Song to the Siren, lute voice

2005-05-03 Thread carlos flores

Song to the Siren, on the renaissance lute: i played this without 
a one-take-recording, impromptu. Usually i'd mess it up at some point when
recording like that but this time it didn't, so here it is if someone may 
to listen to it:


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RE: composers style, analysing for

2005-02-19 Thread carlos flores

>Once one knows what 'rifs' and harmonic progressions typify a particular 
>work, sure, it not hard to set up programs to throw the dice (ala mozarts 
>Some composers did in have identifyable rythms and/or rifs; others are more 
>in their style.

The machines can never imitate Feeling though. Personally, i can never find 
a piece charming or being touched by it if i don't like Feeling of this 
piece/creation--no matter how "matematically-correct" it is. A machine 
cannot transmit a feeling because it has no Awareness. And awareness is the 
degree of one being's consciousness about its connection to Infinity.
I feel that we as creators strive for that--to bring back into life our 
connection with the Infinite. I know that people with true connection with 
Infinity (is called fierce innocence) can do just anything, they can take 
three stones, throw them in the air, and still the stones will fall into a 
pattern that will cary grace and a touch of the infinite in it. And in a 
subsurface level, beyound the superficial/artificial, that's what really 
touches people. I've seen people even often cry when they witness a free 
gesture of grace and selflessnes, and i know they can cry because they know 
deep inside of them that they had it all--this grace and innocence, but 
little by little they neglected it and gave it away in exchange for selfish 
concern about ego "superiority" and selfpresentation. So they cry for a lost 
connection. But man, i'm telling you, no machine will bring it back:)
If  one is stiff, egotistical, cut from every thing, "superiour", they can 
do all the right calculations of matematical proportions of harmonic 
progressions, etc, but they can only fool the blind with such 'creations'.

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Re: lute siting

2005-02-14 Thread carlos flores

>Another example perhaps of how uninformed film makers are about musical
>matters.  Everything is authentic to the last detail except the music.

Oh yeah, its sometimes just ridiculous:)  --like for example on this movie i 
saw sometime ago, there was this real romantic scene where on a hill, the 
dark outlined sylhuette of a guy was playing (holding) the highland pipes 
(the film is about 15 century). So thats already weird--we didn't have such 
pipes in Scottland then.. To make things worst, on this image they had the 
sound of Irish Uillean pipes playing...

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Bransle Simple1 A. Francisque

2005-02-04 Thread carlos flores
dear people,
just recorded this yesterday: branle simple1 Antoine Francissuqe
if someone wants to use it as sound refference to tablature or just listen 
for fun, it's here:

Rosin Dimitry

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Non-lute message

2005-01-28 Thread carlos flores
To those who saw the title "non-lute", red the message, and made the effort 
to complain about it:
with all my respect, I gave "non-lute" name of the message exactly for 
people like you, to spare
you reading 'sucking' stuff. If, however it pleases you to complain, please 
go ahead.

And before you pucker your lips and squint your eyes in a scornful, 
capricious face you may want
to know that it is NOT MY PLEASURE to post such messages. I post them 
because i think that
there is sense of emergency and responsibility. Democracy is a very fragile 
dream, believe me!
NEVER take democracy for granted. AND: democracy is not to be viewed from 
the observers'
seats. To be aware is already to participate.

How do you like this:
"...This so-called ill treatment and torture in detention centers, stories 
of which were spread
everywhere among the people, and later by the prisoners who were freed… were 
not, as
some assumed, inflicted methodically, but were excesses committed by 
individual prison
guards, their deputies, and men who laid violent hands on the detainees. "

Can anyone tell me who said that? Was it:

A) George W. Bush?
B) John Ashcroft?
C) Donald Rumsfeld?
D) Someone else?

If you answered “someone else", you’d be right. It was Rudolf Hoess, SS 
Kommandant of the infamous Auschwitz death camp where over 2.5 million 
people were murdered.

Conservatives, who love to call Liberals whiny, get whiny as hell when the 
Bush administration is compared to Nazi Germany, or to fascism in general. 
Guess what, though? The comparisons are beginning to come through more and 

Scott Horton wrote in the LA Times:

Consider the memorandum written by Alberto Gonzales – then the president’s 
attorney, now his nominee for attorney general. He wrote that the Geneva 
Convention was “obsolete” when it came to the war on terror. Gonzales 
reasoned that our adversaries were not parties to the convention and that 
the Geneva concept was ill suited to anti-terrorist warfare.

In 1941, General-Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, the head of Hitler’s 
Wehrmacht, mustered identical arguments against recognizing the Geneva 
rights of Soviet soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front. Keitel even called 
Geneva “obsolete,” a remark noted by U.S. prosecutors at Nuremberg, who 
cited it as an aggravating circumstance in seeking, and obtaining, the death 
penalty. Keitel was executed in 1946.

Hitler was installed, then re-elected. Bush was installed, then re-elected. 
Hitler had Reichstag, Bush had 9/11. (I am not implying government collusion 
in 9/11, FYI) Both used their respective catastrophes to assume more power 
(Hitler with the Enabling Act, Bush with the USA PATRIOT Act), and to assume 
dictatorial powers.

Hitler used Christianity to give his words absolute authority and decried 
any who dissented as unpatriotic. Bush uses Christianity to give his words 
absolute authority and decries any who dissent as unpatriotic.

Hitler said:

“The German people are not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which 
means it does not want a war, but does not fear it. It loves peace but also 
loves its honor and freedom”

Bush said:

We’re pursuing a strategy of freedom around the world, because I understand 
free nations will reject terror. Free nations will answer the hopes and 
aspirations of their people. Free nations will help us achieve the peace we 
all want.

I have rejected this type of comparison of Bush to Hitler for months, 
because Hitler was a genocidal maniac bent on ruling the world with his 
ideology. I submit this comparison now because I believe the same to be true 
of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will have his empire, and he will kill any person, group, or 
country that stands in his way. I challenge any of you to tell me why that 
is not so, as he has already proved it.

The great American traditionally land of freedom is being turned into a 
prison state. I read this and
can't believe my eyes, how people can let this:

"...An Oregon anti-terrorism bill would jail street demonstrators for at 
least 25 years in a thinly veiled
effort to discourage anti-war protests, critics say. Actual bill states that 
protesters would be
imprisoned in forced labor gulags..."

Do you still have the scorn face on? It goes well with you? You knew about 
it already? You didn't
want to know about it?

Free speech zones? Hello, wake up! While you slept they reduced a Free 
Speech country into tiny
controlled "Free Speech Zones". Caricature of what America is supposed to 

Controlled Mass Media? Wake up, this AINT NO RIGHT! :
Conservative columnist discloses CIA operative's name, liberal reporters 
face jail time:

Articles published by American outlets suppressed in their own country 
(talking about Auschwitz):


non-lute message

2005-01-27 Thread carlos flores
" Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it
is a merger of State and corporate power.". Benito Mussolini

It is the sixtieth year anniversarry of the liberation of Auschwitz.
People were exterminated there in the name of "purity", in the
name of "order", in the name of "cleaning". These concepts of
purity, order and cleanness were injected into the masses brains
through ideologies of suepriority, self-importance and "security".

I feel it is our duty to be ever cautious about such mental conditionig
repeating itself. For that purpose, for whatever it is worth, here are
the basic characteristics of fasism:

"...For the purpose of this perspective, I will consider the following 
regimes: Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco’s Spain, Salazar’s Portugal, 
Papadopoulos’s Greece, Pinochet’s Chile, and Suharto’s Indonesia. To be 
sure, they constitute a mixed bag of national identities, cultures, 
developmental levels, and history. But they all followed the fascist or 
protofascist model in obtaining, expanding, and maintaining power. Further, 
all these regimes have been overthrown, so a more or less complete picture 
of their basic characteristics and abuses is possible.

Analysis of these seven regimes reveals fourteen common threads that link 
them in recognizable patterns of national behavior and abuse of power. These 
basic characteristics are more prevalent and intense in some regimes than in 
others, but they all share at least some level of similarity.

1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism. From the prominent 
displays of flags and bunting to the ubiquitous lapel pins, the fervor to 
show patriotic nationalism, both on the part of the regime itself and of 
citizens caught up in its frenzy, was always obvious. Catchy slogans, pride 
in the military, and demands for unity were common themes in expressing this 
nationalism. It was usually coupled with a suspicion of things foreign that 
often bordered on xenophobia.

2. Disdain for the importance of human rights. The regimes themselves viewed 
human rights as of little value and a hindrance to realizing the objectives 
of the ruling elite. Through clever use of propaganda, the population was 
brought to accept these human rights abuses by marginalizing, even 
demonizing, those being targeted. When abuse was egregious, the tactic was 
to use secrecy, denial, and disinformation.

3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause. The most 
significant common thread among these regimes was the use of scapegoating as 
a means to divert the people’s attention from other problems, to shift blame 
for failures, and to channel frustration in controlled directions. The 
methods of choice—relentless propaganda and disinformation—were usually 
effective. Often the regimes would incite “spontaneous” acts against the 
target scapegoats, usually communists, socialists, liberals, Jews, ethnic 
and racial minorities, traditional national enemies, members of other 
religions, secularists, homosexuals, and “terrorists.” Active opponents of 
these regimes were inevitably labeled as terrorists and dealt with 

4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism. Ruling elites always 
identified closely with the military and the industrial infrastructure that 
supported it. A disproportionate share of national resources was allocated 
to the military, even when domestic needs were acute. The military was seen 
as an expression of nationalism, and was used whenever possible to assert 
national goals, intimidate other nations, and increase the power and 
prestige of the ruling elite.

5. Rampant sexism. Beyond the simple fact that the political elite and the 
national culture were male-dominated, these regimes inevitably viewed women 
as second-class citizens. They were adamantly anti-abortion and also 
homophobic. These attitudes were usually codified in Draconian laws that 
enjoyed strong support by the orthodox religion of the country, thus lending 
the regime cover for its abuses.

6. A controlled mass media. Under some of the regimes, the mass media were 
under strict direct control and could be relied upon never to stray from the 
party line. Other regimes exercised more subtle power to ensure media 
orthodoxy. Methods included the control of licensing and access to 
resources, economic pressure, appeals to patriotism, and implied threats. 
The leaders of the mass media were often politically compatible with the 
power elite. The result was usually success in keeping the general public 
unaware of the regimes’ excesses.

7. Obsession with national security. Inevitably, a national security 
apparatus was under direct control of the ruling elite. It was usually an 
instrument of oppression, operating in secret and beyond any constraints. 
Its actions were justified under the rubric of protecting “national 
security,” and questioning its activities was portrayed as unpatriotic or 
even treasonous.

8. Religion and r

Re: Re: Carbon fiber strings

2005-01-26 Thread carlos flores
>Jon wrote:
>I can agree with the beauty of the bass<
i'm not talking about "the beauty of the bass" (whatever that means),
what i talk about is the fact that most of us, lute players, preffer
a LONGER VIBRATING TONE. I've taken time to read some
of your lenghtly writings (hard to find exactly what your question is
each time, they say--hehe) and i've never seen this one concept being
mentioned. So i though i'd give you my attention and mention something
"new" for your 'explorations'. Or have you passed the age when the last 
for new things is sealed:))) (hope not!)
So, may-be, amongst all of your empirical mesurements of tension, stress, 
vibrating lenght, diameter, etc.., time lenght of the vibrating tone can 
find place too
if you wish..

>Jon wrote:
>and I'm not sure how R. got the
>impression that I was suggesting a certain pitch for a certain guage (and
>I'm not sure what that means).<
i thought that's what you talk about all the time: the corelations, 
proportions, dependencies, etc,
between gauges, pitches, vibrating lenghts, densities etc. What i meant is 
that besides
all these notions, the notion/exploration of Time Lenght of Vibration can be
interesting to be studied too--together with it's corelations with the other 
>Jon wrote:
>One can go as long as one wants on fretted
>courses, just make a longer neck and more frets<
no. not for the renaissance lute repertoire at least. what do you play J?

>Jon wrote:
>and if your arm is too
>short get an assistant to do the fretting <
May-be my hand's lenght is just like you 'sight': handsome for a hand but 
for a sight. Hey Jon, do you have you thick glasses somewhere there within
a...hand's reach? (hahaha!!!) Or may-be you attach them to your cardigan's 
with an appropriate gauge/density/lenght string to pull them when they are 
too far.
Come on Jon, don't be a girlie:) You want my measurements and picture? I 
preffer only female girls though:Þ
take care!

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Re: Re:Jon

2005-01-01 Thread carlos flores
Hey Jon, thanks for your beautiful reply! I have to use this pther email now 
because mine is set up with some option that doesen't "digest" code. Someone 
was greatly helpful from the list and gave me hints at how to change options 
for 'code' which i'll try soon.

Happy New Year!


p.s. and, you DO feel the Inent: as music, and other abstract things, you 
even manipulate it without knowing it:)))! It's not something like BAM!! 
out-of-body experience!!! It can be most of the time very very subtle, yet 
there, making the essence of things...its a feeling. Life is a feeling

>From: "Jon Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: ,"carlos flores" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re:Jon
>Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 02:16:37 -0500
>I agree entirely - I misspoke. Music is defined within one's self. My 
>was merely to describe the transmission process from an external source, 
>it was triggered by R's "tongue in cheek" speculation on conical strings. I
>should have said that the ear defines what we physically hear, not what we
>sense. A well educated "ear" may hear a two note "open chord" and feel the
>full sense of the chord. I fell into the trap of confusing the music with
>the sound, mea culpa, but understandable as I've been working on the
>technical aspects of the sounds of strings.
>As to Vibratory Force - Intent. That is above my pay grade. I am of a
>generation that hasn't given much attention to self examination, be it "new
>Age" or "old Age". The 1956 book "The Silent Generation" was written by a
>Princeton professor based on interviews with my friends and classmates. 
>were all anonymous, but I could name them by the interviews - and they
>weren't really representative, as they talked about themselves. I think you
>characterized the "new Agers" quite well - and in the 70s they did claim to
>sharpen razor blades with mini pyramids (but to the best of my knowledge
>none of them tried to shave with them).
>I haven't the vaguest idea who John Keely is, nor what his Solar System is.
>The music of the spheres is a concept that I think dates back to the 
>Greeks, but if not then to the Middle Ages. A semi religious sense of the
>organization of the universe. But it has been too many years for me to
>remember the source of the phrase.
>I'm afraid I'm an inveterate materialist (in the sense of the physical
>universe, not in the sense of personal possessions). I see no invisible
>forces influencing us (excepting the confirmed statistical effect of the
>full moon on police reports, and the physical effect on the tides). I am
>interested in vibrating String Theory (both that of musical strings and the
>13 dimensional galactic sized "strings" that are being proposed as a basis
>of modern astrophysics). But I'm only investigating the musical strings.
>Oh what a boring man I must be, I am not in contact with any Force. Nor do 
>introspect as to my Intent. I just like to play and hear music (much of it
>internal), watch a bird fly and wish I could do it, shape a piece of wood
>into something beautiful and read books (history, mystery, thrillers and
>chillers). (That was incomplete, but I liked the rhymes). Being in my 70th
>year it is probably that I'll find the eternal answers (if they are there)
>sooner than most of you. I'd just as soon wait as long as possible.
>Best, Jon
>..i feel differently about Music, I can hear music without
>any physical vibrations in the air, can hear it, grasp it
>and put it on paper. Then it can appear as a alternate
>sequence of variating air densities, but it was
>already Music even before that.
>The solely concern
>of "creating alternate compressions in the air"-you can't be
>that 'Technical' to the core can you? There is
>more than the physical part to music-it's Feeling. Feeling is
>Intent. We are Humans--much more than
>machines. Machines can detect "vocabulary" and syntax commands,
>mesure frequencies, classify in neat
>taxonomy categories, detect faults and missmatches etc,  but
>cannot be aware of Feeling.
>I (or millions others) can write a musical piece and Intend
>you to feel a particular feeling, mood or even image
>from it. Without any "syntax", no "vocabulary".  And if
>my Intending has been impeccable, if I had enough personal
>power, energy and selflesness, then such a music can
>move you to feel inexplicable joy, longing..: whatever
>the feeling at hand is-even from a sh-i-tt-y LoFi recording
>that doesn't challenge even

100th monkey New Year:)

2005-01-01 Thread carlos flores

Dear Musical Beings!
Happy New Year
with lots of joy, health, inner peace, music,  and integrity!

I'd like to say a few words about our being human:
We are human beings who are naturally connected.
What divides us are purely "intellectual" notions of
mental doctrines of all kind. They feed us with such
dividing doctrines from childhood to exhaustion, and
in the end we finish by being even 'emotionally' attached
to such idiologies and empty idealities.
I feel this pathetic, emotional attachment and pride for
purely mental notions and words is absurd, yet, in the
bottom of most homisidal conflicts.

I wish to all (and myself included) not to take themselves
too seriously and personally. To make it a habit to laugh
at oneself, just the same way we make it a habit to get
constantly tense and defend ourselves.
This is really hard to be practiced with people and things
that "get" us. But, hey, once it is defined as a purpose, we
will succeed little by little, in little steps, with practice:)

I feel the key to this is to break the continuity a tensness in
a difficult interaction and to breath and laugh at oneself internally.
I feel this has a lot to do with playing music, especially performing.
We mostly get tense in front of public for two reasons: bad
preparation (or body attitude) and taking suddenly oneself too

I feel that when several people (despite geography etc) in the
world are set on an abstract purpose in unison, then a "mood"
is created that cary this purpose and so it can affect others too
in a positive way.

In the "hundred monkeys" phenomenon observed by anthropologists
some small group of monkeys suddenly started to use some stick
as a tool to eat some potatos in an island. Very soon, all monkeys in
the archipelago started doing the same, never observed before gesture,
although the islands were completely isolate physically.
This phenomenon, the behaviour some little fishes that form a shark,
and people and animals (and even photons!) shows that we are all
interconnected in some sort of a network where feeling and information
can be exchanged and propagated. This 'network' is beyound time/space

So they said that the monkeys succeeded to 'proprgate' their new habit
after they had acquired a "critical mass", after the hundredth monkey:)
Thus the name of the phenomenon.

So it may sound naive, but who cares, we can build concensus of human
beings and lute players who put from time to time laughter and 
in the music:) and in the "network".
We know that, otherwise, some others "work" anyway endlessly on floading the 
with all kinds of dark and gloomy things that spread like sinister 
So, it sounds crazy, but who cares, for whatever it is worth and may-be like
this we give something to our common humanity. Just a New Years wish:) 
to report or discuss later.

Rossein D

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2004-12-29 Thread carlos flores
>Whatever I can show on the "sillyscope" or prove as to the effects of
>"spinning bodies" or conical strings on the actual tone production there is
>only one instrument that can define music. The human ear,

in my case it’s more the Heart that defines music, but it
doesn’t matter : big world, different ways

>Music is sound, a complex
>sound, yes. But still the alternate compressions and rarefactions of the
>sound (air) wave can only be heard as music by that ancient receiver.

..i feel differently about Music, I can hear music without
any physical vibrations in the air, can hear it, grasp it
and put it on paper. Then it can appear as a alternate
sequence of variating air densities, but it was
already Music even before that.
The solely concern
of “creating alternate compressions in the air”—you can’t be
that ‘Technical’ to the core can you? There is
more than the physical part to music—it’s Feeling. Feeling is
Intent. We are Humans--much more than
machines. Machines can detect "vocabulary" and syntax commands,
mesure frequencies, classify in neat
taxonomy categories, detect faults and missmatches etc,  but
cannot be aware of Feeling.

I (or millions others) can write a musical piece and Intend
you to feel a particular feeling, mood or even image
from it. Without any “syntax”, no “vocabulary”.  And if
my Intending has been impeccable, if I had enough personal
power, energy and selflesness, then such a music can
move you to feel inexplicable joy, longing..: whatever
the feeling at hand is—even from a sh-i-tt-y LoFi recording
that doesn't challenge even half of the humanly audable range
of sound frequencies.

The Vibratory Force-Intent, is ancient and mysterious, that’s
why it’s ‘Old Age’. It’s everywhere and we can be friends
with it or command it. It starts by starting to examine your
true Intent for everything you do or say. Then you’ll
discover that most of it is hooked on the “Me”, it’s a
‘self-service’ (mastur...). The ‘Cult of ME’ today—we
can’t even give a gift nowadays without contaminating
the whole thing with some issue of the “Me” and its
endless worries for selfpresentation-lol.
In ‘New Age’ there is no need to examine Intent: you
can just dress up in something, chant, and dance with
some “godesses” in the forest (haha). A self presentation
circus where in the end you stay the same   a s s
that you are (or even worse).

So they sharpen razor blades in pyramids? I haven't
heard of that but may-be they are simply pragmatic
people that use a phenomenon, not "new-agers".
Did it ever occure to you that this phenomenon may
happen as a result of 'reversing time' effect in the pyramid (new age 

The music of the spheres--John Keely's Solar System?

One thing is for sure---this world is more mysterious
and wonderous than we can ever dream of. To open
its wonders one need to explore honestly without
preconcieved judgements. There is one branch in
philosophy called phenomenology. There one is to
attempt to look at the world without priory. Epoche.

>have a few problems with your "like wow" vocabulary, but I think I'm
>working my way through it (and enjoying it).

Joy makes perfect:)
"like wow"...haha--makes one think of the way
'Valley Girl's talk-they've got
this lingo and one can be amazed at the number
of concepts they can "communicate"
with 2-3 words. Unfortunately, they're not really
carried by genres that deal with abstractions
or, yeah, whatever (lololol)

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