Re: Moving to Sylpheed from PMMail

2003-02-28 Thread stayler
On Fri, 28 Feb 2003 03:10:00 -0300, Federico Voges wrote:

You should be able to do some kind of recursive script to convert your
whole folder tree from PMMail to Sylpheed. I don't use Sylpheed, so I
don't know how it stores the mails/folders.


Thanks a bunch!  Just what the doctor ordered!


PS Still using it as the header of this msg will show

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Moving to Sylpheed from PMMail

2003-02-27 Thread stayler
Well it seems the promised Linux version of PMMAil is pretty much a
piece of Vaporware so I'm looking to transfer some of my old PMMail
folders to Sylpheed.  PMMail uses directories and a somewhat strange
way of tagging msg's as individual files.  I understand that Sylpheed
is similar but the files are numbered in order.  Is there a simple way
in BASH to rename the files in a directory with numbers in ascending


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Re: GCC: where to compile it

2003-02-26 Thread stayler
On Wed, 26 Feb 2003 20:41:12 -0500, Kurt Wall wrote:

I've built GCC more times the last year than I care to count, and I have
yet to blow up my system compiler.


I am wodering, do you reference the new GCC during builds or do you
simply remove the older GCC?


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Re: Hosed mail Re: OT Re: Ogg

2003-02-22 Thread stayler
On Sat, 22 Feb 2003 19:08:58 -0800, Net Llama! wrote:

problem is that the load on the box is over 20.00, with 
going bezerk.

Thats interesting.  Is there a relaying issue?

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Re: disk fun

2003-02-21 Thread stayler
On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 22:10:46 +0100, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:

Interesting. I wonder what the most and least efficient linux fs is for
many small files. In some of my data collection systems, this is a common
file type. Others will have this and some files that are quite large. But
never as many very large files.

hpfs used a 512 byte cluster size..

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Re: ISP difficulties

2003-02-17 Thread stayler
I had great luck with qmail.  Its a free download and the Life with
Qmail website has the entire setup online in a sort of step by step
format, I believe


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:02:38 +0800, Chong Yu Meng wrote:

Has anyone got any experience setting this up ? Any other documents or 
links that can help me ? Please don't point me to books I have to buy 
because I am unemployed at the moment, and trying to save money.

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Re: too small linux partition?

2003-02-11 Thread stayler
Excellent suggestion.  I might add that init 1 should do that for you. 
Thanks Tim, purple hazed that one


On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:01:16 -0500, Tim Wunder wrote:

Boot into single user mode, as root.
You should then be able to umount /home since root's home directory is 


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Re: too small linux partition?

2003-02-11 Thread stayler


Ok, if I am reading your right, you now have /dev/hda7 mounted on
/home.  If you try to unmount /home the system reports it as busy.  Are
you logged in as anything else but root?

If you moved mv all directories and files that were in /home and then
mounted /dev/hda7 as /home then you are done.  The directory itself is
part of the / file system, the data is simply stored on /dev/hda7, I
assume that /dev/hda1 is /?


On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 06:37:49 -0700, Dr. Jones wrote:

I accomplished the goal of moving my /home directory to /dev/hda7. A reboot
and subsequent writes to subdirectories in /home demonstrate that the files
are winding up on /dev/hda7. Here's my dilemma now: Since my /home directory
made the transition over to /dev/hda7, how do I now purge /home on

'mout' shows /home mounted on /dev/hda7, and reports that it is busy if I
attempt to 'umount' this point. I want to umount it so that I can then go in
and remove /dev/hda1/home and thus clear the space it now occupies.

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Re: too small linux partition?

2003-02-11 Thread stayler
Hey Scott,

If you moved all the directories and files from /dev/hda1 to /dev/hda7
there is simply the directory for /home that must be present in / in
order for /dev/hda7 to have a place to be mounted!  Without it there
will be no /home.  It takes up minimal space.  SO don't worry about

On Tue, 11 Feb 2003 06:58:43 -0700, Dr. Jones wrote:


Here's why, and maybe I don't need to umount it.

Now, /home resides on /dev/hda7, yet, there is my old and now inactive /home
folder on /dev/hda1. I want to remove /dev/hda1/home and thus clear the
space it now occupies. I had hoped to do that by umounting /dev/hda7/home.


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Re: Mail Question

2003-02-10 Thread stayler

Yes as your sendmail should simply go directly to the recipients mail
server.  Or the simpler alternative is to direct the email through
whatever email server your machine is allowed to relay through already.
 That will accomplish the same result without needing sendmail.  


On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:22:08 +0800, Chong Yu Meng wrote:

My question is this :
Was the engineer just blowing smoke at me, or does that actually work ?
If the MX record of points to another server (and I can't change 
the record), and I install sendmail or postfix on my server, and point 
my servlet to localhost as the SMTP server, will mail delivery 
succeed, even if mail relaying is denied ?

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Re: too small linux partition?

2003-02-10 Thread stayler
On 09 Feb 2003 22:58:02 -0700, Scott S. Jones D.C. wrote:

I am trying to find some way to either 1) expand the size of my linux
partition dynamically, without destroying the data it contains, or 2)
move some of my folders to an alternate partition on my system, where I
have room, by creatively using mount and /etc/fstab entries, to point my
system to alternate locations.

In the past I have added partitons that I mounted in places like /usr
and /opt and /home.  That usually cleared alot of space.  Its a simple
way to go for now.  Just mount the new partition for say /usr under say
/extra.  mv /usr/* /extra.  umount /extra and mount the new partition
as /usr.  Really quite simple...

The other option is to get a bigger HD and just move everything


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Re: Weird boot problem??

2003-02-10 Thread stayler
This brings up an interesting point for me.  I say the stream of
comments on XFS a while back.  Unfortunately, I was otherwise occupied
and couldn't delve in.  The miriad of patches was the first thing that
stopped me.  Has this sorted itself out yet?  IS a Steps in the making?


PS...  Lama, the new sxs site looks good.  Still get some corruption on
Opera but thats probably me

On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:32:36 +0100, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:

Depending on options to tune2fs, ext2/3 volumes may be fsck's automatically
on either 38 reboots or 180 days. This is only at reboot. So, if you don't
reboot often, you may miss this. Our systems are rebooted at least once a
day (power to the vehicle that are in is not permanent). So, we see this and
look forward to xfs.

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Re: Oz cops it again, fire!

2003-01-20 Thread stayler
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:49:07 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

 Greenies are being blamed for stopping of fire hazzard 
reduction and clearing of trees.
Mind you people love to build houses nowadays in rural tree filled area

The same things are being said in thge US.  I tend to agree, the
Greenies are way to intolerant of any ideas on how to manage the land,
other than leaving it completely alone.  And we can all see how nature
manages itself...  

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Re: Connection reliability

2003-01-20 Thread stayler
Hi Ben,

Yes I am running B8ZS and it is a scalable T.  I can have it all the
way up to a full T-1 with a phone call.  The equipment is capable.  Its
a pay for the bandwidth you want sort of setup.

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 08:14:44 -0600, Ben Duncan wrote:

Ok .. I am trying to understand what you are saying here. If you have 
a T1 you should have
24 Channels, are you running a Fract T1? If so, is the premise 
equipment cabable of
Fract or Full T support? Are you using clear channel signaling? (I.E. 
1 - 23 have full 64K bandwidith whilst channel 24 is your D channel)

What is the telco quipment set as - B8ZS ?

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Re: Connection reliability

2003-01-20 Thread stayler
There are several lights on the unit, one od which is a framing error
indication.  This one goes red during the problem times, and yes the
phone service goes as well.  

This problem has been going on for 6 months at least.  My location is
fed by about a 2 miles of copper that comes from the local fiber drop. 
It could be maintenance, but it'll happen at all hours of the day and
night and I have never seen a repair guy out here at night

On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 09:06:02 -0600, C M Reinehr wrote:

Sounds suspeciously similar to problems I was having, but we need to learn 
a little more about your problem. When you say that your connection drops 
out, do you mean just your internet connection or do you lose phone 
service, as well. The telephone company terminates a T-1 line into a 
network termination unit. On mine, and I would imagine on all of them, 
there is a single green LED which indicates that the T-1 is up and 
functioning. Is your T-1 up  functioning, or is the entire T-1 dropping?

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Re: Connection reliability

2003-01-20 Thread stayler

My intention is to have some documentation to backup my assertions
about the circuit reliability.  That is the reason for the project I
originally submitted...


On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 09:35:09 -0600, C M Reinehr wrote:

If you're ntu is indicating a framing problem, I think your only recourse 
is to complain to the telephone company. (In my case, the line would go 
entirely dead -- no frames at all. :-) Just remember that, while the phone 
company may be the evil empire, the line technicians are your friends. I 
kept calling (and complaining to the public service commission) but it was 
a local T-1 service technician who ultimately identified the problem, after 
giving me his personal cell phone number so I could call him directly, when 
my problem would reoccur.

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Re: Stupid scripting question -- FAQ-ish

2003-01-20 Thread stayler
On Mon, 20 Jan 2003 11:09:52 -0500, Tim Wunder wrote:

So, essentially, my question is: How do I send a mail message from the 
command line without requiring additional user input?

smtpclient will do just that.  I have it send my portsentry/logsentry
reports every 15min.  Works great for just this sort of situation...


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Re: Oz cops it again, fire!

2003-01-19 Thread stayler
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 17:41:01 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

The devastation we are seeing is the worst in living memory. I must admit that 
I am very gald to be in Queensland, but with the way the drought has provided 
fuel for fires we are not are not immune as 75% of the state is tinder dry.

Keep ypour garden wet there Keith!  

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Connection reliability

2003-01-19 Thread stayler
Hi Guys,

I have a somewhat annoying ongoing problem here that I think the list
may be able to assist me with.  My connection to the Internet is via a
T-1.  I have 6 B chan for IP and 2 for some voice lines right now.  My
connection seems to drop out on a fairly regular basis, at least once
every 2 days, sometime more often for periods of a few sec to over
15min.  They seem to occur at random times and do not appear to be
local in nature, ie the premises equipment, the router is a box called
a Vina eLink.   I will have at my disposal in the near futer a Bit
Error rate tester, I now maintain a network of 16 DS1 microwave radios,
it pays to have a day job.  In the mean time I'd like to have my
firewall box provide some stats that I could use as leverage with my
account rep.

The Box is a Slackware 8.0 with 2.2.20 and IP Chains on it.  I was
thinking a regular, say every minute ping of 5 packets to a remote box,
someone amenable to me doing this of course.  The resulting information
being saved and collated to show outages with an accurate date/time

Ideas suggestions?


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Re: Reply-to is fixed

2003-01-12 Thread stayler
That's always a good reason.  Thanks


On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 22:26:28 -0500, Kurt Wall wrote:

Feigning erudition, stayler wrote:
% Apparently Mailman is the list manager du jour?  Was there something
% wretched about majordomo?  

It's a bitch to administer.

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Re: updating openssh

2003-01-07 Thread stayler
On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 16:00:26 +0800, m.w.chang wrote:

while sshd is active, can one rpm -e openssh and use checkinstall?

That I can't say.  Since I went over to Slackware, I've been tarballing


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Re: Dual boot upgrade...

2003-01-07 Thread stayler
Lilo will boot Win2K fine.  He may need to make up a boot floppy so he
can reinstall lilo when Win2K is done frelling up his HD


On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 04:33:24 +, James Conner wrote:

I have a friend that is currently running Mandrake 9.0 and Win98SE with lilo 
as the boot manager.  His system has 640mb of ram and Win98 doesn't like it 
at all.  He wants to upgrade 98 to either XP or 2000.  He also wants to keep 
the dual boot to MDK 9.0, he likes linux, but is very much a newbie.
Since I'll be assisting him in this, my question is what needs to be done 
different with lilo, if anything?  I've searched the mailing list archives 
and didn't find what I need.  I do remember a thread on this a year or so 

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Re: updating openssl

2003-01-06 Thread stayler
mod_ssl will need to be redone if memory serves

On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 10:07:27 +0800, m.w.chang wrote:

just learnt that. a power failure yesterday night forced me to reboot
the linux server, and sshd refused to run. had to recompile it.
so far, I had recompiled: proftpd, fetchmail, openssh, bind.
I think sendmail would have been affected if I used ssl login.

let me check apache...

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Re: updating openssh

2003-01-06 Thread stayler
Done it a couple times.  Just cron a restart of sshd for a few minutes
later then kill sshd after the make install, plus editing of
sshd_config of course...

On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 12:12:30 +0800, m.w.chang wrote:

how could one upgrade openssh if openssh is the only remote shell 
available on a linux server? I always fell back to telnet when I needed 
to update openssh.

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Re: another small problem with networking

2003-01-05 Thread stayler

Did you set the default route in the Win boxes to the IP of the linux
Masquerade box?

On Sun, 5 Jan 2003 14:16:22 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

I have a friend that has a linux box (mandrake9.0) and an XP plus a ME 
connected. We can get it to the stage where we can ping from to either of the others (3  4) and from them to 1 or 2.
We have 2 inet cards installed in the linux box. However we cannot get to 
the net from either of the windows boxes. Forwarding is active, tried 
masquerade and it locked it up tight.
Have one cable that does not work at all, it has to be a crossover cable ; 

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Re: Xmas Greetings

2002-12-24 Thread stayler
Merry Xmas to you and yours Skippy!  Keep your powder dry!

On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 19:39:28 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

About the only people I can get in ahead of me are New Zealanders, but my 
daughter has come
home for Xmas. I would like to wish you all a very Merry Xmas and a healthy 
and Happy New Year.
It is 8pm on Xmas Eve here and a tropical Storm has just passing through, a 
bit savage but its rain.

Look after yourselves one and all..

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Re: Tualatin?

2002-12-18 Thread stayler
On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:16:13 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What in the hell is an Intel Tualatin processor? The Soyo web site
has entries for Intel Tualatin Motherboards. I've never heard of

The P3 and Celerons over 1Ghz are of this type, IIRC


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Re: How to mount a filesystem with ownership rights

2002-12-15 Thread stayler
wouldn't chown celia.users /home/celia -r

with a user=celia in fstab do it?


On Sun, 15 Dec 2002 11:50:26 +, Collins wrote:

I've created a separate partition for my daughter's mp3 collection,
and this is mounted via fstab to /home/cecilia/mp3.

The only problem is, she can't created new directories.  Each time I
have to su, mkdir, and chown.

How can I automated the mount and get the correct permissions?

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Re: OT Re: Big problems in Oz

2002-12-05 Thread stayler
On Fri, 6 Dec 2002 06:19:17 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

Armageddon ??

Naw.  Christmas shopping season.

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Re: OK my hardware is screwed how to I diagnose it?

2002-11-28 Thread stayler
On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 07:01:29 -0800, Ted Ozolins wrote:

I've had this happen  because of heat and I've had this because of bad ram. 
Memtest has been mentioned by at least two prior postss, I suggest you use 

May I add one other suggestion.  In similar instances, one thing I have
done that has been effective occasionally is to simply remove and
reseat every component in the system.  DIMM's and cards etc  This
have solve several curious problems for me in the past.


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Interesting log entry

2002-10-29 Thread stayler
Hi Guys,

One of my firewall boxes has had several of these errors show up in
/var/log/messages.  Its coming from 2 or 3 different IP's.  Would
anyone have an idea as to what I am looking at, or what else I should
look for?


Begin quoted text++

Unusual System Events
Oct 29 17:34:49 gw in.identd[15835]: reply to 61536 ,

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Re: NEw Arrival

2002-10-24 Thread stayler
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 09:36:31 -0400 (EDT), Net Llama! wrote:

Congratulations!  Don't expect to sleep much for the next 18 years  :)

Oh  I've already noticed..  I'm more zombie than human

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Re: NEw Arrival

2002-10-24 Thread stayler
On Thu, 24 Oct 2002 11:20:06 -0400, Tim Wunder wrote:

Didn't you just do this not too long ago?
Maybe I'm remembering wrong...

We lost our last daughter at 38 weeks so This time is very special.

Thanks though Tim!

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NEw Arrival

2002-10-23 Thread stayler
Gentlemen and Ladies,

I am pleased to announce the arrival of our new daughter, Madison

6lb 6oz and 20in.

Now I need to start planning her first PC!


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Re: Portsentry and Sendmail

2002-10-15 Thread stayler

On Tue, 15 Oct 2002 11:14:19 -0400, Matthew Carpenter wrote:

Instead of [EMAIL PROTECTED], you can get email messages from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or something to that extent.

oo.  I like this  I'll take a look.  Thanks Matt!

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Re: OT alternatives to groupwise?

2002-10-02 Thread stayler

On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 14:35:51 -0400, Douglas J Hunley wrote:

I got roped into a project to re-architect the enterprise email system here at 
the state. groupwise is the incumbent here, I'm tryuing to pitch sendmail 
switch. of course, exchange is also out there, and lotus notes/domino. what 
else are people using? named and URLs would be great. thanks

You might take a look at qmail.  Its been rock solid here for several
months now.


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Re: [ot] openssh.html

2002-09-29 Thread stayler

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 18:15:57 +0800, m.w.chang wrote:

wasn't there a sxs article on compiling openssh? I could't find it 
anymore.. I am sure that I had seen it... I was trying to update it with 
the option with-privsep-user when I was fixing the HTML formatting for 

What distro are you trying to run it on?  Also have you updated OpenSSL
as well?

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Re: [ot] openssh.html

2002-09-29 Thread stayler

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 09:25:44 -0700, Net Llama! wrote:

I guess i should add that in order for PrivSep to work, you need to 
create an sshd user (with /bin/false or something similar as its shell), 
and make the sshd user's $HOME /var/empty.

Yes.  There is a nice README.privsep file that goes into all the gory
details in the openssh tarball.  Its really easy.


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Re: [ot] openssh.html

2002-09-29 Thread stayler

There is a catch in the openssl conpile that caught me bad this last
time.  You have to add the option shared,  no -'s,  to the
configure line

otherwise have at it.

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 09:21:06 -0700, Net Llama! wrote:

Compiling openssl and/or openssh is as easy as:
make install

As long as you install the new openssl before building the new openssh 
everything will be fine.  PrivSep comes, by default, with the new openssh.

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Re: [ot] openssh.html

2002-09-29 Thread stayler

On Sun, 29 Sep 2002 19:55:53 -0700, Net Llama! wrote:

i'm pretty sure that you have to use the sshd user for PrivSep. anything 
else and you're just running it with a user other than r00t.


But I believe that as long as the user is chroot'd into /var/empty and
openssh is configured with that user. things are allright.

The big security problem right now is openssl.  One needs 0.9.6e or


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Apache Worm

2002-09-25 Thread stayler

Hi Guys.

This may seem a simplistic question but here it goes.  I take it the
fix for this SSL exploit is to build the latest OpenSSL, 0.9.6g, and
then rebuild Apache against it?  Or is it to rebuild modssl agains the
new libraries?  I'd like to understand this a little better.


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Re: eServer 3.1.1 install reboots the machine

2002-07-15 Thread stayler


The K6 IIRC is a souped up Pentium.  That's why eServer is getting

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002 22:41:38 -0500, Matt Nelson wrote:

I'll give you example of one:

K6-2 200
256 Ram
dual 8 gig WD IDE drives
8x mitsumi hard drive
intel 10/100 Nic
S3 Virge 86C325 4 meg mem
FIC PT-2011 motherboard
it has a rocket port PCI 16 too, but removing that makes no difference.

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2002-07-07 Thread stayler

Hi guys,

I am looking at building and playing with GNUpg along with Sylpheed
(this is mylatest attempt to move my email from OS/2 to Linux).  I am
having trouble getting to the site to get the latest tarball.

I would be interested in commentary from the group about the pros and
cons  of GNUpg.  Also if there are mirror sites where the tarball can
be obtained.


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SanDisk and Linux

2002-07-03 Thread stayler

Hi Guys,

Just looking for some input.  Have any of you played around with the
small SanDisk SD card storage devices?  My Zaurus uses them and I would
like to transfer data using the 64M unit that is currently in use.  I
understand SD makes a USB adapter and I was curious if anyone has
fiddled around with such?


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Re: SanDisk and Linux

2002-07-03 Thread stayler

Hey Skippy,

So what did you do to get usb-storage to not totally lock up your
system?  I've tried 2 builds and a few different configs and it locks
up tight as a drum every time!

I've been searching all over googfle for clues but not a one

So Gandalf, lay some of that major mojo on me mate


On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 12:19:02 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

Now Shaun, you know I had one of those attached to my computer when you were 
here. Mine is a dual Sandisk reader for smartmedia and also Compactflash2 . 
So anything else will be recognised so long as its USB mas storage compat.

Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161

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Re: SanDisk and Linux

2002-07-03 Thread stayler

BTW my reader is an ACOMDATA multi car unit. it does MMC/SD/SM/CF/MS 
in 4 different slots.
Thje USB module recognizes a device but nothing appears in
/proc/bus/usb the directory stays empty.  And of course usb-storage
just hangs the whole yste, forcing a hard reset.


On Thu, 4 Jul 2002 12:19:02 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

Now Shaun, you know I had one of those attached to my computer when you were 
here. Mine is a dual Sandisk reader for smartmedia and also Compactflash2 . 
So anything else will be recognised so long as its USB mas storage compat.

Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
USB Mass Storage support registered.

Keith Antoine (GANDALF) aka 'skippy'
18 Arkana St, The Gap, Queensland 4061 Australia PH:61733002161

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USB-Storage issue

2002-07-03 Thread stayler


SO I spoke to soon.  It appears my lockup problem was being caused by
the USB device itself.  Sorry for the bandwidth.

I have both modules installed now and no problem.  The card reader has
been removed and will be returned to the vendor..  

Any suggestions for a unit that might actually work?  It'd be nice if
it had Compact Flash and SanDisk capability in a single unit but no


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Re: xcdroast??

2002-07-01 Thread stayler

Now this has style..

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 13:22:24 -0400 (EDT), Net Llama! wrote:

I don't, cause i don't need it to:
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso
cdrecord -v file.iso

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Re: Samba shared Printers

2002-06-30 Thread stayler


Missed that one too.  I'll put it in tomorrow.  I am just real tired
right now  

Thanks 8-)


On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 21:29:22 -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:

I had this same problem with XP. 
Did you add:
use client driver = yes 
to the share definition?


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Re: OT: interesting wording

2002-06-29 Thread stayler

Sounds like literally translated japanese

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002 08:46:19 -0700, Ken Moffat wrote:

Excerpt from a camera add:

The [snip] digital camera. Take the best photographs of your life. At 
any place.
Due to its 2.1 MP this camera is ideally suitable for photographers in 
the pocket size,
who much on the way are. And owing to [snip] the aspheric glass 
objective and the
continuous digital three-fold zoom shot you arrive still more near at 
your objects near.
And exactly there you would like to be nevertheless!

[What did he say?]

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Samba shared Printers

2002-06-29 Thread stayler

Hi Guys,

I figure this is a simple issue and someone will point out the
ridiculously simple error I am committing here.

I am setting up a Samba server at a customers location.  I have got the
simple share level file sharing working quite well.  My problem is with
printing.  There are 2 printers, one connected via the parallel port to
the server machine itself (a HP laserjet 4+), the other is a network
printer (LPD, a HP LJ 4100N, factory internal server).   Both printers
are spooled with LPRng and work fine off the system, even when logged
in as the Samba default user, nobody.

When a Win9x box browses the server, the shared directories are all
there and visible, and seem to work correctly.  The printer are
browsable too, but when an attempt is made to print to one, the Win9x
box reports a Network Name not found error.  

The system is a P3-500, 128M Ram, Slackware 8.1, stock bare.i kernel
(for now), Samba 2.2.4 binary package that came with Slack 8.1.

Ideas, suggestions, requests for further information?  I don't have the
smb.conf file in digital form but I do have the full report from
testparm in hardcopy, it reports no errors BTW., so I can provide some
answers to those sorts of inquiries.


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Re: Slackware 8.1

2002-06-25 Thread stayler

As I swapped MB's I was able to skip this step but a close friend spent
the better part of 2 hours gathering up syslinux and nasm, plus a few
other things to create those same disks.  He insisted that dd would not
work as the files provided were not images.  

I'll DL a few of them a try it out to see..

Thanks Myles...


On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 23:42:04 -0600, Myles Green wrote:

huh? dd if=bare.i of=/dev/fd0 does the boot floppy and 
dd if=install.1 of=/dev/fd0 (repeated for each of five disks) does the 5 
'root' disks. Yes, it's slow, but it 'just works'. Don't fret about the 
bs= or count= flags for dd, just use GOOD floppies and the above 
incantations. It Worked For Me (tm)

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Slackware 8.1

2002-06-24 Thread stayler

Hi Guys,

I know that some of you have been down this road so I am curious what
you may've done to do so.  How did you get this thing installed?  The
boot and root disks require syslinux and nasm to be created, the iso is
not even bootable, from any source I've been able to find.  

What is the deal with everything changing with this distro?  Is this a
trend or is it a slack only phenomena?  I see alot of posting on the
web with others who are having similar difficulties.  

I'm not really whining, I am wondering why/if the rule book has been


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Re: Slackware 8.1

2002-06-24 Thread stayler

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:50:27 -0600, Collins wrote:

All I did was download the ISO (1 hour plus on cable, YMMV with
dialup) from I forget which mirror, use cdrecord to burn a cd, prep my
partitions (Slack is not my only distro), boot up the cd, and install.
 Nothing could be simpler.  Of course, I deviated by declining to use
Lilo, since I have a working grub setup - no distro writes to my mbr,
thank your very much!

I was able to get around the bootable CD problem finally as well. 
Seems only newer MB's with fixed bios' are able to boot the CD. 
Something about most bios' are broken somehow.


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Re: Slackware 8.1

2002-06-24 Thread stayler

On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 20:59:09 -0700, Ken Moffat wrote:

I booted the iso and it installed.

I had to switch to a newer system.  My other MB is apparently too old
to support this new bootable format.


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Re: Slackware 8.1

2002-06-24 Thread stayler


The bootdisks and rootdisks provided by slack are no longer image
files, ie you use dd to creat them.  They require some serious
machinations to work.  I have a friend who is having a serious time
with this issue


On Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:57:37 -0600, Collins wrote:

A second reply.

I don't have a clue what you're driving at.  The basic installer for
Slack hasn't changed much in a coon's age.  It's been about 5 years
since I put up Slackware, and it looks just the same now as it always
did.  A few more features like dhcp and the network script, but that's
about it.  Slack is Slack.

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Re: Still the best...

2002-06-22 Thread stayler

On Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:26:47 -0500, Shawn L Johnston wrote:

One of the greatest likes about Caldera is the ease of installation. I grit 
my teath in anger every time I read one of these articles about how easy 
Mandrake or Red Hat is to install. To be fair, I haven't really done anything 
with Red Hat since 6.2. 

If I may, I have found Caldera's installation to be above average, with
the exception of the difficulties born by the X based Lizard
installation application.  To be honest, Slackware's text based
installation sure seems to be better, it found the PCMCIA stuff in a
laptop I've been fiddling with.  Caldera could never get up and running
on it.


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2002-06-18 Thread stayler


I took the plunge and bought a Linux based PDA.  The Sharp Zaurus. 
Seems interesting so far.  I know its late to ask but anyone have any
tid bits on this animal?

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Re: We're burning ot

2002-06-12 Thread stayler

On Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:26:02 -0500, Ronnie Gauthier wrote:

1859...from england...thomas austin.
But AU should really import some of our american coyote's. They make wonderful 
pets...and they eat cats too!

Along with the dreaded rabbit!  Very handy for those who want to keep a
yard. 8-)

I had three in the backyard last night!


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Re: More strife

2002-06-12 Thread stayler

On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 07:21:46 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

No never have just the old Make, mrproper, clean, xconfig, dep bzImage and so 
on manually. I do it that way cos the machine is fast enough to compile it in 
a few minutes.
BTW it is not the kernel AFAIK, as it just does not appear on the boot screen 
so as I can boot with it. It has been entered into /boot/grub/menu.lst and 
made default but grub is not seeing it.

Indeed that is quite strange.  I just got back from a trip up north,
were you able to get around this problem?


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Re: OTI'm a Graduate!

2002-06-12 Thread stayler

Congrats Tom,

Well done..


On Wed, 12 Jun 2002 21:46:37 -0400, Tom Wilson wrote:

Finally after 10 years of indecisiveness and 4 years of college, I am a 

Man it feels good.  

Thank you, I am done now.  

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Re: Which one?

2002-06-11 Thread stayler

I still believe that Slackware is the way to go anymore..


On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 14:58:30 -0400, Jerry McBride wrote:

On Sat, 08 Jun 2002 13:51:09 -0500 Brett I. Holcomb

 Red Hat G.  That's what I'm doing with my new server and workstation

Yeah... that's what everyone is doing. ;') I just want to be different I


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Re: More strife

2002-06-04 Thread stayler

On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 13:46:29 +1000, Keith Antoine wrote:

This also is fine, so where next a reinstall of grub to the mbr ? might try 
that., just cannot see why its ignoring the 2.4.18 boot.


Are you using a script for your recompiles?


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Re: mail server suggestions?

2002-06-04 Thread stayler

I have qmail running here doing just that very job.  Very nice!  The
Life with qmail webpage is a very good step by step on getting things


On Tue, 4 Jun 2002 01:42:50 +0700, Myles Green wrote:

I find myself needing to set up a mail server for multiple (remote) 
users and was wondering what package(s) might be best. I was going to 
just use sendmail but if there's something better well, I'd like to 
hear some opinions.



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Re: Knoppix

2002-06-02 Thread stayler

I believe in this case, the word live is a relative term.


On Sun, 2 Jun 2002 16:10:29 -0400 (EDT), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 1 Jun 2002, Jerry McBride wrote:

[Knoppix download speed/availability]

 I live in New Jersey and just ftp'ed a copy in 1 hour 30 miutes.

You mean people actually *live* in New Jersey? ;-)


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Small mini poll

2002-06-01 Thread stayler

Hi Guys,

I have been watching the boxen thread with interest.  I noticed that a
few of the the members are using some flavor of Slackware on some of
their systems.  I would like to know, of the members who use Slackware,
what ytou think of it and how has it worked for you.

I have been very happy so far and use Slackware in place of Caldera for
all of my new installations.  v8.0 is in need of an updating but the
new 8.1 looks to be fixing that issue quite nicely.  What has been your

Oh and for the record my systems here are:

P3, 1Ghz, Caldera 3.1/Win2K, 512M RAM, 32G LVD SCSI
P3-600, Caldera 3.1, 384M RAM, 32G LVD SCSI
P3-500, Caldera 3.1, 384 RAM, 20G IDE
P3-1Ghz, Slackware 8, 512M RAM, 20G IDE
P-133, Slackware 8, 98M RAM, 15G SCSI
P-133, OS/2 v4.1, 64M RAM, 10G SCSI
P3-1Ghz, OS/2 v4.1, 256M RAM, 40G IDE


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Re: Strange Port hits

2002-05-27 Thread stayler

On Mon, 27 May 2002 17:39:07 -0400, Bruce Marshall wrote:

I've been getting a lot of hits on port 1433 lately.   This is something new 
in the last week or so.  Anyone know of anything going on in the dark world 
of hackers that makes port 1433 a good target?

I think this is the New KaZaa worm, Benjamin if memory serves...

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Charter Cable Internet

2002-05-25 Thread stayler

Hi Guys,

Any of you have any experience with or know of a steps for using Linux,
in this case Slackware, with CHarter Cable Internet?  Mostly looking
for quirks and gotchas, etc.

My Niece is moving to Linux from OS/2 and she's getting online with
charter.  Dialup was just annoying and for the money cable is hard to
beat,m unless there is a real PITA aspect that I am unaware of.

All comments and suggestions are welcome...


who finally got qmail running and is feeling rather proud of himself

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Re: Caldera 3.1.1

2002-05-22 Thread stayler

On Wed, 22 May 2002 06:18:54 -0700, Tony Alfrey wrote:

Anybody had any experience installing 3.1.1?
In other words, does it seem like a well-assembled distro?

Not really...  I had better luck with Slackware 8.0



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Re: KDE 3.0.1 is out

2002-05-22 Thread stayler

On Wed, 22 May 2002 17:56:54 -0400 (EDT), Net Llama! wrote:

Does it still suck? ;)


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Congrats Lama

2002-05-16 Thread stayler

Congradulations Lonnie!

A job well done for sure!

Best wishes to the whole family from the Taylers!


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Re: netdate

2002-05-05 Thread stayler

Thanks Kurt,

I've got them too.  I was just sniffing to see if there might've been
an update and found nothing at all.  Seemed a bit strange


On Sat, 4 May 2002 03:23:32 -0400, Kurt Wall wrote:

Scribbling feverishly on May 02, stayler managed to emit:
 Hi Guys  
 Has anyone else noticed that natdate has disappeared from sourceforge
 and freshmeat?  DId I miss some big event?

Hmm. Not that I know of. Then again, I don't know everything. I've got
sources for netdate, if you need 'em.

 On his new domain and account 8-)

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2002-05-02 Thread stayler

Hi Guys 

Has anyone else noticed that natdate has disappeared from sourceforge
and freshmeat?  DId I miss some big event?


On his new domain and account 8-)

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Re: netdate

2002-05-02 Thread stayler

On Thu, 02 May 2002 21:00:17 -0700 (PDT), stayler wrote:

Has anyone else noticed that natdate has disappeared from sourceforge
and freshmeat?  DId I miss some big event?

ok so the typo fairies are all over me tonight...  that should read

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