Re: Tech Meets Plus

2003-09-19 Thread Ali Young
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003, Dave Cross wrote:

> 1/ Would you be interested in coming to an all-day Perl workshop?
Possibly. I think it would depend on the format, whether it would just be 
the same as the tech meets but several hours longer or a different 

I think sitting through a large number of talks that might cover anything 
from the world of Perl would probably fry my brain, so perhaps a set of 
talks with a common theme might be easier.

> 2/ Would the workshop need to be on the weekend?
Currently I'm in CFT mode, so I have no opinion. I suspect most bosses 
would be quite reasonable about people having days off to go to a Perl 

> 3/ Would you consider paying for the workshop?
Depends what the money would be used for. Would it be used to hire a 
decent venue, put on refreshments, donate money to whatever 
Perl-related charity we're supporting this month, pay speakers or 
anything else I've not thought of?

> 4/ If you would consider paying, how much would you pay?
Since, as mentioned, I'm in CFT mode I'm also very very skint. It would 
also depend what I'dbe getting for my money.

> 5/ Do you have any ideas about appropriate venues?
Lets see... somewhere neither north nor south, neither east nor west, 
within about 30 seconds of a tube station, with no stairs, food for every 
possible group including anyone on the Atkins diet, infinite quantities 
of beer and what else have people asked for? OK, I'll shut up now. 

No, I have no idea.


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: Bra

2003-08-15 Thread Ali Young
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, Jason Clifford wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > This counts as "art" rather than debauchery? On the basis that debauchery
> > is frowned on at social meetings?
> > 
> > Anyway, this seems unlikely, given Leon's previous insistence that he
> > won't be wearing it.
> Count the number of people who pat him on the back at the meeting just to 
> check ;)

and the number of people who try to ping his bra strap


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: what are you doing

2003-08-15 Thread Ali Young
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Michael Stevens wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 01:39:16PM +0100, Ali Young wrote:
> > I'm starting an OU maths degree next year. This is because free time is 
> > patently evil and wrong and much be got rid of.
> Do you actually have any free time at the moment, though? :)

I'm about to gain a hell of a lot more of it, seeing as I'll be unemployed 
in 28 days time. Really must update my CV _now_.

> When I say "No IT work",  like when I say "There are no jobs", the
> slightly more serious formulation is "There very few jobs, and
> massively fewer of them than there were 3 years ago". But, eg) most
> of this list has work of some kind. Even if some of us have sold our
> souls.



Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: what are you doing

2003-08-14 Thread Ali Young
On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Michael Stevens wrote:

> What are people doing outside Perl/IT these days? Have you got
> a job outside IT because there's no IT work? Or are you learning
> something outside IT / planning to do something like this?

My usual answer for that is "writing a book", but I've been saying that 
for quite a while now and not really got anywhere. Best not to ask me 
about it unless you're prepare to listen to me ramble on for hours.

I'm starting an OU maths degree next year. This is because free time is 
patently evil and wrong and much be got rid of.

I really hope there is IT work, since I'm in the process of saying goodbye 
to my current place of work.

Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: Treating strings like file handles?

2003-07-11 Thread Ali Young
On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Richard Clamp wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 11, 2003 at 12:19:52PM +0100, Ali Young wrote:
> > This came up when I was playing with a module that expected to read some 
> > text from a file when I was actually trying to make it use the text in a 
> > string. This seemed simple but I've not yet found a way to do.
> > 
> > My question is whether it is possible to make a string act enough like a 
> > filehandle so that you can read from it and print to it? If it is 
> > possible, could someone point me in the right direction please?
> IO::Scalar -

Perfect, thanks. Now how on earth did I miss seeing that on CPAN?

Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Treating strings like file handles?

2003-07-11 Thread Ali Young
This came up when I was playing with a module that expected to read some 
text from a file when I was actually trying to make it use the text in a 
string. This seemed simple but I've not yet found a way to do.

My question is whether it is possible to make a string act enough like a 
filehandle so that you can read from it and print to it? If it is 
possible, could someone point me in the right direction please?

Or am I trying to do something fundamentally wolly-headed and broken?


(I apologise if the shock of me asking an actual Perl question is too 
great, I'll try not to do it too often)
Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: The Perl Color?

2003-06-06 Thread Ali Young
> This time I have a camera!

This time I will be talking to people about Perl. Failing that I'll sit in 
the corner and kill more braincells with beer and the E&E Perl book.
Besides, Leon is in Portugal and Matthew is partying in Cambridge *mope*.


Re: The Perl Color?

2003-06-05 Thread Ali Young
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Luis Campos de Carvalho wrote:
> Gareth Morris wrote:
> > To answer the original question, surely blue as in the "Blue Camel"???
>Well, the first Camel book I saw was pink... I don't think that's a 
> good pick... =-]
> Paul Makepeace wrote:
>  > Perlple?
>Nice shot. What kind?
>Its interesting to note that blue + pink = purple. =-]
> Mark Fowler wrote:
>  > So the Perl Mounger colour is Mango orange?
>  > Leon, I blame you.
>Oh, well, I don't think this is a good idea (except for Leon).
>I blame you too, Leon. ;-)
>Any other suggestions?
>Where are the list girls and their good-taste for decoration? =-]
>Elaine? Ali? Please throw in your opinions. After all, this thread 
> stills here only because Dave Cross defended the "Perl Sisters"...

Yes, well. 

OK, lets solve this:
Take a large quantity of psychotropic drugs.
Look at some Perl code.
Tell us what colour is it. If the answer is "black, black, BLACK!" please 
find something other than MSA.

Or find someone with synaesthesia.


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: The Perl Color?

2003-06-05 Thread Ali Young
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:

> Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 05:03:49 -0500
> From: Elaine -HFB- Ashton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: The Perl Color?
> Rafael Garcia-Suarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] quoth:
> *>
> *>Because there are no perl nuns ?
> *>(seems to me that a discussion with "monks" necessarily
> *>involves "brothers")
> I registered the domain '' a long time ago but it never really
> got going due to a decided lack of women and interest. It was likely for
> the best though as perl already has enough of a religious and cultish
> cachet.

For some reason, I hadn't really put much thought into the fact that  
"monks" implied a male-only group in that context. Cue rerun of Life of 

I can't imagine wanting to join a "for the girls" Perl group, since I've 
not met anyone in any Perlmongers group that has made any negative, 
patronising or surprised comments about the fact that I'm a girl who does 
Perl. In my experience, it's only non-techies that get shocked by it.

Besides, "mongeress" just sounds silly.


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156


2003-01-21 Thread Ali Young
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Raf wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using Postgres 7.2.3 and whilst \h ALTER TABLE shows me:
> ALTER TABLE [ ONLY ] table [ * ]
> I can't seem to do:
> borg=# ALTER TABLE my_table ALTER COLUMN my_column DROP NOT NULL;
> ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "NOT"
> borg=#
> Any ideas?  Is it just restricted to dropping defaults?


>From the page:
> Some features are not yet implemented though :
>   * dropping a column
>   * changing a column from NULL to NOT NULL or vice versa
>   * adding a primary key
>   * changing a column type

It was at this point I was screaming "Why $deity, why!". Now I just view
it fondly as a quirk of postgres.

This should work:
UPDATE pg_attribute SET attnotnull = FALSE 
WHERE attname = 'my_column'
AND attrelid = ( SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname  = 'my_table') ;


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

Re: ReadExcel

2002-12-17 Thread Ali Young
On Mon, 16 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm looking for that Perl module, but cant find it, What happened was it
> removed?

You mean Spreadsheet::ParseExcel?
I don't think it comes with the vanilla Perl modules, so you may have to
go get it.


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156

RE: Perl is someone else's bitch

2002-11-08 Thread Ali Young
On Fri, 8 Nov 2002, Alex McLintock wrote:
> An imperial college bod had a t-shirt something like this.
> select * from users where clue > 0 ;
> 0 records returned

You mean ?

By the way, does anyone know of anywhere that sells appropriately themed
vests? I find that t-shirts either never fit across the shoulders or look
like a tent on me, depending on size.


Ali Young
0777 32 96 156