spacing before and after enumerate and other list environments

2005-12-22 Thread David Soukal


could anybody, please, point me to a resource with information how to 
set the spacing *before* and *after* list environments? The only 
references I found on the mailing list and on the Internet discuss the 
spacing between the items of a list.

I was trying to change the distance by looking at parameters of the 
paragraphs surrounding the list environment but both have zero spacing 
below and above...

Thank you!


Re: creating tables with custom alignment of individual cells

2005-11-23 Thread David Soukal
Funny, I just solved the problem by accident and confirmed it by looking 
on the Internet:

1) the multicolumn option has another meaning, in addition to the 
meaning implied by its name: the allows *custom* alignment of a cell

2) multicolumn + dcolumn can be combined to solve problem 3) in my 
original email.

I still welcome any commnents & hints & tips about using tables in LyX!

Thank you,


1) is it possible to have a table with individual cells within a column 
aligned differently?

2) while 1) may sound strange, I'd like to have, for example, a column 
with numbers centered while the header of the column is aligned, say, 
flushed left.

3) another practical, related, problem is the decimal-aligned columns 
created using the dcolumn package. When I use the d{} alignment for a 
column (bless Extended Features manual :), the numbers withing the 
column are indeed aligned on the "." but the header text of the column 
is in italics font (easily fixable, yet awkward, with \textrm{}) and it 
is aligned so that the last letter is right aligned with the decimal 
point of the rest of the column. I would like to have the numbers 
aligned on the decimal point, while the header text being, say, centered.

creating tables with custom alignment of individual cells

2005-11-23 Thread David Soukal


I am still consistently working on my thesis, spreading the awarness of 
LyX's greatness along the way... :) yet I've run into another little 
problem that I was unable to solve easily with at-hands documentation.

I am trying to report some data in tables and I have come across the 
following obstacles that I don't know how to solve:

1) is it possible to have a table with individual cells within a column 
aligned differently?

2) while 1) may sound strange, I'd like to have, for example, a column 
with numbers centered while the header of the column is aligned, say, 
flushed left.

3) another practical, related, problem is the decimal-aligned columns 
created using the dcolumn package. When I use the d{} alignment for a 
column (bless Extended Features manual :), the numbers withing the 
column are indeed aligned on the "." but the header text of the column 
is in italics font (easily fixable, yet awkward, with \textrm{}) and it 
is aligned so that the last letter is right aligned with the decimal 
point of the rest of the column. I would like to have the numbers 
aligned on the decimal point, while the header text being, say, centered.

Is this possible at all? I realize I could perhaps solve 1) & 2) with 
another nested table (an HTML hell :) but I'm not so sure with 3).

Thanks for any hints & pointer!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Re: Question about subscripts to limits (inline mode)

2005-11-19 Thread David Soukal

Dimitris B. Kalamaras wrote:

Hello all,

I wonder if there is a way to have subscripts to limits (in inline mode)
written beneath the lim word rather than next to it. I cannot use display
mode all the time.

I know that LaTeX can do it i.e.
$\lim\limits_{x\rightarrow 0}\frac{\sin{x}}{x}=1$

Any idea?

You can also change them from the gui. Go to Edit/Math/Change Limits type...


Re: Beamer Class under WinLyx

2005-11-16 Thread David Soukal

Christian Fischer wrote:

i'm using lyx for windows and miktex. My problem is, that i installed
the beamer document class with the miktex package manager (so this is
done correctly, i checked the directories), updated the database and
reconfigured lyx, but it still won't find the class. Any ideas for me?

Hello Christian,

you still need to add the layout document for LyX, i.e. the document
telling LyX how to represent the Beamer document in the editor. In order
for do this in Linux, you simply copy (or link) the file "beamer.layout"
supplied by the Beamer's author to your profile directory in
~/.lyx/layout. I believe you should achieve the same result under
Windows without any hassle.

Here is a quick link for the file, if you do not find it in our MikTeX

Good luck,


Re: centre a graphic

2005-11-03 Thread David Soukal

Philipp Fleig wrote:

I am a rather new LyX-User and I have got a quick and easy question.
How can I "centre" a graphic (in jpeg format) on the page of a document 
of class Article?

Thank you for your help!


If the image is in a floating environment, you can also use the LaTeX 
command \centering (entered in an ERT box)... This has the advantage of 
saving a litlle bit of vertical space.


Re: do we have something like #ifdef from C in LyX? (multipart documentswith common macros)

2005-11-01 Thread David Soukal

Todd Denniston wrote:

Todd Denniston wrote:

David Soukal wrote:

Hello guys,

I'm sorry to bother you with something that's must have been answered
many times, but I can't find a quick answer in the documentation.

The chapters compile fine, however, the master won't compile because of
multiple definition of the same macros.

So, I'm looking for conditional compilation... something from C header

perhaps the ifthen package would do what you need:

perhaps in your macro "include" file you could have something like:

% assuming newboolean initially sets the
% variable to false, but only if
% variable not already defined.

Just happend across:

which suggests the \newboolean above should be instead \provideboolean.

Based on your email, I created and tested the following set-up for 
multipart documents with shared macros:

1) all macros go into file "macros.lyx". the macros are "wrapped" in the 
following two ERT boxes that test whether the macros were already defined

first ERT box (the if statement):

\ifthenelse{\not \boolean{MacrosDefined}}{

then follow, in plain LyX, the definitions of macros

second ERT box (closing):


2) every file needing those macros will include the file "macros.lyx" 
and define the package ifthen in the preamble.

Very sexy, simple and clean!



Re: do we have something like #ifdef from C in LyX? (multipart documents with common macros)

2005-11-01 Thread David Soukal

Depends - are these plain latex macros, or "lyx macros" ?
For latex macros this is trivial.  Define them in the preamble!  That
works well, because in the multi-document include case, only the
preamble from the master document is used.  So the chapter document's
preamble is only used when the chapter document is compiled alone.
Nothing gets doubly defined - this always works.

If you meant -"lyx macros" - then I don't know. Few people use them.

Helge Hafting

I was talking about LyX macros. I realize that they are basically a
synonym for LaTeX' \newcommand, but having them in text seemed more

The other thing is that having to have all the commands in all preambles
is problematic because every change to the definition of a macro
somewhere has to be propagated everywhere else.

But for the time being it's a great solution! (I have only a handful of



do we have something like #ifdef from C in LyX? (multipart documents with common macros)

2005-10-26 Thread David Soukal

Hello guys,

I'm sorry to bother you with something that's must have been answered 
many times, but I can't find a quick answer in the documentation.

I've just discovered the beauty of multipart documents. But I almost 
instantly ran into problems. What happens is the following. I have a big 
document (thesis :)) with a lot of math-macro commands defined at the 
very beginning. After my recent casual browsing through the 
documentation I rediscovered that I can have my long document split into 

Happily, I divideded my thesis into files: each chapter now has its own 
file. The problem is how to share the macros defined originally once at 
the top of the long document. I created one more file containing only 
the macros and then I "inputted" it into each of the files with the 
individual chapters.

The chapters compile fine, however, the master won't compile because of 
multiple definition of the same macros.

So, I'm looking for conditional compilation... something from C header 

Or is there something more elegant that I'm not seeing?



Re: tables with split cells: formatting tables for joint distribution

2005-10-07 Thread David Soukal

I would try it with pstricks (\usepackage{pstricks}), a tool which can does
everything !
You will have to create the contnet of the cell "by hand"
Zum Beispiel :
Of course, this is not "as simple as ExcelTM" but the real power of TeX is here

Thank you! The example you gave didn't work but I'll have a look at 
PSTricks closely.

I've read here, on this list, that PSTricks doesn't work with pdfLaTeX, 



Re: Poor men's scientific workplace.

2005-10-07 Thread David Soukal
I think the original problem (apart from installation) was that there 
are things people expect to work and they simply don't. Tweaking 
appearance is not one of these. For majority of journals/conferences 
there are already layouts... As for department-specific thesis 
requirements, that's different, but at the time one is finished writing 
the thesis, she/he won't have a problem to adjust the few things.

But the original problem was something different: LyX allowed the user 
to insert something that he shouldn't have been allowed to. Well this is 
clearly a bug, but I understand how it happend. People who know LaTeX 
simply know that \times is a Math operator/symbol...

What can we do? Should be assume and say somewhere that there are 
problems like these (and there'll alway be!!) or should we ask the 
developers to disallow such things?

I don't have a solution. If the user is allowed to make these mistakes 
then she/he might be scared away. This particular thing with \times is 
obvious... But it happened to me when I was starting that I'd insert 
something delete it, changed environment (align/gather) and for some 
reason LyX would compile and I wouldn't *SEE* what might be wrong. But 
deleting the formula and rewriting it would help and eventually I'd 
realize what went wrong... (For example I type the "flexible" 
brackets/parentheses by typying \left and \right in LyX, but LyX won't 
parse display them correctly.. but if I deleted either of the 
parentheses, I'd be in trouble.)

On the other hand, asking the developers to take care of these thing's 
not feasible. There are simply too many of these. Especially when users 
start using AMS capabilities which LyX sometimes understands, but 
sometimes it doesn't...) or Beamer or others...

I guess we should ephasize the relationship of LaTeX to LyX (or vice 
versa) and ask developers to take care of the VERY *basic* and *most* 
frequently happening "inconsistencies." LyX simply isn't unrelated to 
LaTeX and that's a good thing!

Good luck!


ps. The reaction of your advisor (saying LyX is a poor man's Scientific 
Worksplace) is really making me furious... I had similar episode with my 

People should APPRECIATE the hard work of the developers and be happy. 
LyX does what it promises to do and it does it, at least for me, 
absolutely the BEST! LyX's files are compact, they always work and are 
editable. Also LyX is lightning-fast and extremelly robust. I never lost 
anything and I could always open my files and be happy about their contents.

So, thank you guys who spend time helping LyX grow!

tables with split cells: formatting tables for joint distribution

2005-10-07 Thread David Soukal


I wanted to seek out your advice about the best way to display tables of 
joint probability distributions in LyX (LaTeX). Say I want to describe 
the standard experiment of flipping two coins, so I need a table 2 x 2 
for the joint distribution.

My problem is the following: on a blackboard I would create a 3 x 3 
table as follows

X\Y | H | T

 H  | a | b

 T  | c | d

my goal is to format the *very first cell* in LyX as I would on the 
blackboard: that is as a "split cell" with a diagonal line (in fact the 
"other" diagonal) dividing the cell into two halves, with the usual 
meaning the the contents of the left-lower half denotes the rows and the 
right-upper half denotes the columns.

I'm certain this must have been solved but I don't immediatelly see how.

Thanks for any pointers/hints.


Re: Poor men's scientific workplace.

2005-10-07 Thread David Soukal

I get his first complain against lyx today: "The lyx file is corrupted
after I edit your formula, I hope that you can open this file...". The
real problem, as I later found out, is that he accidentally inserted a
math symbol \times in a \textrm box, a problem I had asked for a
thorough solution many times in this list.

This is

[snip complaints]

This is all true. The big problem is that the proper solution (i. e. make
text in mathed behave like normal text) requires non-trivial code and file
format changes. Therefore this bug will not be fixed for 1.4.0.


There is definitelly a learning curve with LyX. I have seen it with my 
advisor. People who haven't been exposed to LaTeX very often complain 
and find many things in LyX "illogical." But then again, I'm glad that 
LyX won't shield me from LaTeX altogether... I don't believe it is 
possible to translate LaTeX's functionality completely into LyX without 
making somebody suffer. People will eventually want to use some package 
unsupported by LyX or do some kind of customization and then they will 
simply have to learn LaTeX. A good example is Beamer, which is a 
beautiful thing and it works great in LyX but sometimes you need to 
insert ERT or be careful about nesting in order to get what you need.

But the mistake you describe -- inserting \times into \textrm field -- 
is most unfortunate. This really could discourage people unless they 
have somebody with LaTeX experience at hand. And that would be shame 
since LyX *is* extremelly robust (nothing I've ever seen before).

I was thinking it would be nice to write a short document explaining 
these intricate details brought over from LaTeX to people who do not 
have the background... I realize that there's the Tutorial and User's 
Guide, but these are too long for most people. (But on the other hand 
it's their arrogance to assume you can use something as complex as 
LyX/LaTeX without ever learning about the underlying philosophy.)

Good luck!


Re: Export setup

2005-09-27 Thread David Soukal

  I cannot address the configurability issue, but I've always used pdflatex
and it's worked flawlessly. If I have PSTricks images in the document, 
then I

use PDF4 instead of pdflatex. Try these and see if you like the results.


What do you mean by PDF4? Do you mean ps2pdf14?

Export setup

2005-09-27 Thread David Soukal


a most peculiar thing happened to me: I have always been creating PDF 
versions of my documents by clicking the first Export/PDF option in the 
File menu. But now, this does not work as it used to. Well, I do get the 
PDF but its content is different, namely, PSFrag replacements do not work.

I never actually paid attention as to which PDF exporter I'm using; I 
simply clicked the first one (the "it works" approach). :) The first in 
the menu now is: dvipdfm. The third is ps2pdf, which works as expected.

My question is: is the Export menu fully user-configurable? If so, where 
are the items specified? Can I add my own export chain?

I played with LyX 1.4 CVS recently, is it possible that this new version 
affected the Export menu of version 1.3?

Thanks for any hints,


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-27 Thread David Soukal

I've attached a modified version of the test file.  Is this what you 
want?  There may be a better way to do this via Beamer customizations. I 
just located the code Beamer uses to typeset the enumeration numbers and 
made an ugly kludge that does two numbers.  Note the new command added 
to the preamble, and the call to \kludge in the optional argument to the 


Thank you very much! That's exactly what I wanted to achieve!!

ps. I'm very sorry for abusing this list! Thank you for putting up 
with me!

No worries, we all do it.  Or at least I do.  :-)


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread David Soukal

Without knowing what Beamer theme you're using, it's hard to know what 
the enumerations should look like.  Can you post a LyX file containing a 
minimal example?


There it is! The reason why I want this "configuration" is that the 
three properties are proved on previous slides one by one (each proof 
being slightly different). However, it is useful to interpret Prop. 2 
and Prop 3. together :)

Thank you very much for any hint!


ps. I'm very sorry for abusing this list! Thank you for putting up with me!
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 221
\textclass beamer
\language english
\inputencoding auto
\fontscheme default
\graphics default
\paperfontsize default
\spacing single 
\papersize Custom
\paperpackage a4
\use_geometry 1
\use_amsmath 1
\use_natbib 0
\use_numerical_citations 0
\paperorientation portrait
\paperwidth 128mm
\paperheight 96mm
\secnumdepth 3
\tocdepth 3
\paragraph_separation skip
\defskip medskip
\quotes_language english
\quotes_times 2
\papercolumns 1
\papersides 1
\paperpagestyle default

\layout Title

\layout Author

\layout Institute

@ Home
\layout Date

September 26, 2005
\layout BeginFrame

Typical Sequences
\layout FrameSubtitle

Interpretation of Properties
\layout Block

\begin_inset ERT
status Inlined

\layout Standard
{Properties of Typical Set}

\layout Enumerate

\begin_inset Formula $\Pr(A_{\epsilon}^{(n)})>1-\epsilon$

\begin_inset Formula $n$

 sufficiently large.
\layout Enumerate

\begin_inset Formula $|A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}|\leq2^{n(H(X)+\epsilon)}$

\layout Enumerate

\begin_inset Formula $|A_{\epsilon}^{(n)}|\ge(1-\epsilon)2^{n(H(X)-\epsilon)}$

, for 
\begin_inset Formula $n$

 sufficiently large.
\layout Separator

\layout Block

\begin_inset ERT
status Inlined

\layout Standard

\layout Enumerate

\emph on 
\emph default 
sequence is typical.
\layout Enumerate

\SpecialChar ~

\layout Enumerate

The typical set is 
\emph on 

\emph default 
 The number of all sequences is 
\begin_inset Formula $|\mathcal{X}|^{n}$

 while there are only 
\begin_inset Formula $\approx2^{nH(X)}$

 typical sequences.
\layout Standard

[My goal: to have 2 and 3 on the same line, aligned flush-right with respect
 to 1.]
\layout EndFrame


Re: non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread David Soukal

The package enumitem, David, may be of some help. Have a look at the
examples in its documentation.


Thank you Paul. I had a look at the package and it looks useful. 
However, I wasn't able to figure out what I should put as "label="...

I have no idea how Beamer creates the graphics around the items...

I'm again sorry to bring this thing up here.


non-LyX question: Beamer enumerate

2005-09-26 Thread David Soukal

Hello dear LyXers,

I'm sorry to bring up this question here, but I didn't get any response 
on the Beamer support site... I figured somebody here might have had 
this problem before me.

In a theorem a I have an enumeration of three properties:

\item Prop. 1
\item Prop. 2
\item Prop. 3

Later on the slide, I'd like to provide an intuitive meaning for the 
properties. So I created another enumeration. However, I'd like to 
describe Prop 2 and Prop 3 in one step. So, I'd like to customize the 
second listing as

\item Explanation of Prop 1.
\item[2., 3.] Explanation of Prop 2. and Prop .3

This works, however it disturbs the graphical represetation of the 
enumeration: the second item does not have a background... Of course, 
I'd like to render the number 2. and 3. in squares so that they are 
consistent with the rest of the presentation.

I wasn't able to figure this out...

Thank you for your help,


Re: how to insert optional arguments?

2005-09-21 Thread David Soukal

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

"David" == David Soukal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> Hello, I started to write a presentation in LyX using the
David> Beamer document class. Everythings seems to be working perfect.
David> Only, I wasn't able to figure out how to insert an optional
David> argument for some of the environments (like Date). When I open
David> the LyX demo files that came with Beamer, most of them have the
David> optional arguments but I am unable to create them in my
David> presentation. The optional arguments look like ERT boxes except
David> their tab says "opt"...

David> So far I managed by copying the opt-boxes from the demo file
David> but I was wondering how they were inserted in the demos.

Use Insert>Short Title. I know the name is not very helpful, but we
have not been able to come up with something better.


Thank you for help guys! I got everything looking as needed.

I have one more question regarind the OPT boxes. I don't know whether 
it's a bug or whether I missed something, but I cannot insert the OPT 
box for environments where it should be possible. For example, the 
author of Beamer recommends to enter an optional argument "fragile" for 
the frame environment in situations when the frame contains verbatim 
text. I didn't manage to get OPT for the BeginFrame environment in LyX.

I tried a trick with an ERT box with [fragile], set right at the 
beginning of the frame. But it won't work because it creates LaTeX code 

This is not really a big deal because everythings works OK without any 
parameters.. but I'd like to be ready :)

Thank you again,


how to insert optional arguments?

2005-09-20 Thread David Soukal


I started to write a presentation in LyX using the Beamer document 
class. Everythings seems to be working perfect. Only, I wasn't able to 
figure out how to insert an optional argument for some of the 
environments (like Date). When I open the LyX demo files that came with 
Beamer, most of them have the optional arguments but I am unable to 
create them in my presentation. The optional arguments look like ERT 
boxes except their tab says "opt"...

So far I managed by copying the opt-boxes from the demo file but I was 
wondering how they were inserted in the demos.

Thank you for your help,


escaping from MathEd in LyX 1.4

2005-09-11 Thread David Soukal


I've been playing with LyX 1.4 for a while and it works great! The 
amount of work obviously put into it is incredible. Thank you guys!!

Despite the undeniable improvements, I noticed something a little bit 
annoying (hindering my quick typing :). I used to exit the MathEd by 
hitting ESC, upon which the cursor would be placed directly after the 
math box. I learned to use this over hitting the space key. (One space 
would be needed to quit a fraction, another to quit MathEd and yet 
another to type a space after the math. Other times, two spaces would do...)

For some unknown reason, ESC now places the cursor *before* the math 
box. I find it a bit illogical since I don't see a reason why the cursor 
should be placed before something I just typed.

Also, the cursor in MathEd seems to be working oddly. For example, after 
typying \frac, I get the fraction; however the cursor is placed *after* 
the fraction as opposed to the numerator.

Is this behavior customizable? Is it an error or a feature? :)



Re: CVS access down?

2005-09-09 Thread David Soukal

However, later I ran into the following two problems:

1) tex2lyx won't compile, if fails with the following error

counters.o(.text+0x1090): In function 
  , std::allocator > const&, Buffer const&)':
/home/david/temp/lyx/lyx-devel/src/tex2lyx/counters.C:336: undefined 
reference to `Buffer::B_(std::
basic_string, std::allocator > 
const&) const'

2) I configured lyx with --prefix=/home/david/temp/lyx-install to have 
LyX installed in my local working directory, but when I tried to run 
LyX, I got this error:

Unable to determine the system directory having searched
Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or set the environment variable 
LYX_DIR_14x to the LyX system directory containing the file 

I suppose 1) and 2) are not related. So 2) is really a problem (since 
I'm writing my thesis from scratch). I did install LyX this way some 
months ago (version 1.4.0) and it did work.

I was mistaken, the problem 1) is not a failure in tex2lyx, I disables 
tex2lyx from and rerun everything but the problem is still 
there. The very same error (undefined reference to Buffer::B_) causes 
the rest of the compilation to fail.

First I thought the problem was localized to tex2lyx and thought that 
LyX compiled just fine... Now it seems that 1) and 2) are related.


Re: CVS access down?

2005-09-09 Thread David Soukal

 CVSROOT=pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/cvs/lyx
 export CVSROOT
 cvs login
 (the password is lyx)
 cvs checkout -d your_dir_name lyx-devel

Thank you Angus, this works perfect! I have the sources now!

However, later I ran into the following two problems:

1) tex2lyx won't compile, if fails with the following error

counters.o(.text+0x1090): In function 

  , std::allocator > const&, Buffer const&)':
/home/david/temp/lyx/lyx-devel/src/tex2lyx/counters.C:336: undefined 
reference to `Buffer::B_(std:: 

basic_string, std::allocator > 
const&) const'

2) I configured lyx with --prefix=/home/david/temp/lyx-install to have 
LyX installed in my local working directory, but when I tried to run 
LyX, I got this error:

Unable to determine the system directory having searched
Try the '-sysdir' command line parameter or set the environment variable 
LYX_DIR_14x to the LyX system directory containing the file `chkconfig.ltx'.

I suppose 1) and 2) are not related. So 2) is really a problem (since 
I'm writing my thesis from scratch). I did install LyX this way some 
months ago (version 1.4.0) and it did work.

Thank you for any suggestions,


Re: CVS access down?

2005-09-09 Thread David Soukal

Are you using the mirror of the cvs repository? If so,
then the directory has indeed changed, as described here:
Please change all references of /cvs to /var/cvs when referring to (AKA

It's been some time since I last used CVS version of LyX so I don't 
remember which mirror I used, but I followed the instructions described 
on the "main" site.

I don't remember the cvs command, so I tried to click on "Details can be
 found here" on the Download page at However I always get a

I've read the thread but I still cannot figure out the whole cvs 
command. Could you, please, write it down for me? I'm sorry, I don't 
have that much experience with CVS so it's hard for me to derive the 
command + paths...

We're using LyX 1.3.6 for our publications needs :) But I thought I'd 
give 1.4 a try for my thesis...

Thank you for your help,


CVS access down?

2005-09-09 Thread David Soukal

Hello everybody,

I've been trying to download LyX from the CVS without any success for 
several day now. Can somebody, please, confirm that the server is 
unaccessible? Or is the problem on our side?

I don't remember the cvs command, so I tried to click on "Details can be 
 found here" on the Download page at However I always get a 

Our internet connection has been acting strangely lately, so I assume 
the problem is here...



confusion: interword spacing vs. unbreakble space

2005-09-06 Thread David Soukal

Hello all,

I'm very confused about how to properly create an interword space. In 
LaTeX the standard way is to use "\ " for an interword space and \@ for 
the end-of-sentence spacing after punctuation. I was used to typing

bla, e.g.\ bla

to get the proper spacing (i.e. interword spacing). However in the LyX 
manual, the recommended way to do this is to use the protected space, 
i.e. ~. But this is not really the same thing, is it? If understand 
correctly "e.g.~bla" won't get broken at the end of a line as it should, 

Could somebody, please, explain how to do this correctly?

Thank you,


Re: how to share BibTeX references across platforms

2005-09-06 Thread David Soukal

Paul A. Rubin wrote:
If your advisor has installed (or is willing to install) the MinSYS 
system (subsystem? package? whatever), you can use symbolic links.  I 
believe MinSYS is mandatory for LyX 1.3.6 and later on Windows.

 From MinSYS's interactive shell, you create the link pretty much as you 
would on Linux, other than to remember that the C: drive is /c in 
MinSYS.  So, for instance, you would use

ln -s /c/papers/bibliography ./ref

on her machine.  Alternatively, you can do the same thing from a DOS 
command prompt, by providing the path to ln if necessary, for instance

"C:\Program Files\msys\1.0\bin\ln.exe" -s /c/papers/bibliography ./ref

(assuming the default installation location).

I've tried it here (Win XP) and it seems to work as expected.


Paul, thanks a lot you for the tip. I happened to have Cygwin installed 
one my machine, so I gave it a try. My setup is the following: I have 
windows version of  LyX 1.3.5 downloaded from I tried to create 
the sym-link in Cygwin and run LyX from there.

However, it did not work. The command "ln -s a b" run from Cygwin simply 
creates Windows shortcut. But LyX run from Cygwin won't recognize the 
shortcut as a link... obviously it ignores Cygwin altogether.

You mentioned MinSYS being required for LyX 1.3.6. What does it mean? 
Does it mean that LyX will understand shortcuts in Windows?

I'm going to try to install MinSYS now.

Thanks again,


Re: copying LaTeX text into a LyX document from clipboard

2005-09-04 Thread David Soukal

> You can do this for mathed but not for the rest of LyX. Eg, typing as
> normal text "$a=b+c$" (without quotes), highlighting the block and
> selecting Insert->Math->Display Formula will convert the code into a
> mathed inset.

Still it would be great, if it were possible to do that with any text. 
Since the functionality is there already for the import... I try to put 
a feature request...

If LyX interprets \textcolor{red}{} as you'd like, why not add a
pre-processor step to your conversion. Something like (untested):

$ sed 's/\\fp{}/\\textcolor{red}{}/g' input.tex > output.tex
$ diff -u input.tex output.tex

Unfortunatelly, LyX does not do that. I was very surprised since color 
text gets exported to LaTeX as \textcolor{} but the import does not 
work. It gets imported as two ERT boxes: one with \textcolor{red}{ and 
the other with the closing brace }.

Thank you,


copying LaTeX text into a LyX document from clipboard

2005-09-04 Thread David Soukal


I was wondering whether it is possible to paste a well-formated fragment 
of LaTeX code from clipboard into an open document in such a way that 
LyX interprets the LaTeX code being inserted? The standard "paste" 
command will, of course, treat the content as a regular piece of text, 
but I'd like to paste the text interpreted.

I realize it's possible to import the whole document and then copy the 
fragments from the LyX, but it would come in handy to have the option to 
paste only pieces of LaTeX code without having to do anything else.

Thanks for any hints.


ps. The reason why I'm asking this is that I'm importing a LaTeX 
document from a co-author of our paper. He defined simple command \fp{} 
which is a synonym for \textcolor{red}{}. The author did that for two 
purposes: 1) to save some keystrokes :), and 2) to mark the portions of 
text that were updated by him.

While LyX imports the document fine, it doesn't interpret the \fp{} 
command but inserts the \fp{} blocks as ERT boxes which makes half of 
the document uninterpreted and very hardly editable.

how to share BibTeX references across platforms

2005-09-02 Thread David Soukal

Dear LyXers,

I would like to ask you for help with the following problem. I'm writing 
papers with my advisor and we decided to use LyX. She uses Windows 
version while I work from Linux. Our problem is sharing documents with 
BibTeX references. While sharing LyX documents works flawlessy, we have 
problems with BibTeX generated references.

The problem is where to store the BibTeX files. Each of us would like to 
have the references in a place where they can be accesses from several 
papers. The problem is how to achieve this in situation where the 
database is in different locations on different machines. For example, 
my advisor prefers c:\papers\bibliography\1994.bib while I prefer 
~/work/references/1994.bib. When I'm entering the database file in LyX, 
I have two options, either hit the Browse button in which case LyX 
enters the full path, or I can manually add relative path.

I thought I'd add a symbolic link into each directory with a paper and 
then I'd add the databases using relative path, like so


where "ref" is the link to whatever directory the database is stored in 
on particular machine (e.g. ~/work/references for on my machine).

Now, while this works for me on Linux. Windows shortcuts don't seem to 
do the trick.

My question is, does anybody have experience with sharing LyX documents 
with BibTeX references that are not stored in one fixed place?

Thank you for any comments,


Re: Exporting to PDF

2005-07-12 Thread David Soukal

in the Preferences dialog box, tab Outputs/LaTeX, try removing "T1" from
the field "TeX encoding." It did take care of my problems. This may not
be an optimal solution but it did work for me. The reasons for this are
explained in the document Extended Features accessible from Help menu.
Look for chapter "Exporting Other Formats" subsection PDF.

Good luck,


Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:

>> Hi! I have a problem with the PDF files exported by LyX on FreeBSD
host in
>> Windows - the fonts seems to be raster or something like this. Is
there any
>> way to force using the TrueType fonts when exporting to the PDF?

Eugeny N Dzhurinsky wrote:
> Hi! I have a problem with the PDF files exported by LyX on FreeBSD host in
> Windows - the fonts seems to be raster or something like this. Is there any
> way to force using the TrueType fonts when exporting to the PDF?