Chainsaw Tab identifier

2008-03-03 Thread Jason Tholstrup


I'm trying to figure out what things I need to place in my Tab  
identifier field to filter out my applications.  I'm using log4j v  
1.2.13 and chainsaw v2.  I have two applications running on the same  
server and both are using a socketHubAppender on different ports.

I don't have any location info so the default "PROP.hostName -  
PROP.application" only separates by hostname and since I'm running two  
apps on the same server I get both logs dumped to the same tab.  I've  
tried adding PROP.remoteSourceInfo (since that is a column in the logs  
that shows up and has the port number listed) and that property  
appears to return nothing.  It's my understanding that the location  
info does not work in log4j 1.2.X.  So my question is two fold.  Is  
there some reference that I can look at that will tell me what  
properties are available, and can someone tell me how I would go about  
doing this?  I see in the comments for LoggingEventFieldResolver the  
following field are available but nothing here seems like it will work  
for me.  Plus there seems to be no explanation of what keyName is in  

* Field NameField value (String  
representationReturn type
* LOGGERcategory name  
level Level
* CLASS locationInformation's class  
name  String
* FILE  locationInformation's file  
name   String
* LINE  locationInformation's line  
number String
* METHODlocationInformation's method  
name String
message   Object
NDC   String
* EXCEPTION throwable string  
representation   ThrowableInformation
timestamp Long
* PROP.keyName  entry in the Property  
hashtable   String

*   mapped to the key [keyName]

Any help would be appreciated.

Jason Tholstrup

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Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

2008-03-03 Thread Jason Tholstrup

Thanks Scott that was very helpful (and fast).

Am I missing the reference to what Prop keyNames are available?  It  
would be nice to know what is available (who knows maybe I'll find  
something i didn't know i couldn't live without).  Even if it's just a  
matter of looking at the right javadocs that's enough.  I'd just like  
to be able to tinker on my own.

Thanks for all your hard work.  Chainsaw is pretty cool.

Jason Tholstrup
Software Engineer

On Mar 3, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

Two things:

1. To get every socketappender connection to display in its own tab in
Chainsaw, use PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo as the tab identifier (note
the log4j. in front of the property name - log4j. isn't some special
property name, that's just the name of the property).

2. The 'application' property on socketappender is how you route  

to different tabs when the two apps are running on the same server and
using socketappender.

Here's an example of that config:



Use a different value in the 'application' param for each of the
socketappender configs and you should be fine.

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Office: 503.224.7496
Direct Line: 503.821.6482
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-Original Message-
From: Jason Tholstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Chainsaw Tab identifier


I'm trying to figure out what things I need to place in my Tab
identifier field to filter out my applications.  I'm using log4j v
1.2.13 and chainsaw v2.  I have two applications running on the same
server and both are using a socketHubAppender on different ports.

I don't have any location info so the default "PROP.hostName -
PROP.application" only separates by hostname and since I'm running two
apps on the same server I get both logs dumped to the same tab.  I've
tried adding PROP.remoteSourceInfo (since that is a column in the logs
that shows up and has the port number listed) and that property
appears to return nothing.  It's my understanding that the location
info does not work in log4j 1.2.X.  So my question is two fold.  Is
there some reference that I can look at that will tell me what
properties are available, and can someone tell me how I would go about
doing this?  I see in the comments for LoggingEventFieldResolver the
following field are available but nothing here seems like it will work
for me.  Plus there seems to be no explanation of what keyName is in

* Field NameField value (String
representationReturn type
* LOGGERcategory name
level Level
* CLASS locationInformation's class
name  String
* FILE  locationInformation's file
name   String
* LINE  locationInformation's line
number String
* METHODlocationInformation's method
name String
message   Object
NDC   String
* EXCEPTION throwable string
representation   ThrowableInformation
timestamp Long
* PROP.keyName  entry in the Property
hashtable   String
*   mapped to the key [keyName]

Any help would be appreciated.

Jason Tholstrup

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Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

2008-03-03 Thread Jason Tholstrup
Sorry Scott I had not tried your instructions before I replied last  

I can get PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo to show up in my tab identifier  
but PROP.application does not seem to work (which to be honest is much  
closer to what I want).  I've seen that there is an issue with the  
serialized object translation from the 1.2.X branch to the 1.3 based  
chainsaw v2 download, and I don't receive Class, Method, File, or Line  
information in my logs.  Is this possibly the reason PROP.application  
does not show up, or is there something else I have missed?

Here is the snippet for my app.  I've bounced my  
server container just to make sure it reloaded and PROP.application  
continues to return nothing in chainsaw sinppet (on server)

Test Tab identifier string
PROP.application - PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>";  



Jason Tholstrup

On Mar 3, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

Two things:

1. To get every socketappender connection to display in its own tab in
Chainsaw, use PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo as the tab identifier (note
the log4j. in front of the property name - log4j. isn't some special
property name, that's just the name of the property).

2. The 'application' property on socketappender is how you route  

to different tabs when the two apps are running on the same server and
using socketappender.

Here's an example of that config:



Use a different value in the 'application' param for each of the
socketappender configs and you should be fine.

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Office: 503.224.7496
Direct Line: 503.821.6482
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-Original Message-
From: Jason Tholstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: Chainsaw Tab identifier


I'm trying to figure out what things I need to place in my Tab
identifier field to filter out my applications.  I'm using log4j v
1.2.13 and chainsaw v2.  I have two applications running on the same
server and both are using a socketHubAppender on different ports.

I don't have any location info so the default "PROP.hostName -
PROP.application" only separates by hostname and since I'm running two
apps on the same server I get both logs dumped to the same tab.  I've
tried adding PROP.remoteSourceInfo (since that is a column in the logs
that shows up and has the port number listed) and that property
appears to return nothing.  It's my understanding that the location
info does not work in log4j 1.2.X.  So my question is two fold.  Is
there some reference that I can look at that will tell me what
properties are available, and can someone tell me how I would go about
doing this?  I see in the comments for LoggingEventFieldResolver the
following field are available but nothing here seems like it will work
for me.  Plus there seems to be no explanation of what keyName is in

* Field NameField value (String
representationReturn type
* LOGGERcategory name
level Level
* CLASS locationInformation's class
name  String
* FILE  locationInformation's file
name   String
* LINE  locationInformation's line
number String
* METHODlocationInformation's method
name String
message   Object
NDC   String
* EXCEPTION throwable string
representation   ThrowableInformation
timestamp Long
* PROP.keyName  entry in the Property
hashtable   String
*   mapped to the key [keyName]

Any help would be appreciated.

Jason Tholstrup

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Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

2008-03-03 Thread Jason Tholstrup
I'm sure you get this a lot but after reading quite a few posts I am  
still kind of confused:

The lineage between the 1.3 and 1.2 branches is very hazy.  From what  
i can tell 1.3 is essentially dead and that 1.2 is the recommended  
version to use.

As for chainsaw, should I be using the v2 that is available directly  
on apache's web site?  This appears to be based on version 1.3 code if  
I read correctly.  Should I instead be using version 1.2.15 and using  
the chainsaw client available from there as well as using log4j 1.2.15  
on my appender side?  I've seen posts mentioning getting the latest  
1.2.15 version from svn to get the "right" version of chainsaw.  Is  
that now current with the latest release or do I still need to tread  
into the waters of a nightly build?

On the back porting effort, what is the status there?  Is that  
completed and that is the purpose of 1.2.15?  Is that just a partial  
back-port with more to come?  Is that a partial back-port and that's  
the end of the road?

And finally we have a third party app we were trying to get logging  
working under that is using 1.2.9.  Could we safely drop in 1.2.15 and  
be able to configure our appenders as you describe (we have access to  
the file on the server)?

Thanks for being patient and walking me through all of this.  You've  
easily save me a couple of days of bumbling around trying to get this  
to work.

Jason Tholstrup
Software Engineer

On Mar 3, 2008, at 3:52 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

SocketHubAppender doesn't have the 'application' property support  

into the appender like 1.2.15 socketappender does, so to use the
application property with sockethubappender, you'd have to:

- use log4j 1.2.15 on the appender side
- also include the receivers companion in the classpath
- specify a rewriteappender which adds the 'application' property and
forwards events to the sockethubappender

I haven't tested that, but it should work..

Btw, log4j 1.3 sockethubappender supported a 'buffersize' param which
would forward the last X events to the connecting sockethubreceiver,  

it doesn't look like that was back-ported to log4j 1.2.15.

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Office: 503.224.7496
Direct Line: 503.821.6482
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-Original Message-
From: Jason Tholstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 12:57 PM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

Sorry Scott I had not tried your instructions before I replied last

I can get PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo to show up in my tab identifier
but PROP.application does not seem to work (which to be honest is much
closer to what I want).  I've seen that there is an issue with the
serialized object translation from the 1.2.X branch to the 1.3 based
chainsaw v2 download, and I don't receive Class, Method, File, or Line
information in my logs.  Is this possibly the reason PROP.application
does not show up, or is there something else I have missed?

Here is the snippet for my app.  I've bounced my
server container just to make sure it reloaded and PROP.application
continues to return nothing in chainsaw sinppet (on server)

Test Tab identifier string
PROP.application - PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>";


Jason Tholstrup

On Mar 3, 2008, at 11:42 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

Two things:

1. To get every socketappender connection to display in its own tab  

Chainsaw, use PROP.log4j.remoteSourceInfo as the tab identifier (note
the log4j. in front of the property name - log4j. isn't some special
property name, that's just the name of the property).

2. The 'application' property on socketappender is how you route
to different tabs when the two apps are running on the same server  

using socketappender.

Here's an example of that config:


Use a different value in the 'application' param for each of the
socketappender configs and you should be fine.

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Office: 503.224.7496
Direct Line: 503.821.6482
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-Original Message-
From: Jason Tholstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March

Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

2008-03-05 Thread Jason Tholstrup

Hey Scott,

Thanks so much for the help.  I've started creating a custom version  
of the SocketHubAppender which implements the buffer you mentioned  
(Yanked the code from the 1.3 branch and it works like a charm.   
Thanks for mentioning it).

I also tried to set the "application" property into this custom  
Appender using the code from SocketAppender as a template.  I am not  
getting the application property to come across the wire, nor can I  
seem to get any property to come across the wire.  I get the  
remoteSourceInfo, hostname, and log4jid to come across but I'm  
guessing that is happening on the chainsaw side.  From digging through  
the 1.2 and 1.3 code bases I noticed that the LoggingEvent seems to  
handle properties differently.   The 1.2 code base uses the mdc to set  
the property in and the 1.3 code base uses the properties map.  Am I  
running into another incompatibility issue between log4j 1.2.15 on the  
server side and chainsaw (log4j 1.3 version) or am I completely  
missing the point of how I set properties?

Code snippet from socketHubAppender where I set properties on the  
logging event.  I've debugged through here and verified that the  
properties exist in the mdc on the LoggingEvent.

 * Append an event to all of current connections.
public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
// if no event or no open connections, exit now
if (event == null || oosList.size() == 0)

// set up location info if requested
if (locationInfo) {
if (buffer != null) {
if (application != null) {
// set application name
event.setProperty("application", application);
// set property all the time name
event.setProperty("randomProp", "hello");


	 * The App option takes a string value which should be the  
name of the application getting logged. If property was already set  
(via system

 * property), don't set here.
public void setApplication(String lapp) {
this.application = lapp;

 * Returns value of the Application option.
public String getApplication() {
    return application;

Jason Tholstrup
Software Engineer

On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

log4j 1.3 is abandoned - the useful bits were (mostly) backported to
log4j  1.2.15 with a few 'companion' downloads providing the non-core
functionality added to 1.3.

There are a few caveats:
- Chainsaw V2 trunk (built against log4j 1.2.15) has not yet been
released.  Once it is released, location info will work again.
-  The version of Chainsaw available via web start is based on log4j
1.3, so location info won't work
- The component, receivers and zeroconf 'companions' have not yet been
officially released - the 'extras' companion has been officially
released (meaning any not-yet-released companions need to be built  


Since Chainsaw V2 built against log4j 1.2.15 (along with the receivers
and other companions) have yet to be officially released, it's a  
pain to

build Chainsaw on the trunk (maven dependencies on

As for compatibility between log4j 1.2.15 (and Chainsaw V2) and prior
versions, Chainsaw V2 should work fine with log4j 1.2.9 (including
support for location info).

Everything we wanted to keep -should- already be backported to log4j
1.2.15 + companions..the sockethubappender buffer issue is one that  


Once everything is released, it'll be a lot easier to build from

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Office: 503.224.7496
Direct Line: 503.821.6482
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-Original Message-
From: Jason Tholstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 2:30 PM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

I'm sure you get this a lot but after reading quite a few posts I am
still kind of confused:

The lineage between the 1.3 and 1.2 branches is very hazy.  From what
i can tell 1.3 is essentially dead and that 1.2 is the recommended
version to use.

As for chainsaw, should I be using the v2 that is available directly
on apache's web site?  This appears to be based on version 1.3 code if
I read correctly.  Should I instead be using version 1.2.15 and using
the chainsaw client available from there as well as using log4j 1.2.15
on my appender 

Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

2008-03-06 Thread Jason Tholstrup
Yeah Scott I actually got the 1.2.15 branch of chainsaw built last  
night.  You guys have documented the build process pretty well so it  
wasn't too bad.  (I especially like the mac-app builder).  I'm already  
back porting the bufferSize stuff that you mentioned so the  
application bit is no big deal.  Once I've got this all flushed out  
and working would you like me to send you the upgraded version of  
SocketHubAppender?  Any guide lines I'd need to follow to contribute  
it back?

Jason Tholstrup
Software Engineer

On Mar 6, 2008, at 11:12 AM, Scott Deboy wrote:

You're right, the properties you mentioned are generated on the  
side (hostname can be provided by the server side, if it's not,  

will parse log4j.remoteSourceInfo and set it).

I'm not sure why properties aren't working, but you're probably  
right -

changes to loggingevent's serialization of properties is different
between 1.2 and 1.3, and you're probably running into that issue.

To get location info (and properties) to work, you'll need to pull
Chainsaw from svn trunk and build it using maven.  There are a  
number of

dependencies, including the companions, all of which aren't yet
released, so it's a bit of a hassle.

Once you have Chainsaw from trunk and you're using log4j 1.2.15 on the
appender side, everything will work.

You don't -have- to add support for the application property  
directly in

the sockethubappender (unless you want to) - you could wrap your
socketappender with a rewriteappender which specifies a
PropertyRewritePolicy.  This will allow you to add properties through
the config file.

Hope that helps,

Scott Deboy
Principal Engineer
111 SW Columbia Street Ste. 950
Portland, OR  97201
Office: 503.224.7496
Direct Line: 503.821.6482
Cell: 503.997.1367
Fax: 503.222.0185

-Original Message-
From: Jason Tholstrup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2008 2:21 PM
To: Log4J Users List
Subject: Re: Chainsaw Tab identifier

Hey Scott,

Thanks so much for the help.  I've started creating a custom version
of the SocketHubAppender which implements the buffer you mentioned
(Yanked the code from the 1.3 branch and it works like a charm.
Thanks for mentioning it).

I also tried to set the "application" property into this custom
Appender using the code from SocketAppender as a template.  I am not
getting the application property to come across the wire, nor can I
seem to get any property to come across the wire.  I get the
remoteSourceInfo, hostname, and log4jid to come across but I'm
guessing that is happening on the chainsaw side.  From digging through
the 1.2 and 1.3 code bases I noticed that the LoggingEvent seems to
handle properties differently.   The 1.2 code base uses the mdc to set
the property in and the 1.3 code base uses the properties map.  Am I
running into another incompatibility issue between log4j 1.2.15 on the
server side and chainsaw (log4j 1.3 version) or am I completely
missing the point of how I set properties?

Code snippet from socketHubAppender where I set properties on the
logging event.  I've debugged through here and verified that the
properties exist in the mdc on the LoggingEvent.

 * Append an event to all of current connections.
public void append(LoggingEvent event) {
// if no event or no open connections, exit now
if (event == null || oosList.size() == 0)

// set up location info if requested
if (locationInfo) {
if (buffer != null) {
if (application != null) {
// set application name
event.setProperty("application", application);
// set property all the time name
event.setProperty("randomProp", "hello");


 * The App option takes a string value which should be
name of the application getting logged. If property was already set
(via system
 * property), don't set here.
public void setApplication(String lapp) {
this.application = lapp;

 * Returns value of the Application option.
public String getApplication() {
return application;

Jason Tholstrup
Software Engineer

On Mar 3, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Scott Deboy wrote:

log4j 1.3 is abandoned - the useful bits were (mostly) backported to
log4j  1.2.15 with a few 'companion' downloads providing the