2005-05-06 Thread Craig Allen
Roman wrote:

I know what your intent is, but Bob Heinlein is not exactly a model of
intellectual precision, obviously...

Obvious to you maybe. Are the conclusions wrong?


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2005-05-06 Thread lute9
Craig Allen scripsit:
 Roman wrote:
 I know what your intent is, but Bob Heinlein is not exactly a model of
 intellectual precision, obviously...
 Obvious to you maybe. Are the conclusions wrong?
You might be helped by the original context, but the way the aphorism was
presented makes is sound like advocacy of a police state.
Roman M. Turovsky

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2005-05-06 Thread The Other
 I know what your intent is, but Bob Heinlein is not exactly a model of
 intellectual precision, obviously...

Robert Heinlein.

What do you think about his premise in Starship Troopers?
(I'll need to reread the book again to be certain.)

That the right to vote is only given to those who have served in the  

The Other

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2005-05-06 Thread lute9
The Other scripsit:

 I know what your intent is, but Bob Heinlein is not exactly a model of
 intellectual precision, obviously...
 Robert Heinlein.
 What do you think about his premise in Starship Troopers?
 (I'll need to reread the book again to be certain.)
 That the right to vote is only given to those who have served in the
How telling..

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2005-05-06 Thread lute9
Craig Allen scripsit:
 Roman wrote:
 I know what your intent is, but Bob Heinlein is not exactly a model of
 intellectual precision, obviously...
 Obvious to you maybe. Are the conclusions wrong?
Unlike you, I had an 18 years experience of living in a police state. Beware
of what you are asking for.
Roman M. Turovsky

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2005-05-06 Thread Craig Allen
Roman wrote:

You might be helped by the original context, but the way the aphorism was
presented makes is sound like advocacy of a police state.

Actually you may be helped by the original context. I know what it is. For 
context read Starship Troopers. Try to pay attention to the messages being 
given by the teacher rather than all the blowing up of alien bugs (something 
the film version missed completely, but then Hollywood would rather blow things 
up than tell a story)

As Steven T.O. Stubbs pointed out that is the book the quote is taken from 
and it does have to do with the right to vote being granted to those who have 
served their nation, presumeabley through military service. People often forget 
the service part that goes along with military and government service in 
general. The average citizen doesn't (in any country) in the main serve the 
nation in any way. Communism in the old Soviet regime and the current versions 
in China, Korea, and elsewhere tried that by demanding that everything belongs 
to the State. That to me is a true police state, where it's a crime against the 
state to possess anything. This is not the premise in Heinleins book. Instead 
it shows the average person what the nation means and why it is important to 
want to fight for it, and that only those willing to lay down their lives earn 
(notice that word) the right to participate in the governing of the nation. 
People in general, but Americans in particular take Fre!
 edom for granted. That's the point I (and Heinlein) was making.


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2005-05-06 Thread lute9
Craig Allen scripsit:

 Roman wrote:
 You might be helped by the original context, but the way the aphorism was
 presented makes is sound like advocacy of a police state.
 Actually you may be helped by the original context. I know what it is. For
 context read Starship Troopers. Try to pay attention to the messages being
 given by the teacher rather than all the blowing up of alien bugs (something
 the film version missed completely, but then Hollywood would rather blow
 things up than tell a story)
 As Steven T.O. Stubbs pointed out that is the book the quote is taken from
 and it does have to do with the right to vote being granted to those who have
 served their nation, presumeabley through military service. People often
Does producing a nation's Culture qualify as a Service?
Who is more qualified to vote, Hoppy Smith or Lynndie England

 forget the service part that goes along with military and government service
 in general. The average citizen doesn't (in any country) in the main serve the
 nation in any way.
Horsefeathers. In many countries they do, and they are remunerated for it in
a variety of social ways. The USA doesn't give a fecal pellet about average
citizens, why should it expect large civic spirit from them?

 Communism in the old Soviet regime and the current versions
 in China, Korea, and elsewhere tried that by demanding that everything belongs
 to the State. That to me is a true police state, where it's a crime against
 the state to possess anything.
Craig, if I were you I'd avoid talking about something about which you have
no idea.

 This is not the premise in Heinleins book.
 Instead it shows the average person what the nation means and why it is
 important to want to fight for it, and that only those willing to lay down
 their lives earn (notice that word) the right to participate in the governing
 of the nation. People in general, but Americans in particular take Fre!
 edom for granted. That's the point I (and Heinlein) was making.
We are all grown up people here, and we all know that Heilein's fascist
fairytales  for adults fail to reflect nasty qualities of real human
beings, especially corrupted by power (or firepower).
This is why in intelligent circles RH doesn't qualify as literature.


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2005-05-06 Thread Eugene C. Braig IV
At 08:59 AM 5/6/2005, The Other wrote:
Robert Heinlein.

What do you think about his premise in Starship Troopers?
(I'll need to reread the book again to be certain.)

That the right to vote is only given to those who have served in the

I don't think anything at all about the context of this list. 

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2005-05-06 Thread Roman Turovsky
Eugene C. Braig IV scripsit:

 At 08:59 AM 5/6/2005, The Other wrote:
 Robert Heinlein.
 What do you think about his premise in Starship Troopers?
 (I'll need to reread the book again to be certain.)
 That the right to vote is only given to those who have served in the
 I don't think anything at all about the context of this list.
Is the Right to bear Lutes inalienable?

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2005-05-06 Thread Eugene C. Braig IV
At 10:21 AM 5/6/2005, Roman Turovsky wrote:
Is the Right to bear Lutes inalienable?

Without doubt!

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2005-05-06 Thread lute9
Eugene C. Braig IV scripsit:
 At 10:21 AM 5/6/2005, Roman Turovsky wrote:
 Is the Right to bear Lutes inalienable?
 Without doubt!
Make it audible in Washington.

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2005-05-06 Thread Eugene C. Braig IV
At 10:34 AM 5/6/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Eugene C. Braig IV scripsit:
  At 10:21 AM 5/6/2005, Roman Turovsky wrote:
  Is the Right to bear Lutes inalienable?
  Without doubt!
Make it audible in Washington.

Oddly enough, part of my day job is to pound the pavement and be audible on 
the Hill in DC on occasion.  Unfortunately, it doesn't involve making the 
pitch with lute kin in hand.  Ah well...


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2005-05-06 Thread lute9
 At 10:21 AM 5/6/2005, Roman Turovsky wrote:
 Is the Right to bear Lutes inalienable?
 Without doubt!
Given that a theorbo could take a few lives in one sideways sweep: could it
be considered a Lute of Mass Destruction?

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2005-05-05 Thread RichardTomBeck
Hi Arto,

I remember the days before the Berlin Wall came down. I was living in Germany 
at the time. From the Americans helping out in the Berlin blockade, onto the 
Russian invasion of the then Czechoslovakia in 1968, the Solidarity movement 
in Poland, and many, many more crises which directly affected the Germans, the 
USA could do no wrong. Sure, there was the Baader-Meinhof gang, and a few 
others who were against Vietnam, but America was the great saviour. The same 
true of most of western Europe.  

Now that Communism, and with it the threat of being both dead and red, has 
gone, the climate has changed. The same nation, America, on whom Europe relied 
for its safety for more than forty years has become 'The Great Satan'. The more 
sensible among European media are beginning to realize that the demonisation 
of America is taking on proportions which remind one of the demonisation of 
the Jews. The reasons for this are clear. There is a huge Muslim population in 
Europe which needs to be pacified, for obvious reasons. Then America supports 
Israel, (as it also does financially countries like Egypt and many others 
enemies of Israel), but supporting Israel is the cardinal sin. 

No one doubts or denies that America has made mistakes, but only someone 
wilfully blind would not see that America has learned from those same mistake. 
still remember George Wallace threatening a couple of Blacks with a baseball 
bat as they tried to enter the University of Alabama in the 50s (?). Watching 
television after 9/11 and on countless other occasions, one saw almost only 
black people in every possible position of power and influence, directing the 
rescue services, the fire brigade, the police, in hospitals as 
surgeons=E2=80=A6. The last 
two Secretaries of State have been black (and one of them was the head of the 
armed forces before that), as have many other important politicians, 
academics, musicians. One could go on, endlessly=E2=80=A6.  That's America. 
They make huge 
mistakes, but they learn. 

In describing America as you do, you overlook one vital factor. Almost 
without exception, America has been on the side of the angels. They were 
against the 
Communists and the Nazis, and contributed immensely towards freeing the world 
from both those evils. They are against the Islamic tyrannies, and have taken 
a first step in setting Iraq on the road to democracy. It took years in 
Germany and Japan to do the same after 1945, and no doubt it will in Iraq, too. 
only that, but other Middle Eastern despots and tyrants are beginning to see 
that the game is up. Syria is out of the Lebanon, Libya has kept very quiet 
for a long time now, even renouncing terrorism=E2=80=A6. The Palestinians have 
managed to hold something approaching an election=E2=80=A6

Of course you and I could point to situations where America has acted badly, 
but then, who hasn't? I've never been to America, not have I any desire to go 
there. But I do know that, whatever failings the country may have, I owe my 
life to them, as do countless millions of other people. They saved me from 
Nazism, and from Communism. If it ever does come to 'The Clash of Cultures', if 
example Islam tries to reclaim Spain, as it claims it wants to, or if any of 
the other scenarios materialise which wiser heads than mine regard as very 
possible, it will be the US of that comes to our aid, while Chirac, Schroeder 
the rest of them are being sick with fear into the toilet, before 
capitulating as quickly as they did before. Europeans can only afford their 
because if something does go wrong, they know that America will once again save 
them. Can you seriously imagine Chirac or Schroeder doing anything other than 
bluster before they surrender? Put simply, if my future depends on the EU or 
America, I'll take America any day. Cheers

Tom Beck 


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2005-05-05 Thread ariel abramovich

 Of course you and I could point to situations where America has acted 
 but then, who hasn't? I've never been to America, not have I any desire to 
 there. But I do know that, whatever failings the country may have, I owe 
 life to them, as do countless millions of other people. They saved me from
 Nazism, and from Communism. If it ever does come to 'The Clash of 
 Cultures', if for
 example Islam tries to reclaim Spain, as it claims it wants to, or if any 
 the other scenarios materialise which wiser heads than mine regard as very
 possible, it will be the US of that comes to our aid, while Chirac, 
 Schroeder and
 the rest of them are being sick with fear into the toilet, before
 capitulating as quickly as they did before. Europeans can only afford 
 their posturing
 because if something does go wrong, they know that America will once again 
 them. Can you seriously imagine Chirac or Schroeder doing anything other 
 bluster before they surrender? Put simply, if my future depends on the EU 
 America, I'll take America any day. Cheers

Is this all serious, or some kind of a joke?

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2005-05-05 Thread RichardTomBeck
You ask 'Is this all serious, or some kind of a joke?' It's all quite 
serious. and how I feel. Why shouldn't someone admire America and the good it's 
I'm no politician, but reading the other messages on this subject, the others 
don't seem to be either. Cheers



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2005-05-05 Thread ariel abramovich

 You ask 'Is this all serious, or some kind of a joke?' It's all quite
 serious. and how I feel. Why shouldn't someone admire America and the good 
 it's done?
 I'm no politician, but reading the other messages on this subject, the 
 don't seem to be either. Cheers

Sorry, I just wanted to make sure.
Considering what happened in the list not too far away from now, I rather 
stay out of the discussion.
Again, sorry for asking.

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2005-05-05 Thread Dr. Marion Ceruti
Thank you, Richard for the timely reminder.

To have a balanced view, all countries have good characteristics
and bad. No one country is all bad or all good. Besides, what is
good to some is bad to others. The fact is there are graves of
thousands of Americans on foreign soil. These are people who
died for the freedom of other countries. Freedom is not free and
it is also not cheap.

Sometimes we get so focused on what is wrong we forget 
about what is right and good. Let's not throw out the baby
with the bath water. Sing and play lutes. Forget about 
hatred trips, which do no one any good.


-Original Message--
Sent: May 5, 2005 8:50 AM

You ask 'Is this all serious, or some kind of a joke?' It's all quite 
serious. and how I feel. Why shouldn't someone admire America and the good it's 
I'm no politician, but reading the other messages on this subject, the others 
don't seem to be either. Cheers



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2005-05-05 Thread Craig Allen
Marion wrote:

Freedom is not free and it is also not cheap.

You can have peace and you can have freedom. Just don't count on having them 
together. -- Robert A. Heinlein


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2005-05-05 Thread Thomas Schall
I think Arto made the mistake to set the Bush administration equal to the USA. 

I don't think there is much anti-americanismn in europe but Bush (and others 
of his administration) would be regarded as a criminal by a very huge 
percentage of people in europe. 
The US never had a president like that before. Some may admire his 
pseudo-religious and anachronistic believes. Others may be friends of strong 
words and deeds. Anyhow this does not apply to most europeans. And that it is 
so doesn't have anything to do with anti-americanismn. 

ooops - I did it again. Actually I never wanted to contribute to discussions 
like that again. So I better stop at that point ...

Best wishes

Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3
D-65843 Sulzbach

Three switched witches watch three swatch watch switches.
Which switched witch watches which swatch watch switch?

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Re: VERY OFF TOPIC: POLITICS...but I wish it were on topic and not politics.

2005-05-05 Thread Eugene C. Braig IV
Whatever I think of this topic is irrelevant on this list.  I get enough of 
this type of banter from conversation, radio, print media, television, 
etc.  Unfortunately, I get precious little talk of lute kin from most 
conversation, radio, print media, television, etc.  I wish I could get some 
lute talk here.  E-mail me personally and I will be happy to engage in 
discussion on non-plucky topics, but not on this list.


At 06:54 PM 5/4/2005, Arto Wikla wrote:

Dear lute gang,

please forgive me the following... I just try to clear reasons of not
understanding the world today. In a private mail I wrote to one of the
List members the following. And please, if you dislike politics and/or
moral, skip what follows!!!

Here comes the quote from a private mail sent by me:

The next things you probably would not like to hear: It is not
interesting, if Bush is honest or not. It is not interesting if he is
clever or not, it is not even interesting, whether he knows, what he is
doing or not.

What is interesting is that the USA has divorced, separated itself, from
the so called western ideals: they (the government of USA) accept
torture (with a polished name), they have several concentration camps
around the world (with a polished name of course), where real persons -
like you or me -  are kept indefinitely without any rights, without any
justice, perhaps even tortured. Who knows what happens in these camps?
There is no way to check that. They (the government) do not even care
the international law or the Geneve conventions.

So the USA (its government) has intentionally separated itself from the
moral and values that used to make Europe and USA close friends. In my
eyes USA belongs to the same gang with Russia, Pakistan, China, Israel,
Egypt, etc. The human and civil rights are not important, only our
military might means something, hell with the human rights and

But perhaps you can now better understand, how the USA of today can be seen
from outside? And I can assure you, this kind of attitude is VERY common
througout the so called western world! At least in our Old Europe... :-(

All the best and let us hope better times to the world!


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2005-05-05 Thread lute9
Thomas Schall scripsit:
 I think Arto made the mistake to set the Bush administration equal to the USA.
But we, as civilized lutenists, know: there is more to Finland than Arto.

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2005-05-05 Thread corun
Roman wrote:

I wrote:

  You can have peace and you can have freedom. Just don't count on 
 having them
  together. -- Robert A. Heinlein

A recipe for Fascism.

You appear to have missed the point. If you want to keep your freedom you 
must be willing to fight for it, and that tends to obviate peace. Many 
Germans in the 30's had peace, but at what cost? The Vichy French in WWII 
had peace, but at what cost? The Finns too had peace during WWII after they 
won their freedom from the Russians through capitulation with the Nazis. 
But at what cost?


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Civilized lutenists and the continuity of civilization (was RE: VERY OFF TOPIC: POLITICS)

2005-05-05 Thread Stuart LeBlanc

Anyone who wants to get hot and bothered about American barbarism would make a
far more credible and useful argument by critiquing the disproportionate USA
consumption of fossil fuels vs. population.  Current trending indicates that
around the middle of this century, greenhouse gasses will reach a level that
they have not been at since the Eocene period, when sea levels were 100 to 200
meters above what they are presently.

Of course, a truly forward thinking person will take far greater interest in
Chinese efforts to emulate the American (fossil fuel based) economic model,
which if successful will make these trends and their effects far more acute.

So my friends, consider the number and value of lute instrument and lute
manuscript collections in coastal areas.  When the chips are down, the waves
start rolling in at the Folger Library, and tough choices have to be made, which
item do you think they will save: a First Folio or some chicken scratch lute

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 7:06 PM

Thomas Schall scripsit:
 I think Arto made the mistake to set the Bush administration equal to the USA.
But we, as civilized lutenists, know: there is more to Finland than Arto.

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VERY OFF TOPIC: POLITICS - don't read if you are Bush challenged...

2005-05-04 Thread Arto Wikla

Dear lute gang,

please forgive me the following... I just try to clear reasons of not
understanding the world today. In a private mail I wrote to one of the
List members the following. And please, if you dislike politics and/or
moral, skip what follows!!!

Here comes the quote from a private mail sent by me:

The next things you probably would not like to hear: It is not 
interesting, if Bush is honest or not. It is not interesting if he is
clever or not, it is not even interesting, whether he knows, what he is
doing or not.
What is interesting is that the USA has divorced, separated itself, from 
the so called western ideals: they (the government of USA) accept 
torture (with a polished name), they have several concentration camps 
around the world (with a polished name of course), where real persons - 
like you or me -  are kept indefinitely without any rights, without any 
justice, perhaps even tortured. Who knows what happens in these camps? 
There is no way to check that. They (the government) do not even care 
the international law or the Geneve conventions. 

So the USA (its government) has intentionally separated itself from the 
moral and values that used to make Europe and USA close friends. In my 
eyes USA belongs to the same gang with Russia, Pakistan, China, Israel, 
Egypt, etc. The human and civil rights are not important, only our 
military might means something, hell with the human rights and 

But perhaps you can now better understand, how the USA of today can be seen
from outside? And I can assure you, this kind of attitude is VERY common 
througout the so called western world! At least in our Old Europe... :-(
All the best and let us hope better times to the world!

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