Re: automatic update of pdf?

2006-08-12 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Russell and list,

On 08-12, Russell Davie wrote:
 LyX: LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics
 extension: .jpeg.: ...aching_graphics_pulse-radial-artery.jpeg}

Reading that message at face value, I was curious whether maybe 
renaming the .jpeg to .jpg helps. And indeed it helps (at least on
my system).

On the command line the .jpeg is only a problem with lyx -e pdf2, 
not with lyx -e pdf or with lyx -e pdf3. Correspondingly, in the GUI, 
export dvipdfm is ok, pdflatex fails, ps2pdf is ok.

*Temporary* demonstration at . 

If this is a bug (caveat: i'm only on version 1.4.1) should it be
filed with lyx or with pdflatex? If with pdflatex, into the general
LaTeX bugs database?

(very wild guess after quick grep: src/frontends/qt2/QLImage.C line 77
if (ext == jpeg) ext = jpg 
is perhaps not invoked by the pdflatex processing chain?)

 This soon fills up the inbox with messages and to stop it add /dev/null  
 21 after /tmp/xxx.lyx and before ;.

Maybe posting the wording of one of these messages is useful.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: automatic update of pdf?

2006-08-12 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Russell and list,

On 08-12, Russell Davie wrote:
 LyX: LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics
 extension: .jpeg.: ...aching_graphics_pulse-radial-artery.jpeg}

Reading that message at face value, I was curious whether maybe 
renaming the .jpeg to .jpg helps. And indeed it helps (at least on
my system).

On the command line the .jpeg is only a problem with lyx -e pdf2, 
not with lyx -e pdf or with lyx -e pdf3. Correspondingly, in the GUI, 
export dvipdfm is ok, pdflatex fails, ps2pdf is ok.

*Temporary* demonstration at . 

If this is a bug (caveat: i'm only on version 1.4.1) should it be
filed with lyx or with pdflatex? If with pdflatex, into the general
LaTeX bugs database?

(very wild guess after quick grep: src/frontends/qt2/QLImage.C line 77
if (ext == jpeg) ext = jpg 
is perhaps not invoked by the pdflatex processing chain?)

 This soon fills up the inbox with messages and to stop it add /dev/null  
 21 after /tmp/xxx.lyx and before ;.

Maybe posting the wording of one of these messages is useful.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: automatic update of pdf?

2006-08-12 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Russell and list,

On 08-12, Russell Davie wrote:
> LyX: LaTeX Error: Unknown graphics
> extension: .jpeg.: ...aching_graphics_pulse-radial-artery.jpeg}

Reading that message at face value, I was curious whether maybe 
renaming the .jpeg to .jpg helps. And indeed it helps (at least on
my system).

On the command line the ".jpeg" is only a problem with lyx -e pdf2, 
not with lyx -e pdf or with lyx -e pdf3. Correspondingly, in the GUI, 
export dvipdfm is ok, pdflatex fails, ps2pdf is ok.

*Temporary* demonstration at . 

If this is a bug (caveat: i'm only on version 1.4.1) should it be
filed with lyx or with pdflatex? If with pdflatex, into the general
LaTeX bugs database?

(very wild guess after quick grep: src/frontends/qt2/QLImage.C line 77
if (ext == "jpeg") ext = "jpg" 
is perhaps not invoked by the pdflatex processing chain?)

> This soon fills up the inbox with messages and to stop it add ">>/dev/null  
> 2>&1" after /tmp/xxx.lyx and before ";".

Maybe posting the wording of one of these messages is useful.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: EPS and Lyx

2006-06-15 Thread Holger Blasum
Dear Jordi,

On 06-13, Jordi Tritlla i Cambra wrote:
   While working with the 1.4.0pre2 mac 
 versions, I cold manage to introduce EPS figures 
 into the text. It worked perfectly, and I was 
 able to see the images in the screen without 
 problems. Now, I changed to 1.4.1 and catch up 
 the same document (a report) in order to continue 
 with it. I produced a couple of PDF documents 
 using DVI and pdflatex. It worked beautifully. 
 But, going back to the document I got in every 
 figure a message about an error in converting the 
 figure into a loadable form, while in the last 
 version I could see the EPS documents without 
 problems. Any suggestion 
 if anyone can figure how to see again the figures 
 in the text... Of course, I can change the format 
 to JPEG or whatever, but the number of figures is 
 really huge (150).

Just speaking as a user (I'm no expert on lyx), things to 
try (if the problem still persists): 
(1) does it work if you (as a test) first convert one 
figure to jpg? (does that figure than show up?) 
(2) in a thread on this list started by Bruce Pourciau 
7 June 2006 it was turned out that having special
characters such as the apostrophe (') in file names 
might present difficulties in 1.4.* after upgrade from 
(3) at last, it might be helpful to post the exact wording of 
the message about an error that you mentioned

As a last resort, if you really would need to convert all 150 
figures something like for j in *.jpg; do convert $j $j.jpg; done 
should do the job if you have the convert tool (ImageMagick
package) and a bash-compatible shell on MacOS.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: EPS and Lyx

2006-06-15 Thread Holger Blasum
Dear Jordi,

On 06-13, Jordi Tritlla i Cambra wrote:
   While working with the 1.4.0pre2 mac 
 versions, I cold manage to introduce EPS figures 
 into the text. It worked perfectly, and I was 
 able to see the images in the screen without 
 problems. Now, I changed to 1.4.1 and catch up 
 the same document (a report) in order to continue 
 with it. I produced a couple of PDF documents 
 using DVI and pdflatex. It worked beautifully. 
 But, going back to the document I got in every 
 figure a message about an error in converting the 
 figure into a loadable form, while in the last 
 version I could see the EPS documents without 
 problems. Any suggestion 
 if anyone can figure how to see again the figures 
 in the text... Of course, I can change the format 
 to JPEG or whatever, but the number of figures is 
 really huge (150).

Just speaking as a user (I'm no expert on lyx), things to 
try (if the problem still persists): 
(1) does it work if you (as a test) first convert one 
figure to jpg? (does that figure than show up?) 
(2) in a thread on this list started by Bruce Pourciau 
7 June 2006 it was turned out that having special
characters such as the apostrophe (') in file names 
might present difficulties in 1.4.* after upgrade from 
(3) at last, it might be helpful to post the exact wording of 
the message about an error that you mentioned

As a last resort, if you really would need to convert all 150 
figures something like for j in *.jpg; do convert $j $j.jpg; done 
should do the job if you have the convert tool (ImageMagick
package) and a bash-compatible shell on MacOS.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: EPS and Lyx

2006-06-15 Thread Holger Blasum
Dear Jordi,

On 06-13, Jordi Tritlla i Cambra wrote:
>   While working with the 1.4.0pre2 mac 
> versions, I cold manage to introduce EPS figures 
> into the text. It worked perfectly, and I was 
> able to see the images in the screen without 
> problems. Now, I changed to 1.4.1 and catch up 
> the same document (a report) in order to continue 
> with it. I produced a couple of PDF documents 
> using DVI and pdflatex. It worked beautifully. 
> But, going back to the document I got in every 
> figure a message about an error in converting the 
> figure into a loadable form, while in the last 
> version I could see the EPS documents without 
> problems. Any suggestion 
> if anyone can figure how to see again the figures 
> in the text... Of course, I can change the format 
> to JPEG or whatever, but the number of figures is 
> really huge (>150).

Just speaking as a user (I'm no expert on lyx), things to 
try (if the problem still persists): 
(1) does it work if you (as a test) first convert one 
figure to jpg? (does that figure than show up?) 
(2) in a thread on this list started by Bruce Pourciau 
7 June 2006 it was turned out that having special
characters such as the apostrophe (') in file names 
might present difficulties in 1.4.* after upgrade from 
(3) at last, it might be helpful to post the exact wording of 
the "message about an error" that you mentioned

As a last resort, if you really would need to convert all 150 
figures something like "for j in *.jpg; do convert $j $j.jpg; done" 
should do the job if you have the convert tool (ImageMagick
package) and a bash-compatible shell on MacOS.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lyx: LATEX error Cannot determine size of graphic in ...

2006-06-07 Thread Holger Blasum
Dear J Marton,

On 06-06, J. Marton wrote:
 Package graphics Error: Division  by 0.
   Arithmetic overflow.
   LATEX error Cannot determine size of graphic in ...
   1.) I get the same this message, when trying to export pdf (pdflatex) .  
 Please, maybe You can help me?

Maybe the graphic you include is broken in a way that the image
converting software invoked by latex assumes
the image is of length or width 0? Does this error also occur with, for
example, the graphic you can download at ?

   2.) I have the pictures for my LYX doc. in a file on USBstick. How can  I 
 make, that whenever I save the Lyxfile as LYX or export the lyxfile  as TEX, 
 the pictures in the Lyxfile are also saved and exported. So  that when 
 emailing it, others can view the files without the file  containing the 
 pictures. This means, without possessing the USBstick  with the pictures.

As far as I know (the other users on the list might want to correct me if
this is wrong), you cannot encapsulate graphics right into lyx or even 
tex files. Two alternatives: (1) when you email it, send it eg as PDF
(File-Export-PDF, any of the options), (2) if you want others to
change it, create a folder (e.g.) C:\MyLyxDocument\ and another folder 
C:\MyLyxDocument\Images\. Put your lyx file (say MyDocument.lyx) into 
C:\MyLyxDocument\, put the image(s) (say MyImage.gif) 
in the folder C:\MyLyxDocument\Images\ and when you are inserting an 
image (via Insert-Graphics) specify a relative path Images\MyImage.gif 
in the File line of the Graphics Insertion Menu. If you use relative
paths like that, you simply later can create zip of 
the entire C:\MyLyxDocument folder and its subfolders and send it 


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lyx: LATEX error Cannot determine size of graphic in ...

2006-06-07 Thread Holger Blasum
Dear J Marton,

On 06-06, J. Marton wrote:
 Package graphics Error: Division  by 0.
   Arithmetic overflow.
   LATEX error Cannot determine size of graphic in ...
   1.) I get the same this message, when trying to export pdf (pdflatex) .  
 Please, maybe You can help me?

Maybe the graphic you include is broken in a way that the image
converting software invoked by latex assumes
the image is of length or width 0? Does this error also occur with, for
example, the graphic you can download at ?

   2.) I have the pictures for my LYX doc. in a file on USBstick. How can  I 
 make, that whenever I save the Lyxfile as LYX or export the lyxfile  as TEX, 
 the pictures in the Lyxfile are also saved and exported. So  that when 
 emailing it, others can view the files without the file  containing the 
 pictures. This means, without possessing the USBstick  with the pictures.

As far as I know (the other users on the list might want to correct me if
this is wrong), you cannot encapsulate graphics right into lyx or even 
tex files. Two alternatives: (1) when you email it, send it eg as PDF
(File-Export-PDF, any of the options), (2) if you want others to
change it, create a folder (e.g.) C:\MyLyxDocument\ and another folder 
C:\MyLyxDocument\Images\. Put your lyx file (say MyDocument.lyx) into 
C:\MyLyxDocument\, put the image(s) (say MyImage.gif) 
in the folder C:\MyLyxDocument\Images\ and when you are inserting an 
image (via Insert-Graphics) specify a relative path Images\MyImage.gif 
in the File line of the Graphics Insertion Menu. If you use relative
paths like that, you simply later can create zip of 
the entire C:\MyLyxDocument folder and its subfolders and send it 


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Lyx: LATEX error "Cannot determine size of graphic in ..."

2006-06-07 Thread Holger Blasum
Dear J Marton,

On 06-06, J. Marton wrote:
> "Package graphics Error: Division  by 0.
>   Arithmetic overflow.
>   LATEX error "Cannot determine size of graphic in ..."
>   1.) I get the same this message, when trying to export pdf (pdflatex) .  
> Please, maybe You can help me?

Maybe the graphic you include is broken in a way that the image
converting software invoked by latex assumes
the image is of length or width 0? Does this error also occur with, for
example, the graphic you can download at ?

>   2.) I have the pictures for my LYX doc. in a file on USBstick. How can  I 
> make, that whenever I save the Lyxfile as LYX or export the lyxfile  as TEX, 
> the pictures in the Lyxfile are also saved and exported. So  that when 
> emailing it, others can view the files without the file  containing the 
> pictures. This means, without possessing the USBstick  with the pictures.

As far as I know (the other users on the list might want to correct me if
this is wrong), you cannot encapsulate graphics right into lyx or even 
tex files. Two alternatives: (1) when you email it, send it eg as PDF
(File->Export->PDF, any of the options), (2) if you want others to
change it, create a folder (e.g.) C:\MyLyxDocument\ and another folder 
C:\MyLyxDocument\Images\. Put your lyx file (say MyDocument.lyx) into 
C:\MyLyxDocument\, put the image(s) (say MyImage.gif) 
in the folder C:\MyLyxDocument\Images\ and when you are inserting an 
image (via Insert->Graphics) specify a relative path "Images\MyImage.gif" 
in the "File" line of the Graphics Insertion Menu. If you use relative
paths like that, you simply later can create zip of 
the entire C:\MyLyxDocument folder and its subfolders and send it 


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-30 Thread Holger Blasum
Hi Luis,

 It does also for me, but the corresponding 'lyx' executable won't load.
 Here you have the output I get when I try to load the program with the '-dbg 
 init' option 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lyx -dbg init
[ca 70 lines skipped]
 Reading language welsh
 Reading layouts...

At this place in my (working) installation lyx -dbg init continues with 
About to read default...
Found default in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui
About to read stdmenus.ui...
Found stdmenus.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui
About to read stdtoolbars.ui...

Running the same as strace -e trace=open lyx -dbg init (strace
is a nice tool to see which files are opened, you also can use it 
for tracking of other user/kernelspace interaction) shows that 
(on my installation) at this stage of booting lyx the following files 
are opened: 

Reading layouts...
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/textclass.lst, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/textclass.lst, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/menus.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/menus.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/math.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/math.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/latinkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/latinkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cyrkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cyrkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/greekkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/greekkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
About to read default...
Found default in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
About to read stdmenus.ui...
Found stdmenus.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
About to read stdtoolbars.ui...
Found stdtoolbars.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/tmp/lyx_tmpdir14553Ax5bAY, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600) = 4
LyX tmp dir: `/tmp/lyx_tmpdir14553Ax5bAY'
Reading lastfiles `/home/blasum/.lyx/lastfiles'...
open(/home/blasum/.lyx/lastfiles, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4


Three things to try: 
(1) are (some of) the above-mentioned files in place? 
(2) try strace -e trace=open lyx -dbg init yourself and see where
it hangs, or do (much more verbose) strace lyx -dbg init.
(3) something much more simple: check whether it helps to move 
your .lyx home directory (presumably configured for the old lyx 
1.3.*) to .lyx-broken temporarily (I remember that during 
the migration I had simply discarded mine in the same manner because 
I hadn't done any customization anyway ...).


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-30 Thread Holger Blasum
Hi Luis,

 It does also for me, but the corresponding 'lyx' executable won't load.
 Here you have the output I get when I try to load the program with the '-dbg 
 init' option 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lyx -dbg init
[ca 70 lines skipped]
 Reading language welsh
 Reading layouts...

At this place in my (working) installation lyx -dbg init continues with 
About to read default...
Found default in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui
About to read stdmenus.ui...
Found stdmenus.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui
About to read stdtoolbars.ui...

Running the same as strace -e trace=open lyx -dbg init (strace
is a nice tool to see which files are opened, you also can use it 
for tracking of other user/kernelspace interaction) shows that 
(on my installation) at this stage of booting lyx the following files 
are opened: 

Reading layouts...
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/textclass.lst, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/textclass.lst, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/menus.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/menus.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/math.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/math.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/latinkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/latinkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cyrkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cyrkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/greekkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/greekkeys.bind, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
About to read default...
Found default in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
About to read stdmenus.ui...
Found stdmenus.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
About to read stdtoolbars.ui...
Found stdtoolbars.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open(/tmp/lyx_tmpdir14553Ax5bAY, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600) = 4
LyX tmp dir: `/tmp/lyx_tmpdir14553Ax5bAY'
Reading lastfiles `/home/blasum/.lyx/lastfiles'...
open(/home/blasum/.lyx/lastfiles, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4


Three things to try: 
(1) are (some of) the above-mentioned files in place? 
(2) try strace -e trace=open lyx -dbg init yourself and see where
it hangs, or do (much more verbose) strace lyx -dbg init.
(3) something much more simple: check whether it helps to move 
your .lyx home directory (presumably configured for the old lyx 
1.3.*) to .lyx-broken temporarily (I remember that during 
the migration I had simply discarded mine in the same manner because 
I hadn't done any customization anyway ...).


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-30 Thread Holger Blasum
Hi Luis,

> It does also for me, but the corresponding 'lyx' executable won't load.
> Here you have the output I get when I try to load the program with the '-dbg 
> init' option 
> ---
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ lyx -dbg init
[ca 70 lines skipped]
> Reading language welsh
> Reading layouts...

At this place in my (working) installation lyx -dbg init continues with 
"About to read default...
Found default in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui
About to read stdmenus.ui...
Found stdmenus.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui
About to read stdtoolbars.ui..."

Running the same as "strace -e trace=open lyx -dbg init" (strace
is a nice tool to see which files are opened, you also can use it 
for tracking of other user/kernelspace interaction) shows that 
(on my installation) at this stage of booting lyx the following files 
are opened: 

Reading layouts...
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/textclass.lst", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/textclass.lst", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cua.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/menus.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/menus.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/math.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/math.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/latinkeys.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/latinkeys.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cyrkeys.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/cyrkeys.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/greekkeys.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/bind/greekkeys.bind", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
About to read default...
Found default in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/default.ui", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4
About to read stdmenus.ui...
Found stdmenus.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdmenus.ui", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
About to read stdtoolbars.ui...
Found stdtoolbars.ui in /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 5
open("/tmp/lyx_tmpdir14553Ax5bAY", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600) = 4
LyX tmp dir: `/tmp/lyx_tmpdir14553Ax5bAY'
Reading lastfiles `/home/blasum/.lyx/lastfiles'...
open("/home/blasum/.lyx/lastfiles", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 4


Three things to try: 
(1) are (some of) the above-mentioned files in place? 
(2) try "strace -e trace=open lyx -dbg init" yourself and see where
it hangs, or do (much more verbose) "strace lyx -dbg init".
(3) something much more simple: check whether it helps to move 
your .lyx home directory (presumably configured for the old lyx 
1.3.*) to .lyx-broken temporarily (I remember that during 
the migration I had simply discarded mine in the same manner because 
I hadn't done any customization anyway ...).


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-29 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Luis,

On 05-29, Luis Angel Fernández Cuadrado wrote:
 I'm trying to compile LyX 1.4.1 from source in a KUbuntu 5.10 AMD64 machine 
 with no luck. I've done thins kind of compilation many other times in SuSE 
 i386 and AMD64 machines without problems.
 The key to it always was the parameters passed to the './configure' script: 
 --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir= --with-qt-libraries=

On a debian (testing) machine 

$ dpkg -l libqt3-dev  
ii  libqt3-dev 3.3.4-3Qt development files
(You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

zless /usr/share/doc/libqt3-dev/README.Debian.gz 
says If you need to set QTDIR, do export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3

A double-check that qt3 is really sitting there:
/usr/share/qt3$ ls
this should show: 
bin  doc  include  lib  mkspecs  plugins

./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3 
did the job for me last week.

Disclaimer: it may be the case that this generic debian approach
does not carry over to ubuntu. In that case protest immediately
and loudly! (Modulo that your libqt3-dev version also might be 
different than 3.3.4-3, I'd guess anything beginning with 3 
will do the job.)


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re[2]: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-29 Thread Holger Blasum
On 05-29, Holger Blasum wrote:
 ii  libqt3-dev 3.3.4-3Qt development files
 (You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
 I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

Self-correction: depending on your installation (if it is recent) 
you also may use libqt3-mt-dev. (In accordance with the wiki
compilation instruction 
Anders had pointed to.) The other steps do not change.

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-29 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Luis,

On 05-29, Luis Angel Fernández Cuadrado wrote:
 I'm trying to compile LyX 1.4.1 from source in a KUbuntu 5.10 AMD64 machine 
 with no luck. I've done thins kind of compilation many other times in SuSE 
 i386 and AMD64 machines without problems.
 The key to it always was the parameters passed to the './configure' script: 
 --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir= --with-qt-libraries=

On a debian (testing) machine 

$ dpkg -l libqt3-dev  
ii  libqt3-dev 3.3.4-3Qt development files
(You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

zless /usr/share/doc/libqt3-dev/README.Debian.gz 
says If you need to set QTDIR, do export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3

A double-check that qt3 is really sitting there:
/usr/share/qt3$ ls
this should show: 
bin  doc  include  lib  mkspecs  plugins

./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3 
did the job for me last week.

Disclaimer: it may be the case that this generic debian approach
does not carry over to ubuntu. In that case protest immediately
and loudly! (Modulo that your libqt3-dev version also might be 
different than 3.3.4-3, I'd guess anything beginning with 3 
will do the job.)


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re[2]: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-29 Thread Holger Blasum
On 05-29, Holger Blasum wrote:
 ii  libqt3-dev 3.3.4-3Qt development files
 (You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
 I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

Self-correction: depending on your installation (if it is recent) 
you also may use libqt3-mt-dev. (In accordance with the wiki
compilation instruction 
Anders had pointed to.) The other steps do not change.

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-29 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Luis,

On 05-29, Luis Angel Fernández Cuadrado wrote:
> I'm trying to compile LyX 1.4.1 from source in a KUbuntu 5.10 AMD64 machine 
> with no luck. I've done thins kind of compilation many other times in SuSE 
> i386 and AMD64 machines without problems.
> The key to it always was the parameters passed to the './configure' script: 
> --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir= --with-qt-libraries=

On a debian (testing) machine 

$ dpkg -l libqt3-dev  
ii  libqt3-dev 3.3.4-3Qt development files
(You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

zless /usr/share/doc/libqt3-dev/README.Debian.gz 
says "If you need to set QTDIR, do export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3"

A double-check that qt3 is really sitting there:
/usr/share/qt3$ ls
this should show: 
"bin  doc  include  lib  mkspecs  plugins"

./configure --with-frontend=qt --with-qt-dir=/usr/share/qt3 
did the job for me last week.

Disclaimer: it may be the case that this generic debian approach
does not carry over to ubuntu. In that case protest immediately
and loudly! (Modulo that your libqt3-dev version also might be 
different than 3.3.4-3, I'd guess anything beginning with 3 
will do the job.)


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re[2]: Compilation of LyX 1.4.1 in (K)Ubuntu 5.10 AMD64

2006-05-29 Thread Holger Blasum
On 05-29, Holger Blasum wrote:
> ii  libqt3-dev 3.3.4-3Qt development files
> (You might prefer another package management tool than dpkg, what 
> I mean is: if you dont have libqt3-dev, install it.)

Self-correction: depending on your installation (if it is recent) 
you also may use libqt3-mt-dev. (In accordance with the wiki
compilation instruction 
Anders had pointed to.) The other steps do not change.

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: lyx language code

2006-05-17 Thread Holger Blasum
On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 Thanks, Holger,
 that is strange: 
 The lyx file is ISO...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/PP-buch file engelmann.lyx
 engelmann.lyx: ISO-8859 C program text

Ok, here file guessed correctly the encoding (ISO-8859-1) but 
then your lyx file looked a bit like C code to the libmagic
guessing (*maybe* because of an lyx-comment (#) at the beginning that is 
also used for C include headers). Heuristics are never perfect, and
I am not aware that libmagic has any implementation for specifically
recognizing lyx files but I think guessing the charset (what you needed 
here) is more reliable than guessing the file type (what you dont need 
here) ...

 But the bib file, produced by Jabref, although it is said to be set to 
 ISO-88.. by default (Optionspreferencesdefault encoding) is UTF
 pp-plants-newz.bib: UTF-8 Unicode English text
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/PP-buch/PP-chapter-bib cd ..
 What to do??

Either use an editor (Kate was suggested by K Elo yesterday) or do 
cp pp-plants-new.bib pp-plants-new-2.bib
recode UTF-8..ISO-8859-1 pp-plants-new-2.bib

It *may* happen that if your bib file contains non ISO-8859-1
characters (say Chinese, Cyrillic or just any of the Eastern 
European latin extensions) then if I remember correctly recode will 
complain. In that case you also might want to try: 

iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 -input pp-plants-new.bib 
  -c -output pp-plants-new-2.bib

where -c omits characters invalid in the target encoding. That of 
course is not a lossless conversion so keep the original file.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Re: lyx language code

2006-05-17 Thread Holger Blasum
On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 Thanks, Holger,
 that is strange: 
 The lyx file is ISO...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/PP-buch file engelmann.lyx
 engelmann.lyx: ISO-8859 C program text

Ok, here file guessed correctly the encoding (ISO-8859-1) but 
then your lyx file looked a bit like C code to the libmagic
guessing (*maybe* because of an lyx-comment (#) at the beginning that is 
also used for C include headers). Heuristics are never perfect, and
I am not aware that libmagic has any implementation for specifically
recognizing lyx files but I think guessing the charset (what you needed 
here) is more reliable than guessing the file type (what you dont need 
here) ...

 But the bib file, produced by Jabref, although it is said to be set to 
 ISO-88.. by default (Optionspreferencesdefault encoding) is UTF
 pp-plants-newz.bib: UTF-8 Unicode English text
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/PP-buch/PP-chapter-bib cd ..
 What to do??

Either use an editor (Kate was suggested by K Elo yesterday) or do 
cp pp-plants-new.bib pp-plants-new-2.bib
recode UTF-8..ISO-8859-1 pp-plants-new-2.bib

It *may* happen that if your bib file contains non ISO-8859-1
characters (say Chinese, Cyrillic or just any of the Eastern 
European latin extensions) then if I remember correctly recode will 
complain. In that case you also might want to try: 

iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 -input pp-plants-new.bib 
  -c -output pp-plants-new-2.bib

where -c omits characters invalid in the target encoding. That of 
course is not a lossless conversion so keep the original file.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Re: lyx language code

2006-05-17 Thread Holger Blasum
On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> Thanks, Holger,
> that is strange: 
> The lyx file is ISO...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/PP-buch> file engelmann.lyx
> engelmann.lyx: ISO-8859 C program text

Ok, here "file" guessed correctly the encoding (ISO-8859-1) but 
then your lyx file looked a bit like C code to the libmagic
guessing (*maybe* because of an lyx-comment (#) at the beginning that is 
also used for C include headers). Heuristics are never perfect, and
I am not aware that libmagic has any implementation for specifically
recognizing lyx files but I think guessing the charset (what you needed 
here) is more reliable than guessing the file type (what you dont need 
here) ...

> But the bib file, produced by Jabref, although it is said to be set to 
> ISO-88.. by default (Options>preferences>default encoding) is UTF
> pp-plants-newz.bib: UTF-8 Unicode English text
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/PP-buch/PP-chapter-bib> cd ..
> What to do??

Either use an editor (Kate was suggested by K Elo yesterday) or do 
cp pp-plants-new.bib pp-plants-new-2.bib
recode UTF-8..ISO-8859-1 pp-plants-new-2.bib

It *may* happen that if your bib file contains non ISO-8859-1
characters (say Chinese, Cyrillic or just any of the Eastern 
European latin extensions) then if I remember correctly recode will 
complain. In that case you also might want to try: 

iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO-8859-1 -input pp-plants-new.bib 
  -c -output pp-plants-new-2.bib

where "-c" omits characters invalid in the target encoding. That of 
course is not a lossless conversion so keep the original file.


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Re: lyx language code

2006-05-16 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Wolfgang,

On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 I have some difficulties with my references. I use a Jabref created data bank 
 lit.bib and have coded it as iso-8859-1. If a reference contains e.g. á (´a), 
 it is not properly shown in lyx as well as in the pdf output. Kimmo Elo 
 suggested, that apparently the coding of my lyx is different (utf8). But I 
 don´t know how to find out.

To guess the encoding of something (by the very nature of an
encoding this is heuristics), the command file (that uses
libmagic by Rullgard/Zoulas) is often used. 
So run file lit.bib and file yourfile.lyx to see if the 
encoding is the same in both files and if it is the same as in your 
locale. To change the encoding, use recode or iconv (warning: 
at least recode acts in-place, so perhaps make a backup first).

Hope that helps, 

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: lyx language code

2006-05-16 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Wolfgang,

On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
 I have some difficulties with my references. I use a Jabref created data bank 
 lit.bib and have coded it as iso-8859-1. If a reference contains e.g. á (´a), 
 it is not properly shown in lyx as well as in the pdf output. Kimmo Elo 
 suggested, that apparently the coding of my lyx is different (utf8). But I 
 don´t know how to find out.

To guess the encoding of something (by the very nature of an
encoding this is heuristics), the command file (that uses
libmagic by Rullgard/Zoulas) is often used. 
So run file lit.bib and file yourfile.lyx to see if the 
encoding is the same in both files and if it is the same as in your 
locale. To change the encoding, use recode or iconv (warning: 
at least recode acts in-place, so perhaps make a backup first).

Hope that helps, 

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: lyx language code

2006-05-16 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Wolfgang,

On 05-16, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
> I have some difficulties with my references. I use a Jabref created data bank 
> lit.bib and have coded it as iso-8859-1. If a reference contains e.g. á (´a), 
> it is not properly shown in lyx as well as in the pdf output. Kimmo Elo 
> suggested, that apparently the coding of my lyx is different (utf8). But I 
> don´t know how to find out.

To guess the encoding of something (by the very nature of an
encoding this is heuristics), the command "file" (that uses
libmagic by Rullgard/Zoulas) is often used. 
So run "file lit.bib" and "file yourfile.lyx" to see if the 
encoding is the same in both files and if it is the same as in your 
locale. To change the encoding, use "recode" or "iconv" (warning: 
at least recode acts in-place, so perhaps make a backup first).

Hope that helps, 

Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Chinese characters in standard Lyx

2006-04-29 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Graham,

On 04-26, Graham Brown wrote:
 I searched the archives and found a very helpful email that suggested 
 that it was possible to use Lyx with CJK latex.  I installed CJK latex 
 (I already had the fonts) and proceeded to try the recommended ERT code: 
 \usepackage{cjk} in the preamble; \begin{cjk} etc in the document.
 When I run the program I get an error message that it cannot find 
 cjk.sty.  I have checked and there is no cjk.sty file on my system.

According to the debian packages database, it should be CJK.sty
(in uppercase, not cjk.sty) coming with the cjk-latex package
there. Is that CJK.sty file findable on your system?


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Chinese characters in standard Lyx

2006-04-29 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Graham,

On 04-26, Graham Brown wrote:
 I searched the archives and found a very helpful email that suggested 
 that it was possible to use Lyx with CJK latex.  I installed CJK latex 
 (I already had the fonts) and proceeded to try the recommended ERT code: 
 \usepackage{cjk} in the preamble; \begin{cjk} etc in the document.
 When I run the program I get an error message that it cannot find 
 cjk.sty.  I have checked and there is no cjk.sty file on my system.

According to the debian packages database, it should be CJK.sty
(in uppercase, not cjk.sty) coming with the cjk-latex package
there. Is that CJK.sty file findable on your system?


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature

Re: Chinese characters in standard Lyx

2006-04-29 Thread Holger Blasum
Hello Graham,

On 04-26, Graham Brown wrote:
> I searched the archives and found a very helpful email that suggested 
> that it was possible to use Lyx with CJK latex.  I installed CJK latex 
> (I already had the fonts) and proceeded to try the recommended ERT code: 
> \usepackage{cjk} in the preamble; \begin{cjk} etc in the document.
> When I run the program I get an error message that it cannot find 
> cjk.sty.  I have checked and there is no cjk.sty file on my system.

According to the debian packages database, it should be "CJK.sty"
(in uppercase, not "cjk.sty") coming with the cjk-latex package
there. Is that "CJK.sty" file findable on your system?


Holger Blasum +49-174-7313590 (gsm) GnuPG 1024D/ACDFC3B769DC1ED66B47

Description: Digital signature