Linux-Hardware Digest #147

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #147, Volume #10Mon, 3 May 99 01:13:31 EDT

  Please do NOT post binaries to discussion newsgroups (was Re: Please Post SBLive 
Linux Driver Here) (Erik de Castro Lopo)
  Re: Problem with Tekram DC390F and SYM53c8xxx-driver (Do-Hoon Kwon)
  Re: Help: Problem with Intel Ether Express Pro 10+ ISA (Joachim Feise)
  Re: SBLive's new driver (B Olsen)
  Linux install on >8.4gb hard disk?  Possible? ("Neel L.")
  DFP digital LCD monitor, Matrox card, framebuffer/X woes ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  dual monitors ("mike")
  Re: ZIP Plus & imm (Kyle Dansie)
  Re: What modem is run well? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: Linux backup and DLT autoloader management (Johannes Niess)
  Re: iomega ditto max and linux (Martin van Roon)
  SMP mobo? (Ryan Lovett)
  DVD, video card? (Ryan Lovett)
  Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30 ("Tony")
  Re: More than one SCSI Controller ("Tony")
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Alexander Tsang)
  Re: halt -p not working??? help (Mohd H Misnan)
  Re: HP Deskjet 1600CM print from Linux???
  Where find the address range? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: SMP mobo? (bryan)

From: Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please do NOT post binaries to discussion newsgroups (was Re: Please Post 
SBLive Linux Driver Here)
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 13:55:35 +1000

Denis Laventure wrote:
> ...
> > Can anyone who has downloaded the beta driver post them here? I can't seem
> > to access their ftp site. Thanks in advance!
> >
> > ---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--
> >   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
> ---
>   Name: sblive-0.1b.tar.gz
>Part 1.2   Type: Unix Tape Archive (application/x-tar)
>   Encoding: base64

Look, this is a discussion newsgroup. Posting binaries, even when
asked to, is not appropriate behaviour. The best way to do it is to put
it up
on a web page or ftp site.

 Erik de Castro Lopo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Q. What is the difference between Jurassic Park and Microsoft?
A. One is an over-rated high tech theme park based on prehistoric
   information and populated mostly by dinosaurs, the other is a 
   Steven Spielberg movie.


From: Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with Tekram DC390F and SYM53c8xxx-driver
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 23:18:00 -0400

 Double check your hardware settings first. Like, are you using quality
68pin cable and the cable is properly terminated at the end by
putting your HD at the end connector and properly jumpered (termination

Do-Hoon Kwon


From: Joachim Feise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Help: Problem with Intel Ether Express Pro 10+ ISA
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 21:13:47 -0700

On what address is the card?
The driver probes a couple of addresses, as defined in 
It probably looks like this:

/* First, a few definitions that the brave might change. */
/* A zero-terminated list of I/O addresses to be probed. */
static unsigned int eepro_portlist[] =
   { 0x300, 0x210, 0x240, 0x280, 0x2C0, 0x200, 0x320, 0x340, 0x360, 0};

Make sure your card is on one of these addresses. Also, it is a good idea to don't have
any other cards on any of these addresses.
A last thought: if the card is PnP, disable it.


Danny Falkov wrote:
> Hi all.
> I don't know much about Linux, but I spoke to someone that
> does and they really don't know what's going on either.
> I have a pretty standard system, where Linux recognizes almost
> all components just fine. With the exception of my Ethernet card.
> It's an Intel EtherExpress 10+ ISA.
> When install RH 5.2 BASED Linux distrib (BeroLinux),
> it asks if I would like to add a NIC (after failing to
> detect a NIC on the PCI bus, since I don't have a PCI NIC). So I do, and it
> has 3 Intel cards listed- EE, EEpro, and EEpro 100.
> It does NOT see either an EE or an EEPro100.
> But when I select EEpro, it HANGS. Yes, It's weird.
> I can still get the kernel messages, and the last one is
> the Insmod of the *.o file for the adapter.
> Is there something I am doing wrong? This is a 2.2.3 Kernel,
> with ALL the latest updates built in.
> I really need help here, since without Network access, I am forced
> to go back to NT.
> Thank you very much for your time,

Joachim Feise Ph.D. Student, Information & Computer Science
mailto:[EMAIL PRO

Linux-Hardware Digest #146

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #146, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 23:13:34 EDT

  Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30 (M. Buchenrieder)
  Diamond Monster Cards ("Daniel Gooderidge")
  Re: FIC 2013 Compatability (Andrew Comech)
  RH 6.0 and NE2000 (Brendan Rempel)
  Re: SMP mobo? (Do-Hoon Kwon)
  Re: awe 64 isapnp and quake2&3 ("dpc")
  Von Windows und Linux über einen LinuxServer drucken ("Nicolas Keller")
  AHA-2940U2W ("Ricardo Canani")
  Riva TNT SDK (OpenGL) (Jens Schwepe)
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Paul J Gans)
  Re: AMD K6-2 Problems (Dariusz Duraj)
  RedHat 5.2 & Dell Inspiron 7000 ("Derek S. Smigelski")
  Any External Modem? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Looking for input and ideas for new install of RH 5.2 with UDMA66 ("Supernews")
  Re: SMP mobo? (bryan)
  Re: S3 Trio 3D Driver ("Barnabas Peter, WAN")
  Re: Is there a 3D video card... (Randy Heineke)
  Re: 2 CDROM drives (Bob Martin)
  Re: SBLive's new driver ("B & C Duffey")
  Re: CDROM Server ("Mark Swope")

Crossposted-To: comp.periphs.scsi,
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 21:00:35 GMT

[Note FollowUp-To: header !]

"Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>No it isn't

>They don't work with Linux

Rubbish. These work just fine (and have been working that way since the
pre-2.x kernels) .

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
  Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: "Daniel Gooderidge" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diamond Monster Cards
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 08:06:51 +1000

I have a Diamond Monster Sound Card.

Can they be used within Linux and how do I set it up.


Daniel Gooderidge


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Comech)
Subject: Re: FIC 2013 Compatability
Date: 2 May 1999 21:17:36 -0500

Silly me: I meant to write that as far as I remember one could
NOT use today's memory with newer Slot-A motherboards...

On 1 May 1999 19:02:49 -0500, Andrew Comech wrote:
>On Fri, 30 Apr 1999 15:05:55 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>I am considering building a new computer based on,
>>FIC 2013 motherboard W/2MB cache
>>AMD K6-2 400
>>128 Mb RAM
>>AGP Graphics card (not sure which one)
>>This would have to run Windows but I plan on
>>having 2 Hard Drives and running LINUX also.
>>Are there any known compatability problems
>>with this setup?
>>Anything I should look out for?
>FIC 2013 works great with 1MB of cache, so I wonder why it would 
>not with 2MB.
>Another thing is, you only need 2MB of cache (which is extra $20) 
>for more than 256MB of RAM; are you sure you will ever buy this 
>much? (As far as I remember, you could use all that memory with 

>newer Slot-A motherboards.)

Looking for a Linux-compatible V.90 modem? See


From: Brendan Rempel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RH 6.0 and NE2000
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 19:22:55 -0600

Hey all,

I just installed Redhat 6.0 and it seems to have some difficulty
accessing the Internet.  This is really strange because the Redhat 5.2
version installed and accessed the same Internet connection flawlessly.
This is kind of embarrassing because I have to reboot into Windows to
send this email.

The specifics are an NE2000 PCI network card connected to an ethernet
connection connected to a cable modem.  The IP addresses are obtained
through DHCP.  I followed the default Workstation install and later
re-tried again with a custom install.  Booting into (imagine a really
small font) Windows remains capable of accessing the same network card
and Internet connection.

I also noticed that the isapnp.conf file has been drastically changed
from 5.2 to 6.0 and seems to be more configurable through the
control-panel program.  The control-panel showed the eth0 device as
active but no IP or DNS entries returned.  The inetd is running and I
can make connections to localhost.

If anybody has any ideas or solutions to this problem, it would be
greatly appreciated.



From: Do-Hoon Kwon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: SMP mobo?
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 21:21:15 -0400

> On Sun, 2 May 1999 01:09:25 -0700, Ryan Lovett
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm thinking about getting a dual PII-400 SMP linux box and I'm looking
> >around for a quality motherboard. Any recommendations for a non-SCSI
> >440BX? I'm not interested in those particularly suited for overclocking.
> >
> >Gigabyte, Abit, Asus?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Ryan
> >

 I'm using Gigabyte 6BXD for 7 months with RedHat 5.2 and

Linux-Hardware Digest #145

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #145, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 21:13:43 EDT

  Re: question on hard drive size (John Thompson)
  Re: Suse 6.0 networking problem Help please ("ddresden")
  Booting from an AIC7890 SCSI Controller (Jay Ribak)
  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? (Doug White)
  CMI8330 Sound Chip Problem ("Pondy")
  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? ("Jim (N8XYN)")
  Re: Making multiple drives ONE volume under Linux (George Farris)
  Re: iomega ditto max and linux (Martin van Roon)
  Problem with Printer. (Eric)
  Re: What modem is run well? (Lew Pitcher)
  Re: HP Deskjet 1600CM print from Linux??? (Hans Dumbrajs)
  Re: Programmers are gods (Michael David Jones)
  Re: Linux for R6000? (Cokey de Percin)
  Printing with 2.2.x kernel (Tim Trainor)
  Re: CD RW and RedHat 5.2: (Kees Schrama)
  Re: Red Hat 5.2 Question (Spawny)

From: John Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: question on hard drive size
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 07:10:11 -0600

Chris D wrote:

> whats the biggest hard drive linux can support?

Hmm.  How big can you afford?

IIRC, the ext2 disk size limitations are well beyond what's
presently available.




From: "ddresden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Re: Suse 6.0 networking problem Help please
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 10:21:31 -0500

A start

In the ifconfig text you are showing no RX or TX packets - a dead line. Your
card is starting without errors and setting speed to 10mb. I'd first assume
the card is OK. I assume you are correct about the router A.B.C address and
your A.B.C address being the same and the same subnet mask If
so are the lights blinking on the back of your NIC and if the router has a
LAN activity light is it blinking or on when your system starts.
1. No activity lights - try new cable first
2. Still no activity lights - try changing your system bios to ISA instead
of PNP for IRQ 9. Did that reflect on startup in ifconfig. Still no
activity - change NICS

mike wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>Thank for taking the time to read this, maybe you can help
>My problem is seeing the rest of the network world.  I can ping my own
>address but can't ping the router address or beyond.  There are no error
>message printed to screen.  so It probably is working to how I
>configured it but I don't know how I've configured it incorrectly.
>I've include most of files and outputs listed at back of book.  I've
>tried to follow the Linux NET-3-HOWTO info when the original setup
>didn't work.
>Things that are a little different than out of the box.
>1 - I'm using a matrox millenium g200 card and decided to try XiG
>xserver. It works and the default window flavor seems to be KDE.  Yast
>appears to work but changes did seem to stick on reboot, ooor, I
>didn't do something to get changes to 'stay'.
>2 - so i started using command line configuration commands such as
>ifconfig and route -add.
>still no success.
>so basically my network info for my workstation is as follows
>host A.B.C.H
>ISP router A.B.C.1
>eth0 card is 3com 905  10/100  # one of my concerns is that the card is
>set correctly for 10Mb use
>This machine is a amd k2-6 333 cpu with a lilo boot that has a win 95
>option.  I'm sending email from the win95 ios and network connectivity
>So either I've set some switch on that shouldn't be.  I noticed in
>.config that many things are activated that I have even addressed, maybe
>there is a conflict.
>My goal for this machine is to use as a workstation.  If this helps.
>Please tell me what else you need to trouble shoot the problem.
>ifconfig shows
>loLink encap:Local Loopback
>  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> collisions:0
>eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:60:97:1B:D9:AF
>inet addr:A.B.C.H  Bcast:A.B.225.255  Mask:  UP
> RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
> TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> collisions:0
> Interrupt:9 Base address:0xd800
>route -n  shows
>Kernel IP routing table
>Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
>A.B.C.0  U 0  01
>   U 0  01
> A.B.C.1  01
>netstat shows ( I'm not sure the columns are aligned correctly)
>Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
>Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Lo

Linux-Hardware Digest #144

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #144, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 19:13:47 EDT

  Re: Please Post SBLive Linux Driver Here (Rob Komar)
  Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem (Rob van der Putten)
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) 
  Re: Looking for input and ideas for new install of RH 5.2 with UDMA66 ("S. Johnson")
  Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?) (Anthony Ord)
  Re: iomega ditto max and linux ("Rodney M. Brown")
  Re: Linux 2.2.5 instable on HP LH NetServer Pro ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Need help with PPP (Unclebob)
  Re: Please Post SBLive Linux Driver Here ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E. Larson))
  Re: Strange Monitor on std VGA? (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: CD RW and RedHat 5.2: ("Ciaran Mulloy")
  Re: Looking for input and ideas for new install of RH 5.2 with UDMA66 
([EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E. Larson))
  Support for ISA grabberboard? (Bas van der Linden)
  Re: AVA1515 (**Nick Brown)
  scsi (Doug Hamlin)
  Linux for R6000? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Acer Notebook (Arne Mueller)
  Recommended Linux-compatible laserprinter, inkjet? (Henry S. Greenside)
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Neil Rickert)
  Re: [off-topic] CPU and core voltage (Marc Mutz)
  Re: Programmers are gods ("Scott Brickner")
  Re: iomega ditto max and linux ("Rodney M. Brown")
  Re: Red Hat 5.2 Question (Sal Capaci)
  Re: Prob with Buslogic BT-542B scsi adapter (PS) (Chris Abajian)
  Re: Programmers are gods (Leslie Mikesell)
  Re: SMP mobo? (mike dombrowski)
  Re: Prob with Buslogic BT-542B scsi adapter (PS) (Cokey de Percin)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rob Komar)
Subject: Re: Please Post SBLive Linux Driver Here
Date: 2 May 1999 21:14:11 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul E. Larson) (blahblah) wrote:
: In article <7gi1bq$lun$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
: >: Can anyone who has downloaded the beta driver post them here? I can't seem
: >: to access their ftp site. Thanks in advance!
: >
: >Can someone please download the entire Red Hat 6.0 ISO image to this
: >text-only nonbinary newsgroup as well?  I'm too impatient to wait for
: >the CD to arrive in the mail and I just down feel like downloading it
: >on my own.  Downloading over usenet is much easier.
: >
: >Kewl Linux User
: >
: Okay, I have a cable modem so it shouldn't take much time for me to post the 
: files to this newsgroup. I will post it in one big tar file so you don't have 
: to assemble the pieces.  ;)

This is a text only newsgroup; it's not for binaries.  So, please, uuencode
the whole thing before sending it!

: Gads. could you picture the fits most if not all the posters to this 
: newsgroup would have. Now to see how many respond without analyzing.

Rob Komar


From: Rob van der Putten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 15:08:34 +0200
Reply-To: Rob van der Putten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi there

On 1 May 1999, MKensey2 wrote:

> about the ethernet, I wish to set it up DCHP. As for turning off plug-n-play, I
> can do that for my ethernet...

OK, set it to IO 0x300, IRQ 10. Unless this comflicts with other hardware
of course. If it has a media type autodetect, switch it of and tell it it
to use eather BNC + Coax or UTP.

For this you need to boot your box with dos and then run the config
program from the floppy that came with your nic.

> but how do I do that for the modem?

You probably don't. It is very likely that your modem won't work.

If you want to prevent this sort of thing, hav ea look at the hardware
compatability howto before buying hardware.


|   |


Subject: Re: All the current OSes are idiotic (was Re: Is Windows for idiots?)
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 13:10:57 GMT

Tor Iver Wilhelmsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>>   find | grep -i filenamewithoutcase

>Um. What is wrong with find's -iname option? :-)

*Grin* I learned something new today. I have. on earlier occasions, read
through the complete man pages for things like bash, nn and emacs (which
is quite a feat) and discovered great new stuff. Seems like I should add 
find to the list ;-) Thanks for making me learn some more...

However, I like the way grep simply searches for the pattern anywhere in
the filenames. I'd have to do "find -iname *pattern*" for

Linux-Hardware Digest #143

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #143, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 17:13:41 EDT

  xwindows and display problems ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Problem with ZIP drive ("Manula") ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Seperate parallel port and zip drive: (Kyle Dansie)
  Re: Multiple (4 or 8) motherboard cases? (Nickolay Kuzmin)
  Re: ppp problems partially resolved with zoom 2919L modem (Clifford Kite)
  Re: What modem is run well? (Rob Clark)
  SiS 530 Video Driver ? ("Marcelo Moreto")
  Re: Problemas con la instalacion! (Andre' e Cristina Malafaya Baptista)
  Re: parallelport scanner installation ("Prasanth Kumar")
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Jens Kristian Søgaard)
  Re: Creative has just posted SB-Live Linux drivers! ("Prasanth Kumar")
  RH 6.0 with Adaptec RAIDPort II Controller ("Tom Herzog")
  Re: SoundBlaster PCI128 problems (Salman Ahmed)
  CDRW UDF Linux and 2.0.XX kernel: is possible?? (TTs)
  Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30 ("Rene Christian Stepanek")
  HP Colorado 4GB/8GB ATAPI/IDE tape--firmware upgrade (Eric Lawson)
  AMD K6-2 Problems (Luis Marquez)
  Rockwell 56k PCI modem (florinel dumitru)
  Re: Promise Utra 66 controller ("S. Johnson")
  Online shop in California ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Plextor 32X SCSI CD (Eric Potter)
  Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem (MKensey2)
  Strange SCSI problem (Adam Williams)
  Help with Insatalling Red Hat 5.2 on Dell PowerEdge SP 5166 (Leslie Smith)

Subject: xwindows and display problems
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 17:58:35 GMT

Hi , I've just installed linux (red hat 5) and I'm having problems with
Xwindows, the display jerks everytime I click on anything and the resolution
is quite small. I have an stb velocity video card (onboard)and I let xwindows
auto probe for the resolution and it seemed to work - no errors. The main
problem is I don't have a clue where to fidle with settings or whatever to
see if I can change this and I can't find anything in the docs to help me
start. If anyone can give me any pointers I'd be delighted

= Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own


From: "Manula" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem with ZIP drive
Date: Sun, 2 May 1999 15:49:14 +0100

I posted a message before but didn't get any replies, so thought I'll try
again.  I have an iOmega 100 external ZIP drive.  I recently installed Red
Hat Linux 5.2 on my PC and the ZIP drive worked fine after the installation.
Then I upgraded the kernel to 2.2.2 and since then, I can't use the ZIP
drive under Linux.  The HOWTO said to use imm driver instead of ppa and I
tried both as a module and load at boot.  As a module, when I try to load
it, I get a message saying the device is busy or something like that.  I
have another machine and it works fine on that.  I tried configuring the
kernel identical to the working one but it still doesn't work.  I have tried
everything I know.  I also have Windoze NT on it and the drive works fine
with NT.

Does anybody know how I can solve this or even any suggestions that I can



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Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 10:47:58 -0700
From: Kyle Dansie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Seperate parallel port and zip drive:

Steverl wrote:
> I am running Red Hat 5.2 and have a seperqate parallel port (pci) with a
> zip 250 connected to it. I've tried to ad ppa using 0x278 as base but I
> can't seem to ger Linux to recognize the drive. As I said, this zip 250
> is not connected to any printer an

Linux-Hardware Digest #142

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #142, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 14:13:28 EDT

  HP Colorado 2.5/5GB IDE Tape Drive ("Khalid M. Baheyeldin")
  Re: Problem with Tekram DC390F and SYM53c8xxx-driver (Valentin Mayer)
  Q: pcmcia-3.0.8 for kernel 2.2.x and MO-drive (Ewald Pfau)
  Re: Is there a 3D video card... (Randy Heineke)
  Re: Newbie--3c509b can't recognize (Charles Pouliot)
  Re: Why can't I mount my SCSI HD with win98 partition? ("Erik")
  Got The Bullet Etech E56K external running V90 at 486 DX 2 66 without packet loss 
(how i did it). (Jan Panteltje)
  Re: RealTek RTL 8029 PCI Ethernet Driver ("Paul S. Brown")
  How do you know if you have a WinModem? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: How do you know if you have a WinModem? (jason)
  Re: Gnome Help ! (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: Sound on a Compaq Deskpro EP (DLucido)
  Re: Iomega ZIP + kernel 2.2.6 (Kyle Dansie)
  ZoomAir wireless 802.11 ethernet (Paul Burry)
  Open Linux 2.2 ISDN Motorola Bitsufer ProEZ and LavaLink (Paul Hem)

Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 18:18:39 +0300
From: "Khalid M. Baheyeldin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HP Colorado 2.5/5GB IDE Tape Drive

This is to report that the HP Colorado 2.5/5GB Internal tape drive
does indeed work with Linux.

Thsi drive has an IDE interface, and was jumpered for being the
Master on the Secondary IDE channel (the CD-ROM Drive is a slave
on the same IDE channel.)

Some details:


- Pentium II 333Mhz (66MHz bus/memory)
- Taiwanese mother board with LX chipset

- Red Hat Linux 5.1
- Upgraded kernel to 2.0.36 (you need the kernel-headers
  and kernel-source RPMs)

Used tar, cpio and dd. They all work well. I wrote files
to the drive and read them back and verified them by
comparing to the original files.

 The drive is capable of 500 KB per second, as measured
 using "time" command and 'dd' command to write data to the
 drive and read it back (includes rewind of the tape, so
 could be faster if no rewind is done.)

The tape is fairly inexpensive (200 US$ in local market
in Saudi Arabia), and the media is 28 US$ each).

The instructions that came with the tape are very
good, and helps you installing the tape successfully
on the first attempt. There is no guess work involved.

Thanks to those who advised the kernel upgrade.

Khalid M. Baheyeldin


From: Valentin Mayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Problem with Tekram DC390F and SYM53c8xxx-driver
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 15:47:33 +0200

Hi there,

of course I checked my hardware settings and as I wrote it doesn't work
even with the HD as the only device at the end of the wide bus (of
course jumpered termination enabled). The problem was that only with the
Linux driver(s) the mentioned errors arise but with w95 everything seems
to work properly. The cable I'm using is the one that came with the
adaptor so I think it's ok but this will be the next thing I'm gonna

Regards, Valentin


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ewald Pfau)
Subject: Q: pcmcia-3.0.8 for kernel 2.2.x and MO-drive
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 18:49:01 +0200

Finally I'd like to access with kernel 2.2.7+ a MO-drive with 640 MByte
media in blocks of 2048-bytes, using card-services for SCSI. But this
seems a long way to go.

When pcmcia is running, so I am only able to access 150 MB on the media.
I upgraded amongst others fileutils and pcmcia. So fdisk runs fine and
announces 606 MBytes. But none of mkfs.minix nor mkfs.ext2 not
mkfs.msdos will do what they should. Either I only get 150 MBytes (looks
like the relation 512:2048 bytes per block; the relation remains as well
when partitioning only 512 MBytes, so I saw 128 Mbytes only) - or mount
would refuse to mount the partition. Mount would as well refuse a
partition, already formatted to fat with the fujitsu tool running under
DOS, or it would tell me that this is an ext2 partition with 150

But this was with pcmcia-3.0.6 and kernel 2.1.131. SuSe Linux with
kernel 2.0.36 comes with pcmcia-3.0.6 up and running (and no support for
2048 bytes/block). I could migrate to 2.1.131 as is distrubuted by SuSe
together with the 2.0.36 kernel. Pcmcia works then under 2.1.131. For
the following output, I put in some few more 'echo's into the pcmcia
script so to show what exactly is loaded - neither pcmcia_core.o nor
i82365.o have additional parameters:

(running on a Compaq Armada 7730 which looks pretty stable for linux
since some PCI-bus quirks seem to having been solved since kernel

Starting PCMCIA services: modules -

Linux PCMCIA Card Services 3.0.6
  kernel build: 2.1.131 unknown
  options:  [pci] [cardbus]

Intel PCIC probe:
  TI 1131 PCI-to-CardBus at bus 0 slot 12, mem 0x7fffe000, 2 sockets
host opts [0]: [pci + serial irq] [pci irq 11] [lat 66/176] [bus

Linux-Hardware Digest #141

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #141, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 11:13:30 EDT

  PDCD Driver? (Steve Chicatelli)
  Re: Linux and my Thinkpad 760ED (eisme@theoldsameplace)
  Re: Prob with Buslogic BT-542B scsi adapter (PS) ("Tony")
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Gerolf Scherr)
  Re: server specs ("Jon Lee")
  FIC PA2013 (Bebel)
  Re: Free US$5 for your gambling (Juz)
  Re: Diamond Video kaart ("Clifton T. Sharp Jr.")
  parallelport scanner installation (root)
  Q: What can I do when SVGALIB did not support my video card(chipset)??? (ei)
  Q: HP NetRAID 3Si + booting LINUX (Christian Wiese)
  Re: What modem is run well?
  CDROM hardware not playing through SB (Bob Austin)
  Re: More info on SB 16 *PCI* (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: DLT Tape drive (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: GLIB,GTK+ and GIMP (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Re: cant compile sound on toshiba libretto 50 (Henrik Carlqvist)
  Why can't I mount my SCSI HD with win98 partition? (wcc)
  Re: iomega ditto max and linux (Henry Davies)
  Re: (writing a) WINMODEM (driver) ("Iram Zaman")
  Re: /dev/hda1 has reached maximal mount count, check forced (Nelson Minar)
  Re: Buslogic PCI SCSI adaptors - $30 ("Rhia")
  Re: What modem is run well? (Andrew Comech)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Chicatelli)
Subject: PDCD Driver?
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 08:51:57 GMT

Does a PDCD driver exist.  My drive is a COMPAQ, but Panasonic and
others exist.  Its the one that reads a CDROM, and reads and writes a
PD650 optical data cartridge (650 MB).  It's a SCSI device.  Under
Windoze it shows up as two devices: Removable Drive D and CDROM E, but
it's still one physical device, which is how it's being recognized
under Linux.  The boot log part gives the message

Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0,  channel 0, id 5, lun 0 

mount /dev/scd0 /mnt/pdcd 

will mount a CD-ROM without a problem.  If I place a PDCD cartridge in
the drive, the same command will not work.  I've tried to specify the
file type as vfat, but it does not work.  I'm running RedHat 5.2

Shar-Pei Consulting


From: eisme@theoldsameplace
Subject: Re: Linux and my Thinkpad 760ED
Date: Sun, 02 May 1999 08:28:32 GMT

On Sat, 01 May 1999 17:58:09 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me out on this (please
>bear in mind that I am a *TOTAL* Unix illiterate!).
>I own an IBM Thinkpad 760ED. This computer model only allows you to
>use one removable type media at a time: when I turn on the computer, I
>must have either the floppy drive module or the CD-ROM drive module
>inserted in a small bay at the front of the computer. If I am using
>the floppy drive and need to access a CD-ROM, I must turn off my
>computer, remove the floppy drive, insert the CD-ROM drive, turn on
>the computer, etc...   
>In order to install Linux I had to boot from a floppy, therefore I
>couldn't access the Cheapbytes CD. That's why I copyed the 380MB-large
>"Redhat" directory from the CD to my harddrive, inserted the Redhat
>boot floppy in the drive and installed a part of the linux OS after
>choosing to perform a "hard drive install" at the install menu.
>The problem is that due to lack of HD space, I could only install the
>basics: no X-Windows, no Emacs, etc.
>Now that I have Linux up and running, with Lilo asking me to choose an
>OS each time I turn on the computer and everything in order, I would
>like to: 
>(1) remove the huge Redhat directory from my Windows partition, 
>(2) resize the partitions (using a great app called "Partition
>Resizer"), creating 380 free MB in my linux native partition, and
>(3) , while running Linux, install X-Windows  *directly* from the
>Cheapbytes CD-ROM into the recently-created free space in my
>Can anyone please tell me how I can "teach" Linux to recognize my
>CD-ROM drive? I already noticed that, when I boot Linux with the
>floppy drive module inserted, at startup it reads "floppy drive
>detected in fp0" (or something like that...). But when the CD-ROM
>drive is in, there is no similar message.
>What can I do?
>Besides, even if I manage to access (mount ? unmount? unclear
>concepts) the CD-ROM how I can I call the install program which
>started automatically after I inserted the original boot floppy?
>Thank you very much for your attention.
Try using:
mount /dev/cdrom
cd /dev/cdrom

(sometimes the liked file is /mnt/hdd)
keep in mind how devices are named.
the first floppy drive in linux is fd0
the second is fd1

hard drives are designated hda, hdb, hdc, etc

'ls -la |more' is like the dir command in dos.
oh, and be sure to unmount the disk when through:
umount /dev/cdrom
so I've heard


From: "Tony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Prob with Buslogic BT-542B s

Linux-Hardware Digest #140

1999-05-02 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Hardware Digest #140, Volume #10Sun, 2 May 99 05:13:22 EDT

  Re: Fat 32? (Tim Moore)
  Help: Problem with Intel Ether Express Pro 10+ ISA ("Danny Falkov")
  Re: Seperate parallel port and zip drive: (Tim Moore)
  Re: How to get Panasonic CD-ROM 2 work? (**Nick Brown)
  Re: video cards (Tim Moore)
  Re: Promise Utra 66 controller (Tim Moore)
  Re: Gnome Help ! (Thomas Zimmerman)
  Re: Gnome Help ! (Thomas Zimmerman)
  Re: removing cooling fans--how dangerous? (Timothy Murphy)
  SB16 Configurations ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  kernl not loading sound drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: ppp problems partially resolved with zoom 2919L modem (Tim Moore)
  kernl not loading sound drivers ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Does Anyone have Mwave modem/sound card? ("Jeho Park")
  Re: How to install cheapest X Terminal for every room?? ("Tony")
  To all who want to know ("Tony")
  Re: Need sound driver RH5.2 using S3 sonicVibes PCI sound card ("Petr Hlavka")
  Re: ISA problems???...Linux won't see my Ethernet Card or Modem 
  Re: SCSI ("Tony")
  Re: Linux and the Fasttrak (Tim Moore)
  Re: SoundBlaster PCI128 problems (Sim)
  Re: Fat 32? (Greg H)

Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 22:30:52 -0700
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Fat 32?

Roy Prowell III wrote:
> I know this question has been asked a million times.
> I was under the impression that mount -t vfat   would mount a Fat 32
> partition.  Does anyone know if this is true?  If not, what is the
> command for mounting a Fat 32 partition?  If it's not too much trouble,
> please send a reply to my email address also.  Thanks.
[tim@asus tim]# fdisk -l /dev/hde

Disk /dev/hde: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 790 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device BootStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hde1 1  510  4096543+   c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hde2   524  657  1076355   83  Linux native
/dev/hde3   511  523   104422+  82  Linux swap
/dev/hde4   658  790  1068322+  83  Linux native
[tim@asus tim]# mount -v -t vfat /dev/hde1 /mnt
/dev/hde1 on /mnt type vfat (rw)

Direct replies to username 'timothymoore'

"Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
   WS Burroughs.


From: "Danny Falkov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.networking
Subject: Help: Problem with Intel Ether Express Pro 10+ ISA
Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 22:20:40 -0400

Hi all.

I don't know much about Linux, but I spoke to someone that
does and they really don't know what's going on either.
I have a pretty standard system, where Linux recognizes almost
all components just fine. With the exception of my Ethernet card.
It's an Intel EtherExpress 10+ ISA.
When install RH 5.2 BASED Linux distrib (BeroLinux),
it asks if I would like to add a NIC (after failing to
detect a NIC on the PCI bus, since I don't have a PCI NIC). So I do, and it
has 3 Intel cards listed- EE, EEpro, and EEpro 100.
It does NOT see either an EE or an EEPro100.
But when I select EEpro, it HANGS. Yes, It's weird.
I can still get the kernel messages, and the last one is
the Insmod of the *.o file for the adapter.

Is there something I am doing wrong? This is a 2.2.3 Kernel,
with ALL the latest updates built in.
I really need help here, since without Network access, I am forced
to go back to NT.

Thank you very much for your time,
Danny Falkov
Real-time Collaboration Consultant
Author of NMSE &
Webmaster @


Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 23:21:15 -0700
From: Tim Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Seperate parallel port and zip drive:

Make sure onboard PP is different IO port than add in card, ie- onboard set to 0x378
via BIOS, addin set to 0x278 via jumpers.  The ppa driver will probe common port
addresses looking for the zip drive provided it is turned on
ppa: Version 1.42
ppa: Probing port 03bc
ppa: Probing port 0278
scsi : 0 hosts.
scsi : detected total.
In this case my zip100 was turned off.  CONFIG_SCSI_PPA and SCSI support must be in
kernel config.

Steverl wrote:
> I am running Red Hat 5.2 and have a seperqate parallel port (pci) with a
> zip 250 connected to it. I've tried to ad ppa using 0x278 as base but I
> can't seem to ger Linux to recognize the drive. As I said, this zip 250
> is not connected to any printer and the ppa uses irq 9. Nothing seems to
> work.
> steverl

Direct replies to username 'timothymoore'

"Everything is permitted.  Nothing is forbidden."
   WS Burroughs.


From: **Nick Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: How to get Panasonic CD-ROM 2 work?
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 18:06:03 +0200

It's not an IDE CD-ROM