Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-18 Thread guy keren

Rafi Cohen wrote:

Hi Shachar, can you please give more detailed explanation why a thread
per socket is not a wise idea?
Not that I'm in a hurry to impplement this way, but I'll give you an
example where I thought this could be a solution for me.
One of the requirements of my project asks that my application, when it
is a client, will actually make endless attempts to connect some of
the servers, until any of the servers comes alive and the connection is
established. (an interesting subject of it's own, which to one
problematic ussie of this, I'll relate further below.)
You probably agree that this caanot be done form the main thread.
I ended by implementing a thread just for this. Attempting to connect
endlessly until the connection is established and exits while raising a
flag which the main thread checks just before each select to add the
appropriate file descriptor to the select/poll array of descriptors.
However, I do ask myself what's wrong in creating a thread per socket?
In this thread I could try to connect, which in case it does not connect
whould not disturb any other thread and when connected, would continue
to oerate concurrently with the other threads.
So, yyes, please explain what could be unwise in such an implementation.
Concerning the endlss loo of connect(), a person on the remote computer
told me that when a server is not alive there, those endless connects
stuck the computer and his only way to free it is by unplugging the
ethernet wire. Upon replugging it, everything works again.
So, I'm ask to sleep for some seconds between each attempt to connect.
Can you the experienced people coment on this? Is this event a known one
and would indeed the delay of some seconds solve this? Or the reason to
this event is something else?

if i understand you correctly, then naturally, 'connect' could fail 
immediately, so doing this in a tight loop is a bad idea.

in general, whenever you perform retries of something, you should put 
some thresholds, about:

- how many times to retry it.
- how much to wait between 2 retries

there are certain cases when you should retry something immediately, 
because the protocols states that - but even then you should handle the 
case when many immediate retries fail.

for example, in SCSI, there is an error called 'unit attention', and the 
specs states that if you get it, it means there was a config change on 
the other side, and you should retry immediately. however, sometimes the 
server you talk to has abug, that causes to send these errors 
infinitely, or many times in a row. if you want your software to be 
robust, you should handle this, either by having an upper limit on the 
number of retries, or by stating if X retries in a row failed, lets 
delay for Y milliseconds, and then try again.


Thanks, Rafi.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shachar Shemesh
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:14 AM
To: Amos Shapira
Cc: Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

Amos Shapira wrote:

in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is


to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this


ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

Is there an on-line reference (or a manual page) to support this?

man 2 read
From what I remember about select, the definition of it returning a 
ready to read bit set is the next read won't block, which will be 
true for non-blocking sockets any time and therefore they weren't 
encouraged together with select.

I believe you two are talking about two different things here. There is
a world of difference between UDP and TCP in that regard.

UDP is connectionless. This means that read's error codes relate only to
the latest packet received. UDP also doesn't have a 100% clear concept
of what CRC/checksum actually means. I still think it's a bug for
select to report activity on a socket that merely received a packet
with bad checksum (there is no CRC in TCP/IP), as how do you even know
it was intended for this socket?

In TCP, on the other hand, a read is related to the connection. Packets
in TCP are coincidental. Under TCP, read returning 0 mean just one thing
- the connection is close.
if you have so many connections that multiple threads will become a 
problem then a single thread having to cycle through all these 
connections one by one will also slow things down.

No, my experience begs to differ here.

When I tested netchat (, I found out
that a single thread had no problem saturating the machine's capacity
for network in/out communication. As long that your per-socket handling
does not require too much processing to slow you down, merely cycling
through the sockets will not be the problem if you are careful enough.

With netchat, I used libevent for that (see further on for details), so
I was using epoll. Your mileage may vary

Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-18 Thread guy keren

i didn't find any ebooks by richard stevens.
there is the source code of the examples from his book - you might find 
it useful (althought i think without the obok they are a bit out of 


(p.s. stevens himself died in 1999 - so don't expect new books :0)

Rafi Cohen wrote:

Hi Guy, well, to continue your terminology I feel not only foolish but a
total moron, since I was not aware at all of this book.
I'll be glad to receive a reference to this book in order to become
cleverer. After all, this is a desire of any pprogrammer, if he does not
already feel so beforehand.
But seriously now, I based my learning excet on man pages, also on
something I found on the internet called Beej
S guide for network programming using internet sockets.
Not a deeply detailed one, but still not bad with lots of valuable
Just what I needed as a programmer working under managers that want
their project to finish yesterday whereas the programmer himself needs
to learn the subject just today.
Again, I'll be glad to learn more on this subject regardless of the
current project. However, as a blind erson, reading printed books
requires many effort and time for me, and I sure preffer electronic
format books (pdf etc). So if you can point me to an electronic format
of Stevens' book, I'll much appreciate it.
2 more coments to what you said below:
1. As Amos already mentioned this in a separate message, I also got the
impression from the documents that using select makes irrelevant to set
the sockets as nonblocking, so did not bother with this at all.
But if you say that there still are cases that read after select does
block, you probably base on your experience and no doubt you are much
more experienced than me in this area, so I'll take this under
2. I indeed was one of the people that was not aware of epoll until you
mentioned it.
I began to read the man pages related to epoll, but for the time being
terminology like edge triggered or level triggered need deeper
understanding from my side.
I'll search the net for better documentation, but if anybody can give me
brief explanation of this and which of them is relevant for my case,
I'll be more than glad to listen and learn.
Thanks, Rafi.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of guy keren
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:17 AM
To: Amos Shapira
Cc: Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

Amos Shapira wrote:
On 15/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


  I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real
issue (do
  you work as a consultant? :).

did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with

semantics - i

am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to


with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from


other side.

I wrote this to you, Guy. Rafi maybe used disconnect when he 
ment that the TCP connection went down from the other side while you 
seemed to hang on disconnect being defined as cable eaten by an 
aligator :).

lets leave this subject. i brought it up, because many programmers new 
to socket programming are surprised by the fact that a network 
disconnection does not cause the socket to close, and that the 
connection may stay there for hours.

As long as Rafi feels happy about the replies that's not relevant any
more, IMHO.

  Alas - I think that I've just read not long
  ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just
that and
  it might miss the close from the other side sometimes

what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a


feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard


believe, without clear evidence.

Here is something about what I read before, it's the other way around,
and possibly only relevant to UDP but I'm not sure - if a packet
with bad CRC, it's possible that the FD will be marked as ready to 
read by select but then the packet will be discarded (because of the 
CRC error) and when the process reads the socket it won't get

That would make the process get a 0 read right after select which

NOT indicate a close from the other side.

I don't know what would be a select(2)-based work-around, if required 


first, it does not return a '0 read'. this situation could have two 
different effects, depending on the blocking-mode of the socket.

if the socket is in blocking mode (the default mode) - select() might 
state there's data to be read, but recvmsg (or read) will block.

if the socket is in non-blocking mode - select() might state there's 
data to be read, but recvmsg (of read) will return with -1, and errno 
set to EAGAIN.

in neither case will read return 0

Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-16 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Wed, May 16, 2007, Rafi Cohen wrote about RE: need some help with tcp/ip 
 Hi Nadav, well, in my case I do not have thousands of concurrent
 connections, about 20-30 only.

In this case, the performance difference between an implementation using
select, poll, epoll, or even one thread per connection, should be very small.
The last one (one thread from a pre-existing pool, per connection) is easiest
to implement, and might be very well enough for your needs.

Let me give you an example of when using a single thread for all connections
(and epoll or one of its friends) is important, rather than having a thread
(or process) per connection. Imagine a Web server serving static files. Now
imagine that (as is the case in a realistic situation) a large chunk of your
clients have slow connections, and fetch from you around 10 KB a second.
Your machine's CPU, disk, kernel, and network card can easily handle 1,000
such connections concurrently (the total of all these connections move just
10 MB per second). But you could not conceivably have a thread (or worse,
a process) for each of these connections, because threads have significant
overheads. If, for example, each thread takes up just 2 MB of memory (for
its stack, kernel structures, and perhaps other things), these 1,000
connections take up 2 GB of memory (and now, try to imagine moving to a 1 Gbit
network card, and hoping that you could server 5 times more concurrent
connections...). The point is that all these threads don't do anything most
of the time, and just wait for their chance to send their 10 K every second.
It is much more efficient - in speed and certainly in memory - to have a
single thread, which epoll's (or whatever) to find the next connection that
is ready (for writing, reading, open or close) and process it, all in a
single thread. Or, of course, if your machine is an SMP with N CPUs, then
you should have N threads.

 However, in some cases the input from those sockets is actually queries
 to a database and it may also end in operations on this database. Not a
 heavy database, but still insert/delete/update is done occassionally.
 Now, if I understand you correctly, you say that using a single thread
 with epoll, even with many concurrent connections will not decrease

Writing a pure single-threaded server is *very hard*. You must take extreme
care not to wait, ever. If your server needs to wait to get the content it
needs to serve, e.g., to read the content from disk or to get it from a
database, then other connections are not being served at the same time, and
your CPU is being wasted! This is why such servers usually have complex
state machines - e.g., when you get a database request from the client, you
send it to the database, and do not wait for the result - rather - you
remember that this connection is in a sending to database state, remember
the command you need to send to the DB and add the database connection to the
poll list; When this connection is ready to write, you write the command to
it (you may not be able to do it in a single go, if it's a long command)
and then you start waiting for reading the result from the DB, and at the
same time you send it to the client (remembering to do flow control - if
the client is not ready to be sent to, don't read from the database response).
Doing all this is extremely complex, and you wouldn't want to do it except
in extreme cases, when performance is of utmost importance and you're
expecting thousands of concurrent connections.

A simpler approach in your case is to have a hybrid server: a single thread
using a poll (or whatever) loop waits for these commands, and when it
gets a command, it sends it to a small thread pool that acts on these
commands. In some situations this can be more efficient than the
straightforward one-thread-per-connection server - imagine for example that
you have 30 concurrent connections, but each sends just one command a second
which takes 0.1 seconds to process - in this case a thread pool with just 3
threads might be enough.

Of course, like I said, if you're only expecting 30 concurrent connections,
I would suggest that you just use the simplest approach: have on thread per
connection. You will never notice the difference (I believe).

Nadav Har'El|Wednesday, May 16 2007, 28 Iyyar 5767
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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Chava Leviatan

Yes, it is probably better to use a single thread that does the event
waiting, and a thread pool for the actual processing. Having one thread
pet socket, however, is not a wise idea IMHO.

Are there any rules for setting how many connections will be handled by 
one thread when

using the pool thread method ?



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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Chava Leviatan wrote:
 Are there any rules for setting how many connections will be handled
 by one thread when
 using the pool thread method ?
It greatly depends on the amount of offline processing that needs to be

If, like netchat, it is mostly a case of receive, compare, send, then
a single thread can handle everything. If it's a case of receive,
compute mandelbrot encrypted with an AES key you need to brute force,
if you don't assign one thread per socket you will end up with an
application that receives X connections (where X is the number of
threads you have), and then stops responding.

Middle ground cases will fit, well, the middle ground.

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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread guy keren

Shachar Shemesh wrote:

guy keren wrote:

Amos Shapira wrote:

On 14/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Alas - I think that I've just read not long ago that there is a bug
in Linux' select in implementing just that and it might miss the
close from the other side sometimes 

what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a basic
feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard to
believe, without clear evidence.

Jumping in in the middle here, I don't have any clear evidence (or any
evidence at all) for what Amos was talking about, but I did run across
this worrying change in Wine:

Now, it is totally unclear to me whether the fd leak in question is a
result of a Wine bug around select, or of select itself. This may, after
all, prove to be nothing important. Then again, being as it is that all
Wine used to do was translate the Windows version of select to the
almost identical Linux version, I find this worrying.


very nice. so to solve the problem, they switched to performing a memory 
allocation and freeing for each call to poll. sounds like the 
performance for busy programs will go down (as memory management is a 
rather CPU-intensive operation). i wonder if it's significantly less 
expensive then the poll system call itself.

since i don't understand the fd leakage bug mentioned there, i don't 
know the answer myself.


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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Nadav Har'El
On Mon, May 14, 2007, guy keren wrote about Re: need some help with tcp/ip 
 this is interesting. can anyone provide more info on this?
 the problem with select, is that it is unable to optimize handling of 
 'holes' in the file descriptor set.
 suppose that you need to select on file descriptors 2 and 4000.
 you need to pass info about all file descriptors up to 4000 (i.e. many 
 '0' bits, and only two '1' bits, in the different select sets).
 with poll, you pass an array of the descriptors you care about. so the 
 size of the array is proportional to the amount of descriptors you are 
 interested in, while with select it is proportional to the numeric value 
 of the largest descriptor you are interested in.

This is indeed an accurate accessment of the difference between pol and
select. Another point worth noticing is that in select(), the same array
is used both as input and output. This means that after every event, you
need to refill this array, which can be quite slow if you have many thousands
of events per second.

In some cases, you reach a point where you are listening to thousands
of file descriptors, and getting thousands of events per second. For example,
one can write a single-threaded HTTP server which handles thousands of
concurrent connections with amazing performance (I wrote such a server
once, and it was a really interesting experience). When you reach such
high demands, even poll() is not good enough - every time one fd is ready
to act on, something which can happen thousands of times per second - you
need to call the poll() system call again, and pass to the long array of
fds from userspace to the kernel. The problem is that the time poll()
takes is proportional to the number of fds to poll, rather than to the
number of fds in which something actually happened.

To solve this problem, the /dev/epoll interface was added to Linux in
2001, and later, apparently because Linus Torvalds doesn't like /dev
tricks, new system calls were added instead (see epoll(4))).

It was amazing to see a system on which Apache stuggled to keep 200
concurrent open connections, suddenly keep thousands of concurrent
open connections, using only one thread (or N threads in a machine
with N cpus). Together with sendfile(), this allows you to create
killer Web servers :-)

 when you use poll, you can use the trick of having 2 theads - one polls 
 on idle sockets (i.e. sockets that did not have I/O in the last X 
 seconds), and one listens on 'active' sockets (i.e. sockets that had I/O 
 in the last X seconds). this avoids the major problem with both select 
 and poll - that after an event on a single socket, the info for all the 
 sockets has to be copied to user space (when select/poll returns), and 
 then to kernel space again (when invoking poll/select again).
 i think that people added epoll support in order to avoid waking the 
 poll function altogether - by receiving a signal form the kernel with 
 the exact info, instead of having to return from poll.

Indeed (see my above explanation). epoll() *does* return from the poll
every time, but it immediately lets you know what changed (no need to
check a long array), and more importantly - when you want to call epoll()
again there is no need to pass the long list of fds to the kernel again.

Nadav Har'El|  Tuesday, May 15 2007, 27 Iyyar 5767
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Ms Piggy's last words: I'm pink,   |therefore I'm ham.

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RE: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Rafi Cohen
Hi Guy, well, to continue your terminology I feel not only foolish but a
total moron, since I was not aware at all of this book.
I'll be glad to receive a reference to this book in order to become
cleverer. After all, this is a desire of any pprogrammer, if he does not
already feel so beforehand.
But seriously now, I based my learning excet on man pages, also on
something I found on the internet called Beej
S guide for network programming using internet sockets.
Not a deeply detailed one, but still not bad with lots of valuable
Just what I needed as a programmer working under managers that want
their project to finish yesterday whereas the programmer himself needs
to learn the subject just today.
Again, I'll be glad to learn more on this subject regardless of the
current project. However, as a blind erson, reading printed books
requires many effort and time for me, and I sure preffer electronic
format books (pdf etc). So if you can point me to an electronic format
of Stevens' book, I'll much appreciate it.
2 more coments to what you said below:
1. As Amos already mentioned this in a separate message, I also got the
impression from the documents that using select makes irrelevant to set
the sockets as nonblocking, so did not bother with this at all.
But if you say that there still are cases that read after select does
block, you probably base on your experience and no doubt you are much
more experienced than me in this area, so I'll take this under
2. I indeed was one of the people that was not aware of epoll until you
mentioned it.
I began to read the man pages related to epoll, but for the time being
terminology like edge triggered or level triggered need deeper
understanding from my side.
I'll search the net for better documentation, but if anybody can give me
brief explanation of this and which of them is relevant for my case,
I'll be more than glad to listen and learn.
Thanks, Rafi.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of guy keren
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:17 AM
To: Amos Shapira
Cc: Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

Amos Shapira wrote:
 On 15/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real
 issue (do
   you work as a consultant? :).
 did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with
semantics - i
 am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to
 with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from
 other side.
 I wrote this to you, Guy. Rafi maybe used disconnect when he 
 ment that the TCP connection went down from the other side while you 
 seemed to hang on disconnect being defined as cable eaten by an 
 aligator :).

lets leave this subject. i brought it up, because many programmers new 
to socket programming are surprised by the fact that a network 
disconnection does not cause the socket to close, and that the 
connection may stay there for hours.

 As long as Rafi feels happy about the replies that's not relevant any
 more, IMHO.
   Alas - I think that I've just read not long
   ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just
 that and
   it might miss the close from the other side sometimes
 what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a
 feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard
 believe, without clear evidence.
 Here is something about what I read before, it's the other way around,
 and possibly only relevant to UDP but I'm not sure - if a packet
 with bad CRC, it's possible that the FD will be marked as ready to 
 read by select but then the packet will be discarded (because of the 
 CRC error) and when the process reads the socket it won't get
 That would make the process get a 0 read right after select which
 NOT indicate a close from the other side.
 I don't know what would be a select(2)-based work-around, if required 

first, it does not return a '0 read'. this situation could have two 
different effects, depending on the blocking-mode of the socket.

if the socket is in blocking mode (the default mode) - select() might 
state there's data to be read, but recvmsg (or read) will block.

if the socket is in non-blocking mode - select() might state there's 
data to be read, but recvmsg (of read) will return with -1, and errno 
set to EAGAIN.

in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is allowed 
to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this happens 
ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

ofcourse, whenever i did select-based socket programming, i always set 
the sockets to non-blocking mode. this requires some careful 

Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Rafi Cohen wrote:
 2. I indeed was one of the people that was not aware of epoll until you
 mentioned it.
 I began to read the man pages related to epoll, but for the time being
 terminology like edge triggered or level triggered need deeper
 understanding from my side.
Edge triggered - will only report the file descriptor (trigger the
epoll) when it changes state (edge).

Level triggered - will report the descriptor whenever it has anything
interesting on it (the level is high).

It's an EE term.


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RE: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Rafi Cohen
Hi Shachar, can you please give more detailed explanation why a thread
per socket is not a wise idea?
Not that I'm in a hurry to impplement this way, but I'll give you an
example where I thought this could be a solution for me.
One of the requirements of my project asks that my application, when it
is a client, will actually make endless attempts to connect some of
the servers, until any of the servers comes alive and the connection is
established. (an interesting subject of it's own, which to one
problematic ussie of this, I'll relate further below.)
You probably agree that this caanot be done form the main thread.
I ended by implementing a thread just for this. Attempting to connect
endlessly until the connection is established and exits while raising a
flag which the main thread checks just before each select to add the
appropriate file descriptor to the select/poll array of descriptors.
However, I do ask myself what's wrong in creating a thread per socket?
In this thread I could try to connect, which in case it does not connect
whould not disturb any other thread and when connected, would continue
to oerate concurrently with the other threads.
So, yyes, please explain what could be unwise in such an implementation.
Concerning the endlss loo of connect(), a person on the remote computer
told me that when a server is not alive there, those endless connects
stuck the computer and his only way to free it is by unplugging the
ethernet wire. Upon replugging it, everything works again.
So, I'm ask to sleep for some seconds between each attempt to connect.
Can you the experienced people coment on this? Is this event a known one
and would indeed the delay of some seconds solve this? Or the reason to
this event is something else?
Thanks, Rafi.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shachar Shemesh
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:14 AM
To: Amos Shapira
Cc: Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

Amos Shapira wrote:

 in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is
 to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this
 ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

 Is there an on-line reference (or a manual page) to support this?
man 2 read
 From what I remember about select, the definition of it returning a 
 ready to read bit set is the next read won't block, which will be 
 true for non-blocking sockets any time and therefore they weren't 
 encouraged together with select.
I believe you two are talking about two different things here. There is
a world of difference between UDP and TCP in that regard.

UDP is connectionless. This means that read's error codes relate only to
the latest packet received. UDP also doesn't have a 100% clear concept
of what CRC/checksum actually means. I still think it's a bug for
select to report activity on a socket that merely received a packet
with bad checksum (there is no CRC in TCP/IP), as how do you even know
it was intended for this socket?

In TCP, on the other hand, a read is related to the connection. Packets
in TCP are coincidental. Under TCP, read returning 0 mean just one thing
- the connection is close.

 if you have so many connections that multiple threads will become a 
 problem then a single thread having to cycle through all these 
 connections one by one will also slow things down.
No, my experience begs to differ here.

When I tested netchat (, I found out
that a single thread had no problem saturating the machine's capacity
for network in/out communication. As long that your per-socket handling
does not require too much processing to slow you down, merely cycling
through the sockets will not be the problem if you are careful enough.

With netchat, I used libevent for that (see further on for details), so
I was using epoll. Your mileage may vary with the other technologies.
 Not to mention the signal problem and just generally the fact that one

 connection taking too much time to handle will slow the handling of 
 other connections.
Yes, it is probably better to use a single thread that does the event
waiting, and a thread pool for the actual processing. Having one thread
pet socket, however, is not a wise idea IMHO.
 A possible go-between might be to select/poll on multiple FD's then 
 handing the work to threads from a thread pool, but such a job would 
 be justifiable only for a large number of connections, IMHO.
It's not that difficult to pull off, and I believe your analysis failed
to account for the overhead of creating new threads for each new
connection, as well as destroying the threads for no longer needed
 If you insist on using a single thread then select seems to be the 
 underdog today - poll is just as portable (AFAIKT), and Boost ASIO 
 (and I'd expect ACE) allows making portable code which uses the 
 superior API's such as epoll/kqueue/dev/poll

RE: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-15 Thread Rafi Cohen
Hi Nadav, well, in my case I do not have thousands of concurrent
connections, about 20-30 only.
However, in some cases the input from those sockets is actually queries
to a database and it may also end in operations on this database. Not a
heavy database, but still insert/delete/update is done occassionally.
Now, if I understand you correctly, you say that using a single thread
with epoll, even with many concurrent connections will not decrease
Does this remain correct for my case, as explained above?
For the time being, I do use a single thread with select mechanism which
I'll modify to epoll once I understand it's usage.
However, I do feel that multithread after epolll returns with an event
may significantly increase concurrency and performance.
I'll be glad to have your opinion about this.
Thanks, Rafi.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nadav Har'El
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:23 PM
To: guy keren
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Amos Shapira; Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

On Mon, May 14, 2007, guy keren wrote about Re: need some help with
tcp/ip programming:
 this is interesting. can anyone provide more info on this?
 the problem with select, is that it is unable to optimize handling of
 'holes' in the file descriptor set.
 suppose that you need to select on file descriptors 2 and 4000.
 you need to pass info about all file descriptors up to 4000 (i.e. many

 '0' bits, and only two '1' bits, in the different select sets).
 with poll, you pass an array of the descriptors you care about. so the

 size of the array is proportional to the amount of descriptors you are

 interested in, while with select it is proportional to the numeric
 of the largest descriptor you are interested in.

This is indeed an accurate accessment of the difference between pol and
select. Another point worth noticing is that in select(), the same array
is used both as input and output. This means that after every event, you
need to refill this array, which can be quite slow if you have many
thousands of events per second.

In some cases, you reach a point where you are listening to thousands of
file descriptors, and getting thousands of events per second. For
example, one can write a single-threaded HTTP server which handles
thousands of concurrent connections with amazing performance (I wrote
such a server once, and it was a really interesting experience). When
you reach such high demands, even poll() is not good enough - every time
one fd is ready to act on, something which can happen thousands of times
per second - you need to call the poll() system call again, and pass to
the long array of fds from userspace to the kernel. The problem is that
the time poll() takes is proportional to the number of fds to poll,
rather than to the number of fds in which something actually happened.

To solve this problem, the /dev/epoll interface was added to Linux in
2001, and later, apparently because Linus Torvalds doesn't like /dev
tricks, new system calls were added instead (see epoll(4))).

It was amazing to see a system on which Apache stuggled to keep 200
concurrent open connections, suddenly keep thousands of concurrent open
connections, using only one thread (or N threads in a machine with N
cpus). Together with sendfile(), this allows you to create killer Web
servers :-)

 when you use poll, you can use the trick of having 2 theads - one 
 on idle sockets (i.e. sockets that did not have I/O in the last X 
 seconds), and one listens on 'active' sockets (i.e. sockets that had
 in the last X seconds). this avoids the major problem with both select

 and poll - that after an event on a single socket, the info for all
 sockets has to be copied to user space (when select/poll returns), and

 then to kernel space again (when invoking poll/select again).
 i think that people added epoll support in order to avoid waking the
 poll function altogether - by receiving a signal form the kernel with 
 the exact info, instead of having to return from poll.

Indeed (see my above explanation). epoll() *does* return from the poll
every time, but it immediately lets you know what changed (no need to
check a long array), and more importantly - when you want to call
epoll() again there is no need to pass the long list of fds to the
kernel again.

Nadav Har'El|  Tuesday, May 15 2007, 27
Iyyar 5767
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |Ms Piggy's last words: I'm pink,   |therefore I'm ham.

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need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Rafi Cohen
Hi, as a pproject for a company I'm writing a tcp/ip application on
linux using C language.
My application has 2 connections as client to remote servers and is by
itself a server accepting remote client connections.
I'm using select() mechanism to manage all those connections. Everyting
works nicely until any of the remote sideds disconnects.
In some of such cases, I'm not succeeding to reconnect to this remote as
client or re-accept connection from tjhe remote client.
Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the impression
that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect event,
thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which should
end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate disconnection
and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to reconnect.
However, it seems that select does not detect all those disconnect
events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does detect
this and when it does not.
So, I have a couple of questions and I'll most apreciate any assistance.
1. Would you confirm that select, indeed, does not detect each and every
remote disconnection and do you know if there is a rule behind those
2. If I need to detect those disconnections to react propperly in my
application and I can not rely on select, what would you suggest me to
do? should I use a kind of ping mechanism to check every some seconds
if the connection is still alive? or may be use multithread instead of
select, where each thread is responsible for each connection source and
instead of select I loop on read from this source and so, can detect
when I read 0 bytes, which is the disconnect indication and react
Does this make sense or you see issues in such implementation also?
Thanks, Rafi.

Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread guy keren

Rafi Cohen wrote:
Hi, as a pproject for a company I'm writing a tcp/ip application on 
linux using C language.

ah welcome, welcome to the pleasure dome...

My application has 2 connections as client to remote servers and is by 
itself a server accepting remote client connections.
I'm using select() mechanism to manage all those connections. Everyting 
works nicely until any of the remote sideds disconnects.
In some of such cases, I'm not succeeding to reconnect to this remote as 
client or re-accept connection from tjhe remote client.

you're not describing things properly here, since later you say you are 
not managing to disconnect (the problem is not with re-connecting - 
which, if happened, would imply a different problem altogether)

Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the impression 
that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect event, 
thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which should 
end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate disconnection 
and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to reconnect.
However, it seems that select does not detect all those disconnect 
events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does detect 
this and when it does not.

select does not notice disconnections. it only notices if the socket 
was closed by the remote side. that's a completely different issue, and 
that's also the only time when you get a 0 return value from the read() 
system call.

So, I have a couple of questions and I'll most apreciate any assistance.
1. Would you confirm that select, indeed, does not detect each and every 
remote disconnection and do you know if there is a rule behind those cases?

TCP/IP stacks on linux, by default, will only notice a network 
disconnection (i.e. the network went down) reliably after 2 hours. 
that's how TCP/IP's internal keep alive mechanism is set. 2 hours is a 
completely impractical value for any sane system you might develop.

you can tweak this parameter of the TCP/IP stack for specific sockets,
on current linux kernels, using a socket option. (man 7 tcp - and look 
for 'keepalive' - there are 3 parameters for this). i never used this 
mechanism, since it was only possible to make this change globally when 
i needed that.

2. If I need to detect those disconnections to react propperly in my 
application and I can not rely on select, what would you suggest me to 
do? should I use a kind of ping mechanism to check every some seconds 
if the connection is still alive? or may be use multithread instead of 
select, where each thread is responsible for each connection source and 
instead of select I loop on read from this source and so, can detect 
when I read 0 bytes, which is the disconnect indication and react 

read would fail just like select does, and because of the same reason.

you could implement the keepalive in your application, in case the 
keepalive parameters tweaking of the TCP stack does not work, for some 


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RE: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Rafi Cohen
Hi Guy

Rafi Cohen wrote:
 Hi, as a pproject for a company I'm writing a tcp/ip application on
 linux using C language.

ah welcome, welcome to the pleasure dome...
Hmm, thanks for your warm greetings.
 My application has 2 connections as client to remote servers and is by
 itself a server accepting remote client connections.
 I'm using select() mechanism to manage all those connections.
 works nicely until any of the remote sideds disconnects.
 In some of such cases, I'm not succeeding to reconnect to this remote
 client or re-accept connection from tjhe remote client.

you're not describing things properly here, since later you say you are 
not managing to disconnect (the problem is not with re-connecting - 
which, if happened, would imply a different problem altogether)
You are correct, what I indeed meant to say is in order to re-connect,
first I need to disconnect propperly and here lies my problem.
 Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the impression
 that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect event, 
 thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which
 end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate disconnection 
 and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to reconnect.
 However, it seems that select does not detect all those disconnect 
 events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does
 this and when it does not.

select does not notice disconnections. it only notices if the socket 
was closed by the remote side. that's a completely different issue, and 
that's also the only time when you get a 0 return value from the read() 
system call.
Yes, this does make sense and I need to check with the software
developer to which mine is connecting remotely, if he indeed closes
the socket when disconnecting. You gave me a clue, thanks.

 So, I have a couple of questions and I'll most apreciate any 
 assistance. 1. Would you confirm that select, indeed, does not detect 
 each and every remote disconnection and do you know if there is a rule

 behind those cases?

TCP/IP stacks on linux, by default, will only notice a network 
disconnection (i.e. the network went down) reliably after 2 hours. 
that's how TCP/IP's internal keep alive mechanism is set. 2 hours is a 
completely impractical value for any sane system you might develop.

you can tweak this parameter of the TCP/IP stack for specific sockets,
on current linux kernels, using a socket option. (man 7 tcp - and look 
for 'keepalive' - there are 3 parameters for this). i never used this 
mechanism, since it was only possible to make this change globally when 
i needed that.
I know of this option and will look into that deeper. May be I miss here
something, but this option may be relevant for the case my application
is a server. I wonder how it would affect, if at all, when my
application is a client.

 2. If I need to detect those disconnections to react propperly in my
 application and I can not rely on select, what would you suggest me to

 do? should I use a kind of ping mechanism to check every some
 if the connection is still alive? or may be use multithread instead
 select, where each thread is responsible for each connection source
 instead of select I loop on read from this source and so, can detect 
 when I read 0 bytes, which is the disconnect indication and react 

read would fail just like select does, and because of the same reason.

you could implement the keepalive in your application, in case the 
keepalive parameters tweaking of the TCP stack does not work, for some 


Thanks, Rafi.

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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Amos Shapira

On 14/05/07, guy keren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Rafi Cohen wrote:
 Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the impression
 that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect event,
 thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which should
 end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate disconnection
 and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to reconnect.
 However, it seems that select does not detect all those disconnect
 events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does detect
 this and when it does not.

select does not notice disconnections. it only notices if the socket
was closed by the remote side. that's a completely different issue, and
that's also the only time when you get a 0 return value from the read()
system call.

I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real issue (do you
work as a consultant? :).

Basically - Rafi expects (as he should) that a read(fd,...)==0 after a
select(2) call that indicated activity on fd means that the other side has
closed the connection. Alas - I think that I've just read not long ago that
there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just that and it might miss
the close from the other side sometimes (sorry, can't find a reference with
a quick google, closest I got to might be: I
don't remember what was the work-around to that.

Another point to check - does the read(2) after select(2) return an error?
See select_tut(2) for more details on how to program with select - you
should check for errors as well instead of just assuming that read(2) must
succeed (e.g. interrupt). Also while you are at it - check whether
pselect(2) can help you improve your program's robustness.

Maybe using poll(2) will help you around that (I also heard that poll is
generally more efficient because it helps the kernel avoid having to
re-interpret the syscall parameters on every call).


RE: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Rafi Cohen
Amos, thanks for the ideas. I thought about poll and will look into
this. I'm cecking read also for errors (valies  0) but in this case
there ven can not be errors. Since the socket is disconnected, select
does not detect any event on this socket and so does not give me any
opportunity to read from it and even get an error.
But thanks anyway.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Amos Shapira
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 1:16 PM
To: Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

On 14/05/07, guy keren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Rafi Cohen wrote:
 Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the impression
 that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect event,
 thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which
 end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate disconnection
 and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to reconnect.
 However, it seems that select does not detect all those disconnect 
 events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does
 this and when it does not.

select does not notice disconnections. it only notices if the socket
was closed by the remote side. that's a completely different issue, and 
that's also the only time when you get a 0 return value from the read()
system call.

I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real issue (do
you work as a consultant? :).

Basically - Rafi expects (as he should) that a read(fd,...)==0 after a
select(2) call that indicated activity on fd means that the other side
has closed the connection. Alas - I think that I've just read not long
ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just that and
it might miss the close from the other side sometimes (sorry, can't find
a reference with a quick google, closest I got to might be:
 messageID=4386218). I don't remember what was the work-around to

Another point to check - does the read(2) after select(2) return an
error? See select_tut(2) for more details on how to program with select
- you should check for errors as well instead of just assuming that
read(2) must succeed ( e.g. interrupt). Also while you are at it - check
whether pselect(2) can help you improve your program's robustness.

Maybe using poll(2) will help you around that (I also heard that poll is
generally more efficient because it helps the kernel avoid having to
re-interpret the syscall parameters on every call).


Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread michael

this is a great thread - i'm learning a lot by reading it, even though i've
been programming sockets for years. thanks for the question, and thanks for
all the great answers.

Another point to check - does the read(2) after select(2) return an error?
See select_tut(2) for more details on how to program with select - you
should check for errors as well instead of just assuming that read(2) must
succeed (e.g. interrupt). Also while you are at it - check whether
pselect(2) can help you improve your program's robustness.

there is a distinction between different types of read() errors. at the very
least, if you set the non-blocking option, you will get a response indicating
that there is no data. if you select a non-zero timeout, you get a different
return value indicating the timeout was hit w/ no data.

if the other side disconnects, you get a different failure, and finally, there
is a catch-all error for other reasons.

IIRC, this was also somewhat implementation specific. it's been awhile, and it
may have been Linux/OS X differences, but i would recommend that you are
looking at the appropriate man page for your stack. if you do a random google,
you may get the netbsd/freebsd stack, which may be different.

Maybe using poll(2) will help you around that (I also heard that poll is
generally more efficient because it helps the kernel avoid having to
re-interpret the syscall parameters on every call).

this is interesting. can anyone provide more info on this?


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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread guy keren

(rafi - your quoting mixes your text with mine - you might want to fix 
this - it was very hard to read your letter).

see my comments below:

Rafi Cohen wrote:

Hi Guy

Rafi Cohen wrote:

So, I have a couple of questions and I'll most apreciate any 
assistance. 1. Would you confirm that select, indeed, does not detect 
each and every remote disconnection and do you know if there is a rule

behind those cases?

TCP/IP stacks on linux, by default, will only notice a network 
disconnection (i.e. the network went down) reliably after 2 hours. 
that's how TCP/IP's internal keep alive mechanism is set. 2 hours is a 
completely impractical value for any sane system you might develop.

you can tweak this parameter of the TCP/IP stack for specific sockets,
on current linux kernels, using a socket option. (man 7 tcp - and look 
for 'keepalive' - there are 3 parameters for this). i never used this 
mechanism, since it was only possible to make this change globally when 
i needed that.

 and rafi responds:

I know of this option and will look into that deeper. May be I miss here
something, but this option may be relevant for the case my application
is a server. I wonder how it would affect, if at all, when my
application is a client.

it does not matter if you have a client or a server - you want to know 
about network problems either way - unless you assume that the client is 
a GUI and the user will simply hit the 'cancel' button. since in your 
case it does not appear to be a GUI - rather a longer-living server, 
then you might want to handle the disconnection issues both on your 
side, and on the side of the server.

note that for some applications, it is enough to have a 'close the 
socket if it was idle for X time' - i.e. if you didn't get any data from 
a socket during X minutes - you close it.

Thanks, Rafi.

hope this makes it clearer.


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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread guy keren


 amos shapira wrote:

Maybe using poll(2) will help you around that (I also heard that poll is
generally more efficient because it helps the kernel avoid having to
re-interpret the syscall parameters on every call).

this is interesting. can anyone provide more info on this?

the problem with select, is that it is unable to optimize handling of 
'holes' in the file descriptor set.

suppose that you need to select on file descriptors 2 and 4000.
you need to pass info about all file descriptors up to 4000 (i.e. many 
'0' bits, and only two '1' bits, in the different select sets).

with poll, you pass an array of the descriptors you care about. so the 
size of the array is proportional to the amount of descriptors you are 
interested in, while with select it is proportional to the numeric value 
of the largest descriptor you are interested in.

note that this is relevant only for applications that have many open 

when you use poll, you can use the trick of having 2 theads - one polls 
on idle sockets (i.e. sockets that did not have I/O in the last X 
seconds), and one listens on 'active' sockets (i.e. sockets that had I/O 
in the last X seconds). this avoids the major problem with both select 
and poll - that after an event on a single socket, the info for all the 
sockets has to be copied to user space (when select/poll returns), and 
then to kernel space again (when invoking poll/select again).

i think that people added epoll support in order to avoid waking the 
poll function altogether - by receiving a signal form the kernel with 
the exact info, instead of having to return from poll.


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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread guy keren

Amos Shapira wrote:
On 14/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Rafi Cohen wrote:
  Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the
  that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect event,
  thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which
  end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate disconnection
  and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to reconnect.
  However, it seems that select does not detect all those disconnect
  events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does
  this and when it does not.

select does not notice disconnections. it only notices if the socket
was closed by the remote side. that's a completely different issue, and
that's also the only time when you get a 0 return value from the read()
system call.

I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real issue (do 
you work as a consultant? :).

did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with semantics - i 
am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to deal 
with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from the 
other side.

Basically - Rafi expects (as he should) that a read(fd,...)==0 after a 
select(2) call that indicated activity on fd means that the other side 
has closed the connection.

if this is what he expects than, indeed, this is what happens.

Alas - I think that I've just read not long 
ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just that and 
it might miss the close from the other side sometimes 

what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a basic 
feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard to 
believe, without clear evidence.

(sorry, can't find 
a reference with a quick google, closest I got to might be: 
I don't remember what was the work-around to that.

you're describing an issue with JVM - not with linux. i never 
encountered such a problem when doing socket programming in C or C++.

if you can find something clearer about this, that will be very interesting.

Another point to check - does the read(2) after select(2) return an 
error? See select_tut(2) for more details on how to program with select 
- you should check for errors as well instead of just assuming that 
read(2) must succeed ( e.g. interrupt). Also while you are at it - check 
whether pselect(2) can help you improve your program's robustness.

Maybe using poll(2) will help you around that (I also heard that poll is 
generally more efficient because it helps the kernel avoid having to 
re-interpret the syscall parameters on every call).

it helps avoiding copying too much data to/from kernel space on a sparse 
sockets list, and it helps avoiding having to scan large sets in the 
kernel, to initialize its onw internal data structures.


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RE: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Rafi Cohen
Thank you very much Guy and sorry for not writing the text in an
approriate way.
Usually, I reply above the original message, but this time tried to mix
my comments close to your text so that they make sense and you don't
loose the context. Next time I'll try to do better.
Thanks for the most valuable information, Rafi.

-Original Message-
From: guy keren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2007 11:18 PM
To: Rafi Cohen
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

(rafi - your quoting mixes your text with mine - you might want to fix 
this - it was very hard to read your letter).

see my comments below:

Rafi Cohen wrote:
 Hi Guy
 Rafi Cohen wrote:
 So, I have a couple of questions and I'll most apreciate any
 assistance. 1. Would you confirm that select, indeed, does not detect

 each and every remote disconnection and do you know if there is a
 behind those cases?
 TCP/IP stacks on linux, by default, will only notice a network
 disconnection (i.e. the network went down) reliably after 2 hours. 
 that's how TCP/IP's internal keep alive mechanism is set. 2 hours is a

 completely impractical value for any sane system you might develop.
 you can tweak this parameter of the TCP/IP stack for specific sockets,

 on current linux kernels, using a socket option. (man 7 tcp - and look

 for 'keepalive' - there are 3 parameters for this). i never used this 
 mechanism, since it was only possible to make this change globally 
 when i needed that.
  and rafi responds:
 I know of this option and will look into that deeper. May be I miss 
 here something, but this option may be relevant for the case my 
 application is a server. I wonder how it would affect, if at all, when

 my application is a client.

it does not matter if you have a client or a server - you want to know 
about network problems either way - unless you assume that the client is

a GUI and the user will simply hit the 'cancel' button. since in your 
case it does not appear to be a GUI - rather a longer-living server, 
then you might want to handle the disconnection issues both on your 
side, and on the side of the server.

note that for some applications, it is enough to have a 'close the 
socket if it was idle for X time' - i.e. if you didn't get any data from

a socket during X minutes - you close it.

 Thanks, Rafi.

hope this makes it clearer.


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Version: 7.5.467 / Virus Database: 269.7.0/803 - Release Date: 5/13/2007
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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Amos Shapira

On 15/05/07, guy keren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real issue (do
 you work as a consultant? :).

did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with semantics - i
am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to deal
with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from the
other side.

I wrote this to you, Guy. Rafi maybe used disconnect when he basically
ment that the TCP connection went down from the other side while you seemed
to hang on disconnect being defined as cable eaten by an aligator :).

As long as Rafi feels happy about the replies that's not relevant any more,

Alas - I think that I've just read not long
 ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just that and
 it might miss the close from the other side sometimes

what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a basic
feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard to
believe, without clear evidence.

Here is something about what I read before, it's the other way around, and
possibly only relevant to UDP but I'm not sure - if a packet arrives with
bad CRC, it's possible that the FD will be marked as ready to read by
select but then the packet will be discarded (because of the CRC error) and
when the process reads the socket it won't get anything. That would make the
process get a 0 read right after select which does NOT indicate a close
from the other side.

I don't know what would be a select(2)-based work-around, if required at

(sorry, can't find
 a reference with a quick google, closest I got to might be:
 I don't remember what was the work-around to that.

you're describing an issue with JVM - not with linux. i never
encountered such a problem when doing socket programming in C or C++.

if you can find something clearer about this, that will be very

Yes, it was a JVM bug but it mentioned differences on Linux vs. other POSIX
systems so I though it might be related.

it helps avoiding copying too much data to/from kernel space on a sparse

sockets list, and it helps avoiding having to scan large sets in the
kernel, to initialize its onw internal data structures.

Actually, epoll looks really cool, and Boost's ASIO seems to provide a
portable C++ interface around it:
On the other hand - if you are listening on many FD's which turn out to be
ready then epoll apparently looses because it requires syscall (or kernel
intervention) on every single FD, making select(2) (/poll(2)?) more



Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread guy keren

Amos Shapira wrote:
On 15/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real
issue (do
  you work as a consultant? :).

did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with semantics - i
am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to deal
with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from the
other side.

I wrote this to you, Guy. Rafi maybe used disconnect when he basically 
ment that the TCP connection went down from the other side while you 
seemed to hang on disconnect being defined as cable eaten by an 
aligator :).

lets leave this subject. i brought it up, because many programmers new 
to socket programming are surprised by the fact that a network 
disconnection does not cause the socket to close, and that the 
connection may stay there for hours.

As long as Rafi feels happy about the replies that's not relevant any 
more, IMHO.

  Alas - I think that I've just read not long
  ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just
that and
  it might miss the close from the other side sometimes

what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a basic
feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard to
believe, without clear evidence.

Here is something about what I read before, it's the other way around, 
and possibly only relevant to UDP but I'm not sure - if a packet arrives 
with bad CRC, it's possible that the FD will be marked as ready to 
read by select but then the packet will be discarded (because of the 
CRC error) and when the process reads the socket it won't get anything. 
That would make the process get a 0 read right after select which does 
NOT indicate a close from the other side.

I don't know what would be a select(2)-based work-around, if required at 

first, it does not return a '0 read'. this situation could have two 
different effects, depending on the blocking-mode of the socket.

if the socket is in blocking mode (the default mode) - select() might 
state there's data to be read, but recvmsg (or read) will block.

if the socket is in non-blocking mode - select() might state there's 
data to be read, but recvmsg (of read) will return with -1, and errno 
set to EAGAIN.

in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is allowed 
to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this happens 
ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

ofcourse, whenever i did select-based socket programming, i always set 
the sockets to non-blocking mode. this requires some careful 
programming, to avoid busy-waits, but it's the only way to gurantee 
fully non-blocking behaviour. and people should also note that the 
socket should be set to non-blocking mode before calling connect, and be 
ready to handle the peculear way that the connect call works for 
non-blocking sockets.

doing socket programming without referencing stevens' latest TCP/IP book 
is foolish.

  (sorry, can't find
  a reference with a quick google, closest I got to might be:
  I don't remember what was the work-around to that.

you're describing an issue with JVM - not with linux. i never
encountered such a problem when doing socket programming in C or C++.

if you can find something clearer about this, that will be very

Yes, it was a JVM bug but it mentioned differences on Linux vs. other 
POSIX systems so I though it might be related.

probably not in this case. because the problem you originally described 
most likely does not exist. the other way around does exist, if one uses 
blocking sockets. but then again, no one uses blocking sockets in server 
software, unless they have a pair of reader+writer threads per socket - 
and even that may cause problems when shutting down the application.

it helps avoiding copying too much data to/from kernel space on a sparse
sockets list, and it helps avoiding having to scan large sets in the
kernel, to initialize its onw internal data structures.

Actually, epoll looks really cool, and Boost's ASIO seems to provide a 
portable C++ interface around it:
On the other hand - if you are listening on many FD's which turn out to 
be ready then epoll apparently looses because it requires syscall (or 
kernel intervention) on every single FD, making select(2) (/poll(2)?) 
more attractive.

besides epoll being non-portable, and thus it doesn't get used too 

Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Amos Shapira

On 15/05/07, guy keren [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Amos Shapira wrote:
 On 15/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real
 issue (do
   you work as a consultant? :).

 did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with semantics
- i
 am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to
 with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from the
 other side.

 I wrote this to you, Guy. Rafi maybe used disconnect when he basically
 ment that the TCP connection went down from the other side while you
 seemed to hang on disconnect being defined as cable eaten by an
 aligator :).

lets leave this subject. i brought it up, because many programmers new
to socket programming are surprised by the fact that a network
disconnection does not cause the socket to close, and that the
connection may stay there for hours.

 As long as Rafi feels happy about the replies that's not relevant any
 more, IMHO.

   Alas - I think that I've just read not long
   ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just
 that and
   it might miss the close from the other side sometimes

 what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a basic
 feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard to
 believe, without clear evidence.

 Here is something about what I read before, it's the other way around,
 and possibly only relevant to UDP but I'm not sure - if a packet arrives
 with bad CRC, it's possible that the FD will be marked as ready to
 read by select but then the packet will be discarded (because of the
 CRC error) and when the process reads the socket it won't get anything.
 That would make the process get a 0 read right after select which does
 NOT indicate a close from the other side.

 I don't know what would be a select(2)-based work-around, if required at

first, it does not return a '0 read'. this situation could have two
different effects, depending on the blocking-mode of the socket.

if the socket is in blocking mode (the default mode) - select() might
state there's data to be read, but recvmsg (or read) will block.

if the socket is in non-blocking mode - select() might state there's
data to be read, but recvmsg (of read) will return with -1, and errno
set to EAGAIN.

in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is allowed
to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this happens
ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

Is there an on-line reference (or a manual page) to support this?

From what I remember about select, the definition of it returning a ready

to read bit set is the next read won't block, which will be true for
non-blocking sockets any time and therefore they weren't encouraged together
with select.

ofcourse, whenever i did select-based socket programming, i always set

the sockets to non-blocking mode. this requires some careful
programming, to avoid busy-waits, but it's the only way to gurantee
fully non-blocking behaviour. and people should also note that the
socket should be set to non-blocking mode before calling connect, and be
ready to handle the peculear way that the connect call works for
non-blocking sockets.

Also there is the issue of signals. If you want robust programs then you'll
have to use pselect.

doing socket programming without referencing stevens' latest TCP/IP book

is foolish.

Sorry for being foolish, I learned TCP/IP from RFC's and socket programming
from BSD4.2 sources in `86, Steven's book wasn't available then. :^)
I since then read the early editions of his books (circa early 90's, I
remember reading a volume while the later ones where still in the making),
but it's been a while since I had to write a complete C socket program with
select in earnest, and I accept that some interfaces may have changed over
the years.

These days, with pthreads being a mainstream, I'd consider using multiple
threads. select() is nice when you absolutely *must* use a single thread
(which was the case back when pthreads wasn't invented yet, or later when
the various UNIX versions had their own idea on thread API's) but if you
have so many connections that multiple threads will become a problem then a
single thread having to cycle through all these connections one by one will
also slow things down. Not to mention the signal problem and just generally
the fact that one connection taking too much time to handle will slow the
handling of other connections.
A possible go-between might be to select/poll on multiple FD's then handing
the work to threads from a thread pool, but such a job would be justifiable
only for a large number of connections, IMHO.

If you insist on using a single thread then select seems to be the underdog
today - poll is just 

Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Shachar Shemesh
guy keren wrote:
 Amos Shapira wrote:
 On 14/05/07, *guy keren* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Rafi Cohen wrote:
   Reading some documentation on tcp/ip programming, I had the
   that the select mechanism should detect such remote disconnect
   thus enabling me to make a further read from this socket which
   end in reading 0 bytes. Reading 0 bytes should indicate
   and let me disconnect propperly from my side and try to
   However, it seems that select does not detect all those
   events and even worse, I can not see any rule behind when it does
   this and when it does not.

 select does not notice disconnections. it only notices if the
 was closed by the remote side. that's a completely different
 issue, and
 that's also the only time when you get a 0 return value from the
 system call.

 I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real issue
 (do you work as a consultant? :).

 did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with semantics -
 i am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to
 deal with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from
 the other side.

 Basically - Rafi expects (as he should) that a read(fd,...)==0
 after a select(2) call that indicated activity on fd means that the
 other side has closed the connection.

 if this is what he expects than, indeed, this is what happens.

 Alas - I think that I've just read not long ago that there is a bug
 in Linux' select in implementing just that and it might miss the
 close from the other side sometimes 

 what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a basic
 feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard to
 believe, without clear evidence.
Jumping in in the middle here, I don't have any clear evidence (or any
evidence at all) for what Amos was talking about, but I did run across
this worrying change in Wine:

Now, it is totally unclear to me whether the fd leak in question is a
result of a Wine bug around select, or of select itself. This may, after
all, prove to be nothing important. Then again, being as it is that all
Wine used to do was translate the Windows version of select to the
almost identical Linux version, I find this worrying.


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Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

2007-05-14 Thread Shachar Shemesh
Amos Shapira wrote:

 in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is allowed
 to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this happens
 ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

 Is there an on-line reference (or a manual page) to support this?
man 2 read
 From what I remember about select, the definition of it returning a
 ready to read bit set is the next read won't block, which will be
 true for non-blocking sockets any time and therefore they weren't
 encouraged together with select.
I believe you two are talking about two different things here. There is
a world of difference between UDP and TCP in that regard.

UDP is connectionless. This means that read's error codes relate only to
the latest packet received. UDP also doesn't have a 100% clear concept
of what CRC/checksum actually means. I still think it's a bug for
select to report activity on a socket that merely received a packet
with bad checksum (there is no CRC in TCP/IP), as how do you even know
it was intended for this socket?

In TCP, on the other hand, a read is related to the connection. Packets
in TCP are coincidental. Under TCP, read returning 0 mean just one thing
- the connection is close.

 if you have so many connections that multiple threads will become a
 problem then a single thread having to cycle through all these
 connections one by one will also slow things down.
No, my experience begs to differ here.

When I tested netchat (, I found out
that a single thread had no problem saturating the machine's capacity
for network in/out communication. As long that your per-socket handling
does not require too much processing to slow you down, merely cycling
through the sockets will not be the problem if you are careful enough.

With netchat, I used libevent for that (see further on for details), so
I was using epoll. Your mileage may vary with the other technologies.
 Not to mention the signal problem and just generally the fact that one
 connection taking too much time to handle will slow the handling of
 other connections.
Yes, it is probably better to use a single thread that does the event
waiting, and a thread pool for the actual processing. Having one thread
pet socket, however, is not a wise idea IMHO.
 A possible go-between might be to select/poll on multiple FD's then
 handing the work to threads from a thread pool, but such a job would
 be justifiable only for a large number of connections, IMHO.
It's not that difficult to pull off, and I believe your analysis failed
to account for the overhead of creating new threads for each new
connection, as well as destroying the threads for no longer needed
 If you insist on using a single thread then select seems to be the
 underdog today - poll is just as portable (AFAIKT), and Boost ASIO
 (and I'd expect ACE) allows making portable code which uses the
 superior API's such as epoll/kqueue/dev/poll.
Personally, I use libevent (,
which has the advantage of being a C linkage program (ASIO is C++, as is
ACE). It also has a standard license (three clause BSD). I skimmed over
the boost license, and it doesn't seem problematic, but I don't like
people creating new licenses with no clear justification.


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