Re: something wrong with biblatex
sara teinturier wrote: > > > Thanks for your answer! Indeed, there are some "warning" in the Latex log, > but I don't understand what I have to do with them. The log file is > attached... Thanks! S. It is difficult to debug without your bib file. The main problem seems to be that there is a need for an extra bibtex run on your file. You should take away the : \usepackage[francais]{babel} \usepackage{lmodern} from your preamble. They are useless (you should choose the language and the font with the LyX interface) and mess with biblatex. You also have to download and install the csquotes latex package. I think there are instructions on the Wiki and then add in your preamble the following line : \usepackage[style=french]{csquotes} Cheers, Charles
Re: defining custom font size and indentation
Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote: > > Seems to be a bug in the hanging package. I don't have another idea than > inserting a vertical space. > Or you could try to switch to komascript book. In my experience koma works much better when you start to tweak stuff (fonts, etc.) than the simple book class. You have in Koma an addmargin environment that does something similar to hanging. You have also extensive and comprehensive documentation in German. Cheers, Charles
Re: Bibliography Is really complex , or it is a bug
Marcelo Reis wrote: > I tried A LOT of styles, and finally I was able to find one that I > thought that meet my is the ALIKE2 style. I can't find anything called alike2.bst. Are you using natbib ? > I'm in this problem for weeks and I'm really tired of it, I would > appreciate a LOT if some one help me. Don't worry. Bibliographies can be very frustrating and hard to debug. You should give more details. Are you using natbib, jurabib, biblatex ? and a small file with a small bib file. It seems to me that what you want to achieve can be done with natbib. I don't know very well natbib but look the documentation or wait that somebody on the list with more knowledge answers. Cheers, Charles
Re: OT: Pointers on how to create symbols
Stefano Franchi wrote: > Dear Lyxers, > > I realize this is way off-topic, but there is so much expertise on this > list, I thought I could ask anyway. > > I need to create a few idiosyncratic symbols (three, to be exact) and my > efforts to produce them by superimposing existing glyphs with TeX low > level > commands have produced horrible results. I think it would be easier to > modify a font by adding somewhere the three symbols I need. > For simple symbols, I have used a tikz macro. If you can draw the symbol with the tikz drawing primitives, it is easier than Metapost. The problam with this solution is that it messes with LaTeX spacing algorithm and you could get some strange results. Cheers, Charles
Re: Query about formatting reverse-line text
Frederick Noronha [??? ???] wrote: > Dear all on this very helpful Lyx list: > > I'm trying to format some information with alternative lines reverse, > as follows: > > > The above was done in Inkscape, since I couldn't get the desired > result in Lyx (don't know coding). Could anyone help if possible, in > telling me how this could be done in Lyx? Many thanks... FN > You have to put in the LaTeX preamble \usepackage{color} and then use the colorbox and textcolor macro like that in ERT : \colorbox{black}{\textcolor{white}{\makebox[\textwidth][l]{White on Black}}} The makebox macro creates a box the size of \textwidth and align the text on the left [l]. Cheers, Charles
Re: JurabibMLA
Tim Smeilus wrote: > hi all, > > I need to write an assignment for college and I need it in MLA format. I > just can't figure out how to make lyx use that format. All research over > the net didn't help my out yet. > I would be glad about all helpful response. > > thnx Tim Smeilus Biblatex-mla is, I believe, better : Installation of biblatex and biblatex-mla depends on your platform and LaTeX distribution. Cheers, Charles
Re: Question on \setkomafont{}{}
Bob Lounsbury wrote: >> From the KOMA-script doc I see that I can use the >> \setkomafont{element}{command} directive to change the typeface for >> specific >> document elements. >> >> Rather than the san-serif font for the title and section heads, I prefer >> to use the default body text typeface of Palatino-Roman. I added to the >> preamble: >> >> \setkomafont{title}{} >> \setkomafont{section}{} >> >> This works for the title, but not the section names because those are >> defined as \section* so they are unnumbered. Trying: >> >> \setkomafont{section*}{} >> >> caused a TeX error. >> >> How can I specify the desired typeface for the unnumbered sections? >> >> Rich Try \renewcommand\sectfont{\rmfamily} Not very logical Cheers, Charles
Re: Border table in footer possible?
John Mok wrote: > Hi, > > I am preparing a user manual with a table footer (repeating on each > page). The footer is a border table which contains a company logo, page > numbers and others. I checked the documentation and found no clue how to > do that. > > I hope someone could help and advise how to make the table footer. > > Thanks a lot. > > John Mok You must use the fancy option for headings and create your footer with latex commands. Look the extended manual of LyX. If you are using Koma script, you can use the scrpage2 package that provides more or less the same features than fancyhdr. Charles
Re: MS Word to LyX
Anders Host-Madsen wrote: > I tried to install open office (neo office). It does convert to LaTeX. > But the issue is that it seems the philosophy in the OO converter is to > make the typeset > LaTeX document look like the OO document, rather than conveying the > meaning/contents > of the document -- WYSIWYG rather than WYSIWYM. The results is terrible, > terrible > LaTeX code. Maybe there is some option to set so that it's converted to > nice latex code, > that does not try to reproduce the formatting of the OO document? > At least the > commercial programs produce LaTeX code that reproduce the meaning of the > original document fairly. To get all the power of the openoffice -> latex converter you have to use it from the command line and tweak configuration files. Google for writer2latex. Nevertheless, I doubt that writer2latex converts very well equations in MsWord. Maybe you could try to export your equations to MathML and then convert the MathML to LaTeX. I do not know if MsWord can export to MathML. Cheers, Charles
Re: Fontsize of margins | report-class (KOMA-script) | Lyx 1.6.1
jezZiFeR wrote: > Hello, > > I would like to change the fontsize of margins and, if possible, also > other attributes in report-class (KOMA-script): > I would like to have them a little smaller, left adjusted, and without > serifs. > > Is the same also possible for citations, there I would like to change > the fontsize also. > > Best* > Jess I do not understand what you mean with "fontsize of margins" but KOMA has a very good and extensive German documentation. It is even printed as a book. You will find there how to change fonts size for the different elements of the page. Cheers, Charles
Re: Is Lyx suitable for me?
Panos Katergiathis wrote: > Hello all > > I am about to author and prepare a book on photography, which is bound > to have many... well, photos :). > I will hopefully be using Lyx on an Intel-based Mac and i am wondering > about two features (that is, if they are available or not): If you have a lot of pictures and little text and you want to position your pictures on a fixed grid, then LyX is maybe not the right tool and you should consider a DTP program like scribus. Positioning floats on a page can sometimes be very frustrating in LaTeX . Charles
Re: biblatex for Lyx 1.6.1, OSX
jezZiFeR wrote: >>> error: >>> LaTeX Error: File `biblatex.sty' not found. >>> >> >> Did you install biblatex on your computer ? >> >> If not and you are using MacTeX follow the instructions here : >> >> > > Thanks ? I assumed it was installed with MacTex. It wasn?t, so I did > that now? If you want to use Dominik Wassenhoven's styles you must also download and install them on your computer because, the styles are not included in the standard biblatex. But you can do that later... > The problem now is, that I don?t get an index. I have inserted a > BibTex-Index and tried different styles. As far as I understood it > doesn?t matter, which one I choose. Or do I have to install a style > also? We are getting there You must now follow step 4 and 5 of the wiki With step 4 you makebelieve LyX that is loading a normal bibtex file. After step 4, you will find your references in the citation dialogue Step 5 is to print your bibliography where you want it in your text Cheers, Charles
Re: biblatex for Lyx 1.6.1, OSX
jezZiFeR wrote: > Thank you. The problem is, that Lyx still produces errors. What could > be the problem then? > This is the error-message: > > error: > LaTeX Error: File `biblatex.sty' not found. > Did you install biblatex on your computer ? If not and you are using MacTeX follow the instructions here : > description: > \bibliography > {}^^M > *** (cannot \read from terminal in nonstop modes) > > In the latex preamble I entered the following: > \usepackage{bibgerm} % Unterstützung für deutsche BibTeX styles I don't think it is needed with biblatex > \usepackage{microtype} %Zuschaltung des Kernings > \usepackage[style=authoryear,natbib=true]{biblatex} > \bibliography{} > > for the bibtex-toc-index (bibtex-literaturverzeichnis) I use "plain"- > style and database "articles" Cheers, Charles
Re: Ligation in report(komascript)-class
jezZiFeR wrote: > As far as I understand, this function removes ligations. I want to add a > ligaton, which works automatically for many letters, but not for the > french »Oeuvre«. I tried to enter the ligature break anyway, but nothing > changed, still no ligation. > > Best* > Jess > You have to introduce manually the oe ligature either by creating a latex inset and inserting \oe{} for lowercase or \OE{} for the uppercase or you can directly insert the symbol from the menu Insert -> Special Character -> Symbols -> Latin Extended A The oe ligature is not automatic because, in French, the ligature is done only if oe is the diphthong and pronounced 'eu' (like coeur, oeuvre, boeuf, soeur) or for some words coming from the Greek : OEdipe, OEnologue, OEsophage, foetus. Purists will pronounce here Édipe, Énologue but normal French pronounciation is Eudipe except for foetus which is pronounced fétus You do not do the ligature if it is two vowels and pronounced o-é like coercitif or a foreign word like Goethe. Cheers, Charles
Re: configuring jurabib
jezZiFeR wrote: > Thank you, so I don?t need to try to get it working. > > Would you really recommend to use biblatex? Is it stable and does it > provide german terms also? Seems a lot of work an I even don?t get the > first (pre-)step done. In the wiki I find the following sentence: Yes. Having used jurabib for several years, I have switched to biblatex and it is better. Jurabib is also a dead project. If you are starting a long project (Ms or Phd or big article) go down the biblatex road, if you are on a short deadline, keep jurabib. By googling your example, you seem to be working in music history. Try Dominik Wassenhoven's biblatex styles ( They are done for the German humanities style and I guess you can adapt it to your taste. > > »create an new layout file in your user directory (Help?About LyX tells > you where you can find this directory)?« > > I could openthe user directory, but I don?t see any layout-file. Or is > meant sth different? I Don?t have »About Lyx« in my help-menu. > It is the last item of the Help Menu. Cheers, Charles
Re: configuring jurabib
jezZiFeR wrote: > Hello, > > I?m using Jurabib in a report-class-document and BibDesk. When I > import references that have multiple authors, I get lines like this in > the index: > > »Finscher, Ludwig; Hermann Danuser, Tobias Plebuch« > instead I would like to have: > »Finscher, Ludwig et. al« > > How could I achieve this? > > Best* > Jess According to page 8 of the English jurabib manual, Jurabib shifts to 'et al.' only if there are 4 authors. I don't think you can change this behaviour and a cursory look at the jurabib.sty code does not reveal an easy switch. Biblatex has this option. Cheers, Charles
Re: avoiding indentation within footnotes and adding vertical space under headings
Nicolas Triart wrote: > Dear All, > > I am currently finalising my PhD dissertation in Law. I'm using Lyx 1.6 on > windows xp (no package yet for lyx 1.6 on my mandriva :-)) and would need > some help. > The class document I use is book (koma-script). The first think I would > like to do is to to avoid indentation within the footnotes. Look p. 92 of the English komascript documentation. > I guess this > is possible to do it with footmisc but I didn't manage to put the right > commands into my preamble until now. The second thing I would need to do > is to add extra vertical space under the subparagraph and paragraph > headings to make the space between these headings and the begining of the > text of the next paragraph more or less the same than between the section > heading and the begining of the next paragraph. To see how a section / subsection / paragraph etc.. is formatted see : Cheers, Charles
Re: Setting two character styles at once
Michael Brown wrote: > Greetings, > > I'm currently writing up a document and I'm trying to do something > relatively simple (considering what else I've done :). > > I'd like to write text that is both in the typewriter face and bolded. > Using LyX, what I end up with is: > > \texttt{\textbf{0x2E}}: Constant .. > > and the resulting output is in typewriter style but not bolded. Is there > any way to do both? > The default LaTeX Fixed font does not have bold glyphs. But if you choose Courier in the fonts combo, it should work. Cheers, Charles
Re: Can you suggest a good way to draw pictures with latex code?
Erez Yerushalmi wrote: > > Can anyone suggest a good drawing program? > Can Beamer do this?? I haven't used it yet (I admit). > If you want to draw / code technical drawings and plots try tikz / pgf. It will work well with beamer because both packages are done by the same author, Till Tantau. Look to see what you can do with tikz The documentation is very good and the syntax is nice. Similar to tikz / pgf but older, pstricks is quite popular and well documented. You have also Asymptote. Cheers, Charles
Re: Formatting in-text citations
Andrew Barr wrote: > Hi Lyx Users, > > I am compiling a large annotated reading list for my PhD comprehensive > qualifying exams. I want to use lyx because of the flawless integration > with my large BibTeX database. However, all of the BibTeX style files > that > I have used previously have abbreviated in-text citations. The behaviour > I seek is, upon inserting a citation into an itemized environment, BibTeX/ > LyX should place a fully fledged verbose bibliographic entry at the > in-text > citation location. Does anybody have ideas on how to accomplish this? > > Thanks, > > Andrew Look biblatex or jurabib Cheers, Charles
Re: Reprinted material
Julio Rojas wrote: > Thank you all for your answers, they have been of great help. Still, > the main technical question, the how do I do it in BibTeX, remains > unanswered. Is there a "Note" or "Previously Published" field in > BibTeX? How do I solve this problem using the available fields? > There are three different problems : - edition number. For example, B. Obama, Hope, hope, etc..., New York : Faber, 2008, 4th edition You use there the edition field in a bib entry with an integer, most European styles put the number in superscript after or before the year (German way). The edition field works with most bibtex styles - reprint (meaning a photomecanical reproduction of an old book) Avicenna, Liber canonis, Venice, 1507 (reprint Hildesheim : Olms Verlag, 1964) Then you have to use Biblatex that adds to the bib file fields an origyear, origlocation, origtitle fields for reprint information or translation. The new chicago biblatex style uses them. - translation J. L. Borges, Histoire universelle de l'infamie, Paris : Christian Bourgeois, 1985 (orig. Historia universal de la infamia, Buenos Aires, 1935) Possible with the Biblatex origyear, origlocation, origtitle with some macro magic. If the bibliographic style that you want to use does not mandate to put the reprint / translation information in the footnotes citation but you just want to add this information at the end of a bibliographic entry in the ending bibliography then use the note field.
Re: Converting msword to LyX is ugly!
Steve Litt wrote: > It would have been wonderful. Unfortunately, writer2latex preserves the > level class hierarchy (level1->part, level2->chapter, etc) but it dumps > all my custom made classes and does its best to reproduce them with fine > tuning. This is the second tool that's tried to do me the "favor" of > converting my styles to fine tuning. > You can add your custom styles to the writer2latex configuration files. It is explained here : Globally what you have to do is to create a custom configuration file where you : 1) give the writer2latex options to take away most of the wysiwyg stuff (options formatting, and page_formatting) but leave the italic/bold etc... 2) create mapping for all your styles Then : 3) convert the file with writer2latex 4) clean the latex file. I have a sed script to do it but you can do it in your favorite vim. 5) Create a custom layout in LyX 5) import it in LyX with your layout. I use this workflow to convert old articles from MsWord to LyX and it works well. Cheers, Charles
Re: Costumizing Koma script
Guillaume Larocque wrote: > However, there are a few things I don't like about Koma-Script. First > of all, I would like to have the word "Chapter" in front of Chapter > numbers and titles and I would like to have the titles in Roman fonts. > I would also like to have my table captions appear on top of the > tables rather than below. I added the word "tablecaptionabove" in the > options of Document>parameters>document class, but that didn't do > anything. Look at the Koma-Script documentation You should look for chapterprefix and setkomafont. The tablecaptionabove options modify the space after the caption but does not modify where the caption is printed in your float, you will have to cut&paste to put the caption above the table. Cheers, Charles
Re: where to find scientific journal layout-files
Maarten van Iterson wrote: > Hello LyX-user, > > LyX is very handy in writing scientific documents. > But now I have to submit an article to e.g. BioMed Central or another > Bioinformatics Journal. Although most journal have LaTeX documentclass > layout files are not provided. Does anyone know of a layout repository, > besides the one on the wiki.lyx? Or do I have to write them myselfs? > > Thanks in advance > You have to write the layout files. It is generally not very difficult. Cheers, Charles
Re: Sumatra PDF 0.8.1 (for Windows) w/ reload and tex integration now available
William Adams wrote: > > Not sure if the pdfsync functionality will work w/ LyX or no, but if > it could be made to, that'd be fabulous. > > William > Pdfsync seems to be replaced by synctex for the next version of XeTeX and pdfTex Cheers, Charles
Re: Google Docs to LaTeX
nodje wrote: > > I'm trying to use other converters by defining them through Preferences, > but it wouldn't let me add one. > How come? It sounds that I could have an HTML -> LaTeX converter. > > What's your experience? What works best in terms of converting? > I would try to export to ODF and then use writer2latex to convert it to LaTeX. You clean the LaTeX with a script to take away all the Wysiwyg cruft and then convert it to LyX. Cheers, Charles
Re: bibtex/makebst: address not shown in bibliography
Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg) wrote: > as document-class i use book (koma script), when i change to book the > problem persists (was this your question?) > No, I was asking what happens if you cite a book like \cite{SachsHombach:2003c} > Are you using crossref or not ? > > yes, and the address exists in the referenced entry, but is not printed > in the bibliography, example: Crossref are rather fragile in BibTeX, try to remove in the @incollection the publisher and isbn fields. > > @incollection{SachsHombach:2003, > crossref = {{S}achs{H}ombach:2003c}, > author = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus}, > title = {{G}ibt es ein {B}ildalphabet?}, > pages = {57--66}, > publisher = {{H}alem}, > isbn = {3931606783}, > editor = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus and {R}ehk{\"a}mper, {K}laus}, > booktitle = {{B}ildgrammatik: {I}nterdisziplin{\"a}re {F}orschungen > zur {S}yntax bildlicher {D}arstellungsformen}, > year = {2003} > } > @book{SachsHombach:2003c, > year = {2003}, > title = {{B}ildgrammatik: {I}nterdisziplin{\"a}re {F}orschungen zur > {S}yntax bildlicher {D}arstellungsformen}, > address = {{K}{\"o}ln}, > publisher = {{H}alem}, > isbn = {3931606783}, > editor = {{S}achs--{H}ombach, {K}laus and {R}ehk{\"a}mper, {K}laus} > } > Cheers, Charles
Re: bibtex/makebst: address not shown in bibliography
Berthold Metz (PH-Freiburg) wrote: > hi, > > i am using natbib (author-year) with a style i created with makebst. > > i have 2 problems with my bibliography-list at the end of my article - > perhaps somebody could help me out? > > 1. when referencing an article in an editorial work, the address of the > publisher is not shown; > > so i want: Smith, J. (1980): Title. In Mayer (ed): Title1, pp. 135-146. > London: Publishing-Company. > but i get: Smith, J. (1980): Title. In Mayer (ed): Title1, pp. 135-146. > Publishing-Company. > > i worked hard in my bst-file, i feel the problem for the missing address > could be in the code snippet i quote below this mail ... but i am not > sure. Does it work with a normal book ? Are you using crossref or not ? The important macro is format.publisher.address > the editor is shown (wrong) as "Sachs Hombach", but the publisher > (correct) as "Dt. Univ.-Verl." > You should protect the editor name {{S}achs--{H]ombach}
Re: Jurabib - changind fiels order
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi! > > I'm writing a thesis in medieval history. Nice to see, another medievalist using LyX. > > Right nom I'm dealing with the appearance of my bibliography. > One thing I can't figure out: is it possible to change the order of the > fields in the citations and bibliography? > > For example, for the articles, I have: > AUTHOR, "Article title", Journal Name, volume, year, number, pages > > and I would like: > AUTHOR, "Article title", Journal Name, volume, number, year, pages Easy solution, is to enter in your bib file in the volume field something like 54:2 or 54, 2 if you want a comma > > and I might want to change the order of other things... > Is this something easy to do? Well you can hack the jurabib bst to change the order of fields. Hacking jurabib is not that easy because part of the formatting is done in the bst file and part in the jurabib latex macro. Another solution is to jump on the biblatex boat. Biblatex is much cleaner and easier to hack but : - there is no 'archive' type yet - export to MsWord through tex4ht does not work yet - the documentation is very 'German', comprehensive but not very practical For medievalists, it would also be nice to have a 'manuscript' type and a 'critical edition' type. If you are starting writing the thesis, I would go the biblatex way. Cheers, Charles
Re: BibLaTeX blues
Julio Rojas wrote: > Don't worry Max. I solved the problems and BibLaTeX is running. The > last problem is the original one that got me looking into BibLaTeX. I > need a citation style that fully suits BibLaTeX (ibid., ibidem, > op.cit) but I need a bibliography style that looks like the APA style > used in "apalike". The problem is I don't have any clue on how to > create bibliographic styles using BibLaTeX. Before you delve into Biblatex, beware that it is not fully compatible yet with tex4ht. If you have to export your article in MsWord (like me), you are stuck waiting for some magical operation of Eitan Gutari. Modifying biblatex styles is not very hard. Cheers, Charles
Re: formatting text within a bibtex citation
Andrew Barr wrote: > I use Lyx 1.5.2 on XP with bibtex to write academic papers. I sometimes > want to cite a reference as an example of a point I am making using the > Latin expression *e.g*.. What I am going for is something like the > following. > > Many researchers have said "blah blah blah" (*e.g.* Smith, 2005). > > When I insert a citation into Lyx, using Insert>Citation I have the option > of putting in "Text Before" to appear before the citation. This is > great...but I want that text to be in italics. Any thoughts on how to > make > that happen? Do I have to modify the bibtex .sty file? If so I have no > idea how to do this. Seems like a small thing...but I have an adviser who > is a stickler for that formatting convention in particular! > > Thanks for any pointers, > > Andrew In the Text Before field, you can write \emph{e. g.} or any LaTex input Cheers, Charles
Re: How to save the current font in LaTeX?
Steve Litt wrote: > Hi all, > > I used to know this but forgot and couldn't quickly find it in my book. In > LaTeX, how do I find the current value of the font, so when I set > something to \tiny and then want to reset it to what it was, I can, > instead of hoping it was \normalsize before I set it to \tiny? In LaTeX \tiny Steve \begingroup %or \bgroup \normalsize Litt \endgroup %or \egroup) is a TroubleMaker Cheers, Charles
Re: Bibliography
Bennett Helm wrote: > On Mar 10, 2008, at 4:22 PM, Andras LYBERIS wrote: >> Hi, >> >> I have a problem with the bibliography of my report. >> I have Lyx on mac os X. >> To type it, I have been using Bibdesk, it has been ordered in >> alphabetic order and I don't like to begin a document with a 5 as >> the first reference. >> I can't either put the name and the year of the citation. >> >> Has anyone been confronted to the problem before? > > I'm not sure I understand what the problem is. It sounds like you are > getting numerical style references when you want author-date. Maybe explain your problem in French on the French speaking mailing list : Charles
Re: Why oh why did you drop xforms?
> But now I want to upgrade LyX without installing a newer operating system. > I don't think that's too much to ask. > According to this : Lyx 1.5.3 is in the repository main/testing current of Mandriva. I guess you have to unable the correct repository and update urpmi and then urpmi install lyx If you want to be on the safe side, wait the release of the 2008 Mandriva, then wait 2 months for bugs to be ironed off and then upgrade and stick with the ugly old LyX. Cheers, Charles
Re: Why oh why did you drop xforms?
JOHN CULLETON wrote: > While in the process of trying to add things like Qt4 to my Slack 12 > system I managed to mung my ability to send outgoing mail. I reinstalled > on a fresh partition but I still have problems. So among other things I am > giving up on Lyx. More to the point, I am giving up on recommending Lyx to > TEX newbies. If someone can cite a version of Lyx that runs without tears > on the latest stable version of Slack (12) then I ma I have managed to very easily build LyX 1.6svn last week on a Debian sid Cheers, Charles
Re: How to write Commads outside of \begin{document}
Martin Ilcik wrote: > > Now how can I define some of the styles in my layout to be placed > outside of the \begin{document} in the .tex output? Currently I've all > this stuff in Document->Settings->Latex Preamble, but that's pretty > nonWYSIWYG. So is there any workaround? No Charles
Re: Bibliography style
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi everybody !! > > Does anybody know id exists an editor for .bst files (bibliographic style > files ? > What do you mean by editor : a graphical interface to create a custom bst file by point&click. That does not exist. There is a latex package called custombib that will create a custom bst file by asking you questions but it is rather limited. If you are looking for a bst style for a specific journal, there is a database on the internet : Cheers, Charles
Re: Moving graphics from R into LyX - best format?
David Hewitt wrote: > > I produce most of my statistical graphics in R and move them into LyX > floats. I've been exporting them as JPGs from R. Is there a better format > that plays well with LyX/LaTeX? Any suggestions are appreciated. > eps is a vector format and should have better results. There is also a R package to export R tables in LaTeX. I have used it once. Very nice. It saves a lot of time. Cheers, Charles
Re: Hebrew on Mac OS X
Alexander Maryanovsky wrote: > Hello. > > When trying to view the DVI for a Hebrew (document class: "article > (Hebrew)", Language: "Hebrew") LyX file on Mac OS X I get the > following error: > > Font LHE/cmr/m/n/10=jerus10 at 10.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not > fou > > \begin{document} > > I wasn't able to read the size data for this font, > so I will ignore the font specification. > [Wizards can fix TFM files using TFtoPL/PLtoTF.] > You might try inserting a different font spec; > e.g., type `I\font='. > It means that the jesus font (an hebraic font) is unavailable on your system. I guess that you have to install the hebrew package on your latex distribution to get a set of hebrew fonts. Cheers, Charles
Re: Fine tuning Jurabib
Maximilian Wollner wrote: > Hello everybody, > > > I am preparing my thesis (using the Memoir Document Class) with LyX > (for Political Science so don't expect me to be too great a computer > expert) and unfortunately I need to do some fine tuning on my > bibliography for which I use Jurabib. This fine tuning is basically > crap, as the requirements I need to meet are less standard than those > in Jurabib but there was no way for me to persuade my professor. > Anyway :) > > I looked at the LyxHumanities page in the wiki and took this setup: > > \jurabibsetup{% > titleformat=italic,% > titleformat=commasep,% > commabeforerest,% > ibidem=strict,% > citefull=first,% > lookat,% > oxford,% > pages=format,% > idem% > } > > And tried to change it, but it did not work. Some of the changes can > be seen here: > > \jurabibsetup { % > authorformat=reducedifibidem, % Hier wird bei aktivierter Option > ibidem=name im Wiederholungszitat nur der Nachname ausgegeben. > titleformat=italic, % > titleformat=colonsep, % > % commabeforerest, % Hier wird ein Komma vor evtl. angegebene > Seitenzahlen, Randnummern und dergleichen gesetzt: Kodal/Krämer, S. 12. > ibidem=name, % > citefull=first, % > lookat, % > oxford, % > pages=format, % > idem, % > bibformat=ibidem, % In - nicht nur namentlicher - Anlehnung and die > "großen" ibidem-Optionen kann diese Option unmittelbare > Wiederholungen von Autoren durch eine Linie (oder was auch immer) > ersetzen. Dabei testet jurabib, ob zwischen zwei Wiederholungen ein > Seitenumbruch liegt und verhindert entsprechend die Ausgabe der > Ersetzung. Dabei können je nach Umfang des Dokumentes auch drei, vier > oder mehr(!) LaTeX-Läufe nötig werden, bis dieser Mechanismus > vollständig greift. Also solange beim ersten > Literaturverzeichniseintrag auf einer Seite der Ersetzungstext > erscheint, greift dieser Mechanismus noch nicht! (Dies gilt jedoch > nicht für gegenüberliegende Seiten bei Verwendung einer *book-Klasse > oder der twoside-Option.) > } > > But none of the changes (I took all the details from the Jurabib > manual) seem to be carried into effect. Then, I tried jureco as a > bibliography style (in my LyX 1.5.2 on OS X 10.4.10 I can choose it > within LyX) and some changes happened. Still, none of the setup above > had any effect. > > So, how can the setup actually really have an effect on my > bibliography style? Or would it be more effective, to just write my > own jurabib-bibliography style? If so, is there any manual or > tutorial to read first? > > Thank you for your help, > Greetings from Vienna, > > > Max Hello, I guess your problem comes from the multi-lines comments. But, if you want some help with jurabib you must provide a minimal example preferably in LaTeX with a small example bibliography that run out the box. Cheers, Charles
Re: Current state of OpenDocument Export?
Vinnie Boston wrote: > > Step in the right direction, though, at least from the Lyx end, as it > allows the script to finish and produce a file, even if the file isn't > actually a proper .odt file. At least with zip on the Windows machine, > if/when the oolatex or htlatex script produces the right output, it will > work through LyX. > The latest version of oolatex uses java at the end of the process. It is very picky with the java version, it needs a 1.5 version. Look the log to see if there is any problem with that. With the proper sun java jre installed, I successfully managed to export (on Linux) a file from LyX --> LaTeX --> ODF --> MsWord last week. Cheers, Charles
Re: Tweaking the bibliography environment in Memoir class
Declan O'Byrne wrote: > It would be great to be able to use chicago style with jurabib, or > similar. Is there any chance of somebody setting this up? > The closest I got was by including the following in the preamble: > \jurabibsetup{titleformat=italic,titleformat=commasep,commabeforerest,ibidem=strict,citefull=first,lookat,oxford,pages=format,idem} > > Has anyone done any better? > > Declan There is a chicago option in jurabib. Try it and install the latest 0.61beta. Cheers, Charles
Re: Logo in lyx document class letter (g-brief, German)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hello Lyx Users, > > I have the following Problem: I want to put a logo in the upper left > corner of a document of the lyx document class letter (g-brief, German). > So I added a picture to "Name". This resulted in what I desired > regarding the upper left corner, BUT the name is also used in the > Senders Address that is displayed in the letters envelope window. Here I > just want the name. No logo. > Can anyone help me? > > Thank you very much > SK See : Charles
Re: A Question About Opening Tex files in Lyx?
Mohammad Nassir wrote: > Hi, > I have a problem importing TEX file in lyx windows. The tex file that I > have and want to open it in Lyx, is run in WinEdt only by TEX Not by > LaTex. I can easily import LaTex files into Lyx and see the output or > export Lyx files into LaTex, but can not open TEX files. > Would somebody help me regarding that. LyX does not import tex files only latex files. Cheers, Charles
Re: LyX for Literary Studies
Richard Heck wrote: > Adam C.M. Solove wrote: >> Hello all, I'm a long-time LaTeX user but new to LyX. I am currently >> working on a package to convert Word-using literature scholars to open >> formats and the benefits of TeX. Specifically, I am trying to >> find/write a sensible GUI to the ledmac package for typesetting >> critical editions. I have some C experience and would be willing to >> work with the code but I'm hoping there's an easier way. I would >> appreciate if anyone could help with two problems: >> >> First is facing-page translations. I would like to just display them >> in LyX as a special table environment, and specify a way to export >> them to LaTeX. The LaTeX command looks like >>\translatedPoem{ ... original ... }{ ... translation ... } >> Any chance of this working, or should I just write a script to convert >> the exported file? How much would it take to add a button to LyX and >> have it run: export LaTeX > conversion script > XeTeX resulting file > >> open result? >> > LyX has a built-in exporting system that allows you (i) to define > different formats and (ii) to specify what programs should be run to > convert between them. So let's say your custom format is MyFormat. The > LyX-->LaTeX bit is automatic, so you could just do this with a shell > script that called your conversion script, ran XeTeX on that, and opened > a dvi viewer. Adding the button is also easy, since the toolbars are > completely configurable. See ui/ >> Second and last is multiple sets of footnote. I think this is doable >> in the 1.6 specs' [] >> "User-formattable Collapsable Insets" feature, but it isn't further >> explained. Does anyone have more info? >> > This will be completely do-able in 1.6, since the user can define custom > collapsable insets, similar in appearance and functionality to the > footnote inset. E.g.: > InsetLayout Custom:Endnote >LyXTypecustom >LatexNameendnote >LatexTypecommand >Font > SizeSmal >EndFont >LabelStringendnote >Preamble > \usepackage{endnotes} >EndPreamble > End For Ledmac, you don't insert a footnote at the end of a sentence but apply it to a range of the text. I doubt it is possible to do it in LyX with insets. Or only in a clumsy way. A possible workflow would be to have the editor type the text in LyX, export it in kile and have several macros to add the different footnotes layers. Cheers, Charles
Re: customunizing classes
pol wrote: > > > I would like to customize the 'article' class so as to use smaller fonts > for sections and subsections. > Any hints? > Any utilities to ease tasks of that kind? > The easiest way is to use the koma-script article. And then to add in the preamble something like : \addtokomafont{section}{\small} \addtokomafont{subsection}{\small} It is well explained in the Koma-Script documentation. Cheers, Charles
Re: Position of the Preferences menu entry (lyx v. 1.5)
Mickaël Leduque wrote: > That's not exactly a big concern, but... why is the "Preferences" entry > of the menu in the "Tools" menu instead of the more usual "Edit" place? > (not sure of the exact names, my lyx is hopefully in french). > The location of the preferences changed some time ago. The old location was a relic of usability of the past. Actual place corresponds to custom usability. See openoffice or KDE, Gnome applications. Cheers, Charles
re: putting the title of book in italics for @inbook for just the footnote and changing position of editor
Richard McIntosh wrote: > Charles, > > Thanks for the help there. I hope it hasn't taken up to much of you time. > yes I am doing it on English reformed theology (is this your field too). No, I fell in sin but not into heresy ;-) > Though my college use the Society of biblical literature conventions. I > think the T&T Clark ones are quite close and should not cause to a > problem. > > That would be great if you could send me those files. I will use that > arrangement. I will also delete the Society of Biblical Literature entry > from the wiki. Is it ok can I add your files to the wiki as the T&T clark > one is empty. OK, I clean the files and send them this week-end > > I don't have time before my thesis is due in. But what books (websites) > are best for learning how to edit bst files. Tame the Beast by Nicolas Markey bst files are beasts because they work in reverse Polish notation like the old HP pocket calculators and with a stack. Hacking bst files is like going into a time machine to the (un)happy rainy days, when you were a teenager trying to program something in Forth on your ZX Spectrum. There is a new bibliographical package biblatex that seems to be more flexible than jurabib and does not need bst files but it is not as stable and mature than jurabib. Cheers, Charles
Re: putting the title of book in italics for @inbook for just the footnote and changing position of editor
Richard McIntosh wrote: > Dear All, > > Thanks for all the help so far. > > I really need the inbook references to come out something like this, > > footnote first citation: > > Stephen Sykes, "P. T. Forsyth on the Church" in Justice the True and Only > Mercy (ed. Trevor Hart; Edinburgh: T&T Clark,1996) > > subsequent footnote citation > > Sykes, "Forsyth on Church", > > Bibliography entry > > Stephen Sykes, "P. T. Forsyth on the Church" pages 1-15 in Justice the > True and Only Mercy Edited by Trevor Hart. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996. > It starts to get complex and weird, especially the place where you put the pages. It is possible with a lot of massaging and a custom bst file which is not very easy to do. When you start redifining lot of stuff in jurabib, you can get borders effect. You seem to be in the field of English Reformed Theology. I have done a T&T Clark bst file and jurabib customization, that I can give you. Maybe you can convince your supervisor to let you adopt T&T bibliographical convention which is also fairly quaint and gain time, energy and serenity. Cheers, Charles
Re: jurabib, how to set subsequent citations to Surname and short title.
Richard McIntosh wrote: > Hi, > > I am struggling to get the correct format for my dissertation with lyx. > > I am using Jurabib the first citation is correct full title ect. however i > also need to get the format of any following citation, if not directly > following, to be > > surname, short title, page no > > how do I do this? I have read through the jurabib manual and still have no > clue. > > > > My latex preamble is set to > > > \jurabibsetup{% > titleformat=italic,% > titleformat=commasep,% titleformat=all,% (you must have a shortformat field in your bib file's entries) > commabeforerest,% > ibidem=strict,% > citefull=first,% > lookat,% > oxford,% > pages=format,% > } Cheers, Charles
Re: Converting to OpenOffice-->Word with htlatex/oolatex
Stefano Franchi wrote: > Does anyone have recent experience with conversion from Lyx to Word via > htlatex/oolatex? > > It used to work very well for me in the past, but now I cannot get > OpenOffice to open the file produced by htlatex. > > My procedure: > > 1. Export from Lyx to plain Latex > 2. Run mk4ht oolatex myfile > 3. open the resulting .sxw in OpenOffice > > Here I stop. OpenOffice refuses to open the .sxw file complaining about > an error in the xml subdocument. > The exact OpenOffice error message is: > > Read-Error > Format error discovered in the file in sub-document content.xml at > 1034,4 (row,col) > > > Any help greatly appreciated. > You must have an old htlatex, the current one creates an odt file. Try updating your htlatex. If you have an error like that. - unzip the odt / sxw file - edit the content file and go the error line and try to understand what triggered the error. - if you can create a minimal example of what went wrong, send it to Eitan Gurari who is very responsive with bugs. oolatex does not like lists in footnotes Cheers, Charles
Re: Is there a multiple LyX file search?
Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote: >> "Steve" == Steve Litt >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Steve> Does LyX have such a facility, either in the GUI menu, as a > Steve> --option, or as a separate utility? If not, is it something > Steve> that would be helpful? If so, would someone please volunteer to > Steve> make it? > > I think this is something that should be done at OS level. For > example, LyX/Mac ships with basic support for spotlight, which allows > this search. Google desktop probably allows such plugins too. Recoll ( can index LyX files. I have never tried it. A simpler solution is from the command line : find . -name \*.lyx | xargs grep -C4 "Cahiers" | less which will find all your LyX files with the word Cahiers. You can refine the find command with options about the date of creation or modification of the file. In KDE you have a graphical interface that do the same (search files, in your K-Menu) Cheers, Charles
Re: Lyx to word or lyx to html (to word)
Miki Dovrat wrote: > Hi, > > How can I convert my lyx document to microsoft word (or html, which word > reads?, or openoffice, which can be exported to rtf, which word reads)? > > These converters seem to be broken on Windows (still). I have lyx 1.4.4 > with Miktex 2.5 which has htlatex. In the past I have succeeded in getting > html from this setup using htlatex from the command line, but I can't seem > to reproduce my success. > > I also have a linux box. > > Please point me to a working solution either in linux or windows. > > Miki I've just converted two long articles (footnotes, bibliography in jurabib) in LyX in odt -> Word using tex4ht. It went well except a table that was not converted and that I retyped. There is a small problem with superscripts in footnotes. I've also discovered that OpenWriter cannot search and replace normal spaces by unbreakable spaces. I would recommend tex4ht (oolatex) if you have footnotes and a BibTeX bibliography. Cheers, Charles
Re: altering document class
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hi Charles, > > On Wed, 20 Dec 2006, Charles de Miramon w >> >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >> >>> I need to make a minor change to the mwrep report class, so that > [...] >> >> >> n° 16 >> >> Cheers, >> Charles > > I'm not sure what the FAQ means by the `preamble' that I should edit, but > presumed this is the .cls file? I added the line > No. In LyX, go to Document-->Parameters-->LaTeX Preamble. and here you add the \renewcommand... The LaTeX preamble is some information at the start of your document
Re: Help with mis-converted accents
Stefano Franchi wrote: > > On 19 Dec, 2006, at 12:53 PM, Charles de Miramon wrote: > >> William Adams wrote: >> >>> On Dec 19, 2006, at 12:45 PM, Stefano Franchi wrote: >>> Unless I could find a program/editor allowing me to do multiple replace over multiple files at once. I am not aware or any such programs for Mac/Linux, though? >>> >>> The free BBedit Lite could do this. >>> >>> I believe the free TextWrangler can as well. >>> >>> If you'd liefer stick w/ opensource, smultron can. >>> >>> William >>> >> >> You can also use a sed script like this one : >> >> Clean latex before importing >> #! /bin/sh >> TEMP=temp-$1 >> cp $1 $TEMP >> sed ' >> s/\\"e/ë/g; >> s/\\"i/ï/g; >> s/\\"u/ü/g; >> s/\\^i/î/g; >> s/\\^e/ê/g; >> s/\\'\''e/é/g; >> s/\\`a/à/g; >> s/\\`e/è/g; >> s/\\^a/à/g; >> s/\\^o/ô/g; >> s/\\^u/û/g; >> s/\\`u/ù/g; >> s/\\^I/Î/g; >> s/\\^E/Ê/g; >> s/\\^O/Ô/g; >> s/\\^U/Û/g; >> s/\\`A/À/g; >> ' $TEMP > temp-out >> mv temp-out $TEMP >> >> #cmp -s $1 $tmp && rm -f $tmp || mv -f $tmp $1 >> >> -- >> >> Save the script under the name cleanlatex, make it executable. Install >> sed >> if it is not on your computer (it is generally a standard on Unix) and >> then >> run cleanlatex myfile.tex and it will create a temp-myfile.tex > > Hi Charles, > > many, many thanks. I have never used sed in my life, though, and I > need a bit further help: > the converted pattern for accent-acute e is > \'{e} > > which I want to convert to é > > Will the pattern be: > > s/\\'/\{e\}/é/g; > > and similarly for all the other chars? > > > Thanks, > > Stefano > The problem is to tell the shell that you want to search a quote an not end the sed expression. You need to escape the quote ' Do you know what shell you are using ? Try from the command line echo $SHELL. In bash you escape the ' (quote) like that '\'' For example try at the command line : echo 'Stefano '\'' Franchi' if it gives Stefano ' Franchi then a line in your sed script would be : s/\\'\''{e}/é/g; Sed scripts are rather powerful but rather tricky to create Cheers,
Re: LyX on Debian or Ubuntu
Bill Wood wrote: > Hi, I'm considering switching Linux distributions to Debian or Ubuntu, > and I wanted to know what the community experience was regarding Lyx on > either. In particular, are there any known functional or performance > issues? Also, is there any difficulty staying current? > LyX works well on Debian. At some point last year, LyX had no maintainer but today Sven is a very active and dedicated maintainer. Cheers, Charles
Re: Changes to defaults
John B. Egger wrote: > I'm using 1.4.3 in Linux and Document Class: Book, and would like to > change the chapter title and page header formats from those that "book" > automatically creates. The defaults aren't bad; they just aren't my > preference. So far, I haven't figured out how to change them. > What kind of changes do you want to do ? You can change a lot of things in LyX and LaTeX by loading the appropriate package with certain options, or changing some variables. LyX gives a graphical interface for only a small subset of these options but you can add the LaTeX codes in your document. There are a lot of code snippets on the LyX wiki and on Herbert Voss website. Changing stuff requires some knowledge and it is here where the learning curve get steeper. If you want to understand what you do, you should at some point buy a LaTeX manual and read it.
Re: footnote inside table
Paul Schwartz wrote: > class of document : book - LyX 1.4.1 - windows XP installation with > widows installer. > basic language : French. > when I am inserting a footnote inside a table, it is properly displayed in > the lyx document. > However, in pdf via (pdflatex) the reference of the footnote is displayed > inside the table, but the corresponding footnote is not. Any clue > Thanks > Paul
How to reset a character style
Hello, I've been playing with the new character styles ( It is a very nice addition to LyX even if it seems a bit rough at the edges. If I create a style : mystyle I select some characters and apply 'mystyle' How do I reset the character style to no formatting ? Cheers, Charles