Re: Which file system am I using?

2003-11-19 Thread M.W. Chang
should it be mount?

Ken Moffat wrote:

What command can I issue to see what file system I am running on a
linux partition?

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Re: spamassassin's sa-learn

2003-11-15 Thread M.W. Chang
did you train the filter by flagging all those slipped messages as junk?
iF you just delete them, the filter would not be improved!

 I've been using Moz Firebird as my only email for quite some time now. 
 And have been somewhat disappointed in the filters. It catches alot of 
 the junk right away, but it doesn't seem to be learning. I get the same 
 spam from the same scammers every day and no matter how many times I 
 flag it as junk it continues to show up. But it is a 0.7 Beta so I don't 
 want to be critical of it, just hope they flesh it out in the near future.

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what does these mean?

2003-11-15 Thread M.W. Chang
   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 554[]: Client 
host rejected: Host rejected because of spam it sent.)

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to

 554[]: Client host 
rejected: Host rejected because of spam it sent.
554 5.0.0 Service unavailable
 554 Error: no valid recipients

BTW, I have set up my sendmail as a mail server and my ISP hkcable 
didn't block outgoing traffic from port 25. How could it intercept and 
reject this message sent from my sendmail directly?

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Re: spamassassin's sa-learn

2003-11-15 Thread M.W. Chang
I had that problem with spam-assassin' Bayesian filter. I actually tried
using the Junk folder of mozilla to train SA (sa-learn --mbox --spam
Junk). Until now, there are still some Chinese junk messages passing
through the sanity check of SA.

Michael Hipp wrote:
 Yes. I always hit the 'Junk' button which promptly gets them out of my 
 sight and into the Junk folder. This seemed to work great on Mozilla but 
 I suspect something is unfinished in Thunderbird. The same messages just 
 keep getting thru. Likely it will be working in a later beta release.

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Re: spamassassin's sa-learn

2003-11-14 Thread M.W. Chang

It seems that mozilla's built-in bayesian filter works better than
SpamAssassin. Until now, SA failed to identify many Chinese spam while
mozilla can correctly move them into the Junk folder on reception.

 It's not *really* Bayesian - I don't think any of them are. They all ignore the
 cross-correlation. That is, they don't correct for the fact that enlarge and
 p...s frequently occur together, and sum the probabilities. To do it right
 is hard.
 I used to run a Bayesian filter at work, until they disabled Unix e-mail
 at the end of October, and it worked fairly well.

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tar + bunzip2

2003-11-14 Thread M.W. Chang
how to decompress file.tar.bz2 with tar and bunzip2?

`bunzip2 -dkc file.tar.bz2 | tar xvf` didn't work.

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Re: tar + bunzip2

2003-11-14 Thread M.W. Chang
Even COL 3.1 doesn't have the -j and --bzip option. I will use the
bzcat2 | tar - method. thanks.

# tar -xjvf file.tar.bz2
 Yup. I'm running various SuSE distributions from 8.1-9.0 and they all 
 have this option. My only remaining Caldera box (eD2.4), however, does 
 not. It appears to have been added in newer versions of GNU tar.

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sendmail errs after upgrading to clamav-0.65

2003-11-14 Thread M.W. Chang
I upgraded from clamav-0.60 to clamav-0.65. When I tried the
clamav-milter using `cat test1 | mail root`, I sae these entries in

Nov 15 13:33:27 server sendmail[31734]: hAF5XRdP031734: hAF5XRdQ031734:
DSN: User unknown
Nov 15 13:33:27 server sendmail[31714]: hAF5XP2h031714: Losing
./qfhAF5XP2h031714: savemail panic
Nov 15 13:33:27 server sendmail[31714]: hAF5XP2h031714: SYSERR(root):
savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere

Is it a problem on my side or does the new version require some new
options in /etc/clamav.conf?

I have prepared a new step-x-step article on setting up clamav-milter
and would submit it after sorting this last problem.

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spamassassin's sa-learn

2003-11-11 Thread M.W. Chang
have you ever toyed with the Bayesian learner?
I wonder where SA stores her rules.
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Re: spamassassin's sa-learn

2003-11-11 Thread M.W. Chang
sorry, I found it in the doc. it's in users' home directories or be
specified by bayes_path in site config file

M.W. Chang wrote:
 have you ever toyed with the Bayesian learner?
 I wonder where SA stores her rules.

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Re: textmaker for very little money, tuesday only

2003-11-09 Thread M.W. Chang
what does textmaker do?

dep wrote:
 i use textmaker -- couldn't live without it -- and it is very, very 
 good. i got this note from 'em tonight and thought i'd pass it along in 
 case anyone had been interested but didn't want to pay $50 for the 
 product (though if it were $200 it would be worth it, imho).

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2003-11-09 Thread M.W. Chang
what is the m4 macro name for this option?

O MaxMessageSize=200

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Re: textmaker for very little money, tuesday only

2003-11-09 Thread M.W. Chang
better than open office?

Tony Alfrey wrote:

 Seriously, however, it's a Word replacement that works well, reads and 
 writes Word format.

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tar vs cp

2003-11-01 Thread M.W. Chang
It's from a how-to on converting a root partition to xfs.
what does the following command do?
mount -t ext2 /dev/hda6 /mnt
cd /
tar lvcf - . | (cd /mnt ; tar xpvf -)
can I use cp -a to achieve what the tar did?

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Re: Acroread: Why it won't open documents

2003-11-01 Thread M.W. Chang
does one need to pay Lindows to access her warehouse?

 I downloaded acrobat reader from the lindows warehouse (Debian system). It
 wouldn't open valid pdf documents or items linked on the internet.

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Re: tar vs cp

2003-11-01 Thread M.W. Chang

it's the - that I didn't understand. thanks.
so tar will always back up the permissions and ownership with c ?

 tar lvcf - . | (cd /mnt ; tar xpvf -)
 Invoke tar on the current directory (.) without recursing outside
 of the current directory's file system (l) and verbosely (v) create
 (c) an archive, sending the output to stdout (f -), which output
 is  piped into the subprocess specified between the (). That subprocess 
 first makes /mnt its current working directory (cd /mnt) then invokes
 tar *in /mnt* to extract (x) the archive file read from stdin (f -),
 saving file permissions on files in the extracted archive (p).

cp may be slow, but can achieve the same result right?
or may cp -xa / /mnt?

 can I use cp -a to achieve what the tar did?
 No -- cp will be considerably slower than tar.

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Re: xfs_check permission denied.

2003-10-26 Thread M.W. Chang

thanks. I figured out another solution: boot into single-user mode.

 what's the password for root? knoppix?
 No, it is a randomly generated password. If you switch to a VT
 (ctrl-alt-Fn) you'll find that root is logged in (default). You can
 change the password or just do your thing.

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Re: gcc-3.2.1 and htdig-3.1.6

2003-10-25 Thread M.W. Chang

strange. it worked this morning. I couldn't get through the configure
part yesterday night, with the libstdc++ missing error.

anyway, thanks.

Net Llama! wrote:

 On Fri, 24 Oct 2003, M.W. Chang wrote:
 I updated the gcc to 3.2.1 (following the gcc notes). When I tried to
 compiled htdig, it complained about missing libstdc++ libraries. How
 could that be possible? I checked that the gcc source tree had a
 subdirectory libstdc++.
 What was the exact error?

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xfs_check permission denied.

2003-10-25 Thread M.W. Chang

I booted my system with Knoppix 3.3 and attempted to xfs_check a xfs 
partition on the harddisk. it reported an error permission denied.

what could possibly caused that?

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Re: xfs_check permission denied.

2003-10-25 Thread M.W. Chang

I supposed the drive shouldn't be mounted when doing checking. that's
how ext2's file fsck works.

Michael Hipp wrote:
 M.W. Chang wrote:
 I booted my system with Knoppix 3.3 and attempted to xfs_check a xfs 
 partition on the harddisk. it reported an error permission denied.
 what could possibly caused that?
 Does it need to be mounted r/w for that?

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Re: the irc channel

2003-10-24 Thread M.W. Chang

in that case, the corresponding linux-sxs webpage needs to be updated.

James Conner wrote:
 Try it was changed a while ago.

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gcc-3.2.1 and htdig-3.1.6

2003-10-24 Thread M.W. Chang

I updated the gcc to 3.2.1 (following the gcc notes). When I tried to 
compiled htdig, it complained about missing libstdc++ libraries. How 
could that be possible? I checked that the gcc source tree had a 
subdirectory libstdc++.

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database of rcs and rpm

2003-10-23 Thread M.W. Chang

in openlinux, rpm-3.0.6 uses /var/lib/rpm to store her databases.
what about rcs-5.7?
and does it apply to other distro?

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Re: database of rcs and rpm

2003-10-23 Thread M.W. Chang

 in openlinux, rpm-3.0.6 uses /var/lib/rpm to store her databases.
 what about rcs-5.7?
 what does rcs have to do with this?

I want to know the global location of the database files used by rcs.
for backup purposes.

 and does it apply to other distro?
 Does what apply to other distros?

I meant whether all distro place the database of rcs in the same directory.

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Re: database of rcs and rpm

2003-10-23 Thread M.W. Chang

that shoudl be covered when I backup /home/*

 RCS doesn't use central databases, but an RCS directory under each
 directory where RCS is used.  

where is the CVSROOT? what did you mean by one or more?

 CVS uses one or more CVSROOT directories.
 The CVSROOT for any directory containing files under CVS control are in the
 CVS/Root file.

nice tip. thanks

 You can determine the location of the RPM database with the command:
   rpm --eval '%{_dbpath}'

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the irc channel

2003-10-23 Thread M.W. Chang

server down? or is it my fault?

??? Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 82]
??? Unable to connect to port 6667 of server No such
  file or directory
??? Connecting to port 6667 of server [refnum 82]
??? Unable to connect to port 6667 of server No such
  file or directory
??? Use /Server to connect to a server
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where is the Compiling gcc step

2003-10-23 Thread M.W. Chang

I could no longer find it where is it now?

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: Compiling gcc
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 07:55:32 +0800
From: m.w.chang [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Home with Linux
Newsgroups: sxs.lists.linux-users

is the notes accessible from the sidebar on the webpage? I culdn't quite
find it...

Douglas J Hunley wrote:
 Is there a howto or other easy to follow instructions for linux for
 installing gcc?

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Re: AOL fixes the Windows Messenger Service popup spam problem

2003-10-23 Thread M.W. Chang

you only need to reach the control panel - msn messenger, and turn the
whole thing off. there shouldn't be any need for a special tool.

 For non-AOL users, here is a free utility for turning off and on the Windows
 Messenger Service:

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Re: Set system date time

2003-10-15 Thread M.W. Chang
search for timekeeping in the site. I agree that the article was
hidden. :)

Rick Sivernell wrote:
 On Tue, 14 Oct 2003 20:50:34 +0800
 M.W. Chang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dont' miss the step-by-step article on setting system time.
 Many thanks for reply. dl ntp  rdate now
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 I guess I missed that, I did look ,but may have had bad eye sight.

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Re: Set system date time

2003-10-14 Thread M.W. Chang
dont' miss the step-by-step article on setting system time.

Many thanks for reply. dl ntp  rdate now

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sendmail relay problem

2003-10-13 Thread M.W. Chang
i have set FEATURE(relay_unresolvable_domains) in my

why I still got the following error when I tried email as root from my 
local domain which is not registered?

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(reason: 553 5.1.8 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Domain of sender 
address [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist)

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Re: error compiling lilo from source

2003-10-09 Thread M.W. Chang
I missed the long thread. I guess I should try older versions.
I am still using the old glibc-2.2.1 that came with COL 3.1
Net Llama! wrote:
probe.c:250:1: directives may not be used inside a macro argument
probe.c:249:15: unterminated argument list invoking macro printf
probe.c: In function `notice':
probe.c:256: parse error before string constant
/usr/include/sys/stat.h: At top level:
geometry.h:67: warning: array `max_partno' assumed to have one element
make: *** [probe.o] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: lilo- rpm -qf /usr/include/sys/stat.h
LILO is very sensitive to the gcc, glibc  binutils versions that you have
installed.  Some quick googling suggests that the version of gcc or glibc
could cause the error that you're seeing.  Interestingly, someone posted
the same error here:
my money is on glibc.

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Re: Maximum Memory in Linux

2003-10-09 Thread M.W. Chang
are these options available from make menuconfig?

James McDonald wrote:
 # CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM is not set
 # CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
 The standard /boot/config-2.4.20-8 contains the above settings which is 
 fine what your problem is

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Re: Maximum Memory in Linux

2003-10-09 Thread M.W. Chang
forget it. I found it.

M.W. Chang wrote:

 are these options available from make menuconfig?
 James McDonald wrote:
 # CONFIG_NOHIGHMEM is not set
 # CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set
 The standard /boot/config-2.4.20-8 contains the above settings which is 
 fine what your problem is

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Re: strange problem with checkinstall and spamassassin

2003-10-09 Thread M.W. Chang
I found the reason. it's the apache-toolbox that created a redhat
directory in /usr/src. checkinstall's script scanned the redhat
directory first before OpenLInux. I removed the directory and everything
is fine now.

M.W. Chang wrote:

 I don't have the error with other packages. that's really strange
 Federico Voges wrote:
error: cannot open file
rpm: No such file or directory

why would there be a redhat word when I am using caldera OpenLinux system?
 Nope, it's just checkinstall assuming you're using redhat. 
 You have two options:
 A.- Modify checkinstall to use the correct directory
 B.- Symlink /usr/src/redhat to /usr/src/OpenLinux

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about building sendmail from source

2003-10-09 Thread M.W. Chang
step 7.Build the sendmail daemon
# cd sendmail
# if [ ! -e /usr/share/man ] ; then ln -s /usr/man /usr/share/man; fi
# sh Build -f /etc/mail/site.config.m4  sh Build install
  * you should see '-DMILTER' periodically during the compile
step 10.The supporting tools are now built and installed
* cd ../.. (from /usr/src/sendmail-$version/cf/cf)
* sh Build  sh Build install
I used `checkinstall -si sh Build install` in both steps. Then I run rpm 
-qil the the two resultant packages, the sendmail daemon (and 3 other 
commands) was duplicated.

Could/should one just use step 10 (with modification to use sh Build -c 
-f /etc/mail/site.config.m4) install both the sendmail daemon and tools?

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error compiling lilo from source

2003-10-08 Thread M.W. Chang
what did I miss? is there a how-to on this?

cc -c -O2 -Wall -g -DLILO=0x489b `( if [ -r $ROOT/etc/lilo.defines
]; then cat $ROOT/etc/lilo.defines; else echo -DBDATA -DDSECS=3 -DEVMS
-DSOLO_CHAIN -DVERSION -DVIRTUAL; fi ) | sed 's/-D/-DLCF_/g'` probe.c
probe.c:250:1: directives may not be used inside a macro argument
probe.c:249:15: unterminated argument list invoking macro printf
probe.c: In function `notice':
probe.c:256: parse error before string constant
/usr/include/sys/stat.h: At top level:
geometry.h:67: warning: array `max_partno' assumed to have one element
make: *** [probe.o] Error 1
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: lilo- rpm -qf /usr/include/sys/stat.h

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error compiling samba-3.0.0

2003-09-28 Thread M.W. Chang

anyone successfully compiled it from source? anyone got similar problem?

I hit an error:

Linking bin/smbd
tdb/tdbutil.o: In function `tdb_search_keys':
/usr/src/samba-3.0.0/source/tdb/tdbutil.c:791: undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [bin/smbd] Error 1

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strange problem with checkinstall and spamassassin

2003-09-27 Thread M.W. Chang

I was trying to install Mail-SpamAssassin-2.60 from tarball.
Perl Makefile.PL

I ran into this error:

Installing RPM package... FAILED!

*** Failed to install the package

Do you want to see the log file?  [y]:
error: cannot open file
rpm: No such file or directory

why would there be a redhat word when I am using caldera OpenLinux system?

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Re: strange problem with checkinstall and spamassassin

2003-09-27 Thread M.W. Chang
I don't have the error with other packages. that's really strange

Federico Voges wrote:

error: cannot open file
rpm: No such file or directory

why would there be a redhat word when I am using caldera OpenLinux system?
 Nope, it's just checkinstall assuming you're using redhat. 
 You have two options:
 A.- Modify checkinstall to use the correct directory
 B.- Symlink /usr/src/redhat to /usr/src/OpenLinux

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Re: Interesting Read

2003-02-22 Thread M.W. Chang
I had no idea why the writer made this comment:

How a ragtag band of software geeks is threatening Sun and
Microsoft--and turning the computer world upside down

what was turning upside down?
ragtag band of geeks?

Iraj Medifar wrote:
 Hi all:
 I figure most every Linux user should find this to be an enjoyabke read.

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Re: robots.txt

2003-02-09 Thread M.W. Chang
I have deleted apache from my linux server. will not bother to look back.

Ken Moffat wrote:
 Ken Moffat wrote:
 Anyone know the function of robots.txt? I have seen attempted access to 
 it in my apache logs.
 Ah, never mind, I found a page describing this functionality.

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Re: OT a gd jb

2003-02-08 Thread M.W. Chang
hahaano more aeiou? ;)

 % at lst i dd ystrd.
 % From:  Kurt Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 %  f u cn rd ths, u cn gt a gd jb n cmptr prgrmmng.

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Re: updating openssh

2003-01-12 Thread M.W. Chang
that's a 1024-bit kit. it's not supposed to be that easy to hack it,
right? I never consider yahoo to be safe. :P

 email account to be secure I hope. Any wannabe script kiddie will crack 
 that account in less than a minute, grabbing your private key, checking 
 the header for the originating ip address, and 10 seconds later sitting 
 at a command prompt as root. Don't expect a flood of offers as a 
 SysAdmin anytime soon.

  .~.Might, Courage, Vision. In Linux We Trust.
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Re: LAN*Assist on linux?

2003-01-08 Thread M.W. Chang
I haven't received rthe Jan 2003 issue, yet... thx.

Jack Berger wrote:
 Here's one possible candidate. Haven't tried it myself but the claim is that it
 can do what you want.
   Power Sessions with Screen
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Re: mirror for knoppix

2003-01-08 Thread M.W. Chang
can a search on for knoppix 3.1 download help?
I forgot where I got the iso...

Keith Morse wrote:
 Just wondering if list members have a recommendation for a knoppix mirror?

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Re: [suggestion] db.html

2003-01-08 Thread M.W. Chang
gcc is surely simpler than glibc... oh.. I mixed them up in my reply to
Mr. Hunley... I was talking about glibc, not gcc.. sorry, Doug.

Net Llama! wrote:
 On 01/07/03 11:28, Douglas J Hunley wrote:
 the gcc_notes are my content from . they are not part of the 
 site (yet)
 How hard could/would it be to make them so?  Seriously, why weren't they 
 a part of the SxS from day 1?

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Re: [gentoo] installation

2003-01-08 Thread M.W. Chang
I havne't started the installation. not until this weekend.
in the meantime, I will read through the installation procedure carefully.

 Why a spare machine? The network set up in the gentoo install is fine.
 At least if you are using ethernet. I do not know about modems. Does the
 gentoo network work for you?
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Re: updating openssl

2003-01-06 Thread M.W. Chang

I was just wondering about the possiblity of effortless upgrade when the
core of all these security compoennts was changed.

wonder how the military handles this kind of changes... :)

stayer wrote:
 I've found that its best to recompile those applications, especially
 openssh whenever openssl is updated

dig: error while loading shared libraries: cannot
load share d object file: No such file or directory

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Re: Happy Christmas

2002-12-25 Thread M.W. Chang
I guess linux is a better santa than M$, being open-sourced and freely
available... :)

Ken Moffat wrote:
 Well, list, it's Christmas here in Pittsburgh, so I'm allowed to wish
 you all a happy Christmas and to pray God's blessings on you and yours.
 Here's my wish for love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness,
 and goodness for you. Perchance *I'll* find one of these in *my* stocking
 later this morning.
 Blessed be,
 May Santa be kind to all.

  .~.Might, Courage, Vision. In Linux We Trust.
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Re: fetchmail error

2002-12-13 Thread M.W. Chang
I posted my question in comp.mail.sendmail.
one suggested me to add procmail to fetchmail. another suggested using

but before I got their reply, I used OE to pull them out... I guess M$
OE breeded a generation of usres to use badly formatted email
addressses. I guess Asians don't like 7-bit ASCII at all...

Joel Hammer wrote:
 If you feel adventuresome, you might telnet to your pop3 server, and try to
 delete the file manually. (telnet server 110.)

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[Fwd: [OT] VFP7 will run on Linux]

2002-12-13 Thread M.W. Chang

 Original Message 
Subject: [OT] VFP7 will run on Linux
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 09:45:33 -0800
To: Multiple recipients of ProFox [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This question has come up before, so I wanted to post my recent results
in case people are still interested.  Last night I put the final piece of
the puzzle together to get vfp7, out of the box, to run in a mostly stable
fashion on Linux.  Here's my first screenshot:

My testing also indicates that executables built from vfp7 will also run on

Please understand, these are preliminary results only and I haven't done
testing in the way of printing, scanning, com ports, etc.  I have verified
that vfp dbf's and dbc's are handled just fine, and that the various
sqlstringconnect(), sqlexec(), etc. commands work for connecting to backend
databases.  Classes can be designed visually, browse windows will display,

I also don't have, at this point, a roadmap to tell others exactly what to
do to get vfp to run on their linux installations.  I do have notes jotted
in various places and intend to get them formulated into a set of
instructions.  How far along I get in doing this depends to a great extent
on the amount of interest shown for this.

There is still at least one significant problem that I need to surmount
before this can be considered a completely stable development
I just wanted people to see how possible it will be to run VFP on Linux...
a glimpse into the future perhaps...

(by the way, I've had no luck getting VFP8 to work and I have tried.  VFP8
must have been significantly rewritten or something).

Hollister, California, USA

Subscription maintenance at:

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Re: mount image and archive files

2002-12-02 Thread M.W. Chang
late reply:

mounting a stacker volumn may be a bad idea. but moutning archives (zip,
rar, ...), nrg, cue+bin if not ccd are not. who would know whether they
have interest in linux in the future? They don't get popular in WIndow$
without a reason.

Net Llama! wrote:
 Final winner of what?  a booby prize?  Its all proprietary windoze
 garbage.  I'll repeat, if you love this crap so much, then just use
 windoze.  Stop trying to pollute a good OS with bad ideas.

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Re: The Phoenix Project

2002-09-29 Thread M.W. Chang

cannot agree more. I believe there quite a number of users out there 
need to use IE + Mozilla mail-news. :)  OE is such a joke 

 IMO, they need a second group to spin-off the mail/news client and fix 
 that, too...

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Re: symbol count in a text file [iptables log]

2002-09-21 Thread M.W. Chang

I could figure this one out. but how to list all possible combinations 
of DPT= in a text file? There should be an existing shell util that 
will do something like this:

select distinct DPT=* from textfile

then I need to direct each combination into a file and apply wc on it to 
produce a distribution

 grep DPT= /var/log/messages | wc

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Re: FW: Unix Tip: BE A GURU - RTFM

2002-07-18 Thread M.W. Chang

I agree, but only if the manual was written to be read by others. I have
seen so many crappy documentation when M$ decided to monopolize market
with M$ Office.

 By the Way, for those that
 don't know by now.

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Re: where's les?

2002-07-16 Thread M.W. Chang

frankly, was there anyone trying to get their way into caldera anagement
back then?  I bought COL 1.3 because I saw Ray Noorda's name and I
wanted to learn more about linux.

I guess Mr. Noorda may have done things differently...

 to join.  I'll jog your memory.  He said that he wasn't about to join a
 bunch of children who felt the need to take their ball and leave the game
 whenever they didn't get their way.

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