Linux-Setup Digest #19

2001-04-09 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #19, Volume #21Mon, 9 Apr 01 18:13:09 EDT

  Re: Any RPM OS checking when install or upgrade package on Red Hat ("ne...")
  Re: what are the diff of 3 labels in lilo.conf of red hat linux 7 (H.Bruijn)
  Executable vmlinux in /boot (Mladen Gavrilovic)
  Re: Linux Mandrake 6.0 problem ("Peter T. Breuer")
  yppasswd problem (cuma)
  Re: cdrom does not mount. ("Kenny@BUI")
  Re: installing rh7.0, can't get beyond "/sbin/loader"? ("brian")
  Re: cdrom does not mount. ("Kenny@BUI")
  Mail Suggestions? (Chris Boner)
  Re: Executable vmlinux in /boot ("Duane Healing")
  Where is Auto Detect Raid option in kernel 2.4? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Virtual hosting questions (Ian Northeast)
  Re: How to config the X-Server?? ("Barry Hatfield")
  Re: Executable vmlinux in /boot (Mladen Gavrilovic)
  how do I change the $HOME variable? (Gregory Davis)
  Re: Trouble with X...Redhat 7.0 (Mladen Gavrilovic)
  Re: Where is Auto Detect Raid option in kernel 2.4? ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: Please help me with dual boot system. (Mladen Gavrilovic)
  Re: cdrom does not mount. ("D F")
  Re: Where is Auto Detect Raid option in kernel 2.4? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Executable vmlinux in /boot ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: how do I change the $HOME variable? ("Peter T. Breuer")

From: "ne..." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Any RPM OS checking when install or upgrade package on Red Hat
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 19:19:50 GMT

On Apr 10, 2001 at 02:59, XIP eloquently wrote:

>I have installed Red Hat 7
>and have downloaded a lot of RPMs from the red hat sites.
>Do anyone know if I install or upgrade the RPMs,
>will the RPM be automatically checked if it is specified
>for the Red Hat 7, not the othe OS like Red Hat 6.2?
I don't think rpm checks for distribution per se. I
do know it checks for libc versions tho. If you installed
the compat rpms, you should be able to install RH6.x rpms
which I think you do not want. Therefore when downloading
from RH, make sure you download rpms for RH7.x.

Registered Linux User # 125653 (
Spock: We suffered 23 casualties in that attack, Captain.
  3:13pm  up 23 days, 15:12,  8 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (H.Bruijn)
Subject: Re: what are the diff of 3 labels in lilo.conf of red hat linux 7
Date: 9 Apr 2001 19:22:35 GMT

On Tue, 10 Apr 2001 02:35:19 +0800, XIP allegedly wrote:
>I saw that in the /etc/lilo.conf, there are 3 labels:
>Could anyone please let me know what are the main differences of selecting
>each of them?

They point to different kernels, linux most likely selects /boot/vmlinuz
which is nothing more then a symbolic link to one of the others, used as
the default.
linux-smp is a stock kernel built for Symetric Multi Processor Machines,
fi dual-pentium, quad-xeon etc.
linux-up is a stock kernel built for Uni Processor Machines, all
machines with a single processor.
AFAIK there's no harm in selecting the "wrong one" when you have a smp
architecture, but you'll only be able to use ONE CPU.

If a trainstation is the place where trains stop, what is a workstation?

Herman Bruijn website:
The Netherlands 


From: Mladen Gavrilovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Executable vmlinux in /boot
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 19:46:19 GMT

Hi all, I've recently upgraded to the 2.4.3 kernel from the 2.2.17-14
kernel from Red Hat's updates site.  Everything works fine, but I'm
wondering what the purpose of the /boot/vmlinux-2.2.17-14 executable
file is.  It's much bigger than the compressed kernel image, and I have
a new one that 2.4.3 compiled in /usr/src/linux.  Do I copy the new one
to /boot as well?  Everything seems to be working perfectly without it.



From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Mandrake 6.0 problem
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2001 21:45:18 +0200

Marie Vincent <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We have tried everything we know in order to reconfigure the display 
> settings but have been unsuccessful. 

What's wrong with the setting you have? What is it? Plese describe.

> Can someone please guide us through this process with step by step 
> instructions? We are new to Linux.

I presume that if you're running Mandrake, you just rerun the
configurator. Is it called HardDrake? Drakconf?



Linux-Setup Digest #19

2000-11-11 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #19, Volume #20   Sat, 11 Nov 00 21:13:09 EST

  Re: cleaning up old kernel files (Scott Nolde)
  Re: Unable to run Sawfish config as non-root (Colin Watson)
  Re: CD-ROM problems when Installing Linux Mandrake (MaryP)
  rlogin problem (Bob Feng)
  Re: Lilo boot option not working (Carl Waring)
  Re: Windows/Linux : Disk size issue (Colin Watson)
  Re: KDE 2.0 - error msg (Colin Watson)
  e2fsck can't fix filesystem (Jason L. Maron)
  Re: Setup Newbie! ("Philo")
  Re: DSL help (S Varadarajan)
  Re: KDE 2.0 - error msg (Vilmos Soti)
  Re: Help! Linux router between two NT networks. (Sean)
  Re: help! Mandrake 7.2 setup hang ("Jeepster")
  Installation/running Problem (Ruth Gomes)
  Re: Setup Newbie! ("Chris L.")
  Re: Help installing KDE 2.0 ("G Man")

From: Scott Nolde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: cleaning up old kernel files
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 00:09:28 GMT

inon21 wrote:
> It's a RH 6.1 distribution, and recently I compiled & installed kernel
> 2.2.16. Now, the old one (2.2.12-20) files/modules and all still sitting on
> the disk.
> How can I clean up this and make room? Seems like this kernel was installed
> thru kernel-2.2.12-20.*.rpm from RH.
> Please help. Thank you

Usually, you can do a 'rm -fr /usr/src/linux-2.2.12' and that will
delete the source tree.  The modules you'd erase are in

- Scott

Never do Windows again with  |  Scott M. Nolde
Linux!  No streaks, haze or  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
glaze!   |  
7:05pm up 19:21, 2 users, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin Watson)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Unable to run Sawfish config as non-root
Date: 12 Nov 2000 00:20:53 GMT

[I mailed this by mistake, sorry - I'm posting it now as well.]

legend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Under Mandrake 7.2 (and I believe it was the case for 7.1), as a user
>you cannot run 'sawfish-ui' (the app that is run under control panel)
>when you want to configure Sawfish. 
>If you run sawfish-ui you get:
>error--> (error "can't call sawfish-client")et:
>or 'sawfish-client' you get:
>can't connect to display: 

Looks like your $DISPLAY environment variable isn't set. Normally, in X,
this is set to the address of the X server (e.g. ':0.0'); perhaps your
user's shell startup scripts are unsetting it for some reason? Of
course, then you wouldn't be able to run any other X programs from an X
terminal either.

I'm using sawfish right now on Debian unstable, and it works fine -
well, sawfish-ui still dies, but that's due to database library
brokenness during the glibc upgrade and I kind of expect these sorts of
things from unstable. :) sawfish-ui has certainly worked in the past.

Colin Watson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
"And after the fire there came a still small voice ..."


Subject: Re: CD-ROM problems when Installing Linux Mandrake
Date: 12 Nov 2000 00:24:04 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Eric McGill

> Hi,
> I am trying to install Linux Mandrake 7 on a old 75 mhz machine.  I want to 
> goof around with it before I put it on my a newer machine.
> The problem I am having with the installation is this:  It pops up after it 
> reads the floppy, I hit enter to begin the loading.  Once we are inside the 
> installation, it automatically begins trying to initialize the CD-ROM drive 
> but fails.  Then it shuts everything down and says that it is now safe to 
> reboot my machine.

I have some older hardware here and I have similarly had no luck putting
Mandrake on it. Red Hat 5.2, 6.0, and 6.1 work fine however. Unless you are bent
on making Mandrake run no matter what, try a different distro and see
if your problems don't vanish.

You can still borrow software packages from the Mandrake disk if you install
Red Hat as a base.



From: Bob Feng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: rlogin problem
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 15:32:09 -0800

Hi, all Linux grus,

Can anyone help me to make the "rlogin" works behind a firwall?

I mean I have a redhat Linux 7.0 box sits behind another redhat 6.0
Linux box which does all the IP-Masquerading work to outside world. The
redhat 6.0 box can do everything of course including the rlogin as well.
The redhat 7.0 box can do "telnet

Linux-Setup Digest #19

2000-06-28 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #19, Volume #19   Wed, 28 Jun 00 10:13:34 EDT

  MP3 player makes a lot of noise ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Dial up window equivalent? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Can't install gdk-pixbuf in redhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Configuration of sound card yamaha724 (linux6.0) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How to turn on remote root login? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux and Modem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Modem connects, problems with Netscape, telnet, etc,(Where is my mi 
  SoundMAX supported? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Enabling swap partition? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  is there a port to windows media player? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  RH - Win98 connectivity ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Newbie: installing applications ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Partitioning of large IDE-Disk ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Can't install gdk-pixbuf in redhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  61GB Maxtor HD problem, please help! ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Mandrake 7.1 Install Problem "could not mount a CD" using 1542cf 
  Cannot ping localhost; just hangs ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Setting up Personal LAN through TCP/IP on Internet ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Remote X login to linux server ??? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Modem connects, problems with Netscape, telnet, etc,(Where is my mi 
  ok, i'm fucking pissed. dual boot winnt and linux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How to turn on remote root login? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  serial mouse with laptop? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  How to turn on remote root login? ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Subject: MP3 player makes a lot of noise
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:47:15 GMT

From: C Sanjayan Rosenmund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Buchan Milne wrote:
> Just because your cd-rom plays CDs fine through your soundcard does
> mean your sound card is set up, since remember, you attached an
 audio cable
> from your CD-ROM to your sound card !
> Run sndconfig (Redhat) or lothar (mandrake 7.0 or later) or your
> sound/hardware set up tool
> Jan Moons wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have problems playing MP3's.
> > My soundblaster works fine, at least I can play normal audio
> > But when I want to play MP3 files with X11amp of freeamp I get a
 lot of
> > noise, my speakers are about to explode  And I can't seem to
> > any music through the noise.
Actually, it "sounds" like he is trying to send dsp type sound
an audio type interface.  Jan, is /dev/dsp support compiled into your
kernel?  If not, do so.  I had *all* kinds of trouble with my sound
card (cs4610 based) until I loaded the dsp type modules for my card. 
Fortunately, I just got /dev/dsp device not found.  I know that they
are *very* diferent formats for sound (one is analog the other is
digital, I think) I tried recording a sound file with one and sending
it to the other once and got symptoms just like what you describe. 
Good Luck 

Windows has detected that a gnat has farted near your computer.
Press any key to reboot.


Subject: Dial up window equivalent?
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:47:15 GMT

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (raymond)

Under Windows 95/98, I can set up a new dial up connection to bring
a window when the connection is made which allows me to enter a
SecureID that changes every minute.  Does anyone know of a way to do
this under Linux?  Perhaps a script you are aware of?  Thanks for any
help you can give me.


Subject: Can't install gdk-pixbuf in redhat
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:47:15 GMT


Tan Chee Sin wrote:
> Hello,
> I 've downloaded the rpm from
> then I install with "rpm -ivh gdk-pixbuf-0.5.0-1.src.rpm". I seems
> install.  But when I do a "rpm -qi gdk-pixbuf-", it
> reported "package gdk-pixbuf-0.5.0-1.src.rpm is not installed". So

try rpm -qi gdk-pixbuf

skip all the trailing version numbers when you perform a query for a


> what's wrong?
> Chee Sin


Subject: Configuration of sound card yamaha724 (linux6.0)
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:47:15 GMT

From: C Sanjayan Rosenmund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Buchan Milne wrote:
> Options (any linux distro):
> 1)Get a new sound card
> 2)There are commercial binary drivers available from OSS (sorry, I
 don't have a
> url), which work for something like 2 hours if you don't buy them,
 and cost
> more than your soundcard if you wan