Re: [WSG] can the legend include block level elements

2006-10-13 Thread Mel

on 13/10/2006 19:00 Ted Drake said the following:

I’ve come across a question that I can’t find an answer to.

I’m building a form that has fully valid use of fieldsets, legends, labels,
It was suggested by a person using a screen reader that I transform the
legends to headers or insert headers into the legend for the screen reader
to generate the header-based navigation.

I looked at the w3c site to see if the legends can include block level
elements and couldn’t find the answer.

Is this valid?: 
blah blah blah

The HTML4 and XHTML1.0 Strict dtds both describe legend as an inline 
element - which would suggest that you can't use it to enclose a block 
level header element.

Could you not precede the form with a header?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] can the legend include block level elements

2006-10-13 Thread Mel

on 13/10/2006 19:29 Rob O'Rourke said the following:

Ted Drake wrote:

Is this valid?: 
blah blah blah

Fraid not, I checked back to html 4 transitional using this:

I thought the legend tag was supposed to offer some effects for screen 
readers when reading out the form controls. Out of curiosity do you know 
which screen reader it is?

JAWS? I've come across some evidence that suggest that, when in Forms 
Mode, JAWS will only read text enclosed in form controls. Assuming that 
JAWS correctly identifies legend as a bona fide form control, it should 
render the legend before reading out the inputs. Text within the form 
tags that aren't enclosed in form controls, however, may be missed.

I'm currently trying to find out if this is still the case with the 
latest version of JAWS and whether it's an issue with other screen 
readers. If it is, it impacts on additional text/instructions that might 
accompany specific inputs.

If I we're you I'd just give the legends an 
accesskey, then you have navigation across more of browser land.

How do you communicate the approprate accesskey to the user? My own 
research amongst keyboard navigators suggest that very few, if any, will 
bother to 'learn' accesskeys associated with a specific site. After all, 
would you? If people don't already 'know' the relevant accesskey, its 
usefulness becomes debatable.


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Re: [WSG] accesibility lawsuit

2006-10-26 Thread Mel

on 26/10/2006 19:12 Adam Darowski said the following:

I was just thinking yesterday... what is holding the open source community
back from developing good screen reader software?

You mean like:

There are a lot of smart
people out there that obviously care about this. Is there some sort of
hangup I don't know about?

OATS is fairly new (launched May 2006) but there does seem to be a 
reasonable archive of software already available or under development.


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Re: [WSG] Flash is more accessible than CSS?

2006-10-30 Thread Mel

on 30/10/2006 14:14 Rob Kirton said the following:

FAO Katie Ledger

I (undoubtedly along with others) found your article "designing a more
accessible web" to be of great interest.

If you're asking for signees to this, please add my name.

Mel Pedley

List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Additional space between sentences ?

2006-11-02 Thread Mel

on 02/11/2006 19:24 Nick Roper said the following:

A client has requested that the content on their site has two spaces 
between the end of one sentence and the start of the next.

Have they said why? Or indicated how big a unit a single space is 
(serious question)?

If they're looking to improve readability, there are far more 
significant issues that they should be considering - such as what font 
type is being used, as well as line-height letter-spacing and 
word-spacing. Not to mention that actual construction of the content itself.

Adding an extra space to the end of each sentence hasn't been shown to 
improve readability in any study I've read and might actually impede 
reading in the same way that justified text can do.

We could do 
it by using non-breaking spaces, but is there a better way of achieving 
this - possibly with CSS?

Nothing immediately springs to my mind. (X)HTML simply doesn't have a 
mechanisem for indicating where one sentence starts and another begins 
within a single paragraph.

Enclose every sentence in a span and then style the span? It would be 
extremely tedious and would bloat the markup terribly (and 
unnecessarily, in my opinion).

And for what benefit?


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Articles/reasearch/experience of screen readers

2006-11-03 Thread Mel

on 03/11/2006 00:59 Matthew Hodgson said the following:

In the end, we learned the following lessons about vision impaired users
and screen readers:

a)   Only a completely blind person used the screen reader.

Although you were talking about visually-impaired users and screen 
readers, I just thought it was worth pointing out that those suffering 
from severe dyslexia often use screen readers for support.

So it maybe unwise to assume that a screen reader user can't see.


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Re: [WSG] Articles/reasearch/experience of screen readers

2006-11-03 Thread Mel

on 03/11/2006 07:50 kate said the following:

What about users with cognitive disibilities? Its a very wide
catagorie which includes, simple dyslexia to extreme mental retardation.
Apparently these people regularly use the web as a  primary imformation
source so must be considered.

Would they understand the wording 'Go to Menu' etc? Never having the need to
use a screen reader its a question I wanted to ask.

A dyslexic using a sreenreader for support almost certainly won't have a 
problem with the wording once they hear it.

At the more extreme end of the cognitive issues group, it's highly 
likely that very basic concepts such as using links will escape them and 
they may have difficulty with all but the simplest of language. In these 
situations, users often need 'hand over hand' support (ie someone 
sitting with them  - explaining and guiding them). Using conceptual 
icons can help both groups to some extent but there does come a a point 
when there is very little a designer can do to alleviate the problems 
and it's really down to training, support and experience at the user's end.


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Re: [WSG] Articles/reasearch/experience of screen readers

2006-11-03 Thread Mel

on 03/11/2006 10:50 Rahul Gonsalves said the following:

I wonder whether any of the conclusions that were drawn in the study, 
are still valid, or whether there has been further research to either 
supplement or contradict it? Specifically, one observation, "The 
majority of screen reader users EXPECT navigation to be presented before 
the content." [1], and the subsequent statement " Our research showed no 
clear overall PREFERENCE of source order" [2], seem to lead me to 
believe that there is no real reason to attempt to have layouts with the 
source order first.

I'd be interested to hearing from people with actual experience, and or 
research, since all my conclusions are arrived at second-hand.

I also did a very small study on page order with some experienced 
pan-disability users/testers from the Shaw Trust 
( about a year ago.

The feedback that I received confirmed the findings above. Users 
expected site navigation to be presented before content. Overall, the 
testers felt that placing content before navigation didn't offer any 
real benefits - especially as it was contrary to their expectations and 
previous experience. So it would seem that, once a 'trend' is well 
established, going against it (even for the best of reasons) can create 
its own issues. Users, generally, don't like being suprised or being 
made to think as they try to move around a site or page.

In a separate, earlier, piece of research, I came across screen reader 
users who preferred to access content before navigation and achieved 
this by simply jumping to the bottom of the page and working "upwards" 
as standard. So it would seem that screen reader users are perfectly 
capable of developing their own individual strategies to maximise the 
chances of page content being rendered in the order that they prefer. 
But, again, this kind of strategy is based upon the expectation that 
content will be placed after navigation. If you design contrary to that 
expectation, the end result may be disorientations and/or frustration 
for this sub-group.

In the past 12 months, I've not come across any newer studies that would 
suggest anything has changed.

Hope that helps.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Articles/reasearch/experience of screen readers

2006-11-03 Thread Mel

on 03/11/2006 11:18 Barney Carroll said the following:

By the way, could anyone elaborate on what tab-indexing is? And how does 
the Alt+# system work? These seem to be crucial elements of screen 
reader browsing but I have a very limited grasp of their convention and 

Tabindexing allow a designer to specify the order in which links or 
controls receive focus on a page when using the TAB key to move around. 
Elements on a page that do not have an associated tabindex will have a 
'natural' ordering (ie follwong the order they appear in the markup). If 
you mix the two, the elements with a specified tabindex will come first 
followed by unindexed elements.

Speaking as an intermittent keyboard navigator/VR user, I consider 
tabindexing to be the spawn of satan - especially when it runs contrary 
to the 'natural' or expected tab order on a page.

For example, if I land on a page which renders some content containing a 
few links followed by a form, I expect to be able to tab to the links 
first followed by the forum controls. One common use of tabindexing that 
I come across in this situation gives preference to the form controls 
and leaves the links unindexed. So, when I hit the TAB key expecting to 
jump to the first link, I actually end up on the form and often have to 
tab through the whole thing to get back to the links which, visually, 
are actually higher up the page. The end result (especially if there is 
a lack of visual highlighting on focus) is often complete 
disorientations and exasperation. On really bad pages, I sometimes have 
to rely on reading the browser status bar just to try and figure out 
where I'm tabbing to!

If I had one thing (OK- one thing amongst many) to ask of other 
designers it would be "Please don't create tab orders that are 
unintuitive!". Users (in the West, anyway) expect tab ordering to follow 
a left-to-right top-to-bottom rule and, as soon as you mess with that, 
you create confusion.

By the 'Alt+# system', I assume you mean accesskeys. It's a way of 
defining keyboard shortcuts which, in theory, allow users to jump to, 
for example, the Search item on the menu by selecting ALT+s. Depending 
on the browser being used, the user may then have to press ENTER to 
activate the link. The designer can define which keys, in conjunction 
with ALT (or CTRL on a Mac) relate to which links by means of the 
accesskey attribute.

However, there are problems associated with defining accesskeys on a 
site as they can over-ride pre-existing keyboard shortcuts in the user's 

has a fairly comprehensive list whilst

also has makes some interesting points.

Since the release of Firefox 2.0, there are also problems with using 
numeric accesskeys on sites.

My own experience and research suggests that most of the users that 
designers *assume* will want to use accesskeys don't bother with them. 
They vary too much from site to site to be really useful. Providing the 
tab order is intuitive, users prefer to simply tab around pages or use 
options within their own software (which they know far better than a 
random site) to jump to specific points on a page or site rather than 
research a whole list of new keyboard shortcuts on every site they visit.

Gez Lemon and Rich Pedley developed a php AccessKeys class that allows 
users to define their own access keys . In theory, users could define 
the same subset of keys on every site that uses this approach:

Gez has also since developed an .ASP version:

However, I don't think either version has been around long enough, or is 
implemented widely enough, to indicate how many keyboard navigators 
actually use make use of the facility when it's offered. I know I've 
never bothered. :-)


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Cynthia Reports Warnings 9.4 and 9.5 as relates to form

2006-11-10 Thread Mel

on 10/11/2006 05:03 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following:
Please could someone tell me what I'm obviously missing? 

Your text for each input isn't enclosed by the label element so the 
explicit association is being lost.

Instead of:


It should be


Personally I'd also:

1. Scrap the accesskeys. All of the keys you're using conflict with 
keystrokes reserved for JAWS, Home Page Reader, Firefox/Mozilla and 
Opera 7:

2. Get rid of the tabindexing. If your natural tab order is intuitive, 
you don't need it. The last thing you should do is interfere with the 
intuitive tab ordering on a page. It can drive keyboard navigators up 
the wall.

3. Get rid of the tabled layout. What you posted is simple enough to 
achieve without tabling.

4. Change the title attribute on your link from "Off Site Link" to 
"Opens in new window". In fact, consider either not spawning a new 
window or placing the warning in clear text and, if necessary, using css 
to position it offscreen. A significant number of screen reader users 
configure their software to ignore the title attribute (because it's so 
over-used) so will not be pre-warned about the new window.

Automated accessibility parser warnings about tab indexes and access 
keys can be safely ignored provided you've actually tested the keybaord 
navigation of the page yourself and you're happy that it behaves logically.

Hope that helps


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] xhtml strict break tag bug?

2006-11-17 Thread Mel

on 17/11/2006 14:36 [EMAIL PROTECTED] said the following:

Maybe should mention that these are menu links

If this is a menu, she should be using a list - not line breaks - for a 
whole host of reasons. Styling the padding/margins on the list elements 
then becomes a lot easier.

I'm not convinced that  *should* be stylable in the way she sems 
to want. It's not a page element as such, merely a signal to perform a 
carriage return and line feed when redenring. As such the line height 
should be the same as that set for the rest of the paragraph.

This does not happen in her xhtml transitional version.

It could be that FF and Moz are being thrown into 'almost standards' mode:

Side note: I've noticed in her html she is using tabindex, is that

Yes - it's compliant and valid markup but unless there are *really* good 
reasons for specifying tab indexes, I suggest she removes them and 
checks that the natural, unindexed, tab order is intuitive (ie 
top-to-bottom, left-to-right for a Western page). If the page has been 
manually checked for keyboard navigation accessibility, any warnings 
from accessibility parsers can be safely ignored.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] xhtml strict break tag bug?

2006-11-17 Thread Mel

on 17/11/2006 16:46 Thierry Koblentz said the following:

On the other hand, I have a question regarding accessibility: is a BR
element as good as a "printable" character when it comes to separate these

No. As far as I am aware, it's equivalent to use whitespace to separate 
links - which means that it could create probems for some users. I'm not 
sure if JAWS 7 can audibly separate the links itself. Certainly, older 
screen readers will have problems and, probably, anyone using a braille 


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessibility of forms, do you always need a label with drop downs?

2006-11-23 Thread Mel

on 23/11/2006 10:54 Barney Carroll said the following:

Steve, do you know what JAWS' attitudes to display:none; and 
visibility:hidden; are?

Not Steve but...


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] Accessibility of forms, do you always need a label with drop downs?

2006-11-23 Thread Mel

on 23/11/2006 12:48 Barney Carroll said the following:

That's a great set of results - but I still wonder about things I'd 
consider far more obvious than the second half of methods, like 
visibility:hidden; and font-size:0;...

There's an earlier survey from 2003 that covers visibility:hidden etc.


List Guidelines:

Re: [WSG] linked images in form labels

2006-11-23 Thread Mel

on 23/11/2006 15:40 Alexander J Jerabek said the following:

Although this is valid (see snippet below), and there are alt and title
tags for the image, does the following make sense from an accessibility
or usability point of view? Are there any problems with this sort of

width="128" height="53"
alt="Search Google"
title="Search the Internet using Google" />

Well, those with poor vision won't be able to resize the label 'text' 
since you're using an image.

In the meantime, I'd drop the title attibute, if I was you. It's just 
replicating the alt text (which could so with amending to just 'Search' 
or whatever the image actually says). Many screen reader users won't 
hear the title attribute at all but, if they do, all it will contribute 
is unnecessary noise.



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