Alphabetically sorting the strings rows of a table with Lyx

2000-05-26 Thread Carlos


I'm a user of Lyx.

I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
it is not possible ('is it true? I think so') 
to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example, 
a list of names or a list of words. 

I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical 
order the names or/and 
surnames of my students, lists of words, 
vocabularies, strings... every day.

Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?


RE: Alphabetically sorting the strings rows of a table with Lyx

2000-05-26 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 26-May-2000 Carlos wrote:
 I'm a user of Lyx.
 I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
 it is not possible ('is it true? I think so')  to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
 to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example, 
 a list of names or a list of words. 
 I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical order the names or/and 
 surnames of my students, lists of words, vocabularies, strings... every day.
 Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?

Maybe, but don't count on it, as there is a lot of other important work
todo (obviously we would accept a patch for this if it's made in a clean
way and for the tabular insets as the normal tabulars are doomed to
dissapear :). In any case I'll put your request in my todo folder.



Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-450296

Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice.
-- Kirk, "Metamorphosis", stardate 3220.3


Re: Why no bugzilla ?

2000-05-26 Thread Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen

 Yes, nobody (Lars in this case) found time to set it up. It would
 probably be a good idea, though. It is not magic, however. I believe
 we would have a lot of work to detect duplicate bugs, review them, etc.

I use it on a daily basis. At work we have around 1000 bugs in it, and it
works beautifully. I think it can scale nicely up to around 1
bugs.  That should be sufficient for LyX ;-)

I think Bugzilla would be a good thing to install. It just
makes communication about bugs that much better, that I wouldn't
live without now.

Of course, it is a pain to install because it uses a lot of
non-standard Perl packages, but still, it's definately worth
the effort.



Problem with iputed files

2000-05-26 Thread Emmanuel GUREGHIAN


As I am getting back in lyx business ;-) , excuse me if the bug was
already referenced.

I have a main document wich input other lyx documents which are placed
in sub directories.
But as soon as I have done one ps rendering or saved the document, the /
sign which
delimit the directory name in the input inset is changed in an @.

Anyone has a clue about it ?


BTW I am using lyx 1.1.5 pre3
  |\  _,,,---,,_   Emmanuel GUREGHIAN   
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'  
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

Re: Delete-Crash, and list probs...

2000-05-26 Thread Peter Suetterlin

  Hi all,

looks like I'm having problems to send something to the list from my
dutch account, I'm getting 
  Host unknown (Name server: host not found)
Trying the old account...
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 It seems that this happens when using line-delete-forward on a line
 which begins with spaces. Presumably the spaces get deleted somewhere
 and then LyX crahes when trying to access the last characters which
 are now non-existant.

Looks like my answer to that didn't make it to the list (did you get it
Jean-Marc?) so here a short summary:

The crash only seems to happen when the cursor is sitting between two
spaces.  It doesn't always crash in that case, but when the crash takes
place, it has always been in such an situation.

That is for standard paragraph. In LyX-Code environment it is also
sufficent to have some spaces at the beginning of the line.


Peter "Pit" Suetterlin
Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen
Tel.: +49 551 39-5048   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * --
Come and see the stars!
Sternfreunde Breisgau e.V.  Tel.: +49 7641 3492

Re: Bugs or compile problem?

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Caleb" == Caleb Lyness [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Caleb Hi, I have just compiled, patched... recompiled lyx-1.1.4 (fix
Caleb 3). I have a linux box running a heavily upgraded RH 5.2. (not
Caleb really RH anymore ;-) I get the following core dump:

If you have upgraded to glibc 2.x, check that you have the proper
version of xforms library. The errors you get are typical of a libc5
xforms over a glibc system.


Re: dialogbase patch

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Angus" == Angus Leeming [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Angus ps For Allan's benefit, the patch is to be found at
Angus It contains small changes to allow compilation with DEC
Angus compilers (cxx, cc). It also makes use of, rather
Angus than

Allan took a look at your message, and he suspects that you did the
patch against the rae branch, and not the dialogbase branch: or
example, xtl is already supposed to be at version

Could you check again?


Re: LyX X fonts and the command line

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Lior" == Lior Silberman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Lior Attached to this message are the (modified) lyx_main.C,
Lior lyx_main.h, and . The originials were lyx-1.1.5pre3 . I
Lior hope this is what you meant.

It would be easier if you could send in a patch against the original
files from lyx-1.1.5pre3. It helps us to find out what changes have
been done.

A command like
  diff -ur lyx-1.1.5pre3 lyx-1.1.5pre3-new
should give the right output.


Netscape bookmarks to lyx script

2000-05-26 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

Hello all,
during the last weeks I have used lyx, with small modifications
that will be merged later, to make my webpages (that for this moment
are in portuguese and are addressed to my math students).

I have used the website dtd from Norman Walsh (the Docbook book
guy) that is mainly derived
from the docbook xml version.

So using the docbook support, with very little ert I have been
able to produce valid code. I only use a script to strip the headers
but even that will not be needed as soon as the include file support
is done for docbook.

Yes, that means that in the future lyx will be able to export
xml, since it already does. :)

One other thing that I have done was a write a (very very) simple
perl script to translate the netscape bookmarks file into a valid lyx file.

It works very well to me, but it will possibly blow up your
computer, so take it with care. To the best of my knowleage it is safe,
and works as it should, but you never know.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

print  "EOF";
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\\lyxformat 2.16
\\textclass article
\\language default
\\inputencoding latin1
\\fontscheme default
\\graphics default
\\paperfontsize default
\\spacing single
\\papersize Default
\\paperpackage a4
\\use_geometry 0
\\use_amsmath 0
\\paperorientation portrait
\\secnumdepth 3
\\tocdepth 3
\\paragraph_separation indent
\\defskip medskip
\\quotes_language english
\\quotes_times 2
\\papercolumns 1
\\papersides 1
\\paperpagestyle default



$depth++ if(m/DL/g);
$depth-- if(m/\/DL/g);
print "\\layout $sect[$depth]\n\n$1\n";
print  "EOL";
\\layout Itemize

\\begin_inset LatexCommand \\url[$2]{$1}


print "\\the_end"

Re: things to do before 1.1.5

2000-05-26 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 02:19:47AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjnnes wrote:
 o guard against too many pups in TOC and Refs menu items

Done (patch attached).

I didn't receive comments to my previous mail in this thread,
so I'm reposting it below.

* Fix a problem I already mentioned regarding language support:
If you have two single-language documents, one with language L, the
second with language L', and you copy text from document 1 and paste it
into document 2, the text remains in language L, and so the 2nd document
becomes a multi-lingual document.
Possible fixes are
 - Change the language of the pasted text, (unless the document is
  already multi-lingual)
- Highlight foreign language text in the document using an overline
* Fix the cursor problem with mixed LTR  RTL text
(the problem is caused by the fact that a single cursor location on
screen can be mapped into two different internal cursor locations, and
vice versa).
As I already stated, I think that the cleanest solution would be to
add a meta-character to the paragraph's text vector in each position
of a font switch. However there were objections to this solution.

I created a different solution, in which I added a boolean member to
the LyXCursor class, which is use to distinguish between
"cursor before char 7" and "cursor after char 6".
I can submit a patch (after some cleaning), and I would like to have
this patch applied before 1.1.5.

* I also have a patch that reverse numbers in RTL text. Again, I would
  like it to be applied before 1.1.5.
* Add color options to lyxrc


Upcoming article on LyX

2000-05-26 Thread Clemmitt Sigler

Hi all,

Just noticed at the bottom of this "Living Linux" page on O'Reilly's
Linux web site:

this quote:

   'Next week: LyX, a "document processor" application.'

The columnist is Michael Stutz [EMAIL PROTECTED].  I thought the
developers or "PR people" might want to contact him in advance
and offer to answer any questions :^)

Clemmitt Sigler

Re: Bitmapped T1 fonts

2000-05-26 Thread Eran Tromer


Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

 Sorry, it should have been "ae" fonts. Point your browser here for an

The AE fonts are included in RedHat 6.2 and Mandrake 7.0. They seem to
work fine (at least for my current paper...), and are properly exported
as Type 1. All it takes is adding:


(the latter provides bitmapped versions of a few missing characters).

Eran Tromer

Re: Delete-Crash in 1.1.5pre3

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

 "Peter" == Peter Suetterlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Peter Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
 It seems that this happens when using line-delete-forward on a line
 which begins with spaces. Presumably the spaces get deleted
 somewhere and then LyX crahes when trying to access the last
 characters which are now non-existant.

Peter Probably not exclusively. I just tried again (in a standard
Peter paragraph). Strange enough, it is *not* completely
Peter reproducible. I'm always opening the same file, put the cursor
Peter at the same position and start pressing C-k. It almost never
Peter crashes at the same deletion, but will definitely crash within
Peter 2-6 deletions.

Peter But there's no space at the beginning of the line!

I just checked in a fix to avoid removing spaces in the front of a
paragraph in LyX-Code style. This does not solve the real hard
problem, but it was what caused it in your first example.

Peter Wait, just tested something else: It seems to occur when the
Peter cursor is in the last line of a paragraph and is sitting
Peter between two spaces! Hmm, last line is not important, but
Peter sitting between 2 spaces is.

Now we have to tackle this one.


Re: list environment (Lars, please read)

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes) writes:

| Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| |  "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| | 
| | Lars The problem is the \hfill which makes alignment of the lable
| | Lars highly unpredictable. And why doesn't my \makebox work?
| | 
| | Because the box has fixed width \labelwidth even if the actual text is
| | greater than that. Therefore, you get collisions in text.
| But I thought that we set the \labelwidth to the with of the actual
| text. (- hfills). There is something I don't understand here.
| Is it so that the paragraph indent goes out of scope before it is
| used?
| | 
| | Lars Hmm, what happens if we just use:
| | 
| | Lars \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{##1}
| | 
| | We'd have to try it :) I guess the alignement is not the right one
| | anymore. What was the problem with the original form. Would using
| | \hfil (a weak \hfill) work?
| how weak?
| The problem with the \hfill is that it is impossible to right align
| the label.

I just had another look at this and IMO the list version is correct as
it is now. This environment is a hack! And to get the label width
correctly you have to set Label with in Layout-Paragraph.

Why do we need this list environment after all?
A description is basically the same.

btw. It is possible to make the list envir smarter so that you don't
have to set the Label width manually, this would require us to output
the widest label to the .aux file and run latex a second time to get
it right.


Re: list environment (Lars, please read)

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

|  "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
| Lars The problem is the \hfill which makes alignment of the lable
| Lars highly unpredictable. And why doesn't my \makebox work?
| Because the box has fixed width \labelwidth even if the actual text is
| greater than that. Therefore, you get collisions in text.

But I thought that we set the \labelwidth to the with of the actual
text. (- hfills). There is something I don't understand here.
Is it so that the paragraph indent goes out of scope before it is

| Lars Hmm, what happens if we just use:
| Lars \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{##1}
| We'd have to try it :) I guess the alignement is not the right one
| anymore. What was the problem with the original form. Would using
| \hfil (a weak \hfill) work?

how weak?

The problem with the \hfill is that it is impossible to right align
the label.

| JMarc

Re: things to do before 1.1.5

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| Done (patch attached).

In. Lgb

Re: things to do before 1.1.5

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Dekel Tsur [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

| * Add color options to lyxrc

I don't think this is crucial, but if and when we do it commands to
change the colors should also be added to lyxfunc.


Re: Alphabetically sorting the strings rows of a table with Lyx

2000-05-26 Thread Garst R. Reese

Juergen Vigna wrote:
 On 26-May-2000 Carlos wrote:
  I'm a user of Lyx.
  I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
  it is not possible ('is it true? I think so')  to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
  to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example,
  a list of names or a list of words.
  I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical order the names or/and
  surnames of my students, lists of words, vocabularies, strings... every day.
  Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?
 Maybe, but don't count on it, as there is a lot of other important work
 todo (obviously we would accept a patch for this if it's made in a clean
 way and for the tabular insets as the normal tabulars are doomed to
 dissapear :). In any case I'll put your request in my todo folder.
Wouldn't it be easier interface with a spreadsheet?
I just created a table in gnumeric, sorted it, saved it as a latex2e
file, and imported it into LyX. Looked real nice. There are so many
things that a spreadsheet or db prog can do, it seems silly to me to do
them in LyX.

Importing tex files

2000-05-26 Thread Garst R. Reese

The way this works does not seem too intuitive to me.
I expected it to import the tex file as a LyX insert to my current
But if I am in bar.lyx and import foo.tex, I get a new file, foo.lyx,
but there is nothing there. If I then go to FILE open, and look for
foo.lyx, it is listed. If I select it, I get the message that the file
is already open, do I want to reload it. To that question I must answer
yes, then I get another box asking me if I want to save first, and I
must answer no. Then I get the translated tex file in foo.lyx, which I
can cutpaste into bar.lyx.

Somehow, that is not what I expected :)

Alphabetically sorting the strings rows of a table with Lyx

2000-05-26 Thread Carlos

I'm a user of Lyx.
I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
it is not possible ('is it true? I think so')  
to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example, 
a list of names or a list of words. 
I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical 
order the names or/and 
surnames of my students, lists of words, 
vocabularies, strings... every day.
Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?

RE: Alphabetically sorting the strings rows of a table with Lyx

2000-05-26 Thread Juergen Vigna

On 26-May-2000 Carlos wrote:
> Hi
> I'm a user of Lyx.
> I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
> it is not possible ('is it true? I think so')  to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
> to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example, 
> a list of names or a list of words. 
> I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical order the names or/and 
> surnames of my students, lists of words, vocabularies, strings... every day.
> Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?

Maybe, but don't count on it, as there is a lot of other important work
todo (obviously we would accept a patch for this if it's made in a clean
way and for the tabular insets as the normal tabulars are doomed to
dissapear :). In any case I'll put your request in my todo folder.



Dr. Jürgen Vigna  E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Italienallee 13/N Tel:+39-0471-450260
I-39100 Bozen Fax:+39-0471-450296

Love sometimes expresses itself in sacrifice.
-- Kirk, "Metamorphosis", stardate 3220.3


Re: Why no bugzilla ?

2000-05-26 Thread Asger K. Alstrup Nielsen

> Yes, nobody (Lars in this case) found time to set it up. It would
> probably be a good idea, though. It is not magic, however. I believe
> we would have a lot of work to detect duplicate bugs, review them, etc.

I use it on a daily basis. At work we have around 1000 bugs in it, and it
works beautifully. I think it can scale nicely up to around 1
bugs.  That should be sufficient for LyX ;-)

I think Bugzilla would be a good thing to install. It just
makes communication about bugs that much better, that I wouldn't
live without now.

Of course, it is a pain to install because it uses a lot of
non-standard Perl packages, but still, it's definately worth
the effort.



Problem with iputed files

2000-05-26 Thread Emmanuel GUREGHIAN


As I am getting back in lyx business ;-) , excuse me if the bug was
already referenced.

I have a main document wich input other lyx documents which are placed
in sub directories.
But as soon as I have done one ps rendering or saved the document, the /
sign which
delimit the directory name in the input inset is changed in an @.

Anyone has a clue about it ?


BTW I am using lyx 1.1.5 pre3
  |\  _,,,---,,_   Emmanuel GUREGHIAN   
ZZZzz /,`.-'`'-.  ;-;;,_   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'  
'---''(_/--'  `-'\_)

Re: Delete-Crash, and list probs...

2000-05-26 Thread Peter Suetterlin

  Hi all,

looks like I'm having problems to send something to the list from my
dutch account, I'm getting 
  Host unknown (Name server: host not found)
Trying the old account...
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> It seems that this happens when using line-delete-forward on a line
> which begins with spaces. Presumably the spaces get deleted somewhere
> and then LyX crahes when trying to access the last characters which
> are now non-existant.

Looks like my answer to that didn't make it to the list (did you get it
Jean-Marc?) so here a short summary:

The crash only seems to happen when the cursor is sitting between two
spaces.  It doesn't always crash in that case, but when the crash takes
place, it has always been in such an situation.

That is for standard paragraph. In LyX-Code environment it is also
sufficent to have some spaces at the beginning of the line.


Peter "Pit" Suetterlin
Universitaets-Sternwarte Goettingen
Tel.: +49 551 39-5048   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * -- * ...-- * --
Come and see the stars!
Sternfreunde Breisgau e.V.  Tel.: +49 7641 3492

Re: Bugs or compile problem?

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Caleb" == Caleb Lyness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Caleb> Hi, I have just compiled, patched... recompiled lyx-1.1.4 (fix
Caleb> 3). I have a linux box running a heavily upgraded RH 5.2. (not
Caleb> really RH anymore ;-) I get the following core dump:

If you have upgraded to glibc 2.x, check that you have the proper
version of xforms library. The errors you get are typical of a libc5
xforms over a glibc system.


Re: dialogbase patch

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Angus" == Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Angus> ps For Allan's benefit, the patch is to be found at
Angus> It contains small changes to allow compilation with DEC
Angus> compilers (cxx, cc). It also makes use of, rather
Angus> than

Allan took a look at your message, and he suspects that you did the
patch against the rae branch, and not the dialogbase branch: or
example, xtl is already supposed to be at version

Could you check again?


Re: LyX X fonts and the command line

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Lior" == Lior Silberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Lior> Attached to this message are the (modified) lyx_main.C,
Lior> lyx_main.h, and . The originials were lyx-1.1.5pre3 . I
Lior> hope this is what you meant.

It would be easier if you could send in a patch against the original
files from lyx-1.1.5pre3. It helps us to find out what changes have
been done.

A command like
  diff -ur lyx-1.1.5pre3 lyx-1.1.5pre3-new
should give the right output.


Netscape bookmarks to lyx script

2000-05-26 Thread Jose Abilio Oliveira Matos

Hello all,
during the last weeks I have used lyx, with small modifications
that will be merged later, to make my webpages (that for this moment
are in portuguese and are addressed to my math students).

I have used the website dtd from Norman Walsh (the Docbook book
guy) that is mainly derived
from the docbook xml version.

So using the docbook support, with very little ert I have been
able to produce valid code. I only use a script to strip the headers
but even that will not be needed as soon as the include file support
is done for docbook.

Yes, that means that in the future lyx will be able to export
xml, since it already does. :)

One other thing that I have done was a write a (very very) simple
perl script to translate the netscape bookmarks file into a valid lyx file.

It works very well to me, but it will possibly blow up your
computer, so take it with care. To the best of my knowleage it is safe,
and works as it should, but you never know.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

print << "EOF";
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\\lyxformat 2.16
\\textclass article
\\language default
\\inputencoding latin1
\\fontscheme default
\\graphics default
\\paperfontsize default
\\spacing single
\\papersize Default
\\paperpackage a4
\\use_geometry 0
\\use_amsmath 0
\\paperorientation portrait
\\secnumdepth 3
\\tocdepth 3
\\paragraph_separation indent
\\defskip medskip
\\quotes_language english
\\quotes_times 2
\\papercolumns 1
\\papersides 1
\\paperpagestyle default



$depth++ if(m//g);
$depth-- if(m/<\/DL>/g);
print "\\layout $sect[$depth]\n\n$1\n";

Re: things to do before 1.1.5

2000-05-26 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 02:19:47AM +0200, Lars Gullik Bjnnes wrote:
> o guard against too many pups in TOC and Refs menu items

Done (patch attached).

I didn't receive comments to my previous mail in this thread,
so I'm reposting it below.

* Fix a problem I already mentioned regarding language support:
If you have two single-language documents, one with language L, the
second with language L', and you copy text from document 1 and paste it
into document 2, the text remains in language L, and so the 2nd document
becomes a multi-lingual document.
Possible fixes are
 - Change the language of the pasted text, (unless the document is
  already multi-lingual)
- Highlight foreign language text in the document using an overline
* Fix the cursor problem with mixed LTR & RTL text
(the problem is caused by the fact that a single cursor location on
screen can be mapped into two different internal cursor locations, and
vice versa).
As I already stated, I think that the cleanest solution would be to
add a meta-character to the paragraph's text vector in each position
of a font switch. However there were objections to this solution.

I created a different solution, in which I added a boolean member to
the LyXCursor class, which is use to distinguish between
"cursor before char 7" and "cursor after char 6".
I can submit a patch (after some cleaning), and I would like to have
this patch applied before 1.1.5.

* I also have a patch that reverse numbers in RTL text. Again, I would
  like it to be applied before 1.1.5.
* Add color options to lyxrc


Upcoming article on LyX

2000-05-26 Thread Clemmitt Sigler

Hi all,

Just noticed at the bottom of this "Living Linux" page on O'Reilly's
Linux web site:

this quote:

   'Next week: LyX, a "document processor" application.'

The columnist is Michael Stutz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  I thought the
developers or "PR people" might want to contact him in advance
and offer to answer any questions :^)

Clemmitt Sigler

Re: Bitmapped T1 fonts

2000-05-26 Thread Eran Tromer


Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> Sorry, it should have been "ae" fonts. Point your browser here for an
> explanation:

The AE fonts are included in RedHat 6.2 and Mandrake 7.0. They seem to
work fine (at least for my current paper...), and are properly exported
as Type 1. All it takes is adding:


(the latter provides bitmapped versions of a few missing characters).

Eran Tromer

Re: Delete-Crash in 1.1.5pre3

2000-05-26 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "Peter" == Peter Suetterlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Peter> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
>> It seems that this happens when using line-delete-forward on a line
>> which begins with spaces. Presumably the spaces get deleted
>> somewhere and then LyX crahes when trying to access the last
>> characters which are now non-existant.

Peter> Probably not exclusively. I just tried again (in a standard
Peter> paragraph). Strange enough, it is *not* completely
Peter> reproducible. I'm always opening the same file, put the cursor
Peter> at the same position and start pressing C-k. It almost never
Peter> crashes at the same deletion, but will definitely crash within
Peter> 2-6 deletions.

Peter> But there's no space at the beginning of the line!

I just checked in a fix to avoid removing spaces in the front of a
paragraph in LyX-Code style. This does not solve the real hard
problem, but it was what caused it in your first example.

Peter> Wait, just tested something else: It seems to occur when the
Peter> cursor is in the last line of a paragraph and is sitting
Peter> between two spaces! Hmm, last line is not important, but
Peter> sitting between 2 spaces is.

Now we have to tackle this one.


Re: list environment (Lars, please read)

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes) writes:

| Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| | > "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| | 
| | Lars> The problem is the \hfill which makes alignment of the lable
| | Lars> highly unpredictable. And why doesn't my \makebox work?
| | 
| | Because the box has fixed width \labelwidth even if the actual text is
| | greater than that. Therefore, you get collisions in text.
| But I thought that we set the \labelwidth to the with of the actual
| text. (- hfills). There is something I don't understand here.
| Is it so that the paragraph indent goes out of scope before it is
| used?
| | 
| | Lars> Hmm, what happens if we just use:
| | 
| | Lars> \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{##1}
| | 
| | We'd have to try it :) I guess the alignement is not the right one
| | anymore. What was the problem with the original form. Would using
| | \hfil (a weak \hfill) work?
| how weak?
| The problem with the \hfill is that it is impossible to right align
| the label.

I just had another look at this and IMO the list version is correct as
it is now. This environment is a hack! And to get the label width
correctly you have to set Label with in Layout->Paragraph.

Why do we need this list environment after all?
A description is basically the same.

btw. It is possible to make the list envir smarter so that you don't
have to set the Label width manually, this would require us to output
the widest label to the .aux file and run latex a second time to get
it right.


Re: list environment (Lars, please read)

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| > "Lars" == Lars Gullik Bjønnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| Lars> The problem is the \hfill which makes alignment of the lable
| Lars> highly unpredictable. And why doesn't my \makebox work?
| Because the box has fixed width \labelwidth even if the actual text is
| greater than that. Therefore, you get collisions in text.

But I thought that we set the \labelwidth to the with of the actual
text. (- hfills). There is something I don't understand here.
Is it so that the paragraph indent goes out of scope before it is

| Lars> Hmm, what happens if we just use:
| Lars> \renewcommand{\makelabel}[1]{##1}
| We'd have to try it :) I guess the alignement is not the right one
| anymore. What was the problem with the original form. Would using
| \hfil (a weak \hfill) work?

how weak?

The problem with the \hfill is that it is impossible to right align
the label.

| JMarc

Re: things to do before 1.1.5

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| Done (patch attached).

In. Lgb

Re: things to do before 1.1.5

2000-05-26 Thread Lars Gullik Bjønnes

Dekel Tsur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

| * Add color options to lyxrc

I don't think this is crucial, but if and when we do it commands to
change the colors should also be added to lyxfunc.


Re: Alphabetically sorting the strings rows of a table with Lyx

2000-05-26 Thread Garst R. Reese

Juergen Vigna wrote:
> On 26-May-2000 Carlos wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I'm a user of Lyx.
> >
> > I think that with the current Lyx 1.1.4fix3 released (May21, 2000)
> > it is not possible ('is it true? I think so')  to make Lyx or Latex (any package)
> > to alphabetically sort the rows of a table, with, for example,
> > a list of names or a list of words.
> >
> > I'm a teacher and I need to handle in alphabetical order the names or/and
> > surnames of my students, lists of words, vocabularies, strings... every day.
> >
> > Is it possible in the future, in other version of Lyx?
> >
> Maybe, but don't count on it, as there is a lot of other important work
> todo (obviously we would accept a patch for this if it's made in a clean
> way and for the tabular insets as the normal tabulars are doomed to
> dissapear :). In any case I'll put your request in my todo folder.
>   Jürgen
Wouldn't it be easier interface with a spreadsheet?
I just created a table in gnumeric, sorted it, saved it as a latex2e
file, and imported it into LyX. Looked real nice. There are so many
things that a spreadsheet or db prog can do, it seems silly to me to do
them in LyX.

Importing tex files

2000-05-26 Thread Garst R. Reese

The way this works does not seem too intuitive to me.
I expected it to import the tex file as a LyX insert to my current
But if I am in bar.lyx and import foo.tex, I get a new file, foo.lyx,
but there is nothing there. If I then go to FILE open, and look for
foo.lyx, it is listed. If I select it, I get the message that the file
is already open, do I want to reload it. To that question I must answer
yes, then I get another box asking me if I want to save first, and I
must answer no. Then I get the translated tex file in foo.lyx, which I
can cut into bar.lyx.

Somehow, that is not what I expected :)