Re: [rework docs] first snapshot of Userguide available

2005-05-16 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
This webpage says "All files are under the GNU Free Documentation License
version 1.2", but the documentation was under GPL'd (as discussed on the
list months ago). When was this changed?
I didn't know about the license of the docs. LyX is under the GPL but 
one of the original authors of the docs licensed his contributions under 
the artistic license:
I used the GFDL because I thought the GFDL is the GPL variant for 
documentations and that GPL is a subset of the artistic license in the 
way of its restrictions. I reverted the statement of the wiki page and 
linked the GPL instead. I hope this is OK now.

But as I'm always confused about the license stuff, could anybody 
explain the differences between GPL, GFDL and artistic license in short 

thanks and regards

Re: [rework docs] two issues

2005-04-25 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Herbert Voss schrieb:
no, LaTeX knows no presetting, it depends to the the
documentclasses and they use in general tbp
I read it in the LaTeX companion 2nd edition, that LaTeX follows 
_always_ the order "htbp". There is an example that "bt" is equal to 
"tb", first "t" is tried, then "b".
Could you please tell me what I misunderstand wrong, because I need this 
for the userguide.

thanks and regards

[rework docs] two issues

2005-04-24 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Hello LyXers,
it it possible that we change the check box order in the float placement 
window from

- top
- bottom
- page
- here
- here
- top
- bottom
- page
This is more intuitive, because LaTeX uses always this order.
Then another issue I pointed out in one my previous emails: Can we 
revert the label prefix handling to the one used in LyX 1.2.x?

The current prefixes are:
- "cha:" for chapters
- "cap:" for any caption type
In LyX 1.2.x it was:
- "chap:" for chapters, because this is more intuitive
- "fig:" for figure captions
- "tab:" for table captipons
- "alg:" for algorithm caption
Having different label prefixes for the different caption types is 
necessary for LyX's prettyref support (the option "Formatted reference" 
in the cross-reference dialog). Because prettyref uses the prefix for 
the reference format. And one would of course want to have different 
reference texts for figures and tables.
Different label prefixes would also improve the searching for references 
in large documents.

regards Uwe

Re: [rework docs] the algorithm float

2005-04-24 Thread Uwe StÃhr
I wrote:
When using hyperref to reference floats with hyperlinks, new floats have 
to be defined after loading hyperref. But LyX inserts the float 
definition at the beginning of the preamble. This should be easy to fix
> and I don't know a case where float definitions must be defined at first.
Ok I found a case. If the float definition is behind the user defined 
preamble, it is impossible to translate the float label. Translating is 
necessary, because the word "algorithm" is not covered by babel.

To solve all the problems with the package order in the preamble, LyX 
should have an option in the preferences, that prints out all LyX- and 
documentclass-specific stuff into the preamble window. This will it also 
make it possible to use other package options than LyX's default.

regards Uwe

[rework docs] the algorithm float

2005-04-23 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Hello LyXers,
I was playing a bit with the algorithm-float because I didn't know for 
what purpose it is implemented. As result I still don't know it .-(. I 
tried to use it for program codelines, but the package for this purpose, 
listings, comes with its own float type.
So could you tell me for what the algorithm float is useful?

While playing with floats, I noticed the following problem:
When using hyperref to reference floats with hyperlinks, new floats have 
to be defined after loading hyperref. But LyX inserts the float 
definition at the beginning of the preamble. E.g. I get

%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
%% User specified LaTeX commands.

but need the section "LyX specific LaTeX" behind the section "User 
specified LaTeX commands". This should be easy to fix and I don't know a 
case where float definitions must be defined at first. Opinions?

thanks and regards

Re: [rework docs] a new round of asking and proposing - part two: proposals 1-5

2005-03-27 Thread Uwe StÃhr
I'll split my proposals to mails of five proposals to keep the overview. 
Here the first five, others will follow the next days.

1.  The last months I teached LyX to some colleagues and they all 
complained that there is no button in the toolbar for "view/update dvi". 
Therefore I designed a new toolbar with new buttons. It looks like in 
the attached file toolbar.png. I added two buttons for dvi, one button 
for export->pdf, the search and find button, and the button for 
The latter because nobody understands why we have a button for 
depth-increment but not for decrement.
I tested this toolbar for the last month while reworking the userguide, 
and I find it very ergonomic. What is your opinion?
(I attached the xpm for the new buttons)

2. We should strictly separate
- emphasize and italic
- noun and small caps
Emphasize and noun are logical attributes and every document class can 
define its own font for them.
This will help to fullfill writing style restrictions of some publisher 
At the moment you can mark italic text, press the toolbar button for 
emphasizing and the text becomes upright.

3. A minor change in the Layout->Document->Layout dialog:
+ paragraph separation
- separation
Because I noticed that newbies don't understand what to separate.
4. When you create a new label, LyX will start with a prefix, e.g. "eq:" 
when you label a formula. The current prefixes are:
- "cha:" for chapters
- "cap:" for captions
I would propose to change them to:
- "chap:" for chapters, because this is more intuitive
- "fig:" for figure captions
- "tab:" for table captipons
- "alg:" for algorithm caption
The latter three would improve the searching for references in large 
documents. My proposals were used in former versions of LyX, as you can 
see in the current userguide. So I just want this behaviour back.

5. We should add the entries "capitalized", "upcase" and "lowcase" to 
the combobox "misc" in the the dialog Layout->Character. Because they 
are implemented in LyX - there are the following well-working entries in 
the file menu.bind:

\bind "M-c Down"  "word-lowcase"
\bind "M-c Up""word-upcase"
\bind "M-c Right" "word-capitalize"
But as they are not available in a menu nor documented, nobody will use 

Enough for today. Thanks for your patience and regards
p.s. rework docs status: 100% of Intro.lyx, 70% of Userguide.lyx
Sorry, but the docs are huge and I didn't have much rainy afternoons ;-).
<>/* XPM */
static char * buffer-view_pdf[] = {
"18 20 2 1",
"  c red",
". c None",
" .",
"...   ",
"... . ",
"...   ",
" .",
"  ",
"... . ",
"... ..  ..",
"... ...  .  ..",
"..    ..  ",
". ..   ...",
".   ..",
"  ",
"..   .",
". .. .",
" .. ..",
".  ...",
/* XPM */
static char const * view_dvi_xpm[] = {
"20 20 2 1",
"   c None",
".  c #",
" .. ",
" .. ",
"   .... ",
" ... .. ",
" . . .. ",
" . . ..   . ",
" . . .. . . ",
" . . ..   . ",
" . . .  ... . . . . ",
" . . . .  . . . . . ",
" . . . .  . . . . . ",
" . . .  ...  .  . . ",
" . . .. ",
" . . .. ",
" . ..   ",
" . ..   ",
" .. ",
" .. ",

/* XPM */
static char const * find_xpm[] = {
"17 20 3 1",
"  c black",
"; c none",
": c gray100",
"   ;;;   ",
" : ;;; : ",
"   ;;;   ",
";;; ; ;;;",
";;; :   ; :   ;;;",
";; ;;",
";  :   :  : ;",
";  :   :  : ;",
";  :  : ;",
";   ;   ;",
"; :   ; :   ;",
"; :   ; :   ;",
"; ; ;",
/* XPM */
static char const * run_latex_xpm[] = {
"19 20 2 1",
"c None",
".   c #",
"   ",
" ..",
" ..",
" ..",
" ..",
" . .  .",
" . .   .  .",
" . .  .",
" .   .   . .  .",
" . .   . .   . .  .",
" . .   . .   . .  .",
" . .   .  . .  .  .",
" .  ....   .  .",
" ..",
" ..",
" ..",
" ..",
" ..",
"   ",
"   "};

[rework docs] a new round of asking and proposing - part one: questions

2005-03-27 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Hello LyXers,
sorry for the delay of working on the docs. Now I found a bit time and 
collected some proposals and questions. I start with the questions.

- in
I found the LyXfunc "font-ital" for changing text to italic. But when I 
want to create a shortcut for it, the LyX console tells me
"A truly unknown func [font-ital]!" So what is the right lyxfunc fot italic?

- The current userguide tells the user that typewriter can be switched 
with the shortcut "M-c p" (section 3.5.4), but there is no entry for 
this in the menu.bind file. What is the lyxfunc for that, so that I can 
add it?

- The current userguide tells in section that one should adjust 
the left margin of a LyX-list with multiple "M". But when you create a 
new list and look into the Layout->Paragraph dialog, you can see that 
the default is "00.00." instead of the corresponding "M". Should 
we change the default to five "M"?

- saving a bookmark with the shortcut "C-M-S1" doesn't work. cua.bind 
comes with the line

\bind "C-M-~S-1"  "bookmark-save 1"
So I don#t know why this doesn't work. I also tried other combinations 
of control, meta, and a number but it didn't work. I changed the 
shortcut nom to

\bind "M-1"   "bookmark-save 1"
And it works as expected. Does anybody know the problem of the original 

That's it for now.
thanks in advance and regards
p.s. If somebody can provide a Win version of LyX 1.4CVS, he will help 
me very much. The version can be buggy, only that I see the menu structure.

pp.s. Will there be a guide with the major changes from LyX 1.3 to 1.4?

Re: [rework docs] include mathed documentation

2005-01-15 Thread Uwe StÃhr
John Weiss wrote:
Better to move the more esoteric features into the Extended doc.
OK, I'll do so.

[lyx webpage] Nynorks translation not mentioned

2005-01-11 Thread Uwe StÃhr
There is no hint for the available Nynorsk translation in
It is only mentioned in
Could somebody fix this?
Thanks and regards

[rework docs] include mathed documentation

2005-01-11 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Hello LyXers,
I forgot to say that I want to include my mathed documentation.
For those who are able to read german, it is available at
(In german because I wrote it once for me and fellow students.)
I covers now nearly all math constructs. I want to replace the mathed 
section in the userguide by this documentation.
In my opinion the tutorial has a very good introduction to mathed: It 
explains navigating in formulas, the math-panel and the most common used 
constructs (fractions etc.). So that we could go deeper in the 
userguide. Mathed supports so many constructs that aren't explained in 
the docs at the moment.

Are there any objections against this plan?
regards Uwe

Re: [rework docs] questions part two

2005-01-09 Thread Uwe StÃhr
I wrote:
The menu Navigate -> Refs seems to be broken. I expect that this menu 
let me jump from cross- and citation-reference to the next, but nothing 
Sorry. The menu works., but it doesn't jump from reference to reference. 
It jumps from one label to the next. So the menu name is a bit 
confusing. It should better have the name "Label".

regards Uwe

Re: [rework docs] questions part two

2005-01-08 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Navigate menu:
The menu Navigate -> Refs seems to be broken. I expect that this menu 
let me jump from cross- and citation-reference to the next, but nothing 
  Possibly I found another bug: If one have set custom bookmarks with 
the navigate menu for a document and now closes this document, LyX will 
still offer to jump to this bookmarks in the menu.
  I vote for 5 possible bookmarks instead of the current available 3. 
Because this options is very useful when working in different sections 
in multiple documents.

As I use LyXWin, could somebody please send me his file 
"LaTeX-Configuration"? This menu is broken in LyXWin and I need it to 
describe it in the docs. Thanks.

I want the example and template LyX files that comes with the beamer 
package to be added to LyX CVS. These files works very well and the 
author of course allows this. Is this possible or are there some objections?

I couldn't found a list of command line options for LyX. Where can I 
find one?

At last I have a suit: Could some body have a look at bug 922/1332? 
Because it is very annoying to loose the format when copying complete 

thanks and regards Uwe

[rework docs] questions part one

2005-01-08 Thread Uwe StÃhr
I don't understand the sense of the menu Edit -> Open/Close Float. This 
menu works only when the cursor is placed before an inset (it also works 
for footnote insets), but not when it is inside the float. And 
opening/closing an inset goes much faster by a mouse click than by a 
menu. In my opinion this would only be useful if it opens/close _all_ 
insets at once.
So what is the real usage of this menu?

What happens in LyX 1.4.x with the error boxes. I read they disappeard 
there. But how is the error handling managed?

As I remember LyX offers once the support for pspell. Is it gone? Why?
  In the current version of the UserGuide I found a lot of 
ispell-specific stuff that I would get rid of. Does the problems with 
ispell described there still exist? Or does everybody replaced ispell by 
the "newer and generally better aspell"?
  In the preferences I can choose between aspell, ispell and hspell. 
But as personal dictionary I can only set an ispell one. Why?

thanks and regards Uwe

[rework docs] reasons, plans, questions

2005-01-08 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Hello LyXers,
last month I started to rework the documentation files.
(I CC this Message to the devel-list because I don't know who is reading 
the docs-list.)

First I just wanted to update the documentation for LyX QT 1.3.x and 
make a bit more platform independent. But while working on the 
UserGuide, I realized that it is really out of date. The last complete 
rework was done in 2000 for the LyX 1.0.x series. In the meantime many 
updates and new sections were added. But the documentation still misses 
many informations and doesn't follow a structured concept. E.g. not all 
menus are described and there is no explanation for the icon buttons 
under the menu bar.

I would rework the Tutorial and the UserGuide.
  The UserGuide would contain a section with an overview of all menus 
and icon buttons. There will be a short description of the function and 
a reference to the relevant section in the UserGuide. A section about 
the icon buttons is yet available for the german documentation (thanks 
to Hartmut Haase). I will include this for the english version.
  The sections about the menus are planned as reference which will make 
it easier to search in the doc.
  The UserGuide will also have a short section about needed programs 
and install issues for the platforms Linux/Unix, Mac and Win.
  But I want to delete platform specifig stuff like "Configuring the X 
keyboard" etc. and ironic comments. (These comments are often funny but 
shouldn't be part of a manual.)
  At last I want to merge the Customization and Extended manual. Some 
of its stuff will be part of the UserGuide.

Format issues:
I started once with a new layout for the UserGuide in koma-script book 
format. As koma-script is no longer part of the default installation of 
 VTeX and MikTeX, I returned back to the standard book class.
  But if the rework is done, I want to merge the manual files to a 
printable koma-script book file using all layout tricks, so that it can 
be published as a real book. (I wondered why there is no book about LyX 
available.) Publishing a book could help to reach more people and could 
possibly help to pay the bills for one of the next developer meeting.
What do you think about it?
  I changed the menu names in the documentation to the one used in LyX 
QT 1.3.x. I hope that they are the same as in LyX XForms. If this isn't 
the case, we should make them as uniform as possible for all GUIs.

What I did/do:
The rework of the Introduction is done.
  I currently working on the sections describing all menus and icon 

While working on the docs, many questions came in my mind that I would 
ask in several other messages to this list. I hope someone can help me.

Tell me your opinion about reworking the docs.
thanks and regards Uwe

Re: merging documents into User's Guide

2005-01-04 Thread Uwe StÃhr
Jeremy C. Reed wrote:
I also start working on actualizing the docs with the goal of merging
the files into one book, that could be published as printed version.
Do you have any idea when you will be completing this?
Not yet, I started it as project for rainy sunday afternoons, but I've 
some time this week.

I don't want to conflict with your project, but I am basically ready to
submit mine to a print-on-demand service now for testing the print
There will be no conflict. It is good to know that someone cares about 
the docs.
Can you send me your version of the book as LyX-file?
What are the main changes or have you rewritten many sections, if yes 
which? (I'm able to make a diff file, but it is better to have some 
explanations from the author.)

My current user guide (6x9 inch)
Is this this an usual book size? (I ask because I've no Ahnung of book 

Is there a planned date for the official release of 1.4.x?
Not that I know.
regards Uwe