Re: Developers Roadmap for 2.0

2008-12-10 Thread Andreas K .
José Matos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi,
>   following the previous message regarding the evaluation of the 1.6 
cycle I 
> would like to ask the same I have done before
>   For those that do not bother (can) to follow the link the major points 
> "
> Where do you think that LyX needs more attention?
> What feature do you think that LyX is missing badly?

* Layout editor, making it easier to create new layouts.

* Embedding, making it easier to share LyX documents with others.

> Where do you intend to work during this development cycle?

* Hopefully contributing some layouts for statistics journals.

> "
>   I know that we have discussed some of this in Berlin (in between train 
> hopping exercises) but first it is nice to have a better place to document 
> this and second we have more developers than those who were there.
>   Best regards,

Best regards,

Re: Layout and template files to be included with next version of LyX

2008-11-25 Thread Andreas K .
Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> > Dear LyX developers,Please find attached layout and template files for the
> > imsart article style, used for journals from the Institute of Mathematical
> > Statistics (IMS). I also include a a short description for the file
> > lib/doc/ I hope these can be shipped with the next
> > version of LyX. I license the files according to the GNU GPL version 2 or
> > later.Best regards,Andreas
> Hm, why do you use so much ERT? Many of the styles could be supported 
> natively, either by means of paragraph styles or by means of character 
> Jürgen

I have tried to use less ERT and support the styles natively, but I have not 
succeeded. There is either compilation error or the output looks different. 
But if you can consturct native support for some of the styles I will take a 
look at it and try to do the same for the other styles.


Re: Embedding feature, final remarks and farewell.

2008-04-17 Thread Andreas K .
Dear LyX developers,

I am not a developer, only an ordinary LyX user that really love this program 
and use it regularly, so I do not know if my opinion count. I have not 
followed the details in the discussion about the embedding feature that bo 
implemented, but I have to say that I am very sad that it now is removed from 
the upcoming LyX 1.6 version.

For me as a LyX user, the embedding of external figures is one of the most 
wanted new features, and one of the features I really looked foreward to in 
the new version. That it now is removed is very bad. 

I hope that Bo Peng will return (maybe a simple "sorry" from some of the other 
developers will help?) and continue with his contributions to the LyX project. 
Especially to include the embedding feature in the LyX 1.6 version. Otherwise 
I hope someone else can implement the embedding feature.

Please come back Bo.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.5.3 is released

2007-12-17 Thread Andreas K .
Jürgen Spitzmüller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas K. wrote:
> > Wow! You released the 1.5.3 version one whole year before the other
> > platforms:
> I beg your pardon?
> Jürgen

Well, when I looked at that page yesterday it said that the cygwin version was 
released 12/17/2006 02:12, but I see that it has changed to 2007 now. I should 
have attached a screenshot of course.


Re: [ANNOUNCE] LyX 1.5.3 is released

2007-12-17 Thread Andreas K .
Enrico Forestieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, Dec 16, 2007 at 07:18:44PM +0100, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> > Public release of LyX version 1.5.3
> > 
> Congrats. Here is a Cygwin binary:

Wow! You released the 1.5.3 version one whole year before the other platforms:


Re: [patch] support for linebreak

2007-11-26 Thread Andreas K .
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> The attached patch let LyX support \linebreak:
> - tex2lyx support for \linebreak
> - new menu entry

Thanks a lot for introducing support for linebreak in LyX. It was one of the 
few features of SWP that I missed in LyX. It will be good to not have to use 
ERT for this anymore. Thanks a lot!


Re: [PATCH] Change default mathbg and add mathhoverbg.

2007-06-08 Thread Andreas K .
Leuven, E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> fwiw, i don't see the point of the math background changing color when i 
move my mouse over it...

I do see the point. It would be very useful.


Re: beamer suggestion

2007-05-30 Thread Andreas K .
Neal Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think inserting begin frame should automatically add the matching end 



Re: No math dialog

2007-05-22 Thread Andreas K .
Edwin Leuven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> > Also a Toolbar button to show the two math toolbars in the main toolbar 
> > is very much needed.
> the attached patch would allow to put a "toggle math toolbar" button on 
> the main toolbar. we could then add a "toggle math panels" button on the 
> math toolbar...

Good. At least a step in the right direction.


Re: No math dialog

2007-05-22 Thread Andreas K .
Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I think we should just set math and table toolbars to 'always on' in the
> default setup. The user can always switch it off afterwards.

I agree, it's the easiest solution in the short run. But in the long run all 
commands short be available from menu entries too.


Re: No math dialog

2007-05-21 Thread Andreas K .
John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I see the Maths dialog has been removed. Am I right in thinking that the
> only way to create things such as sum environments etc. without knowing
> LaTeX is to turn on the math panel toolbar and use that?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

> This really needs to be available in the menus too for discoverability:
> it's a basic principle of toolbars that they are a quicker form of
> what's available in the menus, not a replacement, especially when
> they're not available by default.

I agree wholeheartedly. This will cause much confusion, especially for new 
users, and will drive away new users. In particular since the math toolbars 
are not available by default, it is hard for a new user to find them.

It will also result in many confused users writing to the user's list with 
questions about this. In fact, they have already started to appear:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg55989.html


Re: I would sell my stocks in MacKichan Software, Inc.

2007-05-15 Thread Andreas K .
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Andreas>  Then they get frustrated, closes LyX and uninstalls it. It
> Andreas> is better to have the math toolbars visible from the
> Andreas> beginning, and then if somoen only want them to pop up when
> Andreas> they are needed, he could choose this himself in the
> Andreas> preferences.
> You mean that if LyX does no have all of its toolbars always visible
> (because you demand maths, but other will want change tracking and
> tabular of course), those people will right away uninstall the
> program? 

Well, the problem is that as it is now (LyX 1.5.0beta2), change tracking is 
available from the menu, but math is only available from the toolbars, which 
are not shown by default. Using LyX for the first time and trying to insert 
math a new user first has to figure out how to turn the toolbars on. Which is 
not the case for change tracking, since it is available from the menu.


Re: I would sell my stocks in MacKichan Software, Inc.

2007-05-15 Thread Andreas K .
Martin Vermeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 15 May 2007 14:21:48 +0200
> Jan Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > LyX needs to avoid all special key combinations - right now it easier
> > to get started
> > with Word, so many people use it even knowing the alternative! LyX
> > needs more users in the general public who spread easy to use programs
> > - people who like difficult things are more likely to directly code in
> > latex and are partially lost as lyx users anyway.
> Use the toolbars instead... delete row works fine in a multi-row equation.
> Special key combinations serve experienced users. 


> > Remove ALL special combinations! Anything has to be logical to a first
> > time lyx users
> > otherwise there will be no second time.
> No. Nobody forces a first-time user to use them.

Exactly. Freedom of choice is the key word(s).

> > I am fighting to get LyX mainstream among all people I interact with
> > and would not recommend SWP anymore as it is dying bread. But as long
> > as deleting a line in a multiline equation requires the tiniest bit of
> > knowledge it will not be an easy sell...
> It don't get no simpler than a math or tabular toolbar popping up all
> by itself offering this option as a pretty coloured icon.

The problem with automatic toolbars popping up only when they are needed are 
that first time user's of LyX don't know that they will pop up, and when they 
search for a math symbol to include they don't realize that they have to click 
on the insert math button first to get the toolbars to appear. Then they get 
frustrated, closes LyX and uninstalls it. It is better to have the math 
toolbars visible from the beginning, and then if somoen only want them to pop 
up when they are needed, he could choose this himself in the preferences.


Re: I would sell my stocks in MacKichan Software, Inc.

2007-05-14 Thread Andreas K .
Andre Poenitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, May 14, 2007 at 04:19:19PM +0200, Jan Peters wrote:
> > ... and the symbolic math is much more complete.
> This is true, and this will stay so for a while I am afraid. It's a lot
> of grunt work to be done in this area, especially if one wants to be
> open for different CAS backends.

Maybe some code could be ripped off from TeXmacs ( 
which is written in C++ and Scheme?

> > It was only their lack of innovation has allowed us to come that
> > allowed LyX to get that close ;)
> And probably LyX throwing some ballast over board, and getting a few
> active developers again. Which might be related somehow...

Lesson #1: Stay focused.


Re: How to make Lyx DRAMATICALLY better.

2007-05-10 Thread Andreas K .
> > > Been there, switched to Lyx.

Look at this comparative review of LyX 1.4.2 and Scientific Word 5.5:


Re: How to make Lyx DRAMATICALLY better.

2007-05-10 Thread Andreas K .
Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >> "Bo" == Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > 
> > Bo> Tool -> preference -> color -> math background?
> > 
> > Except that it does nothing now.
> And even if it did, it will set the background for the whole equation. 

I would find that very useful.

It's quite strange now when Tool -> preference -> color -> math background 
does nothing.


Re: How to make Lyx DRAMATICALLY better.

2007-05-10 Thread Andreas K .
Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I am a professor of mathematics who has been using Scientific Word
> > intensively for many years.
> Been there, switched to Lyx.

Me too. I just wish I had done it earlier.


Re: Add article to Press about LyX section on homepage

2007-05-04 Thread Andreas K .
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Thu, 3 May 2007, Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Could someone please add the link
> >
> >
> >
> > to the "Press about LyX" section on
> >
> >
> I can try to do that if you give me a suitable piece of HTML text. It's 
> not actually complicated, I just need the equivalent stuff to the 
> following example (it's a link to another article, see the web page for 
> how it looks):
>Gerrit Renker: Professional Tex(t) Authoring with LyX.
>LinuxFocus, February 2005.
>Describes how to install and use LyX. The conclusion of the article
>states that:
>Certainly, if you only have to write your shopping list or a
>two-paragraph memo, using LyX is somehow overkill. But if you are
>looking at texts of more than 500 words where working with structure
>and crossreferences is a must, you can expect a serious degree of
>work relief from LyX.
> The new item should be something like:
> ???: .
>,  200?.
> Best regards
> /Christian


Here is a suitable HTML text";>
   Andreas Karlsson: Scientific Workplace 5.5 and LyX 1.4.2 .
   Journal of Statistical Software, Volume 17, 2006, Software Review 1 
   A comparative review of LyX 1.4.2 and its commercial counterpart 
Scientific Workplace 5.5.


Re: layout tweak

2007-03-26 Thread Andreas K .
Leuven, E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > screenshots attached (old and new)
> oops, here they are...

I prefer the former.


Re: A couple of articles to put on the

2007-03-12 Thread Andreas K .
Angus Leeming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> once it's resurrected of course...
> Angus

I hope it can be added to also, and not 
only the wiki.

BTW, add to, too.


Re: [patch] ASCII encoding

2007-02-16 Thread Andreas K .
Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Would a pure ASCII encoding for LaTeX output make sense?

> The attached patch adds support for this, if anybody thinks it would be 
> useful I'll put it in.

I think it would be useful.


Re: Defeated by tex4ht

2007-02-14 Thread Andreas K .
Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I strongly believe that the next big thing for lyx should be ODF or
> Word/XML compatibility.

I agree completely and wholeheartedly.


Re: LyX 1.4.4 is released

2007-02-14 Thread Andreas K .
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes> writes:

> Public release of LyX version 1.4.4
> ===
> We are pleased to announce the release of LyX 1.4.4. 

Hooray! *applauses*


Re: lyx-143-5 and LyX-1.5.0svn-2007-02-07 crashes

2007-02-08 Thread Andreas K .
Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Today I tried to install lyx-143-5-bundle.exe from
> > and
> > LyX-1.5.0svn-2007-02-07-Installer-bundle.exe from
> > on Windows XP Professional.
> >
> > Both crashed with the following error message: LyXTextClassList::Read: no
> > textclasses found!
> >
> > I used "Install on the fly: Yes" for MiKTeX.
> Did you use the bundled miktex or a pre-installed one? I bundled the
> latest miktex which is supposed to work correctly.
> Cheers,
> Bo


I uninstalled MiKTeX and reinstalled the bundled MiKTeX you provided, and got 
the same error message.


Re: lyx-143-5 and LyX-1.5.0svn-2007-02-07 crashes

2007-02-08 Thread Andreas K .
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  > Today I tried to install lyx-143-5-bundle.exe from and
>  > LyX-1.5.0svn-2007-02-07-Installer-bundle.exe from on Windows XP
>  > Professional.
>  >
>  > Both crashed with the following error message: LyXTextClassList::Read: no 
textclasses found!
> Can you test out one of these installers (uninstall the already installed 
LyX before):
> (there either LyXWinInstaller or LyX150test-builds)
> I got some feedback that this problem does not occur with these installers. 
Please report if this is 
> true.
> regards Uwe


I get the same problem with LyXWinInstaller for LyX 1.4.3. I have not tried 
the LyX150test build yet.


Re: LyX 1.4.3

2007-02-07 Thread Andreas K .
Jaime Remedios <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear Sirs,
> I’m a first time user, finishing my PhD and looking at alternatives to 
replace Word. I ran the installer
> LyX-143-5 and managed to install LyX after a few problems which I think 
related with a faulty MikTeX 2.5
> installation. But I’m still struggling to have it running smoothly. The 
problem is one that has been
> reported but for which I didn’t find a fix or workaround.
> > The document uses a missing TeX class "cv" (and many others)
> > LyX will not be able to produce output
> In my case the problem occurred when I tried to open the sample files that 
come with LyX. What shall I do to fix
> it? And what needs to be done to install new classes or styles?
> I would appreciate your help.
> Best regards,
> Jaime Remedios


Regarding TeX classes: Change MiKTeX options to "install on the fly" and then 
reconfigure LyX.

The there may also be missing LyX layout files. You have to downlaod and 
install these yourself. Read the manual. There you will find information about 
how to do.


Re: Suggestions to the official windows installer

2007-01-30 Thread Andreas K .
Bo Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For example, we ask if a user want to download and install ghostscript
> and the user agrees. Then, during uninstallation, we would better ask
> if s/he wants to uninstall it. Of course we should not ask if it is
> installed before lyx.

That sounds very good and user friendly.


Re: Regarding LyxWinInstaller - Customizability

2007-01-24 Thread Andreas K .
Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> For the future I suggest the following:
> - We have only one installer code base that is maintained in svn. If Joost
> does not reappear this will be Uwe's code. If Joost does reappear it is
> hopefully possible for Uwe and Joost to come to an agreement what to use
> and how to code so that both can work on it.
> - There will be a minimal installer that does only install LyX itself and
> nothing else for people who have everything else already and maybe still
> use a modem. The size of this should be around 9 MB.
> - Other installers that include more stuff or can dowenload it from the net
> will be made by Uwe (from the same source code) as he sees the need.
> - Modifications to LyX itself should only be made if there is a very good
> reason. If such modifications are made the installer should be named in
> such a way that it is clear that it is a modified version. The preferred
> way to include modifications requested or contributed by users is to
> discuss them on the list and put them in svn afterwards.
> Georg

Well, I am not a developer, I am only a simple user of LyX. But I am interested 
in the development of LyX, and for what it is worth, I would like to add the 

* The key word is customizability. One will never found an installer that all 
agree is the one and only installer to use. The solution to this problem is 
customizability: A user should have the opportunity to decide what parts of LyX 
and third-party software that should be installed.

* Ideally, there would be only one minimal installer (around 9 MB) that give 
the user the choice (by checking check-boxes) to 

- only install LyX itself and nothing else for people who have everything else 

- automatically download and install third party software that are necessary to 
run LyX or to use special features of LyX, such as MiKTeX, ImageMagic, ASpell, 
etc (these should not be inculded in the installer, the installer should only 
give the user the possibility to install these by downloading them from a third 
party web page)

- add some extra features to LyX, such as extra toolbar buttons that are not 
part of the default instllation

- automatically download and install third party software that are NOT 
necessary to run LyX BUT are useful anyway, such as JabRef, LaTeX2RTF, etc 
(these should not be inculded in the installer, the installer should only give 
the user the possibility to install these by downloading them from a third 
party web page)

* A second alternative would be to have two installers: 

- As Georg says, "a minimal installer that does only install LyX itself and  
nothing else for people who have everything else already and maybe still use a 

- A complete installer, that come with all necessary third party software BUT 
also include check boxes where the user can CHOOSE (by checking check-boxes) to 
add some extra features to LyX, such as extra toolbar buttons, and can CHOOSE 
(by checking check-boxes) to automatically download and install third party 
software that are NOT necessary to run LyX BUT are useful anyway, such as 
JabRef, LaTeX2RTF, etc)

The key word is customizability. Let the user decide what features he or she 
wants and install these if he/she wants, and bot install these if he/she does 
not want to.


Regarding Installer and LyxWinInstaller: Add

2007-01-22 Thread Andreas K .
Using the latest LyX150svn from 15-01-2007 for Windows made available by Uwe, I 
noted that he had included JabRef as an external software installed together 
with LyX. I think it is a really good idea, and it should be included in the 
official installer too. 

Would it be possible to install LaTeX2RTF and the accompanying GUI shell in the 
same wy? In that case, please do that.


Re: [part 4/4] again about LyX's default settings

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas K .
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, then how do we catter for users that do not like this feature
> but are forced to live with it? OpenOffice has these popping toolbars
> because it has a delay before activating them.
> JMarc

Make it possible for the user to de-activate this function in the preferences. 
Freedom of choice and customizability is the solution to all these disputes.


Re: [part 1] again about LyX's default settings

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas K .
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> There are now the following things left:
> --- the different toolbar ---
> Attached a Screenshot of the current toolbar. There are 4 extra buttons:
> - the linebreak button: It is in contrary to the one in SVN blue instead
> of read as this was requested. Personally I don't use this button but as
> this was requested several times and especially new users found this
> useful I added it.
> - one button to view DVI, one to View/Update DVi, and one to view PDF:
> all of them are needed for the standard workflow.


>I can also add a button for view PS if this is needed.

An ordinary user (most users are not hackers, and do not know anything about 
programming) want easy to use, self-explaining, easily accessible toolbar 
buttons and menus.

In my opinion, as an ordinary LyX user, the linebreak button, the buttons to 
view DVI, View/Update DVi, and view PDF, should be in the default toolbar, 
together with a view PS button.

But there should also of course be the possibility for the user who do not want 
these buttons to turn them of later (all or just some of them). Customizability 
is the key word.


Re: [part 4/4] again about LyX's default settings

2007-01-16 Thread Andreas K .
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Enabling the 
> automatic appearance of the toolbar is at the moment also to complicated for 
>new users, so we should 
> at least:
> - Add buttons to delete/add columns/rows in the table dialog
> and, or
> - enable the toolbar appearance feature by default.
The best way to evaluate a software is to look at what an ordinary user want 
from the program. And of course both these suggestions should be implemented. 
Why make it hard for a user when one can make it easy?


Re: Allowing multiple empty lines and spaces in the Lyx editor...

2007-01-09 Thread Andreas K .
lamikr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What do you think, would it be possible to add a support for more
> free-er usage of spaces and enter lines in the Lyx editor, without
> changing the way how they are really treated in the final DVI/PDF
> output?

A simple answer: No.

A more detailed answer: No. It's against the fundamental philosophy of LyX.


Re: lyx feedback from long term user

2006-12-20 Thread Andreas K .
Tilman Rothe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> *make it easy to import tables from excel. something like
>  convert-text-to-table would do perfectly fine.

Have you tried Excel2Latex?


Addition: Unable to use LyX after crash

2006-12-17 Thread Andreas K .

An addition:
1. Start LyX
2. Choose File > New
3. Choose Tools > Preferences >Look and feel >User preferences > User 
interface file > Browse > Wintoolbars > Save
4. Choose Tools > Preferences >Look and feel >User preferences > User 
interface file > Browse --> Crash

When restarting LyX, the tool and menu bars have all disappeared! The only 
thing that is seen is the photo, nothing else, making it impossible to use 
LyX, and I have to reinstall it to use it again.


Re: Harnessing convergence: Should the next version of LyX be written for OpenOffice?

2006-12-12 Thread Andreas K .
Stefano Franchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> In my opinion, the  
> greatest possible improvement to LyX would be a one-click 
> publisher-oriented MS Word converter. 

I really agree whole-heartedly. The way to go is to convert to RTF, which 
MSWord easily can import, as well as most other word processors. It should 
convert both to and from RTF. Then it would be easy to cooperate with people 
outside the LaTeX world.


Re: Harnessing convergence: Should the next version of LyX be written for OpenOffice?

2006-12-12 Thread Andreas K .
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What are the drawbacks of using LyX to write a novel or a letter?

For a letter or novel consisting of only text, where formatting is of no 
importance, I prefer WYSIWYG over WYSIWYM. 

LyX is much more advanced than a word processor, and I think it would be 
overkill to use it for such simple tasks. 


Re: Harnessing convergence: Should the next version of LyX be written for OpenOffice?

2006-12-12 Thread Andreas K .
Tim Keitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've
> used LaTeX for years, eventually switching to LyX which I think is
> wonderful. I will soon switch exclusively to OpenOffice because of the need
> to collaborate with others using MSWord and OOffice.

Well, this points to the need for LyX to be able to import from and export to 
MSWord and OOffice, not a nedd for LyX to be written FOR OpenOffice.

> Change tracking is crucial among other things.

LyX has change tracking.

> This will soon be irrelevant because version 3 of OOffice
> will have world class bibliography support (from appearances) far better
> than bibtex.

Well, let's wait and see. One cannot judge it before one has used it. It may be 
good, but it equally well may be bad.

> It is possible now to directly embed tex equations into OOffice
> documents and I expect this capability to improve, but also to be eventually
> replaced by a (quality) fully graphical equation editor.

Again, let's wait and see. The current equation editor for OpenOffice is bad, 
and we havn't seen a better one yet. The equation editor of MSWord is still 
much better.

> The momentum is
> behind OOffice. The gains are starting to outweigh the costs.

A problem with OpenOffice is that it is much slower than MSOffice.
> What I occasionally wonder is whether the LyX experience -- easy structured
> document editing -- could be brought to OOffice?

LyX is a document publishing editor, OpenOffice and MSWord are word processors, 
Scribus is a DTP software, they will never be the same. Although LyX, 
OpenOffice and Scribus share some characteristics, and can be used for the same 
purpose, they are inherently different, because of the need of the user.

If you want to write a letter or a novel - use OpenOffice or AbiWord (which I 
prefer over OpenOffice Writer.

If you want to write an academic text, a scientific article or book - use LyX.

If you want to publish a newsletter, newspaper or magazine - use Scribus.

> For me, pretty output is not actually
> that important as my main consumers are collaborators and editors.

Then use AbiWord or OpenOffice Writer.

> Its the
> beauty of what-you-see-is-what-you-mean (sorry, I forget if that's the exact
> phrase) that to me matters.

Then use LyX, you will never find it in a word processor.

> Seems with some creativity, that experience
> could be migrated to OOffice.

I doubt that.

Word processor is not document publishing editor is not dektop publishing.

> Cheers,


Re: r16085, fix wrong toolbar icon size.

2006-11-28 Thread Andreas K .
Peter Kümmel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Bo Peng wrote:
> > Hi, Peter,
> > 
> > icons size is now stored in session, but is there a way to set icon size?
> > 
> > Bo
> > 
> I wanna add it to the toolbar popup menu but JMarc and Georg
> don't like it.

If an ordinary user's views is worth anything, I would say that I'd like to 
have access to icon size setting in the toolbar popup menu.


Re: hat key dead, no pdf graphics

2006-11-22 Thread Andreas K .
Jens Stoevlbaek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello.
> Just started on LyX, I'm having some problems.
> 1. The hat key is completely dead in the context of superscripts in  
> equations and TeX code. That means that I can only make superscripts  
> using the math panel, which I find is a clumsy way.
> In equations as well as ordinary text I can write the letter â.
> The hat key is key 1E (shifted) on my Danish keyboard, it doesn't  
> matter what language is chosen for the document.
> Is there a fix for this?
> 2. It would indeed be nice to see graphics in the editor window. I  
> have made some pdf graphics myself, using Macintosh Quartz Graphics,  
> but I get the message "Error converting to loadable format" (as far  
> as I can read those much too small letters).
> A sample is enclosed, what can I do?
> Attachment (Kemi1Figur2.pdf): application/pdf, 34 KiB
> Thanks in advance for your answer, yours
> Jens Støvlbæk (or St\o vlb\ae k)
> 3. A detail:  If you type the Danish word "iøvrigt" (i\o vrigt), you  
> see that spacing is too big after ø (\o ) in the editor.

Hi Jens,

First, this is the developers list, you should send it to the users list 
instead. But anyway

1. What OS an LyX version are you using? I don't have this problem in LyX 1.4.3 
on Windows XP. 

2. I can't see pdf graphcis either, but other formats. Change the graphics file 
from pdf to another format. 

If you think the letters are much too small, increase the screen fonts size on 
tools > Preferences... >Look and feel > Screen fonts > Zoom

3. I don't have this problem in LyX 1.4.3 on Windows XP.


Re: [patch] \clearpage and \cleardoublepage support

2006-11-22 Thread Andreas K .
Ozgur Ugras BARAN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> As requested today, I have added \clearpage and \cleardoublepage
> commands.

Thanks a lot. Could you please add support for \linebreak and \pagebreak too? 
That would make you a real hero. :)


Re: Suggestions for rearrangement of menus in LyX

2006-11-19 Thread Andreas K .
Michael Gerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> If we add "Break" and "Space" as separate submenus, the size of menu 
> "Insert" increases (with the implication that more entries won't have a 
> shortcut).

That's why I suggested to include "Footnote" and "Marginal note" in "Insert > 
Note >", which would remove two entries from from the "Insert" menu and make 
room for "Break" and "Space" as separate submenus in the "Insert" menu.

Then all entries which have a shortcut now will still have a shortcut, and 
several entries that don't have a shortcut now will gain one.

BTW, both "Footnote" and "Marginal note" have toolbar buttons, and is thus 
already easily accessible, while several of the suggested entries for "Break" 
and "Space" are not accessible at all form any menus or toolbar buttons, which 
make them totally inaccessible for those without knowledge of LaTeX code,


Re: change tracking icons

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas K .
Leuven, E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> i played a bit around and the results are here:
> opinions/suggestions?



Re: Easier return to Standard from Itemize, Enumerate, Description and List wanted

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas K .
Edwin Leuven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> bad idea imho. it is easy to click once too much and loose the 
> formatting by mistake.
> edwin

Well, then make it work only for an * or #. which is not followed by any text, 
i.e., work for this:


but not for


* text...

BTW, there is always the undo/redo button if one click once too much.


Re: Bug report Document > Settings > Bullets does not work

2006-11-13 Thread Andreas K .
Paul A. Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> > I am using LyX 1.4.3-4 on Windows XP. Changing labels for an Itemize 
> > list, which according to the User's Guide should be performed through 
> > "Document > Settings > Bullets" does not work.
> Odd, it works for me (also 1.4.3-4, XP).  The bullets don't change in 
> the GUI (never did as far as I can recall), but they change in the DVI 
> output.
> /Paul

Sorry, I see now that it works for me too when previewing on DVI or PDF. I 
thought the it would be visible on the screen too, but obviously that was not 
supposed to work. 

BTW, there is another useful function to hopefully be implemented by some 
developer: making the right labels visible on the screen too.


Re: Offering tweaks in the GUI

2006-11-12 Thread Andreas K .
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Dear LyX developers,
>   LaTeX often requires little modifications that are hard to find out
> for the beginner.  I am talking about, for example, removing the page
> numbering from the first page or having an empty author (and I mean
> "empty", like in lambda or epsilon, not "blank", like in
> "only spaces").  While those can be resolved with ERT, it would be much
> nicer to offer those options in the "Document settings" dialogue.
>   Leslie

I do agree. I have suggested such changes earlier, see 

If you write a comment there maybe the developers see that more users are 
interested in these enhancements, and can implement these.


Re: Please include LyXWinInstaller's toolbar in the official LyX Windows installer

2006-10-08 Thread Andreas K .
Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas K. wrote:
> > The link you gave concerned only the bold font toolbar button, not the
> > other toolbar buttons for the LyXWinInstaller, such as, e.g., for PDF
> > creation.
> Yes, I was only talking about bold (which seems to be the most 
> I agree that "View PDF" could be useful (and I have that myself in my 
> toolbar), but I can't see that "line break" is of any use. Is there any use 
> case where moving the mouse to that button is faster than hitting Ctrl-enter?
> Jürgen 

It is faster to move the mouse to that button if you do not remember the 
shortcut commands, which often is the case.

Maybe not all users would like to have that button, but it would be good to at 
least have the possibility to oneself choose to include such a button (or 
other buttons of one's choice) from, e.g., a menu entry View > Toolbars > 


Re: Please include LyXWinInstaller's toolbar in the official LyX Windows installer

2006-10-08 Thread Andreas K .
Juergen Spitzmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas Karlsson wrote:
> > If possible I think that the Linux/Unix and Mac versions also should use
> > these new toolbar buttons. It makes these functions more easily accessible.
> For the official distribution, we have decided against doing this. See:
> Jürgen

The link you gave concerned only the bold font toolbar button, not the other 
toolbar buttons for the LyXWinInstaller, such as, e.g., for PDF creation.


Re: Font: Typewriter not seen on screen: bug?

2006-09-13 Thread Andreas K .
Enrico Forestieri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Please verify which Typewriter font you have set in
> Tools->Preferences->Screen fonts

I am using the Typewriter fonts that was used as default when I snstalled LyX 
1.4.2, which is MS Shell Dlg.

I have tried to used other screen fonts, with no change.

Re: [PATCH] Re-introduce layout menu

2006-09-04 Thread Andreas K .
Michael Gerz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello, 
> I think we should re-introduce the "Layout" menu which was dropped in 
> the 1.4.X series. The main reason is that every word processor (even 
> UltraEdit!) has such a menu. The additional menu item also reduces the 
> size of the "Edit" menu.
> Any comments?
> Michael

If comments from a user and not a developer count, I would say that I think 
that, yes, it should be re-introduced.


Re: Please add \underset and \overset commands to the Math Panel

2006-05-18 Thread Andreas K .
Georg Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This was not hard at all. The most difficult thing was to create the icons.
> OK for trunk and 1.4?
> Georg

Thank you very, very, VERY much!


Re: [announce] LyXWinInstaller with LyX 1.4.1

2006-04-24 Thread Andreas K .
Uwe Stöhr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello LyXers,
> under
> you can find the windows installer for LyX 1.4.1.

Could someone please put it in and add a link to it 
from the front page of
