Re: [Ksummit-discuss] Call to Action Re: [PATCH 0/7] Code of Conduct: Fix some wording, and add an interpretation document

2018-11-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond
James Bottomley :
> Actually, I think this whole code vs people debate is a straw man and
> inherently inimical to the discussion. In neither code of conduct (old
> or new) is there any statement that allows one to make a value judgment
> of people relative to code, so the very premise you're all arguing on
> doesn't exist.

The author's original version of the new CoC is, however, associated
with (and intended by its author to implement) "The Post-Meritocracy

Do you think it's a stretch to see "people > code" in that?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Ksummit-discuss] Call to Action Re: [PATCH 0/7] Code of Conduct: Fix some wording, and add an interpretation document

2018-11-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond
James Bottomley :
> Actually, I think this whole code vs people debate is a straw man and
> inherently inimical to the discussion. In neither code of conduct (old
> or new) is there any statement that allows one to make a value judgment
> of people relative to code, so the very premise you're all arguing on
> doesn't exist.

The author's original version of the new CoC is, however, associated
with (and intended by its author to implement) "The Post-Meritocracy

Do you think it's a stretch to see "people > code" in that?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Ksummit-discuss] The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Bruce Perens :
> The anonymous person is generally thought to have appeared on the net
> previously as MikeeUSA. That entity has a well-recorded history of misogyny
> and other anti-social behaviour. He's also complained to me recently that
> because of "people like me", the law prohibits him from marrying very young
> women. I mean single-digit young. Although he is not at all meritorious of
> your civil behavior, you may not wish to lower yourself to his level.

I strongly doubt it.  I've had my own run-in with MikeeUSA; I remember
it vividly and unpleasantly.  The prose style doesn't match.  MikeeUSA
could barely maintain coherent communication; this guy is using
language that indicates he's at least several degrees brighter.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: [Ksummit-discuss] The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Bruce Perens :
> The anonymous person is generally thought to have appeared on the net
> previously as MikeeUSA. That entity has a well-recorded history of misogyny
> and other anti-social behaviour. He's also complained to me recently that
> because of "people like me", the law prohibits him from marrying very young
> women. I mean single-digit young. Although he is not at all meritorious of
> your civil behavior, you may not wish to lower yourself to his level.

I strongly doubt it.  I've had my own run-in with MikeeUSA; I remember
it vividly and unpleasantly.  The prose style doesn't match.  MikeeUSA
could barely maintain coherent communication; this guy is using
language that indicates he's at least several degrees brighter.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-26 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Eben Moglen :
>  reputational damage is *specifically* recognized as grounds for relief.
> No.  Reputational damage is not mentioned at all, let alone
> specifically recognized.

I have no difficulty in finding the word "reputation" in the brief in
in proximity with the phrase "increasing [the programmer's] recognition in
his profession". In fact the brief notes " The Eleventh Circuit has
recognized the economic motives inherent in public licenses, *even
where profit is not immediate*" (Emphasis mine.)

And "The attribution and modification transparency requirements
directly serve to drive traffic to the open source incubation page and
to inform downstream users of the project, which is a significant
economic goal of the copyright holder *that the law will enforce.*"
(Emphasis mine.)

You seem to be denying that the brief says what it actually says.  It
not only qualifies reputational gain as a kind of economic
gain - and thus losses as damage - but cites the Eleventh Circuit as a
previous authority for the proposition, and affirms that these gains
and losses can be a matter for the law.

This disinclines me to trust the rest of your analysis or assertions.
I think you are advocating for your interest in the perceived
irrevocability of the GPL, and where this implies being less than fully
forthcoming about the actual risks in *this* situation you are committing
something perilously close to suppressio veri.  This is not helpful.

I've lived with a practising attorney since about the time she was one
of the first-line legal reviewers for the original GPL back in the
1980s - we probably still have the draft printout with her scribbled
annotations on it somewhere.  "Only lawyers can interpret this voodoo"
is not a good line to pull on me when it comes to open-source
licensing; I don't buy it and she wouldn't either.

Here's another sentence from the brief that I had forgotten:
"Copyright holders who engage in open source licensing have the right
to control the modification and distribution of copyrighted material."
- a particularly telling sentence in regard to the current
controversy, and one I had forgotten.

That there could be enough to win the day for the license
revokers - they don't actually have to revoke, just assert that
control.  Pretty much equivalent to what the the Berne Convention's
moral-rights provision does in Europe - they could claim that the
CoC is a defacement of their work to which they refuse assent
and have a case.

I am not at all doubtful that the dissidents know these things; some
of the language in the broadsides to lkml so indicates.  Which is why
I'm trying to get the kernel leadership to repair its unnecessarily
high-handed behavior before somebody gets pissed off enough to
actually drop a bomb.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-26 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Eben Moglen :
>  reputational damage is *specifically* recognized as grounds for relief.
> No.  Reputational damage is not mentioned at all, let alone
> specifically recognized.

I have no difficulty in finding the word "reputation" in the brief in
in proximity with the phrase "increasing [the programmer's] recognition in
his profession". In fact the brief notes " The Eleventh Circuit has
recognized the economic motives inherent in public licenses, *even
where profit is not immediate*" (Emphasis mine.)

And "The attribution and modification transparency requirements
directly serve to drive traffic to the open source incubation page and
to inform downstream users of the project, which is a significant
economic goal of the copyright holder *that the law will enforce.*"
(Emphasis mine.)

You seem to be denying that the brief says what it actually says.  It
not only qualifies reputational gain as a kind of economic
gain - and thus losses as damage - but cites the Eleventh Circuit as a
previous authority for the proposition, and affirms that these gains
and losses can be a matter for the law.

This disinclines me to trust the rest of your analysis or assertions.
I think you are advocating for your interest in the perceived
irrevocability of the GPL, and where this implies being less than fully
forthcoming about the actual risks in *this* situation you are committing
something perilously close to suppressio veri.  This is not helpful.

I've lived with a practising attorney since about the time she was one
of the first-line legal reviewers for the original GPL back in the
1980s - we probably still have the draft printout with her scribbled
annotations on it somewhere.  "Only lawyers can interpret this voodoo"
is not a good line to pull on me when it comes to open-source
licensing; I don't buy it and she wouldn't either.

Here's another sentence from the brief that I had forgotten:
"Copyright holders who engage in open source licensing have the right
to control the modification and distribution of copyrighted material."
- a particularly telling sentence in regard to the current
controversy, and one I had forgotten.

That there could be enough to win the day for the license
revokers - they don't actually have to revoke, just assert that
control.  Pretty much equivalent to what the the Berne Convention's
moral-rights provision does in Europe - they could claim that the
CoC is a defacement of their work to which they refuse assent
and have a case.

I am not at all doubtful that the dissidents know these things; some
of the language in the broadsides to lkml so indicates.  Which is why
I'm trying to get the kernel leadership to repair its unnecessarily
high-handed behavior before somebody gets pissed off enough to
actually drop a bomb.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Al Viro :
>   * in case it needs to be spelled out: I am not at all interested
> in that kind of stunts.  One of the reasons I thoroughly despise RMS
> and his bunch is the leverage game they tried to play with GPLv3;
> damned if I'm going to lower myself to their level.

Sorry, I did not mean to imply that you are one with the license-revokers.
More like "if even Al Viro thinks you fucked up your process, it would be
unwise to dismiss the opposition to the CoC as mere trolls".

*I* can't dismiss it, because I read my mail. Apparently lots of people think
that it is *my* job to fix this mess, or at least to give it a good hard
try. I doubt they're trolling; what would be the point?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Al Viro :
>   * in case it needs to be spelled out: I am not at all interested
> in that kind of stunts.  One of the reasons I thoroughly despise RMS
> and his bunch is the leverage game they tried to play with GPLv3;
> damned if I'm going to lower myself to their level.

Sorry, I did not mean to imply that you are one with the license-revokers.
More like "if even Al Viro thinks you fucked up your process, it would be
unwise to dismiss the opposition to the CoC as mere trolls".

*I* can't dismiss it, because I read my mail. Apparently lots of people think
that it is *my* job to fix this mess, or at least to give it a good hard
try. I doubt they're trolling; what would be the point?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
NeilBrown :
> I think you are blurring two groups here.
> Ted describes "anti-CoC dissidents" as people who are advancing an
> argument about rescinding their license.  This is a smaller groups than
> the "ant-CoC camp" who don't really like the CoC.  I suspect is it is a
> much smaller group when restricting to actual copyright holders.

You may be right that these are semi-distinct groups.  I don't think
the distinction makes a lot of difference to my argument, though.
Either way, (a) there's been a process failure by the leadership, and
(b) the threat of a massive legal disruption is real.

> I am against the CoC as it stands, but rescinding any license is such an
> enormous over-reaction, I find the concept laughable.

I'm...not sure I do.  I was going to agree with you that it's a
massive overreaction, but then a simple question occurred to me: what
else could *I* do if I thought I had a significant stake (I don't; my
kernel contributions are minor and old) and felt my interests were

All this could have been avoided so easily. A felt need for a new Code
should not have been followed by the immediate imposition of one,
but by a public RFC process and consensus-building - a process in which
even those who lost arguments about the construction of the code could
know they had been heard.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Description: PGP signature

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
NeilBrown :
> I think you are blurring two groups here.
> Ted describes "anti-CoC dissidents" as people who are advancing an
> argument about rescinding their license.  This is a smaller groups than
> the "ant-CoC camp" who don't really like the CoC.  I suspect is it is a
> much smaller group when restricting to actual copyright holders.

You may be right that these are semi-distinct groups.  I don't think
the distinction makes a lot of difference to my argument, though.
Either way, (a) there's been a process failure by the leadership, and
(b) the threat of a massive legal disruption is real.

> I am against the CoC as it stands, but rescinding any license is such an
> enormous over-reaction, I find the concept laughable.

I'm...not sure I do.  I was going to agree with you that it's a
massive overreaction, but then a simple question occurred to me: what
else could *I* do if I thought I had a significant stake (I don't; my
kernel contributions are minor and old) and felt my interests were

All this could have been avoided so easily. A felt need for a new Code
should not have been followed by the immediate imposition of one,
but by a public RFC process and consensus-building - a process in which
even those who lost arguments about the construction of the code could
know they had been heard.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Description: PGP signature

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Theodore Y. Ts'o :
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 03:39:01PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > Under Jacobsen vs. Katzer (535 f 3d 1373 fed cir 2008) authors of
> > GPLed software have a specific right to relief (including injunctive
> > relief) against misappropriation of their software. That ruling (which
> > was the case of first impression on the binding status of the GPL)
> > reputational damage is *specifically* recognized as grounds for relief.
> I've read the legal briefs, and I'm pretty sure they don't say what
> you are claiming they say.  Yes, I'm not a lawyer --- but that's OK
> --- neither are you.

How much are you willing to gamble on not being wrong?

> The *vast* majority of the "anti-CoC dissidents" who have been
> advancing this argument, have, as near as I can tell, little or no
> copyright ownership in the kernel.

I do not have any facts with which to dispute this specific claim.
However, I do notice that a significant number of long-time
contributors have put themselves in the anti-CoC camp. I note Al Viro
as a recent example.

Even supposing you are right about most of the anti-Coc people being
outsiders, a tiny minority of people with a genuine IP stake could do a
lot of damage.  I ask again: how much are you willing to gamble on not
being wrong?

I definitely do not want to see the kind of explosion we could witness.
I think you are making it more likely rather than less by appearing
high-handed and dismissive.   Because, whatever the merits of the
CoC itself, there has been a process failure here.  It doesn't look
good to be defending that failure.

A change like the CoC adoption was not a good thing to do without
proper public notice, discussion, and consensus-building *beforehand*.
This was an unforced error on the part of the leadership group;
please, *please* don't compound it by digging in around the error.  Do
you really think you're going to win hearts and minds among insider
dissidents - people with a genuine stake - by dismissing the
opposition as a troll job?

Instead of declaiming about "trolls", how about we fix the process
failure instead?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Theodore Y. Ts'o :
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 03:39:01PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > Under Jacobsen vs. Katzer (535 f 3d 1373 fed cir 2008) authors of
> > GPLed software have a specific right to relief (including injunctive
> > relief) against misappropriation of their software. That ruling (which
> > was the case of first impression on the binding status of the GPL)
> > reputational damage is *specifically* recognized as grounds for relief.
> I've read the legal briefs, and I'm pretty sure they don't say what
> you are claiming they say.  Yes, I'm not a lawyer --- but that's OK
> --- neither are you.

How much are you willing to gamble on not being wrong?

> The *vast* majority of the "anti-CoC dissidents" who have been
> advancing this argument, have, as near as I can tell, little or no
> copyright ownership in the kernel.

I do not have any facts with which to dispute this specific claim.
However, I do notice that a significant number of long-time
contributors have put themselves in the anti-CoC camp. I note Al Viro
as a recent example.

Even supposing you are right about most of the anti-Coc people being
outsiders, a tiny minority of people with a genuine IP stake could do a
lot of damage.  I ask again: how much are you willing to gamble on not
being wrong?

I definitely do not want to see the kind of explosion we could witness.
I think you are making it more likely rather than less by appearing
high-handed and dismissive.   Because, whatever the merits of the
CoC itself, there has been a process failure here.  It doesn't look
good to be defending that failure.

A change like the CoC adoption was not a good thing to do without
proper public notice, discussion, and consensus-building *beforehand*.
This was an unforced error on the part of the leadership group;
please, *please* don't compound it by digging in around the error.  Do
you really think you're going to win hearts and minds among insider
dissidents - people with a genuine stake - by dismissing the
opposition as a troll job?

Instead of declaiming about "trolls", how about we fix the process
failure instead?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Greg Kroah-Hartman :
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 07:56:26AM +, wrote:
> > The linux devs can rescind their license grant.
> No they can not, please do not keep spreading false information.

I think the confusion about whether applying GPL can be rescinded has
obscured the most serious actual threat vector.

Under Jacobsen vs. Katzer (535 f 3d 1373 fed cir 2008) authors of
GPLed software have a specific right to relief (including injunctive
relief) against misappropriation of their software. That ruling (which
was the case of first impression on the binding status of the GPL)
reputational damage is *specifically* recognized as grounds for relief.

The anti-CoC dissidents don't have to rescind their license grant to
cause a great deal of trouble. Instead they can invoke the doctrine
established in Jacobsen vs. Katzer, seeking restraining orders.  The
line of argument is so simple that I could probably brief it myself,
and I'm not a lawyer - just somebody who had to become a topic
expert in this area to do my job as the founding president of OSI.

For that matter, I don't think the question of whether the GPL can be
rescinded is settled - nor does my wife Cathy Raymond, Esq., a practicing
attorney who has also studied the relevant law.

Be very skeptical about what the FSF or SFC tells you about this; they
have a very strong institutional/ideological incentive to affirm
irrevocability regardless of what the law actually says.  I, on the
other hand, don't have an ideological stake to defend in that
argument; I'm telling you that the doctrine forbidding perpetual
grants may very well have teeth here. There is, at any rate,
significant risk that a court will see it that way.

Between Jacobsen vs. Katzer and the prohibition against perpetual grants
I think you are incurring a grave risk by assuming the dissidents have
no ammunition.

Better for both sides to climb down from a confrontational position
before real damage gets done.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: The linux devs can rescind their license grant.

2018-10-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Greg Kroah-Hartman :
> On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 07:56:26AM +, wrote:
> > The linux devs can rescind their license grant.
> No they can not, please do not keep spreading false information.

I think the confusion about whether applying GPL can be rescinded has
obscured the most serious actual threat vector.

Under Jacobsen vs. Katzer (535 f 3d 1373 fed cir 2008) authors of
GPLed software have a specific right to relief (including injunctive
relief) against misappropriation of their software. That ruling (which
was the case of first impression on the binding status of the GPL)
reputational damage is *specifically* recognized as grounds for relief.

The anti-CoC dissidents don't have to rescind their license grant to
cause a great deal of trouble. Instead they can invoke the doctrine
established in Jacobsen vs. Katzer, seeking restraining orders.  The
line of argument is so simple that I could probably brief it myself,
and I'm not a lawyer - just somebody who had to become a topic
expert in this area to do my job as the founding president of OSI.

For that matter, I don't think the question of whether the GPL can be
rescinded is settled - nor does my wife Cathy Raymond, Esq., a practicing
attorney who has also studied the relevant law.

Be very skeptical about what the FSF or SFC tells you about this; they
have a very strong institutional/ideological incentive to affirm
irrevocability regardless of what the law actually says.  I, on the
other hand, don't have an ideological stake to defend in that
argument; I'm telling you that the doctrine forbidding perpetual
grants may very well have teeth here. There is, at any rate,
significant risk that a court will see it that way.

Between Jacobsen vs. Katzer and the prohibition against perpetual grants
I think you are incurring a grave risk by assuming the dissidents have
no ammunition.

Better for both sides to climb down from a confrontational position
before real damage gets done.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: [PATCH 0/7] Code of Conduct: Fix some wording, and add an interpretation document

2018-10-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Greg Kroah-Hartman :
> This patch series adds this new document to the kernel tree, as well as
> removes a paragraph from the existing Code of Conduct that was
> bothersome to many maintainers.

I think the changes have improved it.

There is still a process issue with how this code was promulgated that
is clearly bothering a lot of people, but I hope that problem is well
enough understood that we don't need to rehash it.  More transparency,
more consultation, and more notice of intent to revise would help
head off future problems.

I do have one content recommendation.  In the version at

which I presume is current, I see a paragraph that reads as follows:

>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
>contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
>our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, 
>size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
>expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality,
>personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

I recommend that all the text from "everyone" on be struck as (a) unnecessary,
and (b) tending to embroil the project in politico-cultural wars that can do
it no good - and replaced by "every individual".

That is, the result would read:

>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
>contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
>our community a harassment-free experience for every individual.

That is all that needs to be said. Listing all those specific
categories of "regardless of" implicitly privileges certain kinds of
identity (those listed) and disfavors others (those not listed).
Further, some of the phrases used fo categories are political
shibboleths that unavoidably drag in American presumptions not
appropriate for an international project.

Best to leave the whole mess out and just pledge to treat individuals well.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: [PATCH 0/7] Code of Conduct: Fix some wording, and add an interpretation document

2018-10-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Greg Kroah-Hartman :
> This patch series adds this new document to the kernel tree, as well as
> removes a paragraph from the existing Code of Conduct that was
> bothersome to many maintainers.

I think the changes have improved it.

There is still a process issue with how this code was promulgated that
is clearly bothering a lot of people, but I hope that problem is well
enough understood that we don't need to rehash it.  More transparency,
more consultation, and more notice of intent to revise would help
head off future problems.

I do have one content recommendation.  In the version at

which I presume is current, I see a paragraph that reads as follows:

>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
>contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
>our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, 
>size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and
>expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality,
>personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

I recommend that all the text from "everyone" on be struck as (a) unnecessary,
and (b) tending to embroil the project in politico-cultural wars that can do
it no good - and replaced by "every individual".

That is, the result would read:

>In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
>contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
>our community a harassment-free experience for every individual.

That is all that needs to be said. Listing all those specific
categories of "regardless of" implicitly privileges certain kinds of
identity (those listed) and disfavors others (those not listed).
Further, some of the phrases used fo categories are political
shibboleths that unavoidably drag in American presumptions not
appropriate for an international project.

Best to leave the whole mess out and just pledge to treat individuals well.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: [Ksummit-discuss] [PATCH] code-of-conduct: Remove explicit list of discrimination factors

2018-10-10 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Josh Triplett :
> > The words removed by this patch are a political statement.
> Choosing not to say those words is a political statement.

The situation is not symmetrical.  Choosing the protected classes
in the CoC is a *change* in its implied politics. 

It's a change that is, obviously from LKML traffic, very contentious.
If this were a tpurely technical matter, it would be described as
not backwards-compatible.

It's a change that, I submit, should not have been made without a clear
consensus *in favor* of the change.

Our culture has a process for this. It's called RFCs. If we want to
designate protected classes to be called out in conductt guidelines,
an RFC should be floated first and the change should be made only
if rough consensus has been achieved.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: [Ksummit-discuss] [PATCH] code-of-conduct: Remove explicit list of discrimination factors

2018-10-10 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Josh Triplett :
> > The words removed by this patch are a political statement.
> Choosing not to say those words is a political statement.

The situation is not symmetrical.  Choosing the protected classes
in the CoC is a *change* in its implied politics. 

It's a change that is, obviously from LKML traffic, very contentious.
If this were a tpurely technical matter, it would be described as
not backwards-compatible.

It's a change that, I submit, should not have been made without a clear
consensus *in favor* of the change.

Our culture has a process for this. It's called RFCs. If we want to
designate protected classes to be called out in conductt guidelines,
an RFC should be floated first and the change should be made only
if rough consensus has been achieved.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-29 Thread Eric S. Raymond
(I mistakenly sent this with 'r' previously. Please reply to this copy.)

Alan Cox :
> The wording IMHO just needs tightening up - and that's a useful
> discussion that ought to he bad. I tihnk everyone understands the *inent*
> of such wording - don't go around doxing people, or posting their home
> address on facebook and calling for people to attend with pitchforks.

I'm going to, again, avoid normative statements and try to clarify what
the questions are here, speaking from my anthropologist/game-theorist head.

As a matter of process, there are two different sets of issues about changing
the CoC wording.  Referring to my previous post on ethos and telos:

1. The wording needs to be tweaked to make it clearer what things are against
the ethos. For example: we may want Code violations to include hateful speech
on the mailing list directed at other LKML members.  Does it follow that
we want the Code to proscribe "hate speech" directed against third parties,
or off-list "hateful" behavior? Perhaps we do, perhaps not; but either
way the boundaries need to be clearer.

2. The language needs to be examined with particular care to discover
where it implies a change to LKML's telos. I argue no position at this time
about whether LKML's telos *should* change, but I note that the rather heated
dissent the CoC has provoked comes from a widespread perception that it *is*, in
fact, a none-too-covert attempt to alter the telos.

I further note that this perception is supported by the CoC Author's
"Post-Meritocracy manifesto".

Kernel contributors, understandably, want a clear read on whether the
application of the CoC is to be guided by meritocratic or
"post-meritocratic" principles.  This is a telos issue, not just
an ethos issue, and much more fundamental.

I endorse a suggestion made elsewhere that a revised CoC would best be
developed by an RFC-like process. Because *that is how we do such things*;
that is *our* culture's mechanism for achieving and maintaining consensus
on difficult issues.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-29 Thread Eric S. Raymond
(I mistakenly sent this with 'r' previously. Please reply to this copy.)

Alan Cox :
> The wording IMHO just needs tightening up - and that's a useful
> discussion that ought to he bad. I tihnk everyone understands the *inent*
> of such wording - don't go around doxing people, or posting their home
> address on facebook and calling for people to attend with pitchforks.

I'm going to, again, avoid normative statements and try to clarify what
the questions are here, speaking from my anthropologist/game-theorist head.

As a matter of process, there are two different sets of issues about changing
the CoC wording.  Referring to my previous post on ethos and telos:

1. The wording needs to be tweaked to make it clearer what things are against
the ethos. For example: we may want Code violations to include hateful speech
on the mailing list directed at other LKML members.  Does it follow that
we want the Code to proscribe "hate speech" directed against third parties,
or off-list "hateful" behavior? Perhaps we do, perhaps not; but either
way the boundaries need to be clearer.

2. The language needs to be examined with particular care to discover
where it implies a change to LKML's telos. I argue no position at this time
about whether LKML's telos *should* change, but I note that the rather heated
dissent the CoC has provoked comes from a widespread perception that it *is*, in
fact, a none-too-covert attempt to alter the telos.

I further note that this perception is supported by the CoC Author's
"Post-Meritocracy manifesto".

Kernel contributors, understandably, want a clear read on whether the
application of the CoC is to be guided by meritocratic or
"post-meritocratic" principles.  This is a telos issue, not just
an ethos issue, and much more fundamental.

I endorse a suggestion made elsewhere that a revised CoC would best be
developed by an RFC-like process. Because *that is how we do such things*;
that is *our* culture's mechanism for achieving and maintaining consensus
on difficult issues.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-29 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Alan Cox :
> The wording IMHO just needs tightening up - and that's a useful
> discussion that ought to he bad. I tihnk everyone understands the *inent*
> of such wording - don't go around doxing people, or posting their home
> address on facebook and calling for people to attend with pitchforks.

I'm going to, again, avoid normative statements and try to clarify what
the questions are here, speaking from my anthropologist/game-theorist head.

As a matter of process, there are two different sets of issues about changing
the CoC wording.  Referring to my previous post on ethos and telos:

1. The wording needs to be tweaked to make it clearer what things are against
the ethos. For example: we may want Code violations to include hateful speech
on the mailing list directed at other LKML members.  Does it follow that
we want the Code to proscribe "hate speech" directed against third parties,
or off-list "hateful" behavior? Perhaps we do, perhaps not; but either
way the boundaries need to be clearer.

2. The language needs to be examined with particular care to discover
where it implies a change to LKML's telos. I argue no position at this time
about whether LKML's telos *should* change, but I note that the rather heated
dissent the CoC has provoked comes from a widespread perception that it *is*, in
fact, a none-too-covert attempt to alter the telos.

I further note that this perception is supported by the CoC Author's
"Post-Meritocracy manifesto".

Kernel contributors, understandably, want a clear read on whether the
application of the CoC is to be guided by meritocratic or
"post-meritocratic" principles.  This is a telos issue, not just
an ethos issue, and much more fundamental.

I endorse a suggestion made elsewhere that a revised CoC would best be
developed by an RFC-like process. Because *that is how we do such things*;
that is *our* culture's mechanism for achieving and maintaining consensus
on difficult issues.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-29 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Alan Cox :
> The wording IMHO just needs tightening up - and that's a useful
> discussion that ought to he bad. I tihnk everyone understands the *inent*
> of such wording - don't go around doxing people, or posting their home
> address on facebook and calling for people to attend with pitchforks.

I'm going to, again, avoid normative statements and try to clarify what
the questions are here, speaking from my anthropologist/game-theorist head.

As a matter of process, there are two different sets of issues about changing
the CoC wording.  Referring to my previous post on ethos and telos:

1. The wording needs to be tweaked to make it clearer what things are against
the ethos. For example: we may want Code violations to include hateful speech
on the mailing list directed at other LKML members.  Does it follow that
we want the Code to proscribe "hate speech" directed against third parties,
or off-list "hateful" behavior? Perhaps we do, perhaps not; but either
way the boundaries need to be clearer.

2. The language needs to be examined with particular care to discover
where it implies a change to LKML's telos. I argue no position at this time
about whether LKML's telos *should* change, but I note that the rather heated
dissent the CoC has provoked comes from a widespread perception that it *is*, in
fact, a none-too-covert attempt to alter the telos.

I further note that this perception is supported by the CoC Author's
"Post-Meritocracy manifesto".

Kernel contributors, understandably, want a clear read on whether the
application of the CoC is to be guided by meritocratic or
"post-meritocratic" principles.  This is a telos issue, not just
an ethos issue, and much more fundamental.

I endorse a suggestion made elsewhere that a revised CoC would best be
developed by an RFC-like process. Because *that is how we do such things*;
that is *our* culture's mechanism for achieving and maintaining consensus
on difficult issues.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Licenses and revocability, in a paragraph or less.

2018-09-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond :
> As has been stated in easily accessible terms elsewhere:
> "Most courts hold that simple, non-exclusive licenses with unspecified
> durations that are silent on revocability are revocable at will. This means
> that the licensor may terminate the license at any time, with or without
> cause." +

Furthermore, license revocation is not the only option. In Jacobsen
vs. Katzer (535 F.3d 1373 (Fed. Cir. 2008) it was found that
open-source developers have an actionable right not to have their
software misappropriated even though the resulting damages are only
reputational rather than monetary.

Under that theory, developers can seek an injunction against a
misappropriating party without globally revoking their license.
The application of that case law to this situation is left as
an easy exercise for the reader.  Any competent paralegal could
write the brief in an evening. Hell, I could almost do it myself.

I do not personally want to see this happen.  But that it is possible
is a fact all parties must deal with.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Licenses and revocability, in a paragraph or less.

2018-09-27 Thread Eric S. Raymond :
> As has been stated in easily accessible terms elsewhere:
> "Most courts hold that simple, non-exclusive licenses with unspecified
> durations that are silent on revocability are revocable at will. This means
> that the licensor may terminate the license at any time, with or without
> cause." +

Furthermore, license revocation is not the only option. In Jacobsen
vs. Katzer (535 F.3d 1373 (Fed. Cir. 2008) it was found that
open-source developers have an actionable right not to have their
software misappropriated even though the resulting damages are only
reputational rather than monetary.

Under that theory, developers can seek an injunction against a
misappropriating party without globally revoking their license.
The application of that case law to this situation is left as
an easy exercise for the reader.  Any competent paralegal could
write the brief in an evening. Hell, I could almost do it myself.

I do not personally want to see this happen.  But that it is possible
is a fact all parties must deal with.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Theodore Y. Ts'o :
> There have been those who have characterized the GPL as being more
> than just a license, but also a political statement.  And yet, many
> projects, include Linus, use the GPL without necessarily subscribing
> to all of Richard Stallman's positions, political or otherwise.

The case isn't parallel. Every kernel dev knew they were joining a
commons defined by GPL terms when they signed on.  Regulation of
soi-disant "hateful" speech and "diversity" objectives, on the other
hand, are a *new* set of claims and norms not entailed in established

There ought to be much broader consensus before anything like that is done -
and I would say that even about new political claims I myself supported.
Instead, what we have is open revolt from a dissident faction that thinks
the project would be better destroyed than under the CoC.

That should be a clue that imposing the CoC without a lot of public
discussion and preparation was a mistake, and it should be revereted until
at least rough consensus in fovor of some improvement on the old
Code is achieved.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Theodore Y. Ts'o :
> There have been those who have characterized the GPL as being more
> than just a license, but also a political statement.  And yet, many
> projects, include Linus, use the GPL without necessarily subscribing
> to all of Richard Stallman's positions, political or otherwise.

The case isn't parallel. Every kernel dev knew they were joining a
commons defined by GPL terms when they signed on.  Regulation of
soi-disant "hateful" speech and "diversity" objectives, on the other
hand, are a *new* set of claims and norms not entailed in established

There ought to be much broader consensus before anything like that is done -
and I would say that even about new political claims I myself supported.
Instead, what we have is open revolt from a dissident faction that thinks
the project would be better destroyed than under the CoC.

That should be a clue that imposing the CoC without a lot of public
discussion and preparation was a mistake, and it should be revereted until
at least rough consensus in fovor of some improvement on the old
Code is achieved.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Christoph Conrads :
> The CoC is a political document:

And there is no level on which this is anything but bad.

The kernel devs are a very large, very diverse, multi-national, multi-cultural
group. We have nothing to gain by getting entangled with political culture
wars, and everything to lose.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

Re: Code of Conduct: Let's revamp it.

2018-09-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond
Christoph Conrads :
> The CoC is a political document:

And there is no level on which this is anything but bad.

The kernel devs are a very large, very diverse, multi-national, multi-cultural
group. We have nothing to gain by getting entangled with political culture
wars, and everything to lose.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

My work is funded by the Internet Civil Engineering Institute:
Please visit their site and donate: the civilization you save might be your own.

On holy wars, and a plea for peace

2018-09-23 Thread Eric S. Raymond
e margins of society; minority regious groups are the best-studied
case. The larger and more varied your group is, the more penalty there
is for trying to be too normative.

What we have now is a situation in which a subgroup within the Linux
kernel's subculture threatens destructive revolt because not only do
they think the slider been pushed too high in a normative direction,
but because they think the CoC is an attempt to change the group's

The first important thing to get is that this revolt is not really
about any of the surface issues the CoC was written to address.  It
would be maximally unhelpful to accuse the anti-CoC people of being
pro-sexism, or anti-minority, or whatever. Doing that can only inflame
their sense that the group telos is being hijacked.  They make it
clear; they signed on to participate in a meritocracy with reputation
rewards, and they think that is being taken way from them.

One way to process this complaint is to assert that the CoC's new
concerns are so important that the anti-CoC faction can be and
should be fought to the point where they withdraw or surrender.
The trouble with this way of responding is that it *is* in fact
a hijacking of the group's telos - an assertion that we ought to
have new terminal values replacing old ones that the objectors
think they're defending.

So a really major question here is: what is the telos of this
subculture?  Does the new CoC express it?  Have the objectors
expressed it?

The question *not* to get hung up on is what any individual's
choice in this matter says about their attitude towards, say,
historically underepresented minorities.  It is perfectly
consistent to be pro-tolerance and pro-inclusion while
believing *this* subculture ought to be all about producing
good code without regard to who is offended by the process.
Not every kind of good work has to be done everywhere. 
Nobody demands that social-justice causes demonstrate
their ability to write C.

That last paragraph may sound like I have strayed from neutrality into
making a value claim, but not really.  It's just another way of saying
that different groups have different teloi, and different ethoi
proceeding from them.  Generally speaking (that is, unless it commits
actual crimes) you can only judge a group by how it fulfills its own
telos, not those of others.

So we come back to two questions:

1. What is our telos?

2. Given our telos, do we have the most inclusive (least normative)
   ethos possible to achieve it?

When you have an answer to that question, you will know what
we need to do about the CoC and the "killswitch" revolt.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, 
that I wish it always to be kept alive.  It will often be exercised when 
wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little 
rebellion now and then. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Abigail Adams, 1787

On holy wars, and a plea for peace

2018-09-23 Thread Eric S. Raymond
e margins of society; minority regious groups are the best-studied
case. The larger and more varied your group is, the more penalty there
is for trying to be too normative.

What we have now is a situation in which a subgroup within the Linux
kernel's subculture threatens destructive revolt because not only do
they think the slider been pushed too high in a normative direction,
but because they think the CoC is an attempt to change the group's

The first important thing to get is that this revolt is not really
about any of the surface issues the CoC was written to address.  It
would be maximally unhelpful to accuse the anti-CoC people of being
pro-sexism, or anti-minority, or whatever. Doing that can only inflame
their sense that the group telos is being hijacked.  They make it
clear; they signed on to participate in a meritocracy with reputation
rewards, and they think that is being taken way from them.

One way to process this complaint is to assert that the CoC's new
concerns are so important that the anti-CoC faction can be and
should be fought to the point where they withdraw or surrender.
The trouble with this way of responding is that it *is* in fact
a hijacking of the group's telos - an assertion that we ought to
have new terminal values replacing old ones that the objectors
think they're defending.

So a really major question here is: what is the telos of this
subculture?  Does the new CoC express it?  Have the objectors
expressed it?

The question *not* to get hung up on is what any individual's
choice in this matter says about their attitude towards, say,
historically underepresented minorities.  It is perfectly
consistent to be pro-tolerance and pro-inclusion while
believing *this* subculture ought to be all about producing
good code without regard to who is offended by the process.
Not every kind of good work has to be done everywhere. 
Nobody demands that social-justice causes demonstrate
their ability to write C.

That last paragraph may sound like I have strayed from neutrality into
making a value claim, but not really.  It's just another way of saying
that different groups have different teloi, and different ethoi
proceeding from them.  Generally speaking (that is, unless it commits
actual crimes) you can only judge a group by how it fulfills its own
telos, not those of others.

So we come back to two questions:

1. What is our telos?

2. Given our telos, do we have the most inclusive (least normative)
   ethos possible to achieve it?

When you have an answer to that question, you will know what
we need to do about the CoC and the "killswitch" revolt.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, 
that I wish it always to be kept alive.  It will often be exercised when 
wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little 
rebellion now and then. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Abigail Adams, 1787

Re: Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Upon further investigation, it seems I was mistaken. I apologise for my tone.

Accepted.  I wish more people had the grace you do, to apologize when you know 
you've been mistaken or unfair; it would make this list a better place.

> Momenco Ocelot boot flash device
>   This enables access routines for the boot flash device and for the 
>   NVRAM on the Momenco Ocelot board. If you have one of these boards
>   and would like access to either of these, say 'Y'.

Incorporated.  I have also received mail from someone who can fill in the
new MIPS entries, so initial results from the posting are quite good.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The direct use of physical force is so poor a solution to the problem of
limited resources that it is commonly employed only by small children and
great nations.
-- David Friedman
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Re: Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Steven J. Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I can fill in the blanks on all of these for you. I won't clutter
> up the mailing list with the complete descriptions.

That would be excellent.  Please do!
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, 
that I wish it always to be kept alive.  It will often be exercised when 
wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little 
rebellion now and then. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Abigail Adams, 1787
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at

Re: Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > According to my cross-reference generator, the following symbols have
> > missing help in 2.4.6-pre9:
> Please fix your cross-reference generator as previously discussed before 
> posting these lists again.

I put the symbols we discussed previously on my ignore list.  What's
your beef this time?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy. His
failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.
-- H.L. Mencken
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

According to my cross-reference generator, the following symbols have
missing help in 2.4.6-pre9:


This list exposes a couple of problems:

1. CONFIG_ORION has been removed from the main MIPS but is
   still referenced in drivers/net/

2. The MIPS sets CONFIG_AU1000 but does not reference it,
   then references CONFIG_AU1000_UART without ever setting it.  This
   probably indicates that one of these is a mistake.

I have already written help entries for three other symbols CONFIG_DDB5477,
maintainers please supply help entries for the above?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

"Boys who own legal firearms have much lower rates of delinquency and
drug use and are even slightly less delinquent than nonowners of guns."
-- U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of
   Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
   NCJ-143454, "Urban Delinquency and Substance Abuse," August 1995.
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Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

According to my cross-reference generator, the following symbols have
missing help in 2.4.6-pre9:


This list exposes a couple of problems:

1. CONFIG_ORION has been removed from the main MIPS but is
   still referenced in drivers/net/

2. The MIPS sets CONFIG_AU1000 but does not reference it,
   then references CONFIG_AU1000_UART without ever setting it.  This
   probably indicates that one of these is a mistake.

I have already written help entries for three other symbols CONFIG_DDB5477,
maintainers please supply help entries for the above?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Boys who own legal firearms have much lower rates of delinquency and
drug use and are even slightly less delinquent than nonowners of guns.
-- U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of
   Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention,
   NCJ-143454, Urban Delinquency and Substance Abuse, August 1995.
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Re: Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 I can fill in the blanks on all of these for you. I won't clutter
 up the mailing list with the complete descriptions.

That would be excellent.  Please do!
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, 
that I wish it always to be kept alive.  It will often be exercised when 
wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little 
rebellion now and then. -- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Abigail Adams, 1787
To unsubscribe from this list: send the line unsubscribe linux-kernel in
the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  According to my cross-reference generator, the following symbols have
  missing help in 2.4.6-pre9:
 Please fix your cross-reference generator as previously discussed before 
 posting these lists again.

I put the symbols we discussed previously on my ignore list.  What's
your beef this time?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy. His
failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.
-- H.L. Mencken
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordomo info at
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Re: Cross-reference analysis reveals problems in 2.4.6pre9

2001-07-03 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Upon further investigation, it seems I was mistaken. I apologise for my tone.

Accepted.  I wish more people had the grace you do, to apologize when you know 
you've been mistaken or unfair; it would make this list a better place.

 Momenco Ocelot boot flash device
   This enables access routines for the boot flash device and for the 
   NVRAM on the Momenco Ocelot board. If you have one of these boards
   and would like access to either of these, say 'Y'.

Incorporated.  I have also received mail from someone who can fill in the
new MIPS entries, so initial results from the posting are quite good.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The direct use of physical force is so poor a solution to the problem of
limited resources that it is commonly employed only by small children and
great nations.
-- David Friedman
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
More majordomo info at
Please read the FAQ at

Re: Missing help entries in 2.4.6pre5

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Nicolas Pitre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 1- This symbol is mine;
> 2- It is part of 2.4.6-pre5 only as a dependency argument, with no
>point where a value is actually assigned to it;
> 3- It is likely to be different when the actual question for which the
>user need an help text is merged into the mainline kernel.
> So you can safely ignore it for now.

I've put it on my ignore list.
> Maybe it could be a good thing for your tool to ignore missing help text for
> symbols that don't get enabled interactively by the user?

It already does that for derivations (in CML1, define_*).  The real problem 
here is that my report generators aren't smart enough to tell when a CML1
symbol is referenced in a CML1 config but never set.  That problem could be
solved, but it's unusual that I don't think it's worth the effort.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme
Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the
fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1823
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Re: Controversy over dynamic linking -- how to end the panic

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Andrew Pimlott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 03:17:16PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> > IANAL, but I believe that Linus's position as anthology copyright holder
> > makes him privileged in this respect.
> Regardless of what you find in the books, recall that Linus has
> stated that decentralizing the copyright of Linux was a goal, so you
> may not find him willing to claim an "anthology copyright" (if such
> a thing even applies to the kernel, which in my NAL opinion, it does
> not).

Linus *is*, however, implicitly claiming the authority to make license
policy on behalf of the other copyright holders in cases where the GPL
is unclear.

In COPYING, Linus says that that the version of GPL applying to the
kernel is v2 unless explicitly otherwise stated.  He has also already
issued the interpretation that normal system calls from userland do
not create a derivation relationship.

I consider Linus to have the moral right to make these decisions, whether
or not the law gives him a formal legal right to do so.  All I have done
is propose that he be more explicit about his policy in order to prevent
needless confusion and nervousness.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The possession of arms by the people is the ultimate warrant
that government governs only with the consent of the governed.
-- Jeff Snyder
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Re: Missing help entries in 2.4.6pre5

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Russell King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 03:49:34PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
> I think we've covered this one before.

Yes.  But if I don't ask, I won't ncessarily know when it changes status.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The danger (where there is any) from armed citizens, is only to the
*government*, not to *society*; and as long as they have nothing to
revenge in the government (which they cannot have while it is in their
own hands) there are many advantages in their being accustomed to the 
use of arms, and no possible disadvantage.
-- Joel Barlow, "Advice to the Privileged Orders", 1792-93
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Re: Controversy over dynamic linking -- how to end the panic

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

> > >As copyright holder of the Linux kernel, Linus is the only person with
> > >standing to sue for license violation.  Therefore, when he says
> He's copyright holder of parts of it. The FSF is also a copyright holder of
> oddments, as are many people.

IANAL, but I believe that Linus's position as anthology copyright holder
makes him privileged in this respect.

My wife, who *is* an attorney, will be researching this.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation
should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of
criminal acts reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so
after a century and a half of trying -- that they must sweep under the
rug the southern attempts at gun control in the 1870-1910 period, the
northeastern attempts in the 1920-1939 period, the attempts at both
Federal and State levels in 1965-1976 -- establishes the repeated,
complete and inevitable failure of gun laws to control serious crime.
-- Senator Orrin Hatch, in a 1982 Senate Report
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Controversy over dynamic linking -- how to end the panic

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

As you know, there's been another flap recently about the GPL status
of loadable kernel modules.  You have a note that touches on this in
the kernel COPYING file, but it is not sufficient to resolve the
questions that keep coming up.

Earlier today I was contacted by a principal at a well-known Linux
company who was in a mild panic over recent arguments by Alan Cox and
David Miller.  This company (not VA or Red Hat, BTW) fears that their
customers will run from Linux if they get the idea that linking
drivers to the kernel might force them open.

I wrote back as follows:

>Alan's posting beginning "Linus opinion on this is irrelevant" is not a
>`perspective' that he can be argued out of.  He is not arguing about whether
>allowing proprietary binary modules is good, bad, or indifferent.
>Alan is merely stating legal facts as he understands them -- and, in
>fact, I agree with his assessment.  The key question is whether the
>particular kind of linking involved with loading binary modules
>propagates derivative-work status under copyright law.  This is a legal
>question a court may rule on someday.  Until one does, anyone who
>relies on such linking is taking a legal risk.
>Alan is not quite right that Linus's opinion is irrelevant.  It is irrelevant
>to the underlying legal question, but not to the associated business risk.
>As copyright holder of the Linux kernel, Linus is the only person with
>standing to sue for license violation.  Therefore, when he says
>"binary modules are OK", he is stating a policy intention which your
>customers may include in their evaluation of legal risk.  This means
>that in order for them to lose, a court must rule that module linking
>propagates derivative-work status *and* Linus must reverse himself and

So I'm proposing a solution.  We can't resolve the underlying legal
question yet, but you can make your policy clearer.

In the existing kernel COPYING file:

>   NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use kernel
> services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use
> of the kernel, and does *not* fall under the heading of "derived work".
> Also note that the GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software
> Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (the Linux
> kernel) is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it.

I suggest replacing this with something resembling the following:

The GPL license reproduced below is copyrighted by the Free Software 
Foundation, but the Linux kernel is copyrighted by me and others who 
actually wrote it.

The GPL license requires that derivative works of the Linux kernel
also fall under GPL terms, including the requirement to disclose
source.  The meaning of "derivative work" has been well established
for traditional media, and those precedents can be applied to
inclusion of source code in a straightforward way.  But as of
mid-2001, neither case nor statute law has yet settled under what
circumstances *binary* linkage of code to a kernel makes that code a
derivative work of the kernel.

To calm down the lawyers, I as the principal kernel maintainer and
anthology copyright holder on the code am therefore adding the
following interpretations to the kernel license:

1. Userland programs which request kernel services via normal system
   calls *are not* to be considered derivative works of the kernel.

2. A driver or other kernel component which is statically linked to
   the kernel *is* to be considered a derivative work.

3. A kernel module loaded at runtime, after kernel build, *is not*
   to be considered a derivative work.

These terms are to be considered part of the kernel license, applying
to all code included in the kernel distribution.  They define your
rights to use the code in *this* distribution, however any future court
may rule on the underlying legal question and regardless of how the
license or interpretations attached to future distributions may change.

I believe this would express the present policy clearly enough to soothe
jittery nerves at a lot of companies that are worried about this issue.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

Government: If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be
confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested.  If
you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against
clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the Rule of

-- Edward Abbey
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Controversy over dynamic linking -- how to end the panic

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

As you know, there's been another flap recently about the GPL status
of loadable kernel modules.  You have a note that touches on this in
the kernel COPYING file, but it is not sufficient to resolve the
questions that keep coming up.

Earlier today I was contacted by a principal at a well-known Linux
company who was in a mild panic over recent arguments by Alan Cox and
David Miller.  This company (not VA or Red Hat, BTW) fears that their
customers will run from Linux if they get the idea that linking
drivers to the kernel might force them open.

I wrote back as follows:

Alan's posting beginning Linus opinion on this is irrelevant is not a
`perspective' that he can be argued out of.  He is not arguing about whether
allowing proprietary binary modules is good, bad, or indifferent.

Alan is merely stating legal facts as he understands them -- and, in
fact, I agree with his assessment.  The key question is whether the
particular kind of linking involved with loading binary modules
propagates derivative-work status under copyright law.  This is a legal
question a court may rule on someday.  Until one does, anyone who
relies on such linking is taking a legal risk.

Alan is not quite right that Linus's opinion is irrelevant.  It is irrelevant
to the underlying legal question, but not to the associated business risk.

As copyright holder of the Linux kernel, Linus is the only person with
standing to sue for license violation.  Therefore, when he says
binary modules are OK, he is stating a policy intention which your
customers may include in their evaluation of legal risk.  This means
that in order for them to lose, a court must rule that module linking
propagates derivative-work status *and* Linus must reverse himself and

So I'm proposing a solution.  We can't resolve the underlying legal
question yet, but you can make your policy clearer.

In the existing kernel COPYING file:

   NOTE! This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use kernel
 services by normal system calls - this is merely considered normal use
 of the kernel, and does *not* fall under the heading of derived work.
 Also note that the GPL below is copyrighted by the Free Software
 Foundation, but the instance of code that it refers to (the Linux
 kernel) is copyrighted by me and others who actually wrote it.

I suggest replacing this with something resembling the following:

The GPL license reproduced below is copyrighted by the Free Software 
Foundation, but the Linux kernel is copyrighted by me and others who 
actually wrote it.

The GPL license requires that derivative works of the Linux kernel
also fall under GPL terms, including the requirement to disclose
source.  The meaning of derivative work has been well established
for traditional media, and those precedents can be applied to
inclusion of source code in a straightforward way.  But as of
mid-2001, neither case nor statute law has yet settled under what
circumstances *binary* linkage of code to a kernel makes that code a
derivative work of the kernel.

To calm down the lawyers, I as the principal kernel maintainer and
anthology copyright holder on the code am therefore adding the
following interpretations to the kernel license:

1. Userland programs which request kernel services via normal system
   calls *are not* to be considered derivative works of the kernel.

2. A driver or other kernel component which is statically linked to
   the kernel *is* to be considered a derivative work.

3. A kernel module loaded at runtime, after kernel build, *is not*
   to be considered a derivative work.

These terms are to be considered part of the kernel license, applying
to all code included in the kernel distribution.  They define your
rights to use the code in *this* distribution, however any future court
may rule on the underlying legal question and regardless of how the
license or interpretations attached to future distributions may change.

I believe this would express the present policy clearly enough to soothe
jittery nerves at a lot of companies that are worried about this issue.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Government: If you refuse to pay unjust taxes, your property will be
confiscated. If you attempt to defend your property, you will be arrested.  If
you resist arrest, you will be clubbed. If you defend yourself against
clubbing, you will be shot dead. These procedures are known as the Rule of

-- Edward Abbey
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Re: Missing help entries in 2.4.6pre5

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Nicolas Pitre [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 1- This symbol is mine;
 2- It is part of 2.4.6-pre5 only as a dependency argument, with no
point where a value is actually assigned to it;
 3- It is likely to be different when the actual question for which the
user need an help text is merged into the mainline kernel.
 So you can safely ignore it for now.

I've put it on my ignore list.
 Maybe it could be a good thing for your tool to ignore missing help text for
 symbols that don't get enabled interactively by the user?

It already does that for derivations (in CML1, define_*).  The real problem 
here is that my report generators aren't smart enough to tell when a CML1
symbol is referenced in a CML1 config but never set.  That problem could be
solved, but it's unusual that I don't think it's worth the effort.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme
Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the
fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
-- Thomas Jefferson, 1823
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Re: Missing help entries in 2.4.6pre5

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 03:49:34PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
 I think we've covered this one before.

Yes.  But if I don't ask, I won't ncessarily know when it changes status.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The danger (where there is any) from armed citizens, is only to the
*government*, not to *society*; and as long as they have nothing to
revenge in the government (which they cannot have while it is in their
own hands) there are many advantages in their being accustomed to the 
use of arms, and no possible disadvantage.
-- Joel Barlow, Advice to the Privileged Orders, 1792-93
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Re: Controversy over dynamic linking -- how to end the panic

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Andrew Pimlott [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2001 at 03:17:16PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
  IANAL, but I believe that Linus's position as anthology copyright holder
  makes him privileged in this respect.
 Regardless of what you find in the books, recall that Linus has
 stated that decentralizing the copyright of Linux was a goal, so you
 may not find him willing to claim an anthology copyright (if such
 a thing even applies to the kernel, which in my NAL opinion, it does

Linus *is*, however, implicitly claiming the authority to make license
policy on behalf of the other copyright holders in cases where the GPL
is unclear.

In COPYING, Linus says that that the version of GPL applying to the
kernel is v2 unless explicitly otherwise stated.  He has also already
issued the interpretation that normal system calls from userland do
not create a derivation relationship.

I consider Linus to have the moral right to make these decisions, whether
or not the law gives him a formal legal right to do so.  All I have done
is propose that he be more explicit about his policy in order to prevent
needless confusion and nervousness.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The possession of arms by the people is the ultimate warrant
that government governs only with the consent of the governed.
-- Jeff Snyder
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Re: Controversy over dynamic linking -- how to end the panic

2001-06-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

  As copyright holder of the Linux kernel, Linus is the only person with
  standing to sue for license violation.  Therefore, when he says
 He's copyright holder of parts of it. The FSF is also a copyright holder of
 oddments, as are many people.

IANAL, but I believe that Linus's position as anthology copyright holder
makes him privileged in this respect.

My wife, who *is* an attorney, will be researching this.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation
should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of
criminal acts reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so
after a century and a half of trying -- that they must sweep under the
rug the southern attempts at gun control in the 1870-1910 period, the
northeastern attempts in the 1920-1939 period, the attempts at both
Federal and State levels in 1965-1976 -- establishes the repeated,
complete and inevitable failure of gun laws to control serious crime.
-- Senator Orrin Hatch, in a 1982 Senate Report
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Kernel configuration. It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

2001-06-16 Thread Eric S. Raymond
ve  -- save the configuration (follow with a filename).
xyzzy -- toggle suppression flag.
quit  -- quit, discarding changes.
exit  -- exit, saving the configuration.
You can move in compass directions n,e,w,s,ne,nw,se,sw or dn for down.
> quit

--;>Eric S. Raymond

What, then is law [government]? It is the collective organization of
the individual right to lawful defense."
-- Frederic Bastiat, "The Law"

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Kernel configuration. It's not just a job, it's an adventure!

2001-06-16 Thread Eric S. Raymond
xyzzy -- toggle suppression flag.
quit  -- quit, discarding changes.
exit  -- exit, saving the configuration.
You can move in compass directions n,e,w,s,ne,nw,se,sw or dn for down.

a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

What, then is law [government]? It is the collective organization of
the individual right to lawful defense.
-- Frederic Bastiat, The Law

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Re: is complete

2001-05-31 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Arjan van de Ven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Linux Kernel v2.4.5-ac5 Configuration
> > CML1
> > 
> > Bottom of IDE, ATA and ATAPI Block devices;
> > 
> > < > Support Promise software RAID (NEW)   -> Help
> > There is no help available for this kernel option.
> How about
> "Say "Y" or "M" if you have a Promise Fasttrak (tm) Raid controller
> and want linux to use the softwarraid feature of this card.
> This driver uses /dev/ataraid/dXpY (X and Y numbers) as device names.
> If you have a Promise Fasttrak(tm) card but do not use the BIOS provided
> raid feature, say "N".

Um, tell me what the symbol name and prompt for this is, please?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

[President Clinton] boasts about 186,000 people denied firearms under
the Brady Law rules.  The Brady Law has been in force for three years.  In
that time, they have prosecuted seven people and put three of them in
prison.  You know, the President has entertained more felons than that at
fundraising coffees in the White House, for Pete's sake."
-- Charlton Heston, FOX News Sunday, 18 May 1997
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Re: is complete

2001-05-31 Thread Eric S. Raymond

José Luis Domingo López <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Would it be great to have a similar documentation for those hundreds of
> "files" under /proc ?.

Yes, this would be wonderful.  Are you volunteering to write it?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

[W]hat country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time that [the] people preserve the spirit of
resistance?  Let them take arms...The tree of liberty must be
refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Col. William S. Smith, 1787 
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Please read the FAQ at is complete

2001-05-31 Thread Eric S. Raymond

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the master
file is now complete with respect to 2.4.5.  Every single one of the
2699 configuration symbols actually used in the 2.4.5 codebase's C
source files or Makefiles now has an entry in

This does not, of course, mean the job of maintaining
is done; symbols will be added and dropped in the future (there are a
handful of new ones in ac5, all now documented), and some existing
entries could stand to be rewritten and expanded.  But we have passed
a milestone -- maintainance will now be a matter of keeping the boat
bailed rather than trying to ignore a hole in the side. 

Thanks to all the contributors who helped put together the over 550 
entries necessary to catch up, too many to name here.  The result
is available at:

Though carried on the CML2 project page, it can be used with CML1 and
is current with respect to both Linus's tree and Alan's.

I now have two requests of Linus and Alan:

1. Please pick up this work now.  It is a really substantial improvement
   on what you have in your trees, incorporating it cannot break anything,
   and you'll help prevent unnecessary hassles due to clashing patches
   in the future.

2. Please make a policy of rejecting patches that add new configuration 
   symbols without also adding an explanatory entry --
   and please *announce* that you will do so.  We can raise our standards
   now, and for the sake of having a well-documentated kernel and
   configuration system I submit that we ought to.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

Never could an increase of comfort or security be a sufficient good to be
bought at the price of liberty.
-- Hillaire Belloc
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Re: is complete

2001-05-31 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Arjan van de Ven [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Linux Kernel v2.4.5-ac5 Configuration
  Bottom of IDE, ATA and ATAPI Block devices;
Support Promise software RAID (NEW)   - Help
  There is no help available for this kernel option.
 How about
 Say Y or M if you have a Promise Fasttrak (tm) Raid controller
 and want linux to use the softwarraid feature of this card.
 This driver uses /dev/ataraid/dXpY (X and Y numbers) as device names.
 If you have a Promise Fasttrak(tm) card but do not use the BIOS provided
 raid feature, say N.

Um, tell me what the symbol name and prompt for this is, please?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

[President Clinton] boasts about 186,000 people denied firearms under
the Brady Law rules.  The Brady Law has been in force for three years.  In
that time, they have prosecuted seven people and put three of them in
prison.  You know, the President has entertained more felons than that at
fundraising coffees in the White House, for Pete's sake.
-- Charlton Heston, FOX News Sunday, 18 May 1997
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Re: is complete

2001-05-31 Thread Eric S. Raymond

José Luis Domingo López [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Would it be great to have a similar documentation for those hundreds of
 files under /proc ?.

Yes, this would be wonderful.  Are you volunteering to write it?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

[W]hat country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time that [the] people preserve the spirit of
resistance?  Let them take arms...The tree of liberty must be
refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to Col. William S. Smith, 1787 
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Please read the FAQ at is complete

2001-05-31 Thread Eric S. Raymond

It gives me great pleasure to announce that the master
file is now complete with respect to 2.4.5.  Every single one of the
2699 configuration symbols actually used in the 2.4.5 codebase's C
source files or Makefiles now has an entry in

This does not, of course, mean the job of maintaining
is done; symbols will be added and dropped in the future (there are a
handful of new ones in ac5, all now documented), and some existing
entries could stand to be rewritten and expanded.  But we have passed
a milestone -- maintainance will now be a matter of keeping the boat
bailed rather than trying to ignore a hole in the side. 

Thanks to all the contributors who helped put together the over 550 
entries necessary to catch up, too many to name here.  The result
is available at:

Though carried on the CML2 project page, it can be used with CML1 and
is current with respect to both Linus's tree and Alan's.

I now have two requests of Linus and Alan:

1. Please pick up this work now.  It is a really substantial improvement
   on what you have in your trees, incorporating it cannot break anything,
   and you'll help prevent unnecessary hassles due to clashing patches
   in the future.

2. Please make a policy of rejecting patches that add new configuration 
   symbols without also adding an explanatory entry --
   and please *announce* that you will do so.  We can raise our standards
   now, and for the sake of having a well-documentated kernel and
   configuration system I submit that we ought to.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Never could an increase of comfort or security be a sufficient good to be
bought at the price of liberty.
-- Hillaire Belloc
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the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Only 5 undocumented configuration symbols left

2001-05-30 Thread Eric S. Raymond

The current list of symbols with missing help is very short. Here it is:

PPC port:


CRIS port:


Let's finish this off, people!
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything
which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.
-- John Locke, "A Treatise Concerning Civil Government"
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Re: Remaining undocumented symbols

2001-05-30 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Harald Welte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 02:59:40PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
>   If you say Y here, you will be able to classify outgoing packets 
>   according to the tc_index field of the skb. You will want this 
>   feature if you want to implement Differentiates Services useing
>   sch_dsmark. If unsure, say Y.
>   This code is also available as a module called cls_tcindex.o ( = code
>   which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel
>   whenever you want). If you want to compile it as a module, say MM
>   here and read Documentation/modules.txt

Looks good.
>   If you say Y here, you will be able to police incoming bandwidth
>   and drop packets when this bandwidth exceeds your desired rate.
>   If unsure, say Y.
>   This code is also available as a module called cls_tcindex.o ( = code
>   which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel
>   whenever you want). If you want to compile it as a module, say MM
>   here and read Documentation/modules.txt

I'm going to assume that the cls_tcindex.o in the second entry is a 
cut'n'paste error and should read sch_ingress.o.

Should the CLS_POLICE entry, then, read like this?

Traffic policing (needed for in/egress)
   Say Y to support traffic policing (bandwidth limits).  Needed for ingress
   and egress rate limiting.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

A ``decay in the social contract'' is detectable; there is a growing
feeling, particularly among middle-income taxpayers, that they are not
getting back, from society and government, their money's worth for
taxes paid. The tendency is for taxpayers to try to take more control
of their finances ..
-- IRS Strategic Plan, (May 1984)
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Re: Remaining undocumented symbols

2001-05-30 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 02:59:40PM -0400, Eric S. Raymond wrote:
   If you say Y here, you will be able to classify outgoing packets 
   according to the tc_index field of the skb. You will want this 
   feature if you want to implement Differentiates Services useing
   sch_dsmark. If unsure, say Y.
   This code is also available as a module called cls_tcindex.o ( = code
   which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel
   whenever you want). If you want to compile it as a module, say MM
   here and read Documentation/modules.txt

Looks good.
   If you say Y here, you will be able to police incoming bandwidth
   and drop packets when this bandwidth exceeds your desired rate.
   If unsure, say Y.
   This code is also available as a module called cls_tcindex.o ( = code
   which can be inserted in and removed from the running kernel
   whenever you want). If you want to compile it as a module, say MM
   here and read Documentation/modules.txt

I'm going to assume that the cls_tcindex.o in the second entry is a 
cut'n'paste error and should read sch_ingress.o.

Should the CLS_POLICE entry, then, read like this?

Traffic policing (needed for in/egress)
   Say Y to support traffic policing (bandwidth limits).  Needed for ingress
   and egress rate limiting.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

A ``decay in the social contract'' is detectable; there is a growing
feeling, particularly among middle-income taxpayers, that they are not
getting back, from society and government, their money's worth for
taxes paid. The tendency is for taxpayers to try to take more control
of their finances ..
-- IRS Strategic Plan, (May 1984)
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Only 5 undocumented configuration symbols left

2001-05-30 Thread Eric S. Raymond

The current list of symbols with missing help is very short. Here it is:

PPC port:


CRIS port:


Let's finish this off, people!
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything
which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.
-- John Locke, A Treatise Concerning Civil Government
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: entries wanted

2001-05-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Philip Blundell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> These symbols both refer to the same thing (the latter is an obsolete name).
> I guess appropriate text would be something like:
>   Say Y here if you intend to run this kernel on a FutureTV (nee Nexus 
>   Electronics) StrongARM PCI card.

Hm.  They're both in active use in 2.4.5pre4.  My cross-referencer shows

CONFIG_ARCH_NEXUSPCI: arch/arm/ arch/arm/boot/Makefile 
arch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S arch/arm/kernel/arch.c
snark:~/src/linux$ scripts/ -f "o&~h&~x" -n defconfig | grep FTVPCI
Reading cross-reference database...done.
CONFIG_ARCH_FTVPCI: arch/arm/Makefile arch/arm/ 
arch/arm/boot/compressed/Makefile arch/arm/kernel/Makefile arch/arm/kernel/bios32.c 
arch/arm/kernel/debug-armv.S arch/arm/def-configs/clps7500 arch/arm/def-configs/shark

On further investigation I find that neither of these symbols is actually 
set in the ARM config file!  This is kind of a mess.  Is it going to be 
fixed in the next merge?

(They're not the only dead symbols.  CONFIG_TBOX and CONFIG_SHARK don't 
have associated questions either.)
--;>Eric S. Raymond

Courage is resistance of fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
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Re: entries wanted

2001-05-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Keith Owens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I claim my erudition prize (do I get steak knives with that?).

Results doubtful.  Consult Magic 8-Ball again :-).

I'm going to critique these individually pour encourager les autres.

> +Disable IA-64 Virtual Hash Page Table
> +  The Virtual Hash Page Table (VHPT) enhances virtual address
> +  translation performance.  Normally you want the VHPT active but you
> +  can select this option to disable the VHPT for debugging.  If you're
> +  unsure, answer N.

Excellent!  Second sentence a good example of motivation.

> +McKinley A-step specific code
> +  Select this option to build a kernel for an IA64 McKinley system
> +  with any A-stepping CPU.
> +
> +McKinley A0/A1-step specific code
> +  Select this option to build a kernel for an IA64 McKinley system
> +  with an A0 or A1 stepping CPU.

Ah, now I could have written these.  What I was hoping for was extra
information analogous to what's in these:

Enable Itanium B-step specific code
  Select this option to build a kernel for an Itanium prototype system
  with a B-step CPU.  You have a B-step CPU if the "revision" field in
  /proc/cpuinfo has a value in the range from 1 to 4.

Enable Itanium B0-step specific code
  Select this option to build a kernel for an Itanium prototype system
  with a B0-step CPU.  You have a B0-step CPU if the "revision" field in
  /proc/cpuinfo is 1.

Is there a value range in /proc/cpuinfo that tells you you have an A/A0 step?

> +IA64 compare-and-exchange bug checking
> +  Selecting this option turns on bug checking for the IA64
> +  compare-and-exchange instructions.  This is slow!  If you're unsure,
> +  select N.
> +
> +IA64 IRQ bug checking
> +  Selecting this option turns on bug checking for the IA64 irq_save and
> +  restore instructions.  This is slow!  If you're unsure, select N.

These would be much improved by some indication of what IA64 variants or mask
steppings have these problems.

> +IA64 Early printk support
> +  Selecting this option uses the VGA screen for printk() output before
> +  the consoles are initialised.  It is useful for debugging problems
> +  early in the boot process, but only if you have a VGA screen
> +  attached.  If you're unsure, select N.


> +IA64 Print Hazards
> +  Selecting this option prints more information for Illegal Dependency
> +  Faults, that is, for Read after Write, Write after Write or Write
> +  after Read violations.  This option is ignored if you are compiling
> +  for an Itanium A step processor (CONFIG_ITANIUM_ASTEP_SPECIFIC).  If
> +  you're unsure, select Y.


This is a fine start.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

"If I must write the truth, I am disposed to avoid every assembly 
of bishops; for of no synod have I seen a profitable end, but
rather an addition to than a diminution of evils; for the love 
of strife and the thirst for superiority are beyond the power 
of words to express."
-- Father Gregory Nazianzen, 381 AD
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Re: entries wanted

2001-05-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 I claim my erudition prize (do I get steak knives with that?).

Results doubtful.  Consult Magic 8-Ball again :-).

I'm going to critique these individually pour encourager les autres.

 +Disable IA-64 Virtual Hash Page Table
 +  The Virtual Hash Page Table (VHPT) enhances virtual address
 +  translation performance.  Normally you want the VHPT active but you
 +  can select this option to disable the VHPT for debugging.  If you're
 +  unsure, answer N.

Excellent!  Second sentence a good example of motivation.

 +McKinley A-step specific code
 +  Select this option to build a kernel for an IA64 McKinley system
 +  with any A-stepping CPU.
 +McKinley A0/A1-step specific code
 +  Select this option to build a kernel for an IA64 McKinley system
 +  with an A0 or A1 stepping CPU.

Ah, now I could have written these.  What I was hoping for was extra
information analogous to what's in these:

Enable Itanium B-step specific code
  Select this option to build a kernel for an Itanium prototype system
  with a B-step CPU.  You have a B-step CPU if the revision field in
  /proc/cpuinfo has a value in the range from 1 to 4.

Enable Itanium B0-step specific code
  Select this option to build a kernel for an Itanium prototype system
  with a B0-step CPU.  You have a B0-step CPU if the revision field in
  /proc/cpuinfo is 1.

Is there a value range in /proc/cpuinfo that tells you you have an A/A0 step?

 +IA64 compare-and-exchange bug checking
 +  Selecting this option turns on bug checking for the IA64
 +  compare-and-exchange instructions.  This is slow!  If you're unsure,
 +  select N.
 +IA64 IRQ bug checking
 +  Selecting this option turns on bug checking for the IA64 irq_save and
 +  restore instructions.  This is slow!  If you're unsure, select N.

These would be much improved by some indication of what IA64 variants or mask
steppings have these problems.

 +IA64 Early printk support
 +  Selecting this option uses the VGA screen for printk() output before
 +  the consoles are initialised.  It is useful for debugging problems
 +  early in the boot process, but only if you have a VGA screen
 +  attached.  If you're unsure, select N.


 +IA64 Print Hazards
 +  Selecting this option prints more information for Illegal Dependency
 +  Faults, that is, for Read after Write, Write after Write or Write
 +  after Read violations.  This option is ignored if you are compiling
 +  for an Itanium A step processor (CONFIG_ITANIUM_ASTEP_SPECIFIC).  If
 +  you're unsure, select Y.


This is a fine start.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

If I must write the truth, I am disposed to avoid every assembly 
of bishops; for of no synod have I seen a profitable end, but
rather an addition to than a diminution of evils; for the love 
of strife and the thirst for superiority are beyond the power 
of words to express.
-- Father Gregory Nazianzen, 381 AD
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: entries wanted

2001-05-25 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Philip Blundell [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 These symbols both refer to the same thing (the latter is an obsolete name).
 I guess appropriate text would be something like:
   Say Y here if you intend to run this kernel on a FutureTV (nee Nexus 
   Electronics) StrongARM PCI card.

Hm.  They're both in active use in 2.4.5pre4.  My cross-referencer shows

CONFIG_ARCH_NEXUSPCI: arch/arm/ arch/arm/boot/Makefile 
arch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S arch/arm/kernel/arch.c
snark:~/src/linux$ scripts/ -f o~h~x -n defconfig | grep FTVPCI
Reading cross-reference database...done.
CONFIG_ARCH_FTVPCI: arch/arm/Makefile arch/arm/ 
arch/arm/boot/compressed/Makefile arch/arm/kernel/Makefile arch/arm/kernel/bios32.c 
arch/arm/kernel/debug-armv.S arch/arm/def-configs/clps7500 arch/arm/def-configs/shark

On further investigation I find that neither of these symbols is actually 
set in the ARM config file!  This is kind of a mess.  Is it going to be 
fixed in the next merge?

(They're not the only dead symbols.  CONFIG_TBOX and CONFIG_SHARK don't 
have associated questions either.)
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Courage is resistance of fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
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What's up with GT96100 in the MIPS config file?

2001-05-23 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Near line 55 of drivers/net/ there is code that reads like this:

   if [ "$CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100" = "y" ]; then
  bool '  MIPS GT96100 Ethernet support' CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100ETH

All very well except that CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100 is never set (or even
used) anywhere else.  My cross-reference generator shows this:

snark:~/src/linux$ scripts/ | grep GT96
CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100: drivers/net/
CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100ETH: drivers/net/Makefile drivers/net/ 

The simplest guess is that the guard part is just wrong.  Can anybody shed
any light on this?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy. His
failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.
-- H.L. Mencken
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What's up with GT96100 in the MIPS config file?

2001-05-23 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Near line 55 of drivers/net/ there is code that reads like this:

   if [ $CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100 = y ]; then
  bool '  MIPS GT96100 Ethernet support' CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100ETH

All very well except that CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100 is never set (or even
used) anywhere else.  My cross-reference generator shows this:

snark:~/src/linux$ scripts/ | grep GT96
CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100: drivers/net/
CONFIG_MIPS_GT96100ETH: drivers/net/Makefile drivers/net/ 

The simplest guess is that the guard part is just wrong.  Can anybody shed
any light on this?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The saddest life is that of a political aspirant under democracy. His
failure is ignominious and his success is disgraceful.
-- H.L. Mencken
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-22 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Jonathan Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm going to assume for now that CML2 saves two files - one storing a
> relatively small number of symbols (which is strictly limited to those
> explicitly set by the user), and one containing the full set for
> consumption by the Makefiles.

No, that's not the case.  Would it be too much to ask that you learn how
the existing language works brfore proposing improvements?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably
by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for
the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot
be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime
in this country is closely connected with this.
-- Albert Einstein, "My First Impression of the U.S.A.", 1921
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-22 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Jonathan Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm going to assume for now that CML2 saves two files - one storing a
 relatively small number of symbols (which is strictly limited to those
 explicitly set by the user), and one containing the full set for
 consumption by the Makefiles.

No, that's not the case.  Would it be too much to ask that you learn how
the existing language works brfore proposing improvements?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably
by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for
the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot
be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime
in this country is closely connected with this.
-- Albert Einstein, My First Impression of the U.S.A., 1921
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Urban Widmark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> What happened with the discussion on configurable colors in make
> menuconfig? Darkblue on black as frozen options get isn't exactly optimal
> ... at least not for my eyes. Being next to a bold, white text doesn't
> help either.

Nobody could come up with a way to support configurable colors that didn't seem
like way more trouble than it was worth.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

  "...quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
[...a sword never kills anybody; it's a tool in the killer's hand.]
-- (Lucius Annaeus) Seneca "the Younger" (ca. 4 BC-65 AD),
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Dead symbols in CMl1

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

I think I've identified a number of dead symbols.  Here's a list:

CONFIG_BAGETBSM  (Baget Backplane Shared Memory support)
  Set in arch/mips64/, not used anywhere.

  Set in arch/ia64/, not used anywhere.

CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA (Kernel support for JAVA binaries)
  Set in arch/parisc/ and arch/cris/, not used anywhere.

  Set in drivers/scsi/, not used anywhere.

CONFIG_PROFILE   (Enable traffic profiling)
CONFIG_PROFILE_SHIFT (Profile shift count)
  Set in arch/cris/, not used anywhere.

CONFIG_SERIAL_21285_OLD  (Use /dev/ttyS0 device)
  Set in drivers/char/, not used anywhere

The following patch removes them cleanly:

Diffs between last version checked in and current workfile(s):

--- arch/cris/ 2001/05/22 00:55:28 1.1
+++ arch/cris/ 2001/05/22 00:56:22
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
 tristate 'Kernel support for ELF binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF
-if [ "$CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL" = "y" ]; then
-  tristate 'Kernel support for JAVA binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA
 bool 'Use kernel gdb debugger' CONFIG_ETRAX_KGDB
@@ -232,8 +229,4 @@
 comment 'Kernel hacking'
 #bool 'Debug kmalloc/kfree' CONFIG_DEBUG_MALLOC
-bool 'Kernel profiling support' CONFIG_PROFILE
-if [ "$CONFIG_PROFILE" = "y" ]; then
-  int ' Profile shift count' CONFIG_PROFILE_SHIFT 2
--- arch/ia64/ 2001/05/22 00:51:05 1.1
+++ arch/ia64/ 2001/05/22 00:51:26
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
if [ "$CONFIG_ACPI_KERNEL_CONFIG" = "y" ]; then
  define_bool CONFIG_PM y
  define_bool CONFIG_ACPI y
--- arch/mips64/   2001/05/22 00:50:33 1.1
+++ arch/mips64/   2001/05/22 00:50:44
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@
   if [ "$CONFIG_BAGET_MIPS" = "y" ]; then
 tristate 'Baget AMD LANCE support' CONFIG_BAGETLANCE
-tristate 'Baget Backplane Shared Memory support' CONFIG_BAGETBSM
   if [ "$CONFIG_ATM" = "y" ]; then
 source drivers/atm/
--- arch/parisc/   2001/05/22 00:55:04 1.1
+++ arch/parisc/   2001/05/22 00:55:14
@@ -68,9 +68,6 @@
 tristate 'Kernel support for SOM binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_SOM
 tristate 'Kernel support for ELF binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF
 tristate 'Kernel support for MISC binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC
-if [ "$CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL" = "y" ]; then
-  tristate 'Kernel support for JAVA binaries (obsolete)' CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA
--- drivers/char/  2001/05/22 00:56:44 1.1
+++ drivers/char/  2001/05/22 00:56:56
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@
 if [ "$CONFIG_FOOTBRIDGE" = "y" ]; then
bool 'DC21285 serial port support' CONFIG_SERIAL_21285
if [ "$CONFIG_SERIAL_21285" = "y" ]; then
-  if [ "$CONFIG_OBSOLETE" = "y" ]; then
- bool '  Use /dev/ttyS0 device (OBSOLETE)' CONFIG_SERIAL_21285_OLD
-  fi
   bool '  Console on DC21285 serial port' CONFIG_SERIAL_21285_CONSOLE
--- drivers/scsi/  2001/05/22 00:55:54 1.1
+++ drivers/scsi/  2001/05/22 00:56:01
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
if [ "$CONFIG_TC" = "y" ]; then
   dep_tristate 'DEC NCR53C94 Scsi Driver' CONFIG_SCSI_DECNCR $CONFIG_SCSI
-   dep_tristate 'DEC SII Scsi Driver' CONFIG_SCSI_DECSII $CONFIG_SCSI
 if [ "$CONFIG_PCI" = "y" ]; then

End of diffs.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

Hoplophobia (n.): The irrational fear of weapons, correctly described by 
Freud as "a sign of emotional and sexual immaturity".  Hoplophobia, like
homophobia, is a displacement symptom; hoplophobes fear their own
"forbidden" feelings and urges to commit violence.  This would be
harmless, except that they project these feelings onto others.  The
sequelae of this neurosis include irrational and dangerous behaviors
such as passing "gun-control" laws and trashing the Constitution.
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

> Speaking from the perspective of a user of the CML tools, rather
> than as a developer, all I've been trying to say is this: When I
> type "make menuconfig" or "make oldconfig" in the future, I want to
> see the same interface and the same results that I've always seen,
> because it's always worked for me in the past.

Visual details will differ, but I've been careful about maintaining
functional compatibility.  There was a phase of the development during
which I was mostly processing feature requests from people who wanted
features of the old system that I had not properly understood (such as
the NEW tag).  That phase ended almost a month ago.  Nobody who has
actually tried the CML2 tools more recently has reported that the UI
changes present any difficulty.

CML2 drops its configuration results in the same place, in the same
formats, as CML1.  So you should in fact be able to type `make menuconfig'
and `make oldconfig' with good results.  Have you actually tried this?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as
the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral
check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally,
even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist
and triumph over them."
-- Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story of the John Marshall Court
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Brent D. Norris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> didn't Eric say that this has stalled though?  Is that not the case?

Nope.  Greg is still working.  He got the first version of the theorem prover
working recently.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring
one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their
own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the
mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good
government, and all that is necessary to close the circle of our
-- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

> python1.5.x is compatiable w/ python2 EXCEPT in the cases where the script
> uses undocumented things which did work in python1.5.x.

That's true of the core language.  The reason I moved to 2.0 was that there
are library changes in 2.0 that enabled me to to cut CML2's in-kernel footprint

> Which brings up another point, RedHat (7.1?) and Debian/woody both have the
> option of having python2 around.  Anyone know about mandrake?  My point is
> that some dists are already dealing with python2.

Yes.  By the time 2.5 forks, distros covering an estimated 85% of the market
will carry python2 binaries which the CML2 install script will find 
automatically.  By the time 2.6 forks, we're going to laugh if we ever
remember that we thought this was an issue.

> Eric, would it be easy/possible to go back to requiring python 1.5.x for
> CML2, since that is what many dists ship with?

It wouldn't be too difficult.  But it would make the code heavier, and
I'm not clear that it would make anybody happy who isn't already willing
to deal with the design concept.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we
decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will
win and the decent people will lose.
-- James Earl Jones
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Because it is evidently confusing the issue. Perhaps because it sounds like 
> you were intending to feed Linus large patches for 2.5.[12] which effect 
> _both_ changes.

I'm going to give Linus the same installation kit the people working with CML2
have now.  That will include both the CML2 engine and the rulesfiles.
> Have patience - let the less contentious part of CML2 go in first, and then
> we can deal with the other stuff later, once CML2 has been accepted (however
> grudgingly in some cases) by developers.

I don't think there is a "less contentious" part.  The same people who bitched
about the engine are now bitching about the changes I'm contemplating in the
rulesfiles.  It seems clear to me that their attitude, in general, has little
to do with technical specifics of the engine or rulesets and everything to
do with resistance to change in general and fear of losing control and/or
hard-won implicit knowledge about the old system.

I can sympathize with their upset, but I don't intend to let it stop
me.  And since I'm going to have these people angry at me unless I
give up entirely, I figure I have little to lose by steaming ahead full.

> > The engine is working.  Why is it not yet time to discuss ruleset design
> > and modes?
> For a man who claims to hack social systems, that's an incredibly naïve 
> question.

You think so, eh?  Heh.  Experience has taught me that sometimes
hacking social systems requires a certain amount of sheer

See, I've already written off the chronic bellyachers.  Since I can't
please them without scrapping the whole plan, I'm going to ignore
them.  In particular, anybody who repeated "fsck Python..." after Linus
ruled that Python is not an issue and Greg Banks announced the C
implementation of CML2 has got a sufficiently severe case of
rectocranial insertion that they've defined themselves out of the

Instead I'll take my cues from people like you and Ray Knight and Tom
Rini and Alan Cox and Martin Schwidefsky who are actually offering
help and constructive criticism.  (Arjan de Ven is trying but he's not
up to speed on the language yet.)  I trust you've noticed by now that
I *do* listen very carefully in that situation, and I follow up with
questions when I'm not sure what people are trying to tell me.  I'll
keep doing that.

Eventually the bellyachers may get a message about what kind of behavior
gains them influence and what kind loses them influence.  That's a
social-systems hack of a sort ;-).
--;>Eric S. Raymond

I don't like the idea that the police department seems bent on keeping
a pool of unarmed victims available for the predations of the criminal
 -- David Mohler, 1989, on being denied a carry permit in NYC
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Because it is evidently confusing the issue. Perhaps because it sounds like 
 you were intending to feed Linus large patches for 2.5.[12] which effect 
 _both_ changes.

I'm going to give Linus the same installation kit the people working with CML2
have now.  That will include both the CML2 engine and the rulesfiles.
 Have patience - let the less contentious part of CML2 go in first, and then
 we can deal with the other stuff later, once CML2 has been accepted (however
 grudgingly in some cases) by developers.

I don't think there is a less contentious part.  The same people who bitched
about the engine are now bitching about the changes I'm contemplating in the
rulesfiles.  It seems clear to me that their attitude, in general, has little
to do with technical specifics of the engine or rulesets and everything to
do with resistance to change in general and fear of losing control and/or
hard-won implicit knowledge about the old system.

I can sympathize with their upset, but I don't intend to let it stop
me.  And since I'm going to have these people angry at me unless I
give up entirely, I figure I have little to lose by steaming ahead full.

  The engine is working.  Why is it not yet time to discuss ruleset design
  and modes?
 For a man who claims to hack social systems, that's an incredibly naïve 

You think so, eh?  Heh.  Experience has taught me that sometimes
hacking social systems requires a certain amount of sheer

See, I've already written off the chronic bellyachers.  Since I can't
please them without scrapping the whole plan, I'm going to ignore
them.  In particular, anybody who repeated fsck Python... after Linus
ruled that Python is not an issue and Greg Banks announced the C
implementation of CML2 has got a sufficiently severe case of
rectocranial insertion that they've defined themselves out of the

Instead I'll take my cues from people like you and Ray Knight and Tom
Rini and Alan Cox and Martin Schwidefsky who are actually offering
help and constructive criticism.  (Arjan de Ven is trying but he's not
up to speed on the language yet.)  I trust you've noticed by now that
I *do* listen very carefully in that situation, and I follow up with
questions when I'm not sure what people are trying to tell me.  I'll
keep doing that.

Eventually the bellyachers may get a message about what kind of behavior
gains them influence and what kind loses them influence.  That's a
social-systems hack of a sort ;-).
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

I don't like the idea that the police department seems bent on keeping
a pool of unarmed victims available for the predations of the criminal
 -- David Mohler, 1989, on being denied a carry permit in NYC
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 python1.5.x is compatiable w/ python2 EXCEPT in the cases where the script
 uses undocumented things which did work in python1.5.x.

That's true of the core language.  The reason I moved to 2.0 was that there
are library changes in 2.0 that enabled me to to cut CML2's in-kernel footprint

 Which brings up another point, RedHat (7.1?) and Debian/woody both have the
 option of having python2 around.  Anyone know about mandrake?  My point is
 that some dists are already dealing with python2.

Yes.  By the time 2.5 forks, distros covering an estimated 85% of the market
will carry python2 binaries which the CML2 install script will find 
automatically.  By the time 2.6 forks, we're going to laugh if we ever
remember that we thought this was an issue.

 Eric, would it be easy/possible to go back to requiring python 1.5.x for
 CML2, since that is what many dists ship with?

It wouldn't be too difficult.  But it would make the code heavier, and
I'm not clear that it would make anybody happy who isn't already willing
to deal with the design concept.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we
decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise they will
win and the decent people will lose.
-- James Earl Jones
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

 Speaking from the perspective of a user of the CML tools, rather
 than as a developer, all I've been trying to say is this: When I
 type make menuconfig or make oldconfig in the future, I want to
 see the same interface and the same results that I've always seen,
 because it's always worked for me in the past.

Visual details will differ, but I've been careful about maintaining
functional compatibility.  There was a phase of the development during
which I was mostly processing feature requests from people who wanted
features of the old system that I had not properly understood (such as
the NEW tag).  That phase ended almost a month ago.  Nobody who has
actually tried the CML2 tools more recently has reported that the UI
changes present any difficulty.

CML2 drops its configuration results in the same place, in the same
formats, as CML1.  So you should in fact be able to type `make menuconfig'
and `make oldconfig' with good results.  Have you actually tried this?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered as
the palladium of the liberties of a republic; since it offers a strong moral
check against usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally,
even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist
and triumph over them.
-- Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story of the John Marshall Court
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Dead symbols in CMl1

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

I think I've identified a number of dead symbols.  Here's a list:

CONFIG_BAGETBSM  (Baget Backplane Shared Memory support)
  Set in arch/mips64/, not used anywhere.

  Set in arch/ia64/, not used anywhere.

CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA (Kernel support for JAVA binaries)
  Set in arch/parisc/ and arch/cris/, not used anywhere.

  Set in drivers/scsi/, not used anywhere.

CONFIG_PROFILE   (Enable traffic profiling)
CONFIG_PROFILE_SHIFT (Profile shift count)
  Set in arch/cris/, not used anywhere.

CONFIG_SERIAL_21285_OLD  (Use /dev/ttyS0 device)
  Set in drivers/char/, not used anywhere

The following patch removes them cleanly:

Diffs between last version checked in and current workfile(s):

--- arch/cris/ 2001/05/22 00:55:28 1.1
+++ arch/cris/ 2001/05/22 00:56:22
@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
 tristate 'Kernel support for ELF binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF
-if [ $CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL = y ]; then
-  tristate 'Kernel support for JAVA binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA
 bool 'Use kernel gdb debugger' CONFIG_ETRAX_KGDB
@@ -232,8 +229,4 @@
 comment 'Kernel hacking'
 #bool 'Debug kmalloc/kfree' CONFIG_DEBUG_MALLOC
-bool 'Kernel profiling support' CONFIG_PROFILE
-if [ $CONFIG_PROFILE = y ]; then
-  int ' Profile shift count' CONFIG_PROFILE_SHIFT 2
--- arch/ia64/ 2001/05/22 00:51:05 1.1
+++ arch/ia64/ 2001/05/22 00:51:26
@@ -89,7 +89,6 @@
  define_bool CONFIG_PM y
  define_bool CONFIG_ACPI y
--- arch/mips64/   2001/05/22 00:50:33 1.1
+++ arch/mips64/   2001/05/22 00:50:44
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@
   if [ $CONFIG_BAGET_MIPS = y ]; then
 tristate 'Baget AMD LANCE support' CONFIG_BAGETLANCE
-tristate 'Baget Backplane Shared Memory support' CONFIG_BAGETBSM
   if [ $CONFIG_ATM = y ]; then
 source drivers/atm/
--- arch/parisc/   2001/05/22 00:55:04 1.1
+++ arch/parisc/   2001/05/22 00:55:14
@@ -68,9 +68,6 @@
 tristate 'Kernel support for SOM binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_SOM
 tristate 'Kernel support for ELF binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_ELF
 tristate 'Kernel support for MISC binaries' CONFIG_BINFMT_MISC
-if [ $CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL = y ]; then
-  tristate 'Kernel support for JAVA binaries (obsolete)' CONFIG_BINFMT_JAVA
--- drivers/char/  2001/05/22 00:56:44 1.1
+++ drivers/char/  2001/05/22 00:56:56
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@
 if [ $CONFIG_FOOTBRIDGE = y ]; then
bool 'DC21285 serial port support' CONFIG_SERIAL_21285
if [ $CONFIG_SERIAL_21285 = y ]; then
-  if [ $CONFIG_OBSOLETE = y ]; then
- bool '  Use /dev/ttyS0 device (OBSOLETE)' CONFIG_SERIAL_21285_OLD
-  fi
   bool '  Console on DC21285 serial port' CONFIG_SERIAL_21285_CONSOLE
--- drivers/scsi/  2001/05/22 00:55:54 1.1
+++ drivers/scsi/  2001/05/22 00:56:01
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
if [ $CONFIG_TC = y ]; then
   dep_tristate 'DEC NCR53C94 Scsi Driver' CONFIG_SCSI_DECNCR $CONFIG_SCSI
-   dep_tristate 'DEC SII Scsi Driver' CONFIG_SCSI_DECSII $CONFIG_SCSI
 if [ $CONFIG_PCI = y ]; then

End of diffs.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Hoplophobia (n.): The irrational fear of weapons, correctly described by 
Freud as a sign of emotional and sexual immaturity.  Hoplophobia, like
homophobia, is a displacement symptom; hoplophobes fear their own
forbidden feelings and urges to commit violence.  This would be
harmless, except that they project these feelings onto others.  The
sequelae of this neurosis include irrational and dangerous behaviors
such as passing gun-control laws and trashing the Constitution.
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Urban Widmark [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 What happened with the discussion on configurable colors in make
 menuconfig? Darkblue on black as frozen options get isn't exactly optimal
 ... at least not for my eyes. Being next to a bold, white text doesn't
 help either.

Nobody could come up with a way to support configurable colors that didn't seem
like way more trouble than it was worth.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

  ...quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est.
[...a sword never kills anybody; it's a tool in the killer's hand.]
-- (Lucius Annaeus) Seneca the Younger (ca. 4 BC-65 AD),
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-21 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Brent D. Norris [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 didn't Eric say that this has stalled though?  Is that not the case?

Nope.  Greg is still working.  He got the first version of the theorem prover
working recently.
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring
one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their
own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the
mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good
government, and all that is necessary to close the circle of our
-- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Let's not talk about CONFIG_AUNT_TILLIE any more, or change the existing
> behaviour of config options to make that the default, until we've settled
> the discussion about CML2.

What discussion is that?  Unless Linus has changed his mind and I don't 
know about it, CML2 is going in between 2.5.1 and 2.5.2.  The engine is
working.  Why is it not yet time to discuss ruleset design and modes?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize
Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of
conscience; or to prevent the people of the United states who are
peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms...
-- Samuel Adams, in "Phila. Independent Gazetteer", August 20, 1789
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I think you already have the mechanism required to answer this - in NOVICE 
> mode you disallow the strange choices, in EXPERT mode you allow them.

That pushes the third button.  I'm nervous that if we go down this path
we will end up with a thicket of modes and a combinatorial explosion
in ruleset complexity, leading immediately to a user configuration
experience that is more complex than necessary, and eventually to an
unmaintainable mess in the rulesfiles.

In order to prevent that happening, I would like to have some recognized
criterion for configuration cases that are so perverse that it is a 
net loss to accept the additional complexity of handling them within the

A lot of people (including, apparently, you) are saying there are no such
cases.  I wonder if you'll change your minds when you have to handle the
overhead yourselves?

--;>Eric S. Raymond

"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a
troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left
to irresponsible action."
-- George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Jonathan Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> One caveat though - not all Macs have SCSI controllers, and not all that do
> even have one of the two standard ones.

I know.  But these derivations are only for the old 68K macs, which don't
have PCI.  Closed issue.

> >3. The MVME derivations are correct *if* (and only if) you agree to ignore
> >the possibility that somebody could want to ignore the onboard hardware,
> >plug outboard disk or Ethernet cards into the VME-bus connector, and
> >do something like running SCSI-over-ATAPI to the outboard device.
> ...and then someone else mentioned the possibility of f*x0r3d hardware.  In
> this case, I would say this *isn't* a kernel-configuration issue but one of
> being able to disable the drivers for the malfunctioning hardware.

But the other side is going to ask: suppose you're memory-limited
(quite likely on older SBCs) and don't want to pay the core cost of
drivers you won't use?  I don't really think we can duck this question
by talking about boot-time parameters.

> I think the MVME derivations are *perfectly* sensible - if the reference
> board and most (read: virtually all) derivatives have those features, turn
> them on by all means.

That's my gut feeling, too.  But a lot of people insist that the only right 
way is totally fine-grained control, even in weird edge cases like this one.

> To satisfy some others, you might want to say "Hey,
> these guys might want to *explicitly turn off* some of this stuff" - so
> provide an option under "Are you insane?" which presents all the "derived"
> symbols and allows the hackers to manually turn stuff off.

Interesting thought...
--;>Eric S. Raymond

I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the
Constitution which grant[s] a right to Congress of expending, on
objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
-- James Madison, 1794
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Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond
tboard device to one of these puppies again
is if some hacker pulls a dusty one off a shelf for some garage project.

So the real question here is whether it is ever acceptable to say that
a possible configuration is just silly and ruleset will ignore it, in
order to hold down ruleset complexity and simplify the user
experience.  The cost of deciding that the answer to that question is
"yes, sometimes" is that on rare occasions like this one you might
have to haul out a text editor to tweak something in your config.  But
the cost of deciding that the answer is "no" will be some pretty
serious complexity headaches both in the configuration user experience
and (down the road) in the maintainability of the ruleset.

So far, I have to say I'm disappointed in the quality of the debate.
Almoist nobody seems to want to think about this tradeoff globally, as a
systems design issue.  Instead, I'm hearing a lot of reflexive
chuntering that we have to do things a certain way because we've
always done them a certain way, and who am I to even dare *think*
about raising different possibilities?  
--;>Eric S. Raymond

[The disarming of citizens] has a double effect, it palsies the hand
and brutalizes the mind: a habitual disuse of physical forces totally
destroys the moral [force]; and men lose at once the power of
protecting themselves, and of discerning the cause of their
-- Joel Barlow, "Advice to the Privileged Orders", 1792-93
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Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On one hand you have dependencies which are present to make life easier for 
> Aunt Tillie, by refraining from confusing her with strange questions to 
> which the answer is _probably_ 'no'. Like the question of whether she has 
> an IDE controller on her MVME board.
> One the other hand, you have the dependencies present in the existing CML1
> configuration, which are _absolute_ dependencies - which specify for example
> that you cannot enable support for PCI peripherals if !CONFIG_PCI, etc.
> These dependencies are there to prevent you from enabling combinations of
> options which are utterly meaningless, and usually won't even compile.

There are no `advisory' dependencies in CML2.  They're all absolute.

What you call an `advisory' dependency would be simulated by having a 
policy symbol for Aunt Tillie mode and writing constraints like this:

require AUNT_TILLIE implies FOO >= BAR

This is exactly why the CML2 ruleset has EXPERT, WIZARD, and TUNING 
policy symbols, as hooks for doing things like this. 
--;>Eric S. Raymond

No one who's seen it in action can say the phrase "government help" without
either laughing or crying.
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Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>  The dependencies in CML1 are (supposed to
> be) absolute - the 'advisory' dependencies you're adding are arguably a
> useful feature, but please don't make it possible to confuse the two, and
> please do make sure it's possible to disable the latter form.

I don't understand this request.  I have no concept of `advisory' dependencies.
What are you talking about?   Is my documentation horribly unclear?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

"Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, 
and therefore deprive them of arms."
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Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  The dependencies in CML1 are (supposed to
 be) absolute - the 'advisory' dependencies you're adding are arguably a
 useful feature, but please don't make it possible to confuse the two, and
 please do make sure it's possible to disable the latter form.

I don't understand this request.  I have no concept of `advisory' dependencies.
What are you talking about?   Is my documentation horribly unclear?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Both oligarch and tyrant mistrust the people, 
and therefore deprive them of arms.
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Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 On one hand you have dependencies which are present to make life easier for 
 Aunt Tillie, by refraining from confusing her with strange questions to 
 which the answer is _probably_ 'no'. Like the question of whether she has 
 an IDE controller on her MVME board.
 One the other hand, you have the dependencies present in the existing CML1
 configuration, which are _absolute_ dependencies - which specify for example
 that you cannot enable support for PCI peripherals if !CONFIG_PCI, etc.
 These dependencies are there to prevent you from enabling combinations of
 options which are utterly meaningless, and usually won't even compile.

There are no `advisory' dependencies in CML2.  They're all absolute.

What you call an `advisory' dependency would be simulated by having a 
policy symbol for Aunt Tillie mode and writing constraints like this:

require AUNT_TILLIE implies FOO = BAR

This is exactly why the CML2 ruleset has EXPERT, WIZARD, and TUNING 
policy symbols, as hooks for doing things like this. 
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

No one who's seen it in action can say the phrase government help without
either laughing or crying.
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Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond
 the real question here is whether it is ever acceptable to say that
a possible configuration is just silly and ruleset will ignore it, in
order to hold down ruleset complexity and simplify the user
experience.  The cost of deciding that the answer to that question is
yes, sometimes is that on rare occasions like this one you might
have to haul out a text editor to tweak something in your config.  But
the cost of deciding that the answer is no will be some pretty
serious complexity headaches both in the configuration user experience
and (down the road) in the maintainability of the ruleset.

So far, I have to say I'm disappointed in the quality of the debate.
Almoist nobody seems to want to think about this tradeoff globally, as a
systems design issue.  Instead, I'm hearing a lot of reflexive
chuntering that we have to do things a certain way because we've
always done them a certain way, and who am I to even dare *think*
about raising different possibilities?  
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

[The disarming of citizens] has a double effect, it palsies the hand
and brutalizes the mind: a habitual disuse of physical forces totally
destroys the moral [force]; and men lose at once the power of
protecting themselves, and of discerning the cause of their
-- Joel Barlow, Advice to the Privileged Orders, 1792-93
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Jonathan Morton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 One caveat though - not all Macs have SCSI controllers, and not all that do
 even have one of the two standard ones.

I know.  But these derivations are only for the old 68K macs, which don't
have PCI.  Closed issue.

 3. The MVME derivations are correct *if* (and only if) you agree to ignore
 the possibility that somebody could want to ignore the onboard hardware,
 plug outboard disk or Ethernet cards into the VME-bus connector, and
 do something like running SCSI-over-ATAPI to the outboard device.
 ...and then someone else mentioned the possibility of f*x0r3d hardware.  In
 this case, I would say this *isn't* a kernel-configuration issue but one of
 being able to disable the drivers for the malfunctioning hardware.

But the other side is going to ask: suppose you're memory-limited
(quite likely on older SBCs) and don't want to pay the core cost of
drivers you won't use?  I don't really think we can duck this question
by talking about boot-time parameters.

 I think the MVME derivations are *perfectly* sensible - if the reference
 board and most (read: virtually all) derivatives have those features, turn
 them on by all means.

That's my gut feeling, too.  But a lot of people insist that the only right 
way is totally fine-grained control, even in weird edge cases like this one.

 To satisfy some others, you might want to say Hey,
 these guys might want to *explicitly turn off* some of this stuff - so
 provide an option under Are you insane? which presents all the derived
 symbols and allows the hackers to manually turn stuff off.

Interesting thought...
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the
Constitution which grant[s] a right to Congress of expending, on
objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.
-- James Madison, 1794
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I think you already have the mechanism required to answer this - in NOVICE 
 mode you disallow the strange choices, in EXPERT mode you allow them.

That pushes the third button.  I'm nervous that if we go down this path
we will end up with a thicket of modes and a combinatorial explosion
in ruleset complexity, leading immediately to a user configuration
experience that is more complex than necessary, and eventually to an
unmaintainable mess in the rulesfiles.

In order to prevent that happening, I would like to have some recognized
criterion for configuration cases that are so perverse that it is a 
net loss to accept the additional complexity of handling them within the

A lot of people (including, apparently, you) are saying there are no such
cases.  I wonder if you'll change your minds when you have to handle the
overhead yourselves?

a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a
troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left
to irresponsible action.
-- George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790
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Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy

2001-05-20 Thread Eric S. Raymond

David Woodhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Let's not talk about CONFIG_AUNT_TILLIE any more, or change the existing
 behaviour of config options to make that the default, until we've settled
 the discussion about CML2.

What discussion is that?  Unless Linus has changed his mind and I don't 
know about it, CML2 is going in between 2.5.1 and 2.5.2.  The engine is
working.  Why is it not yet time to discuss ruleset design and modes?
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize
Congress to infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of
conscience; or to prevent the people of the United states who are
peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms...
-- Samuel Adams, in Phila. Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789
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Brown-paper-bag bug in m68k, sparc, and sparc64 config files

2001-05-19 Thread Eric S. Raymond

This bug unconditionally disables a configuration question -- and it's
so old that it has propagated across three port files, without either
of the people who did the cut and paste for the latter two noticing it.

This sort of thing would never ship in CML2, because the compiler
would throw an undefined-symbol warning on BLK_DEV_ST.  The temptation
to engage in sarcastic commentary at the expense of people who still
think CML2 is an unnecessary pain in the butt is great.  But I will
restrain myself.  This time.

--- arch/m68k/ 2001/05/19 21:36:57 1.1
+++ arch/m68k/ 2001/05/19 21:37:12
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI disks that can be loaded as modules' 
dep_tristate '  SCSI tape support' CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST $CONFIG_SCSI
-   if [ "$CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ST" != "n" ]; then
+   if [ "$CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST" != "n" ]; then
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI tapes that can be loaded as modules' 
dep_tristate '  SCSI CD-ROM support' CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR $CONFIG_SCSI
--- arch/sparc/config.in2001/05/19 21:34:54 1.1
+++ arch/sparc/config.in2001/05/19 21:35:21
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
dep_tristate '  SCSI tape support' CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST $CONFIG_SCSI
-   if [ "$CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ST" != "n" ]; then
+   if [ "$CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST" != "n" ]; then
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI tapes that can be loaded as modules' 
--- arch/sparc64/  2001/05/19 21:37:33 1.1
+++ arch/sparc64/  2001/05/19 21:37:45
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
dep_tristate '  SCSI tape support' CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST $CONFIG_SCSI
-   if [ "$CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ST" != "n" ]; then
+   if [ "$CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST" != "n" ]; then
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI tapes that can be loaded as modules' 
--;>Eric S. Raymond

Conservatism is the blind and fear-filled worship of dead radicals.
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Brown-paper-bag bug in m68k, sparc, and sparc64 config files

2001-05-19 Thread Eric S. Raymond

This bug unconditionally disables a configuration question -- and it's
so old that it has propagated across three port files, without either
of the people who did the cut and paste for the latter two noticing it.

This sort of thing would never ship in CML2, because the compiler
would throw an undefined-symbol warning on BLK_DEV_ST.  The temptation
to engage in sarcastic commentary at the expense of people who still
think CML2 is an unnecessary pain in the butt is great.  But I will
restrain myself.  This time.

--- arch/m68k/ 2001/05/19 21:36:57 1.1
+++ arch/m68k/ 2001/05/19 21:37:12
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI disks that can be loaded as modules' 
dep_tristate '  SCSI tape support' CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST $CONFIG_SCSI
-   if [ $CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ST != n ]; then
+   if [ $CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST != n ]; then
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI tapes that can be loaded as modules' 
dep_tristate '  SCSI CD-ROM support' CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR $CONFIG_SCSI
--- arch/sparc/config.in2001/05/19 21:34:54 1.1
+++ arch/sparc/config.in2001/05/19 21:35:21
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
dep_tristate '  SCSI tape support' CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST $CONFIG_SCSI
-   if [ $CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ST != n ]; then
+   if [ $CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST != n ]; then
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI tapes that can be loaded as modules' 
--- arch/sparc64/  2001/05/19 21:37:33 1.1
+++ arch/sparc64/  2001/05/19 21:37:45
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
dep_tristate '  SCSI tape support' CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST $CONFIG_SCSI
-   if [ $CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ST != n ]; then
+   if [ $CONFIG_CHR_DEV_ST != n ]; then
   int  'Maximum number of SCSI tapes that can be loaded as modules' 
a href=;Eric S. Raymond/a

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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond

> Being able to turn CML2 into CML1 might be the more useful exercise.

That's...not a completely crazy idea.  Hmmm...

It might be possible to take a CML2 rulebase and generate a sort of stupid
jackleg CML1 translation of it.  The resulting would be huge
and nasty, and would only work in forward sequence with no side-effect
computation, but you just might be able to get the old tools to parse it.

Again there's a technical problem with derivations.   Probably solvable.

But the real question is whether the old tools have enough value to be
worth the effort.  What problem are you trying to solve here?
--;>Eric S. Raymond

This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were
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Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond

> What I am trying to say is that if you can infer probable configuration
> categories that are relevant then instead of automatically filling the other
> areas in and blocking changing them without using vi you can put the other
> options as a submenu. That guides the less expert user and also helps rather
> than hinders the expert

OK, that's useful input.  Noted.

There's a bit of a technical problem with the distinction between 
derivations (which are like macros) and question symbols (which can
be suppressed or unsuppressed depending on their visibility predicate
But perhaps I can think up a solution to that one over lunch.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

You [should] not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will
convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it
would do and the harm it would cause if improperly administered
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Arjan van de Ven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I hereby volunteer to maintain at least make oldconfig and make config, 
> and perhaps make menuconfig.

That's the easy part; the CML1 config code may be ugly and broken, but
at least it's relatively stable.  What you'd also have to do is maintain an
entire CML1 ruleset in parallel with the canonical CML2 one.  That's 
the hard part.

I've been keeping the CML2 ruleset synced with CML1 for a year now. 
It's been an ugly, nasty, horrible job -- *much* nastier, by an order
of magnitude, than designing and writing the CML2 engine.  Going the
other direction would be worse.  "Like chewing razor blades" is the
simile that leaps to mind.

(And no, dropping back to CML1 format for the masters wouldn't be an
option; it doesn't have the semantic strength to enable CML2's new
--;>Eric S. Raymond

Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government,
no matter how popular and respected, is the right of the citizens to
keep and bear arms.  [...] the right of the citizens to bear arms is
just one guarantee against arbitrary government and one more safeguard
against a tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which
historically has proved to be always possible.
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Michael Meissner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 06:09:09PM +0200, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> > Aunt Tillie shouldn't try to manually configure a kernel.
> Ummm, maybe Aunt Tillie wants to learn how to configure a kernel  After
> all, all of us at one point in time were newbies in terms of configuring
> kernels, etc.

And if she doesn't, maybe her teenage daughter Muffy wants to learn.  You know,
the one with the unicorn appliques and the pink scrunchies and the Back Street
Boys posters in her bedroom?

Dammit, if we're serious about empowering people with free software we can't
limit ourselves with the attitude that configuring kernels (or anything
else) is the sacred preserve of a geek elite.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

The price of liberty is, always has been, and always will be blood.  The person
who is not willing to die for his liberty has already lost it to the first
scoundrel who is willing to risk dying to violate that person's liberty.  Are
you free? 
-- Andrew Ford
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Re: [kbuild-devel] Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Arjan van de Ven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Right now, it's now a dropping back. You seem to take for granted that CML2
> and your python2 frontend to it are 2.5.0 material. I don't right now.

Linus is free to change his mind.  Perhaps he will.  But the last word I heard
from him is that CML2 goes in in the 2.5.1-2.5.2 timeframe.  That's the
assumption I'm operating on.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

An armed society is a polite society.  Manners are good when one 
may have to back up his acts with his life.
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Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up

2001-05-18 Thread Eric S. Raymond

Arjan van de Ven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In my opinion, no configuration that is actually physically possible
> is perverse. 

Noted.  And a very pithy statement of the position.  Thanks.
--;>Eric S. Raymond

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