[REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(4)

2000-09-08 Thread Petr . Krenzelok


 I've got back to Aug 1999 in Outlook Express if that helps.

 IMHO If you go back much further than that, there isn't much of relevance to
 v2.x of REBOL

I think I have all rebol ml messages. The problem is - it's here and there, as I
have changed computers and accessing net from home and from work too ... :-)



 Allen K

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 12:13 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Re: eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:

  On 07-Sep-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   However, Ryan, I noticed that the eScribe FAQ says you can import
   older messages into the system.  Have you looked at doing this?
   This would be awesome if someone could make this happen.
   Good idea. I will look into this, but someone at RT would have to help
   out (unless there is some way to retrieve all old messages
  I have all the mail form 1-10-2000 to the present and can send as html if
  that is what is needed-let me know
  The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
  the first one was useless.
  -- Chamfort
  JMS Trustee http://www.jms.org
  First computer solar powered vic-20
  AmigaQNX-notAmigaNG=no good
  computers for people not suits
  sent via Yam ver2 on AmigaForever ver3
  Be a Rebel get [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(4)

2000-09-08 Thread norsepower

would you be able to export just the rebol messages from Outlook?

I've got back to Aug 1999 in Outlook Express if that helps.

IMHO If you go back much further than that, there isn't much of relevance to
v2.x of REBOL


Allen K

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 12:13 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Re: eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:


 On 07-Sep-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  However, Ryan, I noticed that the eScribe FAQ says you can import
  older messages into the system.  Have you looked at doing this?
  This would be awesome if someone could make this happen.
  Good idea. I will look into this, but someone at RT would have to help
  out (unless there is some way to retrieve all old messages
 I have all the mail form 1-10-2000 to the present and can send as html if
 that is what is needed-let me know
 The only thing that stops God from sending another flood is that
 the first one was useless.
 -- Chamfort
 JMS Trustee http://www.jms.org
 First computer solar powered vic-20
 AmigaQNX-notAmigaNG=no good
 computers for people not suits
 sent via Yam ver2 on AmigaForever ver3
 Be a Rebel get [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] Trying to compose a block out of global and local bindings Re:

2000-09-08 Thread rebol

Hi princepawn,

pretty much everything has already been said. 

(1) I just happened to notice that you redefine form (was pointed out) AND
use reform:

 source reform
reform: func [
"Forms a reduced block and returns a string."
value "Value to reduce and form"
form reduce value

You see that reform uses form.

So at the time you evaluate reform, if we explicitly replace form by the
value you assigned to it, then we get:

reform: func [
"Forms a reduced block and returns a string."
value "Value to reduce and form"
["hi" name "welcome back"] reduce value

reform no long performs a FORM on its argument!

Since the result of a function is the value its body evaluates to (unless
you use return at some point) in this case reform will simply return its
reduced argument. Which leads me to ...

... (2) you use

[ name: n print reform reduce b]

... reform reduce ...

Recall the implementation of reform. The reform function performs a reduce
on its argument, and therefore your explicit use of reduce is redundant.
The whole difference between reform and form is that reform first REDUCEs
its argument before it FORMs it. But you are using print ...

... and (3) print reduces its argument quite on its own anyway. The print
function accepts a block as its argument and is not limited to an argument
of type string!. Therefore you do not need to reduce or reform b. Passing b
to print alone will work just fine, provided the name in the b block is
bound to the context of foreach. Which leads me to ...

... A final word. What name evaluates to depends on the context in which it
is defined. There are two instances of name involved in your function. One
instance of name is bound to the global context:

["hi" name "welcome back"]

where name is associated with the string "Bob".

The other name is local to the function. When you set name to the value of
n, then you are setting the instance of name that is bound to the local
function to that value (obviously). The argument you pass to reduce,
however, is the block that was constructed in the global context, and
therefore the name instance it contains is the name bound to the global

Actually you do not want the second name instance to be local to the
letter2 function. You want the second name instance to be bound to the
foreach (native!) function.

So, you could say

letter2: func [b] [
  foreach name ["Sue" "Sally"] [
 print bind b 'name

Here BIND directs REBOL to associate all words contained in 'b with the
"closest" context that contains the symbol name. Because 

1. the context in which the BIND expression is being used is the block
passed to foreach, and 
a) because the first argument passed to foreach (foreach name ...) is an
instance of the word name 
b) there therefore now exists an instance of the word name that is bound to
foreach's context, 

3. == therefore 
a) REBOL will identify foreach's context as the "closest" context in which
'name occurs. This is the context to which all words in the block b are now
being bound, provided they are defined in foreach's context.
b) Because of 3.a) the symbol name in the block b will be bound to the
foreach context. (If the block b contained other words and some or all of
these other words were also defined in the foreach context, then all these
words would be bound to the foreach context as well. Words that are not
defined in the foreach context remain bound to whichever context they
originated in, when the block b was formed, or they remain unset!, if they
were never set to a value to begin with).


 name: "Bob"
== "Bob"
 message: ["hi" name "welcome back"]
== ["hi" name "welcome back"]
 letter2: func [b] [
[  foreach name ["Sue" "Sally"] [
[ print bind b 'name
[  ]
 letter2 message
hi Sue welcome back
hi Sally welcome back

Note that as a side-effect the symbol name in the message block remains
bound to the value it was last associated with in the letter2 function:

 reduce message
== ["hi" "Sally" "welcome back"]

If that should be relevant, i.e. you want to prevent the modification of
the binding of the word name in the original message block, you can use
bind/copy, which generates a duplicate of the block, before it binds it:

letter2: func [b] [
  foreach name ["Sue" "Sally"] [
 print bind/copy b 'name

 letter2 message
hi Sue welcome back
hi Sally welcome back
 reduce message
== ["hi" "Bob" "welcome back"]

Note that the word used as foreach's first argument (foreach name ...) is
not bound in the context of your letter2 function in which foreach is
evaluated. It is bound in the context of foreach.

Let us demonstrate that by collecting different instances of name into a
block. We being with the global instance:

 names: []
== []
 name: "This is the global instance of name."
== "This is the global instance of name."
 insert tail names 'name
== []
== [name]
 reduce names
== ["This is the global instance of name."]

[REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(5)

2000-09-08 Thread allen

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:02 PM
Subject: [REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(4)

 would you be able to export just the rebol messages from Outlook?

According to the e-scribe faq they accept Outlook Express .dbx files.
This zip file contains the .dbx for messages from mid July-99 thru to end
Dec 99


I can upload other months if required, just let me know, I'll upload to the
same directory


Allen K

[REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(6)

2000-09-08 Thread agem

there is a "gimme message" - command somewhere @ selma?
and in the 
X-SELMA: [REBOL] 341927
in the mail-header is a number..
look your missing numbers and write a script..
and tell me this selma - command , somewhere in deep space HD here ..


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 8-Sep-2000/17:13:05+10:00

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 4:02 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(4)
  would you be able to export just the rebol messages from Outlook?
 According to the e-scribe faq they accept Outlook Express .dbx files.
 This zip file contains the .dbx for messages from mid July-99 thru to end
 Dec 99
 I can upload other months if required, just let me know, I'll upload to the
 same directory
 Allen K

[REBOL] Copyrights Re:

2000-09-08 Thread bhandley

Since it is very important, you should consult a lawyer and explain to
him/her your requirements.

Different countries have different copyright laws.

Some countries have agreements between them so that if your work is
protected in one country it may also be protected in another.

The site http://www.copyright.org.au is meant to be used by Australians (in
Australia copyright protection is automatic). It has a number of useful
articles about copyright including an information sheet called "Copyright
Protection in Other Countries". This may give you a clue to what you need to

That said, it is likely that you will need to understand your home countries
copyright law before looking into other countries.

Maybe others on this list will add some other links.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 2:52 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Copyrights


 I live in Peru and I need register my products, copyrigths, etc.
 Basicly in USA, I think.
 Please, can somebody tell me what I must do or who contact ? It is very

 Thank you very much.

 Cristian G. Amayo

[REBOL] Strange chars in password Re:(2)

2000-09-08 Thread Fantam

Very enlightening, but why the local word 'url-value since I can't see
it used except for the assignment:

url-value: url

Can you explain? (Allen?)

 So that you don't have to construct that all the time, you could do use
 following code..

 config: make object! [pass: "password" user: "username"]

 authenticate: func [
 {Returns a filled scheme block complete with password}
 url [url!] {The url to parse}
 /local url-value url-obj
 url-obj: make net-utils/url-parser []
 set url-obj/vars none
 url-value: url

 parse/all url url-obj/url-rules
 ;---Return Url data set
 compose [
 scheme: (to-lit-word url-obj/scheme)
 user: (config/user)
 pass: (config/pass)
 host: (url-obj/host)
 path: (url-obj/path)
 target: (url-obj/target)

 ;e.g usage
 ; read authenticate ftp://ftp.securesite.com/private/file.dat
 ; read authenticate http://www.securesite.com/private/file.dat



 Allen K


[REBOL] Re: x-www-form-urlencoded (bug in bitset! or find ?)

2000-09-08 Thread alex . pini

- Open Your Mind -

Quoting from my message (03-Sep-00 18:09:43).

a First, I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing by changing the
a special characters in the charset: some of my browsers agree with the
a previous version, so maybe there's a de-facto standard *I* am not
a respecting

... and, as a matter of fact, learning more and more about cookies, I've found one 
problem. :-) The comma (as well as the semicolon) can be used as a cookie separator. 
Here's my newest version of url-encode, complete with comments.

url-encode: func [
"URL-encodes a string."
value [string!] "The string to encode"
] compose [
url-encoded-string: make string! ""
normal-char: (charset [   #"A" - #"Z"   #"a" - #"z"   #"0" - #"9"   "$-_.!*'()"   
; normal chars are defined as per HTML 4.01 specs, section, 
referring to RFC 1738, section 2.2
; "+" is not a normal char here because it encodes " "
; "," is not a normal char here because it is a special char as per RFC 2109, 
section 4.3.4
parse/all value [
any [
copy char normal-char (append url-encoded-string char) |
copy char " " (append url-encoded-string "+") |
copy char newline (append url-encoded-string "%0D%0A") |
copy char skip(append url-encoded-string reduce ["%" skip tail 
(to-hex 0 + first char) -2])

Alessandro Pini ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"Hy. Im HAL 9000, your nu ortoghrapphic corecktor."

[REBOL] I give up

2000-09-08 Thread ptretter

I cant figure it out - doc after doc port after port - its killin me.

How do you join an irc channel?  I did the open port stuff I can do it with
telnet but not with REBOL.  Look at my script below and tell me whats wrong.
I understand I havent accounted for everything that IRC RFC states but
should I think have enough to contact the server and join the channel but
doesnt work.

Any ideas?

Paul Tretter



irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
scheme: 'tcp
host: "irc.mindspring.com"
port-id: 6667
while [data: copy irc-port] [prin data]
insert irc-port "NICK tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
scheme: 'tcp
host: "irc.mindspring.com"
port-id: 6667

insert irc-port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
scheme: 'tcp
host: "irc.mindspring.com"
port-id: 6667

insert irc-port reform "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
close irc-port

[REBOL] Strange chars in password Re:(3)

2000-09-08 Thread allen

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Strange chars in password Re:(2)

 Very enlightening, but why the local word 'url-value since I can't see
 it used except for the assignment:

 url-value: url

 Can you explain? (Allen?)

Well spotted! I think it is safe to remove. It is part of some job specific
code that I removed from the function before posting, looks like I missed
that bit.


Allen K

[REBOL] eScribe Rebol Archive vs rebol.org Archive Re:(7)

2000-09-08 Thread peoyli

...but then, your message, arriving at my mailbox 12 seconds after the
one you copied the X-SELMA number from has the field

X-SELMA: [REBOL] 342011

in the header..

I did not get those 84 messages in between..


 there is a "gimme message" - command somewhere @ selma?
 and in the 
 X-SELMA: [REBOL] 341927
 in the mail-header is a number..
 look your missing numbers and write a script..
 and tell me this selma - command , somewhere in deep space HD here ..

[REBOL] I give up Re:

2000-09-08 Thread Russ

Perhaps the following (keeping as close to your code as possible) will
help... it's very basic but at least you see responses from the IRC server,
on the basis of which you'll be able to add more to do what you desire.


size: 1
b: make string! size

irc-port: [
scheme: 'tcp
host: "us.dal.net"
port-id: 7000

port: open irc-port

insert port "NICK tret^/"
insert port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
insert port "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
insert port "WHOIS tret^/"

forever  [
  if 0  length? b [print b clear b]; display replies and clear buffer
  read-io port b size   ; get next replies from server

; use ESC to stop program and then manually enter "close port"
; or just wait for port to time out and close itself on error


At 09:46 AM 9/8/2000 -0500, you wrote:
I cant figure it out - doc after doc port after port - its killin me.

How do you join an irc channel?  I did the open port stuff I can do it with
telnet but not with REBOL.  Look at my script below and tell me whats wrong.
I understand I havent accounted for everything that IRC RFC states but
should I think have enough to contact the server and join the channel but
doesnt work.

Any ideas?

Paul Tretter



irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "irc.mindspring.com"
   port-id: 6667
while [data: copy irc-port] [prin data]
insert irc-port "NICK tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "irc.mindspring.com"
   port-id: 6667

insert irc-port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "irc.mindspring.com"
   port-id: 6667

insert irc-port reform "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
close irc-port

[REBOL] I give up Re:(2)

2000-09-08 Thread ptretter

This helps greatly.  Now i need to master pong response to server pings.  Im
curious why you didnt have to close the port every time you made a send.

Paul Tretter

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 12:02 PM
Subject: [REBOL] I give up Re:

Perhaps the following (keeping as close to your code as possible) will
help... it's very basic but at least you see responses from the IRC server,
on the basis of which you'll be able to add more to do what you desire.


size: 1
b: make string! size

irc-port: [
scheme: 'tcp
host: "us.dal.net"
port-id: 7000

port: open irc-port

insert port "NICK tret^/"
insert port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
insert port "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
insert port "WHOIS tret^/"

forever  [
  if 0  length? b [print b clear b]; display replies and clear buffer
  read-io port b size   ; get next replies from server

; use ESC to stop program and then manually enter "close port"
; or just wait for port to time out and close itself on error


At 09:46 AM 9/8/2000 -0500, you wrote:
I cant figure it out - doc after doc port after port - its killin me.

How do you join an irc channel?  I did the open port stuff I can do it with
telnet but not with REBOL.  Look at my script below and tell me whats
I understand I havent accounted for everything that IRC RFC states but
should I think have enough to contact the server and join the channel but
doesnt work.

Any ideas?

Paul Tretter



irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "irc.mindspring.com"
   port-id: 6667
while [data: copy irc-port] [prin data]
insert irc-port "NICK tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "irc.mindspring.com"
   port-id: 6667

insert irc-port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "irc.mindspring.com"
   port-id: 6667

insert irc-port reform "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
close irc-port

[REBOL] I give up Re:(3)

2000-09-08 Thread Russ

Cuz once the port is open, you can keep sending as long as you like... and
close it only when done.  That's the way ports work.  Of course, the way
this now stands there's no really safe closing taking place... but you can
put that in later when you /QUIT IRC or whatever.

Re ping/pong... you'll see them coming at you with this program.. if it
stays alive long enough... and you can figure how to parse them and respond.

I've done a whole IRC client in REBOL, but not in position to release it in
total.  It was quite a while ago, so I need lots of head scratching to go
back and figure things out... but will help if you're REALLY stuck.


PS: Here's the section of my code that does the PONG... but you'll have to
infer what 'p is.. and how I parsed it from the PING message received from
server (you can ignore my debug and logging mode lines):

if (find/case first p "PING") [ ; system PING (reply with PONG)
  if debug [ foreach item p [prin item]  prin newline ]
  insert irc rejoin["PONG " second p newline]
  if debug [ print rejoin["PONG " second p newline] ]
  if logging [ append log rejoin["PONG " second p newline] ]

At 12:26 PM 9/8/2000 -0500, you wrote:
This helps greatly.  Now i need to master pong response to server pings.  Im
curious why you didnt have to close the port every time you made a send.

Paul Tretter

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 12:02 PM
Subject: [REBOL] I give up Re:

Perhaps the following (keeping as close to your code as possible) will
help... it's very basic but at least you see responses from the IRC server,
on the basis of which you'll be able to add more to do what you desire.


size: 1
b: make string! size

irc-port: [
   scheme: 'tcp
   host: "us.dal.net"
   port-id: 7000

port: open irc-port

insert port "NICK tret^/"
insert port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
insert port "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
insert port "WHOIS tret^/"

forever  [
  if 0  length? b [print b clear b]   ; display replies and clear buffer
  read-io port b size  ; get next replies from server

; use ESC to stop program and then manually enter "close port"
; or just wait for port to time out and close itself on error


At 09:46 AM 9/8/2000 -0500, you wrote:
I cant figure it out - doc after doc port after port - its killin me.

How do you join an irc channel?  I did the open port stuff I can do it with
telnet but not with REBOL.  Look at my script below and tell me whats
I understand I havent accounted for everything that IRC RFC states but
should I think have enough to contact the server and join the channel but
doesnt work.

Any ideas?

Paul Tretter



irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
  scheme: 'tcp
  host: "irc.mindspring.com"
  port-id: 6667
while [data: copy irc-port] [prin data]
insert irc-port "NICK tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
  scheme: 'tcp
  host: "irc.mindspring.com"
  port-id: 6667

insert irc-port "USER tret rebol.dyndns.org irc.mindspring.com tret^/"
close irc-port
irc-port: open/direct/string/no-wait [
  scheme: 'tcp
  host: "irc.mindspring.com"
  port-id: 6667

insert irc-port reform "JOIN #REBOLGODS^/"
close irc-port

[REBOL] I give up Re:(4)

2000-09-08 Thread peoyli

I've done a client too, it is available at http://www.algonet.se/~peoyli/RebIRC,
but its code needs some more work..

I mostly wrote this to learn Rebol and the IRC protocol, and it was meant to be
a bot that jumps into a channel and gets the userlist and leaves again (to make
the channel's people's page more interesting)..

My solution to the PING/PONG stuff was something like..

handle-irc-cmd: func [] [
  switch/default/case irc/command reduce[
"PING" [
  insert irc-port rejoin ["PONG " (first irc/params) newline]
  prin #"^G"

with "irc" being an object which consists of

irc-obj: make object! [
  prefix: make object! [full: nick: user: host: string!]
  command: string!
  params: block!

(as described in the RFC)


 I've done a whole IRC client in REBOL, but not in position to release it in
 total.  It was quite a while ago, so I need lots of head scratching to go
 back and figure things out... but will help if you're REALLY stuck.

[REBOL] Trying to compose a block out of global and local bindings Re:(2)

2000-09-08 Thread lmecir

Hi Elan,

you wrote:
 letter2: func [b] [
   foreach name ["Sue" "Sally"] [
  print bind b 'name

 Here BIND directs REBOL to associate all words contained in 'b with the
 "closest" context that contains the symbol name.

I would recommend to change the wording:

{Bind associates all words contained in B (not in 'B, because in 'B is
"contained" a block IMHO) with the context previously associated with the
word 'Name (again, not Name, as you wrote) which is its second argument.}

I am not sure I understand the term "closest" above, I would recommend to
not use
it here.

 1. the context in which the BIND expression is being used is the block
 passed to foreach, and

Again, a change suggested. I don't believe, that the block passed to Foreach
is a context, sorry. This wording looks better:

{The second argument of Bind is the word 'Name previously associated with
the context Foreach created.}

 a) because the first argument passed to foreach (foreach name ...) is an
 instance of the word name

This doesn't make much sense to me too, the sentence: {'Name (the second
of Bind above) is an instance of the Word! datatype} looks like a correct
usage of
the word "instance", but it doesn't say what you wanted. I would recommend
to look at the previous suggestion.

 b) there therefore now exists an instance of the word name that is bound
 foreach's context,

Again a change necessary, IMHO: {There exists a word 'Name that is bound to
a context Foreach created.} is the wording I prefer.


 3. == therefore
 a) REBOL will identify foreach's context as the "closest" context in which
 'name occurs.

I think, that you switched the cause and the consequence here: the truth is,
that the word
'Name above (the second argument of Bind) was bound by Foreach to the
context it created and that is why "there exists a word 'Name that is bound
to a context Foreach created".

 This is the context to which all words in the block b are now
 being bound, provided they are defined in foreach's context.
 b) Because of 3.a) the symbol name in the block b will be bound to the
 foreach context. (If the block b contained other words and some or all of
 these other words were also defined in the foreach context, then all these
 words would be bound to the foreach context as well.

I don't like the use of the word "symbol" here. The meaning of it is defined
Rebol. I found the use of this word in Rebol with different meaning,
than Rebol assigned to it ambiguous.

 Words that are not
 defined in the foreach context remain bound to whichever context they
 originated in, when the block b was formed, or they remain unset!, if they
 were never set to a value to begin with).

Again a statement I would suggest to change: {Words that are not contained
(whether defined or not is
irrelevant) in the context Foreach created remain unchanged, while words,
that are contained in the context Foreach created are replaced (in B) by
their equivalents bound to the above context.}



  name: "Bob"
 == "Bob"
  message: ["hi" name "welcome back"]
 == ["hi" name "welcome back"]
  letter2: func [b] [
 [  foreach name ["Sue" "Sally"] [
 [ print bind b 'name
 [  ]
  letter2 message
 hi Sue welcome back
 hi Sally welcome back

 Note that as a side-effect the symbol name in the message block remains
 bound to the value it was last associated with in the letter2 function:

  reduce message
 == ["hi" "Sally" "welcome back"]

Yes, this effect can be considered a self-modification of the code
presented, I think.

 If that should be relevant, i.e. you want to prevent the modification of
 the binding of the word name in the original message block, you can use
 bind/copy, which generates a duplicate of the block, before it binds it:

 letter2: func [b] [
   foreach name ["Sue" "Sally"] [
  print bind/copy b 'name

  letter2 message
 hi Sue welcome back
 hi Sally welcome back
  reduce message
 == ["hi" "Bob" "welcome back"]

 Note that the word used as foreach's first argument (foreach name ...) is
 not bound in the context of your letter2 function in which foreach is
 evaluated. It is bound in the context of foreach.

A different wording: {Note that the word used as Foreach's first argument
(foreach name ...) is not bound in the context of your Letter2 function. It
is bound in the context Foreach created.}

I would prefer not saying, that "...Foreach is evaluated in a context,...",
because I don't know, what that should mean. To the contrary, I am pretty
sure, that there are examples of Rebol code, for which you cannot find any
"context they are evaluated in".


 Let us demonstrate that by collecting different instances of name into a
 block. We being with the global instance:

  names: []
 == []
  name: "This is the global instance of name."
 == "This is the global instance of name."
  insert tail names 'name

[REBOL] Trying to compose a block out of global and local bindings Re:(2)

2000-09-08 Thread lmecir


SS wrote:

 I'll point out quickly that what you're trying to do is generally
 considered a bad programming practice, i.e. referencing a variable
 internal to a function from its argument. A caller shouldn't need to know
 about and shouldn't really have direct access to variables local to a

 I will however provide an example of how to do what I think you're trying
 to do and recommend that you rethink your approach in any case because
 this is almost as bad but I think it demonstrates that your problem was
 perhaps not one as much of scope but more of tokenization:

  letter2: func [b][foreach n ["sally" "sue"][print replace (copy b)
'name n]]
  greeting: ["hi" name "welcome back"]
 == ["hi" name "welcome back"]
  {I prefer not to overwrite REBOL words, like "form" from your example}
 == {I prefer not to overwrite REBOL words, like "form" from your example}
  name: "bob"
 == "bob"
  letter2 greeting
 hi sally welcome back
 hi sue welcome back



The self-modifying Bind-, or its non-self-modifying Bind/copy- variant
approach really doesn't look preferrably to me. Here is an approach that
looks different IMHO:

letter2: func [b /local subst][
subst: func [name] reduce [:print b]
foreach n ["sally" "sue"][subst n]
greeting: ["hi" name "welcome back"]
name: "bob"
letter2 greeting

What do you think?

 On Thu, 7 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   letter2: func [b /local name] [foreach n ["sally" "sue"][ name: n
print reform reduce b] ]
  == ["hi" name "welcome back"]
  == "bob"
   letter2 form
  hi bob welcome back
  hi bob welcome back
  ... the only problem is I was hoping that the loop values in letter2
would take precedence over the globally bound value of name and allow me to
create a form letter of sorts.
  Could anyone help with this please?
  Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications at

[REBOL] stdout instead of print? Re:

2000-09-08 Thread joel . neely

Print DOES send data to stdout, but not if you're running in an
interactive session.

Create a file named testing.r (assuming you're in a *nix/*nux
environment, as you asked about piping and date) which reads as
follows (not including the hyphen-bar delimiters:

#!/usr/local/bin/rebol -sq
; set this variable however you wish...
date-string: "0907225000"
print "this"
print "is"
print "a"
print "test"
print date-string

The first line may need to be different on your system, depending
on where you have installed REBOL.

Now, at the shell, enter the commands

chmod 744 testing.r
./testing.r | sort

The first command makes the file executable.  The second should
produce the output:


The second should produce the output:


That's how to pipe from REBOL to another process.

Having said all that...

You can only set the date on your system as root.  Where is the
script getting the value of date-string from?  I'm just highly
puzzled as to the use (and safety) of the exact example you asked


 howdy guys,
 print date-string
 Instead of printing date-string, how can I get it to stdout,
 so I can pipe it to date?
 Spend less time composing sigs.

[REBOL] I give up Re:(5)

2000-09-08 Thread ptretter

Is this line "prefix: make object! [full: nick: user: host: string!]"
supposed to be replaced with the actual nick user  and host portions or is
this proper syntax!

Paul Tretter

-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, September 08, 2000 3:47 PM
Subject: [REBOL] I give up Re:(4)

I've done a client too, it is available at
but its code needs some more work..

I mostly wrote this to learn Rebol and the IRC protocol, and it was meant to
a bot that jumps into a channel and gets the userlist and leaves again (to
the channel's people's page more interesting)..

My solution to the PING/PONG stuff was something like..

handle-irc-cmd: func [] [
  switch/default/case irc/command reduce[
"PING" [
  insert irc-port rejoin ["PONG " (first irc/params) newline]
  prin #"^G"

with "irc" being an object which consists of

irc-obj: make object! [
  prefix: make object! [full: nick: user: host: string!]
  command: string!
  params: block!

(as described in the RFC)


 I've done a whole IRC client in REBOL, but not in position to release it
 total.  It was quite a while ago, so I need lots of head scratching to go
 back and figure things out... but will help if you're REALLY stuck.


[REBOL] IRC Protocol (I give up ) Re:(6)

2000-09-08 Thread peoyli

 Is this line "prefix: make object! [full: nick: user: host: string!]"
 supposed to be replaced with the actual nick user  and host portions or is
 this proper syntax!
 Paul Tretter

I use this object to store a parsed RAW line from the IRC server (a
call to a parse-irc-str function I wrote for this purpose).

'full' contains the whole prefix from the string sent by the server, and
the rest of the prefix object contains the actual parts of the prefix.

From the RFC:

   Each IRC message may consist of up to three main parts: the prefix
   (optional), the command, and the command parameters (of which there
   may be up to 15).  The prefix, command, and all parameters are
   separated by one (or more) ASCII space character(s) (0x20).

   The presence of a prefix is indicated with a single leading ASCII
   colon character (':', 0x3b), which must be the first character of the
   message itself.

message  ::= [':' prefix SPACE ] command params crlf
prefix   ::= servername | nick [ '!' user ] [ '@' host ]

It could be nice to have a REBOL function to actually parse (any)
whole 'pseudo' BNF formatted description..


[REBOL] Second request for help: globbing on a block of filenames Re:(3)

2000-09-08 Thread jkinraid


 Oops, it occurs to me that I forgot to add the tail refinement to my first
 find (meaning a file feeder~fodder.r~ would be missed for example). This
 should work better:
 has-backup-file?: func [
 {Returns true if any item in block ends with r~}
 arg [block!]
 forall arg [
 if (result: find/tail first arg "r~") [
 if (length? result) = 2 [
 return true
 return false

You could also use the empty? function if you wanted

has-backup-file?: func [
{Returns true if any item in block ends with r~}
arg [block!]
/local result
forall arg [
if all [
result: find/last/tail first arg "r~"
empty? result
return true

Julian Kinraid

[REBOL] printing a path and its value Re:

2000-09-08 Thread Al . Bri

 I want to print a path (ie, what the path is) and then the value of that
path... how can I do so?

 Example: [
[system [
[schemes [
[ftp [
[passive "Passive ftp"
[proxy [
[host "proxy host"
[port-id "proxy port-id"
[type "proxy type"
== [
system [
schemes [
ftp [
passive "Passive ftp"
proxy [
 Paths: [
== [
 foreach Path Paths [print [:Path ":::" Path]]
Example/system/schemes/ftp/passive ::: Passive ftp

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
On the path to recovery...
ICQ: 26227169

[REBOL] Trying to compose a block out of global and local bindings Re:(2)

2000-09-08 Thread princepawn

Oh my god. I think this is the most naive thing I have ever done in my life... I 
really didnt even think that I had just redefined form.

This is so embarrassing.

On Fri, 8 Sep 2000 0:05 +020  
 alex.pini wrote:
- Open Your Mind -

Quoting from [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s message (07-Sep-00 22:02:43).

p letter2: func [b /local name] [foreach n ["sally" "sue"][ name: n print reform 
reduce b] ]
p form
p == ["hi" name "welcome back"]
p name
p == "bob"
p letter2 form
p hi bob welcome back
p hi bob welcome back
p ... the only problem is I was hoping that the loop values in letter2 would take 
precedence over the globally bound value of name and allow me to create a form letter 
of sorts.
p Could anyone help with this please?

letter2: func [b /local name] [foreach n ["sally" "sue"][ name: n print bind b 'name] 

Note that I don't really believe I've understood this myself. :-9

Also note you've just redefined the *form* native function...

Alessandro Pini ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

"I'm just the... *shadow* of my former self." (Morden)

Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications at

[REBOL] Trying to compose a block out of global and local bindings Re:(3)

2000-09-08 Thread Al . Bri

princepawn wrote:
 Oh my god. I think this is the most naive thing I have ever done in my
life... I really didn't even think that I had just redefined form.

 This is so embarrassing.

Don't be too embarrassed. I did a similar thing in my HTML dialect, and
accidentally redefined 'head. Took me a while to figure out that.

Best hint to avoid this problem is to use long descriptive names. Instead of
'form, use: 'form_letter.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169