Re: Custom layout and psmatrix from pstricks, 1.4.0pre2

2005-10-27 Thread Herbert Voss
maarten wrote:

 latex - ps/eps images
 pdflatex - png,jpg,pdf images
 I know the latex basics, but I forgot to mention that also when I use
 logo.eps it happened.

sure, LyX doesn't know, that you use \includegraphics nad
did not write \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble.
When using the LyX way to insert a graphic, LyX dies the rest.

in your case, you have to put the \usepackage by yourself
in the preamble.

 In the mean time I found out logo.png in the header works for pdflatex
 as long as you put another image somewhere in the document.

see above

 If you use ps2pdf you NEED logo.eps. In the rest of the document you can
 still use other types of images, lyx takes care about that.
 After some trail and error I found out:
 The solution is to remove \usepackage{cmap} (why?) and - off course -

example file! However \usepackage{lmodern} is the better way

 put ps2pdf instead of pdftex in the hyperref options in the preamble.

in most cases, hyperref can detect by itself, what driver
is the needed.

 let this be done by geometry, at least by LyX
 Is that really needed? I try to keep the user interaction about
 document layout as low possible so I specified this in the layout

no, use the LyX menu


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo

Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):

 i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
 comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
 in my reference list.

 the bst file is custom made with makebst:

 if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!

In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
%DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
%DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
%: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
% ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
% ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
% ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
% ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date 

Try to change it as follows:

%DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
%DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
%   %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
% ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
% ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
 ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
% ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date 

This forces BiBTeX to always use period . after the date block.

You have to re-build the .bst file to make the change work.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards

How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Giorgio Zavarise

Hi all,

still on the theme box around an equation, perhaps I found a bug in 
Lyx (I am using Lyx 1.3.5 for MAC OSX 10.3.9), but I found also a 

Yesterday I proposed the following procedure

 1) go to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- DISPLAY FORMULA
 2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the 
 3) the text \fbox disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor 

 4) go again to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- INLINE 

 5) type the equation there inside
 6) eventually apply equation number as usual

Well, it work fine, both within Lyx, and also if you export the file on 
a Latex document ... but, if you now quit Lyx and start again, then 
something becomes wrong: you get an empty box in front of the equation, 
then the equation that was in the box, and then some garbage.

Example: Follow the above procedure to type in Lyx the display equation 
x=2 with the frame around. From here Lyx will export the CORRECT latex


Now save the lyx file, quit Lyx and start again. You will have the 
equation screwed, and the corresponding latex will be (don't ask me 


Hence it seems that there in an inconsistency in Lyx between writing 
and reading its own data file.
(if this is really a bug, could somebody please inform the developers 


The problem can be solved nesting an \mbox command inside the framed 
box before typing the equation. This seems to prevent Lyx from 
inconsistencies in reading the data file. Here is the update procedure 
that seems to work:

 1) go to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- DISPLAY FORMULA
 2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the 
 3) the text \fbox disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor 

 4) type \mbox and then press carriage return or the spacebar
 5) the text \mbox disappear and a second box appears with the cursor 

 6) go again to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- INLINE 

 7) type the equation there inside
 8) eventually apply equation number as usual

In this way if you quit Lyx and start again everything seems to work

I hope this is useful for somebody

 Giorgio Zavarise

I tried also the above procedure recently proposed by Paul Smith, but 
for me it does not work. I means the result looks correct, but I am not 
able to pdflatex it, and I got the following error message:

Undefined control sequence.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Perhaps some AMS package is required for it. If this is the case, then 
please could somebody specify what has to be added?

 How can I insert a frame around my equation?

 1) Go to math mode (inline formula or display formula)
 2) Type \boxed and then a press carriage return or the spacebar
 3) The text \boxed disappears and a framed box appears
 4) Type the equation inside the


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
unfortunately, this is not it.

The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

and not like:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

Note the period after the author block.

the given example entry looks like this in the bibtex file:

author = {Shima, J. E. and McLean, D. J. and McCarrey, J. R. and
Griswold, M. D.},
title = {The murine testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene
expression in the testis during the progression of
journal = {Biol Reprod},
year = {2004},
volume = {71},
number = {1},
pages = {319-330},
abstract = {One of the most promising applications of microarrays is
the study of changes in gene expression associated with the
growth and development of mammalian tissues. The testis
provides an excellent model to determine the ability of
microarrays to effectively characterize the changes in gene
expression as an organ develops from birth to adulthood. To
this end, a developmental testis gene expression time
course profiling the expression patterns of approximately
36 000 transcripts on the Affymetrix MGU74v2 GeneChip
platform at 11 distinct time points was created to gain a
greater understanding of the molecular changes necessary
for and elicited by the development of the testis.
Additionally, gene expression profiles of isolated
testicular cell types were created that can aid in the
further characterization of the specific functional actions
of each cell type in the testis. Statistical analysis of
the data revealed 11 252 transcripts (9846 unique)
expressed differentially in a significant manner.
Subsequent cluster analysis produced five distinct
expressional patterns within the time course. These
patterns of expression are present at distinct
chronological periods during testis development and often
share similarities with cell-specific expression profiles.
Analysis of cell-specific expression patterns produced
unique and characteristic groups of transcripts that
provide greater insight into the activities, biological and
chronological, of testicular cell types during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Further analysis of this
time course can provide a distinct and more definitive view
into the genes implicated, known and unknown, in the
maturation, maintenance, and function of the testis and the
integrated process of spermatogenesis.},
authoraddress = {Center for Reproductive Biology, School of Molecular
Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington 99164, USA.},
keywords = {Animals ; *Gene Expression Profiling ; Male ; Mice ; Mice,
Inbred Strains ; Multigene Family ; Oligonucleotide Array
Sequence Analysis ; Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. ;
Spermatogenesis/*genetics ; Testis/metabolism/*physiology ;
*Transcription, Genetic},
language = {eng},
medline-aid = {10.1095/biolreprod.103.026880 [doi] ; biolreprod.103.026880
medline-da = {20040622},
medline-dcom = {20050105},
medline-dep = {20040317},
medline-edat = {2004/03/19 05:00},
medline-fau = {Shima, James E ; McLean, Derek J ; McCarrey, John R ;
Griswold, Michael D},
medline-gr = {ES09136/ES/NIEHS ; HD 10808/HD/NICHD ; U54 HD42454/HD/NICHD},
medline-is = {0006-3363},
medline-jid = {0207224},
medline-mhda = {2005/01/06 09:00},
medline-own = {NLM},
medline-phst = {2004/03/17 [aheadofprint]},
medline-pl = {United States},
medline-pmid = {15028632},
medline-pst = {ppublish},
medline-pt = {Journal Article},
medline-pubm = {Print-Electronic},
medline-sb = {IM},
medline-so = {Biol Reprod 2004 Jul;71(1):319-30. Epub 2004 Mar 17.},
medline-stat = {MEDLINE},

On 27/10/05, K. Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):
  i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
  comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
  in my reference list.
  the bst file is custom made with makebst:
  if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!

 In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
 %DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
 %DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
 %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
 % ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
 % ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
 % ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
 % ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date

 Try to change it as follows:

 %DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
 %DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
 % %: (def) Date with standard block 

Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo
Hi again,

Martin A. Hansen kirjoitti viestissään (torstai, 27. lokakuuta 2005 
 unfortunately, this is not it.

 The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:

 Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine
 testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
 testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod

 and not like:

 Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine
 testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
 testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod

 Note the period after the author block.

Well, then, replace the line 92 in the .bst file, currently being:
{ ,  * write$ }
{ .  * write$ }

This should work. Hope it does (at least it worked when tested with a 
test file) :-)

Kind regards

Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
excellent! that did it!

i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since there
unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file - at least i
havnt been able to figure it out.

i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).



On 27/10/05, K. Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi again,

 Martin A. Hansen kirjoitti viestissään (torstai, 27. lokakuuta 2005
  unfortunately, this is not it.
  The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:
  Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine
  testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
  testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
  and not like:
  Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine
  testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
  testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
  Note the period after the author block.

 Well, then, replace the line 92 in the .bst file, currently being:
 { ,  * write$ }
 { .  * write$ }

 This should work. Hope it does (at least it worked when tested with a
 test file) :-)

 Kind regards

Re: How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Paul Smith
On 10/27/05, Giorgio Zavarise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried also the above procedure recently proposed by Paul Smith, but
 for me it does not work. I means the result looks correct, but I am not
 able to pdflatex it, and I got the following error message:

 Undefined control sequence.
 The control sequence at the end of the top line
 of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
 misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
 spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
 and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

 Perhaps some AMS package is required for it. If this is the case, then
 please could somebody specify what has to be added?

   How can I insert a frame around my equation?
   1) Go to math mode (inline formula or display formula)
   2) Type \boxed and then a press carriage return or the spacebar
   3) The text \boxed disappears and a framed box appears
   4) Type the equation inside the

My fault, Giorgio. I apologize. An item 5 has to be added:

5) Tick the box Layout - Document - Packages - Use AMS math.


Re: lyx-gtk compilation error

2005-10-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Luca == Luca Nicotra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Luca Ok, sorry for bothering ... my fault ... it should have been
Luca --with-frontend=xforms gtk

Or simply --with-frontend=gtk. xforms is added automatically.


lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Miki Dovrat

I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)


data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Hi all.
We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with 
data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our 
PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from 
smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy 
and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just drop 
tables in.
Also, it would be good to import/export documents from/to (our 
main WP at the moment). Again, html is a solution, but not a very good one 
(lots of formatting are lost). Is there a tool for this?
Thanks a lot.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
SQL-lyx would require a filter of some sort, but perhaps there already is

convertion between OO and lyx can be done via RTF.


On 27/10/05, Paolo Cavallini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all.
 We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with
 data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our
 PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from
 smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy
 and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just
 tables in.
 Also, it would be good to import/export documents from/to
 main WP at the moment). Again, html is a solution, but not a very good one
 (lots of formatting are lost). Is there a tool for this?
 Thanks a lot.
 Paolo Cavallini
 email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Miki Dovrat
I reinstalled it, all is there, but nonetheless it shouldn't have been this 

Miki Dovrat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
 keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

 Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)



Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Thanks for the suggestions.
At 11:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Martin A. Hansen has probably written:
 SQL-lyx would require a filter of some sort, but perhaps there already is
this is an interesting suggestion, although it does not solve our problem: we 
have all our data on a large PostgreSQL RDBMS, and we have to get data from 
 convertion between OO and lyx can be done via RTF.
maybe rtf would be better that html, but still not a very smooth solution.
I also tried the export from Kword, but the resulting .tex crashes LyX.
Will have to study more.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Herbert Voss
Giorgio Zavarise wrote:

 still on the theme box around an equation, perhaps I found a bug in
 Lyx (I am using Lyx 1.3.5 for MAC OSX 10.3.9), but I found also a
 Yesterday I proposed the following procedure
   1) go to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- DISPLAY FORMULA
   2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the
   3) the text \fbox disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor

this is one of the reason, why you should use \boxed from
from amsmath. Laoding amsmath should be the default!


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo

Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 10:50):
 excellent! that did it!

Good to know ;-)

 i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since
 there unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file -
 at least i havnt been able to figure it out.

I don't know a way to rebuild a .bst file from a .dbj file, either. But 
I could imagine there is a way...

 i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).

Well, actually, I am myself working on a .bst for the finnish political 
science association. So I have tried to tame the beast...

But, the .bst file has some logic in it. How I figured out the solution 
for Your problem was as follows:

1) E.g. the function article is defined from the line #843 onwards. 
The _author-date_ (!!) block is formatted as follows:
FUNCTION {article}
{ output.bibitem
  format.authors author output.check
  author format.key output year output.check

The function output.bibitem sets the output.state variable to a value 
representing the beginning of a block. The function date.block sets 
this variable to a value representing the end of a block. 

2) When compared with the function output.check (because it closes 
the formatting of the authors) defined as follows (lines 115-121):
FUNCTION {output.check}
{ 't :=
  duplicate$ empty$
{ pop$ empty  t *  in  * cite$ * warning$ }

we can see, if there are authors, the function output.nonnull will be 

3) This function is defined from the line 89 onwards:
FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
{ 's :=
  output.state mid.sentence =
{ .  * write$ }
{ output.state after.block =
{ add.period$ write$
  \newblock  write$
{ output.state before.all =
{ add.period$   * write$ }
  mid.sentence 'output.state :=

Now, when excecuted the first time after the output.bibitem, the 
output.state variable is set to the value of the constant 
mid.sentence (because the test output.state mid.sentence = results 
false). This means, because this happens when the _authors_ are 
formatted, that the autor and year (or whatever is defined to follow 
the authors' names _before_ the block ends) are separated by a 
mid-sentence punctuation (which was originally defined as ,)! When 
the function output.nonnull is once again executed when the date is 
formatted, the test output.state mid.sentence = will be true and the 
next command { .  * write$ } is executed.

Hope this a bit clarified the logic of a .bst file...


You're welcome - var så god!



Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
thanks for the explanation.

to generate a bst file from a dbj file just:

latex whatever.dbj


On 27/10/05, K. Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 10:50):
  excellent! that did it!

 Good to know ;-)

  i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since
  there unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file -
  at least i havnt been able to figure it out.

 I don't know a way to rebuild a .bst file from a .dbj file, either. But
 I could imagine there is a way...

  i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).

 Well, actually, I am myself working on a .bst for the finnish political
 science association. So I have tried to tame the beast...

 But, the .bst file has some logic in it. How I figured out the solution
 for Your problem was as follows:

 1) E.g. the function article is defined from the line #843 onwards.
 The _author-date_ (!!) block is formatted as follows:
 FUNCTION {article}
 { output.bibitem
 format.authors author output.check
 author format.key output year output.check

 The function output.bibitem sets the output.state variable to a value
 representing the beginning of a block. The function date.block sets
 this variable to a value representing the end of a block.

 2) When compared with the function output.check (because it closes
 the formatting of the authors) defined as follows (lines 115-121):
 FUNCTION {output.check}
 { 't :=
 duplicate$ empty$
 { pop$ empty  t *  in  * cite$ * warning$ }

 we can see, if there are authors, the function output.nonnull will be

 3) This function is defined from the line 89 onwards:
 FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
 { 's :=
 output.state mid.sentence =
 { .  * write$ }
 { output.state after.block =
 { add.period$ write$
 \newblock  write$
 { output.state before.all =
 { add.period$   * write$ }
 mid.sentence 'output.state :=

 Now, when excecuted the first time after the output.bibitem, the
 output.state variable is set to the value of the constant
 mid.sentence (because the test output.state mid.sentence = results
 false). This means, because this happens when the _authors_ are
 formatted, that the autor and year (or whatever is defined to follow
 the authors' names _before_ the block ends) are separated by a
 mid-sentence punctuation (which was originally defined as ,)! When
 the function output.nonnull is once again executed when the date is
 formatted, the test output.state mid.sentence = will be true and the
 next command { .  * write$ } is executed.

 Hope this a bit clarified the logic of a .bst file...


 You're welcome - var så god!



Re: lyx-gtk compilation error

2005-10-27 Thread Luca Nicotra
Thanks. Anyway I use Ubuntu, which is quite common for gnome users ...

2005/10/27, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Luca == Luca Nicotra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Luca it worked perfectly thanks Jean-Marc ... should I notify this as
 Luca a bug?

 No, configure has no way to guess where a particular distribution puts
 its files.

 Actually, this is not really true. It is possible to use
   pkg-config freetype2 --cflags
 to know that. I'll try to think about it later.


Re: multiinclude with beamer

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Myriam Abramson wrote:


I desperately need to include some animation. I tried the multiinclude
as in the Beamer's users guide but I got a file corrupted message
with acroread (7.0). Any ideas?

I also tried various other things but I can't get any graphics
animation going. I would really like to have an example using
multiinclude that works. 



Here's the world's smallest LyX example using multiinclude (one slide, 
two image files, no frills).  I'll send you a zip archive with the image 
files directly, for what its worth.  No problems displaying it in 
Acrobat Reader here.  It's so simple, I doubt it will help.  Perhaps you 
should post a minimal dysfunctional example?


Description: application/lyx

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Hi all.
We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with 
data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our 
PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from 
smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy 
and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just drop 
tables in.

Your easiest route may be to do just that: drop a table into OO that 
queries the DB, then (manually) copy the table contents and paste them 
into a table in LyX:

AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database, 
unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts 
the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with 
markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)


Re: lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Miki Dovrat wrote:

I reinstalled it, all is there, but nonetheless it shouldn't have been this 

Miki Dovrat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)


Most keyboard shortcuts are dictated by your bind file(s).  Some are set 
directly in the user interface (ui) file, but Ctrl-D in particular comes 
from the bind file.  I can think of two possibilities.  One is that the 
keyboard bind files got lost in the first installation.  The other is 
that Edit-Preferences-Look and feel-User interface-Bind file: did 
not get set (or got set incorrectly) the first time around.

Unless someone can reproduce the problem, there's no way to tell which 
it was, or why it happened.


Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
 AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database,
 unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts
 the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with
 markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)

Thanks Paul.
This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It would 
be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and of course, 
time is scarce...).
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Symbols for a figure key - adding a new font

2005-10-27 Thread David Wolfson

Through the wonders of wine, I've managed to get some figures from an old 
excel sheet added into a lyx file as floats, but need to add symbol 
definitions in the caption. I've found most of the symbols listed as part of 
the ifsym font in the 'comprehensive list of LATEX fonts' from CTAN, but 
can't get them to work. For example, I need a filled triangle but adding 
\FilledTriangleUp as ERT gives an error:

Undefined control sequence.

I tried adding \usepackage{ifsym} in the preamamble, and I guess you'll not be 
surprised to hear that I get another error:
LaTeX Error: File `ifsym.sty' not found.
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

So I'm guessing that I need to install another font. I've found ifsym at CTAN:

but have no idea what to do with it!

I've been looking round the archives/google/CTAN, and have found the rather 
intimidating (103 pages) of 'the font installation guide':
and some information in the TEX FAQ:

which goes right over my head! Do I need to go through all this with Lyx, or 
can someone point me in the right direction please?

I'm using Lyx1.3.5 installed from rpm on mandrake10.1...

Thanks very much,


where did my citations go?

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
citations isnt happening. something strange is going on with natbib as
one can see from the warnings in the logfile:

how do i set this right?


Re: where did my citations go?

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
thanks, but the problem went away.

i deselected layout-document-bibligraphy-natbib-apply
then i reselected natbib and all is good.



On 27/10/05, Geoffrey Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you send the file and bib along i will find the problem for you (if i

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin A. Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: LyX Users' Forum
 Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:33 PM
 Subject: where did my citations go?

 citations isnt happening. something strange is going on with natbib as
 one can see from the warnings in the logfile:

 how do i set this right?


Graphics: jpicedt

2005-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  Not too long ago, someone here recommended jpicedt to make it easier to
work with PSTricks. The application is not properly installing for me
(Slackware-10.2) and I would appreciate an off-the-list response if anyone
has suggestions. I'll explain the problems, of course.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Graphics: jpicedt -- SOLVED

2005-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Not too long ago, someone here recommended jpicedt to make it easier to
work with PSTricks. The application is not properly installing for me
(Slackware-10.2) and I would appreciate an off-the-list response if anyone
has suggestions. I'll explain the problems, of course.

  Nevermind. Syd responded to my e-mail and we solved the problem. It came
down to the installer not making the preferences file in ~/.jpicedt. He wrote
that this happened to someone else last May or June, but he didn't save the
dialog and didn't recall the solution, However, touching the file was the


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Ingar Pareliussen
Torsdag 27. oktober 2005 16:29 skreiv Paolo Cavallini:
 At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
  AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database,
  unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts
  the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with
  markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)

 Thanks Paul.
 This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It
 would be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and of
 course, time is scarce...).


How about sqltex, it works only for mysql but that shouldn't be the worst part 
to rewrite. It take a sql statement and replace it with the results from the 
db. It is written in perl as a latex preprocessor.


Re: Using lyx and multibib

2005-10-27 Thread Sam Russell
Chris wrote,
 I´ would like to use Lyx (1.3.6-1 for Windows) and the package multibib
 together to get three different bibliographys, but it dosnt work.

I'm in a similar situation with jurabib and multiple bibliographies.

(History requires Archival documents, Primary and Secondary sources to
be seperate tc.)

My solution when LyX won't produce bibliography stuff the way I like
it is to export to LaTeX, like so:

LyX myfile

cd \lyxdocs
latex lyxdocs
bibtex8 -W myfile
bibtex8 -W arch
bibtex8 -W gedr
latex myfile
latex myfile
yap mylyx

Sam R.

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread John Coppens
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 16:29:32 +0200
Paolo Cavallini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
  AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a
  database, unless you are willing to write a script that queries the
  DB and inserts the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are
  plain text with markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)
 Thanks Paul.
 This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It
 would be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and
 of course, time is scarce...).

Hi all.

As a first (maybe small) step to ease this process, I would suggest the
following (for which I've felt a need several times):

Provide the possibility to import CSV files into a table in LyX, either
dynamically (like images), or as a first step, just on command.

Most, if not all databases export CSV, and it would open a wealth of
other possibilities, like import data from experiments, spreadsheets,
address books, etc.

Just .02$


Re: Custom layout and psmatrix from pstricks, 1.4.0pre2

2005-10-27 Thread Herbert Voss
maarten wrote:

 latex - ps/eps images
 pdflatex - png,jpg,pdf images
 I know the latex basics, but I forgot to mention that also when I use
 logo.eps it happened.

sure, LyX doesn't know, that you use \includegraphics nad
did not write \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble.
When using the LyX way to insert a graphic, LyX dies the rest.

in your case, you have to put the \usepackage by yourself
in the preamble.

 In the mean time I found out logo.png in the header works for pdflatex
 as long as you put another image somewhere in the document.

see above

 If you use ps2pdf you NEED logo.eps. In the rest of the document you can
 still use other types of images, lyx takes care about that.
 After some trail and error I found out:
 The solution is to remove \usepackage{cmap} (why?) and - off course -

example file! However \usepackage{lmodern} is the better way

 put ps2pdf instead of pdftex in the hyperref options in the preamble.

in most cases, hyperref can detect by itself, what driver
is the needed.

 let this be done by geometry, at least by LyX
 Is that really needed? I try to keep the user interaction about
 document layout as low possible so I specified this in the layout

no, use the LyX menu


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo

Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):

 i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
 comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
 in my reference list.

 the bst file is custom made with makebst:

 if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!

In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
%DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
%DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
%: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
% ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
% ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
% ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
% ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date 

Try to change it as follows:

%DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
%DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
%   %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
% ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
% ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
 ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
% ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date 

This forces BiBTeX to always use period . after the date block.

You have to re-build the .bst file to make the change work.

Hope this helps!

Kind regards

How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Giorgio Zavarise

Hi all,

still on the theme box around an equation, perhaps I found a bug in 
Lyx (I am using Lyx 1.3.5 for MAC OSX 10.3.9), but I found also a 

Yesterday I proposed the following procedure

 1) go to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- DISPLAY FORMULA
 2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the 
 3) the text \fbox disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor 

 4) go again to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- INLINE 

 5) type the equation there inside
 6) eventually apply equation number as usual

Well, it work fine, both within Lyx, and also if you export the file on 
a Latex document ... but, if you now quit Lyx and start again, then 
something becomes wrong: you get an empty box in front of the equation, 
then the equation that was in the box, and then some garbage.

Example: Follow the above procedure to type in Lyx the display equation 
x=2 with the frame around. From here Lyx will export the CORRECT latex


Now save the lyx file, quit Lyx and start again. You will have the 
equation screwed, and the corresponding latex will be (don't ask me 


Hence it seems that there in an inconsistency in Lyx between writing 
and reading its own data file.
(if this is really a bug, could somebody please inform the developers 


The problem can be solved nesting an \mbox command inside the framed 
box before typing the equation. This seems to prevent Lyx from 
inconsistencies in reading the data file. Here is the update procedure 
that seems to work:

 1) go to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- DISPLAY FORMULA
 2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the 
 3) the text \fbox disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor 

 4) type \mbox and then press carriage return or the spacebar
 5) the text \mbox disappear and a second box appears with the cursor 

 6) go again to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- INLINE 

 7) type the equation there inside
 8) eventually apply equation number as usual

In this way if you quit Lyx and start again everything seems to work

I hope this is useful for somebody

 Giorgio Zavarise

I tried also the above procedure recently proposed by Paul Smith, but 
for me it does not work. I means the result looks correct, but I am not 
able to pdflatex it, and I got the following error message:

Undefined control sequence.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Perhaps some AMS package is required for it. If this is the case, then 
please could somebody specify what has to be added?

 How can I insert a frame around my equation?

 1) Go to math mode (inline formula or display formula)
 2) Type \boxed and then a press carriage return or the spacebar
 3) The text \boxed disappears and a framed box appears
 4) Type the equation inside the


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
unfortunately, this is not it.

The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

and not like:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

Note the period after the author block.

the given example entry looks like this in the bibtex file:

author = {Shima, J. E. and McLean, D. J. and McCarrey, J. R. and
Griswold, M. D.},
title = {The murine testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene
expression in the testis during the progression of
journal = {Biol Reprod},
year = {2004},
volume = {71},
number = {1},
pages = {319-330},
abstract = {One of the most promising applications of microarrays is
the study of changes in gene expression associated with the
growth and development of mammalian tissues. The testis
provides an excellent model to determine the ability of
microarrays to effectively characterize the changes in gene
expression as an organ develops from birth to adulthood. To
this end, a developmental testis gene expression time
course profiling the expression patterns of approximately
36 000 transcripts on the Affymetrix MGU74v2 GeneChip
platform at 11 distinct time points was created to gain a
greater understanding of the molecular changes necessary
for and elicited by the development of the testis.
Additionally, gene expression profiles of isolated
testicular cell types were created that can aid in the
further characterization of the specific functional actions
of each cell type in the testis. Statistical analysis of
the data revealed 11 252 transcripts (9846 unique)
expressed differentially in a significant manner.
Subsequent cluster analysis produced five distinct
expressional patterns within the time course. These
patterns of expression are present at distinct
chronological periods during testis development and often
share similarities with cell-specific expression profiles.
Analysis of cell-specific expression patterns produced
unique and characteristic groups of transcripts that
provide greater insight into the activities, biological and
chronological, of testicular cell types during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Further analysis of this
time course can provide a distinct and more definitive view
into the genes implicated, known and unknown, in the
maturation, maintenance, and function of the testis and the
integrated process of spermatogenesis.},
authoraddress = {Center for Reproductive Biology, School of Molecular
Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington 99164, USA.},
keywords = {Animals ; *Gene Expression Profiling ; Male ; Mice ; Mice,
Inbred Strains ; Multigene Family ; Oligonucleotide Array
Sequence Analysis ; Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. ;
Spermatogenesis/*genetics ; Testis/metabolism/*physiology ;
*Transcription, Genetic},
language = {eng},
medline-aid = {10.1095/biolreprod.103.026880 [doi] ; biolreprod.103.026880
medline-da = {20040622},
medline-dcom = {20050105},
medline-dep = {20040317},
medline-edat = {2004/03/19 05:00},
medline-fau = {Shima, James E ; McLean, Derek J ; McCarrey, John R ;
Griswold, Michael D},
medline-gr = {ES09136/ES/NIEHS ; HD 10808/HD/NICHD ; U54 HD42454/HD/NICHD},
medline-is = {0006-3363},
medline-jid = {0207224},
medline-mhda = {2005/01/06 09:00},
medline-own = {NLM},
medline-phst = {2004/03/17 [aheadofprint]},
medline-pl = {United States},
medline-pmid = {15028632},
medline-pst = {ppublish},
medline-pt = {Journal Article},
medline-pubm = {Print-Electronic},
medline-sb = {IM},
medline-so = {Biol Reprod 2004 Jul;71(1):319-30. Epub 2004 Mar 17.},
medline-stat = {MEDLINE},

On 27/10/05, K. Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):
  i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
  comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
  in my reference list.
  the bst file is custom made with makebst:
  if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!

 In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
 %DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
 %DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
 %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
 % ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
 % ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
 % ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
 % ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date

 Try to change it as follows:

 %DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
 %DATE PUNCTUATION (if date not at end)
 % %: (def) Date with standard block 

Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo
Hi again,

Martin A. Hansen kirjoitti viestissään (torstai, 27. lokakuuta 2005 
 unfortunately, this is not it.

 The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:

 Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine
 testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
 testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod

 and not like:

 Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine
 testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
 testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod

 Note the period after the author block.

Well, then, replace the line 92 in the .bst file, currently being:
{ ,  * write$ }
{ .  * write$ }

This should work. Hope it does (at least it worked when tested with a 
test file) :-)

Kind regards

Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
excellent! that did it!

i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since there
unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file - at least i
havnt been able to figure it out.

i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).



On 27/10/05, K. Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi again,

 Martin A. Hansen kirjoitti viestissään (torstai, 27. lokakuuta 2005
  unfortunately, this is not it.
  The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:
  Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine
  testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
  testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
  and not like:
  Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine
  testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
  testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
  Note the period after the author block.

 Well, then, replace the line 92 in the .bst file, currently being:
 { ,  * write$ }
 { .  * write$ }

 This should work. Hope it does (at least it worked when tested with a
 test file) :-)

 Kind regards

Re: How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Paul Smith
On 10/27/05, Giorgio Zavarise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried also the above procedure recently proposed by Paul Smith, but
 for me it does not work. I means the result looks correct, but I am not
 able to pdflatex it, and I got the following error message:

 Undefined control sequence.
 The control sequence at the end of the top line
 of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
 misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
 spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
 and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

 Perhaps some AMS package is required for it. If this is the case, then
 please could somebody specify what has to be added?

   How can I insert a frame around my equation?
   1) Go to math mode (inline formula or display formula)
   2) Type \boxed and then a press carriage return or the spacebar
   3) The text \boxed disappears and a framed box appears
   4) Type the equation inside the

My fault, Giorgio. I apologize. An item 5 has to be added:

5) Tick the box Layout - Document - Packages - Use AMS math.


Re: lyx-gtk compilation error

2005-10-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
 Luca == Luca Nicotra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Luca Ok, sorry for bothering ... my fault ... it should have been
Luca --with-frontend=xforms gtk

Or simply --with-frontend=gtk. xforms is added automatically.


lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Miki Dovrat

I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)


data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Hi all.
We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with 
data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our 
PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from 
smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy 
and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just drop 
tables in.
Also, it would be good to import/export documents from/to (our 
main WP at the moment). Again, html is a solution, but not a very good one 
(lots of formatting are lost). Is there a tool for this?
Thanks a lot.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
SQL-lyx would require a filter of some sort, but perhaps there already is

convertion between OO and lyx can be done via RTF.


On 27/10/05, Paolo Cavallini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all.
 We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with
 data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our
 PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from
 smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy
 and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just
 tables in.
 Also, it would be good to import/export documents from/to
 main WP at the moment). Again, html is a solution, but not a very good one
 (lots of formatting are lost). Is there a tool for this?
 Thanks a lot.
 Paolo Cavallini
 email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Miki Dovrat
I reinstalled it, all is there, but nonetheless it shouldn't have been this 

Miki Dovrat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
 keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

 Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)



Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Thanks for the suggestions.
At 11:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Martin A. Hansen has probably written:
 SQL-lyx would require a filter of some sort, but perhaps there already is
this is an interesting suggestion, although it does not solve our problem: we 
have all our data on a large PostgreSQL RDBMS, and we have to get data from 
 convertion between OO and lyx can be done via RTF.
maybe rtf would be better that html, but still not a very smooth solution.
I also tried the export from Kword, but the resulting .tex crashes LyX.
Will have to study more.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Herbert Voss
Giorgio Zavarise wrote:

 still on the theme box around an equation, perhaps I found a bug in
 Lyx (I am using Lyx 1.3.5 for MAC OSX 10.3.9), but I found also a
 Yesterday I proposed the following procedure
   1) go to math mode with the command INSERT -- MATH -- DISPLAY FORMULA
   2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the
   3) the text \fbox disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor

this is one of the reason, why you should use \boxed from
from amsmath. Laoding amsmath should be the default!


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo

Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 10:50):
 excellent! that did it!

Good to know ;-)

 i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since
 there unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file -
 at least i havnt been able to figure it out.

I don't know a way to rebuild a .bst file from a .dbj file, either. But 
I could imagine there is a way...

 i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).

Well, actually, I am myself working on a .bst for the finnish political 
science association. So I have tried to tame the beast...

But, the .bst file has some logic in it. How I figured out the solution 
for Your problem was as follows:

1) E.g. the function article is defined from the line #843 onwards. 
The _author-date_ (!!) block is formatted as follows:
FUNCTION {article}
{ output.bibitem
  format.authors author output.check
  author format.key output year output.check

The function output.bibitem sets the output.state variable to a value 
representing the beginning of a block. The function date.block sets 
this variable to a value representing the end of a block. 

2) When compared with the function output.check (because it closes 
the formatting of the authors) defined as follows (lines 115-121):
FUNCTION {output.check}
{ 't :=
  duplicate$ empty$
{ pop$ empty  t *  in  * cite$ * warning$ }

we can see, if there are authors, the function output.nonnull will be 

3) This function is defined from the line 89 onwards:
FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
{ 's :=
  output.state mid.sentence =
{ .  * write$ }
{ output.state after.block =
{ add.period$ write$
  \newblock  write$
{ output.state before.all =
{ add.period$   * write$ }
  mid.sentence 'output.state :=

Now, when excecuted the first time after the output.bibitem, the 
output.state variable is set to the value of the constant 
mid.sentence (because the test output.state mid.sentence = results 
false). This means, because this happens when the _authors_ are 
formatted, that the autor and year (or whatever is defined to follow 
the authors' names _before_ the block ends) are separated by a 
mid-sentence punctuation (which was originally defined as ,)! When 
the function output.nonnull is once again executed when the date is 
formatted, the test output.state mid.sentence = will be true and the 
next command { .  * write$ } is executed.

Hope this a bit clarified the logic of a .bst file...


You're welcome - var så god!



Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
thanks for the explanation.

to generate a bst file from a dbj file just:

latex whatever.dbj


On 27/10/05, K. Elo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 10:50):
  excellent! that did it!

 Good to know ;-)

  i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since
  there unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file -
  at least i havnt been able to figure it out.

 I don't know a way to rebuild a .bst file from a .dbj file, either. But
 I could imagine there is a way...

  i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).

 Well, actually, I am myself working on a .bst for the finnish political
 science association. So I have tried to tame the beast...

 But, the .bst file has some logic in it. How I figured out the solution
 for Your problem was as follows:

 1) E.g. the function article is defined from the line #843 onwards.
 The _author-date_ (!!) block is formatted as follows:
 FUNCTION {article}
 { output.bibitem
 format.authors author output.check
 author format.key output year output.check

 The function output.bibitem sets the output.state variable to a value
 representing the beginning of a block. The function date.block sets
 this variable to a value representing the end of a block.

 2) When compared with the function output.check (because it closes
 the formatting of the authors) defined as follows (lines 115-121):
 FUNCTION {output.check}
 { 't :=
 duplicate$ empty$
 { pop$ empty  t *  in  * cite$ * warning$ }

 we can see, if there are authors, the function output.nonnull will be

 3) This function is defined from the line 89 onwards:
 FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
 { 's :=
 output.state mid.sentence =
 { .  * write$ }
 { output.state after.block =
 { add.period$ write$
 \newblock  write$
 { output.state before.all =
 { add.period$   * write$ }
 mid.sentence 'output.state :=

 Now, when excecuted the first time after the output.bibitem, the
 output.state variable is set to the value of the constant
 mid.sentence (because the test output.state mid.sentence = results
 false). This means, because this happens when the _authors_ are
 formatted, that the autor and year (or whatever is defined to follow
 the authors' names _before_ the block ends) are separated by a
 mid-sentence punctuation (which was originally defined as ,)! When
 the function output.nonnull is once again executed when the date is
 formatted, the test output.state mid.sentence = will be true and the
 next command { .  * write$ } is executed.

 Hope this a bit clarified the logic of a .bst file...


 You're welcome - var så god!



Re: lyx-gtk compilation error

2005-10-27 Thread Luca Nicotra
Thanks. Anyway I use Ubuntu, which is quite common for gnome users ...

2005/10/27, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  Luca == Luca Nicotra [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Luca it worked perfectly thanks Jean-Marc ... should I notify this as
 Luca a bug?

 No, configure has no way to guess where a particular distribution puts
 its files.

 Actually, this is not really true. It is possible to use
   pkg-config freetype2 --cflags
 to know that. I'll try to think about it later.


Re: multiinclude with beamer

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Myriam Abramson wrote:


I desperately need to include some animation. I tried the multiinclude
as in the Beamer's users guide but I got a file corrupted message
with acroread (7.0). Any ideas?

I also tried various other things but I can't get any graphics
animation going. I would really like to have an example using
multiinclude that works. 



Here's the world's smallest LyX example using multiinclude (one slide, 
two image files, no frills).  I'll send you a zip archive with the image 
files directly, for what its worth.  No problems displaying it in 
Acrobat Reader here.  It's so simple, I doubt it will help.  Perhaps you 
should post a minimal dysfunctional example?


Description: application/lyx

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Hi all.
We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with 
data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our 
PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from 
smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy 
and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just drop 
tables in.

Your easiest route may be to do just that: drop a table into OO that 
queries the DB, then (manually) copy the table contents and paste them 
into a table in LyX:

AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database, 
unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts 
the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with 
markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)


Re: lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Miki Dovrat wrote:

I reinstalled it, all is there, but nonetheless it shouldn't have been this 

Miki Dovrat [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)


Most keyboard shortcuts are dictated by your bind file(s).  Some are set 
directly in the user interface (ui) file, but Ctrl-D in particular comes 
from the bind file.  I can think of two possibilities.  One is that the 
keyboard bind files got lost in the first installation.  The other is 
that Edit-Preferences-Look and feel-User interface-Bind file: did 
not get set (or got set incorrectly) the first time around.

Unless someone can reproduce the problem, there's no way to tell which 
it was, or why it happened.


Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
 AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database,
 unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts
 the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with
 markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)

Thanks Paul.
This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It would 
be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and of course, 
time is scarce...).
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Symbols for a figure key - adding a new font

2005-10-27 Thread David Wolfson

Through the wonders of wine, I've managed to get some figures from an old 
excel sheet added into a lyx file as floats, but need to add symbol 
definitions in the caption. I've found most of the symbols listed as part of 
the ifsym font in the 'comprehensive list of LATEX fonts' from CTAN, but 
can't get them to work. For example, I need a filled triangle but adding 
\FilledTriangleUp as ERT gives an error:

Undefined control sequence.

I tried adding \usepackage{ifsym} in the preamamble, and I guess you'll not be 
surprised to hear that I get another error:
LaTeX Error: File `ifsym.sty' not found.
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

So I'm guessing that I need to install another font. I've found ifsym at CTAN:

but have no idea what to do with it!

I've been looking round the archives/google/CTAN, and have found the rather 
intimidating (103 pages) of 'the font installation guide':
and some information in the TEX FAQ:

which goes right over my head! Do I need to go through all this with Lyx, or 
can someone point me in the right direction please?

I'm using Lyx1.3.5 installed from rpm on mandrake10.1...

Thanks very much,


where did my citations go?

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
citations isnt happening. something strange is going on with natbib as
one can see from the warnings in the logfile:

how do i set this right?


Re: where did my citations go?

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
thanks, but the problem went away.

i deselected layout-document-bibligraphy-natbib-apply
then i reselected natbib and all is good.



On 27/10/05, Geoffrey Lloyd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 if you send the file and bib along i will find the problem for you (if i

 - Original Message -
 From: Martin A. Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: LyX Users' Forum
 Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:33 PM
 Subject: where did my citations go?

 citations isnt happening. something strange is going on with natbib as
 one can see from the warnings in the logfile:

 how do i set this right?


Graphics: jpicedt

2005-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  Not too long ago, someone here recommended jpicedt to make it easier to
work with PSTricks. The application is not properly installing for me
(Slackware-10.2) and I would appreciate an off-the-list response if anyone
has suggestions. I'll explain the problems, of course.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Graphics: jpicedt -- SOLVED

2005-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Not too long ago, someone here recommended jpicedt to make it easier to
work with PSTricks. The application is not properly installing for me
(Slackware-10.2) and I would appreciate an off-the-list response if anyone
has suggestions. I'll explain the problems, of course.

  Nevermind. Syd responded to my e-mail and we solved the problem. It came
down to the installer not making the preferences file in ~/.jpicedt. He wrote
that this happened to someone else last May or June, but he didn't save the
dialog and didn't recall the solution, However, touching the file was the


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Ingar Pareliussen
Torsdag 27. oktober 2005 16:29 skreiv Paolo Cavallini:
 At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
  AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database,
  unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts
  the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with
  markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)

 Thanks Paul.
 This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It
 would be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and of
 course, time is scarce...).


How about sqltex, it works only for mysql but that shouldn't be the worst part 
to rewrite. It take a sql statement and replace it with the results from the 
db. It is written in perl as a latex preprocessor.


Re: Using lyx and multibib

2005-10-27 Thread Sam Russell
Chris wrote,
 I´ would like to use Lyx (1.3.6-1 for Windows) and the package multibib
 together to get three different bibliographys, but it dosnt work.

I'm in a similar situation with jurabib and multiple bibliographies.

(History requires Archival documents, Primary and Secondary sources to
be seperate tc.)

My solution when LyX won't produce bibliography stuff the way I like
it is to export to LaTeX, like so:

LyX myfile

cd \lyxdocs
latex lyxdocs
bibtex8 -W myfile
bibtex8 -W arch
bibtex8 -W gedr
latex myfile
latex myfile
yap mylyx

Sam R.

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread John Coppens
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 16:29:32 +0200
Paolo Cavallini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
  AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a
  database, unless you are willing to write a script that queries the
  DB and inserts the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are
  plain text with markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)
 Thanks Paul.
 This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It
 would be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and
 of course, time is scarce...).

Hi all.

As a first (maybe small) step to ease this process, I would suggest the
following (for which I've felt a need several times):

Provide the possibility to import CSV files into a table in LyX, either
dynamically (like images), or as a first step, just on command.

Most, if not all databases export CSV, and it would open a wealth of
other possibilities, like import data from experiments, spreadsheets,
address books, etc.

Just .02$


Re: Custom layout and psmatrix from pstricks, 1.4.0pre2

2005-10-27 Thread Herbert Voss
maarten wrote:

>> latex -> ps/eps images
>> pdflatex -> png,jpg,pdf images
> I know the latex basics, but I forgot to mention that also when I use
> logo.eps it happened.

sure, LyX doesn't know, that you use \includegraphics nad
did not write \usepackage{graphicx} in the preamble.
When using the LyX way to insert a graphic, LyX dies the rest.

in your case, you have to put the \usepackage by yourself
in the preamble.

> In the mean time I found out logo.png in the header works for pdflatex
> as long as you put another image somewhere in the document.

see above

> If you use ps2pdf you NEED logo.eps. In the rest of the document you can
> still use other types of images, lyx takes care about that.
> After some trail and error I found out:
> The solution is to remove \usepackage{cmap} (why?) and - off course -

example file! However \usepackage{lmodern} is the better way

> put ps2pdf instead of pdftex in the hyperref options in the preamble.

in most cases, hyperref can detect by itself, what driver
is the needed.

>> let this be done by geometry, at least by LyX
> Is that really needed? I try to keep the "user" interaction about
> document layout as low possible so I specified this in the layout
> Preamble.

no, use the LyX menu


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo

Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):
> hello
> i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
> comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
> in my reference list.
> the bst file is custom made with makebst:
> if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!

In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
%>>DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
%<>DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)

How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Giorgio Zavarise

Hi all,

still on the theme "box around an equation", perhaps I found a bug in 
Lyx (I am using Lyx 1.3.5 for MAC OSX 10.3.9), but I found also a 

Yesterday I proposed the following procedure

 1) go to math mode with the command INSERT --> MATH --> DISPLAY FORMULA
 2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the 
 3) the text "\fbox" disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor 

 4) go again to math mode with the command INSERT --> MATH --> INLINE 

 5) type the equation there inside
 6) eventually apply equation number as usual

Well, it work fine, both within Lyx, and also if you export the file on 
a Latex document ... but, if you now quit Lyx and start again, then 
something becomes wrong: you get an empty box in front of the equation, 
then the equation that was in the box, and then some garbage.

Example: Follow the above procedure to type in Lyx the display equation 
x=2 with the frame around. From here Lyx will export the CORRECT latex


Now save the lyx file, quit Lyx and start again. You will have the 
equation screwed, and the corresponding latex will be (don't ask me 


Hence it seems that there in an inconsistency in Lyx between writing 
and reading its own data file.
(if this is really a bug, could somebody please inform the developers 


The problem can be solved nesting an \mbox command inside the framed 
box before typing the equation. This seems to prevent Lyx from 
inconsistencies in reading the data file. Here is the update procedure 
that seems to work:

 1) go to math mode with the command INSERT --> MATH --> DISPLAY FORMULA
 2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the 
 3) the text "\fbox" disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor 

 4) type \mbox and then press carriage return or the spacebar
 5) the text "\mbox" disappear and a second box appears with the cursor 

 6) go again to math mode with the command INSERT --> MATH --> INLINE 

 7) type the equation there inside
 8) eventually apply equation number as usual

In this way if you quit Lyx and start again everything seems to work

I hope this is useful for somebody

 Giorgio Zavarise

I tried also the above procedure recently proposed by Paul Smith, but 
for me it does not work. I means the result looks correct, but I am not 
able to pdflatex it, and I got the following error message:

Undefined control sequence.
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

Perhaps some AMS package is required for it. If this is the case, then 
please could somebody specify what has to be added?

 How can I insert a frame around my equation?

 1) Go to math mode (inline formula or display formula)
 2) Type \boxed and then a press carriage return or the spacebar
 3) The text "\boxed" disappears and a framed box appears
 4) Type the equation inside the


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
unfortunately, this is not it.

The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

and not like:

Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine testicular
transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the testis during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod 71:319--­330.

Note the period after the author block.

the given example entry looks like this in the bibtex file:

author = {Shima, J. E. and McLean, D. J. and McCarrey, J. R. and
Griswold, M. D.},
title = {The murine testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene
expression in the testis during the progression of
journal = {Biol Reprod},
year = {2004},
volume = {71},
number = {1},
pages = {319-330},
abstract = {One of the most promising applications of microarrays is
the study of changes in gene expression associated with the
growth and development of mammalian tissues. The testis
provides an excellent model to determine the ability of
microarrays to effectively characterize the changes in gene
expression as an organ develops from birth to adulthood. To
this end, a developmental testis gene expression time
course profiling the expression patterns of approximately
36 000 transcripts on the Affymetrix MGU74v2 GeneChip
platform at 11 distinct time points was created to gain a
greater understanding of the molecular changes necessary
for and elicited by the development of the testis.
Additionally, gene expression profiles of isolated
testicular cell types were created that can aid in the
further characterization of the specific functional actions
of each cell type in the testis. Statistical analysis of
the data revealed 11 252 transcripts (9846 unique)
expressed differentially in a significant manner.
Subsequent cluster analysis produced five distinct
expressional patterns within the time course. These
patterns of expression are present at distinct
chronological periods during testis development and often
share similarities with cell-specific expression profiles.
Analysis of cell-specific expression patterns produced
unique and characteristic groups of transcripts that
provide greater insight into the activities, biological and
chronological, of testicular cell types during the
progression of spermatogenesis. Further analysis of this
time course can provide a distinct and more definitive view
into the genes implicated, known and unknown, in the
maturation, maintenance, and function of the testis and the
integrated process of spermatogenesis.},
authoraddress = {Center for Reproductive Biology, School of Molecular
Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington 99164, USA.},
keywords = {Animals ; *Gene Expression Profiling ; Male ; Mice ; Mice,
Inbred Strains ; Multigene Family ; Oligonucleotide Array
Sequence Analysis ; Research Support, U.S. Gov't, P.H.S. ;
Spermatogenesis/*genetics ; Testis/metabolism/*physiology ;
*Transcription, Genetic},
language = {eng},
medline-aid = {10.1095/biolreprod.103.026880 [doi] ; biolreprod.103.026880
medline-da = {20040622},
medline-dcom = {20050105},
medline-dep = {20040317},
medline-edat = {2004/03/19 05:00},
medline-fau = {Shima, James E ; McLean, Derek J ; McCarrey, John R ;
Griswold, Michael D},
medline-gr = {ES09136/ES/NIEHS ; HD 10808/HD/NICHD ; U54 HD42454/HD/NICHD},
medline-is = {0006-3363},
medline-jid = {0207224},
medline-mhda = {2005/01/06 09:00},
medline-own = {NLM},
medline-phst = {2004/03/17 [aheadofprint]},
medline-pl = {United States},
medline-pmid = {15028632},
medline-pst = {ppublish},
medline-pt = {Journal Article},
medline-pubm = {Print-Electronic},
medline-sb = {IM},
medline-so = {Biol Reprod 2004 Jul;71(1):319-30. Epub 2004 Mar 17.},
medline-stat = {MEDLINE},

On 27/10/05, K. Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 00:00):
> > hello
> >
> >
> > i have this irritating problem that i cannot figure out why i get a
> > comma instead of a period between the author block and the date block
> > in my reference list.
> >
> > the bst file is custom made with makebst:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > if anyone is good at this, i would dearly like some advice!
> >
> In the .dbj file you have selected the following (lines 233-239):
> %>>DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
> %< %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or period)
> % ,yrp-col%: Colon after date as 1994:
> % ,yrp-semi%: Semi-colon after date as 1994;
> % ,yrp-per%: Period after date even when blocks use commas
> % ,yrp-x%: No punct. after date
> Try to change it as follows:
> %>>DATE FORMAT (if author-year citations)
> %< % %: (def) Date with standard block punctuation (comma or 

Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo
Hi again,

Martin A. Hansen kirjoitti viestissään (torstai, 27. lokakuuta 2005 
> unfortunately, this is not it.
> The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:
> Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine
> testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
> testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
> 71:319--­330.
> and not like:
> Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine
> testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
> testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
> 71:319--­330.
> Note the period after the author block.

Well, then, replace the line 92 in the .bst file, currently being:
{ ", " * write$ }
{ ". " * write$ }

This should work. Hope it does (at least it worked when tested with a 
test file) :-)

Kind regards

Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
excellent! that did it!

i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since there
unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file - at least i
havnt been able to figure it out.

i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).



On 27/10/05, K. Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Martin A. Hansen kirjoitti viestissään (torstai, 27. lokakuuta 2005
> 10:24):
> > unfortunately, this is not it.
> >
> > The layout of the reference list entry should look like this:
> >
> > Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD. 2004. The murine
> > testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
> > testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
> > 71:319--­330.
> >
> > and not like:
> >
> > Shima JE, McLean DJ, McCarrey JR, Griswold MD, 2004. The murine
> > testicular transcriptome: characterizing gene expression in the
> > testis during the progression of spermatogenesis. Biol Reprod
> > 71:319--­330.
> >
> >
> > Note the period after the author block.
> Well, then, replace the line 92 in the .bst file, currently being:
> { ", " * write$ }
> with
> { ". " * write$ }
> This should work. Hope it does (at least it worked when tested with a
> test file) :-)
> Kind regards
> Kimmo

Re: How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Paul Smith
On 10/27/05, Giorgio Zavarise <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried also the above procedure recently proposed by Paul Smith, but
> for me it does not work. I means the result looks correct, but I am not
> able to pdflatex it, and I got the following error message:
> Undefined control sequence.
>   \boxed
> {x=2}\end{equation}
> The control sequence at the end of the top line
> of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
> misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
> spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
> and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
> Perhaps some AMS package is required for it. If this is the case, then
> please could somebody specify what has to be added?
> >  Question:
> >  How can I insert a frame around my equation?
> >
> >  1) Go to math mode (inline formula or display formula)
> >  2) Type \boxed and then a press carriage return or the spacebar
> >  3) The text "\boxed" disappears and a framed box appears
> >  4) Type the equation inside the
>   box

My fault, Giorgio. I apologize. An item 5 has to be added:

5) Tick the box Layout -> Document -> Packages -> Use AMS math.


Re: lyx-gtk compilation error

2005-10-27 Thread Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> "Luca" == Luca Nicotra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Luca> Ok, sorry for bothering ... my fault ... it should have been
Luca> --with-frontend="xforms gtk"

Or simply --with-frontend="gtk". xforms is added automatically.


lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Miki Dovrat

I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)


data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Hi all.
We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with 
data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our 
PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from 
smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy 
and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just drop 
tables in.
Also, it would be good to import/export documents from/to (our 
main WP at the moment). Again, html is a solution, but not a very good one 
(lots of formatting are lost). Is there a tool for this?
Thanks a lot.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
SQL->lyx would require a filter of some sort, but perhaps there already is

convertion between OO and lyx can be done via RTF.


On 27/10/05, Paolo Cavallini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all.
> We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with
> data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our
> PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from
> smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy
> and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just
> drop
> tables in.
> Also, it would be good to import/export documents from/to
> main WP at the moment). Again, html is a solution, but not a very good one
> (lots of formatting are lost). Is there a tool for this?
> Thanks a lot.
> pc
> --
> Paolo Cavallini
> email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Miki Dovrat
I reinstalled it, all is there, but nonetheless it shouldn't have been this 

"Miki Dovrat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi,
> I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
> keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 
> function).
> Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)
> Thanks

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
Thanks for the suggestions.
At 11:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Martin A. Hansen has probably written:
> SQL->lyx would require a filter of some sort, but perhaps there already is
> one?
this is an interesting suggestion, although it does not solve our problem: we 
have all our data on a large PostgreSQL RDBMS, and we have to get data from 
> convertion between OO and lyx can be done via RTF.
maybe rtf would be better that html, but still not a very smooth solution.
I also tried the export from Kword, but the resulting .tex crashes LyX.
Will have to study more.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Re: How to put a box around an equation: is there a bug in Lyx?

2005-10-27 Thread Herbert Voss
Giorgio Zavarise wrote:

> still on the theme "box around an equation", perhaps I found a bug in
> Lyx (I am using Lyx 1.3.5 for MAC OSX 10.3.9), but I found also a
> workaround.
> Yesterday I proposed the following procedure
>   1) go to math mode with the command INSERT --> MATH --> DISPLAY FORMULA
>   2) type \fbox (visible box) and then press carriage return or the
> spacebar
>   3) the text "\fbox" disappear and a framed box appears with the cursor
> inside

this is one of the reason, why you should use \boxed from
from amsmath. Laoding amsmath should be the default!


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread K. Elo

Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 10:50):
> excellent! that did it!

Good to know ;-)

> i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since
> there unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file -
> at least i havnt been able to figure it out.

I don't know a way to rebuild a .bst file from a .dbj file, either. But 
I could imagine there is a way...

> i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).

Well, actually, I am myself working on a .bst for the finnish political 
science association. So I have tried to "tame the beast"...

But, the .bst file has some logic in it. How I figured out the solution 
for Your problem was as follows:

1) E.g. the function "article" is defined from the line #843 onwards. 
The _author-date_ (!!) block is formatted as follows:
FUNCTION {article}
{ output.bibitem
  format.authors "author" output.check
  author format.key output "year" output.check

The function "output.bibitem" sets the output.state variable to a value 
representing the beginning of a block. The function "date.block" sets 
this variable to a value representing the end of a block. 

2) When compared with the function "output.check" (because it "closes" 
the formatting of the authors) defined as follows (lines 115-121):
FUNCTION {output.check}
{ 't :=
  duplicate$ empty$
{ pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }

we can see, if there are authors, the function "output.nonnull" will be 

3) This function is defined from the line 89 onwards:
FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
{ 's :=
  output.state mid.sentence =
{ ". " * write$ }
{ output.state after.block =
{ add.period$ write$
  "\newblock " write$
{ output.state before.all =
{ add.period$ " " * write$ }
  mid.sentence 'output.state :=

Now, when excecuted the first time after the "output.bibitem", the 
output.state variable is set to the value of the constant 
"mid.sentence" (because the test "output.state mid.sentence =" results 
false). This means, because this happens when the _authors_ are 
formatted, that the autor and year (or whatever is defined to follow 
the authors' names _before_ the block ends) are separated by a 
mid-sentence punctuation (which was originally defined as ",")! When 
the function "output.nonnull" is once again executed when the date is 
formatted, the test "output.state mid.sentence =" will be true and the 
next command "{ ". " * write$ }" is executed.

Hope this a bit clarified the logic of a .bst file...

> thanks

You're welcome - var så god!

> martin


Re: period after author in reference list

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
thanks for the explanation.

to generate a bst file from a dbj file just:

latex whatever.dbj


On 27/10/05, K. Elo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Martin A. Hansen wrote (27.10.2005 10:50):
> > excellent! that did it!
> Good to know ;-)
> > i had this feeling that tweaking of the bst file was required, since
> > there unfortunately isnt a way to fix this in the makebst dbj file -
> > at least i havnt been able to figure it out.
> I don't know a way to rebuild a .bst file from a .dbj file, either. But
> I could imagine there is a way...
> > i am impressed that you found the spot in the bst file (so fast).
> Well, actually, I am myself working on a .bst for the finnish political
> science association. So I have tried to "tame the beast"...
> But, the .bst file has some logic in it. How I figured out the solution
> for Your problem was as follows:
> 1) E.g. the function "article" is defined from the line #843 onwards.
> The _author-date_ (!!) block is formatted as follows:
> FUNCTION {article}
> { output.bibitem
> format.authors "author" output.check
> author format.key output
> "year" output.check
> date.block
> The function "output.bibitem" sets the output.state variable to a value
> representing the beginning of a block. The function "date.block" sets
> this variable to a value representing the end of a block.
> 2) When compared with the function "output.check" (because it "closes"
> the formatting of the authors) defined as follows (lines 115-121):
> FUNCTION {output.check}
> { 't :=
> duplicate$ empty$
> { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
> 'output.nonnull
> if$
> }
> we can see, if there are authors, the function "output.nonnull" will be
> executed.
> 3) This function is defined from the line 89 onwards:
> FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
> { 's :=
> output.state mid.sentence =
> { ". " * write$ }
> { output.state after.block =
> { add.period$ write$
> newline$
> "\newblock " write$
> }
> { output.state before.all =
> 'write$
> { add.period$ " " * write$ }
> if$
> }
> if$
> mid.sentence 'output.state :=
> }
> [...]
> Now, when excecuted the first time after the "output.bibitem", the
> output.state variable is set to the value of the constant
> "mid.sentence" (because the test "output.state mid.sentence =" results
> false). This means, because this happens when the _authors_ are
> formatted, that the autor and year (or whatever is defined to follow
> the authors' names _before_ the block ends) are separated by a
> mid-sentence punctuation (which was originally defined as ",")! When
> the function "output.nonnull" is once again executed when the date is
> formatted, the test "output.state mid.sentence =" will be true and the
> next command "{ ". " * write$ }" is executed.
> Hope this a bit clarified the logic of a .bst file...
> > thanks
> You're welcome - var så god!
> > martin
> Kimmo

Re: lyx-gtk compilation error

2005-10-27 Thread Luca Nicotra
Thanks. Anyway I use Ubuntu, which is quite common for gnome users ...

2005/10/27, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > "Luca" == Luca Nicotra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Luca> it worked perfectly thanks Jean-Marc ... should I notify this as
> Luca> a bug?
> No, configure has no way to guess where a particular distribution puts
> its files.
> Actually, this is not really true. It is possible to use
>   pkg-config freetype2 --cflags
> to know that. I'll try to think about it later.
> JMarc

Re: multiinclude with beamer

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Myriam Abramson wrote:


I desperately need to include some animation. I tried the multiinclude
as in the Beamer's users guide but I got a "file corrupted" message
with acroread (7.0). Any ideas?

I also tried various other things but I can't get any graphics
animation going. I would really like to have an example using
multiinclude that works. 



Here's the world's smallest LyX example using multiinclude (one slide, 
two image files, no frills).  I'll send you a zip archive with the image 
files directly, for what its worth.  No problems displaying it in 
Acrobat Reader here.  It's so simple, I doubt it will help.  Perhaps you 
should post a minimal dysfunctional example?


Description: application/lyx

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Paolo Cavallini wrote:

Hi all.
We're moving our first steps in LyX. One function we miss is the link with 
data base sources. Currently the solution we devised is to export our 
PostgreSQL tables in html and import them into LyX, but this is far from 
smooth. Is there an easier way? The same type of function is terribly easy 
and convenient in OpenOffice, where we can define a data source and just drop 
tables in.

Your easiest route may be to do just that: drop a table into OO that 
queries the DB, then (manually) copy the table contents and paste them 
into a table in LyX:

AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database, 
unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts 
the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with 
markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)


Re: lyx keyboard shortcuts

2005-10-27 Thread Paul A. Rubin

Miki Dovrat wrote:

I reinstalled it, all is there, but nonetheless it shouldn't have been this 

"Miki Dovrat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


I just upgraded from lyx 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 on a Windows XP, and all the 
keyboard shortcuts (CTRL-D for view DVI, etc..) are gone! (unknown 

Where might I get these back? (what file have I lost somehow?)


Most keyboard shortcuts are dictated by your bind file(s).  Some are set 
directly in the user interface (ui) file, but Ctrl-D in particular comes 
from the bind file.  I can think of two possibilities.  One is that the 
keyboard bind files got lost in the first installation.  The other is 
that Edit->Preferences->Look and feel->User interface->Bind file: did 
not get set (or got set incorrectly) the first time around.

Unless someone can reproduce the problem, there's no way to tell which 
it was, or why it happened.


Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Paolo Cavallini
At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
> AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database,
> unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts
> the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with
> markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)

Thanks Paul.
This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It would 
be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and of course, 
time is scarce...).
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy   Tel: (+39)348-3801953

Symbols for a figure key - adding a new font

2005-10-27 Thread David Wolfson

Through the wonders of wine, I've managed to get some figures from an old 
excel sheet added into a lyx file as floats, but need to add symbol 
definitions in the caption. I've found most of the symbols listed as part of 
the ifsym font in the 'comprehensive list of LATEX fonts' from CTAN, but 
can't get them to work. For example, I need a filled triangle but adding 
\FilledTriangleUp as ERT gives an error:

Undefined control sequence.

I tried adding \usepackage{ifsym} in the preamamble, and I guess you'll not be 
surprised to hear that I get another error:
LaTeX Error: File `ifsym.sty' not found.
*** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes)

So I'm guessing that I need to install another font. I've found ifsym at CTAN:

but have no idea what to do with it!

I've been looking round the archives/google/CTAN, and have found the rather 
intimidating (103 pages) of 'the font installation guide':
and some information in the TEX FAQ:

which goes right over my head! Do I need to go through all this with Lyx, or 
can someone point me in the right direction please?

I'm using Lyx1.3.5 installed from rpm on mandrake10.1...

Thanks very much,


where did my citations go?

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
citations isnt happening. something strange is going on with natbib as
one can see from the warnings in the logfile:

how do i set this right?


Re: where did my citations go?

2005-10-27 Thread Martin A. Hansen
thanks, but the problem went away.

i deselected layout->document->bibligraphy->natbib->apply
then i reselected natbib and all is good.



On 27/10/05, Geoffrey Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if you send the file and bib along i will find the problem for you (if i
> can)
> geoff
> - Original Message -
> From: "Martin A. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "LyX Users' Forum" 
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:33 PM
> Subject: where did my citations go?
> citations isnt happening. something strange is going on with natbib as
> one can see from the warnings in the logfile:
> how do i set this right?
> martin

Graphics: jpicedt

2005-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

  Not too long ago, someone here recommended jpicedt to make it easier to
work with PSTricks. The application is not properly installing for me
(Slackware-10.2) and I would appreciate an off-the-list response if anyone
has suggestions. I'll explain the problems, of course.



Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President |   Author of "Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic"
 Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Graphics: jpicedt -- SOLVED

2005-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005, Rich Shepard wrote:

 Not too long ago, someone here recommended jpicedt to make it easier to
work with PSTricks. The application is not properly installing for me
(Slackware-10.2) and I would appreciate an off-the-list response if anyone
has suggestions. I'll explain the problems, of course.

  Nevermind. Syd responded to my e-mail and we solved the problem. It came
down to the installer not making the preferences file in ~/.jpicedt. He wrote
that this happened to someone else last May or June, but he didn't save the
dialog and didn't recall the solution, However, touching the file was the


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President |   Author of "Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM) |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic"
 Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread Ingar Pareliussen
Torsdag 27. oktober 2005 16:29 skreiv Paolo Cavallini:
> At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
> > AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a database,
> > unless you are willing to write a script that queries the DB and inserts
> > the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are plain text with
> > markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)
> Thanks Paul.
> This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It
> would be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and of
> course, time is scarce...).


How about sqltex, it works only for mysql but that shouldn't be the worst part 
to rewrite. It take a sql statement and replace it with the results from the 
db. It is written in perl as a latex preprocessor.


Re: Using lyx and multibib

2005-10-27 Thread Sam Russell
Chris wrote,
> I´ would like to use Lyx (1.3.6-1 for Windows) and the package multibib
> together to get three different bibliographys, but it dosnt work.

I'm in a similar situation with jurabib and multiple bibliographies.

(History requires Archival documents, Primary and Secondary sources to
be seperate )

My solution when LyX won't produce bibliography stuff the way I like
it is to export to LaTeX, like so:

LyX "myfile"

Windows Start>Run>
cd \lyxdocs
latex lyxdocs
bibtex8 -W myfile
bibtex8 -W arch
bibtex8 -W gedr
latex myfile
latex myfile
yap mylyx

Sam R.

Re: data sources

2005-10-27 Thread John Coppens
On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 16:29:32 +0200
Paolo Cavallini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 15:55, giovedì 27 ottobre 2005, Paul A. Rubin has probably written:
> > AFAIK, there is no way to dynamically link a LyX document to a
> > database, unless you are willing to write a script that queries the
> > DB and inserts the data directly into a LyX document.  (LyX files are
> > plain text with markup, so there would be no problem doing this.)
> Thanks Paul.
> This is interesting. Has anybody attempted to do something similar? It
> would be easier not to start from scratch, and avoid duplication (and
> of course, time is scarce...).

Hi all.

As a first (maybe small) step to ease this process, I would suggest the
following (for which I've felt a need several times):

Provide the possibility to import CSV files into a table in LyX, either
dynamically (like images), or as a first step, just on command.

Most, if not all databases export CSV, and it would open a wealth of
other possibilities, like import data from experiments, spreadsheets,
address books, etc.

Just .02$
