font question

2001-12-10 Thread Rodney K

I am trying to create a document using the helvetica font. However,
selecting the helvetica font from the document properties dialog box
does not change the font from the default (romans?) to helvetica. How do
I do this?


"Maybe this world is another planet's hell"
- Aldous Huxley

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Rod Pinna

One thing, in twoside mode, the geometry package puts in an extra 20pt
spacing, to allow for binding. Page 9 of the documentation explains it. To
get around it, you need to specify margins that aren't equal, or else
invoke the package in the preamble, rather than through the button.


On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Christopher M. Jones wrote:

> Nope. Right/left margins are set equal, geometry enabled. Without twoside 
> everything is normal, but as soon as twoside is enabled everything shifts off 
> the page. Maybe I have something else, some other package maybe, that is 
> doing this? Example file?
> > On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 12:07:19AM -0600, Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> > > I am using the twoside option, but I don't want the text to shift at
> > > all--I want every textwidth centered on the page. How do I override this
> > > feature?
> >
> > Set custom margins, using equal left/right margins
> > (and don't forget to enable the "Use geometry" button).

rpinna|"Sometime in the next 10,000 years 
@civil.uwa|   A comet's going to wipe out all trace of man, I'm   |banking on it coming before my end of year exams." TISM 1995

Re: Missing '.sty' files

2001-12-10 Thread Rod Pinna

Mr Masters,

I currently use LyX on a debian potato system, without too many problems.
Have you installed all the debian tetex packages? This includes
tetex-extra, and tetex-nonfree, as well as tetex-base. If that doesn't
help, telling people which packages are coming up as missing might give us
a clue.

Kindest regards,

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, cmasters wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've inserted further comments in response to your response and to my
> original post:
> On 10-12-01, Herbert Voss wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > cmasters wrote:
> > 
> > > Greetings,
> > > 
> > > Brand new convert to Lyx here :-) I must say that I love the ease of getting
> > > the job done, but I've run into a few sangs. I'd appreciate any bones that
> > > can be thrown my way.
> > > 
> > > I am running Debian, and installed Latex/Tetex and Lyx through the standard
> > > 'apt-get' method. All works well, ~except~ when I attempt to change the
> > > pre-defined variables for line spacing (single, 1/2 double) and or font type
> > > in any document that I create.
> > > 
> I imagine that ~control~ of line spacing and font type are standard
> features. Am I wrong in this?
> > > I tend to use the "new from template" feature, and have found that changing
> > > these values through the menus, results in a slew of errors when it comes
> > > time to view the dvi output. In almost ~all~ cases, the error is to the
> > > effect that I am missing a required ".sty" file (which I assume is a style
> > > definition).
> > > 
> > > Questions:
> > > 
> > > 1. Are these not automatically included in the Latex / Lyx distributions
> > > released for my system?
> > 
> > 
> > if they are supported by lyx than they are included automatically,
> > otherwise not.
> > 
> I beg to differ, but they are most ~definitely not~ included on my system.
> The point of my question was to determine whether these ".sty" files were
> part of the standard lyx / latex installation. Your answer is less than
> halpful.
> > > 2. If they are not included, how do I go about either getting them and/or
> > > writing the necessary style def files?
> > 
> > 
> > write in lyayout->preamble-> \usepackage{the packagename}
> > 
> Again, thank you for the answer, but I did indicate ~new~ Lyx convert at the
> beginning of my original message. The above means very little to me. Is that
> a latex command, something that needs to be entered via command line, or
> perhaps an additional command while running Lyx?
> > 
> > Herbert
> > 
> Thank you, I don't mean to offend, but Lyx extolls itself (and I have found
> it) to be software that formats while allowing the user to concentrate on
> content. However, there ~must~ be a method to change the default format
> variables when the consumer requires it. Hence my questions.
> C. Masters

rpinna|"Sometime in the next 10,000 years 
@civil.uwa|   A comet's going to wipe out all trace of man, I'm   |banking on it coming before my end of year exams." TISM 1995

Re: Missing '.sty' files

2001-12-10 Thread Kayvan A. Sylvan

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 02:37:00PM -0400, cmasters wrote:
> > 
> > write in lyayout->preamble-> \usepackage{the packagename}
> > 
> Again, thank you for the answer, but I did indicate ~new~ Lyx convert at the
> beginning of my original message. The above means very little to me. Is that
> a latex command, something that needs to be entered via command line, or
> perhaps an additional command while running Lyx?

>From the Layout menu, cluck on the "LaTeX Preamble" item, then insert
the given text in the text box and hit OK.

Kayvan A. Sylvan  | Proud husband of   | Father to my kids:
Sylvan Associates, Inc.   | Laura Isabella Sylvan  | Katherine Yelena (8/8/89) | "crown of her husband" | Robin Gregory (2/28/92)

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Christopher M. Jones

I get left margin (looks like) 1.5in or so, on both pages. Shifting is in the 
same direction for both pages.

> Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> > On Monday 10 December 2001 01:02 pm, you wrote:
> >>Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> >>>Nope. Right/left margins are set equal, geometry enabled. Without
> >>> twoside everything is normal, but as soon as twoside is enabled
> >>> everything shifts off the page. Maybe I have something else, some other
> >>> package maybe, that is doing this? Example file?
> >>
> >>send a minimal one.
> what happens, when you write in preamble:
> \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.25in}
> \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.25in}
> Herbert

Re: serious syllabling problem using italian

2001-12-10 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

> did latex loads italien correct??

Hi and thanks for your quick reply. By looking at the log i noticed that Latex 
did not load italian correctly although i specified it in the miktex 
I have printed my thesys anyway ... they'll have to live with wrong hypenation 
i guess.

if you know how to convince miktek to behave, let me know :)

thanks again
Giovanni Tummarello 

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Christopher M. Jones wrote:

> On Monday 10 December 2001 01:02 pm, you wrote:
>>Christopher M. Jones wrote:
>>>Nope. Right/left margins are set equal, geometry enabled. Without twoside
>>>everything is normal, but as soon as twoside is enabled everything shifts
>>>off the page. Maybe I have something else, some other package maybe, that
>>>is doing this? Example file?
>>send a minimal one.

what happens, when you write in preamble:




A critical distinction in comments

2001-12-10 Thread Steve Litt

Most of you already know this, but for any newbies who might otherwise make 
the same mistakes I did -- a word about comments in .layout files...

LyX comments start with #
LaTeX comments start with %

That means that if a line is between Preamble and EndPreamble, use %, 
otherwise use #.

I've seen cases where # worked in LaTeX, but it messed up my table of 
contents building scripts. So now I always use # for LyX and % for LaTeX.

Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

Re: Minipage borders and shading

2001-12-10 Thread Steve Litt

Thanks for all the help, Dekel and everyone else. Check out the really nice 
Note, Tip and Warning environments you've helped me create:

% ### Implements shading, 80% width, and indented paragraphs. ###

# ### Labeled shadowed box for Notes ###
Style Note
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName note_l
  LabelType Centered_Top_Environment
  LabelString   "NOTE"
  AlignPossible Left
  RightMargin   "M"
  ParSkip   0.7
  BottomSep 0.7


# ### Labeled shadowed box for Tips ###
Style Tip
  LatexType Environment
  LatexName tip_l
  LabelType Centered_Top_Environment
  LabelString   "TIP"
  AlignPossible Left
  RightMargin   "M"
  ParSkip   0.7
  BottomSep 0.7


# ### Warning style not shown because it's just more of the same ###


Steve Litt
Webmaster, Troubleshooters.Com
(Legal Disclaimer) Follow these suggestions at your own risk.

On Sunday 09 December 2001 04:37, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 06:13:21PM -0500, Steve Litt wrote:
> > On Friday 07 December 2001 08:29, Dekel Tsur wrote:
> > > Framed does not redefine the minipage command.
> > > It define new environments framed and shaded which you should use
> > > instead of your note_l, namely your layout file should contain
> > >
> > > Style Note
> > >  LatexType Environment
> > >  LatexName framed
> > > ...
> > > End
> >
> > Thanks Dekel,
> >
> > I got it running, and it does span pages, and it's beautiful but for the
> > life of me I can't make my shaded narrower. Any idea how to make a shaded
> > narrower?
> >
> > I have a generic LaTeX environment called "shadowbox" to accommodate not
> > only Lyx environment Note, but also Tip and Warning. In the code you can
> > see my failed attempt to shrink the shade by shrinking the text margins:
> After the \begin{shaded} command, put \addtolength{\hsize}{-#1}.
> Also, remove the \leftmargin and \rightmargin commands, and
> change the shadowbox env. to have only 2 arguments: margin and title.

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Christopher M. Jones

On Monday 10 December 2001 01:02 pm, you wrote:
> Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> > Nope. Right/left margins are set equal, geometry enabled. Without twoside
> > everything is normal, but as soon as twoside is enabled everything shifts
> > off the page. Maybe I have something else, some other package maybe, that
> > is doing this? Example file?
> send a minimal one.
> Herbert
Description: PostScript document

#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 218
\textclass report
\language english
\inputencoding latin1
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize 10
\spacing single 
\papersize letterpaper
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 0
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 0.25in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 0.25in
\bottommargin 1in
\headheight 0in
\headsep 0.5in
\footskip 0.5in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation indent
\defskip bigskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 2
\paperpagestyle fancy

\layout Standard

You have noticed, haven't you, that in recent times certain scientists like
 James Jeans and Sir Arthur Eddington, as well as some outstanding philosophers
 like Dr.
 Joad, have had a good deal to say about religion and God? Scientists Jeans
 and Eddington are ready to admit that there may be something to the claims
 of men who say they have had an experience of God, while Philosopher Joad
 says that the "obtrusiveness of evil" has virtually compelled him to look
 into the argument for God's existence afresh.
 Much like modernist theologian Dr.
 Reinhold Niebuhr who talks about original sin, Philosopher Joad speaks
 about evil as being ineradicable from the human mind.
\layout Standard

Then, too, you have on occasion asked yourself whether death ends all.
 You have recalled, perhaps, how Socrates the great Greek philosopher, struggled
 with that problem the day before he drank the hemlock cup.
 Is there anything at all, you ask yourself, to the idea of a judgement
 after death? Am I quite sure, you say, that there is not? How do I know
 that there is no God?
\layout Standard

In short, as a person of intelligence, having a sense of responsibility,
 you have from time to time asked yourself some questions about the foundation
 of your thought and action.
 You have looked into, or at least been concerned about, what the philosophers
 call your theory of reality .
 So when I suggest that you spend a Sunday afternoon with me discussing
 my reasons for believing in God, I have the feeling that you are basically
 interested in what I am proposing for discussion.
\layout Standard

To make our conversation more interesting, let's start by comparing notes
 on our past.
 That will fit in well with our plan, for the debate concerning heredity
 and environment is prominent in our day.
 Perhaps you think that the only real reason I have for believing in God
 is the fact that I was taught to do so in my early days.
 Of course I don't think that is really so.
 I don't deny that I was taught to believe in God when I was a child, but
 I do affirm that since I have grown up I have heard a pretty full statement
 of the argument against belief in God.
 And it is after having heard that argument that I am more than ever ready
 to believe in God.
 Now, in fact, I feel that the whole of history and civilization would be
 unintelligible to me if it were not for my belief in God.
 So true is this, that I propose to argue that unless God is back of everything,
 you cannot find meaning in anything.
 I cannot even argue for belief in Him, without already having taken Him
 for granted.
 And similarly I contend that you cannot argue against belief in Him unless
 you also first take Him for granted.
 Arguing about God's existence, I hold, is like arguing about air.
 You may affirm that air exists, and I that it does not.
 But as we debate the point, we are both breathing air all the time.
 Or to use another illustration, God is like the emplacement on which must
 stand the very guns that are supposed to shoot Him out of existence.
 However if, after hearing my story briefly, you still think it is all a
 matter of heredity and environment, I shall not disagree too violently.
 My whole point will be that there is perfect harmony between my belief
 as a child and my belief as a man, simply because God is Himself the environmen
t by which my early life was directed and my later life made intelligible
 to myself.
\layout Subsection*

The "Accident of Birth"
\layout Standard

We are frequently told that much in our life depends on "the accident of
 In ancient time some men were said to spring full-grown from the foreheads
 of the gods.
 That, at any rate, is not true today.
 Yet I understand the next best thing happened to you.
 You were born, I am told, in Washington, D.C., under the shadow of the White
 Well, I 

Re: Missing '.sty' files

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

cmasters wrote:

> Greetings,
> I've inserted further comments in response to your response and to my
> original post:
> I imagine that ~control~ of line spacing and font type are standard
> features. Am I wrong in this?

no, your right

>>if they are supported by lyx than they are included automatically,
>>otherwise not.
> I beg to differ, but they are most ~definitely not~ included on my system.
> The point of my question was to determine whether these ".sty" files were
> part of the standard lyx / latex installation. Your answer is less than
> halpful.

lyx expects a running latex system. It comes itself without any
additional latex package. The supported packages are mainly part
of every standard latex edition.

>>>2. If they are not included, how do I go about either getting them and/or
>>>writing the necessary style def files?
>>write in lyayout->preamble-> \usepackage{the packagename}
> Again, thank you for the answer, but I did indicate ~new~ Lyx convert at the
> beginning of my original message. The above means very little to me. Is that
> a latex command, something that needs to be entered via command line, or
> perhaps an additional command while running Lyx?

as I wrote put it into the latex preamble means

layout->LaTeX preamble

> Thank you, I don't mean to offend, but Lyx extolls itself (and I have found
> it) to be software that formats while allowing the user to concentrate on
> content. However, there ~must~ be a method to change the default format
> variables when the consumer requires it. Hence my questions.

sure, but if you want to use more htan LyX supports, than you need

some more latex knowledge and on the other hand LyX is a powerful
program which comes with helpfiles and examples... ;-)



Re: Hanging Indentation in table...

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Wayan wrote:

> Dear LyX-Users,
> I have filled out a paragraph in a cell of table and want this paragraph
> to be hanging indentation. I have tried by giving a negative value of
> \parindent command (as I have read in an old milinglist archive). It was
> OK, but the first line of my paragraph cut across the left-border of
> the cell.
> It is possible to make indentation in a cell of table??

you can use the following layout:


Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Christopher M. Jones wrote:

> Nope. Right/left margins are set equal, geometry enabled. Without twoside 
> everything is normal, but as soon as twoside is enabled everything shifts off 
> the page. Maybe I have something else, some other package maybe, that is 
> doing this? Example file?

send a minimal one.



Re: Missing '.sty' files

2001-12-10 Thread cmasters


I've inserted further comments in response to your response and to my
original post:

On 10-12-01, Herbert Voss wrote:
> cmasters wrote:
> > Greetings,
> > 
> > Brand new convert to Lyx here :-) I must say that I love the ease of getting
> > the job done, but I've run into a few sangs. I'd appreciate any bones that
> > can be thrown my way.
> > 
> > I am running Debian, and installed Latex/Tetex and Lyx through the standard
> > 'apt-get' method. All works well, ~except~ when I attempt to change the
> > pre-defined variables for line spacing (single, 1/2 double) and or font type
> > in any document that I create.
> > 

I imagine that ~control~ of line spacing and font type are standard
features. Am I wrong in this?

> > I tend to use the "new from template" feature, and have found that changing
> > these values through the menus, results in a slew of errors when it comes
> > time to view the dvi output. In almost ~all~ cases, the error is to the
> > effect that I am missing a required ".sty" file (which I assume is a style
> > definition).
> > 
> > Questions:
> > 
> > 1. Are these not automatically included in the Latex / Lyx distributions
> > released for my system?
> if they are supported by lyx than they are included automatically,
> otherwise not.
I beg to differ, but they are most ~definitely not~ included on my system.
The point of my question was to determine whether these ".sty" files were
part of the standard lyx / latex installation. Your answer is less than

> > 2. If they are not included, how do I go about either getting them and/or
> > writing the necessary style def files?
> write in lyayout->preamble-> \usepackage{the packagename}
Again, thank you for the answer, but I did indicate ~new~ Lyx convert at the
beginning of my original message. The above means very little to me. Is that
a latex command, something that needs to be entered via command line, or
perhaps an additional command while running Lyx?

> Herbert
Thank you, I don't mean to offend, but Lyx extolls itself (and I have found
it) to be software that formats while allowing the user to concentrate on
content. However, there ~must~ be a method to change the default format
variables when the consumer requires it. Hence my questions.

C. Masters

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Christopher M. Jones

Nope. Right/left margins are set equal, geometry enabled. Without twoside 
everything is normal, but as soon as twoside is enabled everything shifts off 
the page. Maybe I have something else, some other package maybe, that is 
doing this? Example file?

> On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 12:07:19AM -0600, Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> > I am using the twoside option, but I don't want the text to shift at
> > all--I want every textwidth centered on the page. How do I override this
> > feature?
> Set custom margins, using equal left/right margins
> (and don't forget to enable the "Use geometry" button).

Re: math typeface: bold and italic

2001-12-10 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 03:28:09PM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:
> try \textbf{\textit{.. your bold italic math ...}}
> create an own command in preamble, than it's easier.

Another way is to use the bm package, and then use \bm{...}

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 12:07:19AM -0600, Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> I am using the twoside option, but I don't want the text to shift at all--I 
> want every textwidth centered on the page. How do I override this feature?

Set custom margins, using equal left/right margins
(and don't forget to enable the "Use geometry" button).

Re: pdflatex problem

2001-12-10 Thread Dekel Tsur

On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 05:25:22PM -0500, Paul Tremblay wrote:

> However, I would like to be able to convert directly from the
> terminal.  Can anyone tell me what filter Lyx uses?  And does


> anyone know why my first attempt at using pdflatex did not work?

Perhaps a bug in your pdflatex, or a bug in your acroread.

Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Christopher M. Jones

Right. Using the fancyhdr package, so that \fancyhead[R,O]{} and friends work.

> Christopher M. Jones wrote:
> > I am using the twoside option, but I don't want the text to shift at
> > all--I want every textwidth centered on the page. How do I override this
> > feature?
> so you need the twosideoption only for the page headers?
> HErbert

Re: amsfonts and amssymb

2001-12-10 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 05:04:33PM +, Tanya Schmah wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm evaluating LyX, and having difficulty converting existing amstex
> files. I've managed to use relyX from the command line to produce a
> usable LyX file, but an awful lot of my file comes up red, including
> \mathfrak, \ast, user-defined math operators, \longrightarrow, \circ, ...
> to name a few.  Are there ways to get LyX to display these nicely, or are
> they things that I have to do another way, or put up with them being
> displayed in raw TeX?

In the 1.1.6 series you have to live with "red text" in those cases where
the symbol is not in the X symbol font.

In 1.2.0cvs (the current development version) there is support for things
like \ast, \circ and \longrightarrow, but not for  \mathfrak, user defined
math operators etc. But im most cases the missing parts could be added if
people would like to have them supported.


André Pönitz .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

amsfonts and amssymb

2001-12-10 Thread Tanya Schmah

Hi folks,

I'm evaluating LyX, and having difficulty converting existing amstex
files. I've managed to use relyX from the command line to produce a
usable LyX file, but an awful lot of my file comes up red, including
\mathfrak, \ast, user-defined math operators, \longrightarrow, \circ,
... to name a few. Are there ways to get LyX to display these nicely, or
are they things that I have to do another way, or put up with them being
displayed in raw TeX?




Tanya Schmah

Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick,
Coventry, CV4 7AL

+44 (0)24 7652 3583




2001-12-10 Thread Spedia tanitim
Öncelikle rahatsýz ediyorsak özür dileriz ama bu maili okursanýz sanýrým bize teþekkür 
edeceksiniz. Sizlere, hiçbir masraf yapmadan yalnýzca 
internete girerek para kazanacaðýnýzý iddia ediyoruz. 
Hiçbir yalan dolan, hile olmadan
Üstelik kredi kartý numaranýzý bile vermeniz gerekmiyor. Ufak bir formu dolduruyorsunuz, 
dünyaca ünlü bir þirket olan ve dünyanýn heryerine ( 
Türkiye dahil olmak üzere ) para yollayan bu þirketin küçük bir programýný 
download ediyorsunuz. Daha sonra her internete giriþinizde bu programý açýyorsunuz ve 
program nete ne kadar girdiðinizi hesaplýyor. 
Nete girdiðiniz her saat baþý 50 cent alýyorsunuz ve bunu karþýlýðýnda ekranýnýzýn küçük bi 
bölümünde reklamlar görünüyor... 
Ayda yalnýzca 60 saat internete girerek 30$ kazanýyorsunuz tabii daha fazla kazanmak 
isterseniz arkadaþlarýnýzý üye ediyorsunuz.
Ýster saadet zinciri, isterseniz zeka kullanýmý deyin, bence bundan daha iyi bir yöntem yok
Ayrýntýlý bilgi gelen çeklerimizin resimleri ve olasý sorularýnýzýn cevaplarý için aþagýdaki 
sitelerden herhangi birine giriniz(hepsi aynýdýr):



Hanging Indentation in table...

2001-12-10 Thread Wayan

Dear LyX-Users,

I have filled out a paragraph in a cell of table and want this paragraph
to be hanging indentation. I have tried by giving a negative value of
\parindent command (as I have read in an old milinglist archive). It was
OK, but the first line of my paragraph cut across the left-border of
the cell.

It is possible to make indentation in a cell of table??

Thank you in advanced for your help.



Re: Missing '.sty' files

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

cmasters wrote:

> Greetings,
> Brand new convert to Lyx here :-) I must say that I love the ease of getting
> the job done, but I've run into a few sangs. I'd appreciate any bones that
> can be thrown my way.
> I am running Debian, and installed Latex/Tetex and Lyx through the standard
> 'apt-get' method. All works well, ~except~ when I attempt to change the
> pre-defined variables for line spacing (single, 1/2 double) and or font type
> in any document that I create.
> I tend to use the "new from template" feature, and have found that changing
> these values through the menus, results in a slew of errors when it comes
> time to view the dvi output. In almost ~all~ cases, the error is to the
> effect that I am missing a required ".sty" file (which I assume is a style
> definition).
> Questions:
> 1. Are these not automatically included in the Latex / Lyx distributions
> released for my system?

if they are supported by lyx than they are included automatically,
otherwise not.

> 2. If they are not included, how do I go about either getting them and/or
> writing the necessary style def files?

write in lyayout->preamble-> \usepackage{the packagename}



Re: text placement twoside

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Christopher M. Jones wrote:

> I am using the twoside option, but I don't want the text to shift at all--I 
> want every textwidth centered on the page. How do I override this feature?

so you need the twosideoption only for the page headers?



Re: switch off citation links in hyperref

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Michael Koundouros wrote:

> Hi lyxers
> I want the citation links turned off when I use the hyperref package. the
> reason is that the links get turned from [1-3] to [1,2,3] for example, so
> that you can click on each of them. Does anyone know how?

to get [1-3] you need package cite. therefore you can use




switch off citation links in hyperref

2001-12-10 Thread Michael Koundouros

Hi lyxers

I want the citation links turned off when I use the hyperref package. the
reason is that the links get turned from [1-3] to [1,2,3] for example, so
that you can click on each of them. Does anyone know how?


Missing '.sty' files

2001-12-10 Thread cmasters


Brand new convert to Lyx here :-) I must say that I love the ease of getting
the job done, but I've run into a few sangs. I'd appreciate any bones that
can be thrown my way.

I am running Debian, and installed Latex/Tetex and Lyx through the standard
'apt-get' method. All works well, ~except~ when I attempt to change the
pre-defined variables for line spacing (single, 1/2 double) and or font type
in any document that I create.

I tend to use the "new from template" feature, and have found that changing
these values through the menus, results in a slew of errors when it comes
time to view the dvi output. In almost ~all~ cases, the error is to the
effect that I am missing a required ".sty" file (which I assume is a style


1. Are these not automatically included in the Latex / Lyx distributions
released for my system?

2. If they are not included, how do I go about either getting them and/or
writing the necessary style def files?

Many thanks,
C. Masters

Re: math typeface: bold and italic

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:
>>>italic anymore. Is it possible to get both bold and italic
>>>math font?
> Thank you, but I already looked at this, and it seems to
> describe how to get bold _greek_ characters--but I need
> bold _italic_ characters instead.
> (Greek is near Italy, so no wonder if this is confusing...:)

sorry, should have read well ...

try \textbf{\textit{.. your bold italic math ...}}

create an own command in preamble, than it's easier.



Re: math typeface: bold and italic

2001-12-10 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Herbert Voss wrote:

>> italic anymore. Is it possible to get both bold and italic
>> math font?

Thank you, but I already looked at this, and it seems to
describe how to get bold _greek_ characters--but I need
bold _italic_ characters instead.
(Greek is near Italy, so no wonder if this is confusing...:)

Re: math typeface: bold and italic

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Tuukka Toivonen wrote:

> Meta-c b changes math font to bold, but it won't be
> italic anymore. Is it possible to get both bold and italic
> math font?
> (this is how I should write vector symbols)


Re: serious syllabling problem using italian

2001-12-10 Thread Herbert Voss

Giovanni Tummarello wrote:

> Hello , i have just printed my master thesis and noticed that all the 
> hiphentations are plain wrong. The problem is the syllabling which causes words 
> to be split in the wrong way.
> the document languge IS set as "italian" .. anything i can do to avoid this?
> if there is a solution i relaly need it quick :( thanks

did latex loads italien correct??


serious syllabling problem using italian

2001-12-10 Thread Giovanni Tummarello

Hello , i have just printed my master thesis and noticed that all the 
hiphentations are plain wrong. The problem is the syllabling which causes words 
to be split in the wrong way.

the document languge IS set as "italian" .. anything i can do to avoid this?

if there is a solution i relaly need it quick :( thanks

Giovanni Tummarello 

Re: math typeface: bold and italic

2001-12-10 Thread Andre Poenitz

On Mon, Dec 10, 2001 at 02:52:19PM +0200, Tuukka Toivonen wrote:
> Meta-c b changes math font to bold, but it won't be
> italic anymore. Is it possible to get both bold and italic
> math font?

Not according to the code ;-}

Does it make sense LaTeX-wise?

> (this is how I should write vector symbols)

What do would you use if you wrote it in LaTeX?


André Pönitz .. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

math typeface: bold and italic

2001-12-10 Thread Tuukka Toivonen

Meta-c b changes math font to bold, but it won't be
italic anymore. Is it possible to get both bold and italic
math font?

(this is how I should write vector symbols)

Re: LyX 2 xhtml and viceversa

2001-12-10 Thread Guenter Milde

On 08 Dec 2001 13:55:23 +0100 wrote Michele De Lorenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello to all, I would like to know if there are some good softwares to
> translate from LyX 2 xhtml.
> I know that there is LaTeX2html included in LyX but I want xhtml with
> the tags for the formulas instead of the gif images.

[As far as I know, LyX doesnot include LaTeX2html itself but support for it]

A different LaTeX-Html converter, that does use symbol fonts, sub- and
superscript intstructions and tables instead of gifs for the equations is

To make it available in LyX 1.1.6, I looked at the way 2 conversions for one
type are done with PDF (dvips+ps2pdf vs. pdflatex). 

Under >settings>format_convertion>formats (Translated menu names from my
German LyX) I added a new Format "HTML (hevea)" and under the tab Under
>settings>format_convertion>formats) >format_convertion I put:
  From: LaTeX 
  To: HTML (hevea) 
  Command: hevea $$i

This way I have two alternative possibilities to convert LyX into Html that
both show up in the >File>Export menu.



Re: pdflatex problem

2001-12-10 Thread Kathryn Andersen

On Sun, Dec 09, 2001 at 05:25:22PM -0500, Paul Tremblay wrote:
> When I got back to the meeting, I had the bright idea of
> importing the file into Lyx, and then using its export=>PDF.  (I
> *did* not use the option export=> PDF_latex.)  This worked.
> However, I would like to be able to convert directly from the
> terminal.  Can anyone tell me what filter Lyx uses?  And does
> anyone know why my first attempt at using pdflatex did not work?
The second attempt didn't actually use pdflatex.  Export => PDF doesn't
use pdflatex, it uses latex to create a Postscript file, which is then
converted to PDF.
You can check on the filters used by looking at (checks LyX)
Edit => Preferences and looking at the Converters tab.  That window has
two sub-tabs, Formats and Converters.  The Formats tab defines various
formats (gives them names, says what extension they use etc).
The Converters tab is where the converters between various formats are
defined.  These converters are chained together until you get what you
So, Export => PDF would go in this sequence:
Latex -> DVI (latex)
DVI -> Postscript  (dvips)
Postscript -> PDF (ps2pdf)

Export => PDF (pdflatex) just uses one step:
Latex -> PDF (pdflatex)

And one does get slightly different results depending on which one you
use.  Whether one works better than the other usually depends on the
particular document.

Kathryn Andersen
Bergman : You think everything is a conspiracy.
Hippy : But it is.  (The Abyss)
 _--_|\ | Kathryn Andersen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
/  \|   
  v | #include "standard/disclaimer.h"
| Melbourne -> Victoria -> Australia -> Southern Hemisphere
Maranatha!  |   -> Earth -> Sol -> Milky Way Galaxy -> Universe

Re: Tables and LyX stability

2001-12-10 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes

> "John" == John Levon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

John> On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 01:18:23PM -0500, Matej Cepl wrote:
>> I think, that answer was more whether there will be any version
>> 1.1.6fix4 (I would love to have it too). There are really too many
>> ways how to get lyx down now.

John> there will be a fix4 probably, but it doesn't fix many of the
John> bad bugs unfortunately,as the fixes are too big.

Indeed. The only thing which is not yet in 1,1,6fix4 and that I would
like to fix properly is the problem with scalable symbol fontss on
mandrake and redhat.
