[REBOL] Re: Rebol 2.5 unstable ?

2001-03-30 Thread bo


Maybe you could try adding the lines:

echo %trace.txt
trace on

to your script.  When it locks up, you can look and see what was
happening when the script locked up.  This may point out a
potential problem.

Sterling pointed out a minor change in the way ports behave that
caused his proxy script to not work correctly.  Maybe it is

If you isolate the cause, or even if you don't, please send any
information you can collect to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .



On 30-Mar-2001/14:09:30+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a program that downloads historical quotes from Yahoo. It freezes in
new 2.5 version and launch our Visual C debugger. Is there any change in
syntax that would explain that ?

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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
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[REBOL] Re: Core 2.5 file security control in CGI mode

2001-03-28 Thread bo


I did the following test from RedHat Linux 7.0 and it worked fine:

./rebol -cs --do "write %test.r {test}"

I was not prompted to lower the security and the file was written

Try the above on your version and let us know:

1)  Did it work?
2)  The full version number of your release (i.e.

You said the switch was OK in commandline mode.  Does this mean that
the problem only exists when launching it from a script?  If so, could
you provide a short example of a script that doesn't work?  What
webserver are you using?  Give us whatever information you think we
would need to recreate the problem here.



On 28-Mar-2001/14:32:36+8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The -cs switch doesn't work with Core 2.5.  It just keep on asking me
to grant permission to write to file.  I have to switch back to Core 2.4.
Strange enough the -s switch is OK in commandline mode.

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       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
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[REBOL] Re: rebol 2.5 does not launch...

2001-03-28 Thread bo


REBOL/Core 2.5 is a full release product and therefore does not have
an expiration date.

It must be caused by something else...


On 27-Mar-2001/20:29:59+8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

well friends,

i have a PPC g3 running MacOS 9 and i am unable to  launch rebol 2.5 
(core21 or core23) it just goes down as soon as it launch, my clock is 
right so it's not the expiration date... can somebody tell me what is 


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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
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[REBOL] Re: Sterling's proxy does not work with new Core ...

2001-03-28 Thread bo


Do you have the last experimental of Core to try it against?  That
would be much more helpful than testing against the View experimental.



On 28-Mar-2001/13:19:16+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

does anyone use Sterling's proxy.r script which can be found on
www.rebol.org website? It does work using latest View for e.g., but
timeouts (or what?) if using new Core ... what's the difference in port
handling between the versions?

the log of session follows:

 do %proxy.r
Script: "REBOL HTTP Proxy" (4-Aug-1999)
 Connection target: http://www.rebol.org/advanced/index.html
 Parsed target: www.rebol.org advanced/ index.html
connecting to: www.rebol.org
 Opened port to: ?port?
lbGET http://www.rebol.org/advanced/index.html HTTP/1.0CTRLM
If-Modified-Since: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 20:56:46 GMT; length=11872CTRLM
Referer: http://www.rebol.org/archive.htmlCTRLM
Proxy-Connection: Keep-AliveCTRLM
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.73 [en] (Win95; I)CTRLM
Pragma: no-cacheCTRLM
Host: www.rebol.orgCTRLM
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png,
Accept-Encoding: gzipCTRLM
Accept-Language: cs,enCTRLM
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8CTRLM
** Access Error: Port ?port? not open
** Near: if any [none? conn/target
not find tmp: skip tail conn/target -5 #"."
find tmp "htm"
".r" = skip tail tmp -2
conn/target = "/"
find conn/target #"?"] [
if show-packets [prin #"."]
if no-html-colors [
list: [["COLOR=" "XCLOR="] ["TEXT=" "XTXT="] ["BGCOLOR="
"NOCOLOR="] ["color:" "XCLOR:"]
["LINK=" "XLNK="] ["ALINK=" "XALNK="] ["VLINK=" "XVLNK="]]
forall list [replace/all data list/1/1 list/1/2]
    list: head list


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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
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[REBOL] Re: the answers/ REBOL in a Corporate Context

2001-03-28 Thread bo


With View/Pro, you should be able to call out to
ActiveX using the shared library feature.  There
should be ways to communicate with Java using the same


On 28-Mar-2001/13:48:53-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

As a corporate developer (at least during the day :)
), I would like to propose that ActiveX and Java may
indeed play a role in REBOL's future.

What is the big deal about wrapping REBOL inside an
ActiveX component? AFAIK its a pretty non-intrusive
procedure? What about calling out to ActiveX since
REBOL already loads dynamic libraries.

Regarding Java -- many people still think of it as a
programming language, but in many contexts it is the
"operating system" for modern business applications --
the Application Server. So porting REBOL to Java just
adds another platform. 

Speaking of platforms, any ideas on a REBOL port to MS

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: Few minor problems with Core 2.5 (not new ones ;)

2001-03-27 Thread bo


Thanks for this enhancement.  I've added it to our database!


On 27-Mar-2001/15:32:44+12:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you use the skip option when reading from an http server (like read/skip
http://www.ibm.com/), if the http server doesn't accept it, rebol should return
an error.  That's what happens with the ftp scheme.

Adding this to the start of the success block of code in the http scheme fixes
that -

all [
 port/state/index  0 response-code  206
 net-error "Skip not supported"

Rebol also has a problem with opening an existing file, and trying to append
data to it, it just overwrites existing data.

Julian Kinraid
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       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
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   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: forskip broken in 2.5?

2001-03-26 Thread bo


I've tested FORSKIP and it appears to work flawlessly in Core 2.5.  Could
you have your friend send along some examples of his FORSKIP statements
that used to work but don't any longer?  Also, please include which
platform he is running it on.



On 26-Mar-2001/18:54:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
A friend has informed me that some of his REBOL scripts have stopped
functioning in 2.5, specifically the forskip statements they contain no
longer work correctly... is anyone else experiencing this?

New sig in the works
Explorer 2260, Designer and Coder
"Life may have no meaning -- or even worse, it may have a meaning of
which I disapprove."

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       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
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[REBOL] Re: Core 2.5 Released.

2001-03-26 Thread bo


Is the Core version using the same network settings as the View version?
Make sure it is loading the correct user.r file with the correct 


On 27-Mar-2001/10:18:13+12:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I get this with 2.5 Win32

 mailbox: open pop://test:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
connecting to: compkarori.com
** User Error: Server error: tcp connection failed
** Near: mailbox: open pop://test:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Still works fine with View.

Graham Chiu
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[REBOL] Re: Extract substring using offsets?

2001-03-16 Thread bo


This should do it for you:

 a: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
== "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
 copy/part at a 6 10
== "fghijklmno"

I hope this helps!


On 16-Mar-2001/9:06:23-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a way in Rebol to extract a substring using offsets?
For example, if I have a string 100 characters long, and
I want to get characters 25-50, what can I do?

If there is a simple positive answer to that question,
you can stop here.  If not, read the following:

To put this question in context, what I'm trying to do is
extract a table block out of an html page.   What I do is

; --- read the page into a variable

ad: read %index.html

; --- get the offsets on the open-table tags

htmlTables: make block! 40
parse ad [any [to "table" mark: thru "" 
(append htmlTables index? mark
 append htmlTables "+")]

; --- get the offsets for the close-table tags

parse ad [any [to "/table" mark: thru ""
(append htmlTables index? mark
 append htmlTables "-")]

; --- order them by offset

sort/skip htmlTables 2

; --- get the seventh open-table tag (it just happens to be the one I want)

openTagCount: 0
while [openTagCount  7] [
openTable: copy/part htmlTables 2
remove/part htmlTables 2
if openTable/2 = "+" [ openTagCount: openTagCount + 1 ]

; --- get the corresponding close tag (remember that tags can be nested)

openTagCount: 1
while [openTagCount  0] [
closeTable: copy/part htmlTables 2
remove/part htmlTables 2
either closeTable/2 = "+"
[ openTagCount: openTagCount + 1 ]
[ openTagCount: openTagCount - 1 ]


Okay, so now I have the offsets; can I do anything with them?
Do I need to take a different approach?

Kevin Kelleher

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[REBOL] Re: REBOL/Power-Tools Help needed!

2001-02-22 Thread bo


I have a script that may be a good starting point for your LOCATE function.

Have fun!


On 22-Feb-2001/7:12:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Iam currently working on a Look-at function which I will post her soon.

Basically this function examines  print the contents of a file or url like the old 
unix less  more commands.
It also will have /Page traversal  /Start  /End refinements for looking at the 
first  last lines of a file or url.

Iam also trying to write a LOCATE function which will traverse your file system and 
match / list files which meet your search criteria, this is a bit more tricky however 
and I need help, anybody any offers?

Mark Dickson
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-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: recsearch.r

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[REBOL] Re: View on 060 Amiga?

2001-02-20 Thread bo


The problem may be that View is trying to open a window larger than your
available screen size.  One thing to try is to make your screen perhaps
1024x768 or put the following in your user.r file:

start-view?: off

If View still crashes after the above is in your user.r file, then we will
have to do some more searching.  If not, then the likely problem is
something to do with the initial window that is trying to be opened.

Here is some more info for Amiga users I've posted before.  Some of it may
be a little out of date, but overall should be helpful.

REBOL/View for Amiga has a few options not available on other systems due to
the unique nature of the OS.

REBOL/View can be opened on a public screen.  In your user.r, change
the following line:

system/view/screen-face/options: []

to something like this:

system/view/screen-face/options: [

Exclusive-colors will open an ASL screenmode requester on systems which support
it (3.0 and higher).  If exclusive-colors is specified and the system
doesn't support the ASL screenmode requester, the screenmode can be set
explicitly with the following line:

screen-mode: "NTSC:Hires"

This should be placed directly after EXCLUSIVE-COLORS in the user.r file.

Note that the text following SCREEN-MODE must be the exact text found in the
screenmode requester brought up by the system's SCREENMODE Prefs program.

Additionally, the following should be available now or at some point in the 

screen-name: "My REBOL screen"
screen-size: 800x600

The REBOL/View console will be brought up on the regular Workbench screen but
the REBOL/View graphical windows will be brought up on the selected screen.
The selected screen will stay open until the REBOL/View console is exited.

To improve color quality on low-color modes, DITHER can be specified to
allow dithering of the available colors to more closely approximate the true
colors requested by the REBOL/View script.

Sometimes, a grayscale representation is the desired choice for low-color 
modes in which case MONOCHROME can be specified.

The built-in DEMO requires a screenmode of approximately 660x420, plus the
amount of offset from the upper left corner of the screen.  For users 
using NTSC or PAL monitors, it is advisable to select a screenmode and 
manually change the size to 800x600 or greater to account for this.  If 
opening the REBOL window on a Workbench screen, the AUTOSCROLL option in the 
SCREENMODE Prefs is a good choice to allow viewing the entire demo.

If an attempt is made to open the demo on a screen which is too small, REBOL
currently may cause the machine to lock up or reboot.  This issue is being

The DEMO currently requires at least 7MB or more to run on some Amiga system 
set-ups.  All efforts to reduce the memory footprint are being made for 
future versions.

To turn off the demo, enter the following line in your user.r:

start-view?: off

You may also wish to add the following line to your user.r file if you intend
to open REBOL/View windows on the Workbench screen:

system/view/screen-face/size: 800x600

where 800x600 is the resolution of your Workbench screen (modify for your
particular resolution).  This will help keep the LAYOUT command from
improperly determining what size to build a dynamic display.  This often
leads to improper layout of text in tall vertical columns instead of the
normal horizontal layout.

In order to use the BROWSE command on the Amiga version of View, the OpenURL
library must be installed on your system.  OpenURL is a part of OS3.5.
Older versions of AmigaOS can download OpenURL from Aminet.


On 19-Feb-2001/11:15:35-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi all,

I just recently started playing with Rebol again after a looonnng hiatus.
Whenever I try to start View (version: on my 060 (config
below) the sequence is as follows:

1) Recoverable Alert
2) Total Freeze of system
3) Reboots itself

Using Snoopdos, the last thing I see is an open for Topaz 8 font. Trying to
log to RAD: is ineffective, since the RAD: doesn't survive the reboot.

Is this _my_ problem, an OS problem, a Rebol problem ... ???


OS3.9 (same symptoms when booting under OS3.1)
CMKIII 060/50 64Meg Ram



 *Dick Whiting* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /Satyre/ on Undernet #AmigaCafe#

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[REBOL] Re: segmentation fault

2001-02-05 Thread bo


Make sure you have a file called /etc/termcap, even if it is empty.  You
can create one easily enough by entering the following at your shell

touch /etc/termcap

If you have further problems, please send the exact sequence of events to



On 4-Feb-2001/14:24:43+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi there,

I try to run run rebol_view on my Debian/Linux Box with libc6. The only 
thing I see is an segmentation fault (trying to configure, see the 
Demos, etc...).

Any ideas... :(


Rene Schrader-Boelsche+49 (0)171 5482906
Dellbruecker Steinweg 10www.villa-cossio.com
D-51069 Cologne
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[REBOL] Re: Users Group Carpool?

2001-02-05 Thread bo


I'd love to, but I'm taking my father-in-law to the airport in
Sacramento on Saturday.  Maybe next time...


On 5-Feb-2001/16:39:40-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is anyone from Lake or Mendocino County planning a carpool to the Users
Group meeting in Oakland on Saturday?  I could use a ride.



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[REBOL] Re: Setting http referer field question

2001-02-01 Thread bo

Oh sure, make me try to answer a question when I'm just trying to be nice :-)

There's no way built into REBOL to do this right now, but of course there
is usually a way to do something in REBOL by a slightly longer route.

Two recommended paths:

Use the tcp:// protocol in REBOL to submit the HTTP request.  You
should be able to send the referrer that way.


Hack the http:// protocol to add a way to specify the referrer when
submitting an HTTP open request.

I am adding this as an enhancement to our database.



On 31-Jan-2001/13:55:52-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 31-Jan-01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Am I hallucinating or is this the first Dick Whiting post in a long long

I kind of took a ln vacation from all computer related
activities, though I _have_ been skimming this list plus a couple others.

 If it is, then welcome back, Mr. Whiting!

Thanks for noticing my absence :)

. so, you got an answer for me, Bo ?-)


 *Dick Whiting* [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 /Satyre/ on Undernet #AmigaCafe#

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[REBOL] Re: now function

2001-01-30 Thread bo


In response to your second question (using experimental versions):

pick system/locale/months now/month

Is this what you were looking for?


On 30-Jan-2001/12:43:35-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I recently heard that some distribution of /Core had a precise measurement for the 
'now function.  Anyone know if this is gonna be included in the /View distributions 
for Microsoft Platform and whether or not there will be a better way to extract day 
in terms of their abbreviations etc... Such as Jan Feb, etc..

Paul Tretter

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[REBOL] on-the-fly button layout example

2001-01-29 Thread bo

See the ally-list for an example of a somewhat-frequently-asked-question
regarding dynamic layouts.
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
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[REBOL] Re: how do I get ampm format for time?

2001-01-19 Thread bo

I based this off what Scott submitted but reduced it a bit:

time-ampm: func [dt][join dt // 12:00 [pick "AP" dt  12:00 "M"]]

It shows an alternate method of tackling this problem using a few
REBOL tricks.

Anybody have a shorter version?  I'm sure there is one out there...


On 19-Jan-2001/4:52:34-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"Rebol/Core User's Guide" (page 63) also gives the following example:

print either now/time  12:00 ["AM"]["PM"]

This approach could be easily adapted to:

time-ampm: func [dt] [either dt  12:00 [return join dt "AM"][return join
dt - 12:00 "PM"]]

 time-ampm 8:00
== "8:00AM"

 time-ampm 18:00
== "6:00PM"

Hope this is helpful.


- Original Message -
From: "Bob Racko" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:51 AM
Subject: [REBOL] how do I get ampm format for time?

 how do I format dates to am/pm format
 like: "hh:mm pm EST"

 is there a more succinct way to write this?

 time-ampm: func [ dt ]
 [ rejoin [

; handle  hh:mm part
 ( replace ( copy/part (
   rejoin [
  (either dt/time  10:00 [ "0" ] [ "" ])  ;  hh:mm vs [h]h:mm
   either dt/time  12:59:59
   [ mold dt/time - 12:00 ]
   [ mold dt/time ]
 ) 5 ) "00:" "12:" )   ; midnite-1am is special

; handle " pm EST" parts
 either  dt/time  11:59:59
   [ " pm" ]
   [ " am" ]

 " EST"

 yes this does the job, perhaps a mold could be factored out
 and some parens are not needed.  now the challenge
 is to write something that handles the exceptions
 with less code. this version allows coding by deletion
 since the two parts hh:mm vs am/pm indicator
 are treated separately and simply concatenated.

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[REBOL] Re: how do I get ampm format for time?

2001-01-19 Thread bo

Before anyone else pipes in, I just realized I used a few extra 
characters.  If I'm gonna try to do this succinctly, I might as 
well go all out, eh? ;-)

time-ampm: func[dt][join dt // 12:0[pick"AP"dt  12:0"M"]]

I don't recommend doing this for readability's sake, but it does show
the smartness of the language parser.  And I did challenge someone to
make it shorter...


On 19-Jan-2001/4:52:34-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
"Rebol/Core User's Guide" (page 63) also gives the following example:

print either now/time  12:00 ["AM"]["PM"]

This approach could be easily adapted to:

time-ampm: func [dt] [either dt  12:00 [return join dt "AM"][return join
dt - 12:00 "PM"]]

 time-ampm 8:00
== "8:00AM"

 time-ampm 18:00
== "6:00PM"

Hope this is helpful.


- Original Message -
From: "Bob Racko" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 12:51 AM
Subject: [REBOL] how do I get ampm format for time?

 how do I format dates to am/pm format
 like: "hh:mm pm EST"

 is there a more succinct way to write this?

 time-ampm: func [ dt ]
 [ rejoin [

; handle  hh:mm part
 ( replace ( copy/part (
   rejoin [
  (either dt/time  10:00 [ "0" ] [ "" ])  ;  hh:mm vs [h]h:mm
   either dt/time  12:59:59
   [ mold dt/time - 12:00 ]
   [ mold dt/time ]
 ) 5 ) "00:" "12:" )   ; midnite-1am is special

; handle " pm EST" parts
 either  dt/time  11:59:59
   [ " pm" ]
   [ " am" ]

 " EST"

 yes this does the job, perhaps a mold could be factored out
 and some parens are not needed.  now the challenge
 is to write something that handles the exceptions
 with less code. this version allows coding by deletion
 since the two parts hh:mm vs am/pm indicator
 are treated separately and simply concatenated.

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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
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   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: Antwort: Re: [REBOL]

2000-11-13 Thread bo


I'm not sure what webservers expect as a header when a browser requests to
do an HTTP upload.  But once you find this out, it should be possible to
do an HTTP upload with REBOL.


On 13-Nov-2000/9:38:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Bo!

can you give me a clue as to how I´m going to do that with REBOL?


Sharriff Aina
med.iq information  quality in healthcare AG

Gesendet von:An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
rebol.comThema:  [REBOL] Re: [REBOL]  
antworten an  


In your example, REBOL just sends the text lb%testfile.txtrb to the
webserver.  The webserver most likely discards it because it isn't
formed with a proper HTTP header.


On 10-Nov-2000/7:31:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi guys!

Excuse the naive question but:

save  %testfile.txt
connecting to:

Can someone tell me where REBOL puts the file? I´ve tried it at home and
work, the file is nowhere to be found on my Webserver configured as
Localhost. Yes , I´ve tried using its DNS Name:

write http://isis/ %testfile.txt ( or save http://isis %testfile.txt)
and I´ve searched "Hi and Lo"  in every directory for the file- nothing!.
Reading an existing file works though...

Sharriff Aina
med.iq information  quality in healthcare AG

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       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: rebol web servers

2000-11-10 Thread bo

Cool stuff, Graham!

useless personal info
BTW, I just had breakfast with a good friend of mine, also named 
Graham. :-)
/useless personal info


On 10-Nov-2000/9:21:19-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've hacked Jeff/Ty/Bo's rebweb.r to handle Rebol scripts as

Works with my test.r script :-)

Bug reports to me pls...

Graham Chiu
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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: looking for a function...

2000-11-10 Thread bo


Here is one I hacked together over a year ago.  It tries to keep some of 
the formatting features of the HTML, but only on a very basic level.

text: striptags read http://www.rebol.com

Have fun!


On 9-Nov-2000/21:23:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
someone told me next quarter...but I think he was joking! BTW, next assignment is 


Previously, you (Graham Chiu) wrote:
 Has anyone got a function that strips out all the html from
 a page leaving just the text behind?
 Graham Chiu
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       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: striptags.r

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[REBOL] Re: looking for a function...

2000-11-10 Thread bo

Bit by our own list...here it is in plain text!



Title:  "HTML Tag Stripper"
Date:   20-Jul-1999
Author: "Bohdan Lechnowsky"
Purpose: {
To strip off HTML tags leaving only text behind

striptags: func [page /local text end] [

multi-replace: func [
{Replaces multiple items in a file}
pg  [series!] {The series to replace items in}
blk [block!] {A block of search and replace elements}
][foreach [srch rplc] blk [replace/all pg srch rplc]]

;table of tags and more suitable ASCII characters
page: multi-replace trim/lines page [
"/TITLE"   "
"  " " "
"TD"   "  |   "
"/TD"  "  |   "
"   |   |   " " |   "
"TR"   " "
"/TR"  "
"/TABLE"   "
"LI"   "
· "
"BR"   "
"nbsp;" " "
"gt;"   ""
"lt;"   ""
"copy;" "(c)"
"amp;"  ""
"quot;" {"}
"/H1"  "
"/H2"  "
"/H3"  "
"/H4"  "
"/H5"  "
"/H6"  "
text: copy ""

append page ""
append text copy/part page find page ""
while [page: find/tail page ""] [
if (first page)  #"" [
if found? end: find page "" [
append text copy/part page end
return append text "

--End Striptags--

On 10-Nov-2000/10:19:20-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Here is one I hacked together over a year ago.  It tries to keep some of 
the formatting features of the HTML, but only on a very basic level.

text: striptags read http://www.rebol.com

Have fun!


On 9-Nov-2000/21:23:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
someone told me next quarter...but I think he was joking! BTW, next assignment is 


Previously, you (Graham Chiu) wrote:
 Has anyone got a function that strips out all the html from
 a page leaving just the text behind?
 Graham Chiu
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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

-- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar --
-- Type: application/octet-stream
-- File: striptags.r

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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: Font compatibility across platforms.

2000-11-08 Thread bo


Actually, I've seen some very good scaling on a single-sized font typeface
even to low resolutions using an interpolated algorithm (basically it
does anti-aliasing).  TV Paint on Amiga does this with bitmapped fonts
and as long as the font is scaled smaller than the original, the results
are quite good.  Results are similar with outline fonts.

We're agreed that monochrome scaling lacks when going to much smaller
sizes, though.


On 8-Nov-2000/22:13:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo,

I'm afraid fonts are not that simple. They are designed for specific
sizes so thay can't be freely scaled to any size and still look good,
only in some range around their designed sizes. Fonts contain so-called
hints to help them scale to low resolutions, but for very low
resolutions used on screen TrueType fonts contain hand-edited bitmap
substitutions. Styles like bold and italic of the same font are
designed separately, and making them algorithmically does not produce
good results.

But I agree that one sans-serif, serif and fixed-width font would be
sufficient. I remember that Martin Huttenloher once designed very nice
fonts for MagicWB on the Amiga. Perhaps they could be used in REBOL?

S pozdravem
Michal Kracik
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: view on amiga

2000-11-02 Thread bo


Check the date on your system.  Make sure it is the correct date.
If it is, send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] explaining the problem!



On 2-Nov-2000/23:56:06+12:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 02-Nov-00, Kolbjørn Barmen wrote:

 Rebol view on amiga just crashed 8000 0008 on me, I was trying to
 enter the rebol.com when a requester pops up and tells me my
 "REBOL/View is out of date. Click on upgrade to download the latest
 version", so I did.

I'm getting the "REBOL/View is out of date." message on my Amiga
REBOL/View too, which is an odd message to get when you've just
downloaded and installed the latest version.  Clicking on Upgrade
seems to download something, but after quitting View, restarting it
and running the Demo again, I still get the "out of date" message. 
What's the Test Panel comparing here?  As system/version gives the
right number...

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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: Web Site Hosting Services

2000-11-02 Thread bo


Here is some info I gleaned from the mailing list a while back:


REBOL-friendly CGI hosting provider:  http://www.happysite.net/


I have found the kind of service you want in two different places. The
first is a free public access ISP called NYX. NYX is a non-profit which
provide internet and UNIX access free of charge. They are supported by
donations, so if you feel guilty, you can make a periodic donation. They
provide complete UNIX shell access and you can write CGI scripts and C
programs to your hearts content. They do provide some web hosting
services, but it is not the kind of place you want to use for a commercial
site. It is however, a great place to experiement with scripts and
programs etc. The web address is: http://www.nyx.net

The second kind of place is a full service web hosting company. These
companies typically don't provide dialup service, so you have to telnet or
ftp in from another service. The one I am using is called Interactive
Online. They provide everything you need including your own CGI directory,
annonymous FTP directory and access to the log files. They also have a
complete library of CGI scripts and of course you can write your own.
The web address is: http://www.interactiveonline.net .


PortONE.com offers such services (as well as just about everything else).
They host REBOL/CGI for me. Email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you'd like to
discuss it more.


My host is very CGI and developer friendly, inexpensive and responsive.
The machines are located near Chicago Nap, MAE East and MAE West.


You could contact them directly, or I could help get you set up as a
reseller. It runs about $35/month, unlimited traffic, et cetera.

I also think we could run REBOL scripts from some of the free servers,
like Tripod. Anyone tried this yet? I just need to write a quick script
to test what platform my test account is on (wxxi_org.tripod.com).

For the least cost, sometimes a dial-up ISP will give you some free Web
space, complete with a CGI-BIN. (For REBOL, all you need is an
executable directory and FTP, and you're in business.) You could then
use a forwarding service like NameSecure.com (about $35/year ) to keep
your top-level domain in use.


Of course, if anybody knows of any other REBOL hosting providers (especially
free ones), please send the info to [EMAIL PROTECTED]



On 2-Nov-2000/12:13:25-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Does anyone know of hosting services that support Rebol?

Jamey Cribbs
Sr. Technical Consultant
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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: view on amiga

2000-11-01 Thread bo


I don't know why View would have crashed on you.  Does it do it every time
you run it?

Also, here is some information specific to Amiga View users.  Check the very
end for information related to your text layout problem.

REBOL/View for Amiga has a few options not available on other systems due to
the unique nature of the OS.

REBOL/View can be opened on a public screen.  In your user.r, change
the following line:

system/view/screen-face/options: []

to something like this:

system/view/screen-face/options: [

Exclusive-colors will open an ASL screenmode requester on systems which support
it (3.0 and higher).  If exclusive-colors is specified and the system
doesn't support the ASL screenmode requester, the screenmode can be set
explicitly with the following line:

screen-mode: "NTSC:Hires"

This should be placed directly after EXCLUSIVE-COLORS in the user.r file.

Note that the text following SCREEN-MODE must be the exact text found in the
screenmode requester brought up by the system's SCREENMODE Prefs program.

Additionally, the following should be available now or at some point in the 

screen-name: "My REBOL screen"
screen-size: 800x600

The REBOL/View console will be brought up on the regular Workbench screen but
the REBOL/View graphical windows will be brought up on the selected screen.
The selected screen will stay open until the REBOL/View console is exited.

To improve color quality on low-color modes, DITHER can be specified to
allow dithering of the available colors to more closely approximate the true
colors requested by the REBOL/View script.

Sometimes, a grayscale representation is the desired choice for low-color 
modes in which case MONOCHROME can be specified.

The built-in DEMO requires a screenmode of approximately 660x420, plus the
amount of offset from the upper left corner of the screen.  For users 
using NTSC or PAL monitors, it is advisable to select a screenmode and 
manually change the size to 800x600 or greater to account for this.  If 
opening the REBOL window on a Workbench screen, the AUTOSCROLL option in the 
SCREENMODE Prefs is a good choice to allow viewing the entire demo.

If an attempt is made to open the demo on a screen which is too small, REBOL
currently may cause the machine to lock up or reboot.  This issue is being

The DEMO currently requires at least 7MB or more to run on some Amiga system 
set-ups.  All efforts to reduce the memory footprint are being made for 
future versions.

To turn off the demo, enter the following line in your user.r:

start-view?: off

You may also wish to add the following line to your user.r file if you intend
to open REBOL/View windows on the Workbench screen:

system/view/screen-face/size: 800x600

where 800x600 is the resolution of your Workbench screen (modify for your
particular resolution).  This will help keep the LAYOUT command from
improperly determining what size to build a dynamic display.

Have fun!


On 1-Nov-2000/19:41:51+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Rebol view on amiga just crashed 8000 0008 on me, I was trying to enter
the rebol.com when a requester pops up and tells me my "REBOL/View is out
of date. Click on upgrade to download the latest version", so I did.
A window popped up with system info and where to save, and download started,
a few secs later it went 8000 0008.

Another thing, for some reason a lot of text blocks come up very narrow.
Example, the "Hello REBOL World!" comes up in a thin tall window...


And the gradient demo also has a 



See http://amiga.nvg.org/moro/rebol/rebol-bug.jpg for a screenshot.

-- kolla

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   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: view on amiga

2000-11-01 Thread bo


Until we get the situation fixed, edit a user.r file in your View directory
and make it look like this:


system/view/screen-face/size: 800x600

That should take care of the situation until we take care of the situation. 

I wish you could come over to my house and config my Amiga the way
you've got yours configured.  I'd even feed you pizza!  ;-)  But alas, maybe
mine isn't high-octane enough (A3000/060@50/72+2MB/CGX3D-64/2.3GB HD).

I love seeing cool Amiga setups!


On 1-Nov-2000/22:41:57+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Wed, 1 Nov 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I don't know why View would have crashed on you.  Does it do it every time
 you run it?

No, only in the particular situation I described.

[great stuff about amiga version :) ]

 You may also wish to add the following line to your user.r file if you intend
 to open REBOL/View windows on the Workbench screen:
 system/view/screen-face/size: 800x600
 where 800x600 is the resolution of your Workbench screen (modify for your
 particular resolution).  This will help keep the LAYOUT command from
 improperly determining what size to build a dynamic display.

This is what we can do to get rid of the text layout problem?

The silly bits is that you cannot set up a user.r from scratch install,
as the prefs window is layd out in a way so that you cannot reach the "save"
button, just because of this bug :)


-- kolla

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       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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2000-10-27 Thread bo

home-video: read/part video:// 0:0:10



On 27-Oct-2000/9:26:25-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
EAT wrote:
 Andrew Martin wrote:
  EAT wrote:
   Built-in printing that uses the OS's printer interfaces. C'mon, this
is poetry we're talking about here.
   write printer:// face
  My-Picture: read scanner://

   BookText: read scanner://OCR

No, no, no. It doesn't scan! :-)

BookText: parse/ocr read scanner://
BookText: parse/ocr read %MyImageFile.tif

write sound:// read %tada.wav

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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subject, without the quotes.

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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[REBOL] Re: Rebol/Command scope

2000-10-27 Thread bo

Take heart!

Command with View capabilities will be available in one form or another.
Until then, you can run two REBOL sessions and have them talk to each other
to give the appearance of a single application.  Command can launch View
for you automatically and set up the communication mechanism between the
two scripts.


On 27-Oct-2000/13:10:20-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How, then, would you write a script that used features of View (like GUI stuff)
and also used features of COMMAND (ODBC, etc)?  I, and others have asked this
question before, but I have yet to get an answer on this.


On Fri, 27 Oct 2000, you wrote:
 REBOL/Command Runtime does NOT have a graphical component, so it would not
 be useful for distributing /View scripts.  However, a method to distribute
 /View scripts should be on the horizon.
 On 26-Oct-2000/21:45:27-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I know that /Command includes /Core but I haven't seen any mention
 of /View functionality?  Is that part of /Command or is there another
 implementation in the works for platform-dependent /View?
 What I'm getting at really is this: Is the /Command runtime useable for  
 distributing /View scripts or can it only encapsulate /Core?
 John Schuhr
 Get more from your time online.  FREE MSN Explorer download : 
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 subject, without the quotes.
    Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)
 To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
 subject, without the quotes.
Jamey Cribbs
Sr. Technical Consultant
To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

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2000-10-27 Thread bo

Regarding your ASCII art, you look a little younger than I had you 
pictured in my mind.  And your eyes are a little more beady, but the
nose is what I expected... ;-)


On 27-Oct-2000/17:14:16-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Well, since I have to do development to support non-technical types,
I'm hoping you'll add this scheme to REBOL 3.0

   actual-requirements: read mind://customer/current-project

. .
   ( * )

(that's me, holding my breath...)


 home-video: read/part video:// 0:0:10
 On 27-Oct-2000/9:26:25-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 EAT wrote:
  Andrew Martin wrote:
   EAT wrote:
Built-in printing that uses the OS's printer interfaces. C'mon, this
 is poetry we're talking about here.
write printer:// face
   My-Picture: read scanner://
BookText: read scanner://OCR
 No, no, no. It doesn't scan! :-)
 BookText: parse/ocr read scanner://
 BookText: parse/ocr read %MyImageFile.tif
 write sound:// read %tada.wav
 Andrew Martin
 ICQ: 26227169
 To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
 subject, without the quotes.
    Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)
 To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the
 subject, without the quotes.

; Joel Neely  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  901-263-4460  38017/HKA/9677
REBOL [] do [ do func [s] [ foreach [a b] s [prin b] ] sort/skip
do function [s] [t] [ t: "" foreach [a b] s [repend t [b a]] t ] lb
| e s m!zauafBpcvekexEohthjJakwLrngohOqrlryRnsctdtiubrb 2 ]
To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe" in the 
subject, without the quotes.

[REBOL] New to the PC Re:(2)

2000-10-18 Thread bo


I'm using REBOL/View on my home Amiga and it doesn't have any
problems launching apps across the Internet.  What kind of problem is it?


On 17-Oct-2000/22:49:36-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks to all,

I've at least temporarily picked "syned."  I really hope to have my Amiga
back up soon, so I can use GoldED Studio again.

Now, I can only hope the bug that keeps R/View from launching apps accross
the internet on the Amiga is fixed soon ;o)

Thanks again for all of the replies!!

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

[REBOL] write does not return a value upon success. This is bad for try blocks Re:(2)

2000-09-07 Thread bo

Try using printerror.r from www.rebol.org in the Script Library section.
You can send a disarmed error object to printerror and it will display
the error as REBOL would, but without exiting the application.


On 7-Sep-2000/9:57:35-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This method works well...
 m: error? try [ write %test "test" ]
== false
 m: error? try [ write test "test" ]
== true

This will elleviate the problem with nothing being returned from write...
 m: try [ write %test "test" none]
== none

But you will still have to capture the error...
 m: try [ write test "test" none]
** Script Error: test has no value.
** Where: write test "test" none

I just know how to bottle it up and spit it out later...
 if error? m: try [ write test "test" none] [ print "error detected!" m ]
error detected!
** Script Error: test has no value.
** Where: write test "test" none

Maybe someone knows how to peel an error! apart?


"Life... Dont talk to me about life."  -A robot named Marvin


 I am writing a script that will try 3 times to write a file and then fail, however, 
I cant place a try block around the REBOL write statement because it does not return 
anything upon success, thus I get an error that the word is not bound:

  m: try [ write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi there" ]
 connecting to:
 ** User Error: Server error: tcp 530 Login incorrect..
 ** Where: write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi there"
 ; -- great: when write fails 'm is bound
  m: try [ write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi there" 
 connecting to:
 ** Script Error: m needs a value.
 ** Where: m: try [write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi 
 ; --- well this sucks. I cant get a return value upon success

 Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications at

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
Download the REBOL Messaging Language
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

[REBOL] Speed and Memory Management in REBOL Re:

2000-09-05 Thread bo


Attached you will find an example that should allow CSV conversion of a
file of any length.

Shocked and honored that simple old %convert-csv.r is one of the most
popular scripts!

Have fun!


On 5-Sep-2000/12:52:36-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I was glancing at one of the most popular scripts at the REBOL archive and developed 
some questions:

1- Is it possible to incrementally write to a file in REBOL?
2- Is it possible to append to a file in REBOL
3- This script seems in-efficient and memory wasteful: it reads and entire file into 
a temporary array and then converts the array. In Perl, I could do each conversion as 
I read in each line and write each line out after each conversion.

Title:   "Comma-Seperated-Values to REBOL converter"
Author:  "Bohdan Lechnowsky"
Purpose: lb
Convert CSV files to REBOL blocks
Category: [file util db text 2]

csv: read/lines to-file ask "Filename to convert from CSV: " 

block: make block! 100

headings: parse/all first csv "," 

foreach line next csv [append block parse/all line ","] 

save to-file ask "Filename to save to: " head insert/only block headings

Get your FREE Email and Voicemail at Lycos Communications at

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
Download the REBOL Messaging Language
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)


[REBOL] Multimedia quality (was) One disk OS + REBOL Re:(10)

2000-08-30 Thread bo


I believe that was the Akiko chip, but I think it required a special
hardware call to perform the conversion.  Hence, I would be surprised
if you would see a speed increase on the CD32 unless REBOL/View was
modified to make that call when running on the CD32.

Once again, Holger probably knows more about this than I do.

Take care!


On 28-Aug-2000/8:27:14-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I think the CD32 had a special chip (HP or ?) which did chunky to
So maybe Rebol runs cool on CD32...I will have to give that a spin and

Thanks for the explanation,
Steve Shireman
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
Download the REBOL Messaging Language
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

[REBOL] javascript tetris ... Re:

2000-08-04 Thread bo

Netscape on RedHat Linux 6.2 only allows me to move the piece around, but
no way I can see to set it.  I take it this isn't a real-time action game,
but more of a puzzle, at least from the way it looks on my machine.

On 4-Aug-2000/13:43:16+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
Download the REBOL Messaging Language
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

[REBOL] Converting date to Unix timestamp Re:

2000-07-12 Thread bo


Do you mean like this:

 to-idate now
== "Wed, 12 Jul 2000 15:52:42 -0700"

Or did you have a different format in mind?

On 12-Jul-2000/18:19:59+10:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a function for converting a date to a unix timestamp?


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
Download the REBOL Messaging Language
   The Official Source for REBOL Books (http://www.REBOLpress.com)

[REBOL] REBOL HQ Webcam Re:(2)

2000-06-30 Thread bo

On 30-Jun-2000/15:26:13-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Very nice, but where's the cannon and the great weathered bronze equestrian
statue of General Carl "Old Code and Glory" Sassenrath, famous hero of the
REBOLution? Where are the boiled peanut vendors, the maganolias, the weeping
Ukiah has a lot to learn about town squares. I don't even see
a town drunk?g

There is a cannon, you just can't see it as it is a little off the left side
of the picture and down the street a bit.

The problem with the equestrian statue is getting Carl to consent to being
covered with plaster while making the mold.

You can sometimes catch the drunk just to the right of the clock in the
mornings. ;-)
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] REBOL/View examples

2000-06-02 Thread bo

Here are some REBOL/View button examples which are pretty easy to

Have fun!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms


[REBOL] Sonic.net users of rebol.org

2000-01-13 Thread bo

I received this email from Sonic.net:

"Hello. Rebol.org has been removed from our DNS and now resolves to the correct place. 
Thank you for bringing this to our attention."

If any sonic.net users still have problems accessing rebol.org, please let me know!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] archive Re:(5)

2000-01-11 Thread bo


I think I've figured it out.  Sonic.net was investigated as a potential
host of REBOL.ORG but NMIA.COM was eventually chosen.  Therefore, Sonic
may have an old entry in their DNS regarding REBOL.ORG.  I will send them
an email asking them to remove it.



On 10-Jan-2000/13:20:33-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo,

 This may be a problem with the http headers returned or some such thing.
 It only happens on certain browsers from what I can gather.
 However, you can get REBOL.ORG at the following address:

Actually I have the same problem using Lynx and even Ping. The IP
address is resolved incorrectly possibly because of a DNS problem at
Sonic. I used the address to access it directly.



   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] archive Re:(5)

2000-01-11 Thread bo


On 10-Jan-2000/13:21:53-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo,

 Ah, that is interesting.  I also have a sonic.net account at home and that
 may be why I get the same results from there.  However, IIRC I got the
 correct page on one browser and the listing you speak of from a different
 browser.  Odd...

It sounds like it is the way the browser does the DNS lookup.



   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] rebol.org purpose (was archive ) Re:(7)

2000-01-11 Thread bo

Actually, Andrew Grossman (grossdog) isn't maintaining the site anymore.
That is probably why it is not seeing a lot of changes.

I'm sure if someone volunteered to be the administrator of the site that
your voice would not go unheard wink wink.

On 10-Jan-2000/19:21:10-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I suspect that [EMAIL PROTECTED] may be the one to contact.

Andrew Martin
Who's been rummaging around...
ICQ: 26227169

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] archive Re:(3)

2000-01-10 Thread bo


This may be a problem with the http headers returned or some such thing.
It only happens on certain browsers from what I can gather.
However, you can get REBOL.ORG at the following address:


Have fun!

On 9-Jan-2000/20:29:26-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Cheryl,

 The REBOL mailing list archive resides at www.rebol.org. There are also
 additional REBOL scripts available.

What's up with rebol.org? Whenever I go there, I get a directory listing
generated by their web server. There are no files there too.



   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] archive Re:(3)

2000-01-10 Thread bo

Ah, that is interesting.  I also have a sonic.net account at home and that
may be why I get the same results from there.  However, IIRC I got the
correct page on one browser and the listing you speak of from a different
browser.  Odd...

On 9-Jan-2000/20:35:52-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello Myself,

  The REBOL mailing list archive resides at www.rebol.org. There are also
  additional REBOL scripts available.
 What's up with rebol.org? Whenever I go there, I get a directory listing
 generated by their web server. There are no files there too.

Doh! Looks like my ISP (sonic.net) screwed up and has a DNS conflict
with the main InterNIC server. From my computer it resolves to a
sonic.net account, but from Babelfish it resolves to a different IP; I
was able to see the actual rebol.org page by going through Babelfish.

I wonder how I can fix this...



   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Developer's Host: Is there any? Re:

2000-01-06 Thread bo

Not sure, but maybe http://www.owlnet.net provides this type of service
or knows of someone who does.

On 6-Jan-2000/17:08:26-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Dear REBOL Developers,

I am writing to you all because you are software developers.
I am reactivating my programmer days from years back and getting into =
scripting for the Internet.  I have been evaluating languages by going =
through the tutors and have decided for sure I'll use REBOL (pronounced =
"rebel" as in "Rebel yell") as much as possible.
However, I've already run into a snag:  My hosting service won't =
co-operate:  it allows absolutely no CGI for user-written scripts.  I'm =
told "They crash the server " =20
Do any of you know a Denver Colorado area ISP/Hosting service (or any =
inexpensive hosting service)that caters to developers?  After all, we're =
the future of the "information highway,"  so one might think we could =
develop our own scripts or applets in a user-friendly environment; and =
without the expense of having to establish our own hosting environment.
John Childers, CEO
Golden Gate Graphics web site:

"Your Printed Circuit Layout Specialists"
Phone: 303.762.8868
Fax:   303.797.6921

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1 =
META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3612.1706"' name=3DGENERATOR
BODY bgColor=3D#ff
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2Dear REBOL Developers,/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2I am writing to you all because you =
are software=20
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2/FONTFONT size=3D2I am =
reactivating my=20
programmer days from years back and getting into scripting for the=20
Internet.nbsp; I have been evaluating languages by going through the =
tutors and=20
have decided for sure I'll use REBOL (pronounced quot;rebelquot; as in =

quot;Rebel yellquot;) as much as possible./FONT/DIV
DIVFONT size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT size=3D2However, I've already run into a snag:nbsp; My =
service won't co-operate:nbsp; it allows absolutely no CGI for =
scripts.nbsp; I'm told quot;They crash the server quot;nbsp; =
DIVFONT size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT size=3D2Do any of you know a Denver Colorado area =
ISP/Hosting service=20
(or any Uinexpensive /Uhosting service)that caters to =
After all, we're the future of the quot;information =
highway,quot;nbsp; so one=20
might think we could develop our own scripts or applets in a =
environment; and without the expense of having to establish our own =
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2John Childers, CEOBRGolden Gate =
Graphics web=20
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2/FONTnbsp;/DIV
DIVFONT color=3D#00 size=3D2quot;Your Printed Circuit Layout=20


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] [Off-Topic] Amino Development buys an Amiga .... Re:(3)

2000-01-04 Thread bo


I see your point.  However, if Amino releases the AmigaOS as open source
I can see it as being the Linux for non-propeller-heads.  It gives power
to those who want it and a standard GUI for those who want ease-of-use.
And everyone who has ever wanted the chance to fix or improve the AmigaOS
will have the opportunity to do so.  We all know there are some areas
that could definitely use fixing.

On the other hand, if Amino doesn't release AmigaOS as open source, I
think only the very die-hard Amigans will stick with it unless something
really new and intriguing comes out of Amino.

On 4-Jan-2000/6:19:27+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I've met Bill McEwen.  He's got a real heart and spirit for the Amiga.
 I've corresponded with Fleecy Moss (I believe he's part of Amino too).
 Fleecy also has a very strong Amiga philosophy and spirit.
 It will be a very good thing for Amigans if only the business plan
 works out :-)

Yes, but the split of Amigans is on horizon. Many will follow upcoming QNX
Neutrino OS release. It's near, it's here, it's real - simple as that.


 On 31-Dec-1999/23:53:10+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So our lady is sold once again:
Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] [Off-Topic] Amino Development buys an Amiga .... Re:(5)

2000-01-04 Thread bo


There are some very smart Amigans.  I'm sure going open source will definitely
improve the OS as we know it.  It could also then be ported to native processor
code on many different systems (just like Linux is).  If you don't want PPC
AmigaOS, you can use x86 AmigaOS or some other breed.

The problem I am seeing with QNX is the unavailability of software written for
Neutrino.  Perhaps this can be overcome with emulators until the software
market improves, but one never knows.  We'll have to wait and see!

On 4-Jan-2000/20:10:07+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



 I see your point.  However, if Amino releases the AmigaOS as open source
 I can see it as being the Linux for non-propeller-heads.  It gives power
 to those who want it and a standard GUI for those who want ease-of-use.
 And everyone who has ever wanted the chance to fix or improve the AmigaOS
 will have the opportunity to do so.  We all know there are some areas
 that could definitely use fixing.

Some pople don't think Open Source is going to improve current AmigaOs in any
way ... However, I don't think PPC port is the way to go ...

 On the other hand, if Amino doesn't release AmigaOS as open source, I

I think they will ...

 think only the very die-hard Amigans will stick with it unless something
 really new and intriguing comes out of Amino.

Hmm, that's the question. Their new kernel architecture looks interesting. But
there is too much work to do for Amino, to bring us their GUI solution ...

Now we will see a split. Many amigans (including me) will follow what come
first, and it seems to be Neutrino. It's near imho. But the question is solved
for me. Why not to support even more OSes? :-)


 On 4-Jan-2000/6:19:27+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I've met Bill McEwen.  He's got a real heart and spirit for the Amiga.
  I've corresponded with Fleecy Moss (I believe he's part of Amino too).
  Fleecy also has a very strong Amiga philosophy and spirit.
  It will be a very good thing for Amigans if only the business plan
  works out :-)
 Yes, but the split of Amigans is on horizon. Many will follow upcoming QNX
 Neutrino OS release. It's near, it's here, it's real - simple as that.
  On 31-Dec-1999/23:53:10+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  So our lady is sold once again:
 Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
 REBOL  Adventure Guide
 REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms
    Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Basic string functions? Re:(2)

2000-01-03 Thread bo

Actually, the RIGHT function can be expressed more simply:

 right: func [S [string!] N [integer!]] [copy/part tail S negate N]
 right "Hello" 3
== "llo"

On 2-Jan-2000/14:20:03-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Donald Dalley wrote:
 I don't use REBOL for parsing yet, but someone else is asking me:
 Does anyone know if/when basic string functions** are going to be
added to REBOL/Core or parse, or am I missing something in the docs?
 **you know, LEFT, RIGHT, LENGTH, etc.

Here's some:

 string: "hello"
== "hello"
 length? string
== 5
 left: func [S [string!] N [integer!]] [copy/part S N]
 left string 2
== "he"
 right: func [S [string!] N [integer!]] [copy/part at S (length? S) -
N + 1 N]
 right string 3
== "llo"
 mid: func [S [string!] I [integer!] N [integer!]] [copy/part at S I
 mid string 2 3
== "ell"

I can't remember if there's any others. Everyone is free to use the
above as they wish.
Oh, and if you change the "[string!]" to "[series!]", they'll work on
blocks as well as strings. :-D

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Amino Development buys an Amiga .... Re:

2000-01-03 Thread bo


I've met Bill McEwen.  He's got a real heart and spirit for the Amiga.
I've corresponded with Fleecy Moss (I believe he's part of Amino too).
Fleecy also has a very strong Amiga philosophy and spirit.
It will be a very good thing for Amigans if only the business plan
works out :-)

On 31-Dec-1999/23:53:10+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
So our lady is sold once again:



   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] learning to code... Re:

1999-12-30 Thread bo


Do you like to write entertainment, utility, automation or some other type
of scripts?  Let us know and maybe we can give you some suggestions on
what to try to script :-)

On 28-Dec-1999/3:03:31+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi guys,

I've followd the "thanks" thread with intrest, because I'm in a similiar
boat to Petra's.  Probably next semester I'll start with C or Java or

So Rebol won't ruin me for other languages, but instead help me
understand them?  I'm already loyal to REBOL (its got a very high "cool"
rating).  But I think I have to really dive in to it to learn it.  I've
written two funcional scripts, but I'm out of stuff to do.

any ideas about how I can creep up the learning curve?

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] learning to code... Re:(2)

1999-12-30 Thread bo

IIRC, Kernighan/Ritchey's C book also had a mini-C-compiler written in C in
the back.  This could be used as the basis for a JAVA to REBOL converter. :-)

On 28-Dec-1999/19:08:41-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi -t,

why not write a C or Java source code generator in REBOL? 

You'll have to learn what a Java or C source file looks like. Let's take C.

Normally a C file is either a source code file, or a header file. A code
file (typically filename.c) will begin by including some header files such as:


If you're programming is going to interact with sockets under Windows,
it'll probably have to include winsock.h.

Depending on what you are doing you may also include some other header
files, like header files for database libraries, or, if you're programming
under windows, you used to have to inlucde


So, the begining of your source code file may look like this:

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include windows.h
#include winsock.h

Then you may define some constants, for instance

#define MY_LOGIN_NAME "icimjs"
#define MY_PASSWORD   ""
#define TRIES 10
#define FTP_OPORT 21
#define FTP_IPORT 22

and typedefs, such as

#typedef char * NODE

or something like that. Next you may declare variables and functions that
will be globally accessable, or you may declare them static to ensure that
they remain limited to the source file.

To find out the details, grab a good book on C programming. I still think
Kernighan/Ritchie's book on C Programming is the best introcutory around.

Then you can build yourself REBOL objects that will generate the code and
the different files you need for you.

The point is that as you read through the book and try out the examples,
you summarize in your mind the repeating patterns of header files and
function declarations and so on, and you use that information to implement
REBOL objects and functions that will take some arguments or set some
words, which will the be used to generate file which contains the proper C

While you think about how to structure your REBOL program you will be
intesively dealing with the structure of C programs that is the data you
are trying generate using REBOL. By the time you've got your REBOL C case
tool completed, I bet you'll be quite some C expert and at the same time
your efforts will pay you back by providing you with a tool that guarantees
that a good portion of your code will be syntactically correct.

Basically, REBOL becomes a tool, that use in order to think about C
programs and with which test your own theories about how C programs,
functions, constants, structures, and variables are declared and defined.

You would be creating a REBOL dialect that allows to discuss C programs
with REBOL and - if its well done - will allow you use REBOL as your
assistant in creating C programs. Kind of a C programming metalanguage, or
a compiler for your own language, whose target language is C.

You can then look at specific programming tasks. What do linked lists look
like in C. How can you create a REBOL function that generates C code that
will declare and define the necessary data structures and supporting
structures for generic linked list structure?

Whenever you investigate a language for the purpose of creating a tool to
support the language, you become for more intimate with the language your
investigating, then when you're just trying to keep up with the curriculum. 


At 03:03 AM 12/28/99 +0200, you wrote:
Hi guys,

I've followd the "thanks" thread with intrest, because I'm in a similiar
boat to Petra's.  Probably next semester I'll start with C or Java or

So Rebol won't ruin me for other languages, but instead help me
understand them?  I'm already loyal to REBOL (its got a very high "cool"
rating).  But I think I have to really dive in to it to learn it.  I've
written two funcional scripts, but I'm out of stuff to do.

any ideas about how I can creep up the learning curve?


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] finding an item's position Re:(3)

1999-12-28 Thread bo

I may be totally naive, but what is "Shadowrun"?

On 27-Dec-1999/2:37:47-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 26-Dec-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 foo: [a b c d e]
 == [a b c d e]
 index? find foo 'b
 == 2

Short and sweet, thanks.  Now to start figuring out how I want to make the
rest of the script work.
One part will be to let the user choose the order of the items.  First I
need to start organizing whatever data I'll be working with.  (FYI, it'll
be a Shadowrun character generator)


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] [REBOL] Nobody wants to play with me :-( Re:

1999-12-27 Thread bo

Thanks for that fix, Daniele!

On 26-Dec-1999/16:35:42-1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[REBOL] Nobody wants to play with me :-(

 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 23 Dec 1999 14:28:27 -0800
 Subject: [REBOL] Nobody wants to play with me :-(

 As nobody else appears to be entering holiday demos, I am entering one more :-)

 This is actually a proof of concept for a series of text-gui.r functions I
 have written (needed for several upcoming work-related projects).

Fiddling with your previous %christmas.r I found a problem which could show up with 
function (from %greetings.r) which is the same code

screensize: func [/local xwidth yheight cons screen-dimensions][
cons: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
print "CTRL(1B)[7n" screen-dimensions: next next to-string copy cons
close cons

parse screen-dimensions [copy yheight to ";" thru ";" copy xwidth to "R" to end]
reduce [(load xwidth) - 1 (load yheight) - 2]

If you write something at the console before the 'print gets executed then the 
following 'next 'next
would eat other chars than the expected "CTRL(1b)[" and then (load xwitdh) would 
E.g. that happens if you strike some keys while the script is not yet arrived at 
(simulated with a 'wait)

wait 3 screensize

I would change
print "CTRL(1B)[7n" screen-dimensions: next next to-string copy cons
print "CTRL(1B)[7n" screen-dimensions: to-string copy cons

parse screen-dimensions [copy yheight to ";" thru ";" copy xwidth to "R" to end]
parse screen-dimensions [ thru "CTRL(1b)[" copy yheight to ";" thru ";" copy 
xwidth to "R" to end]

resulting in

screensize: func [/local xwidth yheight cons screen-dimensions][
cons: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
print "CTRL(1B)[7n" screen-dimensions: to-string copy cons
close cons

parse screen-dimensions [ thru "CTRL(1b)[" copy yheight to ";" thru ";" copy 
xwidth to "R" to end]
reduce [(load xwidth) - 1 (load yheight) - 2]


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Nobody wants to play with me :-(

1999-12-23 Thread bo

As nobody else appears to be entering holiday demos, I am entering one more :-)

This is actually a proof of concept for a series of text-gui.r functions I
have written (needed for several upcoming work-related projects).

(Robert Muensch also commented on doing something like text-gui.r, although
I believe a little more high level...these functions can be used as a basis
for his idea.)

Attached are two files:

%text-gui.r ;the functions needed
%greetings.r;proof of concept (and wishes of Joy and Mirth)

Some of these functions existed for %christmas.r, but have been refined and

I sincerely hope everyone has an excellent holiday season!

Joy and Mirth!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms


[REBOL] New and Improved Christmas Script Re:(2)

1999-12-22 Thread bo

On 22-Dec-1999/7:38:19+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Hi All,

 Just had a few spare moments and added a little new effect to the end of my
 christmas.r script.

 Hope you like it.  Feel free to use the functions for your own purposes.

Hey, Bo, it's great ... what about double buffered smooth scrolling? ;-)))


It would be possible if we had a VBI (Vertical Blanking Interrupt) :-)
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] REBOL Native Redefine Problem Re:(2)

1999-12-22 Thread bo

Oops!  Guess I should have read the docs :-)

That's a problem with REBOL...things like this are
too easy to figure out on your own ;-)

On 21-Dec-1999/23:35:05-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 help protect-system
Protect all system functions and the system object from redefinition.
vals --
words --
word --
 print: func [a] [a + 3]
** Script Error: Word print is protected, cannot modify.
** Where: print: func [a] [a + 3]

For more info, see:

Andrew Martin
With great power, comes great responsibility...
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

 Subject: [REBOL] REBOL  Native Redefine Problem
 Date: Wednesday, 22 December 1999 9:44 AM
 The console session below shows corruption of
 the help function following a re-definition of print.
 It may always be unwise? to redefine a native function,
 but if so it would be nice to receive a warning when doing it.
 Script: "REBOL Extended Definitions" (3-Sep-1999/17:55:08)
 Script: "User Preferences" (20-Dec-1999/18:58:35)
  print system/version
  ? form
 Converts a value to a string.
 value -- The value to form
  print: func [a ] [a + 3]
  print 4
 == 7
  type? :print
 == function!
  ? form
 ** Script Error: Cannot use add on string! value.
 ** Where: a + 3

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] New and Improved Christmas Script

1999-12-21 Thread bo

Hi All,

Just had a few spare moments and added a little new effect to the end of my
christmas.r script.

Hope you like it.  Feel free to use the functions for your own purposes.

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms


[REBOL] Merry Christmas Script

1999-12-20 Thread bo

Here is my entry to throw fuel into the (unofficial) Ultimate Holiday Greetings
Script Contest. :-)

Feel free to use portions of this script in your holiday script entries.

Have fun!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms


[REBOL] Console GUI functions? Re:(9)

1999-12-20 Thread bo

On 17-Dec-1999/23:49:03-1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Console GUI functions? Re:(8)

 Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:01:22 -0800
 Subject: [REBOL] Console GUI functions? Re:(8)

 The ECS machines are limited to 16 colors without a graphics card.  However, the
 console codes on the Amiga shell only address 4 colors, I believe.

According to RKM Devices 3rd edition (v2.0), console.device has up to 8 colors, coded 
as single digits from 0 to 7, with 9 meaning "default color".


Thanks for the clarification, Daniele!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Console GUI functions? Re:(8)

1999-12-13 Thread bo

On 12-Dec-1999/20:27:12-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On 10-Dec-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 10-Dec-1999/12:45:21+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2. I don't think the console will support graphical ANSI
 characters in the forseeable future.

 white screen. Also, the Amiga console colors are dependent on the
 Workbench palette and generally only support 4 colors if I remember
 correctly. I think those colors are mapped to the first four colors of the
 Workbench palette. Therefore, it would make it difficult to implement if
 the REBOL scripter said something like text="red" print "Hello" as REBOL
 won't know which color is (or if any are) mapped to red.

My A1200 without graphics card is limited to 256 colors for Workbench, but I
keep it at 8-16 most of the time.  I suppose the OCS and ECS machines might
be limited to 8 or 16 on WB, but I haven't checked my A500 or A2000 for
this yet.


The ECS machines are limited to 16 colors without a graphics card.  However, the
console codes on the Amiga shell only address 4 colors, I believe.
       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Console GUI functions? Re:(6)

1999-12-10 Thread bo

On 10-Dec-1999/12:45:21+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  2. I don't think the console will support graphical ANSI
  characters in the forseeable future.
 :-( Is this not portable or where is the problem? Robert
 I don't think this is very portable.  Many platforms do not support color codes,

What platforms? I think there are no problems on Unixes, there
aren't on the Amiga (even the standard CON: supports colors, text
styles etc.), and you could implement colors etc. on Win and Mac


You are correct for the most part, but I was thinking of the embedded devices
like the PalmPilot and other devices which only have a black  white screen.
Also, the Amiga console colors are dependent on the Workbench palette and
generally only support 4 colors if I remember correctly.  I think those colors
are mapped to the first four colors of the Workbench palette.  Therefore,
it would make it difficult to implement if the REBOL scripter said something
like text="red" print "Hello" as REBOL won't know which color is (or if any are)
mapped to red.
       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(5)

1999-12-10 Thread bo

Larry, Jim, others,

This has been entered!

On 9-Dec-1999/13:49:41-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Larry,

This is a bug in FORM that should notice that the length of the block has
been changed. I trust that Bo will log it... ;-)

 - jim

At 10:40 AM 12/9/99 -0800, you wrote:
Hi Ted

You have been raising some interesting questions in recent posts. Adding
another twist:

 a: [1 2 3 4]
== [1 2 3 4]
 b: next a
== [2 3 4]
 clear a
== []
 next b
** Script Error: Out of range or past end.
** Where: next b
 c: make block! form b
== [2 3 4]
 next c
== [3 4]
 head c
== [2 3 4]

So the values in b are still there and can be recovered into a new block and
accessed normally!

I hope someone can explain this to us.


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 1999 2:42 AM
Subject: [REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:(2)

 Here's something else that I find confusing:

  list: [ 1 2 3 4 ]
 == [ 1 2 3 4 ]
  list2: next list
 == [ 2 3 4 ]
  clear list
 == []
 == [ 2 3 4 ]
  next list2:
 ** Script Error: Out of Range or Past End

 About every other operation I try with list2 errors. Exceptions are that I
can assign it to another variable and print it.

 The exceptions are what confuse me. After clearing list, why does list2
print anything at all?

 Is this part of the garbage collection bug people mention? (Is the
infamous garbage collection bug documented yet?)


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Console GUI functions? Re:(4)

1999-12-09 Thread bo

On 9-Dec-1999/17:24:55+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 1999 6:45 PM
 Subject: [REBOL] Console GUI functions? Re:(2)

 1. I think you will need to use a virtual console
 representation.  What I mean
 is you have a block of strings representing each line on the
 console display.
 You then make all console changes to this virtual console and
 then update
 the real console with the data in the virtual console.  This
 type of method
 I believe is the only way to know what is at any particular
 position on the

Hi, puh this sounds a like a lot of work and book keeping code. But it
would be nice to implement a 'smallest rectangle to update' algorithm ;-)

Yes, that would be nice.

 There is no command or way (that I know of) to get this information
 directly from the console.

Can you add this as a feature request? I mean Rebol has to have the console
content somewhere...

I will add this as a feature request.

 2. I don't think the console will support graphical ANSI
 characters in the forseeable future.

:-( Is this not portable or where is the problem? Robert

I don't think this is very portable.  Many platforms do not support color codes,
but I'm sure if we really put our minds to it we could have it work on the
platforms that support it without affecting the ones that don't.  However, this
may be something REBOL/media addresses anyway.

I hope your project comes along well!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] RE: REBOL contract programmer wanted...

1999-12-08 Thread bo

For anyone interested in contract programming in REBOL, here's an opportunity.
Please respond directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and not to the list.

On 7-Dec-1999/18:30:49-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm looking for a contract REBOL programmer who would be willing to create a suite of 
program(s) that we could use for:
  * Custom information reports carried out for a list of multiple recipients, for
  * scheduled update searching of Web information sites,
  * parsing and capture of data items and links to a defined report file, 
  * file storage into a temporary file archive, and, 
  * emailing of search updates to the designated recipients.

A formatted input control file would contain such information as:
  1) Name of recipient
  2) Short title for the report header
  3) Email address for recipient
  4) Canned search update keyword request(s) for that person
  5) Canned bill number(s) tracking lists

An input form for creating control file(s) might prompt user for data, and then build 
the control file statement. Items such as # 4 could offer selections for topic words, 
name of legislator, etc., to allow for specific query logic.

We'd like the REBOL program to carry detailed internal documentation comment lines, 
for future maintenance or revision. 

The first project would be for the purpose of monitoring "status of legislation" via 
the Thomas Web site operated by the Library of Congress. http://thomas.loc.gov/

At a minimum, we would like options for tracking: Single bills by Bill Number; 
Topical word content; Title words in Bill; Bill Sponsor(s); Date or date range.

For initial examples go to the Thomas site and try out the following searches...
Search for HB
Search for "military retirement" or for "medical care nursing home"

You will find that the Thomas URL/search strings use syntax such as:

HB bill summary...

Bills introduced by Rep Constance A. Morella

Bills containing words "military retirement"
input into the main Thomas Web page www.thomas.loc, entering those terms into the 
td width="600" align="left" valign="top"
FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/query" METHOD=POST
a href="/cgi-bin/imagemap/images/index.map"
IMG SRC="/images/homeban.gif" alt="THOMAS Homepage" width="446" height="93" ismap 

!--begin test system Quick Search--

font size="1" face="Arial, Helvetica" color="#00"
Search CURRENT CONGRESS for Text of Bills:br
 By Bill Number 
input type="text"  name="docidc106"  value="" size=6 MAXLENGTH=50
 By Word/Phrasenobr
input type="text" name="queryc106" value="" size=6 MAXLENGTH=50

input type="submit" value="Search"
input type="reset" value="Clear"
!--end Quick Search--

The "nursing home medical care" search results in report containing...
50 Bills from the 106th Congress ranked by relevance to your search on "nursing home 
medical care ". 

   0 bills containing your phrase exactly as entered 
   16 bills containing all your search words near each other in any order.
   34 bills containing all your search words but not near each other.
   0 bills containing one or more of your search words.
 with links to specific bills listed following under sections for "16 bills" and 
"34 bills"

The project would obviously take some definition as to most common or desired types 
of searches, results summary formats, email report formats, scheduling options, etc.

My staff would work with the contract programmer on these details. At this point I am 
mainly interested in the approximate task size, cost estimates, etc.

I would be interested in receiving your email queries about this potential job, at 

-ernest perez
Ernest Perez, Ph.D.
Group Leader
Oregon State Library
503-378-4243, ext 257

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] How are functions in REBOL polymorphic? Re:

1999-12-08 Thread bo

On 7-Dec-1999/23:20:01-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For instance, I can use the word read for so many different things...
reading from an ftp site, reading from a web page, getting a directory
listing, reading a file, and on and on. Is there something internal in the
read function that does something like

if (arg.type == "ftp")lb
// Do the ftp read
else if(arg.type == "file")lb
// Read a file from the filesystem

etc. (you get the idea)? So is it impossible to 'add' capabilities to "read"
without "overloading" the word so it wouldn't be able to be used as it
normally is? For instance, if I wanted to be able to say:

read pnm://whatever-real-audio-file

and have it do something over pnm (whatever that is... it's something the
realplayer uses). In other words, add a new protocol capability (but still
be able to say: read ftp://ftp.site.com).

or read audiobook://blahblah

and have read be some kind of speech synthesizer and actually "read" the
book. This is a silly example, but you get the idea.

Maybe not so silly after all...REBOL can read a web page to you using the
striptags.r file from www.rebol.ORG on the Amiga like so:

;first enter MOUNT SPEAK: on the Amiga
do %striptags.r
write %/speak striptags read http://www.rebol.com

The result of this will be a robotic voice reading you the content of the page.
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] RFF: empty? for blocks Re:

1999-12-08 Thread bo


It does, doesn't it?

 empty? []
== true

On 8-Dec-1999/16:30:03+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, I would like to propose that empty? should be useable with blocks and
return true if the block doesn't contain an element.

Robert M. Muench, Karlsruhe, Germany
== ask for PGP public-key ==

  When do you want to reboot today?

Use the free portable GUI Library
OpenAmulet from http://www.openip.org

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Newbie seeking sites? Re:

1999-12-08 Thread bo


Try http://www.rebol.ORG and http://owlnet.net/rebol/ .

On 8-Dec-1999/16:13:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi, anyone know of any Rebol orientated sites with examples
and so on (apart from www.rebol.com ;) ? Or assuming the
Rebol guys are on here, any idea when the page with site links
will appear? :)

Sorry if this has been asked...is there a list FAQ?

James L Boyd.

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Objects: Preventing Code Duplication Re:(12)

1999-12-06 Thread bo

On 4-Dec-1999/10:39:46-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is it possible to make a sound (like a beep) from REBOL?

You can make REBOL speak on the Amiga, but unfortunately this isn't very
cross-platform...just a luxury provided by the AmigaOS.

I believe REBOL/media will be able (eventually) to make sounds (at least).
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] 3rd party scripts add-ons Re:(2)

1999-12-06 Thread bo


You may also take any of the scripts I have written at http://www.rebol.org
and post them on your site.


On 4-Dec-1999/13:30:38-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Feel free to download my two scripts from www.rebol.org and post them on
your site.  They're two games, Tactix and PushOver, and should serve as good
examples of using REBOL for "ordinary" programming not involving messaging,
servers, etc.  Besides, the games are interesting and challenging.

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 10:09 AM
Subject: [REBOL] 3rd party scripts  add-ons

 We are trying to amass as many third party REBOL scripts and add-ons as
 possible over on Owlnet's FTP. Beta soft is welcome as well if it works
 with REBOL.

 We would like to be able to house them for REBOL users and developers and
 also show them off on a grass roots REBOL web site we have started up.


 It's new and will grow in time ...


 Do NOT upload the REBOL executable to Owlnet please as we only deal in
 and  third party soft at the moment!


 Gary Peake, TAC-OwlNet.Net
 Team AMIGA Central

 Web Hosting and Design
 Developer Portal


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] How to open a file exclusively? Re:(5)

1999-12-06 Thread bo

On 4-Dec-1999/6:25:42+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyway: REBOL Tech, add open/exclusive to your enhancement requests database,
please ...


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] parse question Re:(3)

1999-11-30 Thread bo


I noticed several people had posted parse versions, so I'm sure you'll see
them by the time you see this mail.  If not, let me know and I'll write one.
I'm pretty sure Elan wrote one at least.


On 24-Nov-1999/13:51:44+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo,

I am a bit behind with reading my email, so this solution
seems perfect, but I also want to learn something about 
parse, so if you please could the parse version, too?



Those were the words of Bohdan Bo Lechnowsky:
 Assuming your input line looks like this:
 inline: "a1=1, a2=2, a3=3, a4"
 Here is a one-line solution to do what you want:
 do replace replace/all replace/all inline "," " " "=" ": " "a4" "a4: true"
 If you were asking in order to learn more about PARSE on the other hand,
 let me know and I'll show you a way to do it with PARSE (although it will
 require a few more lines of script).

--  _ ._
ingo@)|_ /|  _| _  We ARE all ONE   www._|_o _   _ ._ _  
www./_|_) |o(_|(/_  We ARE all FREE ingo@| |(_|o(_)| (_| 
http://www.2b1.de/Rebol/     ._|  ._|

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Colors Re:(7)

1999-11-01 Thread bo

On 30-Oct-1999/2:11:15-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 X-REBOL:  "TheInternet  Messaging  Language(TM)
 WWW.REBOL.COM" Precedence: bulk X-SELMA: [REBOL] 41741

  Myresponse was only  intended   with  the  pinnacle  of
 lightheartedness.  No grievous feelings, ol' chap!

As were mine, you old dog! My comments were intended to be as
light as the thinnest wisp of a feather floating on the sweetest
shimmering winds of frivolity! Ho ho! Don't take it rough, ol' boy, my
chumaroo!! Be not dismayed! It was all in good fun! No harm done! Do
bring your light pinnacles to work with you on Monday and we'll have a
great uproarious laugh! 


My most esteemed colleague!  With what wit and mirth have thy rejoinders
retrograded on our shared vector!  Thy sweet phrases lilt on the delicate 
ebb and flow of the time-space continuum.  I implore thee, take no
offense to my parries. as the intent was not intensity.  Lo, as it were,
touché with a soufflé and tally-ho with our scones and tea!

A jolly merriment indeed we shall have as my light pinnacles I will encumber
on the day after the Sun!
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Colors Re:

1999-10-29 Thread bo

How 'bout this:

color-text: func [intensity text][
rejoin [
{FONT color="#}
copy/part tail form to-hex to-integer intensity * 2.55 -2
{8000"} text /FONT]

On 29-Oct-1999/16:18:51+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can anyone come up with a more readable way of doing this?

As a function it will return an html string text with a color based on the
intensity value from 0 green to 100 red (ish)

; intensity is an integer between 0-100
color-text: func [ intensity text ] [
 temp: join to-string pick to-hex to-integer (2.5 * intensity) 7 to-string
pick to-hex to-integer (2.5 * intensity) 8
 return rejoin [ lbfont COLOR="#rb temp lb8000"rb text lb/fontrb ]

What I really need is a solution for
 to-integer #lbFFrb
== 255
 to-hex 255
== #00FF

not #FF

and you can't trim hex values as far as I know :)



       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Colors Re:(5)

1999-10-29 Thread bo


My response was only intended with the pinnacle of lightheartedness.
No grievous feelings, ol' chap!

On 29-Oct-1999/17:33:34-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I knew Jeff would jump all over my example grumble grumble ;-)

  Hey-- You told me I'm the script cop.  Just doing my job. Ha ha
just kidding.

  But no reason to grumble there, Bo.  It wasn't my intention to "jump
all over" your example. Just trying to point out a different way to do
it and to rant about efficiency. But there's no "right" answer.

  I also toyed with  enbase, but it  wasn't as straightforward from a
 user's standpoint in my opinion as the method I chose.

  ENBASE was put there to be used! (-;

But mine still uses less bytes to store the function so there!

  You got me there. Leaner and slower. ;-) 



       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Colors Re:(2)

1999-10-29 Thread bo

On 29-Oct-1999/14:17:15-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
What you want is:

skip to-hex 255 6

== #FF

The master hath spoken!  (Why didn't I think of that???)
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Line limit? Re:

1999-10-28 Thread bo

On 27-Oct-1999/21:13:20-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Is there a (practical/theoretical) limit to the length of a file in a flat
file database under REBOL? (Linux OS, if that makes a difference.)

- fleet -

No limit as long as you have enough memory to support it... :-)

We use a flat file here to store all our bug reports and enhancement requests
with all associated data.
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] epoch? Re:(2)

1999-10-28 Thread bo

While we're on the subject of optimization, how about this?

now - 1-1-1970 * 86400

Have fun!

On 28-Oct-1999/19:08:32+4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Maybe can be optimized

ahora: now
hms: parse to-string ahora/time ":"
seconds-from: (ahora - make date! [1 1 1970]) * 86400 + ((to-integer hms/1)
* 3600) + ((to-integer hms/2) * 60) + (to-integer hms/3)

At 04:57 p.m. 28/10/99 -0400, you wrote:

In Perl *shudder* and Unix, you can use the number of seconds from the
Epoch (January 1, 1970) in programs. How can I do this in Rebol; i.e. get
the number of seconds from the Epoch?


Lourdes Yero
web site: http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/4672/

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] 'protect function in beta (bug?) Re:

1999-10-27 Thread bo


This has been fixed for 2.2.


On 26-Oct-1999/11:51:39-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi... I got around to reading "notes.html" for the new Beta (you're supposed
to read the directions, eh?) :)   Came across this neat 'protect function
and was trying it out.  Can someone explain the following seeming
inconsistency?  Bug?

 protect 'help

 help: none
** Script Error: Word help is protected, cannot modify.
** Where: help: none

 parse "this is a test" [thru " is " copy help to end]
== true

 print help
a test

 help help
== "a test"

Thanks,  Russ

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Rebol website update :-) Re:(9)

1999-10-27 Thread bo

On 26-Oct-1999/19:52:09, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 26-Oct-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hey, I know, let's port REBOL to the C=64 and Apple ][ ;-)

Sure, I just have to Scotch tape 4 6502s together and I'll have 32-bit, right?

Actually, I believe the C=64 used 6510s, but I understand your point.  The C=64
does have at least a 16-bit accelerator available (believe it or not) which takes
SIMMs for memory expansion.  Does this sound silly?  Why it's the exact same
thing the PC industry did with the 8080 and 8086 models...just added and added and 
(at least until at least a few years ago).

 Sorry...I just had to be a little sarcastic...

Since there are now (and there will be more later) 128-bit networking game
machines around, what about REBOL for them (asked without sarcasm)?



---===///||| Donald Dalley |||\\\===---
 The World of AmiBroker Support
   Member: ICOA and Team AMIGA

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] [REBOL] Console Special Keys (was very boneheaded question) Re:

1999-10-27 Thread bo

Not every key is guaranteed to return a value.  The underlying OS has some effect
on which keys return what values.

Also, REBOL doesn't have an INSERT mode.  The INSERT console sequence is something
entirely different.

Have fun with the new console features!

On 27-Oct-1999/10:51:58-6:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo

(Also sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

I tried your code below, and it works pretty well, except that in version (Win32), it doesn't return a value for the INSERT key.
Documentation says it should return a value "CTRL(1B)[H". Makes it kind of hard
to get the console into/out of insert mode.

That's the only documented key that I've found that doesn't return a value.
It returns the value 9 for the TAB key, but returns nothing for the
SHIFT-TAB key. Should it?


Bernie Schneider

 -Original Message-
 Sent:Wednesday, October 27, 1999 7:53 AM
 Subject:[REBOL] very boneheaded question Re:(4)
---  SNIP -

 For a good way to see what characters your system outputs when you press a
 key, you can use the following code:
  cons: open/binary [scheme: 'console]
  forever [wait cons prin first cons prin " "]
 Another good thing to do to understand the console better is to look at
 code for %redit.r.  It has a lot of console functions pre-scripted.
 Have fun!
    Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Rebol website update :-) Re:(6)

1999-10-27 Thread bo


I implicitly stated I didn't mean to offend anyone  Take it more as a
good-natured jab at 16-bit (and lower) OSes.  REBOL was designed to be
easily portable to 32-bit and higher OSes, therefore implementing it on a
16-bit or lower OS would require a complete rewrite of a large portion

We've looked at the feasibility of porting to DOS.  Perhaps REBOL3.0 may
delve into this issue, but as I said above, it would have to wait until
a complete rewrite of the system.

If you want to pursue the issue, you could send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
asking whether or not we would consider supporting a 16-bit OS in the next
rewrite of REBOL.

Also, I'm sure if a developer came up to REBOL with a contract with the
requirement that REBOL run on DOS, I'm sure that would help push development
in that direction.  However, many good 32-bit CPUs can be picked up for
next-to-nothing along with a lightweight 32-bit OS to go with it.  See
Symbian, 3Com and many other embedded vendors.

I'm told I'm a very good-natured person, so maybe my remarks were read
with inflections different from what I intended.

*sorry* :-)

On 27-Oct-1999/13:49:02-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
You (and Bo) seem to totally miss the point.  I'm not talking about personal
comptuer uses, but embedded systems.  Designing, implementing, manufacturing
them as products... not something for my own personal use.

I'm quite serious about the Rebol on DOS question, but from Bo's sarcastic
remark (if that's indicative of company policy) I can see it's fallen on
deaf ears.


At 12:59 PM 10/27/99 +, you wrote:

 While (hopefully) someone is looking, are there any plans for Rebol/DOS?  I
 know... DOS is old and antiquated and has no multitasking or windowing
 features, but it IS SMALL, and FREE/CHEAP (DRDOS, FREEDOS, etc), and
 requires very little computing resources... ideal for many of the
 applications I'd like to pursue with REBOL.  The philosophy of rebol states
 that it is intended for set-top boxes and the like, wouldn't DOS be a good
 candidate (w/o HD, just run from ROM/RAM) for implementing such things?

Why not grabbing an old Amiga 500 for such kind of stuff. And there you
really have more than 8+3 characters. Or an A1200 which could give enough
animation capability and video compatible output ideally usable in set top
boxes ;-)

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald  - http://helios.home.pages.de
PGP: http://home.pages.de/~helios/autor/wie-erreichen.html

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Rebol website update :-) Re:(8)

1999-10-27 Thread bo


I, as anyone who is interested in robotics, am familiar with 16-bit and lower
microcontroller solutions.  Hey, we've even been asked if we can work on
the LegOS controller.  Several of us minions here decided it was an interesting
proposition, but it would be part of the REBOL/command family as the
implementations would be platform-specific in those embedded solutions.

Have you ever heard of a "Basic Stamp"?  You probably have if you are into
embedded systems.  How about a "REBOL Stamp"? :-)

My sarcasm comes from me dealing with hundreds of technical questions a day.
I have to keep sane somehow :-)  And don't mistake anything I say as
"company policy" because I have very little influence in that area.

Sorry for starting this gross misunderstanding and for stomping on toes.  My
size 14 (US) shoes make it easier for me to accidentally stomp on toes.

On 27-Oct-1999/17:34:13-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
At 03:26 PM 10/27/99 +, you wrote:

Hello, Russ:

On 27-Oct-99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You (and Bo) seem to totally miss the point. 

I'll let Bo and Martin defend themselves, but I doubt this. REBOL knows where
they want REBOL to go, and I doubt it's back to 16-bit systems.

You miss the point, as well.  "BACK?" to 16-bit systems???  Both 16-bit AND
8-bit micros are alive and well in the embedded world.. surprise!  Just take
a look at the very active development of new chips at Microchip
(www.microchip.com) or Hitachi for current examples.  Perhaps the upcoming
PIC 2000 contest co-sponsored by Circuit Cellar INK and Microchip
(http://www.circuitcellar.com/pic2000/)  serves to illustrate just some of
the _current_ interest in this area.

It seems I've raised an issue amongst a group which has no idea of "the
other world" that exists and thrives, in which tiny (by PC standards)
micro's control all sorts of devices and accomplish fantastic feats
(including more and more networking at the TCP/IP level).  Unfortunately,
simply because PC's are the most popular and common platform, and they have
gone the way of more and more complexity, people tend to think the whole
world has gone that way.  Even more unfortuate, because many tool developers
(which REBOL is, after all... a tool for accomplishing real things) also see
a greater potential income in those popular marketplaces, and so the tools
often do not propagate down to the "small embedded processor" areana... of
which I speak.  If REBOL's intention is truly to not support that
marketplace, it's their choice.. and a big loss for everyone.  But it's
certainly NOT going BACK to anything.  It's supporting an evergrowing and
very alive and healthy marketplace.

 I'm quite serious about the Rebol on DOS question

The question is pointless unless a PC DOS has a TCP/IP stack.

It's already been stated that such exists.  Not w/in the O/S itself but as
programs that run on it (just as Winsock runs on Windows).  Take a look at
Crynwr Packet Drivers for just the beginning of quite a collection of basic
tools for IP communication.

 but from Bo's sarcastic
 remark (if that's indicative of company policy) I can see it's fallen on
 deaf ears.

You were told not to take it seriously, so don't.

Sarcasm has its place and I can laugh (and did) along with anyone.  But if
sarcasm is the ONLY answer to a serious question, then it implies a deeper
position... and perhaps the answer to the question that was posed.  If it is
accompanied by a forthright answer (even one of "I don't know, but i'll
check"), then it can be taken as "just" sarcasm.

It was certainly not my intention to begin or participate in a flame contest
over this.  I simply asked what I thought was a very straightforward,
logical, and meaningful question... and I'm still looking for a direct
answer.  Perhaps this is the wrong forum.  From private replies I've
received re this issue from others who read this list, I can see that other
embedded system people share my views... guess we're just usually the silent
types who work our magic behind the scenes.  Back I go...


---===///||| Donald Dalley |||\\\===---
 The World of AmiBroker Support
       Member: ICOA and Team AMIGA

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Messenger Weirdness Re:(4)

1999-10-26 Thread bo


I have fixed that example and a few other minor things.  The most recent
Messenger.r is at http://www.rebol.org.


On 25-Oct-1999/13:14:34-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Needless to say, I need to fix that example...

On 23-Oct-1999/21:33:44-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo,

BTW, where did you see this example?

In the file filter-info which is automatically generated in the mail root
directory when messenger runs for the first time. Here are the first lines
of this file up to (including) the line in question:

Filters: A filtering block should return false if the message should
Criteria to use include:
index (message #)

Filter example: if equal? mail/comment "read" [false] ; skips all read

Haven't checked your new release yet.


     Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
 REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 1-707-467-8000
Download the REBOL language *FREE* (http://www.rebol.com)

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] very boneheaded question Re:(2)

1999-10-26 Thread bo

On 25-Oct-1999/17:48:44-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
t wrote:
 I have a very stupid question..may as well just ask it:
 "This new test release includes new terminal console, sandbox
 This is right off the site. It does?  what the heck are those things?
(I don't see a console, and haven't a clue about what a sandbox
directory might be...)
 sorry to cause such a plunge in the collective  IQ...

Better to ask question, that way IQ go up!

Sandbox directory - Java

Running software over the net is a great way to spread computer virii
and could allow nasty people (usually called "Hackers" by uninformed
media) to inspect/destroy a innocent user's hard disk drive and files.
A sandbox directory contains intrusions and allows untrusted software
to go wild, with out destroying valuable information.
You should be able to find more info about Java on Sun's site. Look
for sandbox.

As for the terminal console, I think it's all ready in REBOL beta? I'll
have to check.

Andrew Martin
Ancient Occidental Wisdom...
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

The "console" being talked about is the platform-independent console
code that now exists in the 2.1.90 beta.  It is this platform-independent
code that allows scripts such as %redit.r to work (REBOL-based editor).

Previously, it was very difficult or impossible to position the cursor
at any row/column position desired.  However, that is very easy to do
now.  Look at notes.html (I believe) which came with the beta
distribution.  It has the console code information in there.
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Rebol website update :-) Re:(7)

1999-10-26 Thread bo

Hey, I know, let's port REBOL to the C=64 and Apple ][ ;-)

Sorry...I just had to be a little sarcastic...no offense to anyone intended.

I used a C=64 until around 1989 or so...quite a decent machine for its time!

On 26-Oct-1999/14:36:20-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I agree that a working TCP stack is not the problem.  I see the "DOS user
base" issue quite differently, though.

I'm not talking about people who actually run their PC with DOS as its O/S,
but embedded systems that can very nicely (and efficiently,
cost-effectively, etc) run from a DOS-type environment (both software and
hardware) in devices where the O/S is not even visible (or a concern) to the
user read "Internet Appliance" (set-top-box, etc etc etc).

This IS in our future (see www.aplio.com for just one example), and to
simply equate it to ancient DOS machines is missing the implications of this
picture.  Not all interesting/useful "networking" or "messaging" apps
require 32-bit machines (and Windows and graphics and O/S's and OVERHEAD) to
work effectively. Heck, I've done TCP/IP in an 8-bit micro w/o ANY O/S!  How
I'd love to have REBOL (or a compiled version of a rebol application) in
there too :)


At 11:13 AM 10/26/99 -0800, you wrote:

 Well, how robust are the existing TCP/IP stacks for the intel-based
 DOS? (I hate just calling it 'DOS', because my machine has a DOS, but
 no relation to that other one...)

A tcp stack isn't too hard to find. You can find them in proprietary
network packages like the netware
ip client.
 If the stacks are there, then the
 REBOL/core should be easy to do as it doesn't really do any fancy
 windowing magic beyond simple console stuff. REBOL really doesn't do
 multitasking by itself, if a TSR stack exists and works, then REBOL
 should be useable on a MS/PC/DR/FREE/etc-DOS box.
the problem isnt the multitasking, DOS is a 16 bit OS and REBOL will 
only work on a 32bit or higher machine. I dont believe the DOS user 
  base is large enough to bother with
porting a 16bit version.

-Tyler Booth ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
"your problem lies between the chair  the keyboard"

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   REBOL  Adventure Guide
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Messenger Weirdness Re:(3)

1999-10-25 Thread bo


Needless to say, I need to fix that example...

On 23-Oct-1999/21:33:44-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Bo,

BTW, where did you see this example?

In the file filter-info which is automatically generated in the mail root
directory when messenger runs for the first time. Here are the first lines
of this file up to (including) the line in question:

Filters: A filtering block should return false if the message should
Criteria to use include:
index (message #)

Filter example: if equal? mail/comment "read" [false] ; skips all read

Haven't checked your new release yet.


     Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
 REBOL  Adventure Guide
REBOL Technologies 1-707-467-8000
Download the REBOL language *FREE* (http://www.rebol.com)

[REBOL] bug in messenger? Re:

1999-10-22 Thread bo


Thanks for reporting this!  I fixed it so it is more or less bulletproof in
this area.  The problem probably was that you didn't have a drive volume
called /config and the way Andrew wrote this part of Messenger, it was
expecting an existing directory.

I've uploaded the new version to www.rebol.org.  Hopefully it will get there

I also fixed the problem which was doubling up these headers like you see
below and made a few other minor enhancements.

On 21-Oct-1999/17:19:11+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Received: from office.rebol.net (IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [])
by brando.rebol.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id IAA07920;
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 08:20:04 -0700
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1999 17:19:11 +0200
Subject: [REBOL] bug in messenger?
X-REBOL: "The Internet Messaging Language (TM) WWW.REBOL.COM"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
X-Accept-Language: cs,en
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-SELMA: [REBOL] 36027


just tried to download messenger, and have problems with run thru
initial set-up. I get following message:

 do %messenger.r
Script: "REBOL Messenger" (8-Sep-1999)
POP Server Username: pekr
POP Server Password: 

Messenger Config File Generator
Directory in which to save configuration
(usually same location as this script): %/Config
This file may be readable and executable by others who use this computer
or are on this network.
Save password to config file (y/n)? y
Root mail directory (no trailing '/'): %Mail
Terminal rows: 30
Terminal columns (100 is recommended): 100
Always delete mail from server? (y/n) n
Maximum mail days for each directory (recommended: 32 16 8 4)8
** Access Error: Cannot open /Config/email-config.r.
** Where: write save-dir/email-config.r configfile
do save-dir/email-config.r

I looked at the script, especially save-dir function, but there seems to
be no place where %Config directory is created??? Anyone? I also
expected current directory is going to be used, once I press Enter. How
can I express current dir then?

save-dir: to-file ask "Directory in which to save
configurationCTRL/(usually same location as this script): %"
 write save-dir/email-config.r configfile
do save-dir/email-config.r

Where is the place where %Config directory is created??? 

But maybe I am missing something ...



   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support Coordinator
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] FW: Psion version..? Re:(3)

1999-10-22 Thread bo

On 22-Nov-1999/19:51:26+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Received: from office.rebol.net (IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [])
by brando.rebol.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id LAA12512;
Thu, 21 Oct 1999 11:00:49 -0700
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 19:51:26 +0100
Subject: [REBOL] FW: Psion version..? Re:(2)
X-REBOL: "The Internet Messaging Language (TM) WWW.REBOL.COM"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Precedence: bulk
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (Win95; I)
X-Accept-Language: cs,en
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-SELMA: [REBOL] 36151



 There are a number of us here with Series5 and 5mx systems by Psion and we
 are also looking forward to the release.  However, REBOL/command has priority
 at the moment and then the palmtop platforms are the next highest priority.

Are we near its release date? :-) Will specs be released before /Command release
or just with it?


I don't know the plan for release of specs.  Sorry... :'(

 Hopefully, we'll see a Psion version before too long!

 On 20-Oct-1999/9:48:13+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone know more about the Psion/Epoc version of
 rebol..? I see it listed as pending, however it would be cool
 to write some scripts on the train each morning ;)
 François Prowse
 UK5 NT Systems Engineer
    Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
Technical Support Coordinator
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support Coordinator
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] FW: Psion version..? Re:(2)

1999-10-22 Thread bo


Actually a Newton version isn't out of the question if we can get a machine to
test on and also a development environment for it.

On 22-Oct-1999/16:53:17+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Received: from office.rebol.net (IDENT:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [])
by brando.rebol.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id IAA07071;
Fri, 22 Oct 1999 08:49:43 -0700
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 16:53:17 +0100
Subject: [REBOL] FW: Psion version..? Re:
Message-Id: 001801bf1ca5$8ea9fdb0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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also, you could make me and lots of other people happy by doing a 
Newton version :) Wishful thinking though it would be a good demonstration
of cross platform capabilities!! 

Have a good weekend all



-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 1999 6:07 PM
Subject: [REBOL] FW: Psion version..? Re:(2)

Bo wrote:
and then the palmtop platforms are the next highest priority.



       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support Coordinator
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Error in source (2) Re:(3)

1999-10-21 Thread bo


I understand the hesitancy of newbies to report bugs.  That's OK because
I try to keep an eye on the REBOL list.

If you want to do this, you should be able to do it like this:

word: to-word ""
source :word

Let me know if this causes any problems!

On 20-Oct-1999/15:07:31-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, it fails on my Win95 system in two versions!  Note, you have to run it
as a program, not from interactive command line to see the failure Luis is
speaking of.  It seems to be considering ' the beginning of a tag rather
than an operator, and is balking at that.  But I dunno how to tell him what
to do to accomplish what he desires, either.  And it is strange that it
doesn't give that error when executed from the command line, only when part
of a program.

I think many of us (especially newbies) are hesitant to report things as
"bugs" until we ask around on here and confirm that it's not simply our own
misunderstanding of things :)

: native [
lbReturns TRUE if the first value is less than the second value.rb 
value value

 print read %testsource.r
rebol []

 do %testsource.r
** Syntax Error: Invalid tag -- .
** Where: (line 2) source 

 do %../rebol22beta/testsource.r
** Syntax Error: Invalid tag -- .
** Where: (line 2) source 


At 09:08 AM 10/20/99 -0700, you wrote:


I tried this on running on Windows95 and it worked fine as
well as on

Is this still a problem?

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support Coordinator
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] y2k problem? Re:(3)

1999-10-19 Thread bo


OK, I have added your name to the already opened Incident Number  

Thanks for this report!

On 18-Oct-1999/1:52:42-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 There is a known problem with date reporting on the Mac version
 of REBOL.  If this is a different version, please let me know!

it is version REBOL on windows nt (actually Wind0ws 2000,
rc1); the ftp server i am talking to is running on a solaris 2.6 machine.


 On 12-Oct-1999/17:48:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am new to Rebol and have a lot to learn. But still, I was trying to
 retrieve the modification date of a file, which I know to be
 1999/10/12 11:26 and I was surprised with following answer:
  modified? ftp://user:password@server/filename
 == 12-Oct-2011
 1) Why does rebol say 2011 rather that 1999 (y2K issue?)
 2) Why does rebol not show the time
 Any help would be most welcome,
 TIA, Guido
Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
Technical Support / Quality Assurance
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Wow, a new console, now vi.r is doable! Re:(5)

1999-10-18 Thread bo

I have had quite a demand for this, so I uploaded it to www.rebol.org.  It should
be appearing there sometime soon.


On 16-Oct-1999/8:56:24-7:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
May I also have a copy?


At 09:18 AM 10/16/99 -0600, you wrote:
Please send me a copy of your editor.



 On 15-Oct-1999/23:55:26+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Just downloaded the 2.2 beta.
  Lotsa new goodies, especially a portable console with cursor control!
  Back to play,
  (also been wanting to do a scala.r ... ;-) (well, still limited to text
  wipes, but...)
 OK, do you think you will be able to produce Scala comparable multimedia
 quality with REBOL/Media? :-)

 REBOL/media should allow a multimedia program similar to ScalaMM (at least
 that is one of the goals).

 Also, if anyone is interested in my REBOL editor, %redit.r, please let me
 know and I'll send it to you.  It has user-programmable macros mappable to
 any ASCII sequence.  Wrote it in one evening.  It is what I use to handle
 all my email.  Of course, in return I would greatly appreciate your version
 after you make any good enhancements to it.

Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
Technical Support / Quality Assurance
REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
   Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

Richard Laing
Vancouver, CANADA
"Much may be made of a Scotchman if he be caught young."
 Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)

       Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] That editor... Re:

1999-10-18 Thread bo


Look at http://www.rebol.org.  There is a script there called %messenger.r.

I am currently making an updated version with a built-in editor
and a more intelligent interface.  Actually, I'll probably upload
it now just for the fun of it!


On 14-Oct-1999/0:27:18+3:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey Bo,

I *think* I want a copy.  I'd love to observe how you handle
email--composing, filtering, "address book", etc.  

I'd like to do all my email with rebol, too, just 'cause it's cool.


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Newbe question Re:

1999-10-13 Thread bo

If the ISP doesn't have ELF libraries installed then REBOL will not run on
that machine.

Also, if the BSDi installation is a VSERVER installation (I believe it is a
customized version of BSDi), it requires a little additional configuration.

The most likely problem is the former, however.  

On 12-Oct-1999/18:00:06-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have been trying to get the BSDi for iX86 version working on our virtual

The company that hosts our virtual server says that we area running UNIX
The server is Apache 1.2.6 with dynamic module support (Customized build,
what ever that means)

We have access to the config files etc.
I placed REBOL in '/usr/bin/rebol/' (we have perl5 running in
'/usr/local/bin/' perl4 in '/usr/bin/')
I set the permissions to 755 (even tried 777)
I have placed a user.r file in the same directory to the set-net
[[EMAIL PROTECTED] inawire.com] line in it.

I have put a script in my cgi-bin and set the permissions to 755.

When I run it I get a Server Error 500

My error_log has the lines:

exec of /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/cgi.cgi failed, reason: Exec format
error (errno = 8)
[Tue Oct 12 16:37:41 1999] access to /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/cgi.cgi
for, reason: Premature end of script headers

It would seam that I have the wrong exec format? (I have also tried all the
BSD versions for Intel)

Have also checked:
-The script I am using is running on our internal IIS 4 server with out
-I tried -cs
-I tried --cgi
-I tried .r files
-I tried .cgi files
-If I change the #!/usr/bin/ path for REBOL to an incorrect path I get (did
this by mistake)
 exec of /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/cgi.cgi failed, reason: Permission
denied (errno = 13)

Any help would be appreciated



Ross MacLachlan

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] y2k problem? Re:

1999-10-13 Thread bo


There is a known problem with date reporting on the Mac version
of REBOL.  If this is a different version, please let me know!

On 12-Oct-1999/17:48:30, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am new to Rebol and have a lot to learn. But still, I was trying to
retrieve the modification date of a file, which I know to be
1999/10/12 11:26 and I was surprised with following answer:

 modified? ftp://user:password@server/filename
== 12-Oct-2011

1) Why does rebol say 2011 rather that 1999 (y2K issue?)
2) Why does rebol not show the time

Any help would be most welcome,

TIA, Guido

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Documentation of CRLF Re:

1999-10-13 Thread bo


I have notified our Documentation Manager of this oversight.


On 13-Oct-1999/2:15:03-8:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Bo wrote:
 s: open/direct/binary %/ser
 append s reduce ["ATZ" CRLF]

Bo, can CRLF be documented?

And do/can/will CR LF BEL NULL and the rest of the ASCII codes be
included? _

Please? _

Andrew Martin
Online @ 33,600 Baud!

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Two questions to Tiny REBOL Server .... Re:

1999-10-13 Thread bo


Forever is a new mezzanine function to be introduced in 2.2.0.  It is basically
the same as WHILE [TRUE][].

I don't believe waiting for a listen port is subject to a timeout.  Are your
experiences different?  

On 13-Oct-1999/12:39:16+2:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Just two question to below script, which can be found at:

Title: "Tiny REBOL Server"
Date: 11-Oct-1999
File: %rebserver.r
Purpose: lb
The distributed REBOL server that builds the REBOL system.
Note: lb
This little server can come in very handy if you need
to coordinate a number of different systems working
on a common task.  We use it in-house to build REBOL
for all of our hardware platforms in parallel.  It is
sent the scripts that need to be executed.  Note that
this script is for secure intranet use.

server-port: open/lines tcp://:4321

forever [
connection-port: first server-port
until [
wait connection-port
error? try [do first connection-port]
close connection-port

1) how's that, connection-port: first server-port will not fail on
connection timeout? Shouldn't it be first wait server-port ???
2) what's forever? There is no reference to such function in the script

Thanks a lot,


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] if (back tail path) / [append path /] Re:(2)

1999-10-11 Thread bo

On 12-Oct-1999/0:05:29+1:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can someone explain to Perl-brained person why the first expression is in
 parenthesis and the second one is in blocks?

it's simple - if condition [block to do]

you have to use (), as in other case rebol would perform path  "/" first,
result of which would be returned to back tail, resulting in error. You can
write it also in the following way:

if (last path)  "/" [append path "/"]

Actually, LAST returns the last element as a character so you would have to write
it like this:

if (last path)  #"/" [append path "/"]  

It could also be written as:

if #"/"  last path [append path "/"]

This is because REBOL will first try to compare #"/"  last, but last requires a
parameter and REBOL knows this, so it will grab that parameter first, in this case
the word PATH. 
   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] [REBOL] Whatever happened to REBOL/Command? Re:

1999-10-08 Thread bo


It's in the works!

On 8-Oct-1999/10:08:04-4:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
This may be a no-brainer but I've not been lurking on this list for a while...
Whatever happened to REBOL/Command, ie. that bit of REBOL that will allow me to
issue OSA calls from the Mac version and system calls from the NT version?


   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

[REBOL] Function overloading via alias Re:(2)

1999-09-29 Thread bo

On 29-Sep-1999/14:00:28-5:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Geza Lakner wrote:
BTW how can I "unalias" a word (without restarting REBOL :-)  )

As far as I can tell, you can't.

That is correct.  You can't.  I believe 'alias was included only for the
sake of internationalization, therefore, once set in the session, it
would remain set no matter what.

   Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky
   Technical Support / Quality Assurance
   REBOL Technologies 707-467-8000 (http://www.rebol.com)
  Download the REBOL Messaging Language for all Platforms

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