Re: 2 depend or not 2 depend

2010-02-13 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Feb 13, 2010, at 9:30, Nicholas Clark wrote:

[Checking binaries into VCS]
 This system likely *wouldn't* scale if we needed even a second architecture.

We have a git submodule for cpan/.  We primarily deploy and develop on x86_64 
linux, but we also keep the darwin/OS X arch updated so we can run things on 
our laptops.

Graham made to 
easily show which .pm's are out-of-date.

~10 years ago at ValueClick we had Linux and FreeBSD binaries of everything 
(perl, apache, ...) checked into perforce to accomplish the same thing.

Anyway; I agree that it's much nicer than trying to use .rpm/.deb/... 
dependencies in your application.

 - ask

Re: No more IP for you

2010-01-20 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jan 20, 2010, at 6:28, Bruce Richardson wrote:

 IPv6 offers much much larger ranges and much simpler renumbering schemes.
 The old mistakes are undone: enough ways to make new mistakes.
 The demand upon a resource tends to expand to match the supply of the
 resource., to quote the general application of Parkinson's Law.  It may
 seem that IPV6 has a huge range to give out, but that is only going to
 encourage people to produce solutions where every light switch and light
 bulb in the world (and eventually every cell-maintaining nanobot in
 every human body) receives its own IPV6 address.  Once the conversion to
 IPV6 is passed, the new address space will be consumed at a much faster
 rate than the old one.

A standard end-user allocation is, currently, as many IPs as the full IPv4 
address space.  The plan is to do it that way for the first 1/64th of the 
address space or something like that and see how that goes.

 - ask

Re: No more IP for you

2010-01-20 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jan 20, 2010, at 16:44, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

 Isn't it a case of wresting some class-A addresses from the like of IBM,
 ATT and HP and making them use pukka internal addresses for inside
 the firms?

That'd help for a little while; just like whatever market will come up for IPv4 
addresses when no more can be allocated from the RIRs will help for a little 
while.  But really, we're running out.  Yeah, not next month.  Maybe not even 
when the predications say, but by definition before everyone's ready.

  - ask

Re: SHA question

2010-01-15 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jan 15, 2010, at 14:19, ian wrote:

 My understanding[*] is that it computes a checksum for each block of a file
 and only transmits blocks that have different checksums.
 And to calculate the checksum on each block of the file, it has to, um,
 read each block of the file... yes?
 Doesn't rsync *push* rather than *pull* in which case the files it computes 
 the checksum on are all local.
 I did not think it worked in the way you mention without rsync daemon running 
 at the remote end doing the checksum for you.

But with NFS the remote is local.  You need an rsync box running where the 
storage is to get cheaper checksums.

  - ask

Re: Domain acquisition

2009-12-14 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Dec 14, 2009, at 4:09, Jurgen Pletinckx wrote:

 But what is the etiquette in these situations? I'd rather not reveal to them
 to what extent my friend is interested in the domains. To hide that I have
 to go through aliases or proxies. Which feels just a bit sordid, somehow...

1) Offer more money.  No reason to reveal who the real buyer is or what the 
domain is for.

2) Consider if the recipient is actually getting your message (assuming they're 
not responding).  There was an unused domain we wanted where we offered $1000 
(or something like that) but never got a response.   Some time later the domain 
expired and we could get it for $70 or some such from the registrar that 
controlled the almost-deleted domain.

 - ask

Re: Perl Christmas Quiz 2009

2009-11-30 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Nov 30, 2009, at 13:21, Martin A. Brooks wrote:

 A sysadmin and pedant's point of view

I take it sysadmins are too angry and bitter to understand or care for the 
holiday[1] spirit I'm sure the quiz was sent in.  Why don't you go change 
someones password?

  - ask


Re: Efficient sorting of SNMP oids

2009-11-01 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Oct 31, 2009, at 15:17, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

Using Sort::Key::OID or sort::maker would have been great, except  
we need to deploy the script to a rather large number of servers  
and it
is traditionally long and painful to get modules approved and  

in our machines.

Then build it in to your own dist tree.

Yeah; that's what we do.   We have a git submodule (cpan/) with our  
application, so when we upgrade or install a module it gets branched/ 
merged/tracked/code-reviewed/managed just like any other application  
change we make.

We have a helper script[1] that starts the CPAN shell with  
INSTALL_BASE appropriately configured to make it easy.

 - ask


Re: Credit Cards

2009-10-14 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Oct 14, 2009, at 13:39, the hatter wrote:

On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Avleen Vig wrote:

Here in the US, when you place a credit card order online, you almost
always have to give the phone number associated with the credit card
account, and that is definitely verified by the CC company / bank.
I see no problem with this really.

Of course, being a security question, you wouldn't want to set it to  
something that anyone with a phone book can look up.

While they use it to match; they can also use it to call you on a  
verified (by the bank) phone number and confirm that you (the account  
owner or someone in the same household) really did place the order for  
47 chainsaws to be shipped to Nigeria.

 - ask

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Re: Anyone hiring at the moment?

2009-09-29 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Sep 29, 2009, at 8:26, Ricardo Signes wrote:

...but there's also a large culture of beer ignorance.

Once at the local Beverages and More[1] where they have hundreds of  
different beers from around the country and the world I overheard a  
couple talking about choosing between Miller and Budweiser beer. I  
wanted to scream!

 - ask

[1] - the and more part of the name is really  
just to make it sound like a store name.  Beverages would be more  

Re: Anyone hiring at the moment?

2009-09-21 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Sep 21, 2009, at 15:16, Abigail wrote:

I've been bumming around contracting for the last few months - but I
think that a regular salary probably suits me (and my slackness about
invoicing) better. Is anyone interesting hiring at the moment or has
this financial meltdown thing (news of which has reached even the
provinces) stopped all the fun?

Well, we ( are. But that unfortunally requires a  

to (or near) Amsterdam, and I can't imagine anyone willing to do that.

At we hire skilled Perl people once in a while too, but  
we're even farther away!  (Los Angeles; although only half of us are  
there)   :-)

There are a good number of Perl shops around here actually; I think  
it's some combination of a reasonable number of big shops using Perl  
and enough people leaving those places to start new companies (and  
then using Perl).

In other parts of the country not so much; you need a certain pool of  
jobs and workers to keep it going (and growing, hopefully).   It's  
probably the same in London vs outside-London.

The best solution?  Start you own company and hire Perl  
developers!  :-)   (I'll leave the missing steps as an exercise to the  

  - ask

Re: Effort-free, box-it-up paperwork management

2009-08-23 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Aug 23, 2009, at 16:54, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

Prove you haven't dicked with a digital copy.

(Knowing this is

In the US the taxman actually specifically allows reasonable digital  
copies.  It's sorta vague what a proper copy is; I'm guessing so if  
it's a terrible scan that looks the least bit suspicious they can just  
say they won't allow it.  (Which in turn is why my accountant here  
also tells me to keep the paper versions in a box somewhere).

This is the future; we were supposed to be done with paper already.   
Also, jetpack!

 - ask

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Re: Decent OS X audio rip software

2009-07-27 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jul 27, 2009, at 11:19, Paul Makepeace wrote:

I've just discovered that iTunes will merrily rip CDs with errors and
make no mention of this. Is there a way to have iTunes bail or retry
on rip error?

I've no idea what it does, but there's a Use error-correction on  
Audio CDs checkbox in the preferences.

I haven't tried it, but I looked at Rip and Max for my never- 
happening re-encode-everything project: and

 - ask

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Re: [OT] Wrapping methods

2009-07-06 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jul 6, 2009, at 9:06, Nicholas Clark wrote:

Of course this can also be solved in various other ways, such as  
having the

code be

  @ISA = 'Generic::Base::ClassWithTimeout';

  sub run_with_timeout {
   ... # does stuff

and Generic::Base::ClassWithTimeout having a run() method that calls
$self-run_with_timeout(...) inside the alarmed block, but that  
doesn't feel

as elegant an interface.

I'm pretty sure Moose can help with this sort of thing.

I think you can get the API reasonably elegant with just clever naming  
though.  Don't make it run_with_timeout, but _run (or whatever -  
something generic).   The Generic::Base::run can call that  
automatically so it'll Just Work for all the classes (with or without  

 - ask

Re: Java wonks?

2009-06-30 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen  Weird ... that doesn't work.  :-)

 - ask

Re: Hardware Reliability

2009-06-05 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jun 5, 2009, at 19:34, Avleen Vig wrote:

All is not what it seems.
Take this with a spoon of salt.

That is so unfair; you must tell more.  :-)

Re: Hardware Reliability

2009-06-04 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On Jun 4, 2009, at 13:49, wrote:

Can somebody please point me in the direction of some authorative  
reliability statistics for server hardware, preferably including add- 
ons such as disc arrays?

Google has a paper on that stuff for individual disks.  In my  
experience failure rates for everything else is much lower (but each  
failure of course is more hassle):

 - ask

-- -

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-19 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On May 19, 2009, at 7:22, Paul Johnson wrote:

The way I do this is to build perl and all the modules I need on the
development machine.  Then I package up the whole lot as a single

The big failure in this is that you can only have one version of  
stuff.  One developer experimentally wants to try a new version of  
Foo::Bar?   Too bad.   Want to deploy two versions of your app on the  
same box (prod/stage running as different users).  Too bad.   One  
developer debugging an older version of the application that a partner  
is using?  Too bad.

Perl modules are part of your application; not of the system.

  - ask

Re: Best practice for releasing Perl modules to staging and live

2009-05-18 Thread Ask Bjørn Hansen

On May 18, 2009, at 6:22, ian wrote:

How best to ensure different environments have the same versions of  
Perl modules?

A CPAN module is part of the application code, so treat it as such.

We have a Perl installation with a basic clean perl install; no  
extra modules.  Our application has a cpan submodule (yay git) where  
we install all the CPAN modules we need.  This way all branches (in  
development) and releases (for staging and production) include exactly  
the module versions we need.

We have a couple helper scripts to make it easy:

CPAN shell that sets the paths just right ('CBROOTLOCAL' is the local  
application path):

Wrapper that starts the right version of perl (configured in a  
configuration file) with PERL5LIB set correctly:

Check that we've installed the same versions of a module for all  
architectures (we deploy on Linux, but do some development on our macs):

  - ask

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