on 03/11/2006 11:18 Barney Carroll said the following:
By the way, could anyone elaborate on what tab-indexing is? And how does the Alt+# system work? These seem to be crucial elements of screen reader browsing but I have a very limited grasp of their convention and application.

Tabindexing allow a designer to specify the order in which links or controls receive focus on a page when using the TAB key to move around. Elements on a page that do not have an associated tabindex will have a 'natural' ordering (ie follwong the order they appear in the markup). If you mix the two, the elements with a specified tabindex will come first followed by unindexed elements.

Speaking as an intermittent keyboard navigator/VR user, I consider tabindexing to be the spawn of satan - especially when it runs contrary to the 'natural' or expected tab order on a page.

For example, if I land on a page which renders some content containing a few links followed by a form, I expect to be able to tab to the links first followed by the forum controls. One common use of tabindexing that I come across in this situation gives preference to the form controls and leaves the links unindexed. So, when I hit the TAB key expecting to jump to the first link, I actually end up on the form and often have to tab through the whole thing to get back to the links which, visually, are actually higher up the page. The end result (especially if there is a lack of visual highlighting on focus) is often complete disorientations and exasperation. On really bad pages, I sometimes have to rely on reading the browser status bar just to try and figure out where I'm tabbing to!

If I had one thing (OK- one thing amongst many) to ask of other designers it would be "Please don't create tab orders that are unintuitive!". Users (in the West, anyway) expect tab ordering to follow a left-to-right top-to-bottom rule and, as soon as you mess with that, you create confusion.

By the 'Alt+# system', I assume you mean accesskeys. It's a way of defining keyboard shortcuts which, in theory, allow users to jump to, for example, the Search item on the menu by selecting ALT+s. Depending on the browser being used, the user may then have to press ENTER to activate the link. The designer can define which keys, in conjunction with ALT (or CTRL on a Mac) relate to which links by means of the accesskey attribute.

However, there are problems associated with defining accesskeys on a site as they can over-ride pre-existing keyboard shortcuts in the user's software.


has a fairly comprehensive list whilst


also has makes some interesting points.

Since the release of Firefox 2.0, there are also problems with using numeric accesskeys on sites.


My own experience and research suggests that most of the users that designers *assume* will want to use accesskeys don't bother with them. They vary too much from site to site to be really useful. Providing the tab order is intuitive, users prefer to simply tab around pages or use options within their own software (which they know far better than a random site) to jump to specific points on a page or site rather than research a whole list of new keyboard shortcuts on every site they visit.

Gez Lemon and Rich Pedley developed a php AccessKeys class that allows users to define their own access keys . In theory, users could define the same subset of keys on every site that uses this approach:


Gez has also since developed an .ASP version:


However, I don't think either version has been around long enough, or is implemented widely enough, to indicate how many keyboard navigators actually use make use of the facility when it's offered. I know I've never bothered. :-)


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