on 03/11/2006 07:50 kate said the following:

What about users with cognitive disibilities? Its a very wide
catagorie which includes, simple dyslexia to extreme mental retardation.
Apparently these people regularly use the web as a  primary imformation
source so must be considered.

Would they understand the wording 'Go to Menu' etc? Never having the need to
use a screen reader its a question I wanted to ask.

A dyslexic using a sreenreader for support almost certainly won't have a problem with the wording once they hear it.

At the more extreme end of the cognitive issues group, it's highly likely that very basic concepts such as using links will escape them and they may have difficulty with all but the simplest of language. In these situations, users often need 'hand over hand' support (ie someone sitting with them - explaining and guiding them). Using conceptual icons can help both groups to some extent but there does come a a point when there is very little a designer can do to alleviate the problems and it's really down to training, support and experience at the user's end.


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