Communicating with google talk voice

2007-05-22 Thread Elazar Leibovich

I've been trying to find a solution for audio communication (ie
libjingle) with google talk clients on windows. So far, no luck.
I tried tapiocaui, gossip-telepathy, but nothing worked. Either
installation went havoc (needed a specific version of a specific
library I couldn't find) or it installed fine and didn't work.
Wine reportedly don't work with recent google talk at all, not to
mention supporting voice calls.
Anyone had any luck with that?
You know, it's funny. Google has released the code and documentation
for their libjingle more than year ago, yet, no project really
supports it.
Any luck with any other win+lin VOIP client, with minimal installation hassle?

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Re: Communicating with google talk voice

2007-05-22 Thread Geoff Shang

I don't know much about Google Talk, but a few things come to mind that I 
vaguely recall reading

* I thought I read something today that suggested that Google Talk was SIP 
compatible.  If this is true, you should be able to use any SIP client to 
talk to it.

* I see that DID World Wide ( offers terminations to 
Google Talk.  I know they use Asterisk for their IAX2 terminations, so maybe 
they use it for Google Talk as well.  I also heard through a friend that 
OpenPBX (a fork of Asterisk) has Google Talk support.

Note that I've not ever looked at Google Talk and have not done any research 
prior to this Email.   I may well go off and do some.

As for other WinLin solutions, I've had a couple of successes.

OpenPhone from the Open H323 project ( has worked 
well for me.  You need to forward port 1720 and 50xx through if you're 
behind a NAT/firewall, and if you're behind a NAT you also need to specify 
the public IP address so that the packets have the correct reply address.

Other thoughts:

* You could use a SIP client at either end.  There are numerous ones for 
both operating systems now.

* I believe VoXaLot ( ?) have some kind of web app 
which allows you to talk to SIP (?) devices without having one yourself. 
I've not looked into this however.

* I understand that you can get Skype for Linux now, but my two attempts at 
installing it left me with a lot of headaches while trying to satisfy all 
the dependencies.

* and if you really only need something simple, you can always use Speak 

With all these solutions, you can run into a little trouble with codecs.  If 
you can stick to things which aren't too proprietory, such as ULAW/ALAW 
(64kbps) or Speex (8-40+kbps) then you should be OK.  Even GSM shouldn't be 
too much trouble.  Codecs like G729, G726 and G723 will cause some problems.

Hope this helps.  Feel free to ask further questions.  Perhaps give us some 
idea of your particular requirements.


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Re: Communicating with google talk voice

2007-05-22 Thread Geoff Shang

Ok, did a little more digging.

More info about Google Talk from Google themselves:

An article on, the place to go for info on Asterisk and VOIP 
in general, says that support for Google Talk is available in the 1.4.x 
branch of Asterisk.

A more detailed article at

Since Asterisk is a fully blown software PBX, installing it just to get this 
working may be overkill for you.  You may be able to hang a Linux client off 
a pre-existing Asterisk setup that will do the interconnect for you.

Also, the second article sited above suggests that only ULAW/ALAW works 
right now, so if you need something lower than 64kbps, this may not be the 
way to go for you.

This thread on the Ubuntu forums suggests some other alternatives, with 
mixed results. claim to offer interconnects between Google Talk, 
Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Instant Messenger and SIP phones free of 
charge.  They also offer many other free and pay services.  This could well 
solve your problem pretty easily.  They also mention some web thing which I 
didn't look at.

Ok, so that's enough tralling through Google search results.  That should 
give you enough to go on with, or at least to generate a whole host of new 
questions. :)


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