Re: Perl publishing and attracting new developers

2013-09-20 Thread Adrian Howard
On 20 September 2013 14:50, Peter Corlett wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 20, 2013 at 09:34:01AM +1000, Kieren Diment wrote:
 On 20/09/2013, at 9:21, Peter Corlett wrote:
 If you are so passionate about seeing new niche Perl books written as you
 are making out, you had better fire up your editor and get cracking.
 Many publishers prefer msword ;)

 You can export Word format files from Scrivener :)

It's the change tracking that's the problem - you still see a chunk of
publishers relying on Word for that. Exporting isn't the issue.
Importing the feedback from publishers is.


Re: Perl publishing and attracting new developers

2013-09-20 Thread Adrian Howard
On 19 September 2013 11:51, Abigail wrote:
 I'd call them niche books. If generic books don't sell, why would
 niche books?

Actually - I wouldn't be surprised if a niche Perl book did sell
better than a generic Perl book.

Perl isn't the most popular kid on the block ATM. So there are few
folk looking for general books. I wouldn't be surprised if the  market
of existing Perl devs who are looking for a decent introduction to
Catalyst/Moose/whatever could be larger than the new Perl developers
looking for general books.

(better in this context of course does not translate to well ;-)


-- / +44 (0)7752 419080 / @adrianh /
Subscribe to the latest Agile  Lean UX news here

Re: Perl publishing and attracting new developers

2013-09-20 Thread Adrian Howard
On 19 September 2013 20:16, Avleen Vig wrote:
 Well hold on just a minute there. One of the primary reasons Perl got to be
 hugely popular is exactly because books like Programming Perl and Learning
 Perl spoonfed the answers to new users.

I don't remember it that way. I remember Perl getting traction and
becoming popular and *then* Programming Perl and Learning Perl coming.
Along with a bunch of other books. Many of them terrible.

Publishers are in the business of making money. They *vastly* prefer
to sell to an existing market, rather than try to create one.
Technical books are a trailing indicator of interest, not a leading
one. I can't really think of any counter examples.

We already *have* good general books for introducing the relative
newbie to Perl. Programming Perl, Learning Perl, Modern Perl 
Beginning Perl all spring to mind. I don't think adding more is going
to produce more Perl devs.


-- / +44 (0)7752 419080 / @adrianh /
Subscribe to the latest Agile  Lean UX news here

Re: Raising Perl awareness on Tiobe + Wikipedia, etc.

2013-03-21 Thread Adrian Howard
On 21 March 2013 17:48, Will Crawford wrote:
 GM: There is another loud bang and some crunching sounds, as DD's new
 clone arrives. He lands upside down and may or may not have taken some
 damage to the head. He thinks he's just fine though.

 Is this first or second edition paranoia?
 /me looks both ways and shuffles behind the nearest cover.


Pursuant to Central Processing Unit directive #8833212 friend computer
has been, is, and will always be infallible. A second edition would
imply that something could have been improved.

Please report to your nearest re-education and recycling centre.

Thank you.

Re: Billing a client

2013-02-11 Thread Adrian Howard
On 11 February 2013 07:56, Alex Brelsfoard wrote:
 Here's a slightly off-topic question for you all.

Oh - I'd say that's bang on topic for this list ;-)

 I'm planning on doing some consulting work and was wondering what I should
 expect as the norm for delay between when I bill my client and when I
 should receive their money.
 Is there such a norm?  Or is it entirely dependent on the client and/or our

As others have said - it depends on client  contract.

Some tips that have helped me move it depends closer to now.

* Bill everything up-front.
* Bill significant chunk up-front.
* Roll expenses into price and don't bill them separately (avoids
argument about details which then spins off invoice into the next
30day payment cycle)
* Offer a X% discount if paid within N days (in effect a late payment
penalty - but phrasing it as a discount gets better results in my
* Get to know the folk in the department that pays the bills personally
* Where at all possible work directly for the person who signs off on payments
* Where at ll possible work for somebody above the finance department
in the org chart
* If somebody pays late (politely) only work for them again if they
pay N% up front.

(if anybody has any more I'd love to hear 'em ;-)

t. +44 (0)7752 419080 skype adrianjohnhoward

Re: Project management

2013-01-23 Thread Adrian Howard

Hey Dermot,

On 23/01/13 09:27, Dermot wrote:


I'm pretty sure I've seen this discussed on the list before but I can't
(easily) find it in the archive. I was looking for a Project management
course or company. There are a lot of companies in London doing training
but I am a little sceptical about their quality. I'm not interested in a
certificate. I'd like to grasp a decent methodology. From what I've seen
that would be Agile.

Agile != methodology. Agile = broad set of principles/philosophy on 
software development. Particular methods like Scrum, XP, Crystal are Agile.

Sorry - pet niggle. Caused by folk causing me problems by using Agile  
Scrum as synonyms ;-)

Does anyone want to tout a course or company. I
promise not to sue if I think they're crap :-)

1) Consider Certified Scrum Master course.

The certification itself is pretty useless as a signifier of skill - it 
basically just means you attended a two day course - but the courses 
themselves tend to be quite useful.

The trainers are certified and generally pretty good. It does cost more 
than pocket change. However employers do take notice of CSM 
certifications - however foolish that may be.

The two day course will get you up to speed on the basics of Scrum, and 
usually some pointers to some technical practices that go some way to 
helping a Scrum implementation work.

More here

What this won't give you are insights into non-Scrum methods, and they 
tend to fuzz the Agile/Scrum/everything-else divide a bit from what I've 
heard from some folk.

(I am not a CSM. I am not a Certified Scrum Trainer. I think Scrum is a 
good method - but I have a long rant about the way Scrum gets 
abused/misused. I also think that certification in general has probably 
done more harm than good... but I digress...)

2) General Assembly and Skills Matters

They both do free/cheapish courses with good presenters. Might be worth 
dipping a toe in here.

3) Try a local agile event

I assume that you're London based. There are some great local Agile 
events that it might be worth toddling along too and quizzing folk.

The Extreme Tuesday Club is one

4) Try some background reading

I still stand by this list 'o' books as good introductions

Also bias=hubrisAgile training/workshops is something I do a bit 
myself/bias - drop me a line if y'like ;-)



Re: 25 Years of Perl

2012-11-23 Thread Adrian Howard

Annoyingly I'm not going to be able to go to LPW tomorrow now (post-op
dog needs looking after rather more than was anticipated) but one
thing that's not been mentioned is the evolution of the Perl testing
framework. pre-dates Beck's seminal SUnit, and Perl folk caught the
testing bug much earlier than most other languages. IMHO and
chromatic/schwern's Test::Builder would be on the timeline as
significant events in the Perl world. We still have, I think, the best
testing frameworks and infrastructure in any language.




Re: Can I get some advice on best way to start Perl Programming

2012-09-01 Thread Adrian Howard

On 1 Sep 2012, at 08:01, Peter Sergeant wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 11:52 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:
 also the o'reilly school of technology has 4 levels of perl courses
 written by *peter scott*
 Interesting! He's the author of what I consider to be one of the best Perl
 books of all time (Perl Medic), so that sounds highly worth looking in to...

A big ++ to Perl Medic from me too. Sad it never got more mind-share. 

t. +44 (0)7752 419080skype

Re: Who made the law?

2012-09-01 Thread Adrian Howard

On 31 Aug 2012, at 19:10, David Cantrell wrote:

 You're worried about the opinions of those who assume that because a
 person looks like or has a similar background to another person they
 must therefore behave the same as that other person?
 This is like saying that women walking home at night should carry
 placards saying I'm not a prostitute just because some dumb bastards
 might think that because some women who are out on the street at night
 are hookers they all are.

I don't think it is saying anything like that. 

Let me give a story from a different domain to illustrate the kind of thing 
that I think these statements do.

My partner has spent a large chunk of the last five years in a wheelchair or on 
crutches and unable to cope with stairs. In theory, after the DDA went into law 
in 2010, she should have had pretty good access to goods and services.

In many cases it's completely fine. 

In many other cases there are minor problems, however well intentioned the 
people are, that make the experience a minor annoyance or embarrassment. 

Very occasionally you meet people or organisations that are complete and utter 
f**king asshats. Those experiences are relatively rare compared to the 
mediocre/good ones (although still far too common) - but they stand out because 
they cause a huge amount of hassle and emotional pain.

Sometimes, often even, we have the energy and enthusiasm to deal with the 
latter two categories in appropriate ways. 

But sometimes you just want to have a nice day out somewhere new and know that 
you're not going to have any problems.

We understand completely that not all hotels are evil. We know from experience 
that most hotels are going to give a good, or at worst mediocre, experience.

But if a hotel has a statement about disabled access, has photos of the lobby 
that include somebody in a wheelchair, and obviously understands how wheelchair 
access works on the notes about getting to the hotel - guess which one we're 
more likely to pick.

These statements are a sign on the door that says everybody welcome. They 
remove the question from peoples heads on whether they will be welcome or not. 
Removing that question can have a big effect since people are not choosing 
between an event and nothing - they're choosing between competing events. 


t. +44 (0)7752 419080skype

Re: How Perl Saved the Human Genome Project

2012-09-01 Thread Adrian Howard

On 1 Sep 2012, at 20:22, Jones, Chris wrote:

 Its an old article - but interesting. But one bit I really don't like is 
 Lincoln's comment;
 Because Perl is quick and dirty…..
 That's just silly.

But Perl can be quick and dirty... it's just not *all* it can be :)

t. +44 (0)7752 419080skype

Re: Who made the law?

2012-08-31 Thread Adrian Howard

On 31 Aug 2012, at 10:31, Roger Burton West wrote:

 My feeling is that this is far too long and offputting. If they have to
 specify all this in nitpicking detail, it's because they've got people
 who are trying to game the system and they don't have the guts to throw
 them out. I'd much rather have a mostly-benevolent dictatorship which
 is able to treat cases as individual matters than a huge set of rules
 which still won't cover all eventualities.

Having had to deal with a few... issues... with events in the past from the 
organiser side I just want to point out that these statements aren't just, or 
even primarily, aimed at preventing the assholes of the world. 

They're also *very* useful for the folk the assholes hassle. I didn't realise 
this at first since, y'know, I don't really fit into the category of folk who 
get hit on during sessions (I kid you not...)

They send a strong signal that:

1) The community is not tolerant of assholes.

2) If you have asshole problems the organisers want to know about it, there is 
a process for dealing with 'em, and they *will* be dealt with.

They're a virtual sign on the door that says This place aims to be asshole 
free. Which makes things easier for folk who've had too many bad experiences 
to want to bother with places that aren't.

They might not prevent assholes, but they do help limit the damage they do to 
the community.


t. +44 (0)7752 419080skype

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-12 Thread Adrian Howard

On 12 Dec 2011, at 11:49, Peter Corlett wrote:

 On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 08:46:57PM +, David Cantrell wrote:
 Of course, if your people are made of pure Awesomium then you might be OK
 with taking that performance hit because you're still coming out ahead
 despite your people being in Narsarsuaq and Tataouine compared to if you'd
 employed less awesome people happy to work with you in a damp basement in
 And there's another perspective: I'm prepared to offer a 20-40% discount on 
 my usual daily rate if I don't have to waste several hours a day dragging my 
 carcass over to an office in the arse end of nowhere.
 Sure, there's a performance hit with telecommuting, but 20-40%?

The problem is that it's not an individual's productivity that's dropping - 
it's the team's as a whole (assuming that it's a team project).

t. +44 (0)7752 419080 skype adrianjohnhoward

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-11 Thread Adrian Howard

On 11 Dec 2011, at 20:46, David Cantrell wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 05:23:40PM +, Adrian Howard wrote:
 On 9 Dec 2011, at 13:16, David Cantrell wrote:
 This idea that with the right magic pixie dust teleworking can be made
 to work regardless of the company, the colleagues, and the employee is a 
 nice idea, but I have seen no evidence whatsoever that it is true.
 A whole bunch of CSCW and social science folk have looked at how teams 
 produce work, and distributed teams come out worse and so called radically 
 colocated teams come out best (war room type setups where everybody on a 
 project in in the same room).
 Of course, if your people are made of pure Awesomium then you might be OK
 with taking that performance hit because you're still coming out ahead
 despite your people being in Narsarsuaq and Tataouine compared to if
 you'd employed less awesome people happy to work with you in a damp
 basement in Preston.

Of course ;)

Although it might be worth considering how much _more_ productive you might be 
if they were all in the same room (I've know a couple of orgs who fly folk 
together for a month - paying hotel, etc. - because it's _worth_ it). 

Telecommuting also wins against folk who have terrible work environments (the 
stereotypical noisy half-cube farm for example).


t. +44 (0)7752 419080 skype adrianjohnhoward

Re: Telecommuting

2011-12-10 Thread Adrian Howard

On 9 Dec 2011, at 19:09, Zbigniew Łukasiak wrote:

 Recently I was surprised by the following (from a talk by Greg Wilson):
 Physical distance doesn’t affect post-release fault rates but Distance
 in the organisational chart does.
 Nagappan et all (2007) and Bird et al (2009)
 Based on all the data from building Windows Vista. An enormous volume of data.
 Searched for indicators of post release defect.
 This goes against claims for the need for co-location.
 Different managers with different goals has more impact than different
 copied from a transcript:

Oh. That's interesting. Thanks! I'll have to track that down. 


Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Adrian Howard

On 9 Dec 2011, at 07:49, Richard Foley wrote:

 UK programmers are half the cost of US programmer?  Wow, and I thought all the
 IT jobs were moving to India!

Cost of the developers is not the sole cost in building a team in another 
country ;-)


t. +44 (0)7752 419080 skype adrianjohnhoward

Re: Beware: NET-A-PORTER

2011-12-09 Thread Adrian Howard

On 9 Dec 2011, at 13:16, David Cantrell wrote:

 On Fri, Dec 09, 2011 at 01:57:56PM +0100, Richard Foley wrote:
 Seriously, if some of these managers could get their heads around leveraging
 the power of telecommuting project teams, they'd not have to worry too much
 about the respective costs of having a team in any one country.
 This idea that with the right magic pixie dust teleworking can be made
 to work regardless of the company, the colleagues, and the employee is a
 nice idea, but I have seen no evidence whatsoever that it is true.
 Teleworking erects barriers to communication both between customer
 (internal or external doesn't matter) and geek, and indeed between you
 and the rest of the people you're working with.  And communication is
 *important*.  WAY more important than most geeks seem to think.

Indeed. There's even (gasp!) evidence ;-) 

A whole bunch of CSCW and social science folk have looked at how teams produce 
work, and distributed teams come out worse and so called radically colocated 
teams come out best (war room type setups where everybody on a project in in 
the same room).

See for a selection of references... assuming 
delicious has decided to keep the links live today :-/

That isn't to say that you can't do good work on distributed teams, or that 
it's evil, or that you shouldn't want to telecommute. I do a lot of remote work 
myself since I decided to pick quality of life in lovely Dorset over the big 

Just that there's a fairly large amount of evidence that distributed work has a 
pretty large productivity hit (if anybody has any actual research that shows 
otherwise I'd love to see it - I've actively looked and not found any in the 


t. +44 (0)7752 419080 skype adrianjohnhoward

Re: Dorset perl code

2003-09-26 Thread Adrian Howard
On Thursday, Sep 25, 2003, at 12:40 Europe/London, Andy Ford wrote:

Do you use a lot of r's in your Perl code.

my $eeer;
my $arrr;
Talk Like A Pirate Day is over now y'know :-)

my $tractor;
my $combineharvester;
my $ooarr;
Does that mean that coders are full

my $gor_blimey ;
my @apples_and_pears;



Re: is purely a social group

2003-09-24 Thread Adrian Howard
On Wednesday, Sep 24, 2003, at 16:16 Europe/London, Andy Ford wrote:

I have thought of starting a group and thought more of
the basic infrastructure required to support it...

Good god! Don't tell me there are Perl developers near Dorset! (well, 
nearer than London anyway)

I thought I was the only one :-)


Re: [OT] accessors pragma

2003-09-16 Thread Adrian Howard
On Tuesday, Sep 16, 2003, at 13:09 Europe/London, Steve Purkis wrote:
If you have a preference here, let me know.

I quite like chaining myself - but then I like Smalltalk too :-)


Re: Test Sweets?

2003-08-26 Thread Adrian Howard
On Tuesday, August 26, 2003, at 01:32  pm, Peter Sergeant wrote:

To be honest, there's not that much difference.  You run the script 
run the results though Test::Harness which works out if they passed or
not.  Or you run each test manually and look at the output.
This may be different now, but, I found Test::Simple and Test::More to
be a lot easier to grok - especially with the tutorial. Perhaps
Test::Unit has better docs now, or perhaps I just sucked even more as a
programmer the first time I looked at it, but, purely empirical 
would show Test::More to be easier to use...
Have you considered cough bias=author Test::Class /cough ?

Test::More et al with added xUnit goodness all in one friendly package.

That way you can keep each unit test in a separate module. Run them all 
together in a single process, or individually as the situation 
warrants. Works well for me.

That said, I don't see why you couldn't run a bunch Test::More style 
*.t files with Test::Harness equally easily.

Can you give more of an idea of what you're requirements are?


Re: [OT] SQL woes

2003-08-22 Thread Adrian Howard
On Friday, August 22, 2003, at 11:28  am, Dominic Mitchell wrote:

Toby Corkindale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 06:03:13PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 09:51:13AM -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
(And people who use MySQL wonder what the value of subselects are! 
Subselects are in MySQL 4.1 (currently alpha).
Ick. Have they got around to supporting transactions yet? :P
Transactions have been supported for a while, apparently.  Dunno as I
don't use MySQL myself, but it's a frequent rebuff.  I think you have 
select the berkelydb backend table storage module.
Yeah. You do get transactions if you use innodb tables, and have had 
for several years.

The sub-select support is very beta at the moment and, annoyingly, 
doesn't work with innodb tables so you can't have transactions and 
sub-selects at the same time!

MySQL can be a lot better than the worse-case description given by many 
but, given the choice, PostgreSQL would be my pick every time. A much 
more mature product.


Re: [Extra Credit] : Re: Extending Other Packages

2003-08-17 Thread Adrian Howard
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 07:04  pm, Nigel Rantor wrote:

As an addendum to the original question, consider that there are three 
or four different sub-sets of functionality that you would like to 
provide the Base module.

If these sub-sets are completely seperable then how do you implement 
them so that you can pull in one or two of the sub-sets witout 
hoisting symbols into the Base package and allowing other people to 
still sub-class Base.
Mixins would be one way:

package Foo;
sub foo { ... };
package Bar;
sub bar { ... };
package BaseWithFooBar;
use base qw(Base Foo Bar);
my $o = BaseWithFooBar-new;
$o-foo; $o-bar;
Or you could go the AOP route with
Or, you could create a proxy and delegate methods to helper classes.
Gosh... there seems to be a more than one way of doing it :-)


Re: interactive tests

2003-07-30 Thread Adrian Howard
On Wednesday, July 30, 2003, at 05:50  am, Struan Donald wrote:

More specifically is there some way I can ask for the information
and if I don't get a response in x seconds assume either defaults or
SKIP the test?

You /could/ do something like this to get your config in the 
use Term::ReadKey;

sub timed_read_string {
my $timeout = shift;
my $string;
while ( defined (my $key = ReadKey($timeout)) ) {
return $string if $key eq \n;
$string .= $key;
my $string = timed_read_string(5);
print you typed , defined($string) ? $string : nothing for 5s, \n;
... but, if it were me, I wouldn't. Is the time saved by having things 
run unattended worth the cost of a possible failed installation? If 
somebody writes tests they should be run (IMHO of course :-).

And, yes, I'm aware I should probably try and avoid interactive tests
altogether but in this case there's no other way to get the
information I need.

Are you *really* sure about that? I've found that mock objects and 
judicious use of  standalone W3 and DB servers (e.g. SQLite) have 
removed all need for interactive tests - unless there really is no 
alternative (e.g. the user has to press a button to test the button 


Re: Perl 6 Apocalypse 6

2003-03-11 Thread Adrian Howard

On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 12:27  pm, Shevek wrote:

The tradeoff for moving things to compile time is coder speed. The 
syntax, typing and complexity of source code structures makes it take
longer to write code. As we all know, machine time is MUCH cheaper than
programmer time.
I agree with your last sentence completely ;-) However, I don't think 
that moving stuff to compile time necessarily makes the source code 
more complex. All of the perl6 stuff that excites me is doing what I do 
already in perl5 - but doing it in a far more elegant and direct 
manner. It's going to save me keystrokes, not add more.

The fact that this makes it easier to introspect the code for 
optimisation is a happy side effect. The speed of perl has hardly ever 
been an issue for me... most of my code spends all its time waiting for 
databases and net connections :-)

There is also the fact that all of the new stuff is optional. You can 
still do:

	sub double { map { $_ * 2} @_ };

if you want. You don't have to use the new stuff unless you need it.

(maybe there should be a new perl6 acronym - YDHTUYWT - You Don't Have 
To Unless You Want To ;-)

Languages like ADA95 (I think), C++ (somewhat) [more examples?] are
designed as very rich source languages to pass a lot of semantic
information to the compiler. They are tedious to write. Frequently,
however, the compiler throws away a lot of the semantic information too
early in the compile phase). Traditional binary has no information to

Personally I think that's more an issue of language design rather than 
being directly related to the information sent to the compiler. C++ in 
particular has had its syntax and semantics warped considerably by its 
C roots and a fetish for execution efficiency above all other 

On the other hand Eiffel, to pick another of my favourite minority 
languages, can take tons of semantic info to its compile stage, but 
(IMHO) has been designed well and is not at all tedious to write.

Yes, the compiler does need more info to do compile time optimisations 
- but writing this can be an advantage since you describe what your 
code does more precisely. In a well designed language this produces 
self-documenting code that is far easier to write, read and maintain. 
The programmer gains as much as the compiler does by the higher level 
of abstraction described in the code.

Not that I think there is anything wrong with runtime optimisations of 
course :-)




2003-02-06 Thread Adrian Howard


On Wednesday, February 5, 2003, at 10:42  pm, Leon Brocard wrote:

I've always wondered what modules people have installed from CPAN, but
CPAN has too many mirrors. Versions are interesting too. Here is a
beta version of cpanstats:

Leon Brocard.

... Scary bananas!


2002-11-06 Thread Adrian Howard

On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 02:39  pm, Roger Burton West wrote:

On Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 02:26:22PM +, Paul Makepeace wrote:

What are the options for HTML to PDF conversion, preferably batchable?

It's in Debian package htmldoc, too, and therefore probably in other

I second that suggest. Works well. GPL licence.


Re: webmail

2002-10-30 Thread Adrian Howard
On Wednesday, October 30, 2002, at 04:14  pm, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

Andy == Andy Wardley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Andy I started writing it because, like you, I hate writing XML.  Too 
Andy verbosity and itty-bitty-get-everything-in-exactly-the-right-place
Andy nonsense.   So I devised a stripped-down XML meta-syntax which is 
Andy for humans to read and write, and a tool to compile it into XML or
Andy whatever.

Dude, if you don't stop inventing languages, I'm gonna have to start
calling you meta-Andy. :)

This is cool.

Have you seen the LISP-XML?  S

You might also want to take a look at YAML -
there's a already in CPAN.

SOX and SLiP are also interesting.
They're alternate XML syntaxes that use indentation (Python anyone)


Adrian (apparently alone in actually quite liking XMLs closing tags :-)

Re: blocks going out of scope

2002-10-12 Thread Adrian Howard

On Saturday, October 12, 2002, at 02:27  pm, Nicholas Clark wrote:


Can anyone think of a reliable, non-source filter way of attaching such a
destructor method onto the scope of your caller?


Taking a look at the source for Hook::Scope might give some pointers.

(You didn't say non-XS :-)


Re: Testing whether 'use'ing a module throws warnings

2002-10-10 Thread Adrian Howard

 On Sunday, October 6, 2002, at 07:06  pm, Kate L Pugh wrote:
 I wanted a test that's like use_ok, but which fails if any warnings (such
 as that below in [0]) come up during the 'use'.  But I only wanted it
 to fail once, however many warnings I got, and I wanted it to pass (as
 opposed to not be run) if I got no warnings.  This is what I did:

If you can live with two tests (one for the successful use, one for 
whether it caused warnings or not) you can use Test::Warn to produce 
something quite readable. For example:

   use strict;
   use Test::More tests = 2;
   use Test::Warn;

   BEGIN {
warnings_are { use_ok('My::Module') } [], My::Module raised no 

