Linux-Setup Digest #46

2001-04-14 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #46, Volume #21   Sat, 14 Apr 01 15:13:09 EDT

  Re: LINUX setup help(intel) (Chiefy)
  Re: Problem with PPP (Bill Unruh)
  Upgrading from glibc 2.1 to glibc 2.2 ("Jesus M. Salvo Jr.")
  Re: Upgrading from glibc 2.1 to glibc 2.2 ("Jesus M. Salvo Jr.")
  booting from hd (Riyaz Mansoor)
  Re: Newbie: No init found... (David)
  Re: i2c packages? (David)
  One more who needs help! ("Krstanovic")
  Re: booting from hd (David)
  Re: One more who needs help! ("" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
  Re: address in use for setserial command ("RM")
  Re: Redhat 7.0 install problem, unable to initialize eth0 ("" 
  Re: booting from hd ("" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
  486 help??!! (Miguel)
  Re: Resizing a Linux ext2 partition??? (P.S.)
  Re: mini CLI (command line interphase) (Craig Kelley)
  Re: I mistakenly uninstalled the rpm package..(how to install it back) (Craig Kelley)
  Adding a Adaptec 2940 to Linux (Lars Oeschey)
  Re: One more who needs help! (Earl Lewis)
  #sndconfig - command not found ("David Mayo")
  Re: Alcatel ADSL USB Speedtouch modem help (tricia)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chiefy)
Subject: Re: LINUX setup help(intel)
Date: 14 Apr 2001 13:05:46 GMT

14 Apr 2001 13:47 UTC, Yaniv Kats did say to the dudes:
> I have problem during setup to manually configure the system files, i use
> disk druid and succeed to configure native partition and swap partition
> ,BUT, i just can't see the OK button enable so i can push it and move on to
> the next screen .

Have you tried F12 ?


I put the phone back on the hook, and straight away it rings. I hate it
when it does that, it takes me AGES to get my walkman phones in. - BOFH


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill Unruh)
Subject: Re: Problem with PPP
Date: 14 Apr 2001 14:40:12 GMT

In <9b9ibs$p2j$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> "Lionel Doray" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

]Hi; I am a totally new user of Linux. I 'm trying to install LINUX on my
]computer with the Red Hat 5.0 version.
]   I d like to run a PPP connection. When I make a 'dmesg' I can see easily
]that PPP is not supported now by my kernel. I read the HOWTO file

Horseshit. ppp is supported. The HOWTO files are way way out of date. 
(What distribution would ship without ppp?)
anyway, the test is
Make sure /etc/ppp/options is empty.
if you see a bunch of garbage pppd is in the kernel. If not, make sure
kerneld is running. 

See for more details.

]corresponding to PPP setup, and it told me to recompile the kernel. First I
]should do a 'make xconfig' (for instance) and respond 'Y' to the question
]'PPP ': But the problem is that I do not see this question!
]It'd be nice if someone could help me.

By the wayk, why in the world are you using a 4 year old distribution,
Redhat 5.0? Please get a more modern distro. Much has been fixed.
]Thank you


From: "Jesus M. Salvo Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Upgrading from glibc 2.1 to glibc 2.2
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 00:50:41 +1000

Using a RedHat 6.x distro, I have a lot of things updated:

kernel 2.2.19 with reiserfs
glibc 2.1.3
binutils 2.9.5
cpp 2.95
gcc 2.95
gcc-c++ 2.95
qt 2.3
Xfree 4.0.3
kde 2.1

As you can see above, I have upgraded gcc from 2.9.1 ( that came with
egcs ) to gcc 2.95 ( from libc6 contrib RPM ) due to a compiler bug that
I encounered compiling qt 2.3 with "march=i686".

However, I wanted to upgrade from kde 2.1 to kde 2.1.1. Since there are
no RPMs for RedHat6.x of kde 2.1.1, I downloaded the SRPMS and try to
build the RPMs and install them. Building kdesupport went okay ( with
"rpm -bb --target=i686 kdesupport-2.1.spec" ). Now I am trying to build
kdedoc with "rpm -bb --target=i686 kdedoc-2.1.1.spec". However, the
build requires perl 5.6.0, which in turn requires glibc 2.2.

With the exception of installing a new distro, I have not done a major
glibc upgrade. So my questions are:

1) Is it safe? Will the existing apps that were compiled, static or
shared, with glibc 2.1 still work with glibc 2.2? The only information I
can find about this is on the link below:

... but it seems that the document is about a move from libc5  to libc6.
Is there a more updated version of this doc specifically for a move from
glibc 2.1 to glibc 2.2?

2) Has anyone with a RedHat 6.x distro done this, using the glibc-2.2
RPMS from rawhide?

Any help appreciated,


Public Key:

Linux-Setup Digest #46

2000-11-15 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #46, Volume #20   Wed, 15 Nov 00 17:13:09 EST

  installing Win98 after the fact (Peter Bismuti)
  can linux read DOS with large partitions? (Peter Bismuti)
  Re: RH 6.0 - 7.0 install problems on gateway 5400 (Eric Werme)
  Geforce 2 ("Holger Lierse")
  Re: setting up a task using crontab ("Kurt R. Rahlfs")
  Re: Install/Partition Table/Fdisk problems (Jason B)
  Re: Linux Redhat 6.2 install...Need Help .. Urgent (Jason B)
  Re: FTP times out with IPChains (Hi-Tech RedNeck)
  SSH from WIN32 ("Steve")
  Help... X Windows runs at a crawl.. Be my mentor,, Please (Jason B)
  Re: can linux read DOS with large partitions? (DualIP)
  Reverse of RAWRITE.EXE ? (Brian Mork)
  Modem heartaches (Ron Ross)
  Apache-forbidden access to html files ("K.Zielinski")
  Fixing ramdisk position in memory ("Erik C.J. Laan")
  Re: USRobotics PCI 56K Modem (5610-rev1) with COM5 in Windows ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: problem with gnorpm ("Gene Heskett")
  Re: setting up a task using crontab ("Gene Heskett")
  Creating PDF (acrobat) files ? (Marc Frei)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: installing Win98 after the fact
Date: 15 Nov 2000 20:19:51 GMT

I have linux installed now I want to stick Win98 on a partition that I
have available.  Win98 always thinks it is the only OS and never gives
you the option of installing onto a particular parition like Win2k does. 

Is there any way to install Win98 "after the fact"?  Or am I screwed?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Peter Bismuti)
Subject: can linux read DOS with large partitions?
Date: 15 Nov 2000 20:18:36 GMT

I was trying to install Win98 and there is a point where you can choose 
whether or not to use large partitions (forgot acronym). It warned 
that if you choose 'yes', that other OSs would not be able to read it.
Does this include Linux? Should I select 'no' instead?



From: Eric Werme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: RH 6.0 - 7.0 install problems on gateway 5400
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 15:22:27 -0500

Todd Raeker wrote:

> I am trying to install RH 6.0 and 7.0 on a dual processor Gateway 5400.
> I boot from the install floppy and all goes well until probing the
> PCI bus at which the system freezes and is completely unresponsive. It
> has an adaptec 29160N SCSI card for drives but removing the card and
> harddrives has the same result so its not any card PCI card hanging.
> I have been successful with dual processor boxes from Gateway but this
> new machine has a newer bios with a stupid GUI.  I suspect the bios is
> the problem.  Anybody have similar experiences, fixes or advice?
> Thanks.
> Todd.

Yes, I had the same problem recently.  The problem is with the BIOS that
Gateway is using.  It is (a variant of) Intel's OR840 BIOS, version 225.
Gateway says that there is no upgrade available for that BIOS, but in
Intel does have one.  I downloaded version 245 from Intel's site, and
installed it on my machines.  Then I reinstalled RedHat 6.2, and
everything worked fine.

The OS recognized all my devices, although I did have to hunt down a
driver for the on-board sound chip. ( had what I
needed, but their driver installation procedure is quite complicated.)

So far, I have had no problems at all with the upgraded BIOS, even
though it didn't come from Gateway.  Please, note:  I have only one CPU
in each of my PC's, but I understand that there is problem with the APIC
bus on the E5400's motherboard that affects dual-CPU systems.  I don't
know if Intel's latest BIOS has fixed that problem.  You might try using
the "noapic" kernel option if you get "IO-APIC" errors.  (At least, that's

the advice I've heard.)  Good luck.

- Eric Werme, NSWCDD, Dahlgren, VA


From: "Holger Lierse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Geforce 2
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 21:32:42 +0100

I hope someone can help me!
I have the following problem:

During the Installation of Suse 7.0 I had big Problems with the
configuartion of my Monitor. Everytime I've tried to chose a monitor the
setup hung up (even withe VESA). So I've chosen NO graphic Interface. With
"sax -s XF86_VGA16" I've finallay managed it to start the sax. But I
couldn't find neither my graphic card (Elsa Gladiac Geforce 2) nor my
monitor (Belinea 10 60 30) in the list. I would be very pleased if someone
could help me so I can use the graphical interface!
Thanx !


From: "Kurt R. Rahlfs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: setting up a task

Linux-Setup Digest #46

2000-07-01 Thread Digestifier

Linux-Setup Digest #46, Volume #19Sat, 1 Jul 00 09:13:06 EDT

  Re: Can't Boot from Compiled Kernel (2.2.13) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: does linux work with windows 98 ("greg smart")
  Re: DHCP and Gnome (E J)
  Locale Settings and X (icebeing)
  Re: SCSI module (E J)
  Re: usb mouse (E J)
  modem usr (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Fran=E7ois?= Patte)
  Re: x-windows' input device ,such as touchscreen .? ("jacky cui")
  Re: configuring HTTP and FTP acesss ("ed johnson")
  Netscape Hanging on launch ("RP")
  Re: Help Uninstalling Linux (Diwa del Mundo)
  Re: Netscape Hanging on launch (Manfred Mehlhorn)
  Re: Fetchmail Question (Colin Watson)
  Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to Mount root fs on 2:42  <===everytime !!?? ("the curious 
  Stupid me, forgot to run /sbin/lilo... (Cliff Pennock)
  Re: Stupid me, forgot to run /sbin/lilo... ("Andrew E. Schulman")
  Re: Stupid me, forgot to run /sbin/lilo... (Cliff Pennock)
  Re: Xterm Backspace not working (Thomas Dickey)
  Thanks for the help Neil :0 ("the curious one")
  Re: modem usr (Rob Clark)
  RH6.0, SCSI tape & rescue ("Robert Jones")
  Re: kppp problem (Timothy Murphy)

Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.slackware,comp.os.linux.hardware,comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Can't Boot from Compiled Kernel (2.2.13)
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 06:27:02 GMT

In article <395b3f69$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "mv" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My normal sequence for compiling the 2.2.13 kernel is:
>make dep
>make clean
>make bzlilo
>make modules
>make modules_install
>Any help you can provide is much appreciated.

I doubt if it makes any difference, but have you altered
your compilation sequence, to see if you get better results?
For example:

make dep clean modules modules_install bzImage

and then copy bzImage to /vmlinuz?

Also, did you run depmod -a right after compilation?

Later in the boot process, make sure that kerneld
(or kmod??) is started, so that modules can be
loaded as needed.

Another thing you might want to try is this: when you
you run makeconfig (or whatever you use to set how the
kernel will be compiled), try building a bare-bones, stripped
down, just-the-absolute-essentials kernel. Like, leave out the
sound support, network stuff, joystick, etc, etc. (you get the idea).
Leave out anything that is not essential to the goal of getting a
login:, password:, and shell prompt on your screen!

Make sure you have support for your boot drive (SCSI or IDE?),
and the filesystem (ext2fs ?) compiled in the kernel, not modules.
In fact, when you run your configure script, don't compile
ANYTHING as a module (paradoxically, you SHOULD still compile
in the module support); compile everything into the kernel. Once 
you have a minimal kernel that will at least boot, you can then start 
adding more features back to your configuration, as well as compiling
some things as loadable modules (you don't want too big of a kernel).
I'm no expert, just a person who has walked in your shoes :) The main
thing is to keep your kernel as lean and simple as possible until you
can actually get it to boot, then start adding the bells and whistles.

Good luck, I hope you can solve your problem soon.


From: "greg smart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: does linux work with windows 98
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2000 16:31:21 +1000

i would like to no how i can make windows 98 work with linux, linux is the
server and and windows 98 are the workstations.

"greg smart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> i would like to no how i can make windows 98 work with linux, linux is the
> server and and windows 98 are the workstations.


Subject: Re: DHCP and Gnome
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 00:40:57 -0700

My dhcp gets a new ip address from my ADSL.  Once in a while it get a new
hostname from the dhcp.
As root, set your hostname to a generic hostname.
# hostname localhost.localdomain
Your default hostname (localhost.localdomain) will remain until it get a new
hostname from dhcp.

Brad wrote:

> My linux PC uses dhcp to establish network settings. Hence the IP address
> can change with each reboot. In addition, there isn't a hostname set by
> dhcp. Gnome requires a hostname with IP address to function properly. How
> can I set a hostname an associate it with the IP address dhcp assigns?
> Thanks,
> Brad


From: icebeing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,alt.os.linux
Subject: Locale Settings and X
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 07:43:35 GMT
