Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux(was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-14 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Oron Peled wrote:

I simply offered a strategy that may work IMO. Namely, collect
current working practices and "galvanize" them through well designed

Actually, it doesn't seem to me an impossible task to find a common 
denominator (in the sense of API). Indeed, the three widely used types of 

a) the list of key=value pairs ("=" may vary, e.g. ":" or just blank space)
b) ini-style
c) tree

are just subsets of XML (a is level-0 and b is level-1 tree), so the only 
non-trivial things are configs requiring a kind of pre-processing (e.g. 
cpp for Xresources).

BTW, if there are people who are _serious_ about this project, I suggest a 
physical meeting for an initial brainstorming (I'm rather pessimistic 
about mailing lists for this purpose).

BTW: anybody (not just you) know the answer to my (irrelevant) riddle?
 [why the reboot(8) command need to have a disasterous -n option]
 If no one answer, I'll have to publish the "solution"

[replied privately so not to spoil everybody else's findings ;-)]



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-14 Thread Oron Peled
On Tue, 14 Jan 2003 11:18:13 +0200
Evgeny Stambulchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why are you trying to catch me on very 
> specific _details_ instead of arguing about the idea/principles?

I just tried to show that the real world creates unique problems
that would destroy the "single config mechanism" concept.

> My points  are clear:
>  long stuff about principles omitted ...

Completely agreed. There *are* too many variants of the same
idea and, due to historical reasons, many inconsistencies.
So while I don't believe we can have one config mechanism, I do
accept your assertion that we don't need 100 different ones either.

I simply offered a strategy that may work IMO. Namely, collect
current working practices and "galvanize" them through well designed

BTW: anybody (not just you) know the answer to my (irrelevant) riddle?
 [why the reboot(8) command need to have a disasterous -n option]
 If no one answer, I'll have to publish the "solution"

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492

Reality must take precedence over public relations, for Mother 
Nature cannot be fooled.  -- R.P. Feynman

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux(was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-14 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Oron Peled wrote:

So Allon presented one flaw in your assumptions and you came with a
solution for this *specific* flaw...

I don't have a solution. It was an example. I used words like "e.g.". Did 
I say I had the scheme ready? Why are you trying to catch me on very 
specific _details_ instead of arguing about the idea/principles? My points 
are clear:

1. There is no standard config API in the Unix world
2. As a result, every application (or group of apps) implements a kind of 
the API itself, resulting in a huge duplication efforts. Very few have a 
decent one, most are primitive. Same is true for system-level apps, call 
them daemons/services/whatever
3. As a result, there is no well-defined scheme of storing system 
configuration data, resulting in a large number of redundant parameters 
which must be synced externally. There is no even a well-defined _place_ 
for storing the config data (/etc is full with non-config stuff and some 
config files are placed e.g. in /var)
4. As a result, there is no satisfactory (full functionality, same 
look-and-feel) configuration tools. The existing ones (YAST, Webmin,...) 
are essentially collections of independent modules

When you code in C and the same few lines of code appear more than once, 
you extract it into a function. When the same #define is used more than in 
one module, you extract it into a header file to make sure the definition 
is consistent across the application. Does anybody disagree these make a 
good coding practice? But is it special to C? Is it special to 
programming? Of course, not. Why shouldn't the same principles be applied 
to the configuration issues? Yes, the life is not easy and sometimes you 
do have two almost-identical functions (e.g. for performance reasons). But 
these are exceptions.

Do you honestly believe that Unix has reached its usability peak? If not, 
why should the config stuff be an exception? Yes, the life isn't simple 
and will never be. But it's not a reason to not try to make it simplER.



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-13 Thread Oron Peled
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:09:41 +0200
Evgeny Stambulchik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Wrong! My host has tens of different hostnames, also a host might have
> > several IP addresses. Every application needs to know under which hostname
> OK, so the config should be more complicated. E.g. 
> local_machine->network_settings->virtual_hosts[]->hostname. And then apps 

So Allon presented one flaw in your assumptions and you came with a
solution for this *specific* flaw...

> My point is simple: there should be NO redundant definitions of config 
> parameters relevant for a given object.

The world *should* behave as you just described, but...

> This rises no objections when the object is an application, but for some
> reason people start to get nervous when talking about the OS as a whole

Because an application has (hopefully) very specific domain and scope, while
an OS doesn't. Anybody who administered systems in real life knows that
many times the "unthinkable" is the only reasonable option. A short example
to make myself clear:
   Unix/Linux has a '-n' option to reboot that prevent syncing the
   buffer cache before reboot. Obviously this option would corrupt
   the mounted disks. Why is such an option needed? (and we are
   talking way before journaling filesystems :-)
   The answer is very simple (left as an exercise) and illustrate
   how real life sometimes force us into less than optimal solutions.

Applying a "logicaly closed" solution to systems management problems
has failed time after time. I think one of the reasons Unix survived
for >30 years is the avoidance from "over-engineering" --
there's too much diversity and too much complexity.
So your earlier suggestion about minimizing the config types to 1
is naive in my view.

What is *realistic* to achieve IMHO (and still not easy task) is to
try and encapsulate the known best practices -- i.e:
  - use the existing solutions as blueprints for what works (and
what doesn't) in real life.
  - Fold all semantically equivalent solutions into a "canonical"
solution for this "class" of solutions.

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492

"Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly."
 (H. Spencer)

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-13 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Alon Altman wrote:

Never! There should never be a need to sync two different keys! Continuing
the hostname example, it should be defined in a single place, e.g.
local_machine->network_settings->hostname and all scripts/daemons/apps
that need the value should access it instead of duplicating the data in
their specific config sections! Can you imagine ServerRoot defined more
than once (for the same virtual server) in the Apache config? Wouldn't it
be a nonsense? But the same nonsense is defining server's hostname
separately in sendmail's, httpd's, you name it configuration files.

  Wrong! My host has tens of different hostnames, also a host might have
several IP addresses. Every application needs to know under which hostname
it is working. For example, httpd will show a different page as different
hostnames, and the mail daemon will serve different mailboxes for different

OK, so the config should be more complicated. E.g. 
local_machine->network_settings->virtual_hosts[]->hostname. And then apps 
should refer (probably by id) to a relevant element(s) of the 
virtual_hosts[] array. See how this is done in fwbuilder - which is a very 
nice example of proper configuration interface. You define an object once 
and then refer to it in several places (even for different firewalls), so 
if e.g. the DMZ mail server for a reason changes its IP, you change it 
only in the single place.

My point is simple: there should be NO redundant definitions of config 
parameters relevant for a given object. This rises no objections when the 
object is an application, but for some reason people start to get nervous 
when talking about the OS as a whole (or probably even about a domain of 
computers). When I do "find /etc -exec grep `hostname -s` {} \;" on our 
workgroup server I get 8 counts, and that's without /var/named and 
probably a couple of other places. Is it normal?



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-13 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Oron Peled wrote:

And I still don't l;ike the current gconf: it requires an extra daemon

Worse! IIRC it's an extra daemon *per user*

So what? It's a reasonable solution for this kind of problem. In KDE, 
there is DCOPServer and a bunch of others running per user. ssh, when used 
properly (i.e. _easy_ access of several hosts with _strong_ 
authentication) requires the 'ssh-agent' daemon running per user. Why 
don't you rant on ssh implementation? Is it the word "daemon" that worries 
you? Yes, if it dies, bad things may happen. But same is true for e.g. 
xinit which is not a daemon. Why should it die in the first place if 
correctly implemented?

Also, replying to Evgeny:
  Having a standard and powerfull config mechanism is a GoodThing(tm)
  However, some "config" files in Unix/Linux are actually code
  (e.g: shell scripts, .emacs) which obviousely are more general
  than any config scheme you may come with.

The solution is to provide hooks for external interpreters. Just like 
server/client-side scripting is for HTML, I can imagine procedures 
executed either by the config daemon or the application itself.

  If the proposed config mechanism is very general, it would
  bloat simple applications and their authors (justfully) won't
  use it.

Very general doesn't mean bloated. The extensions are proveded via plugins 
and should be never exposed directly to the client. There is JavaScript 
available for HTML, but if I'm scared to learn it doesn't mean I can't use 
static HTML. The fact that there are a hundred Apache modules available 
(including those of alpha and beta quality) doesn't mean I should be 
afraid using Apache. I just don't load unnecessary/unreliable stuff.

  I do accept your observation, that in *many cases* there was no
  good reason to invent yet another poorly engineered config
  mechanism. I would suggest though, that a more realistic goal
  should be to *minimize* the number of different config types.
  For example:
	- A linear key=value pairs (e.g: INI files)
	- Hierarchic config (e.g: static XML)
	- Dynamic config (e.g: Registry/gconf)
	- Inherited config (e.g: environment variables)
	-  where do I fit Xresources?
	- ... others

Of course, the limit of minimization of a natural number is 1 ;-). 
Seriously, it's not the number of configuration formats that worries me, 
but the fact that there is no well-defined API to deal with them at the 
basic OS level (i.e. no other dependencies than libc). This causes the 
present situtation when a given application implements a config API 
internally but don't export it and a GUI config tool author has to 
re-invent the wheel. But since re-inventing the wheel isn't an exiting 
task (especially as far as parsing a custom config format is concerned), 
he usually decides to either abandon the parsing at all (one-side mapping) 
resulting in any changes done either manually or by another tool silently 
lost or does implement it partially which works for (in the best cases) 
majority of the options but anything beyond that is either again lost or 
makes the tool crash/misbehave.

  So we may try to converge to some "best-of-breed" API in each
  category. Some categories may even need alternative selection
  due do special constraints:
	- On small footprint systems you trade flexibility for
	- Some maintenance modes (e.g: single user) may force you
	  to manual config, so you cannot depend on running config
	  deamons (gconf, *SQL, etc.)
  So you may want both "full-blown" API and a "minimal-API" for
  the same category (similar to glibc and dietlibc).

Right. But notice that an application that compiles with dietlibc should 
compile/work nicely with the full-blown variant without even noticing.



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-13 Thread Alon Altman
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:
> > The smart
> > configurator can tell you if you have made an error in configuration, but
> > it really does not allow any "action": if any configuration requires some
> > synchronization between two config keys,
> Never! There should never be a need to sync two different keys! Continuing
> the hostname example, it should be defined in a single place, e.g.
> local_machine->network_settings->hostname and all scripts/daemons/apps
> that need the value should access it instead of duplicating the data in
> their specific config sections! Can you imagine ServerRoot defined more
> than once (for the same virtual server) in the Apache config? Wouldn't it
> be a nonsense? But the same nonsense is defining server's hostname
> separately in sendmail's, httpd's, you name it configuration files.

  Wrong! My host has tens of different hostnames, also a host might have
several IP addresses. Every application needs to know under which hostname
it is working. For example, httpd will show a different page as different
hostnames, and the mail daemon will serve different mailboxes for different


This message was sent by Alon Altman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ICQ:1366540
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 -=[ Random Fortune ]=-
Very few profundities can be expressed in less than 80 characters.

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-13 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

I actually access my imap account via ssh to the mail server ('ssh
mailserver /path/to/imapd') ...

No. What you're doing is tunneling the IMAP protocol via the ssh tty
session. Why you're doing so is quite beyond my understanding, though (a
firewall blocking the IMAP port? - but why not usual port forwarding that
ssh is so good at?).

To use ssh public-key authentication, of course. wu-imap, when run
locally, is automatically past the authentication phase

Why not run it as daemon in the first place?

The fact is that I can run my systems remotely. ssh access to a machine is
enough to do almost any administration task.

Right. But I don't talk about possible/impossible. I talk about usability 
and convenience and The Right Thing To Do (TM). 'ed' _is_ enough to edit 
any file, including configuration files. But I bet you don't use it for 
your sysadmin tasks. I can view an html file with 'less' and in most cases 
understand the contents. However, a web browser is more convenient. 
Electric screwdrivers weren't invented because something couldn't be done 
with simple mechanical tools. It's convenience and efficiency of the work 
that had driven their development.

I can also easily write scripts to do whatever needs automating.

How is it related to the way the config data is stored/retrieved?

No, I mentioned CUPS as a good example of the printing subsystem with a
clear printing API. Other printing systems (BSD lpr,...) don't provide API
at all. Results: enabling printing for a third-party application using
CUPS is a snap from the programming point of view.

The programs provided the API that was originally needed: |lpr

It's not API. "API" stands for application _programming_ interface. "lpr" 
is a command line utility.

Works well, assuming the system has a default printer configured (which
should be the standard, anyway).

It was standard twenty years ago. Today, even in a medium-sized 
organization there are usually a few printers available. Further, lpr/lpd 
has no way to alter most of the printing parameters (paper 
size,quality,...) so sysadmins get around it by defining several virtual 
queues spooling to the same device via different filters. Now, why should 
I teach every user that to print in letter landscape he has to use "lpr -P 
my_printer_letter_landscape" etc?! And do it in every application? Why the 
application itself can't present him with the list of printers available?

Anyway, give pdq a try. (the only print system that does not require

I played with it once. It's better than lpr in a few respects, but IMO it 
will fade away just as lpr will, and for the same reason - it can't be 
easily plugged into an existing application, because it exports no API.

I suggest you read the GConf docs

Interesting. But this only defines what is a valid syntax, and does not
define how to transform one valid syntax to another.

Which transformation are you talking about? And after all, there are 
several tools/libraries implementing XSLT.

The smart
configurator can tell you if you have made an error in configuration, but
it really does not allow any "action": if any configuration requires some
synchronization between two config keys,

Never! There should never be a need to sync two different keys! Continuing 
the hostname example, it should be defined in a single place, e.g. 
local_machine->network_settings->hostname and all scripts/daemons/apps 
that need the value should access it instead of duplicating the data in 
their specific config sections! Can you imagine ServerRoot defined more 
than once (for the same virtual server) in the Apache config? Wouldn't it 
be a nonsense? But the same nonsense is defining server's hostname 
separately in sendmail's, httpd's, you name it configuration files.

You can have the application put call-backs there to syncronize
those two keys

GConf provides applications with a mechanism to register callbacks which 
are called whenever a value is changed. So sendmail could register a 
callback for a local_machine->network_settings->hostname change event to 
take an appropariative action (e.g. restart itself as the dumbest variant).

Also: xml still doesn't allow me to easily:

*font: fixed

How is it related to XML? I can trivially rewrite any app-default file in 
the XML syntax, e.g.

You mix up the config data structure and the application run-time 
hierarchy. They shouldn't necessarily coinside (although when they do, it 
makes the life much easier).

And I still don't l;ike the current gconf

I don't like its _implementation_ either (though for different reasons). 
I'm talking about its _principles_.



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-13 Thread Oron Peled
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003 02:55:10 +0200 (IST)
Tzafrir Cohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The programs provided the API that was originally needed: |lpr

Evgeny does have a point in that some applications need a lot more control
than just submitting a job (e.g: display a list of printers, listing the
characteristics of specific printer [paper type, etc.], locating the closest
priner [LOC comes to mind...]) non of this type of config is easily accessible
from the conventional print spoolers.

> Also: xml still doesn't allow me to easily:
> *font: fixed

In this example it does. The correct way to implement this in XML is via
an XPath/XQuery expression [which should be against the available fonts].
I completely agree though that syntactically the XML et-al are far
worse than the elegant XResources syntax.

> This is because XML assumes a tree structure, and this wildcar below
> applies toall leaves wirt the name "font". So you see: a tree schema
> doesn't always work...

Agreed (although the previous example didn't demonstrated it).

> And I still don't l;ike the current gconf: it requires an extra daemon

Worse! IIRC it's an extra daemon *per user*

Also, replying to Evgeny:
  Having a standard and powerfull config mechanism is a GoodThing(tm)
  However, some "config" files in Unix/Linux are actually code
  (e.g: shell scripts, .emacs) which obviousely are more general
  than any config scheme you may come with.

  If the proposed config mechanism is very general, it would
  bloat simple applications and their authors (justfully) won't
  use it.

  I do accept your observation, that in *many cases* there was no
  good reason to invent yet another poorly engineered config
  mechanism. I would suggest though, that a more realistic goal
  should be to *minimize* the number of different config types.
  For example:
- A linear key=value pairs (e.g: INI files)
- Hierarchic config (e.g: static XML)
- Dynamic config (e.g: Registry/gconf)
- Inherited config (e.g: environment variables)
-  where do I fit Xresources?
- ... others
  So we may try to converge to some "best-of-breed" API in each
  category. Some categories may even need alternative selection
  due do special constraints:
- On small footprint systems you trade flexibility for
- Some maintenance modes (e.g: single user) may force you
  to manual config, so you cannot depend on running config
  deamons (gconf, *SQL, etc.)
  So you may want both "full-blown" API and a "minimal-API" for
  the same category (similar to glibc and dietlibc).

Oron Peled Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492

Code Red, Blue or Green there all a symptom of a far more pervasive
and insidious virus, it costs around $200.

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:

> >>>And anyway, I remind you that there is already a remote access protocol on
> >>>linux that is quite powerful, and works very well. It also fits into the
> >>>unix framework: rsh/ssh
> >>
> >>Fantastic. Ever wondered why people invented HTTP? Of course, these were
> >>Windows freaks who didn't know how to use telnet. The "unix framework"
> >>would be to ssh to the web server and run the browser there. Right?

Actually, they had an ugly "browser" called www. And in 1989 there weren't
too many MS-Windows freaks around.

At that time there was already something called gopher.

> >
> >
> > Hey: I specifically excluded telnet!
> What's the principal difference here, for the heaven's sake?

(forgot a ;-) )

> > Anyway, http is a simplified ftp, not a simplified rsh.
> Exactly. So you answered yourself. When there is a remote data (HTML files
> in the case of WWW) there are two ways for a user to access the data: 1)
> login to the remote computer and run an application (web browser) there
> and somehow display the application's interface back or 2) retrieve the
> data to the local system and run the app locally (and send the modified
> data back, if required, using the same protocol that was used for fetching
> it). The second approach is called "the client-server model". Shall I go
> in depth proving that 2) is superior?

No. The thing is that I don't need to give anyone on my net a full shell
access to that web server. Also: following links is just not the same if
you have totype your password over-and-over again.

> > I actually access my imap account via ssh to the mail server ('ssh
> > mailserver /path/to/imapd') ...
> No. What you're doing is tunneling the IMAP protocol via the ssh tty
> session. Why you're doing so is quite beyond my understanding, though (a
> firewall blocking the IMAP port? - but why not usual port forwarding that
> ssh is so good at?).

To use ssh public-key authentication, of course. wu-imap, when run
locally, is automatically past the authentication phase

> At the other end of the ssh pipe an IMAP-capable mail
> reader is listening anyway.
> >>If rsh/ssh is the ultimate answer to the
> >>remote management, then vi is the ultimate configuration GUI. Not?
> >
> >
> > You seem to confuse "usage" and administration" in the above examples.
> No, it's you fail to realize that "administration" is a form of "usage".
> For a web browser application the data is HTML files. For a management
> console, the data is config info.

I realize that, but...

> > It is a powerful remote administration tool that you should not break.
> ??

The fact is that I can run my systems remotely. ssh access to a machine is
enough to do almost any administration task. I can also easily write
scripts to do whatever needs automating.

> > There is one thing you should keep in mind: GUI can't be automated.
> Why did you jump at GUI? Whether I'm using Mozilla to browse the Net or
> downloading a Mandrake ISO with wget the HTTP protocol comes handy. And
> both Mozilla and wget could potentially use the same HTTP access API if
> such a thing existed on all flavours of OS the two applications are
> running. Same about IMAP: KMail (GUI) and fetchmail (GUI-less) both use it
> instead of logging to the remote server via ssh. Same about config.
> > An API, as nice as it is, still takes some effort to automate.
> Come on. The point is _unification_. If a device has ten screws, nobody
> would deny it's more complex to deal with than a single one. But if each
> of them is different in size/form... Yes, that's the current state of
> affairs in the Unix world of configuration. A nice car with hundreds of
> screws of different types. You have to learn how to use a few dozens of
> different screwdrivers. For a few large polished screws you can buy an
> electric screwdriver; however, 1) the electric tool, albeit fast, is very
> rough and 2) once you started using the advanced tool, an attempt to
> tighten one of the polished screws with a usual screwdriver risks the car
> stop working. Imagined?
> > If you want something done via cron: you need a shell command.
> Sorry, I lost you here completely. What did you try to say?
> > Another thing to keep in mind: current package management tools are built
> > around files. A file cannot be part of two packages. Config files fit very
> > nicely into this scheme: there is a clear definition who is responsible
> > for each config file.
> The "clear" definition appears very dirty at a closer look. Ever tried
> changing hostname of a multi-protocol server? The hostname pops up in a
> dozen of different config files. Which package is responsible for
> hostname? Plus, it should be changed on all clients accessing the server
> and possibly in the firewall configuration.
> > If more than one package should change a certain
> > config file, then the package
> Which of the two (or more)?
> > providing this file

Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

Think about embeded SQL. The backend could be a daemon (e.g. PostgreSQL),
but could also be a plain file (see SQLite). Basically, you just swap the
header files.

/me thinks: how can one binary work with all the different backends...

man dlopen. Or read existing code. Since we talked about SQL, the first 
thing that comes to my mind is UnixODBC (

Ideally, there is a backend-neutral wrapper layer with many
plugins. Administrating a standalone desktop? Configure it to use local
files for the config data storage and don't worry about daemons. Just as
/etc/hosts vs. named. A more complicated schemes including local caching
etc are possible, too.

Anyway, one thing you should look at is libc's nss (name service switch),
which allows selection in run-time of the name-resolution method for each
of the "services". But this is a read-only configuration.

Hmm, and in which way is it related to a generic configuration API? I used 
the hosts/named example just to show how the same functionality can be 
achieved both with and without a daemon - with applications not having a 
slightest idea whether the NS answer comes from a remote server or /etc/hosts.

And anyway, I remind you that there is already a remote access protocol on
linux that is quite powerful, and works very well. It also fits into the
unix framework: rsh/ssh

Fantastic. Ever wondered why people invented HTTP? Of course, these were
Windows freaks who didn't know how to use telnet. The "unix framework"
would be to ssh to the web server and run the browser there. Right?

Hey: I specifically excluded telnet!

What's the principal difference here, for the heaven's sake?

Anyway, http is a simplified ftp, not a simplified rsh.

Exactly. So you answered yourself. When there is a remote data (HTML files 
in the case of WWW) there are two ways for a user to access the data: 1) 
login to the remote computer and run an application (web browser) there 
and somehow display the application's interface back or 2) retrieve the 
data to the local system and run the app locally (and send the modified 
data back, if required, using the same protocol that was used for fetching 
it). The second approach is called "the client-server model". Shall I go 
in depth proving that 2) is superior?

I actually access my imap account via ssh to the mail server ('ssh
mailserver /path/to/imapd') ...

No. What you're doing is tunneling the IMAP protocol via the ssh tty 
session. Why you're doing so is quite beyond my understanding, though (a 
firewall blocking the IMAP port? - but why not usual port forwarding that 
ssh is so good at?). At the other end of the ssh pipe an IMAP-capable mail 
reader is listening anyway.

If rsh/ssh is the ultimate answer to the
remote management, then vi is the ultimate configuration GUI. Not?

You seem to confuse "usage" and administration" in the above examples.

No, it's you fail to realize that "administration" is a form of "usage". 
For a web browser application the data is HTML files. For a management 
console, the data is config info.

It is a powerful remote administration tool that you should not break.


There is one thing you should keep in mind: GUI can't be automated.

Why did you jump at GUI? Whether I'm using Mozilla to browse the Net or 
downloading a Mandrake ISO with wget the HTTP protocol comes handy. And 
both Mozilla and wget could potentially use the same HTTP access API if 
such a thing existed on all flavours of OS the two applications are 
running. Same about IMAP: KMail (GUI) and fetchmail (GUI-less) both use it 
instead of logging to the remote server via ssh. Same about config.

An API, as nice as it is, still takes some effort to automate.

Come on. The point is _unification_. If a device has ten screws, nobody 
would deny it's more complex to deal with than a single one. But if each 
of them is different in size/form... Yes, that's the current state of 
affairs in the Unix world of configuration. A nice car with hundreds of 
screws of different types. You have to learn how to use a few dozens of 
different screwdrivers. For a few large polished screws you can buy an 
electric screwdriver; however, 1) the electric tool, albeit fast, is very 
rough and 2) once you started using the advanced tool, an attempt to 
tighten one of the polished screws with a usual screwdriver risks the car 
stop working. Imagined?

If you want something done via cron: you need a shell command.

Sorry, I lost you here completely. What did you try to say?

Another thing to keep in mind: current package management tools are built
around files. A file cannot be part of two packages. Config files fit very
nicely into this scheme: there is a clear definition who is responsible
for each config file.

The "clear" definition appears very dirty at a closer look. Ever tried 
changing hostname of a multi-protocol server? The hostname pops up in a 
dozen of different config files. Which pa

Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Shaul Karl
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003 at 09:36:53PM +0200, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> There was a program called xresedit (or something like that... hmm, could it
> be that XFree86 dropped this??) to edit running applications' configuration
> on-the-fly (e.g., you could change the button colors on a running
> application ;))

  Is the following what you are referring to?

$ dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/bin/editres
xbase-clients: /usr/X11R6/bin/editres
$ man editres


   editres - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications

   editres [ toolkitoption ... ]

   editres is a tool that allows users and application developers
   to view the full widget hierarchy of any X Toolkit application 
   that speaks  the


Shaul Karl, [EMAIL PROTECTED] e t

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:

> Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> >>Hence, this approach is wrong. Webmin, LinuxConf, YAST, DrakeConf, you name it.
> >>Huge duplication of efforts and _none_ of the above working properly. You need
> >>an API ("abstraction") that will both generate AND parse the configuration.
> >>Moreover, the Apache itself MUST use this very API. And all other servers and
> >>applications. Throw in replication and remote access protocol and that will be
> >>the sysadmin's paradise... And no, I don't mind it sounds like Active Directory.
> >
> >
> > 1. This means rewriting apache.
> No. It means either a) {if the Apache style of config is considered the
> best} extracting the relevant part of Apache into an independent library
> or b) designing the config API from scratch and throwing away the old
> cruft (which isn't a major part of the Apache codebase anyway).
> > Recall that apache is used not only on
> > linux, but on hosts of other platforms. Some linux developers tend to be
> > linux-centric, and ignore the fact that the same software needs to run on
> > other platforms.
> I wholeheartedly agree that for such a base API to catch on, it must be
> highly portable.
> > 2. gnome (partially in 1.4, more so in 2.0) is a test to such a
> > technology.
> As I wrote earlier, I in general like the GConf ideas, but it's bound to
> Gnome (well, it's supposed to be used kinda standalone, but since it
> further depends on about dozen of libraries which you never find on
> non-Gnomified systems... and of course, linking a daemon like crond to ten
> libraries just to parse its config is definitely an overkill).
> > Am I the only one who thinks a configuration daemon is bad?
> Why is it bad (if correctly implemented)? And why the daemon is a must?
> Think about embeded SQL. The backend could be a daemon (e.g. PostgreSQL),
> but could also be a plain file (see SQLite). Basically, you just swap the
> header files.

/me thinks: how can one binary work with all the different backends...

> Ideally, there is a backend-neutral wrapper layer with many
> plugins. Administrating a standalone desktop? Configure it to use local
> files for the config data storage and don't worry about daemons. Just as
> /etc/hosts vs. named. A more complicated schemes including local caching
> etc are possible, too.

Anyway, one thing you should look at is libc's nss (name service switch),
which allows selection in run-time of the name-resolution method for each
of the "services". But this is a read-only configuration.

> > And anyway, I remind you that there is already a remote access protocol on
> > linux that is quite powerful, and works very well. It also fits into the
> > unix framework: rsh/ssh
> Fantastic. Ever wondered why people invented HTTP? Of course, these were
> Windows freaks who didn't know how to use telnet. The "unix framework"
> would be to ssh to the web server and run the browser there. Right?

Hey: I specifically excluded telnet!

Anyway, http is a simplified ftp, not a simplified rsh.

> And
> IMAP is completely obsolete in the unix framework, too: ssh to the mail
> server and open inbox in vi.

I actually access my imap account via ssh to the mail server ('ssh
mailserver /path/to/imapd') ...

> If rsh/ssh is the ultimate answer to the
> remote management, then vi is the ultimate configuration GUI. Not?

You seem to confuse "usage" and administration" in the above examples.

It is a powerful remote administration tool that you should not break.
There is one thing you should keep in mind: GUI can't be automated. An
API, as nice as it is, still takes some effort to automate. If you want
something done via cron: you need a shell command.

Another thing to keep in mind: current package management tools are built
around files. A file cannot be part of two packages. Config files fit very
nicely into this scheme: there is a clear definition who is responsible
for each config file. If more than one package should change a certain
config file, then the package providing this file must provide the
(command-line) API to edit this file safely.

This modularity is another thing that has to be maintained. One thing that
has to be done in any such configuration scheme is to define "domains"
whose are in the responsibility of certain packages.

Another point: you mentioned cups as a good example of a package with a
clear configuration API (though it seems to require a certain daemon
listening on a certain port, IIRC).

There is one difference between a general configuration scheme and a
specific configuration scheme: the designers of cups's config API were
aaware of the meaning of every action: they knew what "print" will do,

But if you design a generic config API, you simply don't have the right
"actions" or "verbs" in advance: It seems that what you want is an API
that will expose all the actions that can be performed on the config of a
service, rather than a low-level API to edit the c

Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux(was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Nadav Har'El wrote:

Of course, you need a bidirectional mapping (i.e. not only from the
disk representation to the in-memory representation, but also vice-
versa); Otherwise, the changes can't be translated to rules of
configuration files.

Right, and the lack of these features (actually, the lack of decent API
providing them) distracted many even pure-X apps from solely using it; instead,
they load/store their configs from customly-formatted .rc files.

This is not the only problem with X resources...

Sure. But my point is that even such a limited config interface has never 
existed at the base level of Unix system. A limited tool is better than no 
tool at all. Just imagine how many thousands of hours of 
programming/debugging could be saved if in libc (or in a separate lib - 
like libm for math stuff) there existed a simplistic API for dealing with 
INI-style config files! INI config files would be completely adequate for 
a vast majority of existing apps, including those that don't presently 
provide a configuration mechanism at all (e.g. why should I worry about 
aliasing cp to "cp -i", ls to "ls -F --color=auto" etc in each and every 
shell separately instead of setting it in a fileutils config file, once 
and for ever?!).

I need the well-defined API and its C implementation. Whatever

The Xt implementation of X resources was quite well-defined and powerful.

Not really. Why then literally no app uses Xresources for _storing_ prefs? 
Netscape's preferences.js would fit nicely into the Xresources syntax, for 
example. Some other advanced X apps (e.g. Nedit) started using the 
Xresources for preferences but then switched to a custom load/store API 
_although the format remained the same_! But again, you missed my point. 
Whatever nice or powerful it is, it's bound to X. Would anybody in the 
sane mind want to link crond or named to X libs (and which wouldn't work 
without opening a $DISPLAY)?

There was a program called xresedit (or something like that... hmm, could it
be that XFree86 dropped this??)

editres. BTW, it always had misc problems with Motif/Lesstif apps (which 
became very severe with Motif-2.1 API, so that OpenMotif folks started 
putting a modified version of (parts of?) libXmu inside libXm - which 
created a bunch of other problems, but that's a completely different story).



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

Hence, this approach is wrong. Webmin, LinuxConf, YAST, DrakeConf, you name it.
Huge duplication of efforts and _none_ of the above working properly. You need
an API ("abstraction") that will both generate AND parse the configuration.
Moreover, the Apache itself MUST use this very API. And all other servers and
applications. Throw in replication and remote access protocol and that will be
the sysadmin's paradise... And no, I don't mind it sounds like Active Directory.

1. This means rewriting apache.

No. It means either a) {if the Apache style of config is considered the 
best} extracting the relevant part of Apache into an independent library 
or b) designing the config API from scratch and throwing away the old 
cruft (which isn't a major part of the Apache codebase anyway).

Recall that apache is used not only on
linux, but on hosts of other platforms. Some linux developers tend to be
linux-centric, and ignore the fact that the same software needs to run on
other platforms.

I wholeheartedly agree that for such a base API to catch on, it must be 
highly portable.

2. gnome (partially in 1.4, more so in 2.0) is a test to such a

As I wrote earlier, I in general like the GConf ideas, but it's bound to 
Gnome (well, it's supposed to be used kinda standalone, but since it 
further depends on about dozen of libraries which you never find on 
non-Gnomified systems... and of course, linking a daemon like crond to ten 
libraries just to parse its config is definitely an overkill).

Am I the only one who thinks a configuration daemon is bad?

Why is it bad (if correctly implemented)? And why the daemon is a must? 
Think about embeded SQL. The backend could be a daemon (e.g. PostgreSQL), 
but could also be a plain file (see SQLite). Basically, you just swap the 
header files. Ideally, there is a backend-neutral wrapper layer with many 
plugins. Administrating a standalone desktop? Configure it to use local 
files for the config data storage and don't worry about daemons. Just as 
/etc/hosts vs. named. A more complicated schemes including local caching 
etc are possible, too.

And anyway, I remind you that there is already a remote access protocol on
linux that is quite powerful, and works very well. It also fits into the
unix framework: rsh/ssh

Fantastic. Ever wondered why people invented HTTP? Of course, these were 
Windows freaks who didn't know how to use telnet. The "unix framework" 
would be to ssh to the web server and run the browser there. Right? And 
IMAP is completely obsolete in the unix framework, too: ssh to the mail 
server and open inbox in vi. If rsh/ssh is the ultimate answer to the 
remote management, then vi is the ultimate configuration GUI. Not?



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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Sun, Jan 12, 2003, Evgeny Stambulchik wrote about "Re[2]: Binary configuration 
files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)":
> >  Of course, you need a bidirectional mapping (i.e. not only from the
> >  disk representation to the in-memory representation, but also vice-
> >  versa); Otherwise, the changes can't be translated to rules of
> >  configuration files.
> Right, and the lack of these features (actually, the lack of decent API
> providing them) distracted many even pure-X apps from solely using it; instead,
> they load/store their configs from customly-formatted .rc files.

This is not the only problem with X resources...
X resources provide a very specific model of configuration, with a very
limited syntax.

Looking at my ~/.ctwmrc (yes, ctwm is my window manager), ~/.emacs (900
lines of lisp :)), ~/.zshrc, etc., I can't imagine how any of those could
be done using the X resources model.

I mean, surely it could be done, like this:
But this is obviously not what you suggest.

> I need the well-defined API and its C implementation. Whatever

The Xt implementation of X resources was quite well-defined and powerful.
There was a program called xresedit (or something like that... hmm, could it
be that XFree86 dropped this??) to edit running applications' configuration
on-the-fly (e.g., you could change the button colors on a running
application ;))

Tcl/Tk has a much better (in my opinion) configuration paradigm. First,
since Tcl is an interpreted language, configuration files could be written
in that language and be very powerful (e.g., imagine your clock's color
changing depending on the day of the week, and your background change
according to the phase of the moon).
If you wanted the config file to have a fixed structure so that a program
could modify (not just read) it, you could have done it (just like XEmacs
now does with the user options saved as Lisp).

Then, Tcl/Tk had a "send" command (try 'man n send') in which you could
execute Tcl expressions on another running applications. This could be used,
for example, for configuring a running applications. I once had a program
like that which let you change colors of widgets (and similar stuff) on
running Tcl/Tk programs.

Too bad Tcl/Tk didn't catch on, it was a very nice tool :(

Nadav Har'El|  Sunday, Jan 12 2003, 10 Shevat 5763
Phone: +972-53-245868, ICQ 13349191 |Unlike Microsoft, a restaurant will not   |ask me to pay for food with a bug in it!

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Re[2]: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Tzafrir Cohen
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Evgeny Stambulchik wrote:

> Hence, this approach is wrong. Webmin, LinuxConf, YAST, DrakeConf, you name it.
> Huge duplication of efforts and _none_ of the above working properly. You need
> an API ("abstraction") that will both generate AND parse the configuration.
> Moreover, the Apache itself MUST use this very API. And all other servers and
> applications. Throw in replication and remote access protocol and that will be
> the sysadmin's paradise... And no, I don't mind it sounds like Active Directory.

1. This means rewriting apache. Recall that apache is used not only on
linux, but on hosts of other platforms. Some linux developers tend to be
linux-centric, and ignore the fact that the same software needs to run on
other platforms.

2. gnome (partially in 1.4, more so in 2.0) is a test to such a
technology. Am I the only one who thinks a configuration daemon is bad?

And anyway, I remind you that there is already a remote access protocol on
linux that is quite powerful, and works very well. It also fits into the
unix framework: rsh/ssh

(not telnet: you cannot run commands remotely via telnet!)

Tzafrir Cohen

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Re[2]: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Shlomi Fish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Affecting a program at run-time? I don't want to affect crond at run-time
>  or inetd at run-time or even Apache at run-time. I want to configure them,
>  and run them with the same configuration. If you want to create an Apache
>  Module that will listen to requests and with some authentication be able
>  to configure the entire Apache at run-time and change it in the
>  configuration file be my guest.

Yes. And another one will do it for ssh. And yet others will do it for
applications X, Y, and Z... duplicating the efforts. This is a short-sighted

>  I am content with reloading or restarting Apache whenever I make a chage.

So some are content with restarting the whole computer (probably several times
in row) just for installing an audio driver. Don't you see a parallel? What is
OK for a home desktop is unacceptable for server. Reloading Apache serving
static contents is no big deal, but if it's coupled with a DB machinery
involving complicated lengthy transactions, this may be very serious. And how
about restaring X server killing all your running apps just to alter the font
path or bell volume?

>  That why I suggested an abstraction. Something that will generate
>  an Apache configuration. If you modify the abstraction using the
>  abstraction-specific tools. If you modify the Apache configuration files
>  directly, that may be lost after you use the abstraction again.

Hence, this approach is wrong. Webmin, LinuxConf, YAST, DrakeConf, you name it.
Huge duplication of efforts and _none_ of the above working properly. You need
an API ("abstraction") that will both generate AND parse the configuration.
Moreover, the Apache itself MUST use this very API. And all other servers and
applications. Throw in replication and remote access protocol and that will be
the sysadmin's paradise... And no, I don't mind it sounds like Active Directory.



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Re[2]: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Evgeny Stambulchik
Eli Marmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   X Resources.
>  Does it threat anybody?
>  No?  OK; Let's go on:
>  There are several requirements that are critical for creating a good
>  GUI.
>  One of them is the ability to work against a working program, and not
>  just a file.

Well, this has nothing to do with the configuration file format itself. It's a
communication protocol provided by the X/editres API (libXmu). But it's indeed
very important for a configuration _programming interface_. Unfortunately, the X
people didn't realize that the pathetic lack of standard configuration API in
the Unix world that had driven them to create the Xresources infrastructure from
the scratch was worth extracting it into a separate, X-independent API library.

>  Of course, you need a bidirectional mapping (i.e. not only from the
>  disk representation to the in-memory representation, but also vice-
>  versa); Otherwise, the changes can't be translated to rules of
>  configuration files.

Right, and the lack of these features (actually, the lack of decent API
providing them) distracted many even pure-X apps from solely using it; instead,
they load/store their configs from customly-formatted .rc files.

>  You need clear definitions; Not definitions that may start anywhere in
>  the line, with any number of leading/trailing spaces/tabs/etc. that you
>  never know which are part of the value and which are not, with leveling
>  that is based on semi-XML directives (""), with ambiguous
>  comments, with "ifdefs" that you never know if the leveling that is
>  hidden by them is really hidden - or only the rules inside those
>  levels, with too many ways to say "yes" (e.g. "tRuE", "oN", falling
>  back to the default, etc.) and so on.
>  There are many other formatting issues that ease or harden the ability
>  to develop a good GUI.

GUI is important, but it's nothing compared to the API. I don't care about the
specific format of the configuration _storage_. Let it be a plain ASCII or XML
file or any binary one (not a propriate, of course). Do you care about the data
storage format when comparing e.g. MySQL vs. PgSQL? Of course, not. Does it
worry someone that the data format is binary? Of course, not. Well, a data dump
(to an ASCII file) utility is a must - for the backup purposes etc, but that's

I need the well-defined API and its C implementation. Whatever
complicated/non-trivial format is choosen, the efforts of parsing it are spent
only once. From there on, everything is simple. The GUI config tool will use the
API, too. C++/Perl/Python/etc bindings are trivial. Look at CUPS. Nobody (except
those involved in its development) cares about the format/structure of the CUPS
config files. They provided the API. Period. Then somebody wrote the Qt/CUPS
widget, and now any Qt application (read - programmer) get the whole selection
of printing options provided by CUPS with zero efforts spent. Compare the
situation with lpr & friends. There is no API for parsing (let alone changing)
the rather primitive /etc/printcap file format. And then come sysv lp, lprng,...
each with its own config files and each with NO C API! As a result - how many
non-cups-bound applications can you count which provide the list of printers
present? Very, very few and far between. Even overloaded monsters like Netscape
dare not implementing it - taking into account the variety of existing printing

>  People develop Open Source for their own fun. Or for their own use

Why, it's not Open Source related. It's a common Unix malady - the absense of a
kind of a centralized patronage (like W3C is for Web) during its development. As
a result - the lack of well-thought and -implemented APIs for everyday's tasks.
Configuration is just one of many.

>  When there is a company (please don't force me to spell the name of
>  Redmond's companies) behind the product, they have "balls" (sorry for
>  the word...) and don't give a sh*t (sorry again) on their users, so
>  they can replace formats whenever it is important for the evolution of
>  their product.

The Company-Which-Is-Not-To-Be-Named did just what X programmers did - developed
a configuration API. And so Gnome developers did, BTW, with their quite decent
GConf API. The only difference is that Microsoft happened to be a force behind
an _OS_, while Xconsortium worried only about X applications and Gnome people
worried only about Gnome applications, so the configuration API provided by X is
of no use to non-X apps and GConf, as nice as it is, is useless to non-Gnome
developers, KDE people did something for KDE apps only etc. And there was/is no
"father" to worry about Unix as a whole, inspite of rich commercial vendors.
That's the sad fact. Hence the current situation with multiple duplication of
efforts with no satisfactory results.

>  Many years ago, I developed a great GUI for X.
>  You could take even a binary program, and change its screens, widgets,
>  add more dialogs/forms/s

Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux(was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-12 Thread Shlomi Fish
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003, Eli Marmor wrote:

> I didn't want to detail too much in the point of CONF files, because it
> was not my main point. But it caused some balagan, so please let me
> give an example of a format that is not proprietary, and on the other
> hand is not XML, and still is great for developing GUI's for:
>   X Resources.
> Does it threat anybody?
> No?OK; Let's go on:

I believe X-Resources is a text file that is editable by hand. Not that I
like it much.

> There are several requirements that are critical for creating a good
> GUI.
> One of them is the ability to work against a working program, and not
> just a file. Because you can't just open the file, guess all the values
> of "ifdefs", the default path (for "includes"), the directory that the
> opedning program is in during the open, etc. When you are working
> against a working program, you know its current run-time values of
> these resources.
> In addition, it allows you to affect its CURRENT behavior immediately,
> resulting in a WYSIWYG that is so important for GUI (think "editres";
> don't think "UIM/X").

Affecting a program at run-time? I don't want to affect crond at run-time
or inetd at run-time or even Apache at run-time. I want to configure them,
and run them with the same configuration. If you want to create an Apache
Module that will listen to requests and with some authentication be able
to configure the entire Apache at run-time and change it in the
configuration file be my guest. I am content with reloading or restarting
Apache whenever I make a chage.

> Of course, you need a bidirectional mapping (i.e. not only from the
> disk representation to the in-memory representation, but also vice-
> versa); Otherwise, the changes can't be translated to rules of
> configuration files.
> You need clear definitions; Not definitions that may start anywhere in
> the line, withany number of leading/trailing spaces/tabs/etc. that you
> never know which are part of the value and which are not, with leveling
> that is based on semi-XML directives (""), with ambiguous
> comments, with "ifdefs" that you never know if theleveling that is
> hidden by them is really hidden - or only the rules inside those
> levels, with too many ways to say "yes" (e.g. "tRuE", "oN", falling
> back to the default, etc.) and so on.
> There are many other formatting issues that ease or harden the ability
> to develop a good GUI.

Granted. That why I suggested an abstraction. Something that will generate
an Apache configuration. If you modify the abstraction using the
abstraction-specific tools. If you modify the Apache configuration files
directly, that may be lost after you use the abstraction again.

No 1<->1 mapping, rather a subset of functionality. Of course, Ira
complained on iglu-web that Suse's YAST 2 did not take into account
changes he made to the configuration files manually and kept running over
them. The Mandrake system is less balantly leaky and actually reads stuff
from there. If you want to supply a subset of functionality to a newbie
user using an abstraction do so. But a power user would want the real
and complete configuration scheme.

>From my impression, the configuration of IIS was much more limited in
consideration to Apache's. I could not even get it to serve a certain
directory on a different port with its GUI. That was a few years ago. The
reason I wanted it was because I had a script that that was only supposed
to be internally used by our team, and there was a web-site hosted on that

> X Resources, contrary to ASCII CONF files (like Apache's or NAMED),
> meets all these demands. Of course, it is not so friendly, but when you
> have a great GUI - who cares?It is still friendly enough for hackers
> like us.
> Will this migration happen?
> No way;
> People develop Open Source for their own fun. Or for their own use (for
> example, most of the core developers of Apache need it for their own
> sites).
> When there is a company (please don't force me to spell the name of
> Redmond's companies) behind the product, they have "balls" (sorry for
> the word...) and don't give a sh*t (sorry again) on their users, so
> they can replace formats whenever it is important for the evolution of
> their product. Of course, there are also negative cases, so please
> don't give examples that Microsoft (sorry) abused this process and
> replaced a good format by a bad format or broke the compatibility of a
> program that was used by 100 million users.
> But when the users developthe program, there are some things that they
> would never do. Some of these things are bad, but improving the format
> is sometimes good and needed.

I don't understand if you consider the MS way or the UNIX way the better
one. In any case, XML-based formats or Perl Nested Data-Structures give
way to easy extensibility. (look at HTML for instance) But XML tends to be
hard to maintain by hand.

> P.S.
> Many years ago, I developed a great GUI

Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Eli Marmor
I didn't want to detail too much in the point of CONF files, because it
was not my main point. But it caused some balagan, so please let me
give an example of a format that is not proprietary, and on the other
hand is not XML, and still is great for developing GUI's for:

X Resources.

Does it threat anybody?
No?  OK; Let's go on:

There are several requirements that are critical for creating a good

One of them is the ability to work against a working program, and not
just a file. Because you can't just open the file, guess all the values
of "ifdefs", the default path (for "includes"), the directory that the
opedning program is in during the open, etc. When you are working
against a working program, you know its current run-time values of
these resources.

In addition, it allows you to affect its CURRENT behavior immediately,
resulting in a WYSIWYG that is so important for GUI (think "editres";
don't think "UIM/X").

Of course, you need a bidirectional mapping (i.e. not only from the
disk representation to the in-memory representation, but also vice-
versa); Otherwise, the changes can't be translated to rules of
configuration files.

You need clear definitions; Not definitions that may start anywhere in
the line, with any number of leading/trailing spaces/tabs/etc. that you
never know which are part of the value and which are not, with leveling
that is based on semi-XML directives (""), with ambiguous
comments, with "ifdefs" that you never know if the leveling that is
hidden by them is really hidden - or only the rules inside those
levels, with too many ways to say "yes" (e.g. "tRuE", "oN", falling
back to the default, etc.) and so on.

There are many other formatting issues that ease or harden the ability
to develop a good GUI.

X Resources, contrary to ASCII CONF files (like Apache's or NAMED),
meets all these demands. Of course, it is not so friendly, but when you
have a great GUI - who cares?  It is still friendly enough for hackers
like us.

Will this migration happen?

No way;
People develop Open Source for their own fun. Or for their own use (for
example, most of the core developers of Apache need it for their own

When there is a company (please don't force me to spell the name of
Redmond's companies) behind the product, they have "balls" (sorry for
the word...) and don't give a sh*t (sorry again) on their users, so
they can replace formats whenever it is important for the evolution of
their product. Of course, there are also negative cases, so please
don't give examples that Microsoft (sorry) abused this process and
replaced a good format by a bad format or broke the compatibility of a
program that was used by 100 million users.

But when the users develop the program, there are some things that they
would never do. Some of these things are bad, but improving the format
is sometimes good and needed.

Many years ago, I developed a great GUI for X.
You could take even a binary program, and change its screens, widgets,
add more dialogs/forms/screens, etc. Fully WYSIWYG, of course.
I used it (among other uses) for localizing Netscape 3/4 (although
there were no sources), which involved not only translation, but also
new screens and forms (for example - to choose the default direction,
the default user interface language, help of the Hebrew support, etc.).
I used it also for developing callbacks (without writing one C line!)
and applying BiDi values to specific widgets (e.g. Visual/Logical).

I tried to do it for other CONF formats (e.g. Apache), but there was
no chance.

I don't care if the format is "X Resources", or database-based, or
(sorry!) registry, or even XML (though XML doesn't meet all the
demands); I just want a format that its designers/definers thought
about a front-end when they designed it, and not only on the
flexibility of users who use VI to edit it by-hand or on backward
compatibility issues.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020  8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314  P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-23-7338  Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux(was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Amit Margalit

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Omer Zak wrote:

> Why, yes of course, if you move to binary configuration files for your
> applications and make their format a trade secret and release obfuscated
> source files for the modules, which deal with the configuration files,
> then you in effect erect a tollgate and make it difficult for developers
> to develop competing configuration tools for your applications, and then
> you can make some money from configuration tools, time spent at
> installation, consulting fees, ad nauseaum...

So true, but we also have to beware of some types of text files... For
example, I am a big proponent of XML files as a very small scale
replacement for a database. It has all you need for a small scale DB.

But the problem with XML files is that they exhibit the same parsing
problems that text files have, along with shoddy readability, like binary

That said, I probably should state that I personally prefer text files.
And the author of the software should work a little on making the text
file ordered reasonably.


Amit Margalit
Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

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Re: Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Eli Marmor
Following Omer's response:

Just to clarify, I've NEVER mentioned Proprietary format;
XML is great (though you may inherit the problems of ASCII by writing a
"cheating" schema).
PostgreSQL/MySQL is good too (although it depends on a specific
implementation of a database).

And I was serious when I asked not to argue on this specific point; the
"last line" of my entire message was clear, and if you don't agree with
the specific point of binary/XML configuration format, just ignore it,
and refer to the other points. I really don't want to start a new
argument about this issue, and it is a minor point and a small part of
my message.

Eli Marmor
CTO, Founder
Netmask (El-Mar) Internet Technologies Ltd.
Tel.:   +972-9-766-1020  8 Yad-Harutzim St.
Fax.:   +972-9-766-1314  P.O.B. 7004
Mobile: +972-50-23-7338  Kfar-Saba 44641, Israel

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Binary configuration files as panacea to whatever ails Linux (was: Re: the problem with LINUX)

2003-01-11 Thread Omer Zak

On Sat, 11 Jan 2003, Eli Marmor wrote:

> * Migration from the current ASCII "CONF" format to binary format or
> database-based format. There are zillion GUI's for Apache (just as an
> example), and none is good, because it's impossible to develop a GOOD
> GUI for an ASCII-based configuration file. I guess that everybody is
> going to laugh at the "REGISTRY" and other MS stuff, but handling
> ASCII CONFfiles, with VI/emacs, when you are a dummy, is impossible.
> (I know that many people don't agree with this point, but I don't
> want to start a new argument, although I have a lot of experience and
> knowledge in this field; The last line remains thesame:

Why, yes of course, if you move to binary configuration files for your
applications and make their format a trade secret and release obfuscated
source files for the modules, which deal with the configuration files,
then you in effect erect a tollgate and make it difficult for developers
to develop competing configuration tools for your applications, and then
you can make some money from configuration tools, time spent at
installation, consulting fees, ad nauseaum...

 --- Omer
I am sick of binary configuration files!

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