Re: textmaker for very little money, tuesday only

2003-11-09 Thread Leon Goldstein
M. W. Chang wrote:

better than open office?

Tony Alfrey wrote:


Seriously, however, it's a Word replacement that works well, reads and 
writes Word format.

I dloaded the trial version after reading the original post.
Abiword still gets my nod.  The latest release that came with Libranet 
2.8.1 can read/write WP files.

Leon A. Goldstein
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Re: Lightweight Distro (Was Re: Lightweight Desktop Help.)

2003-11-01 Thread Leon Goldstein
Need some sort of distro that can:

A: Includes the Gcc compiler/Python/Perl/etc ...
B: Will work on such a weak machine (hmmm a few years ago
we thought that kinda power was studly ...) 

Libranet 2.8.1 Debian, using IceWM of XFCE (my preference).
Leon A. Goldstein
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Bar Code Reader and Software?

2003-10-25 Thread Leon Goldstein
Anyone know of a Linux-friendly bar code reader and supporting software?
I need to scan the bar code for a pet microchip ID registration form.
I could also use some ideas for a Linux form maker/form filler, if such 

Leon A. Goldstein
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Re: glibc question

2003-10-20 Thread Leon Goldstein
Net Llama! wrote:

No.  You're not removing glibc-2.2.1, you're just adding glibc-2.2.4.


Have you tried the old symlink trick?

Leon A. Goldstein
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Re: I need a distro recommendation!

2003-10-18 Thread Leon Goldstein
Ken Moffat wrote:

Collins Richey wrote:

One final shot on this.  Leon, I know you have used libranet for a 
long time. Does libranet get around the debian stable = hopelessly 
antequated problem
pretty well, i.e. relatively current packages are available?


I'll second Leon's Libranet recommendation. And Yes, the packages in 
Libranet 2.8/2.8.1 are quite up to date. They base it on 'testing' 
now, with many 'unstable' packages included. (Not that they are 
unstable, just from the unstable branch).

And if you get the freebie, 2.7, you can always change the 
/etc/apt/sources.list file to reflect the testing or unstable branch 
and go at it, updating the whole thing if you want to. (but careful, 
you can screw things up totally sometimes) Those who don't like debian 
should look at Libranet, which has a good install and is up to date, 
with a bunch of good users on a forum and mailing list.

Ken beat me to the draw.  I went with Libranet 1.9.0 when I gave up on 
Corel Linux, which gave up on its users.
I do not have wideband, so I am not constantly updating.  What I like 
about Libranet is that I can fire up the installation CD and have a 
working system up and running in about two hours.  That time includes 
installing WordPerfect 8.1, Applix 5.0. StarOffice 6.0 and some other 
apps, along with my personal file archives.  For me, it makes more sense 
and costs less cents to buy a copy of the new Libranet rather than pay 
an extra $400 - $500 a year for cable or DSL.  My requirements for 
Linux, or any OS, are minimal.  Just word processing and on-line 
research and documentation.  I do not enjoy spending hours, days, or in 
the case of WP8.1, months, trying to get an app to run. 

Leon A. Goldstein
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Re: linux-users list passing on

2003-09-02 Thread Leon Goldstein

Tim Wunder wrote:
But isn't it *really*
just passing on failure notices of undeliverable virii? Some of which
have the virii still attached. Can't the failure notices get filtered

I am getting these with the digest. I will have to unsubscribe until
they are filtered out.
I only have dial-up, and they are clogging my mail.

I'd appreciate it if you (Tim) would send me a private post when this
gets cleaned up.
Au revoir.
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: Video card

2003-08-31 Thread Leon Goldstein
Bill Campbell wrote inter alia:

NVidia makes a point of backwards compatibility on their cards (e.g. new
cards will work with old drivers, but some new features may not be
supported).  I've never had a problem on Linux with any card with an NVidia
chipset so long as it has enough RAM to support the necessary resolutions
and color depth.

I bought a generic nvidia TNT M64 AGP card for a box I want to run old 
Caldera eDesk 2.4 along with Libranet.
(eDesk can't handle my ATI Radion 7000 card.)
When I installed Libranet 2.8 Debian, it recognized the card and 
installed the nVidia accelerated driver.
(Libranet 2.8.x includes an already compiled driver.)
It works great; Tux Racer runs lickety split.  Oh yes, eDesk 2.4 had no 
problem setting it up too.

Leon A. Goldstein
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Re: MS wins Homeland Security Bid!!

2003-07-17 Thread Leon Goldstein

Mathew Carpenter wrote:


Right hand doesn't know (or care) what the left hand is doing?
Take a look at the August issue of Linux Journal and the article about
the NSA's security enhanced Linux.
Leon A. Goldstein

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Divine Debian? was Re: Linux-users Digest, Vol 143, Issue 29

2003-05-14 Thread Leon Goldstein
Ken Moffat wrote:

Leon A. Goldstein wrote:

I've been putting Libranet 2.8 Debian through its paces.
I just set up my scanner.  No screwing around needed to scan as user.
No excitement here, so I'm looking for new thrills.
Ha! That's the problem with these new distros. They work too well. 
Seems LN2.8 is too god! 
Well, it is good, but not god-like!

Sorry for flubbing the subject.  I get the digest, so there is a bit of 
cutting and pasting involved in sending a post.
Got distracted and hit send instead of send later.

Leon A. Goldstein
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Re: OT We won't back down...

2003-03-29 Thread Leon Goldstein

Would someone please send me a note when the list resumes discussing Linux?
I readily concede my ignorance of things Linux, compared to the other
list members.
But I am a retired army officer - field artillery. I know a little
bit about the conduct of war.
It's bad enough having to put up with the insipid chatter of network
talking heads as they give
their play-by-play commentary.
War is not a spectator sport.
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: lcd monitors and linux

2003-03-27 Thread Leon Goldstein

Collins Richey wrote:

RH 4.3 is the only RH distro I've tried, and it worked reliably for me.
As was the case with any distro other than gentoo (debian doesn't count
because I never made the effort to understand the distro), I got tired
of searching for and retrofitting software (RPM hell, etc.). It would
never occur to me to look for support with the vendor; that's what we're
all for!!! Even Caldera in it's heyday wasn't very responsive with


debian doesn't count
 because I never made the effort to understand the distro)

I'm playing with Libranet 2.8 beta 2. Looking good.

Might be worth your while to give it a whirl when it is released.

Look's like there will be a beta 3. The beta testers are going to town,

and as a result a lot of polishing is going on.

Getting back on topic: I've been looking (i.e. staring) at LCD's at Best Buy etc.

I'm just not impressed with the clarity of the characters. I guess they are intended

for people who like graphics, but for text work, a $120 17" CRT has a sharper text display

than a $800 LCD of equivalent size. Of course, I have not seen a Sharp brand LCD.

These are supposed to be the ultimate LCD's.

Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: Burning CD's with Knoppix

2003-03-24 Thread Leon Goldstein

Matthew Carpenter wrote:

Not a problem if the box has enough resources. XCDroast doesn't require that you save
the settings, does it? So long as you have the resources, aren't you able to
Burn-On-The-Fly? That would alleviate the need for large RW HD space for an image. If
you HAVE to create an image, just remount the partition Read/Write ( # mount -o
remount,rw /mnt/hda2 )

I don't use XCDRoast any more, loving KreateCD and intrigued by K3b.


Knoppix 3.1 has XCDroast .98alpha10. It does indeed have a
master and burn on the fly option.
Setup insists on a path for the image nonetheless. I selected
Knoppix's /tmp just to satisfy it.
XCDRoast then ran, and copied my files, but they are just files
- the directory structure is gone.
Although XCDRoast worked in this test, after a fashion, I'll stick with
Gcombust for the rescue scenario
that prompted this project in the first place.
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: Burning CD's with Knoppix

2003-03-23 Thread Leon Goldstein

Joel Hammer wrote:

Does knoppix have cdrecord and mkisofs on it? If so, I can tell you how I do it.
Basically, like this:
cdrecord -scanbus
Cdrecord 1.8 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000 Jrg Schilling
Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
 0,0,0 0) 'SONY ' 'CD-RW CRX215E1 ' 'SYS2' Removable CD-ROM

If you get this, then the following should work:

mkisofs -r -J -o /home/jlh/cdimage/TIFs /mnt/hdb/10/Prostate
Where /mnt/hdb/10/Prostate is the directory with the stuff to burn and TIFs
is the name of the iso9660 file to be created.
Then, burn it with:
cdrecord -v speed=1 dev=0,0,0 -data /home/jlh/cdimage/TIFs

Joel: thanks. The problem I anticipate is creating a directory for
mkisofs to store the image file.
The computer in question only has one HD, and AFAIK has only
Win 98 occupying all available drive real estate.
Knoppix has XCDRoast, ergo the necessary support files are on board,
but of course XCDRoast can't be configured because I can't write to the
Knoppix CD.
(To recapitulate the problem: I'm trying to see if I can use Knoppix
to rescue files from a crapped out Win 98 install by burning them to a
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: Burning CD's with Knoppix

2003-03-23 Thread Leon Goldstein

Net Llama! wrote:

On 03/23/03 17:10, Leon Goldstein wrote:
> (To recapitulate the problem: I'm trying to see if I can use Knoppix to
> rescue files from a crapped out Win 98 install by burning them to a CD)

wouldn't it be alot easier just to scp the files to another box?
knoppix can certainly do that.

Not really. It's easier to burn a CD, which I just did a few
moments ago.
I found a thread on the Knoppix forum, which is in German, "Brenner"
There were numerous complaints about BakeOven, but one report of success
with Gcombust.
I burned a 24 mb directory from my win98 partition on my "lab rat"
- no image directory needed.
Apparently Gcombust will burn data files on the fly. Or does
it store the image in its ramdisk?
There was no image directory shown in the Gcombust preferences.
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: First impressions of a $200 lindows box: Good

2003-03-15 Thread Leon Goldstein

Joel Hammer wrote inter alia:

Image my chagrin, however, when I saw what I had typed. Instead of:
 rm junk*

I had typed:
 rm junk *

What a difference a single space makes! I suspect that rm sould not have
removed directories, but, I am not going to experiment to find out now.

That is why we dactylographically challenged compute(w)rists appreciate
I remember my delight upon installing PC Tools Deluxe on my first DOS
I was able to graft and prune my directories without wreaking havoc
(again) on my installation.
I still fire up my DOS box from time to time and remind myself that
there is software, and great software,
like PC Tools, pfs Pro Write, and of course, Word Perfect 6.2.
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: First impressions of a $200 lindows box: Good

2003-03-10 Thread Leon Goldstein

David Bandel wrote:

yes there are debs of SO (1.0.2 is the version I have loaded). And it's
split out better into the different language packs.

Star Office 1.0.2? Surely you mean Open Office?
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: First impressions of a $200 lindows box: Good

2003-03-09 Thread Leon Goldstein

Joel Hammer wrote:

I am not sure what I am getting for my money, but on the upside:
1. I couldn't download gnucash with synaptic or get-apt, but it came in
nicely with the warehouse.
2. Staroffice wasn't available with synaptic but it was with the warehouse.
3. When you install from the warehouse, you get a nice icon on the
desktop without any hassle.

There are lots of Gnucash deb's. Take a look at
Is synaptic/apt-get configured for sources?
I'm not surprised you couldn't install StarOffice with synaptic, since
it is not a deb package.
I'm curious about the packaging of SO you downloaded from the warehouse.
Was it a tar?
Leon A. Goldstein

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Re: Caldera List

2003-03-08 Thread Leon Goldstein

Kurt wrote:

Feigning erudition, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
% Welp, I finally pulled the plug on the Caldera Users List. Been a subscriber
% for 8 years.. The SCO MBA's (appropriately said earlier) really are clueless.
% They are trying to get the big payoff so they can retire.

So, what's the reaction on the Caldera list to this latest piece
of brilliance?

% I can say that I have been retiring Caldera driven systems for about a year
% now. I rather like SUSE..

I've been liking Slackware a good deal, played with LFS a bit. Haven't
had the courage to try SuSE in a long time. Mandrake's out, as is Red
Hat and other RPM-based distributions. Haven't tried the Debian family,

% Man has Caldera taken a dive. Hopefully I can get less of a loss on the IPO
% stock that I have now.. I am planning my exit strategy before they go bankrupt..

I'm just amazed, man. It's just a darn shame.