[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread bhandley

Thats a point.
Unfortunately I don't have it (the latest version), but my sister does. I'll
get her to send me something.

 Word can also export as XML which you could parse much easier with
 Rebol. :)


[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:

2000-07-06 Thread norsepower

Well, it all depends on HOW they will be updating the site and what is it on 
the site they will be updating? I've written a script which allows people to 
update a site of news headlines by sending an e-mail to an e-mail address. If 
you know WHICH content you want them to update, you can do the same. Here is 
my script:


The other way to do it is to set up a site with Web-based forms from which 
they can update content.

The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
content + presentation.

[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:(2)

2000-07-06 Thread Bosch

There are a few very good applications especially for people who
believe in just what you said (content/seperation, writing content for the 
web instead
of writing HTML for the web)

if you want, i can dig up the appropriate url's,
but these might be worth checking out:
- http://www.editthispage.com
- http://www.pyra.com
- http://www.trellix.com

consistent styles through templates are the basis for these three applications.
As for Rebol, have a look at blogger, the product from pyra.com. No Rebol 
but wouldn't it be nice (just dreaming away)


PS: these three examples are based upon the idea/concept of maintaining 
weblogs, i.e.
rapid/frequent updates of content with no continuous thought about the 

 The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
 company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
 yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
 with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
 some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
 haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
 content + presentation.

[REBOL] An experiment with RTF Re:

2000-07-06 Thread icimjs

Hi Brett,

would you consider using AbiWord? It's a beautiful, open source, portable
word processor (still in prelease, but it rocks). The advantage is that
uses an XML based page description language that can easily be parsed using
REBOL's XML parser and then converted into the appropriate HTML.

you can download a copy at


1. AbiWord has a relatively small footprint (compared to MS Word). It loads
much faster.

2. You can download the source and you could conceivably add a button that 
a) saves the current file,
b) starts up REBOL and has REBOL parse the saved file, and
c) posts the file to the Web site.

3. AbiWord is similar enough to MS Word that I would think that anyone who
can use MS Word will be able to figure out AbiWord quite easily.

4. Big plus: You do not place your solution in the hands of a 3rd party.
I.e. you control what your software does. With MS Word, if Microsoft
decides to change something about MS Word, and you happen to rely on that
feature, and your sister's company wants to use the new improved version of
MS Word, they will have to keep two versions of MS Word around, which may
cause confusion, take up alot of hard drive space, and conceivably
occassionally crash the computer.

I think we should adopt AbiWord as standard front end for text and XML
oriented interactive solutions that include REBOL as a scripting component.

At 07:25 PM 7/6/00 +1000, you wrote:

Again I'm re-impressed with rebol. I spent yesterday and today parsing Rich
Text Format files with rebol and it works a treat.
Although I only got as far as loading RTF into Rebol blocks and words - but
I'm still impressed.

The situation I have is that I'm going to do up a web-site for my sister's
company. I want to be able to implement a consistent style for the site and
yet have my sister or her staff do the updates. Since they are not familiar
with Web pages (and I don't think they should have to be), I was looking for
some sort of automated process. I've done a lot of research on the web and I
haven't seen a simple effective solution to this problem - the grail of
content + presentation.

I'd appreciate any comments on other peoples experiences with this sort of

I hope others may yet find a use for the code I've generated so far, so I
placed it at rebol.org. And if you can use it let me know - I need the
satisfaction :)

The script can be found at http://www.rebol.org/general/rtf-tools.r

Brett Handley

;- Elan [ : - ) ]