Linux-Misc Digest #295

2000-11-12 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #295, Volume #26   Sun, 12 Nov 00 12:13:01 EST

  Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 5 of 6) 
  Unable to set up swap space ("Justin R. Smith")

Crossposted-To: news.answers,comp.answers
Subject: Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers (Part 5 of 6)
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 16:54:38 GMT

pointing to localtime. For example:

$ ln -sf US/Mountain localtime
$ ln -sf localtime posixrules

This change will take effect immediately--try date.

If the system uses Red Hat-style configuration files, the respective
time zone info files are /usr/share/zoneinfo and /etc/localtime.

The manual pages for tzset or tzselect describe setting the time zone.
Some programs recognize the "TZ" environment variable, but this is not

You should also make sure that your Linux kernel clock is set to the
correct GMT time. Type date -u and check that the correct UTC time is
displayed. ("The Computer Has the Wrong Time.")

8.10. How Do I Get Dial-up PPP to Work?

This information is mainly for people who do not have a wrapper
utility like kppp or pppconfig, or are not able to get those utilities
to work correctly. If you need to manually configure PPP to dial in to
your ISP, you will need the following information:

  * The port that your modem is connected to: /dev/ttyS0-/dev/ttyS3,
which correspond to COM1-COM4 under MS-DOS.
  * The phone number of your ISP's data connection.
  * The user name and password that your ISP gave you.
  * The IP addresses of the primary and possibly secondary Domain Name
Service that you will use when dialing in to the ISP. This assumes
that you will not be using a DNS that you installed on your

When you have all of this information, make sure that the programs
pppd and chat, at the very minimum, are installed correctly. In most
current distributions, they are installed in the /usr/sbin/ directory,
and you will need to be logged in as root to use them. In addition,
the following programs are also useful for configuring network
connections, determining network status, and diagnosing problems:
/sbin/ifconfig, /sbin/route, /bin/ping, /usr/sbin/traceroute.

These are the basic steps that you need to follow to configure PPP.
You must be logged in as root.

  * Make sure that the serial port and modem are operating correctly.
Using a program like minicomm or kermit, you should be able to
send AT commands to the modem and receive the OK string in
response from the modem.
  * Enter the primary and possibly secondary Domain Name Server IP
addresses in the /etc/resolv.conf file, using dotted quad
notation, with the nameserver label. For example:

order hosts,bind

The nameserver addresses in the example above are examples only.
They don't correspond to actual network hosts.
The first line, order hosts,bind, tells your networking software,
when it resolves network domain addresses, to first look in the
/etc/hosts file, and then use the bind service; i.e., the DNS
servers, which are specified on the lines that begin with
  * Locate the chat script that PPP will use to dial the modem and
connect to your ISP. In many systems, this is either in the
/etc/chatscripts or /etc/ppp directory, and will be called
provider or something similar. You can store a chat script
anywhere, provided that you tell pppd to use it rather than the
default script. Refer to the chat and pppd manual pages, and the
information below, for details. Here is a sample chat script:

""   ATDTyour_isp's_phone_number
ogin your_user_name
word your_password

This is a chat program for a simple, script based login. The chat
program uses the pair of strings on each line as a match/response
pair. When it starts, it sends the string
"ATDTyour_isp's_phone_number," where you have substituted the
actual phone number of course. It then waits for the string ogin
(a substring of the word login) and sends your user name. It then
waits for word (a substring of password) and sends your password.
If your ISP uses a different login and password prompts, and any
additional prompts, you will need to edit the script accordingly.
Again, refer to the chat manual page for details.
If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP authentication, you will need to edit
the pap-secrets or chap-secrets files in /etc/ppp directory as
well. Refer to the manual pages for these files, as well as the
instruction in the files themselves.
  * The configuration of 

Linux-Misc Digest #295

1999-05-21 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #295, Volume #20   Fri, 21 May 99 19:13:12 EDT

  Re: The Vi Lovers Home Page (William Wueppelmann)
  Re: Wyse50 emulation how is it done? (Raj Rijhwani)
  Re: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines (bryan)
  Re: Linux's Last Chance (Mark Tranchant)
  A newbie question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  my machine name (hudini)
  [?] question about enlightenment (Francisco Cribari)
  Re: A full-screen cross-hair cursor for X - does it exist? (Erik Rossen)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Kenneth P. Turvey)
  Re: Pro-Unix vs anti-WinTel (was: Re: Is Unix a single user operating  (Terry Moore 
- Systems)
  newbie question...plz answer~ (pikachu73)
  SYS FILES:another nwebie question!!! (pikachu73)
  Re: Why oh why ? (EMACS question) (Paul D. Smith)
  Re: Where is CPP in RH5.2 ? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: problems with glibc2 (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Linux or linux? (Ben Short)
  Re: Linux Newbie needs Help with installation (carl)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Wueppelmann)
Subject: Re: The Vi Lovers Home Page
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:38:00 GMT

In our last episode (19 May 1999 16:21:02 GMT),
the artist formerly known as William Burrow said:
On Wed, 19 May 1999 15:15:49 GMT,
William Wueppelmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
entering uppercase characters) and control (for switching modes, deleting
characters and words, shifting text from within insert mode, and a few
others).  It provides efficient and flexible interaction with other

What are some control sequences (other than say the arrow keys -- most
vi clones use these for convenience in insert mode).  Are these some
macros included with your version of vi?  

I don't use cursor movement in insert mode usually (except occasionally
when coding, where it comes in handy), because its more efficient to just
write the text and then go back and fix it rather than try to fix the error
that you noticed two lines above while you're in the middle of the

The basic control charcters I do use frequently are:

Insert mode:
^H: erase last character (equivalent to backspace)
^[: return to command mode (equivalent to escape)
^C: return to command mode
^W: delete to beginning of previous word
^T: indent current line to next shiftwidth
^D: unindent current line to previous shiftwidth

Command mode:
^[: abort command (equivalent to escape)
^F: move forward one page
^B: move backward one page
^U: move backward one half page
^D: move forward one half page
^Z: suspend editor

There are a several others, especially in command mode, but those are the
ones I use most frequently.

Some, like vim, even add some of the useful(?) features of Emacs, such
as colour and bracket matching.

Vim is the one that I use.  It's almost getting to be emacsish in size and
scope (well, not quite, but it is getting very big and complex), but I
apparently only use a smallish subset of its features.  I do like the ctags
syntax highlighting and auto-indentation, and I also like some of the
features that vi lacked such as multi-window editing, unlimited undo/redo
and built-in formatting (which is a nice add in, even though you can use fmt
with vi, vim's formatting is more convenient and does a better job).

The original vi itself is rather dated, but I suspect that emacs version 1
wasn't quite the same as version 20 or whatever they're on now.  And since
Bill[1] doesn't seem to love his creation as much as the people who use it do,
it's up to the clone makers to keep the editor going.

[1] The good, Joyful Bill, not his Billness, of course.

It is pitch black.  
You are likely to be spammed by a grue.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raj Rijhwani)
Subject: Re: Wyse50 emulation how is it done?
Date: Fri, 21 May 99 14:14:35 GMT

   [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Kevin Power" writes:

 Raj Rijhwani wrote:

  xterm is a termtype in is own right.  Is there any reason why you
  cannot set your TERM under AIX to xterm, and use it that way?  Is
  there a specific need for Wyse50?  IF so, then I suspect you're
  going to need something more sophisticated than a telnet session
  under X-window (e.g. serial Wyse50 to linux running telnet from a
  shell login).

 The reason I need to emulate Wyse50 is that the application on the AIX is setup
 to use Wyse50 or  the data screen becomes garbage.

You mean the application is HARD-coded to a particular term type?  Who 
in their right mind does that?  You're unlucky, and the author should be 
strung up.

 Is there anyway in xterm to emulate Wyse50 or 60.

Not as far as I am aware.  You're going to have to find a Wyse (or 
compatible) terminal or (hawk, spit!) a Windoze TE that does both 
telnet and Wyse.  There are at least a couple of commercial TE 
packages that do this, but they don't come cheap.
Raj Rijhwani(umtsb5/16) |  This is the voice of the Mysterons

Linux-Misc Digest #295

1999-03-04 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Misc Digest #295, Volume #19Thu, 4 Mar 99 07:13:09 EST

  Re: R/3 for Linux (Student)
  Re: More bad news for NT (Mark Metson)
  Re: server install:  help? ("Don Morrison")
  Re: These newsgroups are riduculous... ( Nando Augusto 95r )
  Re: More bad news for NT (Michael Powe)
  Re: Linux SLOWER than win95? (Matthias Warkus)
  bash: /dev/dsp: Device not configured` (Daniel Dui)
  Re: newbie questions (Dave Philips)
  how to find processor type? uname -p failes (n@m)
  Re: best offline newsreader? (Eric Potter)
  message: Command not found (Stefan Sassenberg)
  Re: Best Free Unix? (why FreeBSD?) (C Lamb)
  Re: Starting X at boot (jik-)
  Re: FreeBSD vs LINUX (Alexander Viro)
  Re: [Fwd: Send me to Linux] (John Thompson)
  Re: glibc6 2.1 compile/install prob ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Student)
Subject: Re: R/3 for Linux
Date: 4 Mar 1999 10:20:10 GMT

Edelgard Eberlein ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) tried to convey the following message:

: Hello,

: did you read, that SAP R/3 now is available for Linux? What's your
: opinion about this subject? Please write it down in our forum "Linux für
: R/3":


Well, at my work I have to work with R/3 on NT. SAP is extremely stable, but
NT is not. So I cheer at the idea of an even more stable system with SAP.


der Joachim

Computional linguistics student at Tilburg University,
The Netherlands

A true hunter weeps at a merciless kill (The God Machine)


From: Mark Metson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 1999 06:48:15 -0400

Jason Clifford wrote:
 If the system is not on a network and there is absolutely no input
 possible (CAPS Lock light does not come on when Caps Lock key is pressed)
 then he will have to pull the power. He should not do this if the disk is
 obviously busy unless he absolutely must as this is a good way to corrupt
 a filesystem.

That last item is why I'd prefer to try
a processor reset if possible rather than
actually pull the power. But if theres no
reset button, power it'd have to be.

I usually like to know whether a reset
would have fixed a thing before checking
whether turning it off and back on again
would. So actually if by pull the power
you meant (as the word pull invokes image
of) pulling the plug, I'd first try the
on/off switch and only resort to the plug
in the event that too has failed or there
is not such a switch.


From: "Don Morrison" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: server install:  help?
Date: Thu, 4 Mar 1999 04:22:25 -0600

Hi, Hamish;

Have you installed the server files or are they still in a  .rpm or .tgz
file? If they're installed, you need to run an X windows setup file like
xf86config or Red Hat's
X-Configurator so that X windows knows which server file to use.
 (Among other things).


Hamish McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
news:7bkkod$45k$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
I have the right server for my video card, now what do I do with it?

Hamish McKenzie

  ** visit me at: **
 ICQ:  19299885
   email me at:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]



From:  Nando Augusto 95r  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: These newsgroups are riduculous...
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 11:00:28 -0300

Try a group with less messages or a regional discussion list by e-mail

Marco Tephlant wrote:
  Jeraimee wrote:
   I can't believe out of the 8 questions I have posted in the above listed
   newsgroups in the past 3 weeks (est.) that only 1 - ONE - has even been
   responded to...
   What happened here? Do you all only want to answer EASY questions? May we
   should let take over the newsgroup! (snip)
 These groups seem pretty helpful.  So far the ones i've seen unaswered are usually
 badly worded ones,  or ones with that lovely phrase "please reply by email" in.


From: Michael Powe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: More bad news for NT
Date: 04 Mar 1999 02:32:51 -0800

Hash: SHA1

 "Massimo" == Massimo Signoretta [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You're confusing two issues.  Windows is not easier to learn
 than linux.

 First, Windows != WordPerfect.  Linux != applications.


 IMNSHO, if you handed an OEM-built linux machine to a home