RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Mike Jarvis

Gareth Harper wrote:

>there are sites with all the no1's, but I don't know of any with all the
top tens,
>theres probably one around, if not, start one ;)

Who's chart would you use?  I.E., who do you want to be sued by?  I don't
know about the UK, but Billboard (THE chart in the US) is very picky about
such things.

I don't think R&R would let you do it either.  And with R&R, you have to
decide if you want CHR/pop or CHR/rythmic.  And then you hit the problem
that CHR used to be one category.

Neither one of them has a searchable archive of charts on their websites.

10 years ago today, Vanilla Ice had the no. 1 album in the US.  MC Hammer
was no. 2.

(html email is icky)

RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Mike Jarvis

Tony Bowden wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 01:26:24PM -0500, Mike Jarvis wrote:
> > Who's chart would you use?  I.E., who do you want to be sued
> by?  I don't
> > know about the UK, but Billboard (THE chart in the US) is very
> picky about
> > such things.
> They can't easily sue.
> The information is factual. Factual information cannot be
> copyrighted. Only the arrangement of it.

Nope.  What is a chart?  Billboard or R&R or whoever's view of what the most
popular songs in a given week were.  They all use different methodologies,
and are sort of an estimation as to what the popular songs are.

There is no "fact" of a song being no. 1.  It would be a stronger argument
with ratings, but Arbitron owns all of the research the ratings are based on
and are, if possible, more litigious than Billboard.

On a note remotely related to computers, Napster nemesis Metallica's bass
player quit.

"Due to private and personal reasons, and the physical damage that I have
done to myself over the years while playing the music that I love, I must
step away from the band," Newsted said in a statement.


RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Mike Jarvis

Robin Szemeti wrote:

> jsut do them as they do to you ...

> ... then when next weeks top 10 comes out and Billboard publish a top
> 10 that matches one of your pages sue them blind... remove the all but 1
> selected page from the site ..

The problem would be, you still couldn't post your top 10 as the Billboard
top 10.  And when Billboard published the results of their research, it
wouldn't be infringing on your list, even if the songs were the same.

There is absolutly nothing stopping you from publishing your own top 10
though.  You could draw the names out of a hat and have as much claim to
accuracy as anybody else.

If week after week you came up with the same results as Billboard, you
better have your methodolgy documented somewhere.


RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Mike Jarvis

Robin Szemeti wrote:
> and if I publish all the variants .. and each week Billboard 'copy' one
> of my 'works of art' can I sue them ? :)

Did you label the variants as Billboard charts?  If not, they aren't
publishing the same thing.  A list of songs is not a chart.


RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-18 Thread Mike Jarvis

Tony Bowden wrote:
> The fact you are recording is "What Billboard said was number one". *That*
> is a fact. Why they decided it was number one isn't the issue.

How about if I put up a website wherein I disclose the fact: "This is what
the object code to  looks like?"

Under (U.S.) IP law, it's pretty much the same thing. ymmv. ianal.


RE: NY invasion, was Re: Conway Hall

2001-02-12 Thread Mike Jarvis

Piers Cawley wrote:

> > Hmm. I assume group is cheaper, though. Well, of the list, I'd be
> > surprised if that many dropped out, and I had stupidly forgotten Grep's
> > interest, so that takes us up to 12. Which may be enough to guarantee a
> > group. Aah, tricksy.
> Am I down as interested? If not, I am. Am I down as interesting? Er...

I'll be taking the Accela up to see you guys.

When looking at cost, remember what hotel rates in NYC are like (almost as
bad as London).  You can easily pay US$250/night for a room that you would
swear is in a crack house.

I know a few places that are decent and resonable.   Whoever is playing
Julie the cruise director can contact me off list for recommendations.

Airfares are pretty good right now.  A colleague of mine got a round trip
NY-London for US$400 with only 7 day advance on Virgin.  That was economy
class, but even economy class on Virgin is pretty good. My round trip train
fare from Washington will run me about $280.


RE: NY invasion, was Re: Conway Hall

2001-02-12 Thread Mike Jarvis

David H. Adler wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 04:32:08PM -0500, Mike Jarvis wrote:
> > 
> > When looking at cost, remember what hotel rates in NYC are like 
> (almost as
> > bad as London).  You can easily pay US$250/night for a room 
> that you would
> > swear is in a crack house.
> But the crack is *great*!

Rooms actually in a crack house will be significantly more expensive.



2001-02-13 Thread Mike Jarvis

Chris Devers wrote:
> At 01:24 PM 13.2.2001 +, you wrote:
> >Anyone have an opinion on VA?
> Virginia's nice but I like Massachusetts better. Too close to
> both AOL ground zero & American political hell ground zero

Both of which I've worked in. :)

On topic, last place I worked we had one VA server and hordes of NT boxes.
I consistantly got more done on the VA box than teams of people did on the
NT boxes.  And I didn't have to reboot mine every night. But that's just

Yes, I liked VA.  The box was nice and they were easy to deal with.

Since I left that company, they've dumped all of their unix systems and
replaced them with NT.  And they only hire H1B programmers so they can't


Re[2]: Greetings

2001-02-23 Thread Mike Jarvis

Friday, February 23, 2001, 12:40:19 PM, grep wrote:


Q: What is the best way to protect and add value to domestic felines?
A: Gold plate


Re: geek football

2001-02-27 Thread Mike Jarvis

Tuesday, February 27, 2001, 11:54:15 AM, Hamlet D'Arcy wrote:

HDA> As an American in the audience of Quantum::Superpositions last night I have 
HDA> one question.

HDA> What in the world is a 'geek football pool'?

Just be glad they didn't start playing "Slap the Yank".


Re: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Mike Jarvis

Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 11:34:16 AM, grep wrote:

GM> * Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> An admirable point of view in my opinion. Why would anyone possibly
>> want to run an ISP and have to deal with all the clueless people?

GM> Mike J, you used to work for AOL, you should be more than qualified
GM> to answer this one ;-)

There are far more clueless people in the universe than clueful.  As
long as their money is green, or has pictures of the queen, their cc
numbers pass mod 10,  or other appropriate symbols, they're good customers.

Also, back in the day, they didn't stay online as long as clueful
people do.  In fact, at one point 1/3rd of all AOL users logged on
once a month or less, but still paid the $10/month.  Those were the
best customers.  This is not as likely to happen these days though.

Some people even *become* clueful.  Believe it or not.


Re[2]: Matt's Scripts

2001-03-14 Thread Mike Jarvis

Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 1:55:03 PM, Robin wrote:

RS> there is a rather good ISP on Hawaii that plainly states 'the service is
RS> not suitable for clueless users' .. ring em up and ask too many docile
RS> questions and they pull your account ..

My gfriend in pharmacy school plans on having a similar policy.

If you're too clueless to know the differance between various
prescription drugs, their proper dosages and interactions, well,
you're just too stupid to live.  She'll be doing the world a great
service by helping eliminate all those losers who couldn't make it
through eight years of uni.

And don't even get her started on child proof caps.


Re: Buffy riding a pony!

2001-04-03 Thread Mike Jarvis

May I forward your post to one of my company's internal humour/perl


OT: parsing xml

2001-04-04 Thread Mike Jarvis

Sorry, no Buffy content follows:

Has anybody dealt with the data exchange xml standard called BMEcat?
I've got to hack a parser together quickly and I was hoping to nick
somebody else's code.

CPAN has a XML::BMEcat module, but it's aimed more at creating BMEcat
files rather than reading them.  The spec is incredibly icky
( if you read german), and I really really really don't
want to have to do this.  All I need to do is shove a BMEcat feed in a
db somewhere and I'm happy.

Help me get the hell out of Texas.  I hate flying into Bush


Mourning clothes for

2001-04-18 Thread Mike Jarvis

CNN reports that BtVS's SMG will wed Freddie Prinz.

Of course he'll probably be attacked by vampires before that can
actually happen.


Re: Mourning clothes for

2001-04-18 Thread Mike Jarvis

Wednesday, April 18, 2001, 5:37:22 PM, David H. Adler wrote:
>> > Mike Jarvis wrote:
>> > > CNN reports that BtVS's SMG will wed Freddie Prinz.

DHA> Clarification:  That's Freddie Prinz, Jr.  His father was the star of
DHA> Chico and the Man, a sitcom of, uh, mid-70s vintage, I think.  Don't
DHA> know if it ever made it across the water, though.

Since Sr. is dead, I didn't think there was much chance of confusion.
 Unless she's waay too into character.


Re: MySQL -> Oracle wrapper/compat. libs

2001-04-27 Thread Mike Jarvis

Friday, April 27, 2001, 1:09:05 PM, Robin Szemeti wrote:
RS> but in the end (assuming that both
RS> codesets use similar basic principles) you will not beat the speed of C
RS> with anything other than hand optimised assembler. Now that is a fact.

Sounds much more like a function of the compiler to me.  A
really good Fortran compiler would turn out faster code than a bad c

Granted, it is a *lot* easier to write a fast c compiler, since you're
already halfway to assembler anyway.

Now if you're just comparing any fully compiled language with java,
you're absolutely right.


Re: MySQL -> Oracle wrapper/compat. libs

2001-04-27 Thread Mike Jarvis

Friday, April 27, 2001, 2:20:21 PM, Paul Makepeace wrote:

PM> On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 01:51:38PM -0500, Mike Jarvis wrote:
>> Sounds much more like a function of the compiler to me.  A
>> really good Fortran compiler would turn out faster code than a bad c
>> compiler.

PM> But that isn't saying much. People tend not to use really bad things if
PM> they can help it.

You haven't been to the same client sites I have if you believe that
statement.  It always amazes me what moronic things businesses will
insist that you work with.

>> Now if you're just comparing any fully compiled language with java,
>> you're absolutely right.

PM> Hmm.

Must you always drag facts into the argument?


Re: More revolting natives

2001-05-06 Thread Mike Jarvis

Saturday, May 05, 2001, 5:33:47 AM, Brad Bowman wrote:

BB> An Irish friend once had trouble convincing a Mid-Westerner
BB> that Ireland was a country in Europe not a State near the
BB> Canadian border.

A cow-orker of mine had to be told that Spain was in Europe, not South


Re: Buffy musings ...

2001-05-09 Thread Mike Jarvis

Wednesday, May 09, 2001, 3:54:53 AM, Jonathan Peterson wrote:

>> And while we are on the old films chestnut, my current recommendation
>> is 'O Brother, where art thou?', excellent film. However I here Momento
>> is a very good film as well.

JP> Oh Brother should be subtitled. Don't expect to understand the dialogue
JP> for the first 30 minutes until you are used to the accents. But yes,
JP> it's a good film.

Whatchoo talkin bout Willis?  It was perfectly understandable.  Of
course, being from the southern US probably helps.

The prison uniforms have green stripes these days, rather than the
historic black as presented in the film.

It's five am in Houston, I'm almost done with my coding for the
evening, and I feel like being content free.  And you can't slap the
yank from there.  Nyah.


Re: Sara Cox - was Re: FHM Top 100 Sexiest Women

2001-05-20 Thread Mike Jarvis

Sunday, May 20, 2001, 3:19:47 AM, Dave Cross wrote:

DC> And besides, since when could you work out how sexy a woman (or man) was 
DC> simply by looking at a photo.

This is really two questions:
1) Can you tell from looking at a photo if this is someone you'd like
to have a relationship with?  (No)

2) Can you tell from looking at a photo if this is someone you'd like
to have sex with?(Yes)


Re: Sara Cox - was Re: FHM Top 100 Sexiest Women

2001-05-20 Thread Mike Jarvis

Sunday, May 20, 2001, 3:17:03 PM, Dave Cross wrote:

DC> At 20:50 20/05/2001, Mike Jarvis wrote:
>>Sunday, May 20, 2001, 3:19:47 AM, Dave Cross wrote:
>>DC> And besides, since when could you work out how sexy a woman (or man) was
>>DC> simply by looking at a photo.
>>This is really two questions:
>>1) Can you tell from looking at a photo if this is someone you'd like
>>to have a relationship with?  (No)
>>2) Can you tell from looking at a photo if this is someone you'd like
>>to have sex with?(Yes)

DC> OK. Well that's where I'm getting confused then. By believing the sex is 
DC> also a relationship (however fleeting!) I think that the answer to 2 is 
DC> also 'No' :)

I always viewed sex as a physical act that's great with someone you
love, but it can be pretty darned good even with someone you wouldn't
want to talk to.

The grudge-fuck after a breakup is often better (from a physical
standpoint) than the sex during a relationship.  Or so my ex's tell
me. ;)



2001-05-23 Thread Mike Jarvis

Anybody have experience with POSIX localization functions/clients in

I've got a client in .de that wants prices to look like this:
DEM 1.234,00
i.e., the thousands sep is a "." and the decimal is a ",".

The posix routines return a space for the thousands sep and a dot for
the decimal, so prices look like:
DEM 1 234.00

Do I just have weird clients or is $lconv->{thousands_sep} returning
the wrong value?



Re: POSIX::localeconv()/Germany

2001-05-23 Thread Mike Jarvis

Wednesday, May 23, 2001, 2:45:24 PM, Dave Cross wrote:

DC> Haven't tried the routine you're talking about, but if you ever decide to 
DC> give up on them, the Number::Format module (from CPAN) will solve all of 
DC> your problems.

After RTFM'ing about that fine module, I thought I found my problem.
I was using thousand_sep instead of mon_thousand_sep (for money).
Alas, the same problem occurs.

Number::Format gets it's locale info from POSIX::localeconv, so other
than the niceness of have it doing the formating of the numbers, it
doesn't look like it will help me much. :(


Re[2]: POSIX::localeconv()/Germany

2001-05-24 Thread Mike Jarvis

Thursday, May 24, 2001, 4:16:17 AM, Dominic Mitchell wrote:

DM> On Wed, May 23, 2001 at 03:05:59PM -0500, Mike Jarvis wrote:
>> Wednesday, May 23, 2001, 2:45:24 PM, Dave Cross wrote:
>> DC> Haven't tried the routine you're talking about, but if you ever decide to 
>> DC> give up on them, the Number::Format module (from CPAN) will solve all of 
>> DC> your problems.
>> After RTFM'ing about that fine module, I thought I found my problem.
>> I was using thousand_sep instead of mon_thousand_sep (for money).
>> Alas, the same problem occurs.
>> Number::Format gets it's locale info from POSIX::localeconv, so other
>> than the niceness of have it doing the formating of the numbers, it
>> doesn't look like it will help me much. :(

DM> What happens if you set LC_ALL to "de_DE" in the environment?  I can
DM> make the correct separator appear then using the locale command:

DM> % env LC_ALL=de_DE locale mon_thousands_sep
DM> .
DM> % env LC_ALL=de_DE locale mon_decimal_point
DM> ,

Well, I really did find my problem this time, and it's mostly that I'm
an idiot. The German locale wasn't installed on the machine.

Which brings us to the next question:  On a Lose2K box (I know, I
know, but I just do what they pay me for) where will look
for locales?



2001-06-02 Thread Mike Jarvis

Saturday, June 02, 2001, 5:58:44 AM, Greg McCarroll wrote:

GM> * James Powell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 08:19:56AM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jun 02, 2001 at 07:47:00AM +0100, Greg McCarroll 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > 
>> > > Well what about last night? Buffy no more? Well I'm pretty sure she
>> > > will be back, my reasoning - they played the normal end of show credits/
>> > > theme tune, if they had of killed the character off, there would of been
>> > > a special ending. Mind you, when I explained this theory to the wife she
>> > > used the phrase ``clutching at straws''
>> > 
>> > Well, how about the argument that SMG has singed up for two more series?
>> > 
>> BAH!

GM> The main bummer after last nights episode is that glory is dead, and i was 
GM> just starting to warm to her, only she wasn't quite psychotic enough. ;-)

Wednesday morning, series creator Joss Whedon (who wrote and directed the finale)
posted to the official WB "Buffy" board dispelling the hoax rumor. "'Buffy' will
be back next season starring Sarah Michelle Gellar ... Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on UPN,"
Whedon wrote. "How will we bring her back? With great difficulty, of course. And
pain and confusion. Will it be cheezy [sic]? I don't think so." Thursday, he
further laid to rest the hoax rumor, and revealed some plans for next season,
in an interview with TV Guide Online. Did you know that Giles is getting a BBC spinoff?



2001-06-12 Thread Mike Jarvis

Tuesday, June 12, 2001, 2:55:38 PM, Chris Benson wrote:

CB> On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 08:15:36AM +0100, Robert Thompson wrote:
>> > From: Chris Benson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> >
>> > Why, when the sun is shining (almost) and there is a popular (?) govt.
>> > do I feel like I did in early/mid 70's: like the end of the 
>> > world was nigh?
>> Hmm, not sure... but is the feeling helped buy having someone in the White
>> House who has no real idea of foreign policy (and doesn't seem to care that
>> much), and is sitting at his desk thinking (and I use the term advisedly) -
>> 'I wonder what this big red button does...'

CB> Oh yes,  I vaguely thought on reading about the floods in "The South"
CB> that maybe this was supposed to be a message like "Repent your sins or
CB> I wash you off the face of the Earth".  If so it missed Washington DC 
CB> by about a 1,000 miles and Texas by 500.  It probably missed GWB by a
CB> couple of light years.

Missed Texas by 500 miles?  I think not.  I was in Houston.  Worst
place on earth.  I most definatly did NOT miss Texas.

And I wouldn't have been any happier had it hit DC instead.  I live
there, as do several million people who weren't elected to anything
(including dubya).

If you could localize the storm to a box bounded by D & 2nd SE and H
and 17th NW, I'd be ok with that.  Oh, and take out Georgetown too
while you're at it.



2001-06-12 Thread Mike Jarvis

Tuesday, June 12, 2001, 10:24:47 PM, Paul Makepeace wrote:

PM> On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 10:10:28PM -0500, Mike Jarvis wrote:
>> Missed Texas by 500 miles?  I think not.  I was in Houston.  Worst
>> place on earth.  I most definatly did NOT miss Texas.

PM> Houston rocks, although if I moved back it would be to Austin. Houston's
PM> humidity (the airborne type, as opposed to the 10ft deep land-based
PM> stuff) and traffic are beyond vile.

Houston rocks?  You must have been in a different Houston.  Austin is
very cool though.

Larry speaks in a bit over 9 hours.  Yippee!



2001-06-13 Thread Mike Jarvis

Wednesday, June 13, 2001, 1:16:12 AM, Dave Cross wrote:

DC> On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 10:55:17PM -0500, Mike Jarvis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Larry speaks in a bit over 9 hours.  Yippee!

DC> Actually - he doesn't :)

DC> <>

It all worked out ok.  Daminan filled in, and was great as always.  I
would have liked to see Larry, but Damian's a great second choice.
