Test 3 - Ignore

2023-01-01 Thread list_email--- via lyx-users
lyx-users mailing list

Test 2 - Ignore

2023-01-01 Thread list_email--- via lyx-users

lyx-users mailing list

Re: find next?

2021-02-12 Thread list_email

> On Feb 11, 2021, at 5:28 PM, David Pesetsky  wrote:
> My Macintosh-educated fingers are used to ⌘-G for "find next" (used after 
> using ⌘-F for "find").  Does Lyx have a "find next" function so I can 
> duplicate this? 
> I may be missing something in plain view, in which case, my apologies for 
> wasting everyone's time — but I'm not finding it.
> -David

This has been a problem for many years. There is a long-standing ticket by me 
to bring search into Mac-compliance. For Mac fingers the LyX situation is 
extremely awkward. Here’s the Mac process:

**First Way**
open find dialog with Command-F
type or paste search string
close file dialog or bring focus to main window
hit Command-G to search forward or Shift-Command-G to search backward.

**Second Way**
open find dialog with Command-F
type or paste search string
Hit Next or Previous button
[LyX does not have Next and Previous but rather forces you to do additional 
clicking in the dialog to change direction.]

**Third Way**
[This is the “modern” way in many apps which does not raise a separate dialog 
box but rather opens a very small non-overlapping pane in the document window.]
open find dialog with Command-F
type or paste search string
hit Command-G to search forward or Shift-Command-G to search backward.

**Fourth Way**
[This does not require you to even open a dialog box if the search string can 
be highlighted in the main window.]
select search string in main window
hit Command-E. This enters the selected text into the search buffer.
hit Command-G to search forward or Shift-Command-G to search backward.

Fourth Way is probably the most common. Notice that you don’t even open a 
search window.

There are other problems in LyX searching.

1. The Find dialog box does not remember its location between uses. I’m sure 
this is a regression going back a number of years.

2. The “found” result can be _hidden_behind_ the Find dialog. Lots of luck 
finding it.

3. LyX is unaware of the system clipboard. In normal Mac apps, you can hit 
Command-E in one app, then switch to another app and the search string is ready 
to be used for finding in the second app without further user effort. This 
includes immediate use of Command-G and Shift-Command-G.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need a little help with version control

2021-02-12 Thread list_email

> On Feb 10, 2021, at 6:06 AM, Stephan Witt  wrote:
> Am 10.02.2021 um 11:34 schrieb list_em...@icloud.com:
>>> On Feb 9, 2021, at 5:16 AM, Stephan Witt  wrote:
>>> Am 09.02.2021 um 13:01 schrieb list_em...@icloud.com:
 I’m trying to learn version control (SVN) with LyX on macOS. I have a 
 little past experience with SVn in another context and I’m in Chapter 2 of 
 the book at svnbook.red-bean.com as a refresher. I am the only person who 
 will access the repository which is on my own computer.
 I have set up new repository and imported three files, a LyX document and 
 two graphics files. (I am using a nice GUI app on the Mac). I can check 
 out the LyX document, edit it, and commit. But what I can’t figure out is 
 what is the LyX File -> Version Control -> Register item for? I think it 
 wants to add the current LyX file, which is assumed to be not under 
 version control, to the repository. But _what_ repository? I made a second 
 LyX file named Registering.lyx and typed “Registering a document” into the 
 dialog box. Then I get this message:
 Some problem occurred while running the command:
 'ci -q -u -i -t-"Registering a document" "Registering.lyx"'.
 I think I am somehow am missing “Step 0” in setting things up.
 Thanks as always for any hints.
>>> The problem with the "Register Item“ menu item is its missing cleverness. 
>>> It assumes the RCS version control system. That’s why it is unusable with 
>>> all other systems like SVN and GIT.
>>> You have to register (add) it to your repository manually or with the help 
>>> of your GUI. Later you’re able to work with the LyX version control 
>>> features.
>>> Stephan
>> Thanks, but still not working.
>> I create a new repository on my computer, then import or add a LyX document. 
>> The new doc appears as expected in the repository. I checkout the file into 
>> a working copy and edit with LyX, then commit the changes, make comparisons, 
>> etc. with my SVN client. In other words, I believe that I can manage things 
>> with my SVN client as expected. 
>> However, I cannot get the built-in LyX functionality to work. When the 
>> working copy of the LyX file is open, none of the expected File -> Version 
>> Control -> menu items appear, only Register…. Also, most of the icons in the 
>> Version Control Toolbar become active—only Register and Insert Version Info 
>> do anything, the latter inserting “No version control.”
>> The working copy that I checked out is apparently known as related to SVN 
>> because it has the .svn directory. Also (this is an update from my original 
>> post) when attempting the Regiser… action, I get a message
>> Some problem occurred while running the command:
>> 'svn add -q "Learning SVN in LyX.lyx”'.
>> So LyX recognizes somehow the presence of SVN but is trying to perform an 
>> add operation on a file that is already in the repository.
>> Clearly I am missing a basic step.
>> Jerry
> Ok, it would be better if I verify my statements sometimes.
> I’ve checked it myself now and it works for me. See the log below:
> 13:59:54.564: Öffne Dokument ~/tmp/playground/Shortcuts-test2.lyx...
> 13:59:54.679: svn info "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"
> 13:59:54.693: svn: warning: W155010: The node 
> '/Users/stephan/tmp/playground/Shortcuts-test2.lyx' was not found.
> 13:59:54.693: 
> 13:59:54.694: svn: E29: Could not display info for all targets because 
> some targets don't exist
> 13:59:54.705: Dokument ~/tmp/playground/Shortcuts-test2.lyx ist geöffnet.
> 13:59:54.706: (file-open: ⌃O)support/Systemcall.cpp (276): Systemcall: 'svn 
> info "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"' finished with exit code 1
> 14:00:07.860: svn proplist "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"
> 14:00:07.877: svn: warning: W25: 
> '/Users/stephan/tmp/playground/Shortcuts-test2.lyx' is not under version 
> control
> 14:00:07.877: svn: E29: Could not display properties of all targets 
> because some targets are not versioned
> 14:00:07.878: svn: E29: Illegal target for the requested operation
> support/Systemcall.cpp (276): Systemcall: 'svn proplist 
> "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"' finished with exit code 1
> 14:00:16.886: svn add -q "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"
> 14:00:16.984: svn info "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"
> 14:00:17.007: svn proplist "Shortcuts-test2.lyx"
> 14:00:17.024: Dokument ~/tmp/playground/Shortcuts-test2.lyx neu geladen.
> Conclusion:
> 1. The working environment is LyX- and svn binary in path (verify it 
> in terminal).
> 2. You may check and possibly update your LyX app.
> 3. You may activate the status message pane and redo the register VC command.
> Stephan

1. and 2. I upgraded LyX from 2.3.2 to Legacy. (Thanks for Legacy, 
devs!) svn binary is in path. Same behavior.
3. Message pane reports " svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 
'.'; please get a newer Subversion client”

I’ll ne

Re: Need a little help with version control

2021-02-12 Thread list_email
TFM isn’t helpful. It does not tell how to get started. Plus, TFM assumes more 
knowledge of version control systems than most LyX users have. I don’t want to 
install rcs as long as svn is supposed to work.


> On Feb 10, 2021, at 5:45 AM, Dr Eberhard Lisse  wrote:
> The 'ci not found' means it wants the RCS system to which ci belongs and
> this is not installed, which can be rectified easily by homebrew.
> For the rest, RTFM (Help --> Additional Features)
> el
> On 09/02/2021 14:01, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> I’m trying to learn version control (SVN) with LyX on macOS. I have a
>> little past experience with SVn in another context and I’m in Chapter
>> 2 of the book at svnbook.red-bean.com as a refresher.  I am the only
>> person who will access the repository which is on my own computer.
>> I have set up new repository and imported three files, a LyX document
>> and two graphics files.  (I am using a nice GUI app on the Mac).  I
>> can check out the LyX document, edit it, and commit.  But what I can’t
>> figure out is what is the LyX File -> Version Control -> Register item
>> for?  I think it wants to add the current LyX file, which is assumed
>> to be not under version control, to the repository.  But _what_
>> repository?  I made a second LyX file named Registering.lyx and typed
>> “Registering a document” into the dialog box.  Then I get this
>> message:
>> Some problem occurred while running the command:
>> 'ci -q -u -i -t-"Registering a document" "Registering.lyx"'.
>> I think I am somehow am missing “Step 0” in setting things up.
>> Thanks as always for any hints.
>> Jerry
> -- 
> To email me replace 'nospam' with 'el'
> -- 
> To email me replace 'nospam' with 'el'
> -- 
> lyx-users mailing list
> lyx-users@lists.lyx.org
> http://lists.lyx.org/mailman/listinfo/lyx-users

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Need a little help with version control

2021-02-10 Thread list_email

> On Feb 9, 2021, at 5:16 AM, Stephan Witt  wrote:
> Am 09.02.2021 um 13:01 schrieb list_em...@icloud.com:
>> I’m trying to learn version control (SVN) with LyX on macOS. I have a little 
>> past experience with SVn in another context and I’m in Chapter 2 of the book 
>> at svnbook.red-bean.com as a refresher. I am the only person who will access 
>> the repository which is on my own computer.
>> I have set up new repository and imported three files, a LyX document and 
>> two graphics files. (I am using a nice GUI app on the Mac). I can check out 
>> the LyX document, edit it, and commit. But what I can’t figure out is what 
>> is the LyX File -> Version Control -> Register item for? I think it wants to 
>> add the current LyX file, which is assumed to be not under version control, 
>> to the repository. But _what_ repository? I made a second LyX file named 
>> Registering.lyx and typed “Registering a document” into the dialog box. Then 
>> I get this message:
>> Some problem occurred while running the command:
>> 'ci -q -u -i -t-"Registering a document" "Registering.lyx"'.
>> I think I am somehow am missing “Step 0” in setting things up.
>> Thanks as always for any hints.
> The problem with the "Register Item“ menu item is its missing cleverness. It 
> assumes the RCS version control system. That’s why it is unusable with all 
> other systems like SVN and GIT.
> You have to register (add) it to your repository manually or with the help of 
> your GUI. Later you’re able to work with the LyX version control features.
> Stephan

Thanks, but still not working.

I create a new repository on my computer, then import or add a LyX document. 
The new doc appears as expected in the repository. I checkout the file into a 
working copy and edit with LyX, then commit the changes, make comparisons, etc. 
with my SVN client. In other words, I believe that I can manage things with my 
SVN client as expected. 

However, I cannot get the built-in LyX functionality to work. When the working 
copy of the LyX file is open, none of the expected File -> Version Control -> 
menu items appear, only Register…. Also, most of the icons in the Version 
Control Toolbar become active—only Register and Insert Version Info do 
anything, the latter inserting “No version control.”

The working copy that I checked out is apparently known as related to SVN 
because it has the .svn directory. Also (this is an update from my original 
post) when attempting the Regiser… action, I get a message

 Some problem occurred while running the command:
'svn add -q "Learning SVN in LyX.lyx”'.

So LyX recognizes somehow the presence of SVN but is trying to perform an add 
operation on a file that is already in the repository.

Clearly I am missing a basic step.

lyx-users mailing list

Need a little help with version control

2021-02-09 Thread list_email
I’m trying to learn version control (SVN) with LyX on macOS. I have a little 
past experience with SVn in another context and I’m in Chapter 2 of the book at 
svnbook.red-bean.com as a refresher. I am the only person who will access the 
repository which is on my own computer.

I have set up new repository and imported three files, a LyX document and two 
graphics files. (I am using a nice GUI app on the Mac). I can check out the LyX 
document, edit it, and commit. But what I can’t figure out is what is the LyX 
File -> Version Control -> Register item for? I think it wants to add the 
current LyX file, which is assumed to be not under version control, to the 
repository. But _what_ repository? I made a second LyX file named 
Registering.lyx and typed “Registering a document” into the dialog box. Then I 
get this message:

 Some problem occurred while running the command:
'ci -q -u -i -t-"Registering a document" "Registering.lyx"'.

I think I am somehow am missing “Step 0” in setting things up.

Thanks as always for any hints.

lyx-users mailing list

Default new documents rendering as cropped PDF

2021-01-21 Thread list_email
Hi List,

For some reason when I start a new generic document (File -> New) which is an 
Article (Standard Class), the PDF is rendered as cropped.

The default rendering keyboard shortcut (Command-R on my Mac) shows Document -> 
View [PDF (cropped)] so it’s doing what it is being told when I hit Command-R. 
But when I do Document -> View (Other Formats) -> PDF (pdflatex) it still 
renders the PDF as cropped. Also, the topmost menu item under File -> Export is 
PDF [PDF (cropped)].

In preferences, File Handling -> File Converters -> Default Output Formats -> 
With TeX fonts is set to PDF (pdflatex).

I can open an old file (saved just a couple days ago) and it still renders with 
margins as expected. Also, the top item in File -> Export is then PDF 
(pdflatex). Opening a new file from IEEE template behaves the same way.

I keep a tiny LyX file around called Equation Setter that I use from time to 
time to make equations for pasting into other programs such as graphics 
programs; that file exports cropped PDFs as desired and I used it recently.

Why do new generic Article (Standard Class) documents render as cropped, with 
cropped as the command connected to Command-R, and why do they still render 
cropped when bypassing that menu command to pdflatex?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX layouts for IEEE Open Journals

2021-01-02 Thread list_email

> On Dec 22, 2020, at 2:58 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of 
> new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE journals.
> A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the abstract 
> and index terms span the entire width of the page whereas the traditional 
> format confines those elements to a column width in the two-column format.
> Does anyone know of a LyX layout or template for IEEE open journals?
> The IEEE LaTex templates are a few clicks away from this text, "IEEE article 
> templates,” on this page: 
> https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/
> Jerry

I am attaching herewith a candidate LyX template for the IEEE Open Journals.

The IEEE LaTeX template, open.tex, is derived from the IEEE Transactions on 
Magnetics template, but with differences. I was able to make this new template 
by making a mash-up of the LyX templates IEEEtran-Journal.lyx and 
IEEEtran-TransMag.lyx, and with a minor and normally unnecessary addition to 
the LaTeX preamble section of the new template. I did not find it necessary to 
make a new layout file but this might be desirable for a minor feature 
mentioned below.

The template passes the follow test:

1. Open a copy of the template.

2. Import open.tex, the IEEE LaTeX template, into a new LyX document.

3. Perform the following five copy-pastes from open.tex as opened in LyX into 
the new template:
   * Title
   * Authors
   * Abstract
   * Index terms
   * The entire remainder of open.tex

4. Just for this test, because of the annoying note after the index terms which 
would never appear in an actual paper, convert the style of that note to 
“Standard in Title.” Also, just for this test, change the position of Figure 1 
from “Default” to “Top."

5. Render to PDF.

6. Send the new PDF and the IEEE’s open.pdf to 

7. Observe that the very few differences are completely trivial and not a fault 
of the template.

I have these notes:

* The IEEE’s open.tex has the title of the first section in all caps. In the 
template this is only an initial cap. Surely this is an error in the IEEE file.

* The IEEE’s open.tex lacks an author photo feature. Examination of papers in 
one IEEE open journal shows author photos, thus the template contains this 

* open.tex contains no BibTeX bibliography, only in-file references. The IEEE 
requires references to be in-file for the final version but some authors will 
prefer to work with BibTeX up to the final version, bringing references in from 
the .aux file, so this feature was brought over from IEEEtrans-Journal.lyx. 
(Does LyX offer an automatic way to import references from .aux? How about a 
new feature?)

* There are three main kinds of differences between a bare_jrnl.tex and 
bare_jrnl_transmag.tex, reflected in six non-trivial differences when diff-ing 
the tex files. The first is the formatting of authors, affiliations, and 
thanks. The second is the placement of \maketitle. (This second difference 
interacted with the annoying note to cause a problem noted earlier in this 
thread regarding non-title layouts.) These differences were reconciled in the 
mash-up so that the appearance agrees with the new open format.

* The third difference is that open.tex does not contain the optional “Special 
Paper Notice” whereby “Invited Paper” appears in italics; this is present in 
normal Transactions papers (but only those that were invited) including the 
corresponding LyX template. I suppose that there might be the need for this 
feature in some IEEE Open Journal papers but I was not able to fix it. I tried 
commenting out the line "NoStyle Special_Paper_Notice” in 
IEEEtran-TransMag.layout but to no affect. Fixing this minor issue will require 
a bit more investigation and possibly making a separate layout file for the new 
template. For reference for anyone looking into this, IEEEtran.layout, which 
IEEEtran-TransMag.layout imports, contains this passage:

Style Special_Paper_Notice
  CopyStyle Title
  LatexName IEEEspecialpapernotice
  InTitle   1
Shape   Italic

* The IEEE’s open.tex uses Computer Modern for math symbols but published 
papers use Times. I adhered to the style of open.tex, preferring to let the 
IEEE deal with this particular bit of shabbiness. Maybe they won’t mind if 
authors make the switch on their own.

* I don’t know why, in the test sequence above, I had to change the float 
placement of Fig. 1 from Default to Top, in order to get a match with the 
IEEE’s open.pdf. Default places it at the bottom of a column but Top places it 
under the table in the next column, near the top.

* While the template results in a successful test as described above, there 
might be some ‘hidden” differences in the generated .te

Re: LyX layouts for IEEE Open Journals

2020-12-29 Thread list_email

> On Dec 22, 2020, at 2:58 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of 
> new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE journals.
> A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the abstract 
> and index terms span the entire width of the page whereas the traditional 
> format confines those elements to a column width in the two-column format.
> Does anyone know of a LyX layout or template for IEEE open journals?
> The IEEE LaTex templates are a few clicks away from this text, "IEEE article 
> templates,” on this page: 
> https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/
> Jerry

OK, I think I’ve cracked this. Not too hard, actually. I will upload a 
candidate LyX template for IEEE Open Access journals in a few days while I tend 
to other things in the meantime. Post here if anyone needs it sooner.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX layouts for IEEE Open Journals

2020-12-27 Thread list_email
[[ For some reason my posts are not showing up in my mail reader so I’m 
replying to Riki’s post. They are in the archive, however. Sorry. ]]

I believe the IEEE Open Journal template, called open.tex when downloaded by 
the IEEE, is using or leveraging off of the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 
which has page-wide abstract and index terms sections. Thus the line 

However, when I import open.tex into LyX and tell it that it is a IEEE 
Transactions on Magnetics paper, I get this warning:

"You are using at least one layout (Abstract) intended for the title, after 
using non-title layouts. This could lead to missing or incorrect output.”

The PDF is then rendered without abstract or index terms, as I reported earlier.

The IEEEtran-TransMag.layout file seems to import the IEEEtran.layout file 
since it contains the line

Input IEEEtran.layout

but I can’t seem to figure out the source of the warning, which makes certain 
sense to me but I know little of this business.

As was suggested, I think we have a minor change to get this to work with the 
IEEE open journal but I’m afraid my time has about run out.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX layouts for IEEE Open Journals

2020-12-24 Thread list_email

> On Dec 22, 2020, at 9:34 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> On 12/22/20 4:58 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of 
>> new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE 
>> journals.
>> A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the abstract 
>> and index terms span the entire width of the page whereas the traditional 
>> format confines those elements to a column width in the two-column format.
>> Does anyone know of a LyX layout or template for IEEE open journals?
>> The IEEE LaTex templates are a few clicks away from this text, "IEEE article 
>> templates,” on this page: 
>> https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/
> I do not know, but here's an easy experiment: Copy the IEEEtran.layout
> file into your local LyX layout directory (e.g., $HOME/.lyx/layouts/,
> for me). Now rename it to whatever the name of the new class file is and
> try importing one of their new LaTeX templates. If the changes are as
> minor as you suggest, that should just work. Possibly a few small tweaks
> will be needed, but someone who actually uses this layout will be best
> placed to do that.
> Riki

Relating to my second post in this thread which has not yet shown up in my 
reader, I might have mentioned that the first line of open.tex is this:


Possibly useful.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX layouts for IEEE Open Journals

2020-12-24 Thread list_email

> On Dec 22, 2020, at 9:34 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> On 12/22/20 4:58 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of 
>> new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE 
>> journals.
>> A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the abstract 
>> and index terms span the entire width of the page whereas the traditional 
>> format confines those elements to a column width in the two-column format.
>> Does anyone know of a LyX layout or template for IEEE open journals?
>> The IEEE LaTex templates are a few clicks away from this text, "IEEE article 
>> templates,” on this page: 
>> https://journals.ieeeauthorcenter.ieee.org/create-your-ieee-journal-article/authoring-tools-and-templates/
> I do not know, but here's an easy experiment: Copy the IEEEtran.layout
> file into your local LyX layout directory (e.g., $HOME/.lyx/layouts/,
> for me). Now rename it to whatever the name of the new class file is and
> try importing one of their new LaTeX templates. If the changes are as
> minor as you suggest, that should just work. Possibly a few small tweaks
> will be needed, but someone who actually uses this layout will be best
> placed to do that.
> Riki
Thanks, Riki.

I’m about 79% clueless here so I probably did not do what you suggest.

First of all, the template folder that IEEE downloads to my computer for the 
open journal papers is far less populated than the IEEEtran download. In fact, 
it looks a little deficient to my uninformed eyes. Here is the directory 
structure as downloaded:


No .bib files, no .bst, no .cls. Just a .tex and the PDF is already rendered.

You might recall that the IEEEtran download is more extensive. Here is its file 

IEEETransactions_LaTeX 2:

The IEEEtran.cls handles many contingencies and is over 6000 lines.

Without doing anything else, when I simply import the open.tex into LyX, the 
document appears as a IEEE Transactions in Document -> Settings -> Document 
Class. Also, the abstract and index terms parts appear _in_LyX_ as expected in 
an IEEEtran setting, that is, they are visible and in bold font and properly 
labeled as such, i.e., the IEEE’s traditional Abstract——- and Index terms—— 
(that’s supposed to be three dashes but my e-mail program keeps combining them 
into em dashes.) This all seems extremely promising. However, when the PDF is 
rendered, the Abstract and Index terms are missing, but the rest of the paper 
looks OK as compared to the pre-rendered one that the IEEE includes with the 

Now, when I try to do as you suggest, I get a little fuzzy. Here’s what I did. 
LyX on macOS stores the IEEEtran.layout file in the LyX application bundle 
which is here:


Next I copied the IEEEtran.layout file to the directory of the IEEE “open” 
download because that is what opens in a file dialog when I click on “Local 
Layout…” in Document Settings. I renamed it open.layout and tried again to 
import the open.tex file. Same results all around. Maybe I didn’t copy the 
IEEEtran.layout to the right place—I was a little unclear what you meant by 
"your local LyX layout directory."

I can spend a little more time on this but I’m pretty much fumbling around but 
am willing to fumble a bit more. I do have a deadline to get a paper submitted 
so I will likely just use the IEEEtran template of LyX. Surely I’m not the only 
one submitting using the old format. I do sort of know how to temporarily set 
the columns to “one” and so I might fake it and submit a PDF that way in order 
to get the abstract and index terms to appear across the whole page. If the 
paper is accepted then I would hope that the problem would fall on someone else 
to fix the format.


lyx-users mailing list

LyX layouts for IEEE Open Journals

2020-12-22 Thread list_email
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has a series of 
new ‘open” journals which use a different Tex format than other IEEE journals.

A superficial inspection shows that the main difference is that the abstract 
and index terms span the entire width of the page whereas the traditional 
format confines those elements to a column width in the two-column format.

Does anyone know of a LyX layout or template for IEEE open journals?

The IEEE LaTex templates are a few clicks away from this text, "IEEE article 
templates,” on this page: 


lyx-users mailing list

LyX layout for MDPI?

2020-07-25 Thread list_email
Is anyone aware of a LyX layout for MDPI (mdpi.com)?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to break long equations with LyX

2020-07-15 Thread list_email

> On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:09 PM, Joel Kulesza  wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 12:13 PM Paul A. Rubin  > wrote:
> On 6/19/20 9:47 PM, list_em...@icloud.com  
> wrote:
>>> On Jun 19, 2020, at 5:14 PM, Paul A. Rubin  
>>>  wrote:
>>> On 6/19/20 7:34 PM, list_em...@icloud.com  
>>> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Paul A. Rubin  
>  wrote:
> On 6/19/20 7:51 AM, list_em...@icloud.com  
> wrote:
>> I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations. I’ve studied 
>> multiple pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to 
>> get anything to work.
>> I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this 
>> page:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2904807/lyx-breaking-long-formula-lines
>> but today I have some problems with it.
>> First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX 
>> code that appears between \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} or if I try to 
>> use the trick twice in the same document. (That’s a tentative analysis 
>> of the problem.) Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me 
>> a chance to abort and then follows up with this additional message: "The 
>> external program pdflatex finished with an error. It is recommended you 
>> fix the cause of the external program's error (check the logs)."
>> Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an 
>> aligned environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu 
>> system.) This is causing things to look even worse, even though I added 
>> two “aligned” lines to the referenced code block. (If you look at the 
>> code you’ll see the obvious places to add the lines.)
>> How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long 
>> equations? I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it 
>> works.
>> Thanks,
>> Jerry
> I've never used the breqn package, but with ordinary and AMS math 
> environments, hitting Ctrl-Enter in the middle of a long formula will 
> break it (inserting a line break, \\, in the LaTeX output). If that 
> doesn't achieve what you want, perhaps you could post a minimal example 
> and a specification of what the output should look like.
> Paul
 Thanks, Paul. I’m on a Mac so of course Control-Enter has no meaning. 
 Usually this translates to Mac-speak as Command-Enter. When I do 
 Command-Enter in my equation, which is unfortunately inside a align 
 environment, it instead adds a row to the matrix that represents the align 
 environment. Ditto for Shift-Command-Enter. These two commands in LyX are 
 mapped as Insert -> Formatting -> Ragged Line Break and Justified Line 
 Break, respectively but invoking the menu commands with the cursor in my 
 equation has exactly the same effect: adding a row to the align matrix 
 (above the row where the cursor is.) When (Shift-)Command-Enter is done to 
 a non-align display equation a similar thing happens except now the 
 non-align equation is converted to an align equation with a blank new row 
 _below_ the original equation.
 Right now I guess I would be pretty happy with merely a way to make 
 Command-shift (Control-shift) do what is expected which is apparently 
 break the equation instead of creating a new row.
>>> Jerry,
>>> I just created an align environment with two equations, the left side of 
>>> the first being ridiculously long. When I put the cursor somewhere toward 
>>> the middle of the left side of the long equation and inserted a break 
>>> (using Ctrl-Enter -- I'll get to the Mac part in a minute), it broke the 
>>> equation and inserted a new row. So
>>> (x+x+x+x+...+x) =1
>>>  y =2
>>> (where the right column contained the equal signs and integers) became
>>> (x+x+x+...
>>> +x+x+x+x) =1
>>>  y =2
>>> where the right column is empty in the first row. See the attached minimal 
>>> example. Is this not what you want?
>>> Regarding the key mapping, if you can find an unused key combo that you 
>>> have a chance of remembering, you can map it to "newline-insert newline" 
>>> using Tools > Preferences... > Editing > Shortcuts. That's what Ctrl+Enter 
>>> binds to for me.
>>> Paul
>> Paul:
>> Thanks. The effect appears to work by adding another row to the matrix and 
>> filling it with the partial equation. In your example the new row is on top. 
>> If the long equation is moved to the RHS the new row is be

Re: How to break long equations with LyX

2020-07-15 Thread list_email

> On Jun 20, 2020, at 9:09 PM, Joel Kulesza  wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2020 at 12:13 PM Paul A. Rubin  > wrote:
> On 6/19/20 9:47 PM, list_em...@icloud.com  
> wrote:
>>> On Jun 19, 2020, at 5:14 PM, Paul A. Rubin  
>>>  wrote:
>>> On 6/19/20 7:34 PM, list_em...@icloud.com  
>>> wrote:
> On Jun 19, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Paul A. Rubin  
>  wrote:
> On 6/19/20 7:51 AM, list_em...@icloud.com  
> wrote:
>> I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations. I’ve studied 
>> multiple pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to 
>> get anything to work.
>> I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this 
>> page:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2904807/lyx-breaking-long-formula-lines
>> but today I have some problems with it.
>> First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX 
>> code that appears between \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} or if I try to 
>> use the trick twice in the same document. (That’s a tentative analysis 
>> of the problem.) Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me 
>> a chance to abort and then follows up with this additional message: "The 
>> external program pdflatex finished with an error. It is recommended you 
>> fix the cause of the external program's error (check the logs)."
>> Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an 
>> aligned environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu 
>> system.) This is causing things to look even worse, even though I added 
>> two “aligned” lines to the referenced code block. (If you look at the 
>> code you’ll see the obvious places to add the lines.)
>> How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long 
>> equations? I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it 
>> works.
>> Thanks,
>> Jerry
> I've never used the breqn package, but with ordinary and AMS math 
> environments, hitting Ctrl-Enter in the middle of a long formula will 
> break it (inserting a line break, \\, in the LaTeX output). If that 
> doesn't achieve what you want, perhaps you could post a minimal example 
> and a specification of what the output should look like.
> Paul
 Thanks, Paul. I’m on a Mac so of course Control-Enter has no meaning. 
 Usually this translates to Mac-speak as Command-Enter. When I do 
 Command-Enter in my equation, which is unfortunately inside a align 
 environment, it instead adds a row to the matrix that represents the align 
 environment. Ditto for Shift-Command-Enter. These two commands in LyX are 
 mapped as Insert -> Formatting -> Ragged Line Break and Justified Line 
 Break, respectively but invoking the menu commands with the cursor in my 
 equation has exactly the same effect: adding a row to the align matrix 
 (above the row where the cursor is.) When (Shift-)Command-Enter is done to 
 a non-align display equation a similar thing happens except now the 
 non-align equation is converted to an align equation with a blank new row 
 _below_ the original equation.
 Right now I guess I would be pretty happy with merely a way to make 
 Command-shift (Control-shift) do what is expected which is apparently 
 break the equation instead of creating a new row.
>>> Jerry,
>>> I just created an align environment with two equations, the left side of 
>>> the first being ridiculously long. When I put the cursor somewhere toward 
>>> the middle of the left side of the long equation and inserted a break 
>>> (using Ctrl-Enter -- I'll get to the Mac part in a minute), it broke the 
>>> equation and inserted a new row. So
>>> (x+x+x+x+...+x) =1
>>>  y =2
>>> (where the right column contained the equal signs and integers) became
>>> (x+x+x+...
>>> +x+x+x+x) =1
>>>  y =2
>>> where the right column is empty in the first row. See the attached minimal 
>>> example. Is this not what you want?
>>> Regarding the key mapping, if you can find an unused key combo that you 
>>> have a chance of remembering, you can map it to "newline-insert newline" 
>>> using Tools > Preferences... > Editing > Shortcuts. That's what Ctrl+Enter 
>>> binds to for me.
>>> Paul
>> Paul:
>> Thanks. The effect appears to work by adding another row to the matrix and 
>> filling it with the partial equation. In your example the new row is on top. 
>> If the long equation is moved to the RHS the new row is be

Re: How to extract only used references from a bibtex file

2020-07-09 Thread list_email

> On Jul 8, 2020, at 5:05 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> I am preparing to send tex files, graphics files, etc. to a publisher. I 
> think there should be a way to send something less than my entire bibtex file 
> to them. Is there a way to easily extract only the references that I am using 
> for this paper into a separate bibtex file or is there some other way to do 
> this? I notice that when I compile the tex file (using Texnicle on MacOS) 
> something called a .bbl file is generated that contains only my used 
> references but is is different from a .bib file. I suppose this is best 
> posted to a latex list. :-/
> Jerry
Thanks, Jürgen and Riki—all suggestions are spot on, especially drawing my 
attention to the aux file. However, I discovered a neat function built into 
BibDesk, the nice bibtex manager for MacOS. The menu command is “Select 
Publications From aux File.” After doing selecting the aux file it is just a 
copy-paste into a new blank .bib file.

Thanks again,

lyx-users mailing list

How to extract only used references from a bibtex file

2020-07-08 Thread list_email
I am preparing to send tex files, graphics files, etc. to a publisher. I think 
there should be a way to send something less than my entire bibtex file to 
them. Is there a way to easily extract only the references that I am using for 
this paper into a separate bibtex file or is there some other way to do this? I 
notice that when I compile the tex file (using Texnicle on MacOS) something 
called a .bbl file is generated that contains only my used references but is is 
different from a .bib file. I suppose this is best posted to a latex list. :-/


lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to break long equations with LyX

2020-06-20 Thread list_email

> On Jun 19, 2020, at 5:14 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 6/19/20 7:34 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>>> On Jun 19, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
>>> On 6/19/20 7:51 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
 I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations. I’ve studied 
 multiple pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to get 
 anything to work.
 I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this 
 but today I have some problems with it.
 First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX 
 code that appears between \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} or if I try to use 
 the trick twice in the same document. (That’s a tentative analysis of the 
 problem.) Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me a chance 
 to abort and then follows up with this additional message: "The external 
 program pdflatex finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the 
 cause of the external program's error (check the logs)."
 Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an aligned 
 environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu system.) 
 This is causing things to look even worse, even though I added two 
 “aligned” lines to the referenced code block. (If you look at the code 
 you’ll see the obvious places to add the lines.)
 How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long 
 equations? I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it 
>>> I've never used the breqn package, but with ordinary and AMS math 
>>> environments, hitting Ctrl-Enter in the middle of a long formula will break 
>>> it (inserting a line break, \\, in the LaTeX output). If that doesn't 
>>> achieve what you want, perhaps you could post a minimal example and a 
>>> specification of what the output should look like.
>>> Paul
>> Thanks, Paul. I’m on a Mac so of course Control-Enter has no meaning. 
>> Usually this translates to Mac-speak as Command-Enter. When I do 
>> Command-Enter in my equation, which is unfortunately inside a align 
>> environment, it instead adds a row to the matrix that represents the align 
>> environment. Ditto for Shift-Command-Enter. These two commands in LyX are 
>> mapped as Insert -> Formatting -> Ragged Line Break and Justified Line 
>> Break, respectively but invoking the menu commands with the cursor in my 
>> equation has exactly the same effect: adding a row to the align matrix 
>> (above the row where the cursor is.) When (Shift-)Command-Enter is done to a 
>> non-align display equation a similar thing happens except now the non-align 
>> equation is converted to an align equation with a blank new row _below_ the 
>> original equation.
>> Right now I guess I would be pretty happy with merely a way to make 
>> Command-shift (Control-shift) do what is expected which is apparently break 
>> the equation instead of creating a new row.
>> Jerry
> Jerry,
> I just created an align environment with two equations, the left side of the 
> first being ridiculously long. When I put the cursor somewhere toward the 
> middle of the left side of the long equation and inserted a break (using 
> Ctrl-Enter -- I'll get to the Mac part in a minute), it broke the equation 
> and inserted a new row. So
> (x+x+x+x+...+x) =1
>  y =2
> (where the right column contained the equal signs and integers) became
> (x+x+x+...
> +x+x+x+x) =1
>  y =2
> where the right column is empty in the first row. See the attached minimal 
> example. Is this not what you want?
> Regarding the key mapping, if you can find an unused key combo that you have 
> a chance of remembering, you can map it to "newline-insert newline" using 
> Tools > Preferences... > Editing > Shortcuts. That's what Ctrl+Enter binds to 
> for me.
> Paul
> — 


I’ve attached an example showing a few things, mainly that 
Command-(Control-)-Enter works with your equation and the equation from Section 
18 of the Math manual but not with my equation.


Breaking Bad.lyx
Description: Binary data
lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to break long equations with LyX

2020-06-19 Thread list_email

> On Jun 19, 2020, at 5:14 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 6/19/20 7:34 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>>> On Jun 19, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
>>> On 6/19/20 7:51 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
 I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations. I’ve studied 
 multiple pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to get 
 anything to work.
 I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this 
 but today I have some problems with it.
 First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX 
 code that appears between \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} or if I try to use 
 the trick twice in the same document. (That’s a tentative analysis of the 
 problem.) Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me a chance 
 to abort and then follows up with this additional message: "The external 
 program pdflatex finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the 
 cause of the external program's error (check the logs)."
 Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an aligned 
 environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu system.) 
 This is causing things to look even worse, even though I added two 
 “aligned” lines to the referenced code block. (If you look at the code 
 you’ll see the obvious places to add the lines.)
 How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long 
 equations? I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it 
>>> I've never used the breqn package, but with ordinary and AMS math 
>>> environments, hitting Ctrl-Enter in the middle of a long formula will break 
>>> it (inserting a line break, \\, in the LaTeX output). If that doesn't 
>>> achieve what you want, perhaps you could post a minimal example and a 
>>> specification of what the output should look like.
>>> Paul
>> Thanks, Paul. I’m on a Mac so of course Control-Enter has no meaning. 
>> Usually this translates to Mac-speak as Command-Enter. When I do 
>> Command-Enter in my equation, which is unfortunately inside a align 
>> environment, it instead adds a row to the matrix that represents the align 
>> environment. Ditto for Shift-Command-Enter. These two commands in LyX are 
>> mapped as Insert -> Formatting -> Ragged Line Break and Justified Line 
>> Break, respectively but invoking the menu commands with the cursor in my 
>> equation has exactly the same effect: adding a row to the align matrix 
>> (above the row where the cursor is.) When (Shift-)Command-Enter is done to a 
>> non-align display equation a similar thing happens except now the non-align 
>> equation is converted to an align equation with a blank new row _below_ the 
>> original equation.
>> Right now I guess I would be pretty happy with merely a way to make 
>> Command-shift (Control-shift) do what is expected which is apparently break 
>> the equation instead of creating a new row.
>> Jerry
> Jerry,
> I just created an align environment with two equations, the left side of the 
> first being ridiculously long. When I put the cursor somewhere toward the 
> middle of the left side of the long equation and inserted a break (using 
> Ctrl-Enter -- I'll get to the Mac part in a minute), it broke the equation 
> and inserted a new row. So
> (x+x+x+x+...+x) =1
>  y =2
> (where the right column contained the equal signs and integers) became
> (x+x+x+...
> +x+x+x+x) =1
>  y =2
> where the right column is empty in the first row. See the attached minimal 
> example. Is this not what you want?
> Regarding the key mapping, if you can find an unused key combo that you have 
> a chance of remembering, you can map it to "newline-insert newline" using 
> Tools > Preferences... > Editing > Shortcuts. That's what Ctrl+Enter binds to 
> for me.
> Paul


Thanks. The effect appears to work by adding another row to the matrix and 
filling it with the partial equation. In your example the new row is on top. If 
the long equation is moved to the RHS the new row is below.

I tried adding horizontal space to the second line of your broken equation but 
Latex seems to ignore it: when I click outside the math box and the equation is 
rendered, it is rendered without the horizontal space even though it was 
visible while in math editing mode.

About Mac key mappings: According to the status line in the document window, 
when I hit Command-Shift, it displays “(newline-insert newline;) and then icons 
for “Command” and “new line” which is an arrow thingy. So I’m going to assume 
that the key mapping is correct but that there is another problem, meaning…

…See my attached example. Attempting to break the line before the seco

Re: How to break long equations with LyX

2020-06-19 Thread list_email

> On Jun 19, 2020, at 8:15 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 6/19/20 7:51 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations. I’ve studied 
>> multiple pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to get 
>> anything to work.
>> I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this page:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2904807/lyx-breaking-long-formula-lines
>> but today I have some problems with it.
>> First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX code 
>> that appears between \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} or if I try to use the 
>> trick twice in the same document. (That’s a tentative analysis of the 
>> problem.) Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me a chance to 
>> abort and then follows up with this additional message: "The external 
>> program pdflatex finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the cause 
>> of the external program's error (check the logs)."
>> Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an aligned 
>> environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu system.) This 
>> is causing things to look even worse, even though I added two “aligned” 
>> lines to the referenced code block. (If you look at the code you’ll see the 
>> obvious places to add the lines.)
>> How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long 
>> equations? I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it works.
>> Thanks,
>> Jerry
> I've never used the breqn package, but with ordinary and AMS math 
> environments, hitting Ctrl-Enter in the middle of a long formula will break 
> it (inserting a line break, \\, in the LaTeX output). If that doesn't achieve 
> what you want, perhaps you could post a minimal example and a specification 
> of what the output should look like.
> Paul
Thanks, Paul. I’m on a Mac so of course Control-Enter has no meaning. Usually 
this translates to Mac-speak as Command-Enter. When I do Command-Enter in my 
equation, which is unfortunately inside a align environment, it instead adds a 
row to the matrix that represents the align environment. Ditto for 
Shift-Command-Enter. These two commands in LyX are mapped as Insert -> 
Formatting -> Ragged Line Break and Justified Line Break, respectively but 
invoking the menu commands with the cursor in my equation has exactly the same 
effect: adding a row to the align matrix (above the row where the cursor is.) 
When (Shift-)Command-Enter is done to a non-align display equation a similar 
thing happens except now the non-align equation is converted to an align 
equation with a blank new row _below_ the original equation.

Right now I guess I would be pretty happy with merely a way to make 
Command-shift (Control-shift) do what is expected which is apparently break the 
equation instead of creating a new row.


lyx-users mailing list

How to break long equations with LyX

2020-06-19 Thread list_email
I have tried mightily to get LyX to break long equations. I’ve studied multiple 
pages at stackexchange, both LaTeX and LyX, and can’t seem to get anything to 

I have had luck in the past with the second large block of code at this page:


but today I have some problems with it.

First, it doesn’t work if the \text command appears inside my own LaTeX code 
that appears between \begin{dmath} and \end{dmath} or if I try to use the trick 
twice in the same document. (That’s a tentative analysis of the problem.) 
Specifically, LyX runs at 100% CPU eventually gives me a chance to abort and 
then follows up with this additional message: "The external program pdflatex 
finished with an error. It is recommended you fix the cause of the external 
program's error (check the logs)."

Plus, I now want to to apply the line breaking to a line within an aligned 
environment (Insert -> Math -> Aligned Environment in the menu system.) This is 
causing things to look even worse, even though I added two “aligned” lines to 
the referenced code block. (If you look at the code you’ll see the obvious 
places to add the lines.)

How do LyX-ers handle this? Is there “LyX” solution to breaking long equations? 
I’m OK with some ad hoc solution for now, or some ERT if it works.


lyx-users mailing list

How to get different change tracking colors for different authors

2020-05-29 Thread list_email
LyX 2.3.2
macoS 10.11.6
PDF viewer Skim

When change tracking is enabled, insertions are shown in LyX as underlined blue 
and deletions are shown in a slightly lighter shade of crossed-out blue. But in 
the PDF, insertions are in blue, no underlining, and deletions are crossed-out 

I’m on a second revision of a manuscript. I want to keep the changes from the 
first revision and also view changes to the second revision, but in different 
colors, both in LyX and PDF. I see that I could make myself the second author, 
as that author is set up for different colors. How do I do that? I see the 
Identity item in Preferences but it doesn’t seem to have any effect. And the 
docs seem a little shy on this topic, as far as I can tell.

BTW the manual says that to get changes to appear in the output one needs 
dvipost. Seems a little stale and no mention of PDF which output seems to 
appear without adding any packages.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Utopia (Fourier) font in Article class uses inconsistent integral signs

2019-11-01 Thread list_email

> On Sep 18, 2019, at 4:55 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> I am using the Article class with the Roman font set to Utopia (Fourier). I 
> believe that “Fourier” indicates a compatible math font, complementing Utopia.
> The integral signs for single and double integrals are different! I don’t 
> think this is correct typesetting. Is there a way to fix this or is this a 
> problem in the Fourier fonts?
> Here is a screen shot showing the problem:
> Jerry

I don’t know if this is a font problem or a LaTeX problem or a LyX problem 
(probably not), but a work-around is to place two single integrals with some 
negative space between them.


lyx-users mailing list

Utopia (Fourier) font in Article class uses inconsistent integral signs

2019-09-18 Thread list_email
I am using the Article class with the Roman font set to Utopia (Fourier). I 
believe that “Fourier” indicates a compatible math font, complementing Utopia.

The integral signs for single and double integrals are different! I don’t think 
this is correct typesetting. Is there a way to fix this or is this a problem in 
the Fourier fonts?

Here is a screen shot showing the problem:

Description: Adobe PDF document


Sporadically incorrect figure layout in two-column Article

2019-09-18 Thread list_email
I frequently experience what appears to be a problem with the Article class. I 
am using two-column format with some floats for figures. The figures take about 
1/4 to 1/3 of the height of a column. Sometimes, two figures get pushed to one 
column, most of the time with no problems, leaving room for some text in the 
same column. Other times, the two figures occupy the entire column and leave 
lots of empty white space above and below each figure but no text there. I 
can’t figure out what causes it to happen except that it can happen after 
adding or deleting some text before the first of the figures; likewise, it can 
revert to correct layout after adding or deleting some text before the first 

I use some defaults and some non-defaults in the Document -> Settings dialog 
box. There are numerous equations.

LyX 2.3.2, macOS 10.11.6.

Here is my preamble:

% Customize character size in captions.

% Drop cap


% Currently using "abstract" only for \saythanks.

% Try to change section, subsection... font sizes.

% Allow amsmath to make IEEE-style equation line breaks across pages and 

Here is a screen shot of thumbnails of three pages. The first and last are 
correctly formatted but the right column of the middle page shows the problem.

Description: Adobe PDF document


Fwd: How to keep versions of a paper in different formats

2019-09-02 Thread list_email

> On Aug 30, 2019, at 5:49 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes  wrote:
> Le 30/08/2019 à 14:03, list_em...@icloud.com a écrit :
>> I have a manuscript which I plan to submit for publication. In its current 
>> form, it is in a format different from what the journal expects and as such 
>> must be converted to the format (IEEE) expected by the journal. (I normally 
>> do this  by copy-pasting large sections of text.) If the manuscript is 
>> rejected by the journal then I will have to either revert to the original 
>> format or convert to a third format for another journal. I have a version 
>> control problem across formats if I make further edits to any version in any 
>> format. Besides tediously manually editing all versions, making the same 
>> changes, is there any way to keep a master document and spawn one or more 
>> alternately-formatted versions with the same content, thus saving the 
>> headache of manually editing each version?
>> I know that LyX has a version control capacity but I have never used it and 
>> I suspect it is not appropriate for this scenario.
> One solution is to have a child document containing the paper itself and 
> different masters depending on the output you want. I do that for courses I 
> give to have both (foilTeX) slides and a two-column handout (based on 
> article) from the same source.
> JMarc

This looks like a good idea. I believe that master document settings override 
child settings as I’m sure you know. I’ll give it a try.


Fwd: How to keep versions of a paper in different formats

2019-09-02 Thread list_email

Thanks. I’ll give this some thought. I suppose it’s time to learn the version 
control stuff anyway. I’ve used SVN and GIT (GIT barely) for code.

I would suppose if I did it your way then I would be looking at diffs of text 
files. This is OK until I have to start looking at diffs of math code.


> On Sep 2, 2019, at 2:35 PM, Dr Eberhard Lisse  wrote:
> Jerry,
> what version control problem?
> If you are on a Mac or Linux, and you are not collaborating with other
> authors, you (just :-)-O) install RCS, rerun Tool -> Reconfigure check
> the sucker in and out.
> You then can put something like this in your preamble
> \usepackage{rcs-multi}
> \rcsid{$Id$}
> after installing rcs-multi if you don't have it already installed, and
> do all sorts of business inside like version numbers in the footer,
> header, watermark or file name.  Checking out a particular older version
> is no drama.
> And then you can ask your friend Google for LaTeX IEEE which will return
> LaTeX templates galore.  I am reasonably certain that you can put a lot
> of this into the preamble perhaps by way of an \include statement so
> that you don't have to muck around much in the LyX for submission.
> Publish or perish :-)-O
> el
> On 2019-08-30 14:03 , list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> I have a manuscript which I plan to submit for publication.  In its
>> current form, it is in a format different from what the journal
>> expects and as such must be converted to the format (IEEE) expected by
>> the journal.  (I normally do this by copy-pasting large sections of
>> text.)  If the manuscript is rejected by the journal then I will have
>> to either revert to the original format or convert to a third format
>> for another journal.  I have a version control problem across formats
>> if I make further edits to any version in any format.  Besides
>> tediously manually editing all versions, making the same changes, is
>> there any way to keep a master document and spawn one or more
>> alternately-formatted versions with the same content, thus saving the
>> headache of manually editing each version?
>> I know that LyX has a version control capacity but I have never used
>> it and I suspect it is not appropriate for this scenario.
>> Jerry

Re: How to keep versions of a paper in different formats

2019-09-02 Thread list_email

> On Aug 30, 2019, at 10:59 AM, Cris Fuhrman  wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 8:04 AM  > wrote:
> I have a manuscript which I plan to submit for publication. In its current 
> form, it is in a format different from what the journal expects and as such 
> must be converted to the format (IEEE) expected by the journal. (I normally 
> do this  by copy-pasting large sections of text.)
> I have done that, too, as it's pretty sketchy to try to copy/paste the whole 
> document (now I don't remember why, anymore; perhaps LyX would crash on my 
> Windows?).

I do the copy-paste of content portions of the document because some formats 
have features that other components do not. So going one way, the new document 
will be missing features and going the other way the new document will have 
code for features that it doesn’t know how to handle and will thus generate 
> If the manuscript is rejected by the journal then I will have to either 
> revert to the original format or convert to a third format for another 
> journal.
> I think I understand in theory what you want to do, but wonder if it's useful 
> or makes sense in practice. Every time I had a paper rejected from a journal, 
> there were changes to be made for good reasons. That is, I never resubmitted 
> the original manuscript to another venu without taking at least some of the 
> feedback into consideration. 
Sure. But there’s always the final rejection. :-( FWIW, IEEE Access operates 
very close to a binary model, thumbs-up or -down with little chance for 
modifications. They did allow me one round of changes, however.

> I have a version control problem across formats if I make further edits to 
> any version in any format. Besides tediously manually editing all versions, 
> making the same changes, is there any way to keep a master document and spawn 
> one or more alternately-formatted versions with the same content, thus saving 
> the headache of manually editing each version?
> Child documents? See https://wiki.lyx.org/FAQ/Multidoc#input-include 
>  - I've used this to reuse 
> stand-alone problem statements inside exam documents (that latter of which 
> have formatting requirements), but I never tried it in the context of an IEEE 
> publication. I think it's going to depend on the formatting.

I’ve looked at this. I think Jean-Marc’s suggestion, one child with multiple 
masters, might work.
> The last three journal/conference papers I worked on were done in LaTeX 
> because not enough of my co-authors appreciate LyX. I'm still keeping LyX for 
> my course notes (like a book), where I'm the sole author. 

What is there to  not appreciate about LyX? A missing layout file would be the 
only problem, right? And mental inertia of your colleagues.


Re: How to keep versions of a paper in different formats

2019-09-02 Thread list_email

> On Aug 30, 2019, at 11:08 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 8/30/19 8:03 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> I have a manuscript which I plan to submit for publication. In its current 
>> form, it is in a format different from what the journal expects and as such 
>> must be converted to the format (IEEE) expected by the journal. (I normally 
>> do this  by copy-pasting large sections of text.) If the manuscript is 
>> rejected by the journal then I will have to either revert to the original 
>> format or convert to a third format for another journal. I have a version 
>> control problem across formats if I make further edits to any version in any 
>> format. Besides tediously manually editing all versions, making the same 
>> changes, is there any way to keep a master document and spawn one or more 
>> alternately-formatted versions with the same content, thus saving the 
>> headache of manually editing each version?
>> I know that LyX has a version control capacity but I have never used it and 
>> I suspect it is not appropriate for this scenario.
>> Jerry
> For what it's worth, I generally do the initial draft in either "Article" or 
> "Article (AMS)". If the journal wants submissions in a different format (some 
> do, in my experience most don't care during the review process), and assuming 
> I can find a LyX layout file for the class they want, I just switch the 
> class, view a PDF and see if anything is horribly wrong. A minimal amount of 
> touching up and it's ready to submit.

True sometimes, but as I replied to Chris, one format can have several features 
that the other one doesn’t have and the touching-up can become a pain because 
that field information is probably in-line LaTeX (ERT). IEEE has several fields 
that are possibly rare or even unique to them. Copy-pasting the content portion 
into the LyX IEEE template can work faster then, with manual filling-in of the 
IEEE-unique fields as they are provided by the template. (Thanks to whoever 
made the IEEE layout and template—it’s fantastic.)


> Paul

How to keep versions of a paper in different formats

2019-08-30 Thread list_email
I have a manuscript which I plan to submit for publication. In its current 
form, it is in a format different from what the journal expects and as such 
must be converted to the format (IEEE) expected by the journal. (I normally do 
this  by copy-pasting large sections of text.) If the manuscript is rejected by 
the journal then I will have to either revert to the original format or convert 
to a third format for another journal. I have a version control problem across 
formats if I make further edits to any version in any format. Besides tediously 
manually editing all versions, making the same changes, is there any way to 
keep a master document and spawn one or more alternately-formatted versions 
with the same content, thus saving the headache of manually editing each 

I know that LyX has a version control capacity but I have never used it and I 
suspect it is not appropriate for this scenario.


Re: Beamer manual and examples fail to render

2019-04-19 Thread list_email
Oops. Should have sent this to the dev list.

> On Apr 19, 2019, at 3:02 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> The Beamer manual, Help -> Specific Manuals -> Beamer Presentations fails to 
> render. I assume that it would render in PDF as a usable presentation by 
> which some of its features are shown thus making the textual part more 
> relevant. Here is the problem:
> Could not find LaTeX command for character '⌃' (code point 0x2303)
> Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the chosen 
> encoding.
> Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help.
> I went to Document -> Settings -> Language and changed Encoding from Language 
> Default to Other -> Unicode (utf8) and then this happened:
> Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ⌃ (U+2303)
> Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ⌃ (U+2303)
> \end{frame}
> Your command was ignored.
> Type  Ito replace it with another command,
> orto continue without it.
> When I clicked Show Output Anyway I got a nice PDF but I don’t know if it has 
> errors.
> The beamer-article.lyx also failed to render for similar reasons but first 
> was this error:
> Included file `[examples/beamer.lyx]'
> has textclass `beamer'
> while parent file has textclass `article-beamer’.
> I can’t figure out a workaround here. I haven’t put much effort into trying 
> to fix this but it seems like the manuals and examples should render without 
> problems.
> Mac OS 10.11.6
> LyX 2.3.2
> Jerry

Beamer manual and examples fail to render

2019-04-19 Thread list_email
The Beamer manual, Help -> Specific Manuals -> Beamer Presentations fails to 
render. I assume that it would render in PDF as a usable presentation by which 
some of its features are shown thus making the textual part more relevant. Here 
is the problem:

Could not find LaTeX command for character '⌃' (code point 0x2303)

Some characters of your document are probably not representable in the chosen 
Changing the document encoding to utf8 could help.

I went to Document -> Settings -> Language and changed Encoding from Language 
Default to Other -> Unicode (utf8) and then this happened:

Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ⌃ (U+2303)
Package inputenc Error: Unicode char ⌃ (U+2303)

Your command was ignored.
Type  Ito replace it with another command,
orto continue without it.

When I clicked Show Output Anyway I got a nice PDF but I don’t know if it has 

The beamer-article.lyx also failed to render for similar reasons but first was 
this error:

Included file `[examples/beamer.lyx]'
has textclass `beamer'
while parent file has textclass `article-beamer’.

I can’t figure out a workaround here. I haven’t put much effort into trying to 
fix this but it seems like the manuals and examples should render without 

Mac OS 10.11.6
LyX 2.3.2


Re: Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-29 Thread list_email

> On Jan 29, 2019, at 7:28 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 1/28/19 11:05 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>>> On Jan 28, 2019, at 7:21 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
>>> On 1/28/19 2:59 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> On Jan 27, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 1/27/19 7:09 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower 
>> case Greek characters?
>> Jerry
> I don't think it's a font issue so much as a LaTeX issue: 
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/595/how-can-i-get-bold-math-symbols.
> Paul
 Yes, I read that page before posting and am having good results with the 
 eighth idea on that page--"Use the command \boldsymbol{YOUR_SYMBOL}”--BUT 
 NOT WITH TIMES ROMAN. I am using Utopia in the body of my paper with the 
 Fourier math font and boldsymbol _works_ for that (those) font(s). 
 However, I expect that at some point I might have to switch to Times Roman 
 for journal publication and boldsymbol _does_not_work then. I think I read 
 that this (bold Greek or bold lower-case Greek) can be a problem with some 
 fonts and I’m concerned that Times Roman is one of them.
>>> Works for me with Times Roman. In the attached LyX file, note the use of 
>>> Times Roman as the math font (font settings) and the inclusion of the 'bm' 
>>> package (preamble settings). The PDF file shows the difference between bold 
>>> and ordinary weight. It might not be as much as I would like on some 
>>> symbols (the omegas are a trifle close for my taste), but the bold symbols 
>>> are definitely heavier than the non-bold symbols.
>>> Paul
>> Thanks, Paul. Interestingly, I get the same results without the bm package 
>> but by using \boldsymbol on the Times Roman (New TX) mathfont.
>> Jerry
> Times Roman (New TX) is what I was using at my end. You're right about not 
> needing the bm package, which defines the \bm command, an alternative to 
> \boldsymbol. I tried \bm and \boldsymbol side by side, and the PDF output 
> looks about the same to me.
> Paul
Thanks for all the help, Paul and Günter.

Re: Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-28 Thread list_email

> On Jan 28, 2019, at 7:21 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 1/28/19 2:59 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>>> On Jan 27, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
>>> On 1/27/19 7:09 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
 Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower case 
 Greek characters?
>>> I don't think it's a font issue so much as a LaTeX issue: 
>>> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/595/how-can-i-get-bold-math-symbols.
>>> Paul
>> Yes, I read that page before posting and am having good results with the 
>> eighth idea on that page--"Use the command \boldsymbol{YOUR_SYMBOL}”--BUT 
>> NOT WITH TIMES ROMAN. I am using Utopia in the body of my paper with the 
>> Fourier math font and boldsymbol _works_ for that (those) font(s). However, 
>> I expect that at some point I might have to switch to Times Roman for 
>> journal publication and boldsymbol _does_not_work then. I think I read that 
>> this (bold Greek or bold lower-case Greek) can be a problem with some fonts 
>> and I’m concerned that Times Roman is one of them.
>> Jerry
> Works for me with Times Roman. In the attached LyX file, note the use of 
> Times Roman as the math font (font settings) and the inclusion of the 'bm' 
> package (preamble settings). The PDF file shows the difference between bold 
> and ordinary weight. It might not be as much as I would like on some symbols 
> (the omegas are a trifle close for my taste), but the bold symbols are 
> definitely heavier than the non-bold symbols.
> Paul

Thanks, Paul. Interestingly, I get the same results without the bm package but 
by using \boldsymbol on the Times Roman (New TX) mathfont.


Re: Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-28 Thread list_email

> On Jan 28, 2019, at 5:45 AM, Guenter Milde  wrote:
> On 2019-01-28, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>>> On Jan 27, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
>>> On 1/27/19 7:09 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
 Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower
 case Greek characters?
> You can get a rich choice of mathematical symbols/characters matching
> Times Roman (including bold Greek letters) with the selection "Times
> Roman (New TX)" in Document>Settings>Fonts>Maths.
> For text, you can use the Times lookalike "Artemisia" from the Greek Font
> Societey, e.g. via http://ctan.org/pkg/substitutefont
> with the following preamble code
> \usepackage{substitutefont}
> % Serif
> \usepackage[scaled=0.97]{newtxtext}
> \substitutefont{LGR}{\rmdefault}{artemisia}
> % Sans
> % \substitutefont{LGR}{\sfdefault}{neohellenic}
> \substitutefont{LGR}{\sfdefault}{maksf}
> % Monospaced
> \substitutefont{LGR}{\ttdefault}{cmtt}  % CB fonts
> Günter
Oh, thanks. I didn’t think of that (Times Roman (New TX)). That is a useful 
workaround. Surely publishers have a different workaround if in fact Times 
Roman is deficient. I just wonder if this workaround is compatible with their 
workaround, if any. I didn’t try your Artemisia suggestion yet but I see that 
you are the maintainer, so thanks for that. It does look like a nice font 
although it is not a Times lookalike to my eyes.


Re: Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-28 Thread list_email

> On Jan 27, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 1/27/19 7:09 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower case 
>> Greek characters?
>> Jerry
> I don't think it's a font issue so much as a LaTeX issue: 
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/595/how-can-i-get-bold-math-symbols.
> Paul
Yes, I read that page before posting and am having good results with the eighth 
idea on that page--"Use the command \boldsymbol{YOUR_SYMBOL}”--BUT NOT WITH 
TIMES ROMAN. I am using Utopia in the body of my paper with the Fourier math 
font and boldsymbol _works_ for that (those) font(s). However, I expect that at 
some point I might have to switch to Times Roman for journal publication and 
boldsymbol _does_not_work then. I think I read that this (bold Greek or bold 
lower-case Greek) can be a problem with some fonts and I’m concerned that Times 
Roman is one of them.


Bold lower case Greek letters in Times Roman font

2019-01-27 Thread list_email
Am I correct in thinking that the Times Roman font has no bold lower case Greek 


Re: PDF graphics is blurred in LyX when scaled

2018-11-16 Thread list_email

> On Nov 11, 2018, at 12:29 AM, Murat Yildizoglu  wrote:
> I have also observed this in the last version under Osx.
> Murat Yildizoglu
> Le 11 nov. 2018 à 03:45 +0100, Baris Erkus , a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> PDF graphics appears to be blurred in LyX when scaled from Graphics Options 
>> --> LaTeX and LyX options --> Show in LyX --> Scale on Screen.
>> I am not sure if this is a feature to reduce CPU rendering workload or smtg, 
>> but it would be really nice to have a clear view of the PDF while working on 
>> the document rather than looking at it using a PDF viewer.
>> See MWE and the view from LyX below.
>> Baris
I have only skimmed this thread so apologies if this is off-topic. At least one 
poster mentioned OSX aka OS X aka macOS. The following section in the LyX wiki 
might be useful:



Re: How to hyphenate a long word in a cited reference

2018-11-12 Thread list_email

> On Nov 9, 2018, at 9:07 AM, Richard Kimberly Heck  wrote:
> On 11/8/18 6:52 AM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> How does one hyphenate a long word that appears in a citation, in the list 
>> of references? The problematic long word appears in the title of a paper and 
>> is not editable as normal text in LyX.
> I assume you have the file where the reference is, yes? Add \- where you
> want to allow a hyphen.
> Riki
I thought of that. The reference is in a Bibtex database so yes, I could do 
that. But it seems crude and awkward—if I change a column width or font or font 
size or number of columns or bibliographic style etc. then the added hyphen 
will appear in the wrong place.


How to hyphenate a long word in a cited reference

2018-11-08 Thread list_email
How does one hyphenate a long word that appears in a citation, in the list of 
references? The problematic long word appears in the title of a paper and is 
not editable as normal text in LyX.


Re: Exporting as PDF (cropped) is not cropping

2018-10-22 Thread list_email

> On Oct 19, 2018, at 4:09 AM, Daniel  wrote:
> On 19/10/2018 11:54, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> When I open a new document, type an equation, and export as PDF (cropped), I 
>> expect to see a PDF file that has zero extra white space around the 
>> graphical portion of the math. Instead, I see an entire page with the 
>> equation on the first line. I.e., no cropping. What am I doing wrong?
>> LyX 2.3.0
>> Jerry
> Works for me on with LyX 2.3.1 on Windows 10. It crops from the equation to 
> the page number, so the area is quite large but not the whole page. If I set 
> the page layout page style to empty (via Document > Settings), I get the 
> formula only.
> (For a short time the full page is shown in the PDF viewer but it is almost 
> immediately replaced by its cropped version.)
> Daniel
Daniel nailed it for me. I just needed to set the Page Style to plain so that 
no header-footer decorations and no page numbers appear. If they do appear, the 
cropping is such that headers-footers and the page number are included.



Exporting as PDF (cropped) is not cropping

2018-10-19 Thread list_email
When I open a new document, type an equation, and export as PDF (cropped), I 
expect to see a PDF file that has zero extra white space around the graphical 
portion of the math. Instead, I see an entire page with the equation on the 
first line. I.e., no cropping. What am I doing wrong?

LyX 2.3.0


Re: How to use "abstract" package with LyX

2018-08-15 Thread list_email

> On Aug 14, 2018, at 11:31 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 08/13/2018 10:31 PM, list_em...@icloud.com  
> wrote:
>>> On Aug 7, 2018, at 11:57 AM, Paul A. Rubin  
>>>  wrote:
>>> On 08/01/2018 07:27 PM, list_em...@icloud.com 
>>>  wrote:
 Has anyone successfully used the “abstract” package with LyX?
 I am trying to use it with "Article (Standard Class)” in two-column mode 
 to get a single-column abstract to appear above the two-column body but am 
 having trouble because the title page command “\maketitle” is called twice 
 which is very bad. You can see more details of my experience here but for 
 now I want to keep this message simple:
>>> First, you're using the package wrong. In theory, you should just add the 
>>> \usepackage command in the preamble, give it any package options you want 
>>> related to the formatting of the abstract title etc., and then add the 
>>> abstract in the usual way (using the Abstract environment, no raw LaTeX 
>>> required). In particular, your typing the \maketitle command in ERT creates 
>>> the duplication you observed.
>> I first tried adding the package to the preamble and got to messing around 
>> with the LaTeX and ERT trying to fix problems.
>>> That said, it's a PITA to get the abstract package to work with LyX. I'm 
>>> attaching two small examples. abstract2.lyx uses the abstract package. I 
>>> did not specify any options to it. The keys were (1) to define the title in 
>>> the preamble and not use the Title environment, which lets you get away 
>>> with specifying the \maketitle command manually, and (2) to stick a forced 
>>> end of line at the end of the abstract, to prevent it from butting up 
>>> against the first section.
>>> The other attached file, abstract.lyx, accomplishes the same thing without 
>>> using the abstract package. IMO it's easier, but may be less desirable if 
>>> you need to customize placement of the title "Abstract" or futz with fonts 
>>> or margins in just the abstract.
>> Thanks again for those files. I believe they work as “advertised.” However, 
>> when I tried to add an author, possibly with a footnote attached to the 
>> author’s name, I ran into problems again. I’ve attached modified versions of 
>> your two MWEs. Maybe you have further comments. I didn’t try adding the 
>> \author field to the preamble but I suppose that could work—don’t know about 
>> fixing the footnote problem though.
>> Jerry
>>> Paul
> I'm not sure there is a way to fix the second of your modified files. Even 
> without an author footnote, the abstract is on a separate page from the 
> author. For your first version, I think I was able to hack it to do what you 
> want. The key was to load the abstract package, even though you won't be 
> using it for the abstract, because it supplies a command named "\saythanks". 
> Sticking that command in ERT after the \twocolumn[] command seems to work. I 
> suppose you could look in the abstract package source code, find the 
> definition of \saythanks, and put that directly in the preamble (or in a 
> little module). That would free you from loading the abstract package, just 
> in case it introduces any side effects somewhere else.
> Paul

This is working. Thanks!

Re: How to use "abstract" package with LyX

2018-08-13 Thread list_email

> On Aug 7, 2018, at 11:57 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 08/01/2018 07:27 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully used the “abstract” package with LyX?
>> http://mirror.las.iastate.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/abstract/abstract.pdf
>> I am trying to use it with "Article (Standard Class)” in two-column mode to 
>> get a single-column abstract to appear above the two-column body but am 
>> having trouble because the title page command “\maketitle” is called twice 
>> which is very bad. You can see more details of my experience here but for 
>> now I want to keep this message simple:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg205850.html
>> Jerry
> First, you're using the package wrong. In theory, you should just add the 
> \usepackage command in the preamble, give it any package options you want 
> related to the formatting of the abstract title etc., and then add the 
> abstract in the usual way (using the Abstract environment, no raw LaTeX 
> required). In particular, your typing the \maketitle command in ERT creates 
> the duplication you observed.

I first tried adding the package to the preamble and got to messing around with 
the LaTeX and ERT trying to fix problems.
> That said, it's a PITA to get the abstract package to work with LyX. I'm 
> attaching two small examples. abstract2.lyx uses the abstract package. I did 
> not specify any options to it. The keys were (1) to define the title in the 
> preamble and not use the Title environment, which lets you get away with 
> specifying the \maketitle command manually, and (2) to stick a forced end of 
> line at the end of the abstract, to prevent it from butting up against the 
> first section.
> The other attached file, abstract.lyx, accomplishes the same thing without 
> using the abstract package. IMO it's easier, but may be less desirable if you 
> need to customize placement of the title "Abstract" or futz with fonts or 
> margins in just the abstract.

Thanks again for those files. I believe they work as “advertised.” However, 
when I tried to add an author, possibly with a footnote attached to the 
author’s name, I ran into problems again. I’ve attached modified versions of 
your two MWEs. Maybe you have further comments. I didn’t try adding the \author 
field to the preamble but I suppose that could work—don’t know about fixing the 
footnote problem though.


abstract copy.lyx
Description: Binary data

abstract2 copy.lyx
Description: Binary data

> Paul

Re: Tiling Window Manager Interaction with LyX

2018-08-10 Thread list_email

> Colleagues,
> A co-worker recently prompted me to experiment with a tiling window manager
> (TWM) within macOS.  I'm still evaluating how it fits in with my workflow.
> However, I've found that it periodically doesn't treat LyX as consistently
> as the other applications I commonly use.  That is, the TWM inconsistently
> fails to properly tile LyX's window.
> Does anyone else use a TWM (either with macOS or another OS)?  If so, have
> you experienced any odd behavior or is this a "feature" of the particular
> TWM application I'm using?
> Thank you,
> Joel
> P.S. The TWM I'm using is chunkwm (https://koekeishiya.github.io/chunkwm/).

I use Flexiglass on macOS. I recall a problem with LyX some time back but I 
can’t remember what it was. Surely searching the list archive for “Flexiglass” 
will turn it up. Oh—you will need to search the developer mailing list. I don’t 
recall any recent problems, however.

OK—I did it for you. 8^) I don’t know whether this is relevant on recent LyX 



Re: How to use "abstract" package with LyX

2018-08-07 Thread list_email

> On Aug 7, 2018, at 11:57 AM, Paul A. Rubin  wrote:
> On 08/01/2018 07:27 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
>> Has anyone successfully used the “abstract” package with LyX?
>> http://mirror.las.iastate.edu/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/abstract/abstract.pdf
>> I am trying to use it with "Article (Standard Class)” in two-column mode to 
>> get a single-column abstract to appear above the two-column body but am 
>> having trouble because the title page command “\maketitle” is called twice 
>> which is very bad. You can see more details of my experience here but for 
>> now I want to keep this message simple:
>> https://www.mail-archive.com/lyx-devel@lists.lyx.org/msg205850.html
>> Jerry
> First, you're using the package wrong. In theory, you should just add the 
> \usepackage command in the preamble, give it any package options you want 
> related to the formatting of the abstract title etc., and then add the 
> abstract in the usual way (using the Abstract environment, no raw LaTeX 
> required). In particular, your typing the \maketitle command in ERT creates 
> the duplication you observed.
> That said, it's a PITA to get the abstract package to work with LyX. I'm 
> attaching two small examples. abstract2.lyx uses the abstract package. I did 
> not specify any options to it. The keys were (1) to define the title in the 
> preamble and not use the Title environment, which lets you get away with 
> specifying the \maketitle command manually, and (2) to stick a forced end of 
> line at the end of the abstract, to prevent it from butting up against the 
> first section.
> The other attached file, abstract.lyx, accomplishes the same thing without 
> using the abstract package. IMO it's easier, but may be less desirable if you 
> need to customize placement of the title "Abstract" or futz with fonts or 
> margins in just the abstract.
> Paul

Thanks a lot, Paul. I was able eventually to get a reasonable result but then I 
wasn’t able to duplicate it on a new document. Both of your examples give good 
results for my purposes. (Curious about the differing vertical space after the 
section title, “The Text,” but that’s not concerning me right now.) I’m 
planning another writing project in a few days which will give me a chance to 
try your methods. Thanks again.


How to use "abstract" package with LyX

2018-08-01 Thread list_email
Has anyone successfully used the “abstract” package with LyX?


I am trying to use it with "Article (Standard Class)” in two-column mode to get 
a single-column abstract to appear above the two-column body but am having 
trouble because the title page command “\maketitle” is called twice which is 
very bad. You can see more details of my experience here but for now I want to 
keep this message simple:



Re: How to suppress unwanted BibDesk fields in IEEE manuscript when using LyX

2016-12-06 Thread list_email

> On Dec 1, 2016, at 4:04 PM, list_em...@icloud.com wrote:
> Sorry for cross-posting.
> I am preparing an IEEE Transactions manuscript (IEEEtran LyX template) that 
> references a bibtex database maintained by BibDesk. BibDesk shows filled-in 
> fields for such things as DOI, URL, and ISSN. I do not want these fields to 
> appear in the IEEE bibliography because IEEE formatting does not want them, 
> but they do. Is this a bug in IEEEtran or can this be controlled by LyX or do 
> I have to mess with something else? Is this related to IEEEtran.cls?
> Thanks,
> Jerry

Just to close off this thread: I believe that the problem arose in how I came 
to use IEEEtrans. I originally wrote my piece using the standard Article class, 
then switched to IEEE class. Things looked pretty good until I looked more 
closely, then I realized that there were certain problems, including the one I 
described above. Others included wrong text size on figure and table captions 
and no drop cap on the first paragraph. I copied and pasted sections from the 
Article in LyX into a blank IEEE template in LyX and most of the problems went 
away. I still had to fiddle around to get things right. I suspect that had I 
originally written the piece in the IEEE LyX template, there wouldn’t have been 
problems. It seems that it is expecting too much to have all formatting, or 
even major aspects of formatting, be preserved when switching document classes 
within LyX.

Thanks for the comments.


How to suppress unwanted BibDesk fields in IEEE manuscript when using LyX

2016-12-01 Thread list_email
Sorry for cross-posting.

I am preparing an IEEE Transactions manuscript (IEEEtran LyX template) that 
references a bibtex database maintained by BibDesk. BibDesk shows filled-in 
fields for such things as DOI, URL, and ISSN. I do not want these fields to 
appear in the IEEE bibliography because IEEE formatting does not want them, but 
they do. Is this a bug in IEEEtran or can this be controlled by LyX or do I 
have to mess with something else? Is this related to IEEEtran.cls?


Re: LyX questions on LaTeX-community.org

2016-06-10 Thread list_email
On Jun 9, 2016, at 1:52 PM, Steve Litt  wrote:

> It's easy, it's automatic, and the information comes
> to you instead of having to go out and get it.

Steve hit the nail on the head.
