Re: Problems reimporting exported documents

2002-02-06 Thread Mario Parra


I have some more info for those who are interested.
The problem occurs when using float figures and the
caption goes after the image. If the caption goes before
the image, then the figure imports ok, not great but ok.
Unfortunately for me, IEEE transaction demands the
caption to go after the image, so what I'll do is to have the
captions go before the image for now and remember to
switch them when the paper is submitted so at least I'll
only have to do that once. Thanks to everybody and let
people know that lyx is the best!


Re: Problems reimporting exported documents

2002-02-06 Thread Mario Parra

"Kayvan A. Sylvan" wrote:

> How about this solution?
> Keep a copy of your LaTeX file that you send to your advisor, then
> when you get his changed copy, use "diff -c" to look at the changes
> he actually made and manually (with the help of cut and paste) edit
> your LyX file to reflect those changes.

Thanks Kayvan,

That sounds like a good temporary solution until something better is found.
Should I submit a bug report? I think this is a serious bug, but maybe it is
just me because it affects my work :)


Re: Problems reimporting exported documents

2002-02-06 Thread Mario Parra

Guenter Milde wrote:

> Export from LyX to LaTeX is no problem at all (obviously clear, as otherwise
> you could not print nor see the *.dvi)
> Reimport is more tricky, especially if you have non-standard settings or
> layout. E.g. some settings you can do in the Layout->Document popup will go
> to the Layout->LateX-Preamble, other stuff will come out as ERT even if it
> was LyXish before, and some finetunings will be lost. However, in general
> the reimported document will look silly in LyX but print fine.

Yes, I am using IEEEtran for a paper we are writing parallel to the thesis and
that has even more problems. Thing like theorem will export fine, but will not
import. I have to switch the document to amsart and once inside lyx, switch
I don't mind if things look silly in Lyx as long as the final postscript looks
the same,
but in this case the look very differently, and the lyx version is just wrong.

> I got this problem when working on an article together with a colleague that
> uses plain latex. We solved it by splitting the file in two parts: the main
> file was done in LyX (and worked on by me) where the sections that the
> colleague was working on went to a latex file I included in the LyX
> document. We sent the updates as latex (i.e. I did Export->LaTeX) and both
> could compile and print.

We both work on the same parts, so this will not work.

> However, if all parts of your thesis will be evaluated and changed by your
> boss, you such a splitting will not help. You can decide either
>- to live with the On-Screen-Oddities (TM) after reimport (maybe the
>  whole still looks better than a raw latex file),

Like I said, I don't mind the way it looks in Lyx, but the final ps result is
and that I can't live with.

>- import your boss's changes by drag and drop,

This is not an option. I send him the latex file I get from exporting and he
the changes on that file which he sends back to me. Then I use that file to
with and I don't want to chase all the changes he has made.

>- resort to raw latex (at least for this work)
>  Still it could be sensible to use LyX for the first draft (especially
>  with lots of math, you see far better what is on) and only convert to
>  latex when it is "ready to be shown upstairs".

I am afraid this is the only solution I am facing now. But I love lyx and hate
have to give it up for some small bug like this.

>- convince your boss of LyX.'

Belive me I tried. He says he uses four different document processors and will
not learn a new one. When I learned about lyx, I tried to get him to use it. He
it, but since there is no mac version, he can't use it.  Otherwise I am sure he
toss the other editors in favor of lyx.

> Guenter
> --

Thanks Guenter,


Re: Problems reimporting exported documents

2002-02-06 Thread Mario Parra

Herbert Voss wrote:

> Mario Parra wrote:
> > I guess nobody knows about this problem cause it's been a few days
> > and got no replies. It is a pitty, I really liked lyx but this is a show
> > stopper.
> > My boss uses latex so I need to go back and forth and if I can't then
> > that's
> > it, I'll have to write my Ph.D. thesis in latex.
> if you can write it in latex, you can write it in LyX,
> that makes no difference. If you have some problem with relyx,
> than copy the latex-part and insert it as real tex (in red)
> HErbert
> --

Hi Herbert,

Here is the problem. My advisor doesn't want to use Lyx. He is used
to latex and will not switch. I love Lyx, Been using it for a couple of
years and I think it is the best. So I so all my work using Lyx and then
I export it to latex, send it over to my advisor. He then makes changes,
deletes stuff, ...  and sends the latex back to me. Then I have to reimport
the latex back into lyx so I can keep working. This happens very often,
so having some long procedure for reimporting latex into lyx is just not
an option. The thesis has lots of pictures that get screwed up when
reimporting, so I would have to spend half an hour going through the
lyx document fixing them. Cut and pasting would require the same
amount of effort.
Thanks for the reply,


Re: Problems reimporting exported documents

2002-01-31 Thread Mario Parra


I guess nobody knows about this problem cause it's been a few days
and got no replies. It is a pitty, I really liked lyx but this is a show
My boss uses latex so I need to go back and forth and if I can't then
it, I'll have to write my Ph.D. thesis in latex.

Thank you,


Problems reimporting exported documents

2002-01-28 Thread Mario Parra


I've been having a lot of problems reimporting latex files that have
been created using
the export to latex option in lyx. Some I've been able to get around,
but this one is serious.
When dealing with figures and captions, the reimported files have the
caption and the figure
separated. Since posting ps files is not an option I'll give a brief
description of how to produce
the problem.
1) Open lyx and create a new file.
2) insert a figure and create a caption for it.
3) view the dvi .
4) export to latex.
5) import the file to latex.
6) view the resulting dvi.

In my experience the result of 3 and 6 are not the same. The caption can
be inserted way
before the image or way after it. I use lyx 1.1.5fix 1 on solaris since
I am unable to compile the
latest ones with SUN's CC compiler version 5.0.
Has anybody seen this problem? Any way around it?


Re: Problems importing latex.

2001-12-26 Thread Mario Parra


Since nobody has steped out to give me a hand I thought I would put some

more info just in case. I really love lyx and would hate to have to stop
using it
because of these "minor" problems.
I tried the theorem bug with the article(AMS) document layout and it
seems to
be working ok, so I guess I'll try going back a forth from one to the
other since
they seem to be pretty compatible.
The problem  with \cal is serious though, I have lots of entries and
would be a pain
to have to go and redo all of them. The \cal problem seems to happen no
matter what
document layout I use, so it seems to be a bug in lyx.
Any suggestions? I mean, if the bug can't be fixed, maybe somebody can
think of a



Problems importing latex.

2001-12-17 Thread Mario Parra


I am having at least two problems when I try to import latex into lyx
using relyx.  I use lyx 1.1.5fix1 on solaris because I seem to be unable
either compile or run the compiled versions and I have to rely on a
that was posted a while back. Anyway, my problems are

1) \begin{thm} is not translated into a lyx theorem. Lyx treats it as
latex font
and then it refuses to latex compile it, even though I can run latex on
the file
and it works ok. When I try to latex compile it lyx it says it knows
about \begin{thm} or \end{thm}.

2) \cal will not be imported into lyx. I get a list of error that
follow. If I
simply remove the \cal entry, then lyx imports the file properly.

reLyX, the LaTeX to LyX translator. Revision date 2000/06/06

Reading LaTeX command syntax
(test.tex: Splitting Preamble
Creating LyX preamble
Reading layout file
Cleaning... Translating... Use of uninitialized value at
/home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line
358,  chunk 11.
Expecting `\end', got `}'=`' in `\end{document}
' at /home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/
line 358,  chunk 11.
Got negative depth at
/home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line
680,  chunk 11.
Use of uninitialized value at
/home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line
397,  chunk 11.
Use of uninitialized value at
/home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line
397,  chunk 11.
Expecting `', got \end in `
' at /home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/
line 397,  chunk 11.
Can't call method "environment" without a package or object reference at
/home/parra/latex/lyx/binaries/bin/../share/lyx/reLyX/Text/ line
400,  chunk 11.
Exited due to fatal Error!

Any help with this is really appreciated. I would hate to have to go
back to latex in emacs, which is what my
supervisor uses, so I need to be able to go back and forth.


Description: TeX document

Problems with IEEE trans layout.

2001-12-14 Thread Mario Parra


I succesfully installed IEEE trans layout and can use it in lyx without
a problem.
The problem I am having is that if I export the document as tex and
reimport it,
then things like theorem and proof are not translated back into lyx
properly. They
appear as latex font, and lyx thinks they are of standard type. The
other types, like
section and whatnot are translated back into lyx properly. Anybody has
any ideas?



Math labels.

2000-12-04 Thread Mario Parra


I have a couple of questions about math labels.
How can one have lyx label equations using section numbers
instead of chapter numbers?
Once a math-label has been set, how can one change it? In a
regular label one can click it and change it in the pop-up menu,
but I am unable to get this to work in math mode.
I am using 1.1.5fix1 on solaris.


Re: can't fire up LyX

2000-10-10 Thread Mario Parra

Kan Chee Siong wrote:

> I tried to install LyX on a PC running windows98, not connected to network.
> But get the following error message when I try to fire up the LyX:
> Not enough environment space.
> I can fire up the Xwin32 manually. The IP add. set in Xwin32 was
> Thanks

>From the Lyx for windows home page:

Known problems and available fixes (if present ;-)

Out of environmental space

When calling the batch file RUNLYX.BAT you get the above error message. Make
sure you have enough environment space configured on your system in
C:\CONFIG.SYS. I recommend 1536 Bytes, so you need a line

shell=C:\ C:\ /e:1536 /p

in your C:\CONFIG.SYS, assuming that COMMAND.COM resides in C:\ on your
system! If COMMAND.COM is not present in C:\ on your system it is usually
present in the main Windows directory, i.e. C:\WINDOWS by default. Then you
have to set

shell=C:\WINDOWS\ C:\WINDOWS /e:1536 /p

in your C:\CONFIG.SYS.

I hope this helps,


Re: x-server

2000-10-05 Thread Mario Parra

Kan Chee Siong wrote:

> Sorry, I made a mistake. its ReflectionX, here is the link. Let me know if
> you are able to get it work.
> You could try out the evalutaion edition of ReflectionX. It is, for lack
> >of a better word, GREAT.
> >
> >Here's the URL:
> >
> >
> >

This one is even more expensive (~$400).  I won't even try it...
Have you tried VNC ( ) ?
It is free amd seems very complete. Unfortunately I don't
even know how to make it work as an X-server.
Maybe you can try it and let me know?


Re: x-server

2000-10-04 Thread Mario Parra

Kan Chee Siong wrote:

>  Dear Mario,
> CS<>I have problem working with Xwin32 because all the tool bar are
> blinking!! I can hardly see them. Tried changing the VGA settings but
> all failed. Have any ideas?
> However in MIx, it don't call up the LyX. I then switch to Xreflect,
> but it took me one whole day and still was not able to download the
> thing (only work for 60 days trial ver.)

I am not sure why Xwin32 would not work. I installed it and worked the
first time. The major problem is that
it costs $200, or only works two hours at a time.. I can't find Xreflect
anywhere (do
you have a link? ) and I am currently trying VNC which is supposed to
work real nice, but I can't get it to work. Does
anybody have any instructions on how to use VNC as an x-server for lyx?


Re: x-server

2000-10-03 Thread Mario Parra

Kan Chee Siong wrote:

> Has anyone has an experience running LyX using Mix as x-server ? I have
> installed Mix ver 2.0.10 and edited the x-server path in runlyx.bat file.
> The dos prompt popped up says something like this:
> **
> "Starting LyX/Win32."
> Bad length
> 0 [sig] LYX 1001 stackdump. Dumping stack trace to LYX.EXE stackdump.
> ***
> The dos window then exit by itself.
> I was able to fire up Mix manually.
> Could anyone suggest other x-server as I am experience difficulties working
> with Xwin32.
> Thanks.

>From the mix-faq ( ):
Q: I get a Bad Length error message when I'm trying to run a program through
MI/X. What can I do to correct this?

A: This error occurs when the UNIX box that MI/X is running against
attempts to pass an image that is at a greater bit depth than the
display of the local machine is set to. For example, if you are
running MI/X on a Windows machine set to display 256 colors (8-bit) and
the program you are running tries to pass a 16 bit image, you'll get
this error. To correct this, set the parameters of the program you are
running to match the resolution of the local machine, or change the
resolution of the local machine to match the bit depth of the images that
the UNIX box is trying to pass.

What bit depth is lyx set to? I have no problems using Xwin32, but get the same
error message as you in MI/X.  I tried
changing the bit depth in windows to 24 bits, but the error persists. If I could
get MI/X to work it would be so much better!
(Xwin32 is $200, but MI/X is only $25!).


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-07 Thread Mario Parra

Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:

> Can those of you that does your own compiles and see this bug try
> this:
> Change line 520 in filetools.C to read:
> TempBase = GetCWD();
> and see if that makes a difference.
> Lgb

  This fixes the problem on my system as well.


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-07 Thread Mario Parra

> Can all of you that has experienced this glitch/bug tell what shell
> and system you are running on?
> Lgb

  solaris 2.6 and 2.7 both running csh.


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Mario Parra

I look at the code for DepTable.C in both 1.0.1 and 1.0.2 and the 1.0.1
version never calls MakeAbsPath. Furthermore, in the 1.0.2 version,
every time MakeAbsPath is called, there is a comment that says:

 // not quite sure if this is the correct place for MakeAbsPath

Otherwise the files are identical. So I simply replaced version 1.0.2
with version 1.0.1 and things seem to work fine. The foo.tex.dep
file has the correct name and update dvi works ok.


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Mario Parra

Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan wrote:

> Mario> Anyway, if \use_tmpdir is false, how come it is still using /tmp?
> It shouldn't be. Did you quit and restart lyx.
> Putting the line "\use_tempdir false" in your ~/.lyx/lyxrc should make
> lyx stop using temp directories (putting all intermediate files where
> the main lyx file is).
> ---Kayvan

  What I meant is that in your reply to my e-mail you claimed that

Kayvan >  Even when I am running with ``\use_tempdir false'', the
Kayvan >   file contains the right information:
Kayvan >
Kayvan >/tmp/lyx_tmp10450aaa/lyx_bufrtmp10450aaa/foo.tex 2303679553

So in your example \use_tempdir was false, yet foo.tex.dep was still
to /tmp.


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Mario Parra

Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan wrote:

> >>>>> "Mario" == Mario Parra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Mario> One more thing, if I turn /usr_tmpdir to false and the lyx file
> Mario> is not in the distribution directory, then create dvi does not
> Mario> even work the first time around!
> What system are you running?
> Even when I am running with ``\use_tempdir false'', the foo.tex.dep
> file contains the right information:
> /tmp/lyx_tmp10450aaa/lyx_bufrtmp10450aaa/foo.tex 2303679553 2303679553
> My only other thought is that somehow MakeAbsPath() is returning the
> wrong thing for inclusion into the DepTable
>   ---Kayvan

  I am on a sparc 10 running solaris 2.6, but I think this bug is not os
Anyway, if \use_tmpdir is false, how come it is still using /tmp?


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Mario Parra

One more thing, if I turn /usr_tmpdir to false and the lyx file is not in the
distribution directory, then create dvi does not even work the first time


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Mario Parra

Somehow the dependency files are not being set properly.
This is why I think this is so.

If I set use_tmpdir true then lyx creates a directory under /tmp where it stores
files. Over there, there is a file called nameofdocumet.tex.dep that holds the
names of the
latex files used to create the dvi. But that file points to the wrong place! It
always has the
path that points to the installation directory.

To demontrate this, turn use_tmpdir to false, then create a lyx file but make sure
put it in the installation directory. Now the dependencies point to the right
place and
update dvi works fine (this is probably why it works for some of you, just move
the file
outside the installation directory and it should stop working.


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-06 Thread Mario Parra

> On 06 May 1999 11:04:37 +0200, Lars Gullik Bj°nnes wrote:
> >Do those of you seeing this glitch use \use_tempdir true or false? Are
> >the temporary dir mounted over nfs?
> >

How do you set \use_tmpdir? I tried putting it in the preamble but latex
take it.
I tried both on dirs mounted over nfs and on dirs  not monted over nfs and
problem is still there.

Here is some data on my system
OS: Sparc 10 running solaris 2.6.
tex: version  3.14159
I have 1.0.1 still installed, but if I install 1.0.2 on top, the error


Re: Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-05 Thread Mario Parra

Kayvan Aghaiepour Sylvan wrote:

> Could you try running ``lyx -dbg'' and seeing if that gives a clue?
> ---Kayvan

  I run lyx -dbg 128 for latex debugging. The first time I run view dvi,

latex runs fine. Then I
make some change, click update dvi and this is what debugging tells me,

  Validating buffer...
Paragraph: 2971688
LyX needs the following commands when LaTeXing:
* Packages:
* Macros:

* Textclass stuff:
* done.
  Buffer validation done.
TeXOnePar... 2971688
SimpleTeXOnePar... 2971688
SimpleTeXOnePar...done 2971688
TeXOnePar...done 0
Dependency file exists
return no_change


Small glitch in View dvi?

1999-05-05 Thread Mario Parra

  David Aronstein wrote:

> I installed lyx 1.0.2 this morning and I wonder if there is a small
> glitch in the View dvi command?
> If I create a simple document (say, with one line:  "This is the first

> sentence.") and select View dvi, then the document looks fine.
> If I then add more text (say, "This is the next sentence.") and select
> dvi, the new text does not appear.  It seems that the .dvi file is not
> updated?
> I am running on an Intel machine, with RedHat 5.2.
> Before today, I had used lyx 1.0.1 and did not notice this problem.
> Any ideas what might be happening?
> regards,
>   David Aronstein
> Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

  I was writing a message to report the same problem!
I am running on a sparc using solaris 2.6.
When I click update dvi I see the message, Running Latex and a second
later it says Done, but

no Latex run 1 and Latex run 2 messages like in 1.0.1.
When I look at the dvi file, no changes appear.
I reinstalled 1.0.1 and the problem was gone.


Subsections in amsart layout

1999-04-26 Thread Mario Parra


When I use amsart document layout I get the following undesired
A subsection that should look like this:

2.1 This is a subsection
 This is a paragraph under a subsection

looks like this

2.1 This is a subsection. This is a paragraph under a subsection

The lyx display show the lines above, but the dvi ( and the printed
postcript) look
like the one below. The paragraph under it is of type Standard. What can
I do to
make the printed version look like the one above?

