthly
- There is regular content and a slot for announced or improvised talks
or presentations. See here
- Even with no planned program it is no problem to spend your time with
question and answer sessions.
- There is a small mailing list for internal stuff. Currently, since
I've written the ML-software myself, you have to register in person.
Facebook and other stuff is mainly an extended calender and declared as
such. So there is really only the website as central space for information.

Keep Rockin'!


On 04/21/2015 03:07 PM, Bruno Gola wrote:

 There were lot's of Berliners at LAC 2015 and after talking to some of
 them we thought it would be nice to start a linux audio user group
 here in Berlin.

 This is an open call to all Berlin based Linux Audio users and
 developers! Let's meet, talk and share knowledge :)

 So far we have a mailing list[1] and an empty twitter account[2]
 (thanks to Sam :))

 Our first meeting will probably be held at C-Base in the next weeks. 

 We have no agenda yet, everyone is welcome, but me and Sam are more
 focused on electronic music stuff.

 Any suggestions on the date?

 [1] (as soon as the DNS starts working properly we send you the link
 to subscribe)

 Bruno Gola 

 Linux-audio-user mailing list

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Linux audio jobs/companies?

2014-09-29 Thread Nils

This has become offtopic!
Please change the subject. I am very interested in Linux Audio jobs and 
companies but not at all in discussions that got ralfed.

Thank you.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Open Source to be or not to be?

2014-07-01 Thread Nils

On 01.07.2014 13:29, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
Fons will very probably move to Germany in a few weeks [...] How this 
will affect my ability to stay active in open source audio is still a 
matter to be discussed.

Let me take the opportunity to say two things here:

1) I use your zita programs, mostly the reverb, in your version, 
standalone. I am fully statisfied. (The only matter of convenience I 
could think of is NSM support, which does not touch the DSP or the GUI 
code at all.) That you chose the GPL so far enables not only using and 
learning but also better distribution and so on. For comparison: If I 
release my own creations under a permissive license, be it music-theory 
works, music or software, I sometimes am uncomfortable with possible 
perversions and rip-offs as well. But I think the software can endure 
that. My analogy is crime in a society or state. You cannot get rid of 
it except by creating a far more worse situation. Security over freedom. 
A society can and must live with crime, and indeed it does. I think a 
sub-society like open source and linux audio can endure it as well.

2) If will probably move becomes going to move: welcome to Germany! 
:)  If you happen to be in the Cologne area feel free to drop by the 
newly created Cologne Open Source Audio Meeting if you like (next: 
2014-.08-18 , then: 2014-10-15


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Open Source Audio Meeting in Cologne, Germany (User Group)

2014-06-05 Thread Nils

Dear musicians, programmers and normal people,

I plan to create a user group, a regular meeting, in my home town 
Cologne, in Germany.

The first meeting ever will be already on June 18th, 19:00.
After that every two month or so.  There are more dates on the website 
(see below).

Here is a brief website with all the necessary information.  (Any language is welcome but the chances 
are that most people will be from the area and therefore speak German. 
So the page is in German)

If you intend to come you can put your name on this etherpad, but this 
is not required. Anybody can show up.

Topics will be unorganized QA, showing off programs and music, sharing 
knowledge and tips and hopefully one day shorter or longer 
presentations, tutorials, workshops etc.
I expect most people to use Linux but any OS is welcome, therefore I 
named it just Open Source Audio and not Linux Audio.

So if you are in the area please join us! If you are not in the area but 
know people in the area, please tell them.



Despite the domain saying this is an independently and 
privately organized event. It is not intended to replace or get in 
conflict with the Linux Audio Conference.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] looking for commercial sfz sample libraries

2014-05-08 Thread Nils
I am looking for commercial sfz libraries. This means intended and sold 
as sfz, not converted, not user- or script-generated sfz mappings.

The bigger the better.
More expensive: better.
Needs proprietary sfz-extensions/engine? Also fine.

This is not for personal use but for Linux Audio research.

Do you know any?


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Linux Audio Conference on Twitter

2014-05-01 Thread Nils

I try to make some photos and twitter here and there about the linux 
audio conference 2014.

Hashtag is #lac2014
Follow me or write your own!

Have Fun live or with the stream!

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] New kid on the block

2014-04-02 Thread Nils

On 02.04.2014 21:47, Will Godfrey wrote:

I've started making tentative steps towards improving yoshimi

I think this question must be asked:
Why would you want to do that? Just forget Yoshimi and work with the 
original Zyn.

Are there any real advantages (however small!) that Yoshimi has and Zyn not?
And if these would be resolved in Zyn, would you still continue to 
develop and use Yoshimi? (this is a trick question! Answering it yes 
would make you a fanatic person by the definition that all logical 
reaons point against a situation but a person still refuses to accept it)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Release of new WORLD-based voice synthesizer

2014-01-28 Thread Nils Gey
Hi Tobias,

always nice to hear from you and from the virtual singer realm.
Any sound demos for that, yet?


On Tue, 28 Jan 2014 22:53:15 +0100
Tobias Platen wrote:

 WORLD is a free software speech synthesizer on the basis of a Vocoder.
 It has been widely used as a backend for UTAU[1] but it should be also 
 possible to use it as a backend for eSpeak and other accessibility 
 and/or music applications such as the Singing Computer[2]. My modified 
 version of WORLD uses the well known vorbis codec for compression. The 
 world4espeak synthesizer is interface compatible to MBROLA, and can be 
 used to synthesize both singing and speech in real time on a modern 
 computer. It is hosted at [3]. Currently there are no 
 voices yet, a manual how to create voices will be published soon.
 Tobias Platen
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Releasing source code is not enough, I think...

2014-01-20 Thread Nils Gey
On Tue, 21 Jan 2014 05:55:04 +
Filipe Coelho wrote:

 Hi there everyone, specially developers.
 I think we should stop assuming releasing source code is enough.
 [GNU/] Linux is getting more user friendly, and most users are not able 
 to compile software,

I agree. But where, from your standpoint, is the package manager? I found one 
the strong points of Linux is that you have your central installation place.

What I would like to see is a change of culture, more tailored to the users who 
like experimenting and trying new things out:
In Windows I like that it is customary to offer all-in-one binaries, even if 
you only release a super-early techdemo in a forum. 
For me that means: Especially for some super-early tech demos in forums. 
Instead of an undocumented github page where I have to read the code first to 
figure out the dependencies.

Bottom line:
More binaries for small and obscure software, for the time between release and 
adopting into package manager (even if that is years).
In the end I like my pacman and I always find it nice to see that the Arch 
package is there in binary form and not only an AUR script.

 I can make a developer-oriented tutorial on how to use that, so that 
 developers can provide linux binaries to its users.
 Would that be something useful to Linux Audio?

Yes, please do that. 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] forking (was Re: Aeolus)

2013-09-19 Thread Nils Gey
On Thu, 19 Sep 2013 17:35:45 +0200
IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:

 (it became weirder in github times, as i now can see how many people
 (not really many) people create a public fork without *ever* doing
 anything to it...what is that about?)

Just a quick response.
The fork on github is AFAIK intended for something else. Not for stealing 
and rebranding an entire project but for maintaining a working copy which then 
can ask for pull requests upstream, conveniently managed by github and made 
possible by the de-central git philosophy.

Also: The fork button there is easy to click by accident and it is inconvenient 
to remove such a fork from your account. So sometimes forks appear and do 
nothing, just because someone clicked the wrong button.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Aeolus

2013-09-18 Thread Nils Gey
On Wed, 18 Sep 2013 14:29:02 -0700
J. Liles wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Fons Adriaensen f...@linuxaudio.orgwrote:
  Hello all,
  It has come to my attention that there are ATM at least two
  'forks' of Aeolus. The first by the MuseScore team, the second
  by one Maurizio Gavioli.
  Neither of them even had the decency to let me know of their
  work, and both are taking Aeolus in a direction I do not
  approve of. Gavioli has even added his 'copyright' to the
  sources of the libraries that Aeolus depends on but which
  are not part of its source distribution. Apparently the
  intention is to release incompatible versions of those as
  If this is typical for the attitude taken by the Linux Audio
  community then my motivation to contribute to it will take
  a serious blow.
  As announced previously, there will be a fully reworked
  release of Aeolus next year (on the occasion of its 10th
  birthday). Apart from major improvements to the audio code
  it will be completely OSC controlled. None of this will be
  compatible with the forks of course, they'll find themselves
  instantly obsolete. And I will make sure that this sort of
  thing won't happen again, even if that means a more restrictive
 Respectfully, you granted people the right to fork your code in the first
 place. Now you say you might take this right away, but why? How has it
 harmed you or anyone else? Why should you have been notified that a fork
 took place? The whole point of free software is that people can adapt it to
 their needs and share their changes with those with similar needs. If those
 forks are better suited to the task at hand than your original code, then
 people may well use them (and that's a good thing!). If your new release is
 better, people may well use that. Isn't that the point? To help people?
 Plus, if the forks did/do make any improvements that you value, hey, that's
 great merge them, not that I think you'd ever do that ;-)
 We can't all be all things to everybody all the time. The value of your
 projects isn't necessarily in the complete package with your name on it. If
 someone takes your engine and slaps a new interface on it that people like
 better, well, they still use your engine, right? It's hard to put your ego
 aside sometimes, but I really recommend that you do. You've contributed a
 lot to Linux Audio and I'd hate to see that ruined by bruised egos and
 non-free licenses.

This is not about ego, it is about politness are recognition. A part of the 
motivation of creating open source software of any kind is creating a brand 
name from your name. Because there is no other positive feedback then happy 
users and the usage of your software. Other commercial things like getting 
paid, a pat on the back from your boss, some magazine prizes or whatever 
usually don't happen.

And of course forks are an important part of the open source culture and there 
are many reasons to create a fork. But if you do it be polite and nice and 
notify the original author so she or he (in this case fons) can port back 
interesting or good changes. Especially in a scene and community like Linux 
Audio where it is actually possible to know most of the persons names and 
projects by name.
I don't think that is too much to ask for.

I look forward to the new Aeolus version. Thank you, please keep up the good 
work Fons. Many people (I know personally) use your software and are very 
statisfied. Me included.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] GPL cc-by-3.0

2013-06-16 Thread Nils Gey
On Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:04:03 +0200
hermann meyer wrote:

 Am 15.06.2013 19:09, schrieb hermann meyer:
  Am 15.06.2013 18:38, schrieb Nils Gey:
  On Sat Jun 15 18:25:29 2013 hermann meyer wrote:
  Am 15.06.2013 17:47, schrieb Nils Gey:
  On Sat Jun 15 17:01:05 2013 hermann meyer wrote:
  Did anyone here know if the GPL+ v2.0 /v3.0 is compatible with the
  CC-BY v3.0 (unported)
  I only found here
  that the CC-BY-SA v3.0 is compatible, but no mention of the CC-BY
  v3.0 My understanding is that the CC-BY v3.0 has less restrictions
  then the CC-BY-SA version, but I'm a bit unsure.
  Background: I would include some work which is under the CC-BY v3.0
  to my project, which is under the GPL+ v2.0 (or later). I wouldn't
  violate the DFSG, so I would make sure there is no issue at all when
  I'm do so. The Author of the CC-BY v3.0 files is fine with my wishes.
  any hints?
  you can derive a version of the cc-by work, eveb with no
  modifications. You just need to give it a different name and credit
  the original author. Then you can change the license to a compatible
  one. I suggest cc by sa since this adds GPL compatible copyleft.
  Changes on your version need to be relicened as ccbysa then while the
  original ccby version stays untouched.
  This is a general principle: a work which is as freely licensed as cc
  by, public domain or compatible can be relicensed as-is with a more
  strict one.
  Do you believe that it is needed to re-license it, I would prefer to
  leave the license untouched, and include it as it is, if possible.
  My impression now, after reading all the posts about this theme on the
  debian mailing list is, that they didn't make a difference between
  cc-by-sa or just cc-by. They just mention the cc-by-sa on the wikki
  page, because it is more restricted, but open enough.
  Oh, what a hell, those license jungle. :-(
  yes. That is possible. You can do whatever you want with cc by except 
  not giving credit.
  My suggestion assumed you want to be able to modify things and thus 
  are interested in copyleft.
  Well, no, there is no need to modify, and I would give credits, 
  already done on the project page, even if I didn't have upload the 
  files to our repository and will do in the about box as well, when I 
  upload them.
  I just was unsure what the license really mean, and if it is DFSGL 
  compatible. Now, after investigate some time in research, I know, that 
  the debain folks itself didn't know that for themselves, but the usual 
  practice is to accept cc-by since version 3.0 (2.5).
 The best is happen at least,
 I receive the permission from the original author, to re-license the 
 files and distribute them under the terms of the GPL. That's so great, 
 leave all those license jungle behind me.

You didn't even need the permission. That is what I wrote at first: CC-by 
implies that you can relicense the work with a more strict license at any time. 
From cc-by-sa over GPL up to closed source. As long as you keep the authors 
name around. 

Since I don't know the actual code/object/thing we are talking about you might 
have stepped in the jungle yourself now: 
If that work is a binary work like audio data then the GPL is the wrong 
license. GPL is all about source code and its binary form. You can't simply 
redifine other data as source code and then say the rest is GPL.

If the original work was already fitting for CC-by (and not a mislicensed piece 
of code) then CC-by-sa might be much more appropriate, since it is the 
binary-data equivalent of the GPL.

In any case and bottom line: All that matters not if you don't modify. 

Have fun!

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] GPL cc-by-3.0

2013-06-15 Thread Nils Gey
On Sat Jun 15 17:01:05 2013 hermann meyer wrote:
 Did anyone here know if the GPL+ v2.0 /v3.0 is compatible with the CC-BY 
 v3.0 (unported)
 I only found here
 that the CC-BY-SA v3.0 is compatible, but no mention of the CC-BY v3.0
 My understanding is that the CC-BY v3.0 has less restrictions then the 
 CC-BY-SA version, but I'm a bit unsure.
 Background: I would include some work which is under the CC-BY v3.0 to 
 my project, which is under the GPL+ v2.0 (or later). I wouldn't violate 
 the DFSG, so I would make sure there is no issue at all when I'm do so. 
 The Author of the CC-BY v3.0 files is fine with my wishes.
 any hints?

you can derive a version of the cc-by work, eveb with no modifications. You 
just need to give it a different name and credit the original author. Then you 
can change the license to a compatible one. I suggest cc by sa since this adds 
GPL compatible copyleft. Changes on your version need to be relicened as ccbysa 
then while the original ccby version stays untouched.

This is a general principle: a work which is as freely licensed as cc by, 
public domain or compatible can be relicensed as-is with a more strict one.  
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] GPL cc-by-3.0

2013-06-15 Thread Nils Gey
On Sat Jun 15 18:25:29 2013 hermann meyer wrote:
 Am 15.06.2013 17:47, schrieb Nils Gey:
  On Sat Jun 15 17:01:05 2013 hermann meyer wrote:
   Did anyone here know if the GPL+ v2.0 /v3.0 is compatible with the
   CC-BY v3.0 (unported)
   I only found here
   that the CC-BY-SA v3.0 is compatible, but no mention of the CC-BY
   v3.0 My understanding is that the CC-BY v3.0 has less restrictions
   then the CC-BY-SA version, but I'm a bit unsure.
   Background: I would include some work which is under the CC-BY v3.0
   to my project, which is under the GPL+ v2.0 (or later). I wouldn't
   violate the DFSG, so I would make sure there is no issue at all when
   I'm do so. The Author of the CC-BY v3.0 files is fine with my wishes.
   any hints?
  you can derive a version of the cc-by work, eveb with no
  modifications. You just need to give it a different name and credit
  the original author. Then you can change the license to a compatible
  one. I suggest cc by sa since this adds GPL compatible copyleft.
  Changes on your version need to be relicened as ccbysa then while the
  original ccby version stays untouched.
  This is a general principle: a work which is as freely licensed as cc
  by, public domain or compatible can be relicensed as-is with a more
  strict one.
 Do you believe that it is needed to re-license it, I would prefer to 
 leave the license untouched, and include it as it is, if possible.
 My impression now, after reading all the posts about this theme on the 
 debian mailing list is, that they didn't make a difference between 
 cc-by-sa or just cc-by. They just mention the cc-by-sa on the wikki 
 page, because it is more restricted, but open enough.
 Oh, what a hell, those license jungle. :-(

yes. That is possible. You can do whatever you want with cc by except not 
giving credit.

My suggestion assumed you want to be able to modify things and thus are 
interested in copyleft.  

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Laborejo Release version 0.8 (More of the same - Only better)

2013-06-07 Thread Nils Gey
Laborejo 0.8 is released

We are still in Beta.
Streamlining, fixing and making things more robust is the main feature.
However, there are a few new features:
- Swing for Playback mode. In the Performance Signature. 
- More preview and export options, especially for Lilypond
- Jack Transport start and stop sync. (Update calfbox as well!)
- Did you know help screen and splash dialog (optional)

There is a 0.85 release planned which will deal with making containers, 
selections and undo work together properly and implementing the last small 
features on my todo-list.

After 0.85 the plan is to work on speeding up the performance and writing 
documentation and translations. And the usual bugfixes of course.
This will transition smoothly into a stable 1.0 release

Since Laborejo now becomes more useful and usable with each release it became 
fair to accept donations. 
There is now an extra donation page on the website. Please have a look. Your 
support would be much appreciated:

Latest Screenshot:

Download Page:


Nils Gey
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] - Video:Digital Show and Tell - No difference between analog and digitally processed sound.

2013-05-22 Thread Nils Gey
That is a nice video indeed. See also the other video from there A digital 
primer or so.
This was supposed to be my next Share and Care entry for my blog
I guess it doens't hurt to spread knowledge through as many channels as 


On Wed, 22 May 2013 15:08:38 +0100
Barney Holmes wrote:

 Thought the list would find this valuable.
 I was under the impression that there was some fundamental difference
 between the sound of analog and digital audio. But Monty Montgomery of completely annihilates this misconception with some clever use of
 analog sound reference equipment fed through a digital process and then
 out to an analog oscilloscope, vs. feeding direct from analog to the
 oscilloscope. The results are identical. I think Xiph have done the open
 source music community quite a service here because it completely trumps,
 in my opinion, the perception that electronic music put through a digital
 process is somehow inferior to analog music.
 Home site -
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM support: progress, wishlist

2013-05-15 Thread Nils Gey
On Wed, 15 May 2013 18:35:09 +0300
Dan wrote:

 jack-session is specified by jack itself and supported by other
 session managers (e.g. ladish), so indeed, please don't drop
 OTOH it's good to have NSM as an addition.

To my knowledge (from direct IRC interaction with e.g. torben hohn) there is 
very little interest by the original jack-session devs to continue, support and 
fix it.
The moment I heard that I decided for me that the only viable option for 
session management is NSM.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] How do I write meta data into a wave file? (Command line tools?)

2013-05-03 Thread Nils Gey
Hello list,

libsndfile-info shows various useful information like the one at the end of 
this mail.
I have Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra waves here (violins 1) and a one note wave 
includes Midi Note, Loop Count and Cue Start : 92078  End : 223977, which 
is the actual loop start/end

Is this custom data or does it follow a standard?
And no matter what, how do I write that into my own wave files?

I would prefer command line tools. But programming interfaces are fine as well.


$ sndfile-info test.wav 

Version : libsndfile-1.0.25

File : test.wav
Length : 896548
RIFF : 896540
fmt  : 16
  Format: 0x1 = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM
  Channels  : 2
  Sample Rate   : 44100
  Block Align   : 4
  Bit Width : 16
  Bytes/sec : 176400
data : 895916
*** SAUR : 512 (unknown marker)
smpl : 60
  Manufacturer : 0
  Product  : 0
  Period   : 22675 nsec
  Midi Note: 76
  Pitch Fract. : 0
  SMPTE Format : 0
  SMPTE Offset : 00:00:00 00
  Loop Count   : 1
Cue ID :  0  Type :  0  Start : 92078  End : 223977  Fraction : 0  
Count : 0
  Sampler Data : 0

Sample Rate : 44100
Frames  : 223979
Channels: 2
Format  : 0x00010002
Sections: 1
Seekable: TRUE
Duration: 00:00:05.079
Signal Max  : 31468 (-0.35 dB)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Laborejo 0.7: Non-Session-Manager support, Playback Cursor, Numpad Palette

2013-04-20 Thread Nils Gey
Laborejo 0.7 is released.

Together with a new website design comes a new release 
of the Music Notation Workshop.
Besides the usual fixes and small enhancements please focus your attention on 
the following new features:
  -Non Session Manager support. Start Laborejo through the NSM Gui and it will 
be under session management
  -Numpad Palette and corresponding shortcuts. A gui widget shows you what 
musical objects your numpad will insert.
   You can change the palette through the menu or by switching through with 
numpad-plus and numpad-minus.

  -A moving playback cursor, showing you which part of Bachs Kunst der Fuge 
you currently don't understand

Laborejo -Music Notation Workshop- is a graphical user interface for Lilypond, 
a MIDI creator and finally a tool collection to inspire and help you compose. 
You get beautifully engraved notation through Lilypond and nice ways to control 
the playback without ever leaving a notation-based environment.

Latest Screenshot:

Instructions and Download Page:


Nils Gey
#laborejo on
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Python Non-Session-Manager Client Module (version 0.1)

2013-04-03 Thread Nils Gey
Dear Developers,

I've written a convenience interface to implement Non Session Management as 
fast and easy as possible in Python 3 applications. It is no magic programming 
at all, but it makes things just that tiny bit easier that is required to 
actually implement something, and not only plan it.

The real work is to follow the rules of a managed system (see ). So implementing the technical side 
should be a no-brainer to let you focus on the actual task.

pynsmclient is open source under the GPL3 or later and can be found on my 
github page so you can start using it right away. 

I also have written a short article in my blog about that topic


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Laborejo Release 0.6 - Beta phase has started

2013-03-15 Thread Nils Gey
Laborejo, Esperanto for Workshop, is used to craft music through notation. It 
is a Lilypond GUI front-end, a MIDI creator and finally a tool collection to 
inspire and help you compose.

Laborejo 0.6 is released.

It now has an internal soundfont (and sfz) engine, comes with a lightweight 
General Midi sample set and supports jack midi outputs.
New Midi-In implementation.
Parameters and values for both engines are separated. You can use the same file 
for big orchestrated playback with gigabytes over gigabytes of sampled 
instruments and external synthesizers and maintain a parallel General Midi 
version which can be played back even if the samples are not there or running 
(laptop, work in a train, just compose for 10 minutes, send it to friends for 
a preview etc.)

This marks the end of the Alpha phase and beginning of the Beta phase. That 
means the current features are enough to make and handle a reasonable range of 
music and notation and also that the save format is now stable. If you manage 
to save a file you will be able to load it in later versions.

Versions from now up to 1.0 will be only bug fixes and improvements:
Stability, Performance, Documentation, Convenience as well as LookFeel.
(There are a few new features I would like to see in 1.0, but these are 
convenience features that do not disturb the save format or internal data 
format. Read-Only)
Documentation and Translation can now be based on a somewhat stable program. 
Yes, there will be documentation.
Cross Platform versions, stand-alone/portable packages and collaboration with 
distribution package maintainers is now on the Roadmap.

Further information and instructions

Connect to Laborejos Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus!!/Laborejo


Dependencies and Compilation instrunctions:

Start the GUI Editor with:


For commandline parameters:
./laborejo-qt --help

and the Collection Editor with:


Then use the number- and cursor keys for immediate success!
Check Help-Manual for navigational and note/rest entry keys. Everything else 
is in the menus.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Licensed for Sampled Instrument Example / Suggestion

2013-02-28 Thread Nils Gey
Hello Developers,

I have written a short blog post about what I think is the ideal license for 
open source sampled instrument libraries. It is in fact either a CC license or 
GPL, I am not so naive to think I am able to write an entire license, but I 
have added necessary additions and exceptions. 
I am not a lawyer and I have no education or official background in law and 
rights. This is a suggestion, based on my experience with existing licenses and 
the requirements of sample based virtual instrument libraries, a.k.a Samples

I welcome any comments here or in the blog itself since I know that licenses 
are a serious matter. And I don't want to make a fool of myself. I remember 
some weird licenses, even in the linux audio community, and I don't want to 
create one of them :)


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Joining LAD and LAU lists (And: more central instances in a herding-cats community are good)

2013-02-23 Thread Nils Gey
Hello both lists,

I see the reason for a non-discussion announcement list, LAA, but is it really 
necessary to have twp lists?
I know there are several people who only subscribed to one list, but I don't 
know if this is intentional or not.

Why not merge both. The immediate effect would be a stop at the cross posting 
just to reach the whole community.
The mailinglists are from the same service, but I think in the end it would be 
more convenient and better for everyone to have it all in one place.
Yes, I know some of you fear (mostly people in the dev list who do not read 
LAU) that they will get unwanted mails. But as you can tell from experience 
topics like why linux audio sucks, water as fuel and other 
mega/nonsense/offtopic threads get cross posted anyway.
And I know some of you think devs and users should be kept seperated. But be 
honest: Who in the world is subscribed to a linux mailing list and could not 
stend the occasional developers topic. If you want beginner-level support you 
most likely don't know how to use lists :)

Just to be clear: 
I am a friend of diversity and seemingly redundant applications and projects. 
There cannot be enough sequencers, samplers, synthesizer, notation programs 
But when it comes to infrastructure and core building blocks I see no sense in 
seperation. This is the strong point, compared to other operating/eco-systems. 
We may friendly compete on a musical or feature basis, but there is no need to 
border a program just to make it harder for the users to use the program of the 
enemy (from a Windows/OSX POV).

In a Linux-Audio world of diversity and individuality, it is good to have 
central places and instances. We can do whatever we want but unlike the closed 
source world we have no need to create factions and standards that rival with 
each other, creating artificial gaps.

The most successful of these instances is JACK itself. A centralized audio 
server, hailed and praised by everyone.

And since I am writing this mail already, my personal wish list:
Please join the two blog/RSS planets as well 
(, )
Merge Yoshimi and ZynAddSubFx, the JACK versions and experimental forks, the 
session managers/protocols and a few audio distributions which have not enough 
manpower and that can be used to boost the other distributions. 
Joining/Merging also can mean for one side to step down honorable and retire 
the project.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Joining LAD and LAU lists (And: more central instances in a herding-cats community are good)

2013-02-23 Thread Nils Gey
On Sat, 23 Feb 2013 21:53:22 +0100
Nils Gey wrote:

Unvisible to most people in here there was a brief discussion in IRC, plus the 
replies here already, that made me realize some points I had not considered. I 
agree that two lists are not that much and there are probably good reasons to 
keep them seperate. (But crossposting is annoying anyway, in most cases.)

But my other points remain:

 Just to be clear: 
 I am a friend of diversity and seemingly redundant applications and 
 projects. There cannot be enough sequencers, samplers, synthesizer, notation 
 programs etc. 
 But when it comes to infrastructure and core building blocks I see no sense 
 in seperation. This is the strong point, compared to other 
 operating/eco-systems. We may friendly compete on a musical or feature basis, 
 but there is no need to border a program just to make it harder for the users 
 to use the program of the enemy (from a Windows/OSX POV).
 In a Linux-Audio world of diversity and individuality, it is good to have 
 central places and instances. We can do whatever we want but unlike the 
 closed source world we have no need to create factions and standards that 
 rival with each other, creating artificial gaps.
 The most successful of these instances is JACK itself. A centralized audio 
 server, hailed and praised by everyone.
 And since I am writing this mail already, my personal wish list:
 Please join the two blog/RSS planets as well 
 (, )
 Merge Yoshimi and ZynAddSubFx, the JACK versions and experimental forks, the 
 session managers/protocols and a few audio distributions which have not 
 enough manpower and that can be used to boost the other distributions. 
 Joining/Merging also can mean for one side to step down honorable and 
 retire the project.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Interoperability between session management systems

2013-02-23 Thread Nils Gey
On Sat, 23 Feb 2013 14:05:07 -0500
David Robillard wrote:

 I was tinkering with saving sessions in a format that is just a
 directory with a shell script with a standard name (and perhaps some
 standard arguments) which you call to restore or do other things.
 Not sure if that's a really feasible solution in general, but it's
 basically the only way to save sessions in a way that don't require a
 specific session manager to load, and doesn't impose any file formats.

 Actually being able to restore sessions decently from a script requires
 a few more sophisticated jack command line utilities (like a
 jack_connect that can wait for clients and so on), but those are useful

Just a quick thought: How do you get the programs to save their state/file?
Does this not require at least some incoming message handling by the individual 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [ANN] Sqorlatti 0.1.1 (music notation program)

2013-01-11 Thread Nils Gey
On Fri, 11 Jan 2013 07:39:49 +0100
Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:

 On Thursday 10 January 2013 21:18:42 M Donalies wrote:
  It's not so interesting that it compiles on the machine I've been doing the
  development on, but it is interesting that I tested it on 2 other machines
  that don't have all the development tools on them. Either my qmake or my
  make must be more forgiving.
 Probably it is your compiler. Another change that was needed here is adding 
 this line to
 QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -fpermissive

Thanks, I needed that as well. 

Compile successful on Archlinux 64bit GCC 4.7.2, Qt 4.8.4 (Qmake 2.01a)
I have started it now and will try it out.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] What KvR didn´t understand.

2013-01-07 Thread Nils Gey
On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 14:20:16 +0100
Ove Karlsen wrote:

 The Beneficient Open-Source licence:
 It´s still a bit work in progress, but people who generally understand 
 open-source, should be very familier with what it expresses.
 Some small alternations might come, but not the general idea, of 
 releasing as open-source, and the source staying open-source, and that 
 it may be modified to be used alongside other licences, etc. 

This license is build on a lie.:

to benefit humankind, in the path of God

Odin does not exist but is a fairy-tale so you can't base a license his path. 
Better stick with the GPL. 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] What KvR didn´t understand.

2013-01-07 Thread Nils Gey
On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 16:41:34 +0100
Ove Karlsen wrote:

And btw, the gay toilets away you. 

I think that means await.

If you intended to offend me maybe you should not have picked something to say 
which is not offensive at all.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] What KvR didn´t understand.

2013-01-07 Thread Nils Gey
On Mon, 07 Jan 2013 18:15:13 +0100
Ove Karlsen wrote:

 You are hereby banned from heaven.

You don't have the authority to ban anyone from heaven.
Only I have the authority because I am the only living descendent from the 
children of Jesus and Mohammed when they met on the holy toilet.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Writing a music notation editor and need some help with MIDI, Jack, and FluidSynth

2012-12-21 Thread Nils Gey
On Fri, 21 Dec 2012 12:14:36 -0500
M Donalies wrote:

 Notation Editor

Sorry I have no real help for you, but some questions out of curiousity:

Why another notation editor? What are your complaints about the existing ones?
Your mail hints at a guitar centric editor. So include tuxguitar as comparison 
in this question as well.

And are there any screenshots or more text info around?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Laborejo 0.4 release

2012-11-08 Thread Nils Gey
On Fri, 9 Nov 2012 02:18:49 +0100
Dominique Michel wrote:

 Le Tue, 6 Nov 2012 18:36:41 +0100,
 Nils Gey a écrit :
  A wild crosspost appears!
  This is the release of version 0.4
 In order to make a gentoo ebuild, I need a direct link on the tarball.
 Can you provide it?

Thank you very much for your interest!

The tarball is here:

but if possible in gentoo I suggest you create a package/script around the git 
master branch.
I try to always keep it as stable as possible and do my daily work myself with 
this version.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Linux Audio 2012: Is Linux Audio moving forward?

2012-10-12 Thread Nils Gey
So, now that this thread shifted into a hardware/driver discussion and the 
flood of answers has stopped:

Have we learned anything from it?

For my part the conclusion is
make more music
make it public
make other people want to use the same tools as you

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Linux Audio 2012: Is Linux Audio moving forward?

2012-10-12 Thread Nils Gey
On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 17:19:18 +0200
David Olofson wrote:

 On Friday 12 October 2012, at 10.27.39, Nils Gey wrote:
  make more music
  make it public
  make other people want to use the same tools as you
 On that note, some stuff I've done for one of my current projects, Kobo II; 
 chip themed music and sound effects:
 No proper home yet, but the latest release as of now is found here:

It worked! I want to use the same tools as you.
I have searched for somthing like this for a long time.
Downloading the source right now...

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] zretune app added to libzita-resampler

2012-09-25 Thread Nils Gey
On Tue, 25 Sep 2012 11:43:36 +
Fons Adriaensen wrote:

 Hello all,
 Release 1.2.0 of libzita-resampler now include the 'zretune'
 For example 
   zretune --cent 50 input.wav output.wav
 will result in a file that sounds a quarter tone higher
 and is about 1.5 percent shorter.

Can it do the reverse?  The analysis of the current frequency is the hard part, 
not the speeding up and down, which can be done with sox already:
sox 440Hz.wav 432Hz.wav pitch -31

For example, to tune a file to 440hz: 
zretune 440 input.wav output.wav   

or even more convenient, when dealing with equal temperament:

zretune 60 in.wav out.wav

to tune to the frequency of midi key 60, which is the middle C.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24)

2012-09-01 Thread Nils
Please note that the following may sound very
sarcastic, but actually it is not (except the part about my bank
account). I expect this type of work that needs to be done to develop
and create a modern, state-of-the art sample lib like Orchestral
Strings or a Choir incl. wordbuilder from 'scratch', or from our
current Open Source knowledge.
The timespans may be horribly off, but I suspect in the end they would
be longer than speculated here, not shorter.

Am Sat, 1 Sep 2012 14:34:19 +0200
schrieb Emanuel Rumpf
 4. create free, libre sample libraries
 this appears as the most effective stategie and long time solution

It is. So let's begin. 

I am willing to do the lead here. But I need someone who pays me and a
small team of developers and recording engineers for about 3 years. 

I will drop everything what I am doing right now and concentrate fully
on this job. Whoever pays please write me a private mail and I'll send
you my contact and bank account data. 

More expenses: ~50 musicians for a shorter timespan (maybe a few weeks
or months, taking into account that there is maybe no actual knowledge
of the recording process for this task so we need to experiment more) to
do the actual recordings, recording equipment, computers, workspace and
renting places/studio to record.

The first months will be only research and design, then two
years you would not see anything except changes in git account because
we need to develop an open sampling format and a GPL engine/sample
host. And then the recording and post processing. 

Given that this would be a GPL and CC-By (or similar) project, already
paid in advanced, mouth-to-mouth propaganda about a zero-cost and open
source lib will do all the marketing. 

My alternative plan would be to do 10 to 20 years of long-time research
on physical modelling of instruments, instrument groups and an A.I.
musical interpreter.
Longer timespan, but in the end everything real and unreal will be
possible and the sampling-era will be over.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24) - Once again free samples, this time more uplifting

2012-09-01 Thread Nils
On Sun, 2 Sep 2012 00:13:37 +0200
Florian Schirmer wrote:
 Besides the technical problem there is also a legal problem involved here. To 
 protect the IP of sample developers the instruments sold by 3rd party 
 developers are encrypted.
 My guess would be that using something like Autosampler to capture a certain 
 snapshot of a library and convert that into something that your favorite can 
 read is by far the most promising solution. But of course this depends on 
 what you're looking for.

What I am really looking for is an open format, of course I don't expect this 
from you/your company :)

Since I do not own windows, kontakt or any kontakt instruments (which wouldn't 
make sense without the OS in the beginning) my contact with Kontakt is only 
through freebies. Since most of them are easy-to-record, one-shot (count=1 in 
sfz syntax) percussion samples it is no problem to create a sfz by hand (or 
scripts) for the plain wave files, once you have the license. This format is 
good enough for these type of home-made samples.

What I hope to learn, partly through finding out how the kontakt format works, 
is what the format can do and how people create/record instruments for it or in 
other words: What is a good recording basis for good instruments, since the 
programming and scripting part is much more forgivable to errors. 

This would be the complementary approach to my own: I am not a programmer but 
composer and music theorist (Student Tonsatz, Musikhochschule Köln) so I don't 
think that much in algorhithms and scripts but more from the music and 
instruments point of view and how to elementarize and abstract the playing 
styles and only as second step how to script that.

When it comes to Kontakt itself a practical approach would be ok as well. If 
there is a native kontakt version I can live with the closed eco system as well.

I have one important technical question for you: Is the Kontakt instrument 
format purely interpreted or is there some binary executable in it? That is: 
Given that there is an (official) host implementation native to Linux would all 
the instrument run at once or would the sample authors be required to adjust 
their instruments and re-release?

If it is 100% interpreted and OS-independent then the market simply increases 
with Linux, without additional effort for the 3rd party instrument developers.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24)

2012-09-01 Thread Nils
Am Sat, 1 Sep 2012 23:44:38 +0200
schrieb Florian Schirmer

 Hi Harry,
 i'm curious, what exactly would be the linux version of Kontakt?
 Kontakt VST for Linux? Standalone? DSSI? LV2?
 What is necessary to cover 95% of the users?

Like others said before: DSSI is legacy and Linux VST is not a beloved
child because of the legal issues that might arise even with the now
free GPL headers. 

Pianoteq did it Jack Standalone which is fine. But I think LV2 is even
better, not because out of convenience, since we have good
inter-application session management now, but because it fits more
usecases, therefore getting closer to the 95% mark:

A simple LV2 standalone host, which exist, 'converts' any LV2 plugin
into a JACK Standlone program without any additional latency, problems
But the reverse is not true afaik. You can't run Pianoteq as plugin
in Ardour or Qtractor because it is not one and end of the story.

But don't listen to me. The people who develop JACK standalone and LV2
plugins are fare more capable to give a real and technical answer, not
something from a simple user perspective. 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24)

2012-08-31 Thread Nils
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 07:58:07 -0400
Paul Davis wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 5:12 AM, John Rigg wrote:
  Thanks for taking the initiative on this. The lack of high quality
  samples usable on a Linux system has been quite a problem.
 this is subtle, but i'd like to point out that the problem is actually
 slightly more specific than that. from my perspective, it is really the
 lack of high quality samples usable outside of the sample playback engine
 with which they were originally associated. if you don't have kontakt, you
 can't play kontakt sample libraries regardless of the platform you're on.
 but yay for anyone working to change this situation.

The direct and naive solution would be a reversed engineered kontakt sample 
engine, yes.
Very naive.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24)

2012-08-31 Thread Nils
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 14:43:13 +0100
Harry van Haaren wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 1:03 PM, Nils wrote:
  The direct and naive solution would be a reversed engineered kontakt
  sample engine, yes.
  Very naive.
 The community could approach NI and ask if they're intrested in supporting
 a Linux version of Kontact? I volunteer to write the email, and if they
 laugh then what harm done...

Regardless if it was done or in the past or not It would be very nice of you to 
write an email to them.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] CC-by-sa licensed samples/instrument plugins

2012-08-31 Thread Nils
As you may know from the other sampling thread here on this list I have written 
several emails to sample developers over the last two days and suggested 
CC-By-Sa as sampling license. 

Clearly the intention of sample developers, they all write it in their currenct 
licenses, is that the resulting music is not part of the samples license. e.g. 
it is not considered a derived work. 

But for Creative Commons ShareAlike? Is music a derived work from samples under 

If yes I made a dumb error which could have negative impact on further talk 
with those developers since I was obviously talking about things I didn't know 
enough about.

Also if yes: Is there even a pre-packaged license that allows:
-Music or other resulting works are not derived works and the following 
conditions do not apply to the music itself.
-Sharing the sample packages is allowed
-Editing, Repackaging (sf2-sfz) etc. is allowed
-Selling the sample package itself is allowed or not (two different flavours)

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] CC-by-sa licensed samples/instrument plugins

2012-08-31 Thread Nils
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 19:56:27 +0400
Alexandre Prokoudine wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Nils wrote:
  But for Creative Commons ShareAlike? Is music a derived work from samples 
  under cc-by-sa?
 Is your video a derivative work from fonts that you used in titles?
 Should your document be property of Microsoft, if you used Times New
 Roman in a Word file?
 What do you think? :)
 Alexandre Prokoudine

For fonts this is clearer, at least if they use a license like SIL Open Font 
where it is explicitely stated that documents are not derived works.

But the full text version of the cc-by-sa license is at best vague. 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] CC-by-sa licensed samples/instrument plugins

2012-08-31 Thread Nils
On Fri, 31 Aug 2012 18:08:20 +0200
Luis Garrido wrote:

 On 08/31/2012 05:44 PM, Nils wrote:
   Also if yes: Is there even a pre-packaged license that allows:
 There is this one, not sure if it fits your purposes, it can probably be 
 flavored like most CC licenses:

It is retired. 
but more important there is no share alike. Sampling Plus is more like CC-by- 
NC(except for musical results)

But one could add To sample, mash-up, or otherwise creatively transform this 
work for commercial or noncommercial purposes to CC-by-sa
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Kontakt sampler format (and others like EXS24) - Once again free samples, this time more uplifting

2012-08-30 Thread Nils
Hello lists,

(if you are note exited by freeing sampled instruments but only by the 
technical aspect skip to the line But back to the topic:)

I am doing a research and mail marathon right now. Again I am searching for 
more or less open source and free samples but this time I decided to browse 
more free things website archives.
So far I found a handful of, more or less useful and nice, instruments or 
noise packs with a good license.

Even better is that I try to contact as many instrument developers as possible 
per mail, asking them to release their already free-of-cost instrument under a 
more open license. Or if the license may be open alreaday but is unclear 
(sample licenses can be quite confusing if you press them into the Creative 
Commons frame) I asked for clarification.

Surprisingly already several people answered which resulted in the freedom of 
some packs and, best of all, the producer with one of the closest and 
permissive statements (but otherwise very good) of all contacted me very 
quickly and said they want their free instruments as open as possible and the 
closed licenses were a misunderstanding, only for their fully commercial 

I'll release a list with download links on my blog in the near 
future. If the linux audio community has enough webspace we could even mirror 
most of them. Part of my mails is always the permission to redistribute and 
mirror download. You don't believe how many say do what you want with these 
samples, but you are only allowed to download them exactly here. If tommorow 
this website will be gone there is no legal way to get the samples anymore

But back to the topic: 

Sadly many of those instruments are in .nki or .nk* format which is the Kontakt 
Player or Kontakt Something Fullversion format. 
The wave samples are (often? by design?) there as plain files, but it is hard 
work to guess how they should be arranged and what is needed. As far as I know 
the kontakt format has more features, such as scripting, than sfz, which is 
currently the Linux sample flagship. I hope I am wrong here.

I know there are sample converter programs (for Windows) like Chicken 
Translator or the W. Grabowski Extreme Sample Converter. I have used them and 
even simple conversions like sf2 to gig, or gig to sfz were always a bit odd or 
plain wrong. They have menu entries for Kontakt and EXS24 (the Apple Logic 
Sampler format, you see that quite often as well) but I don't believe that will 
actually produce accurate conversions.

Is there someone who knows more about these formats? Even if it is not possible 
to write a sampler engine (it would not be the first [partly]binary, closed 
format loaded by open source software) maybe there is at least a way to get all 
the needed information to convert/correct them by hand or individual scripts.

For the more pragmatical, non-100%-idealist people, that would be a major step 
in general Linux Audio mainstream direction. For the last years and currently 
many instruments are samples which seem to be interpreted data (I hope I am not 
wrong here). This is not the windows-VST problem but actually solvable without 
recompiling and re-releasing even the major commercial instruments.

so far...


P.S. I got some packs which are just wave files or the nki files seem to 
trigger just one-shot samples. I thought about creating .sfz files for them. 
Any help would be welcome. I already have a github repository up with two 
projects (WIP), so contact me here per mail or IRC #lad if you are interested.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Lisalo 1.4 Release

2012-08-01 Thread Nils
Lisalo - Linux Sampler Loader - is a command line program that loads entire 
directories of sample files, a single .sfz file or takes instructions from a 
meta .lsl file with relative paths to samples. Now you can quickly and easily 
load sampled instruments without even starting a GUI. 

This is release 1.4, grab it here, no installation required
git clone git://   

[New Features] 
-Jack Autoconnect-Port for the stereo sum/mix channels can be given from the 
command line
-Can start Linuxsampler with a given server-address and port, which makes 
multiple instances possible
-Jack Midi In for autoconnection is a commandline parameter. 

There is only so much you can implement into a tool that aims to be small by 
This marks my feature complete milestone. Future releases will be bugfixes.

One example what you can do now:
I use it to load the Salamander Piano shortly after boot and connect it to my 
ALSA midi port (which is always on, no matter if the keyboard itself is 
switched on or not). I now have instant piano sound whenever I switch my 
keyboard on. It does not conflict with other lisalo or Linuxsampler sessions.

With this lovely one liner:

 -m alsa_pcm:Hammerfall-DSP/midi_capture_1 -p  -m Salamander  /dev/null

info@... #laborejo 

Feedback and chatting are welcome! 

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Linux Audio Companies

2012-07-23 Thread Nils
On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 14:45:13 +0200 (CEST)
Patrick Shirkey wrote:

 If you have a company or know of someone who has a company that uses Linux
 Audio tools/software to enable productivity can you please send me the
 following info:
 Company Name
 Business Expertise

Yes, here
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] Lisalo -Linux Sampler Loader- 1.2 Release. Now with sidekick tool to load directories with wavs and oggs

2012-07-10 Thread Nils
On Sat, 7 Jul 2012 09:39:04 +0200 (CEST)
Julien Claassen wrote:

 Hello Nils!
I do like the way, this is going. One question about the sidekick tool: 
 create the sfz-file in temp and not in the current directory? OK, it's 
 supposed to be a temporary file, but the other main expectation is, that 
 programs create files in the current working directory. Just wondering...
Otherwise it's great!
Warmly yours

The are new features now which marks version 1.4.
Instead of a temp file you cn create a regular sfz file with relative paths. 
Example: path/to/samples -o path/to/output.sfz 

The working directory is not a good idea here because the path you give for 
output.sfz (which can be the working directory of course. Just give the 
filename without any paths) is the root path for the sfz internally. 

Also new: If you use with a single wave or ogg file, 
instead of a sample directory, you get that sample mappend and transposed over 
the whole keyboard range. If you choose to load a single file the -k number 
parameter will be the root, the center of the sample mapping. 

Example to load a recorded piano middle C to the right keys: pianoC.wav -k 60

Example to load a Glockenspiel middle C (note off is ignored aka. percussive 
mode) pianoC.wav -pr -k 60

Of course all this in in the -h parameters.

There is also a small convenience program called
lisalo-quickload-samples which will start directly start Linuxsampler through 
Lisalo with your wave dir/file.

lisalo-quickload-samples foo.wav

-k and -p work here as well.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Lisalo -Linux Sampler Loader- 1.2 Release. Now with sidekick tool to load directories with wavs and oggs

2012-07-06 Thread Nils
Lisalo - Linux Sampler Loader - is a command line program that loads entire 
directories of sample files, a single .sfz file or takes instructions from a 
meta .lsl file with relative paths to samples.
Now you can quickly and easily load sampled instruments without even starting a 

This is release 1.2, grab it here, no installation required (but you can 
symlink it to /usr/bin if you want)
git clone git://  

[New Features]
lsl mode (see example.lsl)
-Choose an instrument index when loading gig or sf2 samples
-Load a directory with waves and oggs as one instrument.
-Choose a name for your JACK port

commandline mode (see -h or cat README)
-option to specify a name for your JACK port.
-directly load a single sfz file instead of a whole directory or a meta lsl 
file (auto detection by file extension)
-this sfz file can be a temp file created by Lisalos sidekick:

[New Tool - Sfz Generator]
Creates temporary sfz files. Point to a directory of wave or ogg files and 
you'll get the filename of an .sfz file in /tmp as return value.
In case you want to use this with Lisalo use the following syntax:
lisalo $( /path/to/wavedir)

This has several optional options such as: Start mapping from a key number 
(default 60 - middle c), only map the white keys, load sample dir recursively 
(don't point at your /home/samples or at an Ardour project dir!)

[Contact] #laborejo

Python3 (Developed and tested under 3.2.2)
Linuxsampler (no GUI required)

Feedback and idle chatting are welcome!

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [LAU] Lisalo 1.0 - LinuxSampler Loader (Working File for Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra included)

2012-06-22 Thread Nils
On Fri, 22 Jun 2012 16:25:19 +0200 (CEST)
Julien Claassen wrote:

 Hello Nils!
Thanks you for this program. It might be of some use to me. I wonder, how 
 much work it would be to extend its capacity to also load gig or sf2 files 
 with LinuxSampler.
Well, this is luxury. First of all thanks for a nice addition to CLI based 
 Linux audio tools.
Warmly yours
 Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
 Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!
 ==  Find my music at  ==
 If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
 so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)

I wrote sfz in the example. But it is nearly fit for sf2 and gig. Nearly 
because it only loads the first instrument in these files.
This e-mail is my break from implementing this feature. Ready in a few minutes, 
I'm in the testing phase right now. 
If you want to test it contact me in #laborejo or #lad in freenode.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Laborejo Release 0.2 Announcement

2012-04-07 Thread Nils
Exactly one month after the first release, here is Laborejo 0.2!

Laborejo, Esperanto for Workshop, is used to craft music through
notation. It is a Lilypond GUI frontend, a MIDI creator and finally a
tool collection to inspire and help you compose. It works by reducing
music-redundancy and by seperating layout and data.

The next release is scheduled for May, 8th. One month from now.

Before you read the details make sure to connect to Laborejos Facebook,
Twitter or Google Plus!!/Laborejo

Screenshot (Laborejo and Lilypond, side by side):

This is the release of version 0.2

Linux Instructions: Unpack, cd into the created directoy, execute:

Then use the number- and cursor keys for immediate success! 
Check Help-Manual for navigational and note/rest entry keys.
Everything else is in the menus.

New since version 0.1:
- Repeats, Alternate Ends and Jumps in various forms. The main Feature
for this release.
- Playback Trigger (Only reduce volume in the second repeat or Mute
track if python weather module reports rain)
- Master Track (Merges with every other Track. Use to structure your
piece, make global changes, change tempo etc.)
- Various Commands like Join Selection to Chord and Add Octave to
- The usual breadbutter bugfixing and improving.

Most important known problems:
* This is Alpha Grade Software. Don't use for long-term work. However,
the produced midis and PDFs will last forever.
* There is no built-in jack midi output yet. You have to export midi
* Documentation is nearly non-existent.

Have fun, it would be nice to hear from you!

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] NSM - handling large files

2012-04-03 Thread Nils
On Tue, 3 Apr 2012 07:04:55 +
Emanuel Rumpf wrote many things.


why don't you write your own Session Manager (Protocol)?
You seem to be very knowledgable.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Midi Channel routing with hardware?

2012-03-22 Thread Nils
Hello list,

tl;dr: Is there a cheap midi hardware that just gets midi information in and 
routes it out, except on a different, single, channel which I can change easily 
up and down directly on the hardware? 

Long version:
Recently my master keyboard broke. It was just a cheap, used m-audio keystation 
49e. I did not buy a new master-keyboard because I have a Roland HP207e digital 
piano here which is vastly superior when it comes to actual playing. Sadly not 
to control midi data.

I have a Behringer BCF2000 here which I connected to my keyboard now, so I 
should be able to do something with it, but there is one thing missing: Channel 

Anybody who worked with Linuxsampler knows that channel switching is very 
important to switch instruments, while program changes are neglectable.

So maybe there is a way to use my piano, which always sends on the first 
channel (except I dive into inaccessible menus) if
a) I find a way to shortcut the change channel command, but I don't know how. 
It has midi in and a usb connector, but that is not used to control it, just to 
send and receive midi data. Incoming data gets interpreted like a sampler does.

b) There is a way to use my BCF2000. I am very inexperienced with that thing.

c) There is a cheap standalone hardware, just a little box, I can plugin 
between my linux box and the piano, which re-routes the midi data, like I 
mentioned in the short version above.

d) I build something myself, a small linux plug computer where I somehow attach 
two buttons (ch up and dow) and use the usb connections. At least the cables 
are cheaper :)  But this is the most unrealistic method, although it might be 
the most interesting one.

Maybe you know something?


P.S. I know I can do the channel routing directly on my linux computer, after 
receiving the data and before sending it to a sampler. But that is inconvenient.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Laborejo Release 0.1 Announcement

2012-03-07 Thread Nils
Laborejo, Esperanto for Workshop, is used to craft music through notation. 

It is a Lilypond GUI frontend, a MIDI creator and finally a tool collection to 
inspire and help you compose.
It works by reducing music-redundancy and by seperating layout and data. Don't 
worry about the layout, just concentrate on the music.

Screenshot (Laborejo and Lilypond, side by side):

This is the first release, version number 0.1

There are too many features to mention them all and too many missing features 
and bugs to warn you. Most important known problems:
* This is Alpha Grade Software. Don't use for long-term work. However, the 
produced midis and PDFs will last forever.
* Performance can get bad very quickly if you use Containers.
* There is no built-in sophisticated midi player/jack midi output yet. You have 
to export midi files.
* Documentation is nearly non-existent.

Have fun, it would be nice to hear from you!

(All kinds of crazy social web services are linked there!)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Music made with Linux: Airship - A 16bit Soundtrack Theme

2012-02-29 Thread Nils
Hello list,

I would like to share a piece I've just finished.
The original blog entry is here, but for your convenience I'll include a copy 
into this mail.
Feel free to use any channel you want if you would like to comment on it.

Airship - A 16bit Soundtrack Theme
direct download:

I have finished my first just-for-fun composition since a very long time ago. 
It is a game-soundtrack like piece I named “Airship”. I can imagine this in a 
Japanese 90’s RPG from the SNES or Sega Genesis/MegaDrive era.

Software used: Laborejo composition and midi generation, Fluidsynth for midi to 
wave rendering and Ardour for the fadeout :) .

I used an .sf2 called Setzers SPC which I have downloaded here. I am not sure 
about the soundfonts legal status so I am careful and release the Airship Theme 
not as a free piece but just as: Listen to it freely, share and redistribute it 
but don’t use it in any work, derived or original, or as part of a game or 
video etc. Don’t do anything commercial with it and don’t change the mp3 tags. 
If you find a named, matching License to this description feel free to use that 

I would be very happy if you leave a comment or click this blogs “Like” button.


Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Help needed to find a system/graphics related bug in my Music Notation Editor. (Little time and effort for you)

2012-01-19 Thread Nils
Hello list!

For those who have PyQt4 for Python3 installed:
I have a software, a Music Notation Editor,  that can start in a one-liner and 
I need to find a bug that only occurs on some systems.

git clone git://  cd Laborejo  

This will download and run my software Laborejo as normal user without 
installing anything*. The only dependency is pyqt and git to download it 

You will see 5 lines and a symbol. The symbol must be perfectly alingned within 
the five lines (one pixel above can be tolerated). It should look like this:
Do you see that symbol shifted up or down or is it correct?

Could you please answer me with the following information attached: Your 
graphic driver (type (ati, nvidia, intel etc. and closed or open source?) and 
desktop enviroment/window manager (Gnome, KDE, xfce, i3 etc.). If you want to 
add more information like qt version or X-Server it would be nice as well. 
Everything display related helps:
I believe closed nvidia drivers will shift the symbol. I tested it myself on 
ati and intel graphics, both 32 and 64 bit and it looked good, both on Linux 
and Windows. Other users with ati and intel GPU's had no problem. But two 
persons with an nvidia card had the wrong display. 

It would be very nice to hear from you!


*The only modifications to your system are new dir .laborejo in your home 
directory and the downloaded files via git.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Solved! Re: Help needed to find a system/graphics related bug in my Music Notation Editor. (Little time and effort for you)

2012-01-19 Thread Nils
With much help from the Archlinux Mailing List (they all have Python3) I think 
I have found the problem and its solution.
Fontscaling in the graphic area for different dpi than 96x96 is now forbidden. 
The fonts remain the same pixel size.
You are still very welcome to try it out! I hope that everybody now has the 
correct scaling and shifting.

Thank you all for trying!


On Thu, 19 Jan 2012 19:18:23 +0100
Nils wrote:

 Hello list!
 For those who have PyQt4 for Python3 installed:
 I have a software, a Music Notation Editor,  that can start in a one-liner 
 and I need to find a bug that only occurs on some systems.
 git clone git://  cd Laborejo  
 This will download and run my software Laborejo as normal user without 
 installing anything*. The only dependency is pyqt and git to download it 
 You will see 5 lines and a symbol. The symbol must be perfectly alingned 
 within the five lines (one pixel above can be tolerated). It should look like 
 Do you see that symbol shifted up or down or is it correct?
 Could you please answer me with the following information attached: Your 
 graphic driver (type (ati, nvidia, intel etc. and closed or open source?) 
 and desktop enviroment/window manager (Gnome, KDE, xfce, i3 etc.). If you 
 want to add more information like qt version or X-Server it would be nice as 
 well. Everything display related helps:
 I believe closed nvidia drivers will shift the symbol. I tested it myself on 
 ati and intel graphics, both 32 and 64 bit and it looked good, both on Linux 
 and Windows. Other users with ati and intel GPU's had no problem. But two 
 persons with an nvidia card had the wrong display. 
 It would be very nice to hear from you!
 *The only modifications to your system are new dir .laborejo in your home 
 directory and the downloaded files via git.
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] [OT] Statistics about usage of GUI toolkits

2012-01-06 Thread Nils
Maybe you can query a Distribution and its package system for dependencies.
List the deps for all packages, grep for the toolkit names, count the lines.
Eventhough Archlinux AUR and Gentoo may have more packages many of them are 
duplicates (git versions etc.) so maybe you want a binary-only distribution 
like Debian. Exclude the devel-packages here.

I am personally interested if qt + kde or gtk is more frequent. I like both.:)

If this is not about Linux the answer is The native windows api/toolkit.


On Sat, 7 Jan 2012 00:10:55 +0100 (CET)
Julien Claassen wrote:

 Hello everyone!
Does anyone of you know about a good resource for statistical info about 
 used graphical toolkits? So which toolkits are used the most. Including all 
 platforms would be nice, but info on Linux-based toolkits would be a good 
Thanks and kind regards
 Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
 Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!
 ==  Find my music at  ==
 If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
 so I never have to live without you. (Winnie the Pooh)
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list


2012-01-04 Thread Nils
Hello lists,

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with FOSDEM.

who is going to attend the FOSDEM Open Source Developers meeting in 
Brussels(Belgium) on 4./5. February?
There is no registration or fee (but you can donate).

Since the LAC is in the USA this year maybe not many Europeans have the money 
to travel there, this could be an opportunity to meet anyway.

I think I will go, somebody announced an inofficial Music Notation Meeting on 
the Lilypond mailing list.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Denemo version 0.9.0 has been released.

2011-04-28 Thread Nils
Denemo version 0.9.0 has been released.

Denemo is a program for inputting music notation.
The music being entered is displayed as conventional music notation and
can be typeset via GNU LilyPond and played via internal synthesizer.
Scheme scripting allows the user to generate music tests, music training
exercises and some educational games are included.

This is a major release filling out many features, fixing lots of minor
irritations in earlier versions and providing powerful features
unavailable from any other notation editor.

  * New features in this version: 
  * Undo and Redo 
  * Undoes all work on any movement with depth limited only
by (virtual) memory size. 
  * Re-do any number of Undo steps. 
  * Chord Entry from MIDI keyboard 
  * Auto advance of cursor 
  * With status on MIDI-in status bar 
  * Auto-notate chordal accompaniment 
  * Conductor 
  * Drive the playback with the mouse, pause, speed up, slow
down just by moving the mouse 
  * Works with looping/editing enabling you to listen in
detail as you step through a passage 
  * Play Along 
  * Choose one part to play via MIDI in, Denemo plays the
rest waiting for you if you pause 
  * Works with recording, so you can add improvisations 
  * MIDI shortcuts 
  * Delete Selection without removing empty measures 
  * Standalone Fermata: On barlines, other objects, between notes
  * Small / Half sized Barline 
  * Phrasing Slurs 
  * Five Presets for different Voices (1-4 and Automatic),
resembling Lilyponds \voiceOne \voiceTwo etc. 
  * Separate Export command for saving LilyPond, MIDI 
  * save a copy of the score while continuing to work on the
  * Accompanist's Score 
  * Scrolling and zooming for the Print Preview window 
  * Lilypond Importer: 
  * Fermata 
  * Partial / Upbeat / Anacrusis 
  * Tied notes 
  * Custom beaming (Lilypond brackets [ ]) 
  * Staff/Instrument names and short instrument names 
  * Staff Groups 
  * Staff Groups now each have their own command 
  * Added GrandStaff grouping 
  * Help Frame to show key bindings and other info directly in
  * New set of (real, physical) transpose/shift commands 
  * Arbitrary transposition - specify two notes or the name
of the interval 
  * Tonal step up / down (stay in key) 
  * Real whole tone up / down (tranposition) 
  * Real half tone up / down (tranposition) 
  * Real octave up / down (tranposition) 
  * Join Music Objects: Create a new note from a selection of
  * Join Music Objects 2: Create a new chord with all
pitches and the sum of a selection 
  * Support for all notehead-styles Lilypond offers (default, cross,
mensural, diamond, slashs and more) 
  * Create chords with interval-based commands and shortcuts (major
7th, minor 3rd, perfect 5 and so on) 
  * NotationMagick 
  * Reverse selected notes 
  * Mirror selected notes on any axis, e.g.
  * Sort selected notes according to pitch, ascending and
  * Shuffle selected notes. 
  * Generate rhythms from strings, converted to ascii binary
numbers used as rhythm. 
  * Lyrics 
  * Fix overlapping display 
  * Allow scripted insertion of lyrics 
  * Paste arbitrary lyrics including accents, multiple words
to one note, multiple notes to a syllable. 
  * Paste 
  * rewritten: more robust and faster 
  * deactivated playback of pasted content 
  * new variant to replace the selection 
  * Figured Bass 
  * Improve display, can now be used to play off screen 
  * Educational 
  * Handel's Figured Bass exercises: Play in, then Denemo
analyzes your realization for consecutive 5ths and

Known Issues for this version: 
  * Playback does not get priority over other tasks. This will be
addressed in the course of gsoc 2011.
  * Not all LilyPond features are directly available via the GUI.

   Here are the compressed sources (from a mirror) :

If automatic redirection fails, the list of mirrors is at:

Or if need be you can use the main GNU ftp server:

[LAD] Denemo is searching for a student for the Google Summer of Code (5000$)

2011-03-22 Thread Nils
Hello list!

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a global program that offers student developers 
stipends to write code for various open source software projects. A 
participating student gets 5000$ for ca. three months of work. [Link 1]

Denemo is participating and we would like to encourage possible students to 
contact us through our mailinglist [see attached link 2] or #denemo on 

Our top priority project is the following, but we are also ready for student 

Make midi/audio output realtime-capable

Denemo creates MIDI messages to use them with its internal Fluidsynth-sampler 
or send them out via the Jack Audio Connection Kit. This procedure is not 
realtime-safe yet. Graphical computation and controlling Denemo during playback 
creates playback-glitches. In order to fix this the midi/audio subsystem should 
run in its own realtime-thread and get priority. Needed student skills: 
Programming in C, experience in threads and realtime programming. Useful: 
Knowledge of MIDI and the Jack Audio Connection Kit.


If you are not a student feel free do contact us anyway and help Denemo like 
the rest of the team :)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Denemo 0.8.18 Release - Free and Open Music Notation Editor

2010-07-08 Thread Nils Hammerfest
Get Denemo 0.8.18 

Release Notes:

-Default behavior is now non-modal 
 * You can choose one out of four Shortcut systems, including the Classic one.
 * an easy to understand and very slick interface via keyboard 
 * seamless integration with MIDI controllers 

-Better Paste command. 
-Musical Snippets - store musical riffs/motifs to be pasted at will or as 
rhythmic templates for playing over.

Maximize the space for the score (with/without user's choice of menus). 
 * Standard View - window size, zoom, number of systems etc
 * No-Menu version of this view
 * Page View - user chooses a window size, zoom and number of systems, which is 
stored with the movement for instant recall.
 * Single keyboard shortcut for toggling between these views (Esc by default).

-MIDI transport work for JACK users.
-Fix Chord Symbols for music starting with triplets, grace notes etc.
-Fix display of dotted rests
-Arbitrary Tuplets built in: correct MIDI output as well as engraving, of 
-Diatonic Transposition: Shift notes and chords up and down respecting the 
current key signature.
-Support for figured bass extenders, including those with no starting figure.
-Cursor can be highlighted, making it easier to locate
-Page turning is animated: as the last line starts to play, the page visibly 
turns at the top.
-Purely rhythmic notes playback using percussion - click tracks more easily 
-Split Notes and Chords to smaller notes while preserving the original duration 
(make a quarter note two 8th or tuplet of 8th or 7-tuplet)
-Duplicate a Note or Chord as command
-Command line interface for interactive scheme use
-Support for the French clef (G on bottom line)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] remember ??

2010-06-23 Thread Nils Hammerfest
Autotune should be used to correct people who always sing without inner organic 
strength which results in slightly too low intonation, just a few Hz up and the 
whole thing gets more power.
On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 22:12:50 +0200 wrote:

 Hello all,
 those of you who attended LAC2009 will recognise the Sala
 Bianca and lovely metal girl Giorgia:
 Enjoy !
 O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
 E guerra e morte !
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

Re: [LAD] GPL and plugins

2010-06-21 Thread Nils Hammerfest

in Denemo, which is GPL, ( we had a similar problem. Our 
plugins are scripted scheme code and scheme is just a language. So what about 
user scripts? Are they just programs and the author can decide or are they GPL, 
Since we are GNU we could ask the bosses directly :)

In our case Denemo exports special Scheme commands from C so you have to use 
them which makes the scripts a derived work under GPL, which is nice because we 
don't need the authors permission to include it in our website or integrate it 
in our mainline command set.
The key here is that our plugins can only be run with one host, Denemo. 

So this is an example the other way around, that the GPL (intends to/) covers 
plugins if they are derived in a way that they are only runnable for a single 
host software. 


On Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:13:33 +0100
Victor Lazzarini wrote:

 A simple question: can GPL plugins be loaded into non-free hosts?
 This may appear a stupid question, but given the fact that non-free  
 code can't link to GPL binaries, what is the story with dynamic modules?
 Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Search: Free, Crossplatform Soundlib for a game

2010-01-16 Thread Nils Hammerfest

I search for a free and open source sound/music lib to integrate sound and 
music in a game.
The game runs on Lin/Win32/OSX so it has to be crossplatform.

I know openAL, but this is too big and tons of people have problems with it.

Anything slimmer around?

Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Thoughts on a midi-sequencer based on notation.

2009-04-22 Thread Nils Gey
(Sorry for crossposting, but according to the statistics there are many people 
who are in only one list and I want to hear the opinion of both devs and users)

Hi people,

If would like you to have a look at my initial thoughts about live-midi with 
notation, or the developing of a notation-based midi sequencer (for Denemo). It 
would be interesting to hear your thoughts, additions or comments (besides You 
made a spelling/grammatical error).!#Live_MIDI_out

Of course if you are interested in this or other things your help would be 
welcome, we are always searching for help @ Denemo. Denemo is a Open Source 
Music Notation Editor, based on lilypond and written in C. (And I know no 
better one :)


Nils Gey
Linux-audio-dev mailing list

[LAD] Denemo 0.8 Release -

2008-10-19 Thread Nils Gey
Dear linux audio users and developers,

Short version:
Denemo 0.8 is fresh, hot and avaible now! Grab your tarball @ (Windows binaries
will join in later) and have a look at our newest features including
full scripting support!

If you are a programmer please help us to give Denemo
JACKmidi/JACKtransport support so that its capable of blending with the
rest of Linux-pro-audio. For contact, feature requests, bug reports and
further information please visit

Interesting version:
Denemo is a music notation program for Linux and Windows (and MacOS
some time ago) that lets you rapidly enter notation for typesetting via
the LilyPond music engraver (because Lilypond is the reference and
there is no sense in coding your own WYSIWYG notation apps). Its mainly
controlled via your pc-keyboard with several edit-modes and shortcuts. 

Please note that we need help! Denemo has already many notation
features build-in and if anything is not avaible you can enter
Lilypond commandos and save them with your denemo file so that you can
use the whole range of lilypond features. This means that Denemo is
already capable of writing full, professional scores. 

But it lacks sequencer-features like advanced playback and routing via
JACKmidi and support for JACKtransport. To really become the first
usefull Linux notation-editor and notation-sequencer this is the last
piece of the puzzle.

Version 0.8 changelog:

 1. A scripting interface to the Denemo commands has been created.
 2. Example script-based commands are provided with the Denemo
 3. New scripts can be hand-written or recorded from a sequence of
menu item clicks or by editing another script or a mixture of
 4. New commands (scripts) can be installed in the menu system,
given keyboard shortcuts, and generally used as other commands
 5. The example scripts provided include a script showing the
potential of Denemo for use in music education. In this example,
random notes are generated and the user has to name the note.
 6. Other examples include scripts for commands useful when
generating scores with percussion, guitar fingerings, orchestral
markings etc.
 7. Various bugfixes and improvements to midi import have been made.


Nils Gey
Linux-audio-dev mailing list