Linux-Hardware Digest #93

1999-04-24 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #93, Volume #10Sat, 24 Apr 99 05:13:28 EDT

  Re: SCSI CD-ROM problem (David Corn)
  Re: Partioning a drive with ez-bios (Bradley M Keryan)
  5687-02 setup here(allen kurt savegnago)
  Pacbell ADSL ("Ting")
  Modem recognized by minicom but not chat or dip ("Mark Story")
  Can't access printer, help! (Oliver Klimek)
  Re: kernel 2.2.6: ATAPI Zip Drive still a problem (cdog)
  HOWTO Awe64, Ditto Max and 3COM/USR 56k internal ("nicholas butler")
  Re: ESS ES1938 PCI Audiodrive (Bradley M Keryan)
  Re: ESS Maestro (Bradley M Keryan)
  Re: 2.2.5 Kernel is dead (Bradley M Keryan)
  Re: Red Hat 5.2 Question (Bradley M Keryan)
  Re: Problems with 3Com 3c509b network i/f. ("Steven Koutstaal")
  S3Trio3D XFree86 ("Steven Koutstaal")

From: David Corn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: SCSI CD-ROM problem
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 23:14:25 +

Thanks for your help!  I ran dmesg, saw that my 2nd (unused/unmount)
CDROM drive was hdd, changed fstab a bit, and now I have 2 CDROM drives
under Linux.

Thanks for the help!


diahedrial wrote:
> Try "ls -l /dev/cdrom" I think you will find that it is pointing to the
> wrong device, like /dev/hdc rather than /dev/sr0. Type "dmesg" and see
> what device the cdrom is (/dev/sr0 maybe). If /dev/cdrom doesn't point
> to that, delete it, "rm -f /dev/cdrom" and create a new link to the
> correct device, "ln -s /dev/sr0 /dev/cdrom" (if sr0 is the right device
> for your cdrom). Now try "mount /dev/cdrom" and it should work. Hope
> this helps,
> -diahedrial
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > after installing RedHat 5.2 from an IDE CD-ROM, I decided to replace the
> > drive with a Pioneer DR-766 SCSI CD-ROM. The problem is that I cannot mount
> > it. The 'mount /dev/cdrom' command gives a message saying '/dev/cdrom is not
> > recognized as a block device' and it fails. '/dev/cdrom' is the name in the
> > file system setup. The SCSI card is an Adaptec AHA-2940AU, and during boot,
> > both the card and the CD-ROM drive seem to be recognized properly.
> > Termination is also okay as far as I can tell. I know that the CD-ROM and
> > also SCSI in general have to be supported in the kernel. After reading the
> > kernel howto, I decided to re-run the configuration to make sure they are
> > enabled. Unfortunately, the 'make config' command does not work, it's not
> > located in the /usr/src/linux directory as the howto says it should be.
> >
> > Can someone give me advice what should I do to make the drive to work?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Tamas.
> >
> > ---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
> >   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: Bradley M Keryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partioning a drive with ez-bios
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 00:03:59 -0400

On Fri, 23 Apr 1999, Allan Manning wrote:

> I have a 10Gb hd, but my system bios won't recognize over 8.4 Gb, so I
> have a program called ez-bios controlling the drive so that I can use
> all 10 gigs. But when I run the Linux fdisk, it doesn't recognize the
> partion, and tells me there are no available sectors to create linux
> partions, also it reports that my hd has 1027 cylinders, too many above
> 1024, please help, as I don't want to have to buy a motherboard that
> will support >8.4 Gb hdds.
> I have also flashed my bios with no luck.

Sounds like you're using the 2.0.x kernel; 2.2.x has better IDE geometry
detection (it detects my 9.1GB Seagate ST39140A correctly). So one fix is
to upgrade your kernel.

The other fix is to specify the correct geometry (cylinders, heads,
sectors). You can do this by entering "expert mode" in fdisk and changing
the geometry there. Once it's in the partition table, the kernel will
accept it as being true. Just be careful to get it right (check your HD

Either way, the partition your kernel is on (either / or /boot) has to be
within the first 1024 cylinders so the BIOS routines can read it. A tiny
(10-20MB) /boot partition will do fine.

Ditch EZ-bios, you don't need it for Linux and it's getting in the way. If
all your DOS drives (if any) are in the first 1024 cylinders and your
/boot is in the first 1024 cylinders, you should be fine.



Subject: 5687-02 setup here   
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (allen kurt savegnago)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 04:52:09 GMT

Here is the helpfile to get the 3Com 5687-02 Plug and Pray modem running
in Linux.  It has helped 12 other folks to get it working.

Subj: 5687-02 modem setup here

  Here is a help file I wrote to get the 3Com 5687-02 modem to work under
Linux.  I had four requests from folks and composed this file.  They all
have the 5687-02 (Plug-and-Pray) modem working under Linux as I do.

  I rec

Linux-Hardware Digest #94

1999-04-24 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #94, Volume #10Sat, 24 Apr 99 11:14:46 EDT

  Re: Any news on the SBLIVe? (Jim Zubb)
  Re: Questions about Linux on a large memory multiprocessor (Bradley M Keryan)
  Re: Winmodems and Linux (John Thompson)
  Re: Programmers are gods ("Chad Mulligan")
  Specialix SX - Linux Driver (Frank Paprosky)
  LILO and large hard disk ("Paul Pop")
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Anthony Ord)
  ATI XPERT 99 and XFree86 (Colin)
  Re: Good (cheap) tape backup solution? (Rod Roark)
  Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows (Neil Steadman)
  PB with ATI card ("Franck D. Bochaton")
  Re: AWE 64 configuration problen ("George Camden")
  Re: Programmers are gods (Jim Henderson)
  Re: kernel 2.2.6: ATAPI Zip Drive still a problem (Simone Piccardi)
  WinTV (Stephane Sandarom)
  Re: Linux Installation only on 2nd HD (David Ripton)
  Re: Modems (M|S)
  Matrox Millenium MGA-G200 AGP under Redhat 5.2? (Kieran & Hobbes)
  Re: Modem recognized by minicom but not chat or dip (Raymond Miecznik)
  Re: Modems (M|S)
  Re: Will Linux does work with my Diamond supra express modem? 
  A letter to APUS-developers (Anton Klotz)

From: Jim Zubb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any news on the SBLIVe?
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 05:15:17 +

Juha Koskela wrote:
> In comp.os.linux.hardware Panic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : Which website do they mean check? or the developers one?
> : > Definately go with the SB Live! card, its awesome.  We currently are
> : > working on Linux drivers for the card, they should be released hopefully
> : > within the next few weeks.  Keep checking our website to see if/when we
> : > release the drivers.
> : >
> I think they ment developers site.
> At least there was this line at the end of posting I got from creative.
> (However it was not mentioned where to look at.. and there is linux text
> (not link yet) in the drivers&patches section.)

Hmm, just checked it, there is now a linux page, doesn't say
much, just some links and a Mailing List signup. It says
they setup a newsgroup, but I didn't see it, might be going
up shortly.

Jim Zubb


From: Bradley M Keryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Questions about Linux on a large memory multiprocessor
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 00:59:16 -0400

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Peter A. Dinda wrote:

> We're thinking of buying a big multiprocessor box for a distributed data
> visualization project.  The Intel 450NX boxes look fairly tempting, but
> there are a number of questions I can't seem to find the answer to:
> 1. Does Linux support quad processor PIII-Xeon 450NX boxes?
> 2. Are there other quad-or-bigger Linux-supported intel boxes that I
> should look at?

Someone already answered those...

> 3. Can Linux use 4 GB (or maybe more) memory in such a machine?

No. I think there are people toying with supporting Intel's extended
36-bit addressing on PPro/Xeon but as far as I know there's no working
code yet. 

The default kernel supports 3GB of user address space and 960MB of
physical RAM. To change this (in Linux 2.2.x) read the comments in

> 4. How much physical memory can I reference from a user program (ie, how
> big can the user portion of the virtual address space be?)   Can I tune
> it?  I'd really like to be able to use all of the physical memory from a
> single user process.  I can live without paging/swapping.

Since memory is split between kernel and user spaces, it depends how much
physical RAM you want to support. Set it to do 2GB physical RAM and you
have only 2GB of user address space.

There was a patch on the linux-kernel mailing list this week that
increases the physical memory support to almost 4GB but made the user
address space really small (like 150MB or so). I don't know if it was
tested in that configuration either. It might be okay for webservers but
not for your needs.

You really should take a close look at 64-bit machines (Alpha,
Ultrasparc). Of those, Alpha is more mature (last I looked, Ultrapenguin
had a 32-bit userland, though that might have changed). I don't know what
your other requirements are, though.

> 5. Does Linux support big (50-200 GB, say) RAID-5 disk subsystems on
> such a box?

I believe so. Do you need files bigger than 2GB? The maximum file size is
currently limited to 2GB on x86 (although there's a patch to "fake" large
files using large file arrays, probably somewhere at I'd
check with the Alpha and Ultrasparc Linux people to see if they support
files greater than 2GB (I think Alpha does, but I can't say for certain).

> Help would be appreciated.  Thanks.
> Peter Dinda



From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocac

Linux-Hardware Digest #95

1999-04-24 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #95, Volume #10Sat, 24 Apr 99 18:13:28 EDT

  Red Hat and Intel Pro 100 NICs ("Stephen E. Fritz")
  Re: Programmers are gods (Chris Costello)
  Re: Setting up the modem (Rob Clark)
  Re: Can't Mount Cdrom kernel2.2.2 ("F. Larik")
  Problemas con la instalacion! (Abel =?iso-8859-1?Q?Almaz=E1n?=)
  Re: Best ways to optimise Linux ("F. Larik")
  Re: Programmers are gods (Leslie Mikesell)
  Setting up the modem (L)
  Re: 3dfx Banshee ¡HELP! ("Jason Morris")
  Re: Linux kernel 2.2.x and serial port (Bela Lantos)
  3dfx Banshee =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A1HELP=21?= (Carlos =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jes=FAs?=)
  Re: Winmodems and Linux (Christopher B. Browne)
  S3 Virge DX and monitor problems! (Aeros)
  Re: Does LINUX work for the following hardware? (Slip Gun)
  Re: Pacbell ADSL (garv)
  CMOS Programming ("Kory W. Koziar")
  Spontaneous reboots on a PII (Rowin Andruscavage)
  Re: Programmers are gods (Chris Costello)
  Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows (Dominic Hargreaves)
  Winbond W89C840F Ethernet Card (Strata1888)
  Re: Matrox Millenium MGA-G200 AGP under Redhat 5.2? (Kieran & Hobbes)
  Re: ATI Xpert 98 AGP problems in Xwindows (Neil Steadman)
  Re: parallel port programming (Neil Steadman)
  Re: HDD Spindown - For a Year! (Byron A Jeff)
  Re: RealTek RTL 8029 PCI Ethernet Driver (Mark)

From: "Stephen E. Fritz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Red Hat and Intel Pro 100 NICs
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 10:46:25 -0400

I had posted one here last Saturday about Red Hat and two NICs.  Thanks
for all of the suggestions, but it seems the problem was not with the OS
as much as it was with the Intel Pro 100 NIC I was using.  We've just
set up two different servers with Pro 100's, and encountered the same
problem (second ethernet card not recognized).

The solution is to install Linux with only one card -- the one that is
NOT the Intel.  Linux will recognize it during the installation.  After
the server is up and running, add the Intel Pro 100 and configure it
with Linuxconf.  Both cards will then work just fine.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Costello)
Subject: Re: Programmers are gods
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 15:50:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Jim Henderson wrote:
> Andrew Fan wrote:
> > Another thing is that I absolutely HATE long functions.  Have you ever
> > tried to match the 'end' of an 'if' statement when it is some 200
> > lines above and beyond your editor window's viewport?
> That's why I code the beginning and end before filling in the blanks. 
> That way, I know my braces are matched. :-)

   vim (Vi Modified, does a great job at
handling this also.

> Jim
> -- 
> Jim Henderson
> Novell Support Connection SysOp -
> Homepage at (email instructions
> located here)
> Please note that as an NSC SysOp, I do not provide support for Novell
> products on a personal basis - if you need help with a Novell product,
> please post a reply in the public newsgroup or visit the Novell support
> forums at the URL above.

Chris Costello

Long computations that yield zero are probably all for naught.


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.questions,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Setting up the modem
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Clark)
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 15:22:07 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Im using Linux SuSE (2.0.33 Kernel). I have big trouble to work ppp. I
>used ppp setup, but my modem is on COM4(windows) so ppp-setup says is
>tty03. But i cant get response.
>Plz help me..
>my modem is a compaq presario 56k-df.

More than likely, your modem is a Windows-only, controllerless  software
modem (all the other Presario modems seem to be).  I'm afraid it won't
work without the Windows software.



From: "F. Larik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't Mount Cdrom kernel2.2.2
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 18:42:46 +0200

> Hello
>I can't mount cd-rom when I type command
>   " mount /dev/cdrom" or "mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom" or
>   " mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom"
> Result
>   "mount : the kernel does not recognize /dev/cdrom as a block
>device (maybe "insmod driver?")  "

Usually, /dev/cdrom is a link to your real device, so if you changed
your hardware setup somehow, the is incorrect, what you need to do is,
mount the real device. If it is scsi it's something like: "mount
/dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom" or if it's ide it should be something like: "mount
/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom"

Frodo Larik   [EMAIL PROTEC

Linux-Hardware Digest #96

1999-04-24 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #96, Volume #10Sat, 24 Apr 99 23:13:39 EDT

  Re: Plextor 32X SCSI CD (Eric Potter)
  Adaptec 2940U2W ("TURBO1010")
  Re: LILO and large hard disk ("David Travers")
  Re: Linux Newbie Web Site Updated ("ne...")
  Re: i740 drivers for Linux (John Thompson)
  Re: Pacbell ADSL (Aeros)
  Re: Iomega Zip100 in Linux (Monte Milanuk)
  ALi Chipset (Bob Sully)
  Re: Hang up with Adaptec 2940U2W (David Thompson)
  Re: HELP +++ SB128PCI +++ HOW ??? ("Michael J. Cavanaugh")
  Re: Problems with Mill II + Iiyama 502pro, with Win98 AND Linux
  Re: Setting up the modem (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: booting problem. (Joe Harvell)
  Re: Paralell Port Zip Drive (Tim Moore)
  Intel Pentium III Xeon Chip ("Bruce P. Morin")

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Eric Potter)
Subject: Re: Plextor 32X SCSI CD
Date: 24 Apr 1999 18:44:32 GMT

Phil D. enlightened this group thus:
> I'm having problems with time-out errors using Plextor's 32X CDROM drive.   The drive
> mounts OK, and sometimes it will work for a little while, but then nothing.   It is
> connected to a Fireport 40 card using the ncr53C8XX driver.   I have a Zip drive 
>also on
> the same card which works fine.
> I am running RedHat 5.2, dual booting with win98. The CDROM works perfectly in
> windows or DOS.   I had this problem with Linux from day one, had to copy the Redhat 
> to a hard drive partition to install.   I've since upgraded the kernel to 2.2.3 but 
> problem with the CD persists.   Otherwise, all is currently rosy in Linux-land.
> Anyone have any advice to offer?
> Phil D.

Sorry my first post got messed up.  I had the same problem with my Fireport 20.
I fixed it by going into the SCSI card setup utility and reducing the transfer
rate to 10 MB/sec.

   *  ^  \ ___@  
 *^  / \  \   |  \   
 / \/   \  \__|   \  
/  /   ^ \  \ 
  /   \  \   Eric Potter
 /  ^   ^  \  \  


Subject: Adaptec 2940U2W
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 14:49:35 -0700

How do I install Linux 1.3 on this card?  I can't seem to get the module
loaded.  Any help on this would be apprecitated.  Thanks.


From: "David Travers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: LILO and large hard disk
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1999 00:09:37 +0100

Make a /boot partation and ensure that it is below cylinder 1024. Linux will
not boot (i think) if kernel is in cylinder greater than 1024.

The rest of the system can be created as usual.

Paul Pop wrote in message <5keU2.42237$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>I have a Fujitsu 8.4Gb hard disk on my system with an Asus TX97-E
>motherboard. For some reason the BIOS does not recognize the full size of
>the hard disk if I use LBA. The only option that works is NORMAL. With
>however, the number of cylinders is 16,383. When I run Linux' fdisk it
>me that the number of cylinders exceeds 1024. This is what the partition
>table looks like:
>/dev/hda1   11  1020514048+
>DOS 16-bit > =32M
>/dev/hda2*   1021 102115359 7614432 83
>Linux native
>/dev/hda3  15360   1612916383   128520 82
>Linux swap
>My problem is that Linux does not boot from the hard disk (it boots fine
>from the floppy made during installation). I've installed LILO in theboot
>record of the root file system. I've used the "append = hd=16383,16,63" in
>the /etc/lilo.conf file. When I run lilo at the prompt I get the following
>geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (3119 > 1023).
>(Where does this come from?)
>I ran lilo -l and it told me that it added both the Linux and the DOS
>partitions. However I still can't boot from the hard disk (system just
>with no messages, I do not even get L.). In the DOS partition I have WinNT
>and it sees the entire disk. Any help is greatly appreciated.
>Best regards,
>Paul Pop


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.misc,redhat.comfig,redhat.general
From: "ne..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Newbie Web Site Updated
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:38:41 GMT

[posted & mailed]
On Apr 24, 1999 at 23:17, Diane Adams eloquently wrote:

>I just finished updating my web site. The site has links and information
>about Linux. I have designed the site to help newbies to Linux find
>informationon the OS. I would greatly appreciate it if you just checked
>it out and let me know what you think, I can use all of the input I can
>get. Thanks to all of the people who comented on the site already. I
>hope you like the new additions. The address is:
IMHO U left out two important site