linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash

2005-01-07 Thread ramesh bios
Hi everyone,
Thanks to all of you for having created this project. I'm excited about trying it out and hopefully I'll be able to contribute something back in the future.
I've purchased two custom made boards that have a nsc geode gx1 processor and a cs5530A companion chip. It is a typical embedded geode board and has two winbond W83977F superio chips, and realtek 8100BL ethernet. Currently, both boards have PhoenixBIOS on them. The flash chip that appears to be used to store the BIOS is an SST 39SF020A chip. The board has a CompactFlash slot on ide0 for the operating system.
My intent is to replace the PhoenixBIOS with LinuxBIOS. Given that the 39sf020a appears to be a 2Mbit chip, I was wondering if LinuxBIOS will work. My plan is to have LinuxBIOS on the 2Mbit flash and have the normal kernel and then all of userspace on partitions on the compact flash. Is that a reasonable config to attempt? 
I'm going to start looking at the example config for the nano board and hopefully I'll be able to figure my way around. I'm kind of worried that I might have to fit the kernel into the 2mbit flash, or at least a very stripped down version of the kernel into the 2mbit flash, because I suspect that the bootstrap code would be unlikely to be able to read the kernel of the compactflash. I guess once I start trying then I'll know for sure. In the meantime, any advice or suggestons that anyone could provide would be much appreciated.
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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-10 Thread ramesh bios
Hi Ron,

Just wanted to report that your suggestion was
excellent. I'm now getting serial output saying
"Jumping to LinuxBIOS". It took only a few minutes to
get this working so I was pleasantly surprised. :-)

Ok, I'm now going to read a bit more about x86 booting
and figure out what's next and what the memory output

LinuxBIOS-1.0.0 Tue Jan 11 06:22:00 IST 2005
Setting up default parameters for memory
Sizing memory
Probing for DIMM0
Probing for DIMM1
Found DIMM1
Page Size:   1000
Component Banks: 4
Module Banks:2
DIMM size:   0800
Memory sizing done, MC_BANK_CFG = 0x55200070
Copying LinuxBIOS to ram.
Jumping to LinuxBIOS.

Thanks all!

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> your plan is fine. use the advantech pcm5823 as a
> model board, and use 
> freebios, not freebios2.
> Don't fit linux into the flash. Use filo and boot
> linux from a hard drive. 
> Keep me posted on how it goes and good luck. 
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-11 Thread ramesh bios
Ok. So I took a look at the code to figure out why the
last output that I see is "Jumping to LinuxBIOS".

My assembly is weak so I'd appreciate corrections to
my interpretation of the asm below.

movb $0x12, %al ; outb %al, $0x80
movl %esp, %ebp
mov $str_pre_main, %ebx ; lea 0f, %esp ; jmp
console_tx_string ; 
leal _iseg, %edi
jmp %edi

This suggests to me that since the console_tx_string
succesfully wrote to the serial port, that leal _iseg,
%edi; jmp %edi is the area of my problem.

looking at _iseg, by dumping crt0.o, i see:

0aab :
 aab:   b0 12   mov$0x12,%al
 aad:   e6 80   out%al,$0x80
 aaf:   89 e5   mov%esp,%ebp
 ab1:   bb 1c 00 00 00  mov$0x1c,%ebx
 ab6:   8d 25 c1 0a 00 00   lea0xac1,%esp
 abc:   e9 fa f7 ff ff  jmp2bb

 ac1:   8d 3d 00 00 00 00   lea0x0,%edi
 ac7:   ff e7   jmp*%edi
 ac9:   b0 ee   mov$0xee,%al
 acb:   e6 80   out%al,$0x80
 acd:   f4  hlt
 ace:   eb f9   jmpac9

i was surprised by the lea 0x0, %edi; jmp *%edi. but
then i figured _iseg might get defined later by the

i see that the i386 config sets _iseg to _RAMBASE. and
that was set to 0x4000 in another i386 default. so
dumping linuxbios shows:

000f0aab :
   f0aab:   b0 12   mov   
   f0aad:   e6 80   out   
   f0aaf:   89 e5   mov   
   f0ab1:   bb ec 0a 0f 00  mov   
   f0ab6:   8d 25 c1 0a 0f 00   lea   
   f0abc:   e9 fa f7 ff ff  jmpf02bb

   f0ac1:   8d 3d 00 40 00 00   lea   
   f0ac7:   ff e7   jmp*%edi
   f0ac9:   b0 ee   mov   
   f0acb:   e6 80   out   
   f0acd:   f4  hlt
   f0ace:   eb f9   jmpf0ac9

that _iseg looks better now. so next, i need to figure
out what ought to be at 0x4000. looking at __main
since that's where the copying to ram serial output
comes from, i see a mov f0ad0,ebx, output, then lea
0x4000,%edi. and a 0xf0b14 into %esi. we then jump to
dcl1_n2b. i don't really understand the code there.
but i think that looks like it's copying f0b14 to
4000. i think that's what the movsb 
%ds:(%esi),%es:(%edi) is doing. i wonder when that
loop terminates. 

i guess i must be wrong here, f0b14, is after
_binary_linuxbios_payload_start. i doubt we're
supposed to be jumping to filo at that point. i was
expecting pci initialization, other stuff and then
filo to come in and read the kernel elf from an ext2
partition from the ide (CompactFlash) device. are
those assumptions valid?

ok. i ought to reread the code. i suspect that most
likely i've got misprogrammed sdram or something like
that. in the meantime, if anyone's got
suggestions/advice, i'm all ears.

000f09f2 <__main>:
   f09f2:   bb d0 0a 0f 00  mov   
   f09f7:   8d 25 02 0a 0f 00   lea   
   f09fd:   e9 b9 f8 ff ff  jmpf02bb

   f0a02:   b0 11   mov   
   f0a04:   e6 80   out   
   f0a06:   fc  cld
   f0a07:   8d 35 14 0b 0f 00   lea   
   f0a0d:   8d 3d 00 40 00 00   lea   
   f0a13:   89 ec   mov   
   f0a15:   bd ff ff ff ff  mov   
   f0a1a:   eb 05   jmpf0a21

000f0a1c :
   f0a1c:   a4  movsb 

000f0a1d :
   f0a1d:   01 db   add   
   f0a1f:   75 07   jnef0a28

000f0a21 :
   f0a21:   8b 1e   mov   
   f0a23:   83 ee fcsub   
   f0a26:   11 db   adc   

000f0a28 :
   f0a28:   72 f2   jb f0a1c

   f0a2a:   31 c0   xor   
   f0a2c:   40  inc%eax

--- ramesh bios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Ron,
> Just wanted to report that your suggestion was
> excellent. I'm now getting serial output saying
> "Jumping to LinuxBIOS". It took only a few minutes
> to
> get this working so I was pleasantly surprised. :-)
> Thanks! 
> Ok, I'm now going to read a bit more about x86
> booting
> and figure out what's next and what the memory
> output
> means.
> LinuxBIOS-1.0.0 Tue Jan 11 06:22:00 IST 2005
> starting...
> Setting up default parameters for memory
> Sizing memory
> Probing for DIMM0

Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-12 Thread ramesh bios
I used the phoenix bios to boot up and then dumped out
the northbridge. Then I called dumpnorth at
ram_setup_end, which is prior to "Copying LinuxBIOS to
ram." The diff of the two was as below:

< 40: 1e 12 00 c1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
> 40: 00 10 00 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

the index 40,41,42,43 regs are the pci control regs.
the values chosen by both linuxbios and phoenix seem
reasonable. linuxbios seems to set X-bus performance
flags on. 

so, in order to eliminate these regs from being the
cause of the lack of post-jump output, i then changed
northbridge setup to make these the same. however,
that didn't resolve the issue. it still hung after

so then i started thinking maybe the differences might
be in the sdram config rather than the northbridge
config. then i saw the ramtest asm so i figured i'd
run that prior to the copy to ram and see what i'd
get. it's been running for a while now. my output is
appended below. it seems to suggest the ram setup is

i'm kinda stuck at this point. is the ramtest known to
actually test the sdram properly on a gx1/cs5530a. if
it is and the output below means that the sdram is
okay, then that'd seem to indicate that it's a code or
build setup problem. in which case, i'd need to go
back to the assembly and figure out what i'm copying
to sdram and what i'm jumping to. all and any
advice/suggestions are welcome. 

LinuxBIOS-1.0.0 Thu Jan 13 13:01:00 MYT 2005
Setting up default parameters for memory
Sizing memory
Probing for DIMM0
Probing for DIMM1
Found DIMM1
Page Size:   1000
Component Banks: 4
Module Banks:2
DIMM size:   0800
Memory sizing done, MC_BANK_CFG = 0x55200070
dump northbridge:
00: 78 10 01 00 07 00 80 02 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00
10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
30: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
40: 00 10 00 00 47 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
70: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
a0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
b0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
d0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
f0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Testing SDRAM : 8a00-000f0d66
SDRAM fill:

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> I think the RAM is misprogrammed. 
> You need to dump the registers (lspci -xxx -s 0:0.0)
> for the northbridge, 
> then dump them BEFORE jumping to linuxbios -- there
> are assembly functions 
> that will let you do that. 
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-12 Thread ramesh bios
hi richard,

yup, sounds pretty much like it. mine's a gx1/cs5530a
combo. i just posted about my latest status. i'm
starting to suspect that the ram setup might be fine.
it could be that i might have somehow misconfigured my
linuxbios build. i had sent an email where i detailed
what i think is being copied to ram.

my config looks as follows:
target pcm-5823
mainboard advantech/pcm-5823

# Enable Serial Console for debugging
option TTYS0_BAUD=38400

option DEBUG=1

option RAMTEST=1
option USE_ELF_BOOT=1
option ROM_SIZE=262144
option STD_FLASH=1

option PAYLOAD_SIZE=196608
payload /build/filo-0.4.2/filo.elf

and my filo.elf is 

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 25608 Jan 10 16:54

Ok, I'll go read the code when I get a chance and see
if I spot anything.

--- Richard Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- ramesh bios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ok. So I took a look at the code to figure out why
> > the
> > last output that I see is "Jumping to LinuxBIOS".
> I've got a gx1 reference platform on loan for a
> while.
>  Is that mostly the same hardware as what you have? 
> Perhaps I can help you fix this up.
> =
> Richard A. Smith
> Bitworks, Inc.
> __ 
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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-13 Thread ramesh bios
Oh, how embarassing. I didn't set the sdram address
range for ramtest. I am going to read the spec and
find the memory map after lunch. Ignore the comments
where I made the assumption that sdram was good. 

> Testing SDRAM : 8a00-000f0d66
> SDRAM fill:
> 8d71

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1.....

2005-01-13 Thread ramesh bios
Hi guys,

I think the geode+ddr that you are referring to is the
AMD Geode GX2. It's being sold in India (typically
together with broadband packages) as the basis for a
low cost computer called the AMD PIC. It's priced at
USD$185 without a monitor and has DDR330 128MB RAM,
10GB hdd, audio, [EMAIL PROTECTED] video. It's a 400MHz
part, the GX533 label, I think comes from it's
"equivalent performance" measurement.

I have been thinking about getting the AMD-PIC at some
point to port linux on to it. Currently, they're being
sold with Windows CE on it. Apparently, it has a
gensys bios on it that only loads "signed" OSes. I did
notice that Linspire announced that they have a Linux
port for it so that's a step in the right direction.

I'm not sure about VIA but I believe Tyan is making a
low cost integrated board for this Geode GX2 cpu as
well. I'm hoping their price will be less than USD$100
after adding the hdd, ram, etc. :-)


--- Richard Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > so I can get a board from AMD with geode+ddr? I
> had not heard this was out
> > yet. What's the clock rate on the geode?
> 400Mhz.  Theres the reference board and a few other
> boards available
> google for gx533
> This rev still needs the companion chip to add IDE
> and other stuff.
> But later this year there is a newer chip that has
> the companion chip
> built in.
> -- 
> Richard A. Smith
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1.....

2005-01-13 Thread ramesh bios
It has 4 USB ports. I'm told that typically, the
reseller, that's typically the broadband people, like
VSNL, add on a USB ADSL modem or USB ethernet at no
additional cost.

--- Adam Sulmicki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I think the geode+ddr that you are referring to is
> the
> > AMD Geode GX2. It's being sold in India (typically
> > together with broadband packages) as the basis for
> a
> > low cost computer called the AMD PIC. It's priced
> at
> > USD$185 without a monitor and has DDR330 128MB
> RAM,
> > 10GB hdd, audio, [EMAIL PROTECTED] video. It's a
> 400MHz
> > part, the GX533 label, I think comes from it's
> > "equivalent performance" measurement.
> and no ethernet, sigh.
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-13 Thread ramesh bios
> Also, what is the 8a00-000f0d66? that's a really
> odd range to test. Do 
> you really have that much memory on your geode?
> Something is not right.

Yup, I had not set up the range at all. So ramtest
took whatever was in eax, ebx as the range. 

I'm gonna read the gx1 spec and the ramsetup asm at
some point to figure out what my range ought to be. Is
there a gx1 processor control register that gets told
what the start of physical sdram and size are? I've
got 64MB of sdram on this board.


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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1.....

2005-01-14 Thread ramesh bios
> Exactly. It's the village PC for most of the world
> where indoor plumbing 
> is a luxury. An x86 version of the 
> that uses a TV for display.
> -Bari

Forgive me for starting to drift offtopic.

I'm not sure I understand. The villages lacking indoor
plumbing are not the customer base that I think are
being targeted for broadband+PIC. I believe the target
base are the 50Million or so Indians who are in the
lower middle class. They have a monthly disposable
income of around USD$10 so they could pay off the cost
of a PIC over a year or two. These are people who are
teachers, farmers, artisans, barbers, sundry shop
owners ( and if I might say so, are a lovely people
whom I'd someday like to help by delivering a cheaper
free and open sourced based Linux solution to their
computing needs ). They already have indoor plumbing,
thank you very much. They typically want to use a PIC
to get things like current commodity grain prices, the
price of gas, exchange email and photos of their
family with their relatives in the city, figure out if
their politicians are doing right by them, and get
educational content for their children. I think
1024x768 is fine for them. Once their kids become
hackers, I'm sure they'll find a way to get better
displays. :-)

>From what I understand of the PIC, the output is VGA
only. The broadband provider bundles in a 15" CRT from
LG-India bringing the price up to USD$250 or so.

Also, from what I've read, the simputer is more like a
enhanced-PDA, ie: handheld device, rather than like a
computer. From their FAQ;

# Q: Is the Simputer like a PC?
A: No. The Simputer is *NOT* a personal computer. It
could however be a pocket computer.
# Q: Is the Simputer like a Palm?
A: Again no! The Simputer is much more powerful than a
Palm. For example, in terms of screen size (320x240),
memory capabilities (32MB RAM) and the OS (GNU/Linux).


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Re: Off-Topic - Really Inexpensive Computer[was: linuxbios on geode gx1.....]

2005-01-14 Thread ramesh bios
> Why even consider x86? ARM SOC + LinuxARM can
> support broadband and all 
> the above mentioned apps. for far lower price and
> power consumption. For 
> example Freescale has an ARM SOC for <$5 (quan 1M+)
> with MMX type 
> instructions, VoIP, SVGA, MPEG-4 decode 30fps, USB +
> Sound.
> -Bari

That's an excellent question to which I don't have a
good answer. I'd be all for it.

I have noticed though, that there aren't that many low
cost (under the USD$100 price tag) full system type
arm boards showing up, at least in my area. How about
for you?

I guess maybe I haven't searched very hard. I'd be
thrilled to find an xscale board at that price. I
would very likely be one of millions in this region
who'd buy an arm based solution if it matched the
PIC's hardware feature list at the same price. I can
imagine whole industries springing up here to start
providing software and services around such a


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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-18 Thread ramesh bios
You were right. There is a problem with the sdram
setup. It fails the ramtest.

I set about attempting to dump the memory controller
registers on linux running with phoenix bios (with the
intent of having something to compare with what
linuxbios sets these regs to). i'm not completely sure
if the following method of dumping is valid. i did the
following in the kernel:

iomapaddr = (unsigned long)
ioremap(0x40008400, 0x100);
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 0));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 4));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 8));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 0xC));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 0x10));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 0x14));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 0x18));
printk("<1>%x\n",readl(iomapaddr + 0x20));
iounmap((void *)iomapaddr);

i get values. i haven't interpreted them yet. they
seem to be consistent across reboots so hopefully i'm
not just reading some random memory. i was wondering
if the above method of reading those registers, ie:
GX_BASE + 8400 + register offset seems correct?

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> On Thu, 13 Jan 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > > 
> > > Also, what is the 8a00-000f0d66? that's a
> really
> > > odd range to test. Do 
> > > you really have that much memory on your geode?
> > > Something is not right.
> > 
> > Yup, I had not set up the range at all. So ramtest
> > took whatever was in eax, ebx as the range. 
> do the easy thing for now -- set the range as start
> at 0x100 (16MB)  
> and stop at 0x110 (17MB)
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-18 Thread ramesh bios
Page 99 of the rev 4.1 GX1 spec shows the SDRAM Memory
Controller control registers. That info corresponds
with the addresses that get written by
src/northbridge/nsc/gx1/ (also the ones
that I think I'm dumping). 

I matched the northbridge pci config space config (the
lspci -xxx -s 0:0.0) so that I'd have the exact same
setup as the Phoenix bios.

I'll paste what I think I've read back from the memory
controller when I get a chance.

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> This is the geode chipset, right? 
> Seems to me that 
> lspci -xxx -s 0:0.0 will give you all you need, or
> is there some other 
> place that dram config gets stored?
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-18 Thread ramesh bios
Yes, I do. ramesh/geode_gx1.pdf

The register I've been examining is:
MC_BANK_CFG, on page 114

LinuxBIOS sets it up as:

Probing for DIMM0
Probing for DIMM1
Found DIMM1
Page Size:   1000
Component Banks: 4
Module Banks:2
DIMM size:   0800
Memory sizing done, MC_BANK_CFG = 0x55200070

Where as Phoenix BIOS sets 0x14,20,00,70

The LinuxBIOS set looks incorrect to me. The board has
4 sdram devices, each are 4 banked 2Mbit x16 as DIMM1
and a SODIMM slot for DIMM0 that is unpopulated. So, I
see the board as having a rank of 1 on DIMM1, 4 banks
per device, and a page size of 4k since there are 4
banks with 512 columns of x16. LinuxBIOS gets the page
size and component banks right. But DIMM1_MOD_BNK=1 (2
mod banks) and DIMM1_SZ=5 (128MB) are wrong. It ought
to be 0 and 4, ie: 1 mod bank and 64MB.

I'll take a look at the autosizing code and try to
figure out where the bug is. Let me know if you agree
with my assesment. 


--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > Page 99 of the rev 4.1 GX1 spec shows the SDRAM
> Memory
> do you have URL handy for this?
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-18 Thread ramesh bios
Oooh, I guess it's a chance for me to contribute in
some way. :-)

I'm not familiar with DIMM autosizing. But I believe
the problem is coming from the following block of code
that does the module bank detection. At least that's
the first sign of trouble since module bank detection
is done and then the DIMM size is calculated. the gx1 file mentions copyright Christer Weinigel
whom I've CCed for advice. 

Christer, I'm having trouble with my gx1 board. The
ramtest fails and I see an explicit difference in what
the normal bios sets MC_BANK_CFG to and what the
raminit autosizing sets it to. The difference is the
module bank count and the dimm size. I believe on my
board, the module bank count should be just 1 and the
dimm size should be 64MB. Instead the autosizing code
comes up with 2 and 128MB. I'm looking through this
code and I see the mov of testdata2 to somewhere and
then the readback of it and then the compare. I guess
that it must be succeeding resulting in the detection
of two module banks. I don't follow how the address
calculations correspond with particular banks. I
noticed you mentioned reading the nsc reference
drivers to get further understanding. Are these
available somewhere? Any advice on how to resolve the
problem would be much appreciated.


/* Do module banks detection */
movl$0x0800, %esi   /* Smallest
page = 1KB * 2 banks */

shll$16, %ecx   /* Save DIMM
shift  */
movl%ebp, %eax  /* Get the
DIMM values */
shrl%cl, %eax   /* shifted
back */

movw%ax, %cx/* Use the
shrw$4, %cx /* page
size setting as */
andb$7, %cl /* a shift
to calculate */
shll%cl, %esi   /* the
page size */

movw%ax, %cx/* Use the
shrw$12, %cx/*
component bank setting */
andb$1, %cl /* a shift
to calculate */
shll%cl, %esi   /* the
total bank size */

shrl$16, %ecx   /* Restore
DIMM shift */

movl$TEST_DATA1, 0  /* Write data
to location 0 */
movl$TEST_DATA2, (%esi) /* Write to
module bank 2 */
movl$0, 0x100   /* Clear the
bus */
movl(%esi), %eax/* Read from
module bank 2 */

cmpl$TEST_DATA2, %eax   /* If good
data, */
je  module_banks_2  /* there
are 2 module banks */

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> I think you may have found a bug I never had time to
> fix. Certain DIMMs 
> never worked on my Geodes.
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-23 Thread ramesh bios
> somewhere on, but since AMD took
> over the Geode, all
> that documentation has disappeared.  

Yup, the document that would help appears to be called
xpressrom_gx1_memsizing.pdf. The google cache of it is
still there but it's so horribly mangled that I didn't
try hard to understand the relationship between
physical address and which module bank that physical
address represents. Oh well. If someone here does have
it, I'd love to get it. Maybe someone from AMD or NSC
might have it sitting around.

> One thing you might want to try is to just hardcode
> the value you got
> from the normal BIOS instead of 0x57405740 and then
> skip the automatic
> memory sizing:

Yup, I did that. And then things go a lot further.
Maybe I'll keep going forward with other things and
then come back to understand/fix the autosizing once
everything else is working.

So my current status is that I get as far as:

Enable FLASH
Set F0/0x52 to 0xee
cs5530: Enabling Primary IDE Controller
cs5530: Enabling Secondary IDE Controller
Set F0/0x5b to |= 1 << 5(0x38)
handle_superio start, nsuperio 1
handle_superio: Pass 1, check #0, s 9e00 s->super
handle_superio: Pass 1, Superio WinBond w83977tf
handle_superio:  port 0x370, defaultport 0x3f0
handle_superio:  Using port 0x370
  Call init
Enabling com device: 02
  iobase = 0x03f8  irq=4

So I figure I've got problems with the superio. I'm
going to take a look at figuring out some of the
following issues next:
1. how do i figure out the actual address of the
2. i have a W83977F-A chip. does that mean i can use
3. do the random chars there after "Enabling com
device..." indicate that i've messed up the superio
setup in someway or is it something else.

If anyone already knows. Just shout. :-)


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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-25 Thread ramesh bios
Christer wrote:
> takes over.  So check that the debug baudrate and
> that the baudrate
> for the rest of LinuxBIOS is the same.

Yup Christer, you were right. Thanks. It was because
baud rate in serialio.c was set to 115200. So I set it
back to 38400 all over and it gets to almost the final
step of booting! Yay! I think. :-)

Jumping to boot code at 0x10431c
FILO version 0.4.2 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Wed Jan 26 19:38:57
IST 2005
Press  for default boot, or  for boot
prompt... timed out
boot: hdc1:/bzImage root=/dev/hdc2 console=tty0
Mounted ext2fs
Loading Linux version ...
Jumping to entry point...
Firmware type: LinuxBIOS

So I think I'm almost there now. I think I must have
made some mistake with either filo or mkelfImage
config because it hangs after the "Jumping to entry
point...". So I'm going to take a look at that next. I
think filo isn't able to read the version info out of
the kernel for some reason. I'm using a
bzImage that works on this board when I use grub as my
bootloader. I've got my boot partition using ext2 on
hdc1 and my root partition on hdc2. I converted my
bzImage using mkelfImage like so:

--kernel=./ --output=bzImage.elf
--command-line="root=/dev/hdc2 console=tty0
console=ttyS0,38400 ro init=/sbin/init"

So I think my first debug step will be to figure out
why filo could not read the version info from the elf

Thanks again!

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-26 Thread ramesh bios
hmm, that's a good point. i used the version of
mkelfImage that was part of the src tree. it reports
itself as 1.16.

# /usr/local/sbin/mkelfImage --version
/usr/local/sbin/mkelfImage 1.16

and it came from:

now that i look, i see there is another mkelfimage in
the tree as well. in mkelfimage-1.6. but it looks
empty. i should try something newer i guess.

on another note, the checksum for the image to be
loaded reported by the filo debug output matches that
from the compile output of mkelfimage. ie:
checksum: 0c6b

ok, i guess i'll try a newer mkelfImage next.

--- Peter Stuge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 25, 2005 at 11:31:10PM -0800, ramesh
> bios wrote:
> > I converted my bzImage using mkelfImage like so:
> > 
> > --kernel=./ --output=bzImage.elf
> > --command-line="root=/dev/hdc2 console=tty0
> > console=ttyS0,38400 ro init=/sbin/init"
> Which version of mkelfImage are you using? There
> have been some
> problems with particular versions combined with
> particular versions
> of the toolchain.
> //Peter
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-26 Thread ramesh bios
Ah, I had assumed that filo could only load an elf
image. Okay. Replaced that with a fresh bzImage with
early printk enabled. Looks to fail at the same point.
I noticed filo is now able to show the kernel version
and build date so I'd guess that this is getting
better. Here's the debug output. I'm not sure what to
look at next. Is it correct to expect to see the
kernel report it's version after the "Jumping to entry
point..."? I guess I should look for the code that
uncompresses the bzImage and see if there's any
problem with memory there. What do you guys think?

boot: hdc1:/bzImage root=/dev/hdc2 console=tty0
malloc_diag: alloc: 288 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16088
bytes (1 blocks)
malloc_diag: alloc: 304 bytes (6 blocks), free: 16072
bytes (1 blocks)
file_open: dev=hdc1, path=/bzImage
find_ide_controller: found PCI IDE controller
1078:0102 prog_if=0x80
find_ide_controller: secodary channel: compatibility
find_ide_controller: cmd_base=0x170 ctrl_base=0x374
ide_software_reset: Waiting for ide1 to become ready
for reset... ok
init_drive: Testing for hdc
init_drive: Probing for hdc
init_drive: LBA mode, sectors=250368
init_drive: Init device params... ok
init_drive: Testing for hdd
init_drive: Testing for hdd
devopen: Partition 1 start 32 length 12000
Mounted ext2fs
malloc_diag: alloc: 288 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16088
bytes (1 blocks)
elf_load: Not a bootable ELF image
malloc_diag: alloc: 304 bytes (6 blocks), free: 16072
bytes (1 blocks)
file_open: dev=hdc1, path=/bzImage
devopen: already open
malloc_diag: alloc: 288 bytes (5 blocks), free: 16088
bytes (1 blocks)
Found Linux version ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) #12 Thu Jan
27 04:31:34 IST 2005 (protocol 0x203) (loadflags 0x1)
init_linux_params: Setting up paramters at 0x9
set_memory_size: 06c8 - 000a
set_memory_size: 0010 - 03c0
set_memory_size: ramtop=0x3c0
set_memory_size: ext_mem_k=60416, alt_mem_k=60416
parse_command_line: original command line:
"root=/dev/hdc2 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,38400"
parse_command_line: kernel command line at 0x91000
parse_command_line: kernel command line (47 bytes):
"root=/dev/hdc2 console=tty0 console=ttyS0,38400"
load_linux_kernel: offset=0xc00 addr=0x10
Loading kernel... ok
start_linux: eip=0x10
Jumping to entry point...

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> Before you do anything else, set your kernel up with
> You'll get output you might not get otherwise.
> > I
> > think filo isn't able to read the version info out
> of
> > the kernel for some reason. 
> I don't think that is it. 
> filo will work fine with a normal bzImage anyway,
> you don't really need 
> mkelfImage for filo
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: linuxbios on geode gx1 with sst-39SF020A and CompactFlash [PMX:#]

2005-01-27 Thread ramesh bios
I come bearing good news!

So it's all working now. I've got the kernel running
and userspace apps working. My unoptimized boottime
from power on to the point that /sbin/init runs the
first rc script looks to be around 6 seconds. Yay!
Thanks to all of you for all the hard work and help.
If any of you come to Chennai, India, please drop me
an email first, it'd be my pleasure to buy you a shot
of Chennai's finest coconut based beverage. :-)

I'm not sure what was wrong with my kernel. I
ended up using a 2.6.10 kernel. I tried to follow
Ron's suggestion about no vga console. I was trying to
get rid of CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE but for some reason I
just coudn't. scripts/kconfig/conf seems to always
reenable CONFIG_VGA_CONSOLE even when I manually
edited the .config. I switched to a 2.6.10 bzImage and
that worked first bat so I'm happy. My was
patched so it might have been messed up.

Now that I've got here, perhaps I could go back and
fix the sdram autosizing problem. I was also wondering
about V2, is there something I could help with with
respect to the geode in V2?

Thanks again!

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> are you building the kernel with ONLY serial
> console, and not vga console?
> ron
> ___
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Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-02-28 Thread ramesh bios
Hi all,

I'd been away for a while. I have picked up another
geode gx1 to play with. Previously I used the
irq_tables from the pcm-5823 and that worked just fine
as far as I could tell. This time around, with this
board I hit trouble. I saw the:

PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device

in the log.

And so I ran getpir, replaced the irq_tables.c file,
rebuilt and reflashed. But I still get the same
problem. I tried adding pci=biosirq but the error
still occurs and appears to prevent getting ethernet

Here's what getpir generated from my board. I'm gonna
go try to understand what all of this means. If anyone
has any advice or suggestions on what to do, please do
let me know.



const struct irq_routing_table intel_irq_routing_table
= {
PIRQ_SIGNATURE,  /* u32 signature */
PIRQ_VERSION,/* u16 version   */
32+16*3, /* there can be total 3
devices on the bus */
0x00,/* Where the interrupt router
lies (bus) */
(0x12<<3)|0x0,   /* Where the interrupt router
lies (dev) */
0x1020,  /* IRQs devoted exclusively
to PCI usage */
0x1078,  /* Vendor */
0x2, /* Device */
0,   /* Crap (miniport) */
{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* u8
rfu[11] */
0xf6, /*  u8 checksum , this hase to
set to some value that would give 0 after the sum of
all bytes for this structure (including checksum) */
/* bus, dev|fn,   {link, bitmap},
{link, bitmap}, {link, bitmap}, {link, bitmap},  slot,
rfu */
{0x00,(0x0a<<3)|0x0, {{0x01, 0xdeb8},
{0x02, 0xdeb8}, {0x03, 0xdeb8}, {0x04, 0x0deb8}}, 0x1,
{0x00,(0x0b<<3)|0x0, {{0x02, 0xdeb8},
{0x03, 0xdeb8}, {0x04, 0xdeb8}, {0x01, 0x0deb8}}, 0x2,
{0x00,(0x13<<3)|0x0, {{0x01, 0xdeb8},
{0x00, 0xdeb8}, {0x00, 0xdeb8}, {0x00, 0x0deb8}}, 0x0,

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-02-28 Thread ramesh bios
I used Linux 2.6.10. I'm reading through the list
archive now for any related kernel issues.


--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin A of device
> > :00:0b.0.
> what kernel? 
> It matters. 
> ron

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-02-28 Thread ramesh bios
That's odd. My understanding might be lacking. 

I think the PIRQ table parser in 2.6.10 seems to work
because it works when I use the normal BIOS. Therefore
allowing the inference that 2.6.10 can read the table
that was generated by the normal BIOS, right? What do
you think? I'm now reading through the Alan
Cox/Christer geode PIRQ discussion to see if I missed

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Feb 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > I used Linux 2.6.10. I'm reading through the list
> > archive now for any related kernel issues.
> From 2.4.19 on, the IRQ parser for PIRQ tables for
> geodes is broken. 
> That could be part of the problem. 
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-01 Thread ramesh bios
Good point. I did not know about ACPI. Ok, looking
through the source, I don't see ACPI in the gx1 code.
So I presume that this means that LinuxBIOS doesn't
provide ACPI support in the case of the Geode.

Would I be able to test if Linux 2.6.10 is able to
parse the normal BIOS' PIRQ table by booting linux
with acpi=off? If it does work at that point, then I
could assume that the area to be fixed would be the
PIRQ table generation in LinuxBIOS. If not, then it'd
be time to examine the kernel's pirq code.

I'm still somewhat confused though. At the point that
LB calls the kernel, shoudn't LB have used the IRQ
table values to set the PCI config space registers to
write IRQ values to the PCI config registers and such?
And if that were done, Linux would not need to parse a
PIRQ table, yes?


--- Stefan Reinauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * ramesh bios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [050301
> 08:19]:
> > That's odd. My understanding might be lacking. 
> > 
> > I think the PIRQ table parser in 2.6.10 seems to
> work
> > because it works when I use the normal BIOS. 
> Sure normal BIOS does not provide ACPI instead? In
> such case, PIRQ stays
> mostly untouched.
> Stefan
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-01 Thread ramesh bios
The URL for the Cox/Weinigel thread about PIRQ tables
on the geode gx1 is at:

I'm doing a little bit more analysis of the problem
now. I've been looking at the following block of code
from 2.6.10's pci/irq.c. First of all, LB states this
during bootup:
Checking IRQ routing tables...
30:check_pirq_routing_table() - irq_routing_table
located at: 0x8740
Copying IRQ routing tables to 0xf...done.
Verifing priq routing tables copy at 0xf...failed
Wrote linuxbios table at: 0500 - 0664 
checksum f9fe
I'm not sure why the copy to 0xf failed. That's
kinda odd but I'll live with it for now. Now, I put
some debug in the kernel code to see whether it found
the pirq table and I saw:

no pirq_table so calling pcibios_get_irq_routing_table

coming from pcibios_irq_init. So based on the code
appended below, I believe that the kernel isn't
finding the pirq table. And I think this is because
the kernel's pirq_find_routing_table function only
looks from __va(0xf) to __va(0x10) whereas LB
puts it at 500. The second attempt that the kernel
makes to get the PIRQ table is with
pcibios_get_irq_routing_table and that fails too. I
need to look at that, but first I think I'll look into
why the copy to f fails. In the meantime, any

static int __init pcibios_irq_init(void)
DBG("PCI: IRQ init\n");

if (pcibios_enable_irq || raw_pci_ops == NULL)
return 0;


pirq_table = pirq_find_routing_table();

if (!pirq_table && (pci_probe &
printk(KERN_WARNING "no pirq_table so
calling pcibios_get\n");
pirq_table =
if (pirq_table) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "had
if (pirq_table->exclusive_irqs) {
int i;
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
(!(pirq_table->exclusive_irqs & (1 << i)))
pirq_penalty[i] += 100;
/* If we're using the I/O APIC, avoid
using the PCI IRQ routing table */
if (io_apic_assign_pci_irqs) {
printk(KERN_WARNING "using
io_apic to assign irqs\n");
pirq_table = NULL;

pcibios_enable_irq = pirq_enable_irq;

return 0;

--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Richard Smith wrote:
> > I've found that Linux up to 2.6.9 (I haven't
> tested .10)  Dosen't do
> > this fully.  With my 440bx chipset there are
> config registers in the
> > northbridge that control which IRQ line each of
> the PCI PIRQ lines are
> > routed to.  Even with a proper PIRQ table these
> registers are not setup
> > and I get the same error reported.
> that's whacky. The old linux did fine with 440bx. I
> never had to do 
> anything but set up PIRQ tables. 
> > I suggest you diff the output of lspci -xxx for
> the northbridge between
> > linubios and factory bios and resolve all the
> differences with the
> > datasheet.
> on the geode 2.4.18 always worked, and if I patched
> linux for later 
> linuxes, that worked fine too. 
> What a mess PIRQ got to be  
> ron

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Re: Can any one ID this board?

2005-03-01 Thread ramesh bios
Hey Adam,

I think it's a typical geode gx1 board as well.

I'm no expert. But here are my guesses. VGA is
typically 16 pins. LPT is typically on a 26 pin
header. Serial ports typically on 10 pin headers.
Keyboard/Mouse typically on one 6 pin header. I think
I see parallel port at the horizontal 26 pin header at
the bottom right of your top pic. The horizontal
header at the top left looks like a 44 pin IDE header.
One thing that you could do is get the MAC address of
the ethernet and that might give you an idea of who
owns that block of MAC addresses. So long as it's not
RealTek, of course. I don't know what the long
vertical connector, my eyesight's failing me but it
looks like a 50 pin header in which case it'd be a
breakout connector of the kind that advantech uses. In
which case you'd have to find the datasheet.

--- Adam Talbot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I have been googling this board for the last 2
> day's and have found
> nothing.  Can any of your guys ID this board? Or
> perhaps point me in the
> right direction.  I put the BIOS into my programer
> and grabed a copy of the
> ROM, but that has given me no new information.  I am
> looking for the pin
> outs, VGA, PS/2, network.  Any ideas?
> -Adam
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-01 Thread ramesh bios
Strike that. The issue is somewhere with
copy_pirq_routing_table. IE: why does the copy to
f fail. I had assumed that the 500 address was an
alternate location that the table was copied to. So
now, I'm looking at that f000 failure.

--- ramesh bios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The URL for the Cox/Weinigel thread about PIRQ
> tables
> on the geode gx1 is at:
> I'm doing a little bit more analysis of the problem
> now. I've been looking at the following block of
> code
> from 2.6.10's pci/irq.c. First of all, LB states
> this
> during bootup:
> ---
> Checking IRQ routing tables...
> /bios/freebios/src/arch/i386/lib/pirq_routing.c:   
> 30:check_pirq_routing_table() - irq_routing_table
> located at: 0x8740
> done.
> Copying IRQ routing tables to 0xf...done.
> Verifing priq routing tables copy at
> 0xf...failed
> Wrote linuxbios table at: 0500 - 0664 
> checksum f9fe
> ---
> I'm not sure why the copy to 0xf failed. That's
> kinda odd but I'll live with it for now. Now, I put
> some debug in the kernel code to see whether it
> found
> the pirq table and I saw:
> ---
> no pirq_table so calling
> pcibios_get_irq_routing_table
> pirq_table=
> ---
> coming from pcibios_irq_init. So based on the code
> appended below, I believe that the kernel isn't
> finding the pirq table. And I think this is because
> the kernel's pirq_find_routing_table function only
> looks from __va(0xf) to __va(0x10) whereas
> LB
> puts it at 500. The second attempt that the
> kernel
> makes to get the PIRQ table is with
> pcibios_get_irq_routing_table and that fails too. I
> need to look at that, but first I think I'll look
> into
> why the copy to f fails. In the meantime, any
> advice?
> ---
> static int __init pcibios_irq_init(void)
> {
> DBG("PCI: IRQ init\n");
> if (pcibios_enable_irq || raw_pci_ops ==
> return 0;
> dmi_check_system(pciirq_dmi_table);
> pirq_table = pirq_find_routing_table();
> if (!pirq_table && (pci_probe &
> printk(KERN_WARNING "no pirq_table
> so
> calling pcibios_get\n");
> pirq_table =
> pcibios_get_irq_routing_table();
> "pirq_table=%p\n",pirq_table);
> }
> #endif
> if (pirq_table) {
> printk(KERN_WARNING "had
> pirq_table\n");
> pirq_peer_trick();
> pirq_find_router(&pirq_router);
> if (pirq_table->exclusive_irqs) {
> int i;
> for (i=0; i<16; i++)
> if
> (!(pirq_table->exclusive_irqs & (1 << i)))
> pirq_penalty[i] += 100;
> }
> /* If we're using the I/O APIC,
> avoid
> using the PCI IRQ routing table */
> if (io_apic_assign_pci_irqs) {
> printk(KERN_WARNING "using
> io_apic to assign irqs\n");
> pirq_table = NULL;
> }
> }
> pcibios_enable_irq = pirq_enable_irq;
> pcibios_fixup_irqs();
> return 0;
> }
> ---
> --- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, Richard Smith wrote:
> > 
> > > I've found that Linux up to 2.6.9 (I haven't
> > tested .10)  Dosen't do
> > > this fully.  With my 440bx chipset there are
> > config registers in the
> > > northbridge that control which IRQ line each of
> > the PCI PIRQ lines are
> > > routed to.  Even with a proper PIRQ table these
> > registers are not setup
> > > and I get the same error reported.
> > 
> > that's whacky. The old linux did fine with 440bx.
> I
> > never had to do 
> > anything but set up PIRQ tables. 
> > 
> > > I suggest you diff the output of lspci -xxx for
> > the northbridge between
> > > linubios and factory bios and resolve all the
> > differences with the
> > > datasheet.
> > 
> > on the geode 2.4.18 always worked, and if I
> patched
> > linux for later 
> > linuxes, that worked fine too. 
> > 
> > What a mess PIRQ got to be  
> > 
> > ron
> > 
> __
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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-01 Thread ramesh bios
1. Shadow RAM

I guess I would need to find a way to tell the
northbridge to enable shadow RAM for some range around
f. I looked through the CS5530A datasheet and see
shadow registers but no mention of shadowing RAM. Nor
in the GX1 datasheet either. I'm looking for some
register in either the GX1 or the CS5530A that would
enable this. I am looking for some register that would
enable me to remap the C-F address range to
somewhere in sdram. Is that the right thing to be
looking for?

2. Uncompressed payload
I'm not sure I understand what this means. Right now,
my payload is filo. In the build, I see:

dd conv=sync bs=196608 if=/bios/filo-0.4.2/filo.elf
cat payload.block > romimage

Oh, I guess you must mean this stuff:

objcopy -O binary linuxbios_c linuxbios_payload.bin
./nrv2b e linuxbios_payload.bin

So I guess there is some kind of compression going on

Which method would be the right thing to do? I'll look
at the shadow ram thing first then.


--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > Strike that. The issue is somewhere with
> > copy_pirq_routing_table. IE: why does the copy to
> > f fail. I had assumed that the 500 address was
> an
> > alternate location that the table was copied to.
> So
> > now, I'm looking at that f000 failure.
> the copy to f fails because shadow ram is not
> set up. 
> You can fix this one of two ways. One is to figure
> out how to enable 
> shadow ram. The second is to make the payload
> uncompressed. The copy will 
> still fail but linux will find the PIRQ table
> anyway.
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-02 Thread ramesh bios

Thanks for the hint. I see the BC_XMAP registers
touched in nsc/gx1/ 

.long   BC_XMAP_1, 0x60
.long   BC_XMAP_2, 0
.long   BC_XMAP_3, 0

And from the gx1 spec:

GX_BASE+800Ch-800Fh BC_XMAP_3 Register (R/W) Default
Value = h
19:16 F0 F0 Region: Region control field for address
range Fh to F3FFFh.

Bit Position: Function
3 PCI Accessible: The PCI slave can access this memory
if this bit is set high and if the appropriate Read or
Write Enable
bit is also set high.
2 Cache Enable1: Caching this region of memory is
inhibited if this bit is cleared.
1 Write Enable1: Write operations to this region of
memory are allowed if this bit is set high. If this
bit is cleared, then write
operations in this region are directed to the PCI
0 Read Enable: Read operations to this region of
memory are allowed if this bit is set high. If this
bit is cleared then read
operations in this region are directed to the PCI

So 3 looks like the right value to set to enable read
and write. So at first I tried with 0x just to
see what would happen if I made all those regions
read/write. (I'm still not sure how the gx1 processor
knows what part of SDRAM those regions are mapped to.)
In any case, that results in a hang immediately after
boot. You see just: "LinuxBIOS starting..." Meaning,
you don't see even raminit occur. Then I tried just
0x0003 and that had the same effect. I then tried
moving the 3 across one by one to see if any would
avoid the hang. But nope, a 3 in any of those nibbles
causes the hang. I then tried to set write only, that
is, a value of 0x2. That does boot. But then one can't
readback the table.

So, I'm stuck. I think I need to figure out how and
where we tell the gx1 what address range maps to the

--- Ian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ramesh,
> At 04:02 02/03/2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> >1. Shadow RAM
> >
> >I guess I would need to find a way to tell the
> >northbridge to enable shadow RAM for some range
> around
> >f. I looked through the CS5530A datasheet and
> see
> >shadow registers but no mention of shadowing RAM.
> Nor
> >in the GX1 datasheet either. I'm looking for some
> >register in either the GX1 or the CS5530A that
> would
> >enable this. I am looking for some register that
> would
> >enable me to remap the C-F address range to
> >somewhere in sdram. Is that the right thing to be
> >looking for?
> I think you may need to look at your settings for
> the BC_XMAP_2 and 
> BC_XMAP_3 registers on the GX1 - these control read
> and write access to the 
> BIOS shadow ram regions.
> >2. Uncompressed payload
> >I'm not sure I understand what this means. Right
> now,
> >my payload is filo. In the build, I see:
> >
> >dd conv=sync bs=196608 if=/bios/filo-0.4.2/filo.elf
> >of=payload.block
> >cat payload.block > romimage
> >
> >Oh, I guess you must mean this stuff:
> >
> >objcopy -O binary linuxbios_c linuxbios_payload.bin
> >./nrv2b e linuxbios_payload.bin
> >linuxbios_payload.nrv2b
> >
> >So I guess there is some kind of compression going
> on
> >there.
> Not sure if you're using Linuxbios V1 or V2 but in
> V1 there is an option in 
> your build config file to turn off compression - you
> probably need 
> something like:
> If it's V2 then no doubt there is an equivalent
> there too.
> >Which method would be the right thing to do? I'll
> look
> >at the shadow ram thing first then.
> >
> >Thanks.
> Nope this helps
> Ian
> >--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, 1 Mar 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > >
> > > > Strike that. The issue is somewhere with
> > > > copy_pirq_routing_table. IE: why does the copy
> to
> > > > f fail. I had assumed that the 500 address
> was
> > > an
> > > > alternate location that the table was copied
> to.
> > > So
> > > > now, I'm looking at that f000 failure.
> > >
> > >
> > > the copy to f fails because shadow ram is
> not
> > > set up.
> > >
> > > You can fix this one of two ways. One is to
> figure
> > > out how to enable
> > > shadow ram. The second is to make the payload
> > > uncompressed. The copy will
> > > still fail but linux will find the PIRQ table
> > > anyway.
> > >
> > > ron
> > > ___

Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-03 Thread ramesh bios
Ok, so I think this means I should:
1. Enable writes for Fh thru F3FFFh (in using BC_XMAP_3
2. Copy the pirq table to F  as in
3. Enable read and writes for Fh thru F3FFFh in
pirq_routing.c:verify_copy_pirq_routing_table using

I'll give this a shot when I get some time and see how
it goes.  


--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> for shadow ram, you need to enable writes to go to
> ram. Later on, when you 
> are done with a region, you need to enable reads. 
> So the way you do this: figure out which one is for
> 0xf. Enable writes 
> (2). At the end of the process, you need to set (3)
> for the area. 
> And, somebody will have to explain how this fits in
> with the new stuff, as 
> I have not looked at shadow ram setup at all in V2!
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-03 Thread ramesh bios
Ok, so I tried this specific sequence and it failed.

making region read/write
done making region read/write
Verifing priq routing tables copy at 0xf...failed,
f=b0 while 87c0=24

Could it be that f is mapped to the flash? I'm
trying to figure out whether that is technically
possible for a gx1? Could the hardware somehow have a
control that maps the 2Mbit flash to that block?


--- ramesh bios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so I think this means I should:
> 1. Enable writes for Fh thru F3FFFh (in
> using BC_XMAP_3
> 2. Copy the pirq table to F  as in
> pirq_routing.c:copy_pirq_routing_table
> 3. Enable read and writes for Fh thru F3FFFh in
> pirq_routing.c:verify_copy_pirq_routing_table using
> BC_XMAP_3 
> I'll give this a shot when I get some time and see
> how
> it goes.  
> Thanks.
> --- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> > 
> > for shadow ram, you need to enable writes to go to
> > ram. Later on, when you 
> > are done with a region, you need to enable reads. 
> > 
> > So the way you do this: figure out which one is
> for
> > 0xf. Enable writes 
> > (2). At the end of the process, you need to set
> (3)
> > for the area. 
> > 
> > 
> > And, somebody will have to explain how this fits
> in
> > with the new stuff, as 
> > I have not looked at shadow ram setup at all in
> V2!
> > 
> > ron
> > ___
> > Linuxbios mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> __ 
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> Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web 
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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-08 Thread ramesh bios
After reading Stefan's mention of F0 index 52h in the
CS5530A, I think I'm begining to understand the

Currently, Fh is mapped to flash. This is because
at reset, the CS5530A decodes that address block and
claims those cycles, generating an ISA bus memory
cycle specifically. I think the cs5530a only claims
read cycles. So I think what I need to do is to do the
copy to Fh like normal in copy_pirq_routing_table.
Then, before verify_copy_pirq..., I need to tell the
CS5530A to no longer claim read cycles for that
address block. But... that might not be possible.

Looking at Stefan's /dev/bios code I see the use of 6
to enable write access to the flash. But I don't see
the ability to disable the CS5530A's claim of the read
cycle. So no way to map F elsewhere. 

So in summary, I think there is no way to tell the
gx1+cs5530a combo that Fh should be mapped to
sdram. Since that can't be done, then it would require
that the PIRQ table be stored uncompressed somewhere
in the F-10 adress range. And that's what
happens when building with CONFIG_COMPRESS=0 which
does work of course since eventually the kernel finds
it somewhere within the address range using the $PIRQ
signature. But that feels dirty to me.

So what do you guys think I should do? Do you agree
with my assessment above? The easiest thing to do
would be to add a linux kernel boot parameter that'll
allow LinuxBIOS to tell filo to tell the kernel
exactly where in sdram the uncompressed PIRQ table is.
I think I can do that. Alternately, since we know that
Fh is the start of the flash, could we just
reserve that small section of flash for storing an
uncompressed PIRQ table and leave everything else as
is. I like the feel of that except I don't really now
how all the linkage and addressing is assigned. Please
let me know what you think.


--- "Ronald G. Minnich"  wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Mar 2005, Ronald G. Minnich wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, ramesh bios wrote:
> > 
> > > Ok, so I tried this specific sequence and it
> failed.
> > > 
> > > making region read/write
> > 
> > nope. you need to make it write-only, 
> arg, I'm not thinking, we are running out of high
> memory and then RAM. 
> So making it read/write should have worked. Blash.
> Dump the memory at 0xf BEFORE and AFTER you copy
> the PIRQ.
> ron
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-09 Thread ramesh bios
Yes, I was, or actually, am doubtful as well. I would
have thought, for sure, you can turn off the cs5530a's
claim of reads on that address block. But so far I
can't find any way to do that, and it doesn't seem
like anyone else has either.

As for watching the chip select line, I'd love to do
that but I don't have a logic analyzer or probes. I
guess I could do it with an LED and a sharpened wire
but I'd rather not risk damage to my board. :-)

--- Richard Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Looking at Stefan's /dev/bios code I see the use
> of 6
> > to enable write access to the flash. But I don't
> see
> > the ability to disable the CS5530A's claim of the
> read
> > cycle. So no way to map F elsewhere.
> I'm kind of doubtful on this.  ROM shadowing has
> been part of chipsets
> for a long time and it seems really odd that they
> would just leave it
> out.
> Do you have the factory bios for the board?  If so
> fire it up and make
> dd read from the f area and then watch the chip
> select on the bios
> chip to see if its asserted.
> -- 
> Richard A. Smith
> ___
> Linuxbios mailing list

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Re: Geode GX1 and IRQ tables

2005-03-10 Thread ramesh bios
Oooh, looks interesting. I did not actually know what
subtractive decoding is. Now I do. After talking to
the local PCI guy, it means that the cs5530 will only
claim the transaction if it doesn't see anyone else
assert devsel# for some number of cycles. I will try
this out soon. Thanks very much Peter.

--- Peter Stuge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 05:08:20PM -0800, ramesh
> bios wrote:
> > Yes, I was, or actually, am doubtful as well. I
> would
> > have thought, for sure, you can turn off the
> cs5530a's
> > claim of reads on that address block. But so far I
> > can't find any way to do that, and it doesn't seem
> > like anyone else has either.
> Perhaps setting the ROM interface to subtractive
> decoding will help?
> F0 Index 5Bh, Decode Control Register 2, Bit 5
> BIOS ROM Positive Decode: Selects PCI positive or
> subtractive
> decoding for accesses to the configured ROM space.
> 0 = Subtractive; 1 = Positive.
> ROM configuration is at F0 Index 52h[2:0].
> It resets to 1.
> (Page 94 in the data sheet.)
> //Peter
> ___
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RTC and linuxbios checksum versus pc checksum

2005-03-31 Thread ramesh bios
I was looking through linuxbios' freebios (v1) code
and see the following:

then finally

I looked in 2.6.11's mc146818 code and I don't see it
writing a checksum so I'm not certain it's valid to
check for a checksum on boot since stuff like hwclock
may/would have written to the cmos during normal
operation. Out of curiosity, how come there is a LB
checksum and then a PC checksum and then we write a PC
checksum at the end. Is it for legacy compatibility, I
didn't find any mention of it in the mailing list and


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Re: RTC and linuxbios checksum versus pc checksum

2005-03-31 Thread ramesh bios
Well, I got things to work in the end by copying the
standard bios's CR bit settings for the W83977AF.
Regretably though, I have gained no understanding of
why or how it's working. Amazingly, the standard bios
sets CR30 on the W83977AF, ie: the RTC enable/disable
bit to disabled. So the RTC appears to increment
properly when that bit is disabled (which makes no
sense to me at all, ie: disable the RTC and it ticks
properly?). When that bit is enabled, and no other
changes, the RTC has weird incrementation behavior.
Almost seemed like random bits in mm:ss were changing.
Also, I never understood why bytes in 0E-7F, the user
ram changes during normal ticking of the clock. Oh
well, it's working now so I guess I'll just push this
mystery to the back of my mind. If anyone happens to
understand this stuff, I'll sleep better once I've
understood this.


--- ramesh bios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was looking through linuxbios' freebios (v1) code
> and see the following:
> rtc_checksum_valid(PC_CKS_RANGE_START,
> then 
> rtc_checksum_valid(LB_CKS_RANGE_START,
> then finally
> rtc_set_checksum(PC_CKS_RANGE_START,
> I looked in 2.6.11's mc146818 code and I don't see
> it
> writing a checksum so I'm not certain it's valid to
> check for a checksum on boot since stuff like
> hwclock
> may/would have written to the cmos during normal
> operation. Out of curiosity, how come there is a LB
> checksum and then a PC checksum and then we write a
> PC
> checksum at the end. Is it for legacy compatibility,
> I
> didn't find any mention of it in the mailing list
> and
> google. 
> Thanks.
> __ 
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