Linux-Misc Digest #295, Volume #20               Fri, 21 May 99 19:13:12 EDT

  Re: The Vi Lovers Home Page (William Wueppelmann)
  Re: Wyse50 emulation how is it done? (Raj Rijhwani)
  Re: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines (bryan)
  Re: Linux's Last Chance (Mark Tranchant)
  A newbie question ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  my machine name (hudini)
  [?] question about enlightenment (Francisco Cribari)
  Re: A full-screen cross-hair cursor for X - does it exist? (Erik Rossen)
  Re: A Capitalists view of freedom (Kenneth P. Turvey)
  Re: Pro-Unix vs anti-WinTel (was: Re: Is Unix a single user operating  (Terry Moore 
- Systems)
  newbie question...plz answer~ (pikachu73)
  SYS FILES:another nwebie question!!! (pikachu73)
  Re: Why oh why ? (EMACS question) (Paul D. Smith)
  Re: Where is CPP in RH5.2 ? (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: problems with glibc2 (Juergen Heinzl)
  Re: Linux or linux? (Ben Short)
  Re: Linux Newbie needs Help with installation (carl)


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (William Wueppelmann)
Subject: Re: The Vi Lovers Home Page
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:38:00 GMT

In our last episode (19 May 1999 16:21:02 GMT),
the artist formerly known as William Burrow said:
>On Wed, 19 May 1999 15:15:49 GMT,
>William Wueppelmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>entering uppercase characters) and control (for switching modes, deleting
>>characters and words, shifting text from within insert mode, and a few
>>others).  It provides efficient and flexible interaction with other
>What are some control sequences (other than say the arrow keys -- most
>vi clones use these for convenience in insert mode).  Are these some
>macros included with your version of vi?  

I don't use cursor movement in insert mode usually (except occasionally
when coding, where it comes in handy), because its more efficient to just
write the text and then go back and fix it rather than try to fix the error
that you noticed two lines above while you're in the middle of the

The basic control charcters I do use frequently are:

Insert mode:
^H: erase last character (equivalent to backspace)
^[: return to command mode (equivalent to escape)
^C: return to command mode
^W: delete to beginning of previous word
^T: indent current line to next shiftwidth
^D: unindent current line to previous shiftwidth

Command mode:
^[: abort command (equivalent to escape)
^F: move forward one page
^B: move backward one page
^U: move backward one half page
^D: move forward one half page
^Z: suspend editor

There are a several others, especially in command mode, but those are the
ones I use most frequently.

>Some, like vim, even add some of the useful(?) features of Emacs, such
>as colour and bracket matching.

Vim is the one that I use.  It's almost getting to be emacsish in size and
scope (well, not quite, but it is getting very big and complex), but I
apparently only use a smallish subset of its features.  I do like the ctags
syntax highlighting and auto-indentation, and I also like some of the
features that vi lacked such as multi-window editing, unlimited undo/redo
and built-in formatting (which is a nice add in, even though you can use fmt
with vi, vim's formatting is more convenient and does a better job).

The original vi itself is rather dated, but I suspect that emacs version 1
wasn't quite the same as version 20 or whatever they're on now.  And since
Bill[1] doesn't seem to love his creation as much as the people who use it do,
it's up to the clone makers to keep the editor going.

[1] The good, Joyful Bill, not his Billness, of course.

It is pitch black.  
You are likely to be spammed by a grue.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Raj Rijhwani)
Subject: Re: Wyse50 emulation how is it done?
Date: Fri, 21 May 99 14:14:35 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
           [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Kevin Power" writes:

> Raj Rijhwani wrote:

> > xterm is a termtype in is own right.  Is there any reason why you
> > cannot set your TERM under AIX to xterm, and use it that way?  Is
> > there a specific need for Wyse50?  IF so, then I suspect you're
> > going to need something more sophisticated than a telnet session
> > under X-window (e.g. serial Wyse50 to linux running telnet from a
> > shell login).

> The reason I need to emulate Wyse50 is that the application on the AIX is setup
> to use Wyse50 or  the data screen becomes garbage.

You mean the application is HARD-coded to a particular term type?  Who 
in their right mind does that?  You're unlucky, and the author should be 
strung up.

> Is there anyway in xterm to emulate Wyse50 or 60.

Not as far as I am aware.  You're going to have to find a Wyse (or 
compatible) terminal or (hawk, spit!) a Windoze TE that does both 
telnet and Wyse.  There are at least a couple of commercial TE 
packages that do this, but they don't come cheap.
Raj Rijhwani        (umtsb5/16) |  This is the voice of the Mysterons...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        |  ... We know that you can hear us Earthmen
[EMAIL PROTECTED]       |  "Lieutenant Green:  Launch all Angels!" (demon, and gods, willing...)


From: bryan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux on Dual Pentium-II machines
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:41:40 GMT

In comp.os.linux.hardware sven the hairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: Is linux inferior in its handling of multiple processors than other OSs?
: Somebody at work trashed linux in this area, but I couldn't object to his
: comments because I don't know much about multi-processor systems. Is he full
: of S**t?


you can get real close to a 2x improvement in the right situation.  but not everyday.

then again, NT isn't an everyday 2x improvement either.  I'm told its more like 25%.

: Swietanowski Artur wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
: >mumford wrote:
: >> You're requesting info about building a number crunching system... I'm
: >> almost positive that you could expect a significant performance hit be-
: >> cause of the decreased cache size if you chose celerons instead of true
: >> P-II's (celerons have 128K cache, true P-II's have 512K).
: >
: >All evidence to the contrary so far (in the number crunching field).
: >There is a noticable-to-big performance hit if you have *no* L2 chache,
: >as it was the case with older Celerons (prior to 300A and 333 models,
: >I think). Blocking methods in numerical linear algebra asymptotically
: >reach towards the achieveable peak performance with the cache growth,
: >but at 128KB cache they are pretty damn close.
: >
: >Also, L2 cache of Celerons works at twice the speed of PII L2 cache.
: >Depending on your examples, you may sometimes even get a better
: >performance from a Celeron! (I take this info from previous
: >discussions on the PII vs. Celeron -- search Dejanews for the
: >original posts).
: >
: >Regards,
: >---------------------------------------------------------------------
: >Artur Swietanowski                    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
: >Institut für Statistik,  Operations Research  und  Computerverfahren,
: >Universität Wien,     Universitätsstr. 5,    A-1010 Wien,     Austria
: >tel. +43 (1) 427 738 620                     fax  +43 (1) 427 738 629
: >---------------------------------------------------------------------



From: Mark Tranchant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: uk.comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Linux's Last Chance
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:10:52 +0100

Mr S A Penny wrote:
> In article <bA4OvJA$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>         Iain Georgeson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Steve D. Perkins
> ><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
> >>> Well, despite being won over by the sheer spangliness of Gnome...
> >>    Out of curiosity, what does "spangliness" mean?!?
> >
> >At the risk of being percieved as unhelpful: "RTFJF".
> erm, what does RTFJF mean? I know RTFM but I can't think what a JF might be...

It stands for Read The Famous Jargon File at



Subject: A newbie question
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 20:55:05 GMT

A quick newbie question for anyone out there. I'm
preparing for installation and have the Debian GNU
distribution, the Mandrake distribution and the
LinuxPro distribution on CD-Rom. Any suggestions
on which might be the least stressful to install?
Or any suggestions on other distributions?

I'll be using Linux for my home computing tasks as
well as Win95. Will also be doing some internet
surfing and the like.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Marc Flenar
confirmed Linux newbie and Linux wannabe....

--== Sent via ==--
---Share what you know. Learn what you don't.---


From: hudini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: my machine name
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 14:58:43 +0000

/etc/hosts       localhost       linuxbox



At the prompt when I type 'hostname' I get 'linuxbox'
Yet in my /var/log/messages... shows up as localhost.

If I switch linubox and localhost in /etc/hosts does
the trick, but then netscape and other apps take a
long... long... time to load... I imagine b/c they can not resolve the

I know I have seen screenshots w/ /var/log/messages revealing hostnames
with names other than localhost....

How do they do it?  Thanks...

P.S.  Would it have anything to do that I use RedCrap5.2?


From: Francisco Cribari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [?] question about enlightenment
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:09:33 -0500

I am running the enlightenment window manager under RH 6.0 (with  
GNOME). I have a simple question. When I iconify/minimize a 
window, the window disappears. A  ps -a  reveals that the 
application is still open, but I cannot find it. That is, it 
disappears from my screen and does not "iconify". Am I doing 
something wrong? How can I minimize windows? Thanks. FC. 


Francisco Cribari-Neto               voice: +55-81-2718420
Departamento de Estatistica          fax:   +55-81-2718422
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Recife/PE, 50740-540, Brazil         web:

          IBM: It is slow, but at least it's expensive. 


From: Erik Rossen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A full-screen cross-hair cursor for X - does it exist?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:48:22 +0200

D. Vrabel wrote:
> There is a Big X Cursor HOWTO I think.

Yes, I saw that one, but it only talks about changing the cursor font
file around to have a bigger cursor (say, double the size).  It doesn't
talk about a full-screen cross-hair, like under AutoCAD, for instance.

I meant something like this:

|       |                 |
|       |                 |
|       |                 |
|       |                 |
|       |                 |
|       |                 |

Thanks for the feedback,

Erik Rossen


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenneth P. Turvey)
Subject: Re: A Capitalists view of freedom
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 23:43:14 -0500

On Thu, 20 May 1999 21:25:26 GMT, Peter Seebach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Kenneth P. Turvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I understand that Hitler liked vi and Stalin was a big emacs fan.  The
>>used to play `hunt the wumpus' on the old PDP .00003 .
>Oooh!  Wumpus!  I *loved* that game.  My dad typed in a special "super-wumpus"
>game with additional events, and got it running on the Wang 2200 that was my
>first computer ever.

Yes, Hitler was much better at catching the Wumpus than Stalin, but in
the end one of Stalin's arrows hit Hitler.  After that Stalin gave up
playing with arrows and arms control was initiated. 

If it wasn't for that old PDP .00003, the space race might never have
made it off the ground.  

I don't mind this debate, but it does tend to get out of hand quickly.
I think it is time to killfile the thread. 

Kenneth P. Turvey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  Careful attention to small detail, often proves superior to genius.
        -- Cicero


From: Terry Moore - Systems <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc
Subject: Re: Pro-Unix vs anti-WinTel (was: Re: Is Unix a single user operating 
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 10:03:59 -0500


I have to get in here on this as well. 
I was shown linux slackware some years back, ( thanks Dr  - Wheeler ).
I quickly found that it was able to do the jobs that windows could not.
At that point I was working with GPIB and the Berling guys had a driver
for a board I was using. I wrote a tcl interface to the operation and 
linux for me exploded into a great product.

If it was not for the early days of windows and seting up the ip stack
and working with networking issues 
I would have not had the basics for the education I was going to get
by running servers ( forgotton old 486/33's p5-90's) for the purpose
of getting work done behind the scens while NT was being crammed down
our throats by corprate lap dogs. In the end as I left that place
all the important things like running XDM , WWW, POP3  and being able
to spool the mail when corprate firewall crashed was running the fire
and forget os linux.
I have since been working with freebsd which IMHO is a much better
than linux. Put freebsd on the net followed by linux workstations on
What is all of this about. GPL and the ability to have many solutions
the BEST support in the world has been the payoff for me. 
Microsoft is used to do the taxes and play some games at my home end of
*nix is used to run checkbook , pop3, mysql, www, firewalls, and so many
things  just look in your own /usr/local/bin

>From the words of Steve ............ ANd I agree 100 %
>     I owe the Linux community an incalcuable debt for the OS and tools it has
> given me.  That has value, it has worth, my life is better for having this
> OS/utils around than not, that *is* profit.

#end of include.


Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Wed, 19 May 1999 04:06:56 GMT, Stephen E. Halpin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for both sides.  You choose one way for yourself, and thats fine, but
> >dont slam people who make different choices about how they want their
> >work used.  You want the option to profit from your work, and thats
> >fine, but respect those who dont want others to profit from what they
> >give freely.
>     I just wanted to jump in right here with my take on the GPL.  The way I
> see it, the GPL guarentees profit.  I don't get into the pseudo-religious,
> code wants to be free, blah, blah, blah, RMS BS.  No.  The way I see it when
> a programmer decides to GPL his code he has chosen *how* he profits, not
> whether or not he will profit.
>     The GPL guarentees that any modifications to that code which will be use
> outside limited private use must be, in effect, returned to the author.  He
> may have to download the code, but the point is, his work was used as a basis
> for something that, more likely than not, he will use if it is improved.
>     His program, improved by others.  That is the return on his investment.
>     Anyone who uses Linux, has programmed GPL portions that have gone into a
> distribution of Linux (be it kernel, applications, utils, games, etc) who says
> they haven't profited is missing the biggest profit of them all.  Linux.
>     I owe the Linux community an incalcuable debt for the OS and tools it has
> given me.  That has value, it has worth, my life is better for having this
> OS/utils around than not, that *is* profit.
> >-Steve, a user of free, open source, GPL, shareware and commercial
> >software.
>     Make that 2 Steves.  :)
> --
>          Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
>          ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
> -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (pikachu73)
Subject: newbie question...plz answer~
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:06:22 GMT


Me use dos til now... switched to linux a few weeks back. Like it very
much. Have even managed to get sound going and upgrade kernel to
2.2.9.... kinda proud of myself and kinda pissed cuz i had to read so
many docs, mans, faqs, howtos, user's guides and newsgroups to get
pppd, kernel, sound going.

Enjoying self mutilation as I do,  i am trying to change the boot
sequence of my OS now.

Like in dos... all i gotta do is change the config.sys and
autoexec.bat files... and in win i can just edit the registry but I
have no idea which files linux goes through at boot

could anyone plz tell me the which files linux reads and in which

thx in advance


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (pikachu73)
Subject: SYS FILES:another nwebie question!!!
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 12:14:56 GMT

in addition to my earlier question about boot files... can anyone
point me to someplace that describes the function of each system file
in linux? 

I like doing sys maintenance by hand and would like to know which
files are relevent to which tasks... 



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Smith)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.apps,comp.os.linux,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Why oh why ? (EMACS question)
Date: 21 May 1999 17:56:57 -0400

%% Matteo Sartori <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  ms> Why is it that noone has done a BRIEF emulation mode for emacs ?
  ms> Or is it just me who can't find it ?

 a) None of the four newsgroups you crossposted to are the right place
    for this question; try comp.emacs or  Followups

 b) You didn't give crucial information: what version of Emacs you're

 c) My version (Emacs 20.3) has a CRiSP emulation mode; CRiSP and Brief
    are very similar, or even the same editor... I'm not familiar with
    the lineage.  Anyway, here's what the comments say for this mode:

      ;; Keybindings and minor functions to duplicate the functionality and
      ;; finger-feel of the CRiSP/Brief editor.  This package is designed to
      ;; facilitate transitioning from Brief to (XE|E)macs with a minimum
      ;; amount of hassles.

      ;; Enable this package by putting (require 'crisp) in your .emacs and
      ;; use M-x crisp-mode to toggle it on or off.

    If you try this and still have problems or issues, try one of the
    groups suggested above.

 d) Yes, the way you want the END and HOME keys to work is quite simple
    to achieve: see the help for the last-command variable (C-h v
    last-command RET, or use the Help->Describe Variable menu pick).  All
    you have to do is bind a simple function to these keys which keeps
    track of how many times in a row it's been invoked already, and does
    the right thing.

    I'm sure the emulation above does this but if it doesn't, ask on the
    above groups and someone can write that function for you toot-sweet.

Good luck!

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Subject: Re: Where is CPP in RH5.2 ?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 22:46:07 GMT

In article <7i4cer$9m0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Which rpm contains the cpp ?
>I get complaints that is is not installed, when upgrading to windowmaker
>0.52, but I cant figure out where it is .

You ought to have a symbolic link ...
/lib/cpp -> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/.../cpp
... and the "..." is your compiler specific directory. Just use tab
in the bash (typing is too tedious).


\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Juergen Heinzl)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: problems with glibc2
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 22:46:08 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Kimoto wrote:
>In article <01bea3a7$b1806440$0201a8c0@joaqu-n>, jota wrote:
>> A week ago I started upgrading my linux, which is slakware with kernel
>> 2.0.33. After downloading 2.2.9 and reading the Documentation/Changes file
>> I noticed that most of my software was out of date and begun to
>> download/install libc 5.4.46, glibc 2.0.7pre6
>                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>You do not need both of these.  Do not try to install glibc2 on 
>a libc5 system until you are confident of what you are doing.

Let me add that glibc-2.0.7pre6 is obsolete ... do not even start
with it if not *really really really* necessary.


\ Real name     : Jürgen Heinzl                 \       no flames      /
 \ EMail Private : [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ send money instead /


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ben Short)
Crossposted-To: aus.computers.linux
Subject: Re: Linux or linux?
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 15:42:22 +1000

nospam says...
> Andrew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote unto us:
> >Thats why its GNU/Linux and not simply GNU. Its a combination
> >of the Linux kernel and the GNU utilites.
>   Ah, so you'd say that there's lots of users running Symantec/Windows or
> who used to be running Quarterdeck/Windows?  I like the GNU utils and all,
> and I'm not saying that "Linux" as a whole system could do without binutils,
> fileutils etc.  But it's just not warranted as a name.  People out there
> aren't running Symantec/Netscape/Winzip/Installshield/Windows 95.  They're
> just running Windows 95, with various utilities.
> (Sorry, can't remember the name of the companies that wrote winzip and
> installshield but you get the idea, I'm sure :)
Actually, I dont remember mentioning anything about it being GNU/Linux or 
not, I just wanted to know whteher linux has a capital "L" :P

Thanks for all your comments anyway :P
Ben Short      
Shortboy Productions     mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: cpw@bluesign (carl)
Subject: Re: Linux Newbie needs Help with installation
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 05:28:29 GMT

In article <7i1h8g$5d0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Dogstar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've installed Red Hat 5.2 on an IBM Thinkpad 760 and have found that both the 
>command line and x versions occupy only the center half of my screen. I suspect 
>that on the origional installation I indicated a 800x600 resolution rather than 
>the 1024x768 that the screen is most comfortable with (in Windows). My video 
>card (Trident Cyber 9385) is listed as compatable with Linux. How do I get to 
>the file with this resolution data so that I can change it? Or must I reinstall 
>Linux form the begining? If the latter, what's the best way to uninstall what I 
>have now? Red Hat support has been of no help with this despite their 
>trumpeting 90 day support. In a word, they s...!
>Thanks for any ideas about this.

Does that distribution have the program XF86Setup?  (Usually found in
/usr/X11R6/bin/ or /usr/X11/bin).  Run that as root while X is NOT running.
It will present you with various help screens and buttons for mouse, keyboard,
video card, monitor, mode, etc.
You probably can go straight to the mode and monitor sections and fiddle
with them.  Usually when you leave it you go straight to something called
xvidtune which might also affect your monitor.  XF86Setup basically
builds a config file called XF86Config which might exist in anyone of
several places, like /etc/X11.  It is an ASCII file which you could try
to construct or modify yourself, so, you could also try finagling with
values in that.

Praeterea censeo Micromolle non esse utendum. 
("Moreover, I maintain that Microsoft should not be used."  A toned down
adaptation of a sig from Cato the Elder regarding the city of Carthage.
       ---- Remove "UhUh" and "Spam" to get my real email address -----



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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