Re: powerdot style gallery

2011-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 21 February 2011 15:45:50 schrieb
> Hi,
> I didn't find a style gallery for powerdot, so I created one. This was
> done with a quick perl script and some vi power. I will improve the page
> when I get some time. Meanwhile, please check,
> Style gallery is a one stop showcase of all the styles and palettes
> available in powerdot. This makes it easy to choose required style and
> palette.
> Comments welcome.

Thanks, Shantanu.

Nicely done and helpfull. I wish there would be a similar one for beamer.


Re: LyX + arrows +beamer?

2011-02-21 Thread Paul A. Rubin

On 02/21/2011 06:19 PM, wrote:

I just created a .lyx file with the code in your email an it works!


Another cool thing that I would like to be able to do with LyX is this
Is it possible?



Yes (example attached).  You obviously need to have Gnuplot installed.  
You also need to modify the converter LyX uses.  In Tools > 
Preferences... > File Handling > Converters, highlight the LaTeX 
(pdflatex) -> PDF (pdflatex) converter.  Change the converter line to

pdflatex --shell-escape $$i

and click Modify and then Save.


Description: application/lyx

Re: LyX + arrows +beamer?

2011-02-21 Thread
I just created a .lyx file with the code in your email an it works!


Another cool thing that I would like to be able to do with LyX is this
Is it possible?



On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Ignacio Martinez wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for replaying.
> This is my first time in the list and I'm confuse.
> Did you send an attached .lyx file? I just got a long email with a lot of
> code that I'm not sure where in lyx to put...
> Thanks again
> -Ignacio
> On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Paul Rubin  wrote:
>> GMANE is acting weirdly -- it won't display the original text of your
>> question.
>>  At any rate, the answer is that the diagram can indeed be reproduced in
>> LyX
>> (see below).  I put the various chunks of the formula in ERT, as new LaTeX
>> commands, but that's not necessary.  You can do it in the equation editor,
>> with
>> a couple of tricks: use \{ to create an inset with braces around it for
>> mathematical arguments; and inside that inset, type \ensuremath 
>> rather
>> than typing $...$.  The reason I used LaTeX macros to capture bits and
>> pieces is
>> that LyX (at least as of 1.6.x) does not have horizontal scrolling for
>> annoyingly wide equations or tables, so editing this thing in the equation
>> editor requires zooming way, way out and using a very powerful magnifying
>> glass.
>> Paul
>> === file begins ===
>> #LyX 1.6.7 created this file. For more info see
>> \lyxformat 345
>> \begin_document
>> \begin_header
>> \textclass beamer
>> \begin_preamble
>> \usetheme{CambridgeUS}
>> \usepackage{times}
>> \usepackage{tikz}
>> \usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes}
>> \end_preamble
>> \use_default_options true
>> \language english
>> \inputencoding auto
>> \font_roman lmodern
>> \font_sans lmss
>> \font_typewriter lmtt
>> \font_default_family default
>> \font_sc false
>> \font_osf false
>> \font_sf_scale 100
>> \font_tt_scale 100
>> \graphics default
>> \paperfontsize default
>> \spacing single
>> \use_hyperref false
>> \papersize letterpaper
>> \use_geometry true
>> \use_amsmath 1
>> \use_esint 1
>> \cite_engine basic
>> \use_bibtopic false
>> \paperorientation portrait
>> \leftmargin 1in
>> \topmargin 1in
>> \rightmargin 1in
>> \bottommargin 1in
>> \secnumdepth 3
>> \tocdepth 3
>> \paragraph_separation skip
>> \defskip medskip
>> \quotes_language english
>> \papercolumns 1
>> \papersides 1
>> \paperpagestyle default
>> \tracking_changes false
>> \output_changes false
>> \author ""
>> \author ""
>> \end_header
>> \begin_body
>> \begin_layout Standard
>> \begin_inset ERT
>> status open
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> everymath{
>> \backslash
>> displaystyle}
>> \end_layout
>> \end_inset
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout BeginFrame
>> \begin_inset ERT
>> status open
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> [<+-| alert@+>]
>> \end_layout
>> \end_inset
>> Rigid body dynamics
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Standard
>> \begin_inset ERT
>> status open
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> tikzstyle{na} = [baseline=-.5ex]
>> \end_layout
>> \end_inset
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Standard
>> \begin_inset ERT
>> status open
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> newcommand{
>> \backslash
>> myta}{
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> tikz[baseline]{
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> node[fill=blue!20,anchor=base] (t1)
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> {$2
>> \backslash
>> vec{
>> \backslash
>> omega}_{ib}
>> \backslash
>> times
>> \backslash
>> frac{{}^bd}{dt}
>> \backslash
>> vec{r}$};
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>>  }
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> }
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> newcommand{
>> \backslash
>> mytb}{
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> tikz[baseline]{
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> node[fill=red!20, ellipse,anchor=base] (t2)
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> {$
>> \backslash
>> vec{
>> \backslash
>> alpha}_{ib}
>> \backslash
>> times
>> \backslash
>> vec{r}$};
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>>  }
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> }
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> newcommand{
>> \backslash
>> mytc}{
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> tikz[baseline]{
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> \backslash
>> node[fill=green!20,anchor=base] (t3)
>> \end_layout
>> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>> {$
>> \backslash
>> vec{
>> \backslash
>> omega}_{

Re: LyX + arrows +beamer?

2011-02-21 Thread Ignacio Martinez
Hi Paul,

Thanks for replaying.
This is my first time in the list and I'm confuse.
Did you send an attached .lyx file? I just got a long email with a lot of
code that I'm not sure where in lyx to put...
Thanks again


On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 5:55 PM, Paul Rubin  wrote:

> GMANE is acting weirdly -- it won't display the original text of your
> question.
>  At any rate, the answer is that the diagram can indeed be reproduced in
> LyX
> (see below).  I put the various chunks of the formula in ERT, as new LaTeX
> commands, but that's not necessary.  You can do it in the equation editor,
> with
> a couple of tricks: use \{ to create an inset with braces around it for
> mathematical arguments; and inside that inset, type \ensuremath 
> rather
> than typing $...$.  The reason I used LaTeX macros to capture bits and
> pieces is
> that LyX (at least as of 1.6.x) does not have horizontal scrolling for
> annoyingly wide equations or tables, so editing this thing in the equation
> editor requires zooming way, way out and using a very powerful magnifying
> glass.
> Paul
> === file begins ===
> #LyX 1.6.7 created this file. For more info see
> \lyxformat 345
> \begin_document
> \begin_header
> \textclass beamer
> \begin_preamble
> \usetheme{CambridgeUS}
> \usepackage{times}
> \usepackage{tikz}
> \usetikzlibrary{arrows,shapes}
> \end_preamble
> \use_default_options true
> \language english
> \inputencoding auto
> \font_roman lmodern
> \font_sans lmss
> \font_typewriter lmtt
> \font_default_family default
> \font_sc false
> \font_osf false
> \font_sf_scale 100
> \font_tt_scale 100
> \graphics default
> \paperfontsize default
> \spacing single
> \use_hyperref false
> \papersize letterpaper
> \use_geometry true
> \use_amsmath 1
> \use_esint 1
> \cite_engine basic
> \use_bibtopic false
> \paperorientation portrait
> \leftmargin 1in
> \topmargin 1in
> \rightmargin 1in
> \bottommargin 1in
> \secnumdepth 3
> \tocdepth 3
> \paragraph_separation skip
> \defskip medskip
> \quotes_language english
> \papercolumns 1
> \papersides 1
> \paperpagestyle default
> \tracking_changes false
> \output_changes false
> \author ""
> \author ""
> \end_header
> \begin_body
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> everymath{
> \backslash
> displaystyle}
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout BeginFrame
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> [<+-| alert@+>]
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> Rigid body dynamics
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> tikzstyle{na} = [baseline=-.5ex]
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> newcommand{
> \backslash
> myta}{
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> tikz[baseline]{
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> node[fill=blue!20,anchor=base] (t1)
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> {$2
> \backslash
> vec{
> \backslash
> omega}_{ib}
> \backslash
> times
> \backslash
> frac{{}^bd}{dt}
> \backslash
> vec{r}$};
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>  }
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> }
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> newcommand{
> \backslash
> mytb}{
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> tikz[baseline]{
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> node[fill=red!20, ellipse,anchor=base] (t2)
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> {$
> \backslash
> vec{
> \backslash
> alpha}_{ib}
> \backslash
> times
> \backslash
> vec{r}$};
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>  }
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> }
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> newcommand{
> \backslash
> mytc}{
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> tikz[baseline]{
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> node[fill=green!20,anchor=base] (t3)
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> {$
> \backslash
> vec{
> \backslash
> omega}_{ib}
> \backslash
> times(
> \backslash
> vec{
> \backslash
> omega}_{ib}
> \backslash
> times
> \backslash
> vec{r})$};
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
>  }
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> }
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Itemize
> Coriolis acceleration
> \begin_inset ERT
> status open
> \begin_layout Plain Layout
> \backslash
> tikz[na]
> \backslash
> node[coordinate] (n1) {};
> \end_layout
> \end_inset
> \end_layout
> \begin_layout Standard
> \begin_inset Formula \[
> \vec{a}_{p}=\vec{a}+\

Re: LyX + arrows +beamer?

2011-02-21 Thread Paul Rubin
GMANE is acting weirdly -- it won't display the original text of your question.
 At any rate, the answer is that the diagram can indeed be reproduced in LyX
(see below).  I put the various chunks of the formula in ERT, as new LaTeX
commands, but that's not necessary.  You can do it in the equation editor, with
a couple of tricks: use \{ to create an inset with braces around it for
mathematical arguments; and inside that inset, type \ensuremath  rather
than typing $...$.  The reason I used LaTeX macros to capture bits and pieces is
that LyX (at least as of 1.6.x) does not have horizontal scrolling for
annoyingly wide equations or tables, so editing this thing in the equation
editor requires zooming way, way out and using a very powerful magnifying glass.


=== file begins ===
#LyX 1.6.7 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 345
\textclass beamer
\use_default_options true
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\font_roman lmodern
\font_sans lmss
\font_typewriter lmtt
\font_default_family default
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
\font_sf_scale 100
\font_tt_scale 100

\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single
\use_hyperref false
\papersize letterpaper
\use_geometry true
\use_amsmath 1
\use_esint 1
\cite_engine basic
\use_bibtopic false
\paperorientation portrait
\leftmargin 1in
\topmargin 1in
\rightmargin 1in
\bottommargin 1in
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default
\tracking_changes false
\output_changes false
\author "" 
\author "" 


\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout BeginFrame
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

[<+-| alert@+>]


Rigid body dynamics

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

tikzstyle{na} = [baseline=-.5ex] 



\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

node[fill=blue!20,anchor=base] (t1)

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

node[fill=red!20, ellipse,anchor=base] (t2)

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

node[fill=green!20,anchor=base] (t3)

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Itemize
Coriolis acceleration 
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

node[coordinate] (n1) {};



\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset Formula \[



\begin_layout Itemize
Transversal acceleration
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

node [coordinate] (n2) {};



\begin_layout Itemize
Centripetal acceleration
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout

node [coordinate] (n3) {};



\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout


\begin_layout Plain Layout

path[->]<1-> (n1) edge [bend left] (t1);

\begin_layout Plain Layout

path[->]<2-> (n2) edg

Re: SV: Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-21 Thread mat

Thanks Ingar!

The \AtBeginDocument seems indeed to be what I am looking for! But what 
is its expected behavior? I still see in both the Lyx-latex sources and 
exported .tex the command \AtBeginDocument before the babel/subfig lines...










So the problem is still the same... Is this the expected behavior? I am 
under Lyx 1.6.5 Ubuntu 10.4


Le 21. 02. 11 21:58, Ingar Pareliussen a écrit :


-force Lyx to add my \usepackage{} command afterthis line? Is this possible?

You can try using the \AtBeginDocument{} described in

-use a workaround where I try to define in the custom package showcaptionsetup, 
so that the line does not run?

You can try to put your command in an ERT box as the first thing in the LyX 
document. Might not work, depending on the

Ingar Pareliussen

SV: Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-21 Thread Ingar Pareliussen

>-force Lyx to add my \usepackage{} command afterthis line? Is this possible?

You can try using the \AtBeginDocument{} described in

>-use a workaround where I try to define in the custom package 
>showcaptionsetup, so that the line does not run?

You can try to put your command in an ERT box as the first thing in the LyX 
document. Might not work, depending on the

Ingar Pareliussen

Re: Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-21 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/21/2011 11:41 AM, Matthieu Stigler wrote:

Dear Richard

Thanks for your answer! I unfortunately did not understand exactly 
where I should put this command? When in Lyx preamble or in the custom 
.sty it results into error... Did I miss something?

The suggested
Provides subfig 1
command is a LyX layout command, and needs to go into some appropriate 
layout file or module. See chapter 5 of the Customization manual for 
details. In this case, something as simple as what is at the end will 
do. Put it into the layout/ subdirectory of your LyX user directory 
(~/.lyx/, by default, on Linux), and then reconfigure. Then you can 
choose the "No subfig" module from Document>Settings>Modules, and LyX 
won't (shouldn't!) try to load subfig for you. Note that you could also 
add you other custom commands to such a module and not have to do it 

Furthermore, yes Lyx still adds preamble commands after user defined, see:

Due to requirements on package-loading order, some such things do get 
done later.


#\DeclareLyXModule{No subfig}
#Supresses loading of subfig package.

Format 11

Provides subfig 1

Re: table vertical alignment

2011-02-21 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Monday 21 of February 2011 00:14:59 Uzair Baig wrote:
> i cannot access (it is inactive) the option for align top, bottom, middle,
> in my lyx file. its not allowing to be selected.

It requires a width. Don't know why...


Re: Error "file ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK" ?

2011-02-21 Thread Nikos Alexandris
Nikos Alexandris wrote:

> > > (using Lyx 1.6.10 with book(KOMA-script))

> > > I am counting down days before submitting... (it's really a deadline I
> > > can't miss to deliver my work) and I used to compile my
> > > koma-script-based document in draft mode. Now, I try to compile it
> > > correctly and it insist returning this error: "file ended while
> > > scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK".

> > > Is it in the .bib file maybe? I've checked all strange names (non utf8
> > > characters) and have formatted them using, for example {\'a} and {\=a}
> > > as well as {\'e} (all this I did in kbib, which I like a lot).

> > [...]

> > Bahh... I switched the whole bookmark thing off and it works. Don't
> > really know how to debug this and time is short.


> What about removing half of the document content, check the export, if ok,
> take half of the other half etc, until you have found the faulty part?
I've heard of this way to treat problems before. In fact, I wanted to try it 
out. But I have no time... :-/ Maybe I'll give it a go the last day. (That and 
the chapterthumb-thing related to KOMA. Still not able to make it work within 

I 've checked my .bib file with latex and bibtex. No errors reported any more 
-- and I don't know why I really relate this to the .bib entries. I think, 
among the 1 or 2 references I've found about the "\@@BOOKMARK" problem, some 
were mentioning the .bib. Not sure though...

Thank you Wolfgang for your suggestion. Greets, Nikos

Re: table vertical alignment

2011-02-21 Thread Vincent van Ravesteijn

 Op 21-2-2011 18:26, Uzair Baig schreef:

I still need help with the table, please (any1) help me.

What do you want to align ?


Re: table vertical alignment

2011-02-21 Thread Uzair Baig
I still need help with the table, please (any1) help me.

Thank you, Jim.

On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Jim Oldfield  wrote:

> >From: Uzair Baig 
> >
> >i cannot access (it is inactive) the option for align top, bottom, middle,
> in
> >my
> >lyx file. its not allowing to be selected.
> I don't know the answer to your table question...
> >
> >i have another users file, on my PC, and that allows in the table cell for
> >vertical alignment (otheruser.lyx) (also, how does this person in
> mathinline
> >formula have ordinary text, like its not blue colour, but still within the
> >inline thing)
> >
> But I can answer your math question.  If you type into the inline equation
> "\textrm" (without the quotes) then press space you will get a text box in
> the
> equation like the one that they have used.  However their example is bad in
> three ways:
> * You should use \text not \textrm. \text uses the surrounding font whereas
> \textrm forces upright roman text.
> * You should only use \text on actual snippets of text, not on math e.g.
> that
> user has used it on the variable s (perhaps they were trying to get bold
> upright; use can get this with \mathbf)
> * You should not use \textrm to get upright prefixes like Re and Im. See
> the
> following link for how to do it properly:
> Jim

Re: Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-21 Thread Matthieu Stigler

Dear Richard

Thanks for your answer! I unfortunately did not understand exactly where 
I should put this command? When in Lyx preamble or in the custom .sty it 
results into error... Did I miss something?

Furthermore, yes Lyx still adds preamble commands after user defined, see:

%% User specified LaTeX commands.

% This file was converted to LaTeX by Writer2LaTeX ver. 1.1.5

% see for more info









Is there a way to avoid this?


Le 21. 02. 11 17:06, Richard Heck a écrit :

On 02/21/2011 09:41 AM, Matthieu Stigler wrote:

Dear Lyx List

I am using a custom package that redefines captions style. But when I 
use the subfigure function, Lyx will add at end of preamble (after 
user own packages preamble) a line of code, which "cancels" my 
definition. This line is:



This has the effect to remove all our definitions of caption style. 
How can I resolve this? Should I

-prevent lyx to add this line? How?

You can add to a layout file or module somewhere:
Provides subfig 1
That should prevent LyX from loading that package automatically.

-force Lyx to add my \usepackage{} command afterthis line? Is this 

Anything you put in your preamble goes after anything LyX adds.


Re: Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-21 Thread Richard Heck

On 02/21/2011 09:41 AM, Matthieu Stigler wrote:

Dear Lyx List

I am using a custom package that redefines captions style. But when I 
use the subfigure function, Lyx will add at end of preamble (after 
user own packages preamble) a line of code, which "cancels" my 
definition. This line is:



This has the effect to remove all our definitions of caption style. 
How can I resolve this? Should I

-prevent lyx to add this line? How?

You can add to a layout file or module somewhere:
Provides subfig 1
That should prevent LyX from loading that package automatically.

-force Lyx to add my \usepackage{} command afterthis line? Is this 

Anything you put in your preamble goes after anything LyX adds.


powerdot style gallery

2011-02-21 Thread ml
I didn't find a style gallery for powerdot, so I created one. This was
done with a quick perl script and some vi power. I will improve the page
when I get some time. Meanwhile, please check,

Style gallery is a one stop showcase of all the styles and palettes
available in powerdot. This makes it easy to choose required style and

Comments welcome.

p.s. please excuse if this mail reaches twice

Prevent Lyx to add with pkg subfig line \@ifundefined{showcaptionsetup}{}{%

2011-02-21 Thread Matthieu Stigler

Dear Lyx List

I am using a custom package that redefines captions style. But when I 
use the subfigure function, Lyx will add at end of preamble (after user 
own packages preamble) a line of code, which "cancels" my definition. 
This line is:


This has the effect to remove all our definitions of caption style. How 
can I resolve this? Should I

-prevent lyx to add this line? How?
-force Lyx to add my \usepackage{} command afterthis line? Is this possible?
-use a workaround where I try to define in the custom package 
showcaptionsetup, so that the line does not run?

Thanks a lot!!


powerdot style gallery

2011-02-21 Thread Kulkarni Shantanu
I didn't find a style gallery for powerdot, so I created one. This was
done with a quick perl script and some vi power. I will improve the page 
when I get some time. Meanwhile, please check,

Style gallery is a one stop showcase of all the styles and palettes
available in powerdot. This makes it easy to choose required style and

Comments welcome.


Re: Error "file ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK" ?

2011-02-21 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Am Monday 21 February 2011 15:04:35 schrieb Nikos Alexandris:
> On Monday 21 of February 2011 04:26:40 Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > (using Lyx 1.6.10 with book(KOMA-script))
> >
> > I am counting down days before submitting... (it's really a deadline I
> > can't miss to deliver my work) and I used to compile my koma-script-based
> > document in draft mode. Now, I try to compile it correctly and it insist
> > returning this error: "file ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK".
> >
> > Is it in the .bib file maybe? I've checked all strange names (non utf8
> > characters) and have formatted them using, for example {\'a} and {\=a} as
> > well as {\'e} (all this I did in kbib, which I like a lot).
> [...]
> Bahh... I switched the whole bookmark thing off and it works. Don't really
> know how to debug this and time is short.
> Cheers, Nikos

What about removing half of the document content, check the export, if ok, 
take half of the other half etc, until you have found the faulty part?


Re: Error "file ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK" ?

2011-02-21 Thread Nikos Alexandris
On Monday 21 of February 2011 04:26:40 Nikos Alexandris wrote:
> Hi list,
> (using Lyx 1.6.10 with book(KOMA-script))
> I am counting down days before submitting... (it's really a deadline I
> can't miss to deliver my work) and I used to compile my koma-script-based
> document in draft mode. Now, I try to compile it correctly and it insist
> returning this error: "file ended while scanning use of \@@BOOKMARK".
> Is it in the .bib file maybe? I've checked all strange names (non utf8
> characters) and have formatted them using, for example {\'a} and {\=a} as
> well as {\'e} (all this I did in kbib, which I like a lot).


Bahh... I switched the whole bookmark thing off and it works. Don't really 
know how to debug this and time is short.

Cheers, Nikos

Re: table vertical alignment

2011-02-21 Thread Jim Oldfield

>From: Uzair Baig 

>i cannot access (it is inactive) the option for align top, bottom, middle, in 
>lyx file. its not allowing to be selected. 

I don't know the answer to your table question...

>i have another users file, on my PC, and that allows in the table cell for 
>vertical alignment (otheruser.lyx) (also, how does this person in mathinline 
>formula have ordinary text, like its not blue colour, but still within the 
>inline thing)

But I can answer your math question.  If you type into the inline equation 
"\textrm" (without the quotes) then press space you will get a text box in the 
equation like the one that they have used.  However their example is bad in 
three ways:

* You should use \text not \textrm. \text uses the surrounding font whereas 
\textrm forces upright roman text.

* You should only use \text on actual snippets of text, not on math e.g. that 
user has used it on the variable s (perhaps they were trying to get bold 
upright; use can get this with \mathbf)

* You should not use \textrm to get upright prefixes like Re and Im. See the 
following link for how to do it properly:


Re: Lyx download not working

2011-02-21 Thread Pavel Sanda
Nicola Donato wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm really sorry to use this mailing list but I'm trying to download lyx for
> windows but each link is not working, I tried also from other PC and
> internet connections but no one was successfull. Could please help me in
> some way?? maybe sending me here by mail?? thanks a lot

did you see the sentence:
"In case the link above does not work, try this mirror. "
