Hebrew too?

2002-04-25 Thread David Howard

In view of yesterday's announcement by Hancom of the release of a fully 
Arabic-enabled distro:

and the comments about bidi and Hebrew by Bart Decrem:

I was expecting some reaction from Ivrix and others interested in bidi 
support for Hebrew. So far at least, no (public) reaction. No interest?
David Howard

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Re: redhat's new desktop policy

2002-09-17 Thread David Howard

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 01:56, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> On 17 Sep 2002, David Howard wrote:
> > Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.
> How is libranet, BTW?

I'm a committed partisan of Libranet. Debian (potato) installs were
always broken somewhere for me, often in lots of packages. Libranet
worked flawlessly first install. Its configuration package
(adminmenu/xadminmenu) is truly a godsend to less-than-expert Debian
newbies. The two partners who run the distro are hands-on helpers, and
the mailing list is a good-natured, humorous, virtually flame-free
source of help on any problem. There's also a web forum, and an active
IRC channel.
> How easy is it to install packackes from debian's stable on it? How many
> incompatibilities are there?

It's completely Debian-compliant. You set your sources.list for
woody/sarge or sid as you choose. I use sarge both in Libranet and in
pure Debian (Libranet paved the way for me into straight Debian).I use
both synaptic and stormpkg to browse packages. It's simply Debian plus.
The *latest* release is a commercial product, but previous releases are
free downloads. Is it worth $50? To me, at present, yes. But then, it
*is* Debian - essentially install once, update/upgrade for ever :-). 
> -- 
> Tzafrir Cohen
> http://www.technion.ac.il/~tzafrir
David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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Re: redhat's new desktop policy

2002-09-17 Thread David Howard

On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 12:43, Ely Levy wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Sep 2002, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > On 17 Sep 2002, David Howard wrote:
> > 
> > > Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.
> > 
> > How is libranet, BTW?

Excellent! Debian with a straightforward install and near-perfect HW detection.

> > How easy is it to install packackes from debian's stable on it? How many
> > incompatibilities are there?

100% Debian-compliant. No incompatibilities reported.

> libranet is everything but libra it costs 50$ and you can't download it at
> all.
> well not as far as I could see anyhow.

Not quite accurate. The latest release (2.7 now) is always commercial,
but the previous release (now 2.0.2) is a free download. And then, the
package manager *is* apt-get. Upgrade away!

> Sounds weird way to give GPL programs
RMS was asked specifically about the payment. He approved
unconditionally (free *speech* doesn't automatically include free beer).

David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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Re: Mandrake 9 in the install party?

2002-09-22 Thread David Howard

On Sun, 2002-09-22 at 20:16, Oded Arbel wrote:
As a non participant in the install party, and a non-geek to boot, I
hesitated to comment, but 


> >Sorry for bugging in - but do you REALLY want to install a .0 version of 
> >Mandrake??
> >
> >Remember - this will be the first Linux experience to people, and from many 
> >people's experience a .0 version is NOT recommended to newbies at all - same 
> >applies to Red Hat 8.0 (which still gives me lots of problems compiling 
> >stuff)

After struggles as a newbie with several x.0 versions, I have to agree!  

[long snip]

 . all in all - this promises to be the stablest 
> Mandrake release ever - the release of three RCs only goes to show it IMO.

The operative word here is *promises*. Will there be post-install help for
frustrated newbies struggling with broken promises?

> If I'm asked - I'll recomend to install the latest MDK9.0 release - 
> especially for people who are not "power users". but if so decided, I 

How many "power users" will come as newbies to an install party? And
even if they do, will you install the full MDK/RH bloat, or a slimmed
down custom package selection?

> will try my best to explain all the aspects of choosing to go with such 
> a system and will offer by default the distribution chosen for the 
> "official" install party distro (and please don't make it Debian - a 
> windows user will not even survive the installation setup before running 
> away screaming)

While it's true that full Debian installs are not for the fainthearted,
what about a slimmed Debian (1 CD) with a simple, foolproof install?

Finally, what about the *truly* clueless (but willing) newbies? Is it
perhaps worth trying Lycoris as a sort of "training wheels" until they
can stay upright by themselves on a serious distro?
David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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RE: phat linux

2002-09-24 Thread David Howard

On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 17:24, Amir Tal wrote:
> a thought regarding tommorow's event :
> i was thinking that maybe we should also try an additional 
> method for new users.
> i am guessing that there will be people that will be afraid of data

It's now very late for this discussion, but if there are potential new
users who are really worried about data loss, the safest route would be
a distro running from the CD (Suse live-eval, DemoLinux, Knoppix etc.).
Reset BIOS to boot from CD, reboot and - no risk. It'll run slowly, but
it won't compromise existing partitions. But then, any distro running on
top of windows will also run slowly, and is hardly a long-term solution
for a genuine newbie. Of course, this isn't an *install*, and is perhaps
inappropriate for an install party. But it is *safe*.

> should we suggest it to users as an option ?
David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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Re: phat linux

2002-09-24 Thread David Howard

On Tue, 2002-09-24 at 19:36, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> As for DemoLinux and other CD-based distros: anybody tried to actually
> work with one? How easy it is to create a decent writable home directory?

Don't know about DemoLinux. Have just now been playing with Knoppix
3.1b. It opens a KDE 3.0 session on console #5, for default user
"knoppix". I opened new folders, created and saved files in the home
directory, and created new users. Sound card was correctly configured,
USB devices recognized, and desktop icons created to access all disk
partitions, (vfat, ext2 and ext3). I could run consoles #2,#3 and #4.
Did not try to configure printer (CUPS is installed by default), nor try
to set up ADSL connection. Otherwise very functional as a demo.

David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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Re: online gamers

2002-10-13 Thread David Howard
On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 20:26, Amir Tal wrote:
> hi,
> I've became a games addict.
> yes, i know, i am 30 years old - so what ?
> i must admit that Quake III Arena and Unreal 2003 really grubbed (sic?)me, ;-)
David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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RE: dvd player*s* show twice same half screen

2002-10-31 Thread David Howard
On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 10:43, Martin Polley wrote:
> I've heard good things about Xine, too. (The pronunciation doesn't
> good in Hebrew though...)
IIRC, the former Xine page showed that the recommended pronunciation was
"kseen". But if you're worried about xine, how about the English
pronunciation of "Haifux"? Sexual activity on top of the Carmel?

David Howard

Sent using Evolution in Libranet Linux.


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Re: ADSL experiment

2000-08-22 Thread David Howard

Shlomo, hi!

First, apologies: this reply comes from Pegasus on W2K. That's 
because I'm currently on an ADSL link, d/loading an ISO, and don't 
want to reboot into Linux just to send one message. 


> But will I have
> a problem when the BEZEQ installation person comes next week ? Will he
> know what to do ? What do I have to do or prepare in order not to have
> problems with the installation ? As I wrote before, since I don't want
> to miss the opportunity to be in the ADSL experiment, I will
> compromise and connect a WIN98 machine if necessary, but that's not
> what I want to do. So I would like to  be prepared for the
> technician's visit.

I've been on the trial since Jan 2000, but was offline for most of last 
month. Last week two techs, one from Bezeq and one from 
KHafarpar, replaced my defective ADSL modem with the new 
model, and installed the new dialler under W2K.. All works OK. 
Questions to online tech help, to the two visiting technicians and in 
person to technicians in the Bezeq ADSL HQ in Jerusalem all got 
no answer on Linux connectivity. They have *no*, repeat *NO* idea.
Perhaps when the IGLU cabal have finished the kashrut wars, they 
may be better able to ask *pointed* questions of Bezeq.
(BTW, halachically, human flesh is parev, which may help in 
disposing of the victims of the war should a BBQ be decided upon.)
> 4 - A number of people suggested WIN98 solutions (thanks to all) but
> none gave any details except for program names. If I don't get an all
> LINUX solution, I'll ask these nice people for more detailed info. But
> in any case, it was not clear to me if anyone has actually tried these
> solutions or they were just based on hearing about the various
> products.

Before I got my connection, I asked a question on the list, and got a reply 
from  moshe achmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
who is connected through Linux and ADSL.He may be able to help 
you. AFAIK, Bezeq _won't/can't_ help you. I have also spoken to 
Actcom phone help, and the guy I spoke to assured me he had 
connected his own home Linux box, but that was in Haifa, and he 
said that other areas may not be so easy to connect.

> I was told I'll be charged 230 shekels for the ADSL modem (including
> installation by BEZEQ) 

I was charged 171 NIS by Hafarpar. No payment to Bezeq.

>and the experiment is for three months at no charge. 

In January 2000 I was told "until the end of Feb 2000." 
I'm still on :-))

> Nobody seems to know what the cost will be after that (if the
> government gives BEZEQ a license) but my guess is that in order to
> compete with cable, they cannot charge a very high price.

Bezeq ADSL HQ told me 99 NIS monthly (unlimited time).

Of course,
> in addition to whatever they will charge you still need an account
> with one of the INTERNET providers and I don't know if they'll charge
> more for a wide-band connection than they charge for modem or ISDN
> service. Does anyone have any info on this point ?  

Not yet, but perhaps Actcom? ADSL is the *ONLY* thing 
preventing the deletion and reformatting of my FAT32 partition!

David Howard

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Restoring GRUB

2000-09-10 Thread David Howard

My system was configured to use GRUB to boot either Linux (MDK7.1 on
hda6) or win2k (NT boot loader). During a recent forced reinstall of
win2k, the NT bootloader overwrote GRUB, forcing me to use a boot
diskette to get into Linux.
I then tried to reinstall GRUB - 
login as root, 
cd /boot/grub, 
# sh install.sh 
Still no GRUB. NT bootloader still owns mbr.

If I boot to DOS, and then run C:\> fdisk /mbr
will that return me to the status quo ante, i.e. the mbr owned by
GRUB? Or am I likely to end with a system which won't boot to

TIA. David.

David Howard

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Re: Survey (was: article on ynet)

2003-01-14 Thread David Howard
On Tue, 2003-01-14 at 10:05, Eli Marmor wrote:

> Questions:
> ==
> My desktop environment management is:
> -
> 1. Only KDE.
> 2. I prefer KDE.
> 3. Both.
> 4. I prefer Gnome.
> 5. Only Gnome.
> 0. None.


> Reasons (please check all that apply):
> --
> A.  Better Hebrew support.
> B.  Licensing.
> C1. Similarity to Windows GUI.
> C2. Difference from Windows GUI.
> D.  My company/organization dictates/recommends this desktop.
> E1. This is the only desktop coming with my distribution.
> E2. This is the default desktop that my distribution offers.
> E3. This is the desktop that is best supported by my distribution.
> F.  I use an application(s) that runs better under this desktop (please
> detail - which app).
> G1. Historical reasons.
> G2. I've got used to this desktop.
> G3. I have a lot of existing configurations/customizations for this
> desktop, and/or existing investments.
> H.  Another reason (PLEASE DETAIL)

G2, G3

> If you feel that you can answer this survey only partially, please do
> it; I prefer partial answers over no answers at all.
> Thanks!
David Howard

Evolution 1.2.0 in Libranet 2.7

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MSIE websites

2003-02-26 Thread David Howard
Hi to all from 30 cm of snow in Jerusalem.

Further to the recent thread on Israeli websites "optimized" for MSIE, I
ran into this problem again this morning on two sites:


Forgive my relative ignorance of the technicalities of the required
plugins, but this seems to me a signal for serious protest.
The problem was the same in Mozilla (1.2.1) and Galeon (1.2.7), both
with java, javascript, and shockwave flash enabled as plugins. What
additional crap does MSIE have to enable full access? Can this crap be
enabled also in Moz/Gal?


David Howard

Evolution 1.2.1 in Libranet 2.7

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Re: MSIE websites

2003-02-26 Thread David Howard
On Wed, 2003-02-26 at 12:02, Diego Iastrubni wrote:

> > > http://www.haaretzdaily.com/hasen/pages/Gallery.jhtml?groupId=7
> > >

> Whats wrong with elal? 
> I have tried to book a flight and did not have success.
> Tested in konqui 3.03

I don't use konqui (or KDE). Just tried now - same problem. In Moz/Gal,
I can't move to other tabs from the default "Online Booking".
I wanted to open "Arrivals & Departures".

David Howard

Evolution 1.2.1 in Libranet 2.7

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Bookmarks Galeon -> Mozilla

2003-03-02 Thread David Howard
Hi to all.

I realize that since Galeon depends on Mozilla, it's more likely that
people will want to convert/import from Mozilla to Galeon, rather than
the opposite. I use Galeon (1.27) predominantly, and have built up a
large bookmarks list which I'd like to import into Mozilla (1.21). I
saved Galeon's bookmarks (bookmarks.xbel) as ~/bookmarks.html in
"Mozilla's bookmark format", since Mozilla won't import the *.xbel file

When I use Mozilla's import facility on bookmarks.html, Mozilla's
bookmarks menu displays only the first three of a total of twenty-one
folders. Opening the file as a new page in either Mozilla or Galeon
displays the whole list. Resaving bookmarks.xbel in any other .html
format offered, produces the same results.

Suggestions? TIA.

David Howard

Evolution 1.2.1 in Libranet 2.7

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"An idea so crap, it can only have come from middle management"

2003-03-06 Thread David Howard


David Howard

Evolution 1.2.1 in Libranet 2.7

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Re: [OT] Digital Cameras and Linux

2003-09-12 Thread David Howard
On Thu, 2003-09-11 at 19:35, Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> I am considering getting a digital camera (for amateur, not
> professional, use), with the obvious requirement that it will interact
> flawlessly with my Linux computers (desktops and laptop).
> Info relevant to makes and models available in Israel and/or BG
> Duty-free is especially welcome.

The following may be considered a bit less than flawless interaction,
but it does work.

I bought an Olympus C220Z (aka C2Z and D520Z) in Janary '03. It then
cost 1560 NIS, with an included 8 MB SmartMedia card. Adding a 64 MB
card, 4 rechargeable batteries and a charger pushed it to almost 2000

Although it's only 2.3 MP, it's been fine for my amateur use, and I
chose it after a *lot* of comparison shopping, and would highly
recommend it for amateur use. The one hitch is that when downloading
from the camera card to the box through the USB cable, the camera
misrepresents itself to the box, and locks up the process.
There are several workarounds, including a kernel patch
which is now being integrated into various kernels.

You might also find these links useful:

HTH. Good hunting. David.

David Howard
Evolution 1.2.4 in Libranet 2.8

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RTL page layout in OOo calc?

2003-10-15 Thread David Howard
Hi all,

I'm raising this question here, since the appropriate forum hasn't
answered it. I'm trying to open Hebrew Excel files in calc, without
reversing the column order.
I'm currently running OOo 1.1beta2-1 from Debian sid. While the Hebrew
support in cells seems fine as far as I've tested it, I can't get an RTL
page layout. This issue was raised on the OOo calc forum on 7/10/03

"Is it possible to make the spreadsheet right to left -- that is, have
the row numbers on the right and the A column on the right, with the
columns increasing leftward? It's great that OOo now has bidirectional
text support, but to be really comfortable I need the spreadsheet the
'right" way."

On the forum, this question has not yet been answered.

So, can it be done yet in 1.1, or is this still in development?

TIA. David.

David Howard
Evolution 1.2.4 in Libranet 2.8

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Live CD in Russian

2003-11-09 Thread David Howard
Hi to all.

A colleague teaching programming in a Jerusalem high school has asked me
to get him a try-out version of Linux. He's a total newbie (never seen
Linux in any form), has excellent Hebrew, so-so English and native
Russian. Obviously a live CD is step one.

For Hebrew I'll give him Kinneret and Kazit. Since I'm unsure how
comfortable he'll feel with an English GUI, I've looked for a live CD
with a Russian interface. Google gave me a Russian Knoppix
http://www.linuxcenter.ru/index.phtml?good=417 , but there seems to be
no free download. I'll d/l and burn Blin for him, but it has no KDE,
which would be better if he's already looking at KDE in Kazit and
Kinneret. (Better not overwhelm him with variety on first contact).

I'm curious as to whether there are any other recommendations from the
list membership. (One year of elementary Russian at university 25 years
ago makes reading Russian websites a slow task.)

David Howard
Evolution 1.2.4 in Libranet 2.8

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Re: מיפגש ביודה הלוי

2003-12-07 Thread David Howard
On Sun, 2003-12-07 at 13:40, nadav mavor wrote:
> ××× × ×9 × × × ××  58
> ×  ××× ××× ×× ×× ××× × 
> ×× (×× ××× ×× ××× ×× 
> ×××)
> ××× 18:30  ×××
> ××× ×××  ×× ××× \××  ×× × × ×× 
> ××  ××× ×\×× ×× 
> ××  ×
> ×××
> ×× ××"× ×× ××× × 
> " ×× ××× ××"
> Ëmzwfj)mXÞçb\"a{
> +wr{zw/(fu!ì&fXÞçb

Given the recent long dialogue on these postings, and the adolescent
sexism, perhaps Nadav should change his email address from

David Howard
Evolution 1.2.4 in Libranet 2.8

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Multiple messages

2003-12-29 Thread David Howard
Am I the only one getting three copies (no more, no less) of every
David Howard
Evolution 1.2.4 in Libranet 2.8

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cp: omitting directory

2004-01-22 Thread David Howard
Hi all.

I'm having problems setting up a cron job to back up Thunderbird mail. 
This is Thunderbird 0.4. When testing the command syntax I get:

/home/david/.mozilla-thunderbird/default/ejlqdp1x.slt/Mail /mnt/archive/Mail
cp: omitting directory 

(sorry about the line wrap).

Googling for "cp: omitting directory" produced unanswered questions 
similar to mine, plus instances of "cannot stat ", or 
"no such file/directory".

Here both source and target directories exist, and they and all 
sub-directories have permissions drwxr-xr-x.

So, where do I look next?
BTW, what does the back tick (`) in the output mean?
David Howard
Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8
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Re: cp: omitting directory

2004-01-22 Thread David Howard
David Howard wrote:
Hi all.
OK, I hit Send too quickly. Almost immediately afterwards the penny 
dropped (RTFM!!). man cp and info cp gave me the -r, -R and -a 
arguments, which solved the problem.
Note to self - RTFM.
I then snapped off a quick update message to that effect, hit the Reply 
button instead of Reply All, and went away. Update of course went to me 
alone, not to the list.
Note to self - THINK FIRST! This has been a less than brilliant day.
Thanks to all who replied. Apologies for the waste of bandwidth and time.

David Howard
Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8

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Re: Read through the end

2004-01-29 Thread David Howard
Boaz Rymland wrote:
Guys, dont take Mr. Lopez too seriously.

I gotta admit that I haven't really read it. Just by skimming over it 
raised a smile & reduced respect for the writer. He is probably a 
genious for getting to such a radical conclusion.In ~1.5 pages... . This 
article looks like spam with all those paragraphs ending with 
"*Advantage: Windows" and the **pompous** grand conclusion: **"**Final 
Score: Windows 5, Linux 0. *The choice is obvious*". Yeah, right. 
Switching back to Windows tomorrow.

Gimme a break, Lopez.
It's a spoof. It's a joke. It's ironic. Just a couple of examples:
I especially like the four games it comes with - Hearts, FreeCell (so 
addictive!), Minesweeper, and Solitaire. It's easy to see why XP is 
considered the ultimate platform for gamers.

with Windows XP I don't gotta worry about emailing viruses to my friends 
and family at all. The built-in email client Outlook Express does it 
automatically, in the background.

With Windows XP Home, I have the peace of mind that comes with knowing 
my habits and activities are being monitored by Microsoft, and my 
computer's hardware configuration and list of installed software is 
being stored in a database in Redmond.

Windows Longhorn will be like having a little cop right inside your 
computer, something MCSEs such as myself have been demanding for years.

Is the irony *so* obscure?

David Howard
Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8

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Foreign Ministry website

2004-02-02 Thread David Howard
I've been trying since Saturday evening to
(a) download the video clip of the Thursday bus bombing, and
(b) to view the streamed video online.
All attempts using Firebird 0.7 have failed. Is www.mfa.gov.il yet 
another MSIE only website?

David Howard
Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8

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Re: Foreign Ministry website

2004-02-03 Thread David Howard
To Tzafrir and to Henry, thanks. I enabled popups in Firebird, and 
successfully downloaded the video. I didn't try to view it streamed, 
since the kids were around at the time. That was a wise decision.

David Howard
Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8

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2004-04-06 Thread David Howard
I'm not sure who is responsible for the changes to the IGLU FTP site, 
but I'd like to thank them for their consideration.

I was in the middle of downloading the third of three .iso files of 
Mandrake (Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD3.i586.iso) when the 
connection was broken, and I was given the message:

Error: A file called Mandrakelinux-10.0-Community-Download-CD3.i586.iso 
was not found on the server

Checking the FTP site file tree showed that in fact there was no longer 
any "pub/distributions/Mandrake/iso" directory on the server.

If it is necessary to change the FTP filetree, why can't this be done 
*AFTER* the last logged-in connection is terminated? WTF do I now do 
with my partial d/l of the .iso?

Thanks a million for the prior notification of the change!

David Howard
Thunderbird 0.4 - Libranet 2.8

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Re: iglu.org.il Now Accepts Posts from Unregistered Users

2004-04-11 Thread David Howard
Maxim Kovgan wrote:
On Sun, 11 Apr 2004, Nadav Har'El wrote:

an advantage? It usually results in tons of spam coming through that
mailing list :(
i totally agree with Nadav.
please make sure unregistered users cannot post in here.
I second that. Another LUG list I'm subscribed to had a series of long, 
bitter flamewars over this issue. The committee finally decided to allow 
posting by anybody, and the spammers rejoiced, as did all list 
subscribers anxious for organ enhancement.

Hag sameah. David.

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David Howard
Thunderbird 0.5 - Libranet 2.8

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2004-05-26 Thread David Howard
Is the Jerusalem Linux Club officially extinct?
http://jlc.iglu.org.il/ (linked from the IGLU homepage) gives a 404.
David Howard
Thunderbird 0.5 - Libranet 2.8
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2004-05-27 Thread David Howard
Shlomi Fish wrote:
This problem emerged due to the eskimo.iglu.org.il upgrade. I fixed it now.
	Shlomi Fish

Thanks, Shlomi.
BTW, your sig isn't quite correct.
> Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
> [Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.]
Either a) Quidquid latine _scriptum_ sit, altum vid_e_tur.
   [Whatever is _written_ in Latin _looks_ profound.]
Or b) Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum _sonatur_ (or _sonitur_).
   [Whatever is _said_ in Latin _sounds_ profound.]
(Yes, it's pedantic, but I love Latin.)
David Howard
Thunderbird 0.5 - Libranet 2.8
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FOSS DB with full Hebrew support

2004-06-19 Thread David Howard
Hi all,
I've been reading the recent thread on DBs with some interest, since 
I've been interested for some time in learning how to use a DB. My only 
previous DB experience was long ago with a DOS-based version of Lotus 
1-2-3, with very clunky Hebrew support. I am looking for a database 
programme suited to my needs.

The DB would be used by English teachers in a Jerusalem High School, to 
keep detailed ongoing records of students - class, hakbatzot, grades 
etc. Currently, such records are kept in (Hebrew-enabled) MS Excel 
files: English interface, all data in Hebrew. OOcalc offers some 
solutions, but like Excel requires alterations to multiple spreadsheets 
when any changes are made. A DB with full Hebrew support is an obvious 
solution. MS Access is *not* an option.

Most of the actual and potential users are native English speakers, 
MS-centric, with poor Hebrew literacy, with limited computer skills (is 
this redundant? ;-) ), and with *no* CLI skills.

The requirements therefore are:
1. *Full* Hebrew support
2. GUI, preferably but not essentially in English
3. Ability to import existing MS Excel data
4. Reasonable learning curve for the technically-challenged
Any and all suggestions will be gratefully received.
David Howard
Thunderbird 0.5 - Libranet 2.8
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The message spreads

2004-07-08 Thread David Howard
Hi all,
Just now I did a Google search for "windows video codecs for linux". The 
sidebar sponsored links showed two items:

Linux for Windows, WinaXe
Run Linux on your Windows desktop
in 2 min. Download free trial now!
Linux vs. Windows
Check The Facts!
Linux TCO is cheaper than Windows
Well done, Hamakor!
David Howard
Thunderbird 0.6 - Libranet 2.8
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the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
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Re: the quest for the right Distro for the right person

2004-08-26 Thread David Howard
ik wrote:
I think that Knoppix, suse and Mandrake (well I never tried Knoppix 
myself) that I tested was really nice, alto Mandrake is unfinished.. And 
Suse requires a lot of work in order to make it Hebrew enabled.
Presuming that a Hebrew interface is esential/important, perhaps a 
Hebraized Knoppix such as Kinneret or Kazit, or alternatively Boten or 
Ehad (hebraized Mandrake - temporarily unavailable) might be suitable?
Kinneret and Kazit should be installable to HDD using the knoppix 
installer script.

If only word-processing and spreadsheets are really essential, then 
anything which will run OOo should suffice.

Anyway thank you all for the answers, I will think on them and try to 
choose from best to  bad to worse, And maybe find the right thing for 


David Howard
Thunderbird 0.7.3 - Libranet 2.8.1
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1999-10-23 Thread David Howard

Hi all.

Does anyone have _hard_ info about Bezeq's current ADSL trial, 
and if it will be possible to use it under Linux? I'm on the list to be 
connected through the Jerusalem Rehavia exchange, but the 
Bezeq contact people seem never to have heard of Linux, and 
could tell me only that ADSL will work for a Win95/98 PC, but not 
for Macs. At present, beside the hated Win98, I've got only 
WinLinux 2000 running on a P1 200 MHz, but RH6.1 and Caldera 
2.3 are on their way from Cheapbytes. Any advice to a fairly raw 
Linux newbie will be welcomed.
David Howard
Hamelitz 8/12 Jerusalem, 93116, ISRAEL.

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1999-10-24 Thread David Howard

Hi all.

Does anyone have _hard_ info about Bezeq's current ADSL trial, 
and if it will be possible to use it under Linux? I'm on the list to be 
connected through the Jerusalem Rehavia exchange, but the 
Bezeq contact people seem never to have heard of Linux, and 
could tell me only that ADSL will work for a Win95/98 PC, but not 
for Macs. At present, beside the hated Win98, I've got only 
WinLinux 2000 running on a P1 200 MHz, but RH6.1 and Caldera 
2.3 are on their way from Cheapbytes. Any advice to a fairly raw 
Linux newbie will be welcomed.
David Howard
Hamelitz 8/12 Jerusalem, 93116, ISRAEL.

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