Re: [M100] Warning: Not a(n) M100 but a PC-2 question.

2020-03-31 Thread Ron Lauzon
The batteries only give the extra "oomph" to run the solenoids when printing.

But it's possible that the printer is reporting batteries too low.

Note that you can use a more powerful AC adapter to power the printer/PC-2.  I 
have a 2A one for my set up.  Then you don't need the batteries at all.


TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102 - 
Tandy 1100FD - Commodore 64 - TRS-80 Model 4P
RC2014 (Mini and Pro) - Altair-Duino with TI Silent 700 - VT320 
terminal/Raspberry Pi 0
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper and don't 
require a big garage.

Mar 31, 2020, 14:58 by

> I have one of those. The printer needs the batteries to function. They 
> provide current sinking beyond what the wall wart does.
> Philip
> On 1/04/2020 5:04 am, Jesse Huyett wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Asking here having seen some other handhelds come up, and this seems to be a 
>> welcoming group for all things Tandy. Feel free to point me elsewhere, tell 
>> me otherwise, or state where I can stick this thing.
>> Pocet Computer 2 with the Printer/ Cassette Interface.
>> I passed the first "CHECK 6" error having realized no power was getting 
>> through due to a bad Cadmium battery.
>> Removed and now getting the pleasant sound of a printer going through the 
>> self check...
>> Still ends up on CHECK 6 though.
>> Definitely getting power, doesn't seem jammed, ...  Is anyone familiar with 
>> the startup process and know what I should look for next?
>> Regards,
>> Jesse

Re: [M100] Just got my 100

2020-04-01 Thread Ron Lauzon
Owning vintage computer equipment is really no different than owning a vintage 

You can't go to the local auto repair shop to get it fixed because they won't 
have the tools or the parts.
Speaking of parts, you can't go to your local auto parts shop because they 
don't have the parts (for the most part).

You will have to learn how to maintain the electronics to keep it running, just 
like someone who owns a 1931 Ford Model A will have to learn how to maintain 
the car.

That's the reason why I won't even consider buying some vintage computing 
equipment: I don't have the skill and I don't have the time to learn.

But in working with vintage (and retro) computing equipment has taught me a 
great deal and expanded my knowledge about computers in general.

But if you are unwilling to acquire the knowledge, you would probably be better 
off using modern hardware with software emulators.

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102 - 
Tandy 1100FD - Commodore 64 - TRS-80 Model 4P - Tandy 1400LT
RC2014 (Mini and Pro) - Altair-Duino with TI Silent 700 - VT320 
terminal/Raspberry Pi 0
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper and don't 
require a big garage.

On 4/1/20 3:40 PM, me wrote:

>> I have never soldered a thing in my life. Nor have I ever bought capacitors.
>> Add this to a pile of retro gear 'tested' before I bought it to be dead or 
>> near doa. When will I learn?

Re: [M100] Hello......!

2020-06-04 Thread Ron Lauzon
My understanding is that the NADSbox was superceded by dlplus and later 

I created a recipe and software to use a Raspberry Pi 0, battery and display to 
create something similar to a NADSbox (i.e. you just hook it up and it works 
like a TPDD).

But you can run LaddieAlpha on your own PC or mComm on your phone/tablet to do 
the same thing.

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102 - 
Tandy 1100FD - Tandy 1400LT - Commodore 64 - TRS-80 Model 4P
RC2014 (Mini and Pro) - Altair-Duino with TI Silent 700 - VT320 
terminal/Raspberry Pi 0
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper and don't 
require a big garage.

Jun 4, 2020, 14:54 by

> …and a bunch of questions!!
> New M100 owner here, having just acquired one in pretty good condition, and 
> (seemingly) fully working, from eBay.>  
> I really do love this laptop! Wonderful keyboard, elegant and simple, 
> functional and yet not stuffed with nonsense I have no need for. And I have 
> to say, I learnt everything (long-since forgotten now) on a TRS-80 Model 1, a 
> couple of whole generations ago, so the M100 feels very familiar.
> But, here’s the thing: It’s so good to use, I want to put it to use, but that 
> means some way of moving files off it, preferably to a 2017-vintage iMac, or 
> possibly a Windows 10 workstation. But how?
> I’d have bought a NADSbox and done it via an SD card, which seems the best 
> way, but there aren’t any to buy, of course. All the talk of null modems and 
> terminal commands are a mystery to me, not least because I have no starting 
> point in what I’m looking for or how to use it.
> I have ordered an Android TV Box TPDD Server from because 
> it looked like it might help, but that’s only because it was pictured 
> connected to an M100!
> I write a ton of reports and proposals, and the M100 keyboard is way better 
> than anything I have to type on otherwise! I also plan to (re)learn BASIC and 
> write some of my own software for it, and I’d like to have somewhere to load 
> from/save to.
> So, the questions are:
> Well, firstly, does anyone have a NADSbox in working condition they don’t 
> want?
> No? I thought not. Well, then… deep breath and speaking as a newbie, what do 
> I need, where from, and how do I get it to work?!
> By the way, when I bought the M100, I had no idea there was still a thriving 
> community of users, let alone a good, old-fashioned mailing list! I am really 
> impressed!!! And the 100 is really cool too!
> Thanks in advance,
> Andy

Re: [M100] RS232 IO BASIC question

2020-08-05 Thread Ron Lauzon
You can have the COM port open for both input and output at the same time.

I did a TPDD-ish experiment a while ago and wrote some BASIC programs to work 
with it.



TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102 - 
Tandy 1100FD - Tandy 1400LT - Commodore 64 - TRS-80 Model 4P
RC2014 (Mini and Pro) - Altair-Duino with TI Silent 700 - VT320 
terminal/Raspberry Pi 0
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper and don't 
require a big garage.

Aug 5, 2020, 09:57 by

> Hello Everybody,
>   I have a quick question about serial IO. I have a serial  plotter 
> connected to my 200 and have been sending commands to it,  but I haven't 
> been able to read responses back. I posed it here  (only sending 
> commands): > 
>   if you want to see it working.
> This is the code for sending commands to the plotter:
> 5 F$ = "COM:88N1ENN"
>  20 PRINT #1, "IN"
>  30 PRINT #1, "SV1"
>  40 PRINT #1, "EC"
>  50 PRINT #1, "AS4"
>  60 PRINT #1, "LB++1050HELLO REDDIT"
>  70 PRINT #1, "LB++0900/U/BiggRanger"
>  80 PRINT #1, "LB++0750> August4,2020> "
> I want to read responses back, I've tried closing the port and  then 
> opening as "FOR INPUT", but that isn't working. I think it  may be 
> clearing the input buffer when opening the port. 
> I want to create a subroutine the sends a command to check the  status of 
> the plotter, receive the string back and parse it to see  if the plotter 
> is busy and keep looping until it's not busy, or  there is an error. I 
> just can't figuer out sending and receiving  over serial with the 200.
> Darren Clark

Re: [M100] Newbie

2021-02-09 Thread Ron Lauzon
Vinegar.  You will find many videos about cleaning up leaking batteries on 

This is a common problem with vintage computers.


TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102 - 
Tandy 1100FD - Tandy 1400LT - Commodore 64 - TRS-80 Model 4P - Kaypro IV - 
Commodore PET
RC2014 (Mini, Zed and Pro) - Altair-Duino with TI Silent 700 - VT320 
terminal/Raspberry Pi 0
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper and don't 
require a big garage.

Feb 9, 2021, 15:26 by

> Just joined the list as I just acquired a used TRS80 Model 100. Of course 
> it's not working, so I just wanted to first ask for some advice. I have been 
> reading info at Club100.
> Basically, I feel I need to buy some stuff at Club100. First and foremost a 
> new battery, which is highly recommended. Also expansion RAM (since none has 
> been installed), probably the power supply (although maybe premature). But 
> probably better cost wise to get everything right away (shipping costs!). 
> Anyhow, opening it up though I see that this thing obviously had batteries 
> left in it and there is dry acid (whatever that is) about that general area 
> on the board. My concern is that that might be enough damage that there's no 
> way to recover it. Or maybe cleaning that area up might be fine. What is 
> recommended for cleaning up battery acid, btw.
> Thanks for any suggestions!
>  Curtis

[M100] Virtual cassette idea

2017-07-28 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm running an idea through my head and I'd like to bounce it off you guys.

The idea is to create a virtual cassette recorder/player.  Possibly
for my T102, but also for the pocket computers that I have.

I've found this
which is pretty much done.  I would just have to hook up an RS-232
shifter and sacrifice a cassette cable for my T102.

I've also found this
that I'd have to do my own programming for as well as add an Arduino.
This one also has normal 3.5mm jacks, so no cable sacrifice needed.

The idea would be that I could use CSAVE and record a WAV file onto
the SD card and use CLOAD to read it back in when I wanted.  I've seen
this offered as a way to load software for pocket computers using
their cassette interface and the sound inputs/outputs on a PC.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

Re: [M100] Model T upgrades

2017-07-29 Thread Ron Lauzon
I've been thinking of something similar.  Rasp Pi running Linux, using
a USB-to-Serial cable, and dlplus compiled for the Rasp Pi.  It
wouldn't be hard to set up dlplus to start up whenever the serial port

I've had something similar on my Linux desktop for a while now.  So I
don't see why a Rasp Pi version won't work.

On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 2:49 PM, Earl Evans  wrote:
> I've had thoughts about using a Raspberry Pi Zero W with some additional
> pieces to make a portable disk station. Haven't actually prototyped anything
> yet, but how about this:
> Raspberry Pi Zero W
> Laddie Alpha and some other software for file transfer to/from the Pi (e.g.,
> SSH, Samba, etc.)
> Script to run Laddie Alpha on startup
> "Juice Pack" used to recharge USB devices (10 amp-hour devices are pretty
> cheap these days, and I run a RasPi Zero W from one)
> MAX3232 connected to Pi's UART pins (avoids the need for a FTDI-style USB to
> serial, although that would also work) with a DB25 cable for M100 connection
> Stick it all in a small plastic box (so the WiFi can get through) and take
> it with you!
> All these pieces are readily available and cheap, and the end product
> wouldn't be that big. The largest heaviest piece would be the juice pack,
> but the good news on that is, it's rechargeable. Although you wouldn't have
> removable SD card functionality, you would have WiFi to get your files back
> and forth.
> For extra credit, with some scripts, the GPIO pins on the RasPi could be
> used to start/stop the Laddie Alpha software, and perhaps even show on an
> LED when it's running.
> Has anyone done something like this? Think it would work?
> - Earl
> On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 8:39 AM, Bert Put  wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> Slightly off-topic, but wanted to say that I so appreciate you doing the
>> original NADSBox run as I still use mine at least weekly.   I take notes
>> in portable situations where the M-102 and the NADSBox can often be a
>> better, more compact solution than a smart phone, tablet, etc.
>> So my NADSBox is still going strong!  I just find it works better in my
>> situation than using another machine as a storage device.  Thank you!
>> Cheers,Bert
>> On 07/28/2017 10:50 PM, Ken Pettit wrote:
>> > Hi Ray,
>> >
>> > When I did the first run of NADSBoxes in 2008 / 2009 timeframe, my
>> > up-front cash expenditure was $13K for 240 NADSBoxes.  This is when I
>> > was having them built and assembled in China.  I probably still could
>> > have them built and assembled there, though it is a bit more challenging
>> > since I no longer live there.
>> >
>> > Turns out I am traveling to China next week and will be visiting
>> > Shenzhen for 5 days!  YEA!!!  Maybe I could visit my old haunts while
>> > there (in fact I am looking forward to it).
>> >
>> > One of the concerns with NADSBox is that I need to update the layout a
>> > bit to select a different SD card socket ... the socket used in the last
>> > round of NADSBoxes was acquired from a Chinese source with no real part
>> > number or way to track it.  So the footprint is specific to that part
>> > which is no longer available.
>> >
>> > I am working actively on Woolly which would replace REX and in a way,
>> > NADSBox, via TPDD access to a host via WiFi.  But this is still a big
>> > development effort, both in terms of hardware and software.
>> >
>> > If you still wanted to put up the cash after reading this, we probably
>> > wouldn't need to build 240 NADSBoxes as demand isn't what it was in
>> > 2009, but it would still be in the $8K - $9K range I would guess for
>> > NADSBox alone.  I don't know for REX.
>> >
>> > Ken

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

Re: [M100] Virtual cassette idea

2017-07-30 Thread Ron Lauzon
I did some more research today and I'm looking at getting this
(  Only $22 and has
headphone/microphone jacks and supports WAV encoding.

When I priced out my original idea, it would have been about $100 in
hardware alone, then I have to spend time programming it.  So if I can
get this thing to work for only $22
We'll see.

On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Scott Lawrence  wrote:
> I've heard that this works even though my gut and knowledge of MP3
> compression tells me that it can't possibly work. ;)
> I have one of these radio shack recorders
> and it worked ok but the interface is clunky.
> I also have a tascam Dr-05 portable recorder that works really well for
> audio and for computer work. :D
> S
> Sent from your iPhone.
> On Jul 30, 2017, at 6:06 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 4:38 AM, Stephen Adolph 
> wrote:
>> I think the problem is voltage level from common audio devices is not high
>> enough.  Need to have at least 2vpp.  Most devices put out max 1.
> Well FWIW, I was able to load a program via MP3 file on my iPhone 7.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

Re: [M100] Is the Club 100 site down?

2017-09-02 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm getting a name resolution failure when going to the Club 100 site
this morning.

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 5:54 PM, Roger Mullins  wrote:
> Ooooh. I've been through a cascading RAID failure at my office. My
> condolences to them. :-(
> Roger
> Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
>  Original message 
> From: Ken Pettit 
> Date: 09/01/2017 5:27 PM (GMT-05:00)
> To:
> Subject: Re: [M100] Is the Club 100 site down?
> Hi Roger,
> Lizard Hill sent me an email this morning stating they they had multiple
> concurrent hard drive failures this morning they they had to replace and
> rebuild the RAID array.  They indicated no data was lost but there might be
> blacklisted IPs or other issues.
> I just tried Club100 and cannot access it either.  I will send Don at Lizard
> Hill an email asking him to check it out.
> Ken
> On 9/1/17 2:22 PM, Roger Mullins wrote:
> Just curious - says it's down for everybody at the
> moment but was wondering if anyone else could get in.
> Roger

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

[M100] LaddieAlpha on Raspberry PI 0

2017-09-22 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm doing some experimenting with a Raspberry Pi 0 W.

One of the experiments is using the Pi as a TPDD.
I got DLPlus working, but I wanted to try LaddieAlpha.

The mono install went easily.  I downloaded LaddieAlpha from
and ran the command
mono ./LaddieAlpha.EXE /dev/ttyUSB0 6

But I get an error of:

Could not load type 'LaddieCon.LaddieIoWin32' from assembly
'LaddieAlpha, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
  at LaddieCon.ClassMain.Main (System.String[] args) [0x0009a] in

Did I miss something?  I've checked
and I didn't see that I had to install something else to make this
work under Linux.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

Re: [M100] LaddieAlpha on Raspberry PI 0

2017-09-23 Thread Ron Lauzon
Ya.  Raspbian.

On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:36 AM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> So what OS are you using? Raspbian?
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

Re: [M100] LaddieAlpha on Raspberry PI 0

2017-09-23 Thread Ron Lauzon
Must be another bad Microsoft error message (I have to deal with those
all the time at work).

While checking out this page:
I found this:

It turns out installing mono runtime doesn’t quite get you all the
bits you need. You need to run the following command:
sudo apt-get install  libmono-system-core4.0-cil

And that's what it took.  Once that was installed, it worked.


On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 1:33 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> It's weird because mono compiles modules as needed, and it should not be
> loading that type
> 'LaddieCon.LaddieIoWin32'
> It is only supposed to load that if the -win32 flag is passed.
> Maybe install WINE? I don't think that should matter but maybe it's trying
> to link to it.
> If you want to mess with the source or try debugging the problem, git clone
> from here
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.

Re: [M100] New 102 owner.

2017-11-22 Thread Ron Lauzon
It was an eBay ad.  I remember seeing it too (more than a few times).
The guy wanted way too much for the set up.

On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 12:53 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> I remember one of these being mentioned on the list before.  But I can’t
> recall if it was just an eBay ad or someone picked it up.
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

[M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-28 Thread Ron Lauzon
Here's the setup I'm going to talk about:
Tandy 102, serial cable to my Arduino with an RS-232 shifter.  I'm
using the SoftwareSerial library to interface the RS-232 shifter to
the Arduino via the Arduino's TX/RX pins - as opposed to using the USB

Software-wise, this is pretty simple.  I'm just writing a text file in
the Text app and saving it to COM:98N1E

Here's my frustration.  No matter what I do, the 102 stops sending
after about 80 bytes.

The only way I could get it to work was to reduce the speed to 300 BPS
(and, of course, saving to COM:38N1E).

Keep in mind that this is the 102 sending to the Arduino.  I find it
difficult to believe that the Arduino couldn't keep up.  And when I
tried other BPS, it stopped in exactly the same place: at 80 bytes.

The 102 never showed an error message.  Everything looked like it
worked fine on that end.  But the rest of the text file never appeared
on the Arduino side.

The Arduino set up doesn't support hardware flow control.  So I
thought that enableing XON/XOFF would make sure that the 102 didn't do
that (No, I didn't see any XON/XOFF characters on the Arduino side

Is there some sort of strangeness in the 102 that turns some sort of
hardware flow-control on for speeds > 300 BPS?  Or did I miss setting

If there was a problem with one side keeping up, I expected to see
dropped characters, not communications just stopping after 80 bytes.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-28 Thread Ron Lauzon
I don't believe that the RS-232 shifter that I am using for this
supports DTR/DSR loopback.  I'll try a different shifter tomorrow and
see what happens.


On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 5:19 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> Are you looping back DTR to DSR? Not sure that it should matter but that’s
> one thing to try.
> M100 programs sometimes check DTR. Nothing I know of except HTERM and TBACK
> use RTS/CTS.
> And this is just transmitting so the 64 byte receive queue doesn’t really
> enter into it.
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-28 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm using pins 62 and 63.  I am using an Arduino Mega (left over from
a previous project that needed more memory and the standard Arduino
Uno).  Those are were the only available pins that would support the
RS-232 shifter.

I'm making the assumption based on the fact that the Arduino is
faster.  But it's just an assumption.  But I did do a SAVE "COM:98N1E"
in my testing and more than 80 bytes were sent to the Arduino.

For debugging right now, all characters that enter the Arduino are
echoed out the USB/Serial.  So I can see everything that arrives on
the serial connection.

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Fugu ME100  wrote:
> Which pins are you using for the software serial port?  It should be able
> to run up to at least 57600bps on the Ardruino.
> How do you know the 102 stops sending?   Could the Arduino stop receiving?
> I assume at the moment you are just reading in on the Software Serial port
> and passing it out on the USB port to make sure everything works OK?
> On 28/11/17, 2:07 PM, "M100 on behalf of Ron Lauzon"
>  wrote:
>>Here's the setup I'm going to talk about:
>>Tandy 102, serial cable to my Arduino with an RS-232 shifter.  I'm
>>using the SoftwareSerial library to interface the RS-232 shifter to
>>the Arduino via the Arduino's TX/RX pins - as opposed to using the USB
>>Software-wise, this is pretty simple.  I'm just writing a text file in
>>the Text app and saving it to COM:98N1E
>>Here's my frustration.  No matter what I do, the 102 stops sending
>>after about 80 bytes.
>>The only way I could get it to work was to reduce the speed to 300 BPS
>>(and, of course, saving to COM:38N1E).
>>Keep in mind that this is the 102 sending to the Arduino.  I find it
>>difficult to believe that the Arduino couldn't keep up.  And when I
>>tried other BPS, it stopped in exactly the same place: at 80 bytes.
>>The 102 never showed an error message.  Everything looked like it
>>worked fine on that end.  But the rest of the text file never appeared
>>on the Arduino side.
>>The Arduino set up doesn't support hardware flow control.  So I
>>thought that enableing XON/XOFF would make sure that the 102 didn't do
>>that (No, I didn't see any XON/XOFF characters on the Arduino side
>>Is there some sort of strangeness in the 102 that turns some sort of
>>hardware flow-control on for speeds > 300 BPS?  Or did I miss setting
>>If there was a problem with one side keeping up, I expected to see
>>dropped characters, not communications just stopping after 80 bytes.
>>Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>   Homepage:
>>   Weblog:
>>TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
>>Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
>>and don't require a big garage.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-28 Thread Ron Lauzon
I remember looking into that a while back on a previous project that I
was using this hardware for.  I don't remember why I didn't use the
built in serial ports of the Mega.
I'll look into that as well.


On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Bob Pigford  wrote:
> Ron,
> On one of my Arduino projects I finally gave up on SoftwareSerial on an Uno 
> and went to a Mega so I could have several real serial ports.  As I recall, 
> there are a total of 4 available (don't remember the pin nos.).  Something 
> like ...
>  Serial.
>  Serial1.
>  Serial2.
>  Serial3.
> Example for the first 2 hardware ports on a Mega:
> void setup() {
>   // initialize both serial ports:
>   Serial.begin(9600);
>   Serial1.begin(9600);
> }
> Thereafter I had no serial issues.  I realize that you have probably already 
> tried this, but I offer this small thing from my experience.
> Good Luck,
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: M100 [] On Behalf Of Ron Lauzon
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question
> I'm using pins 62 and 63.  I am using an Arduino Mega (left over from a 
> previous project that needed more memory and the standard Arduino Uno).  
> Those are were the only available pins that would support the
> RS-232 shifter.
> I'm making the assumption based on the fact that the Arduino is faster.  But 
> it's just an assumption.  But I did do a SAVE "COM:98N1E"
> in my testing and more than 80 bytes were sent to the Arduino.
> For debugging right now, all characters that enter the Arduino are echoed out 
> the USB/Serial.  So I can see everything that arrives on the serial 
> connection.
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Fugu ME100  wrote:
>> Which pins are you using for the software serial port?  It should be
>> able to run up to at least 57600bps on the Ardruino.
>> How do you know the 102 stops sending?   Could the Arduino stop receiving?
>> I assume at the moment you are just reading in on the Software Serial
>> port and passing it out on the USB port to make sure everything works OK?
>> On 28/11/17, 2:07 PM, "M100 on behalf of Ron Lauzon"
>>  wrote:
>>>Here's the setup I'm going to talk about:
>>>Tandy 102, serial cable to my Arduino with an RS-232 shifter.  I'm
>>>using the SoftwareSerial library to interface the RS-232 shifter to
>>>the Arduino via the Arduino's TX/RX pins - as opposed to using the USB
>>>Software-wise, this is pretty simple.  I'm just writing a text file in
>>>the Text app and saving it to COM:98N1E
>>>Here's my frustration.  No matter what I do, the 102 stops sending
>>>after about 80 bytes.
>>>The only way I could get it to work was to reduce the speed to 300 BPS
>>>(and, of course, saving to COM:38N1E).
>>>Keep in mind that this is the 102 sending to the Arduino.  I find it
>>>difficult to believe that the Arduino couldn't keep up.  And when I
>>>tried other BPS, it stopped in exactly the same place: at 80 bytes.
>>>The 102 never showed an error message.  Everything looked like it
>>>worked fine on that end.  But the rest of the text file never appeared
>>>on the Arduino side.
>>>The Arduino set up doesn't support hardware flow control.  So I
>>>thought that enableing XON/XOFF would make sure that the 102 didn't do
>>>that (No, I didn't see any XON/XOFF characters on the Arduino side
>>>Is there some sort of strangeness in the 102 that turns some sort of
>>>hardware flow-control on for speeds > 300 BPS?  Or did I miss setting
>>>If there was a problem with one side keeping up, I expected to see
>>>dropped characters, not communications just stopping after 80 bytes.
>>>Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>>   Homepage:
>>>   Weblog:

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-29 Thread Ron Lauzon
I located the pin numbers for the Mega's serial ports.  It looks like
Serial1 and Serial2 conflicted with the SD card shield.  But I did get
communication on Serial3.
Unfortunately, it has the same problem.  Fails after the same number
of chars sent.

So not much of an improvement.  But at least I got rid of the
SoftwareSerial library from my project.

I broke out the RS-232 shifters that supports DSR/DTR and set them up
to loopback on the RS-232 side, but I couldn't get them to work.
I have a couple of things I need to check, but I think those shifters
simply don't work.

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Bob Pigford  wrote:
> Ron,
> On one of my Arduino projects I finally gave up on SoftwareSerial on an Uno 
> and went to a Mega so I could have several real serial ports.  As I recall, 
> there are a total of 4 available (don't remember the pin nos.).  Something 
> like ...
>  Serial.
>  Serial1.
>  Serial2.
>  Serial3.
> Example for the first 2 hardware ports on a Mega:
> void setup() {
>   // initialize both serial ports:
>   Serial.begin(9600);
>   Serial1.begin(9600);
> }
> Thereafter I had no serial issues.  I realize that you have probably already 
> tried this, but I offer this small thing from my experience.
> Good Luck,
> Bob
> -Original Message-
> From: M100 [] On Behalf Of Ron Lauzon
> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 5:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question
> I'm using pins 62 and 63.  I am using an Arduino Mega (left over from a 
> previous project that needed more memory and the standard Arduino Uno).  
> Those are were the only available pins that would support the
> RS-232 shifter.
> I'm making the assumption based on the fact that the Arduino is faster.  But 
> it's just an assumption.  But I did do a SAVE "COM:98N1E"
> in my testing and more than 80 bytes were sent to the Arduino.
> For debugging right now, all characters that enter the Arduino are echoed out 
> the USB/Serial.  So I can see everything that arrives on the serial 
> connection.
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 5:46 PM, Fugu ME100  wrote:
>> Which pins are you using for the software serial port?  It should be
>> able to run up to at least 57600bps on the Ardruino.
>> How do you know the 102 stops sending?   Could the Arduino stop receiving?
>> I assume at the moment you are just reading in on the Software Serial
>> port and passing it out on the USB port to make sure everything works OK?
>> On 28/11/17, 2:07 PM, "M100 on behalf of Ron Lauzon"
>>  wrote:
>>>Here's the setup I'm going to talk about:
>>>Tandy 102, serial cable to my Arduino with an RS-232 shifter.  I'm
>>>using the SoftwareSerial library to interface the RS-232 shifter to
>>>the Arduino via the Arduino's TX/RX pins - as opposed to using the USB
>>>Software-wise, this is pretty simple.  I'm just writing a text file in
>>>the Text app and saving it to COM:98N1E
>>>Here's my frustration.  No matter what I do, the 102 stops sending
>>>after about 80 bytes.
>>>The only way I could get it to work was to reduce the speed to 300 BPS
>>>(and, of course, saving to COM:38N1E).
>>>Keep in mind that this is the 102 sending to the Arduino.  I find it
>>>difficult to believe that the Arduino couldn't keep up.  And when I
>>>tried other BPS, it stopped in exactly the same place: at 80 bytes.
>>>The 102 never showed an error message.  Everything looked like it
>>>worked fine on that end.  But the rest of the text file never appeared
>>>on the Arduino side.
>>>The Arduino set up doesn't support hardware flow control.  So I
>>>thought that enableing XON/XOFF would make sure that the 102 didn't do
>>>that (No, I didn't see any XON/XOFF characters on the Arduino side
>>>Is there some sort of strangeness in the 102 that turns some sort of
>>>hardware flow-control on for speeds > 300 BPS?  Or did I miss setting
>>>If there was a problem with one side keeping up, I expected to see
>>>dropped characters, not communications just stopping after 80 bytes.
>>>Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>>   Homepage:

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-29 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm trying to avoid making a custom cable.

The shifters that I'm trying to use have jumpers that allow me to
control the DSR/DTR on both ends of the connection so that I don't
need to make a custom cable.
Right now, the jumper is set to loopback on the M100 side of the connection.

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-11-30 Thread Ron Lauzon
Well, the DTR/DSR loopback became moot.  Both of the shifters that I
had that supported DSR/DTR failed.  I couldn't get them to work at all
(even without the DTR/DSR settings).  I think I messed them up a while

But it seems that 1200 BPS will work off the internal Mega serial
ports with the known good shifter that I have.

So this project is a success.  Thanks to all of you who helped me out.
I appreciate it.

My project is documented on github
( if you want to see what I did.

It was a simple project, but it helped me pass the time until I start
my new job on Monday.

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 6:02 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Ron Lauzon  wrote:
>> I broke out the RS-232 shifters that supports DSR/DTR and set them up
>> to loopback on the RS-232 side, but I couldn't get them to work.
>> I have a couple of things I need to check, but I think those shifters
>> simply don't work.
> Hello Ron,
> Some confusion here, at least as to what I'm suggesting.
> DSR / DTR loopback is completely on the Model 100 side of the cabling. Has
> nothing to do with the level shifter or the Arduino.
> Imagine on the M100's DB25, directly wiring the M100's DTR pin to M100's DSR
> pin. That's it. So if you have a custom cable you're just shorting one pin
> to another at the DB25 end. No wire in the cable is involved, just at the
> connector.
> The old Club100 "comp-link" cable did this. It completely defeats the M100's
> DSR check, since whenever serial port is activated, the DTR is kept
> asserted.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Tandy 102 Text question

2017-12-01 Thread Ron Lauzon
This project 
gave me the idea to try my project.  He is using 1200 BPS as well.
But, strangely, he's using 7 bits and ignoring parity, as well as
turning off XON/XOFF.

I'm in control of what the Arduino sends, so I know it's not sending
an XOFF.  Now that doesn't mean that something else is happening and
an XOFF is getting sent to my T102.
I'm running on the assumption that the Arduino, being much newer
hardware, should have no trouble keeping up with the T102.  I think
that's a correct assumption, but it's still an assumption.

If I spent the resources to get an RS-232 monitor, I might be able to
see which end is having the issue, but it's not worth it to me right

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 5:30 PM, Mike Stein  wrote:
> Sounds nice!
> Nothing wrong with using a 'shifter' and I'm just picking a nit, but the 
> issue with interfacing RS232 to TTL in this case is not so much the voltage 
> but the polarity. The ModelT outputs +5V to -5V and some TTL-type inputs 
> don't like a negative voltage even if it's current limited as it is in the 
> Model T's; it's recommended to clamp the -5V at 0V somehow, which your 
> shifter takes care of. Receiving a TTL-level signal on the ModelT will 
> usually work, but a bipolar RS232 is somewhat more reliable.
> Still odd that you can't go above 1200bd; have you tried disabling XON/XOFF 
> (with the loopbacks connected) in case the Arduino is sending an XOFF but 
> never an XON? Since nothing changes on the T102 except the speed it would 
> suggest that the other end can't keep up for some reason and a buffer is 
> filling up somewhere, unless there's an issue with parity or framing.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] dlplus on linux mint

2017-12-21 Thread Ron Lauzon
I use the same hardware set up.  But, so far, I have not had an issue
with Ubuntu or Raspian.

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 3:21 PM, Peter Vollan  wrote:
> Don't worry, though: I still have to use a 9 pin to 25 pin adaptor.
> My current set up is: USB to serial db9 male --> db9 female to db9
> female serial cable ( a "gender changer") --->  db9 male to db25
> female --> Model 100
> On 21 December 2017 at 05:35, Joan Leach  wrote:
>> Just curious, but why not use 25-pin to 9-pin serial instead of USB?
>> Joan in Reno
>> From: Peter Vollan 
>> To:
>> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 7:52 PM
>> Subject: [M100] dlplus on linux mint
>> On a positive note, thank you to everyone whose advice helped me to
>> finally get Virtual T working on my Linux Mint laptop.
>> I think I may have said that I had Desklink working, and was
>> communicating with my Model 100. Well, I spoke too soon. The best way
>> I can explain it is that it seemed to be working, but it is actually
>> working sporadically or not at all. The fact that I have had some
>> limited success tells me that I am very close, having solved obvious
>> problems like permissions on the USB port. The fly in the ointment now
>> is the USB to serial adaptor.
>> I have had three so far, a radio shack model, a Prolific one, and my
>> current one, an FTDI model with null modem built in. Here are the
>> relevant lines from /etc/modlules:
>> #usbserial vendor=0x1453 product=0x4026
>> #usbserial vendor=0x067b product=0x2303
>> usbserial vendor=0x0403 product=0x6001
>> I realise that this is more of Linux problem than a model T question,
>> but it would be just great if I could actually succeed at this
>> particular project. I have 3 different USB to serial cables available
>> (actually I have three Prolific ones that are supposedly the same
>> under the hood).

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] WiModem232

2017-12-31 Thread Ron Lauzon
I got my WiModem232 yesterday and had some time to play with it today.

1. I could not get it to communicate reliably at any speed > 600 BPS.
Anything over that and it dropped characters.  As far as I know the
cable I'm using is a straight through 25 pin male to male cable.  So
hardware flow control should work.
2. My WiFi's password "Was a really long passphrase, eh?".  I had to
shorten the passphrase to allow it to connect to my WiFi.  It refused
to connect with my long password with spaces in it.
3. Network scanning didn't work.  Known bug that a new firmware will
fix, but you have to get it connected to your WiFi do to that.

After figuring out those things, I did a quick connect to a random
telnet BBS and it worked fine.

On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Sean Fahey  wrote:
> It should work fine.
> Note that there are at least 2 different (but nearly identical in function)
> devices. The WIFI232 ( is the device
> that has been tested most on various retro platforms. The WiModem232
> *should* operate in much the same way. I have a couple on order and arriving
> any day now. I'll be testing them with my T100 and T102, and other
> platforms.
> On Dec 27, 2017, at 10:22 AM, Jörg Erren  wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I own an NEC PC8300 and I would like to go online, perhaps visit a BBS etc.
> Now I stumbled across this:
> Question: Would this work to get my PC8300 online so I can visit a BBS (like
> Nostromo, The Cave, whatever)?
> Cheers from Germany
> Jörg

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

[M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-05 Thread Ron Lauzon
So I'm playing with my WiModem232 and I still cannot get to to
communicate reliably at any speed over 600 BPS.

I have hardware flow control on the WiModem232.  My RS232 monitor
( shows the control lines active.

The question I have is:
Is the T102's hardware flow control RTS/CTS or DTR/DSR?  The
WiModem232 documentation says this:
"The WiModem232 can be configured for hardware handshaking. Typically
this will be RTS/CTS, but some devices (like printers) may need DTR or
DSR instead. By default, RTS/CTS handshaking is enabled and there is a
bridge between DTR and DSR."

He made the WiModem232 configurable, but to change this, I'll have to
get our my soldering iron and I don't want to do that if I don't have

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm using the standard Telcom program.

The big file test won't show me anything new.  I see the problem
simply asking the WiModem232 for information (i.e. "ATI" command).
The higher the BPS, the sooner I see the garbled output.

On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 9:57 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> What are you running on model t?
> One thing you could try is load a big text file and blast it out at 19200 by
> using TEXT. You simply save the file to COM:98n1d
> This is assuming you already have wimodem connected to something ahead of
> time but I don’t see any reason why characters would get lost in the
> outbound direction.
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
Not yet.  I'd like to know that's the issue before I break out the
soldering iron.

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 2:06 AM, Gregory McGill  wrote:
> have you cut the trace that wires dtr to dsr on the modem?
> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 6:57 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
>> What are you running on model t?
>> One thing you could try is load a big text file and blast it out at 19200
>> by using TEXT. You simply save the file to COM:98n1d
>> This is assuming you already have wimodem connected to something ahead of
>> time but I don’t see any reason why characters would get lost in the
>> outbound direction.
>> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
Now I understand what you are going after.  Thanks.  I'll give that a
shot and see what happens.

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 5:54 AM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 2:03 AM Ron Lauzon  wrote:
>> I'm using the standard Telcom program.
>> The big file test won't show me anything new.  I see the problem
> Just trying to help you characterize the whole problem before you work on
> the solution  You’ve got two channels, transmit and receive. Are both
> channels lossy or just one?
> Talking about the response to the ATI command in TELCOM you’re talking about
> the receive channel. It’s limited by a 64 byte queue. Plus the overhead of
> displaying characters on the screen. When doing display on the M100 you
> actually can’t go faster than about 600 baud without dropping chars.  If you
> fill the receive queue you’re going to drop chars. If your system is so busy
> that it cannot process all serial interrupts, you will drop chars.
> How big is the response to ATI supposed to be?
> If you take display out of the equation you could test the receive channel
> at 19200 in TEXT with a load from the file COM:98n1d (assuming there’s a way
> to trigger the other side to begin transmitting).
> Now you can be at a higher baud rate in interactive TELCOM if you enable
> software flow control. 98N1E. Effectively because the display is involved
> you’ll still be limited to 600baud but the line rate will be 19200bps.
> That’s all software flow control. The model 100 has no built in software
> support for hardware flow control. For that you need to write some machine
> code or play with HTERM.
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'll give HTERM a shot and see what happens.

I was under the impression that the TELCOM program did hardware flow
control if I told it to disable XON/XOFF.

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 12:53 PM, Kurt McCullum  wrote:
> I ran into similar buffer over runs when developing the virtual modem
> service for mComm. The model-t can’t process data fast enough for anything
> more than 600bps. I ended up having to add routines to check for xon/xoff
> more frequently instead of relying of the serial port to handle it. That
> solved the problem for me and I can use mComm to connect to telnet bbs sites
> at 19200. Unfortunately, it’s a software solution to a hardware problem.
> Adding any telnet device to your serial port will have this problem because
> the buffer is too small. Johns HTERM is your best bet to solve this issue
> because it uses hardware flow control. Download it and give it a shot with
> your current setup. It makes a huge difference!
> Kurt
> From: M100 [] On Behalf Of John R.
> Hogerhuis
> Sent: Saturday, January 06, 2018 2:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 2:03 AM Ron Lauzon  wrote:
> I'm using the standard Telcom program.
> The big file test won't show me anything new.  I see the problem
> Just trying to help you characterize the whole problem before you work on
> the solution  You’ve got two channels, transmit and receive. Are both
> channels lossy or just one?
> Talking about the response to the ATI command in TELCOM you’re talking about
> the receive channel. It’s limited by a 64 byte queue. Plus the overhead of
> displaying characters on the screen. When doing display on the M100 you
> actually can’t go faster than about 600 baud without dropping chars.  If you
> fill the receive queue you’re going to drop chars. If your system is so busy
> that it cannot process all serial interrupts, you will drop chars.
> How big is the response to ATI supposed to be?
> If you take display out of the equation you could test the receive channel
> at 19200 in TEXT with a load from the file COM:98n1d (assuming there’s a way
> to trigger the other side to begin transmitting).
> Now you can be at a higher baud rate in interactive TELCOM if you enable
> software flow control. 98N1E. Effectively because the display is involved
> you’ll still be limited to 600baud but the line rate will be 19200bps.
> That’s all software flow control. The model 100 has no built in software
> support for hardware flow control. For that you need to write some machine
> code or play with HTERM.
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
Then that would explain my problem.

OK, so I'm trying HTERM out.  I picked up a copy of it from here:
and followed the install instructions.

I don't get any "beep" when running HTERM.CO, but I just get an empty
screen and have to hit the reset button to get back to the menu.

I installed HTERM.CO by hooking my TPDD2 up to my PC and using
TpddTool to copy it to a diskette.
I then used TS-DOS to copy HTERM.CO from the TPDD2 to my M102.

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 3:42 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 12:37 PM, Ron Lauzon  wrote:
>> I'll give HTERM a shot and see what happens.
>> I was under the impression that the TELCOM program did hardware flow
>> control if I told it to disable XON/XOFF.
> Nope, disabling software control = no flow control at all.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
I can easily change the baud rate of the WiModem232 with TELCOM.  What
baud rate is it looking for?

On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 1:37 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> It’s probably working then.
> It’s hard coded for one baud rate, maybe it’s not matching or not compatible
> with that device.
> What baud rate do you want, I’ll build you a new one.
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-09 Thread Ron Lauzon
Cool.  Thanks!

I did get it to work by setting the WiModem232 to 38400 BPS before
firing up HTERM.

But I prefer a 19200 BPS version of HTERM.  I really don't have any
other computer with a serial port on it, so if I messed up a setting
in the WiModem232, I'd have to do a full reset on it to fix it.  With
a 19200 BPS version of HTERM, I can use TELCOM to fix the WiModem232

On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 8:30 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 11:12 AM, Ron Lauzon  wrote:
>> I can easily change the baud rate of the WiModem232 with TELCOM.  What
>> baud rate is it looking for?
> It's probably set for 38400. Some USB devices can generate it, some can't. I
> don't know about WiModem232.
> Here's a version that runs at 19200.
> I know, I need to add some menus... especially since the Telemark assembler
> no longer seems to be generally available.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] T102 hardware flow control

2018-01-10 Thread Ron Lauzon
Yes.  I saw no dropped characters with both versions.

On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 10:20 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> So did either or both resolve the lost character issue?
> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] null modem

2018-01-14 Thread Ron Lauzon

On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 3:29 PM, Peter Vollan  wrote:
> Where is tppdtool?
> On 12 January 2018 at 23:26, Brian White  wrote:
>> This is why I tested out all those actual cables, exactly for this reason,
>> to have a known good reference that anyone can buy off the shelf with no
>> more possible mystery about the wiring. Everything is done all in the one
>> part. No gender changers, no null-modem adapters. No possible mysteries. If
>> you get any of those 3 "ideal" cables, then the wiring is correct. If you
>> get any of the other cables, the wiring is *still* correct, just only for
>> software flow control (which is everything but HTERM).
>> By "test" I don't just mean I used them and they appeared to work. I mean I
>> actually mapped out all the connections with a continuity tester.
>> Same goes for the usb adapters. I actually tested those too so they are
>> known good references, not just typical examples.
>> Since it sounds like you have 2 usb adapters, you can prove them and
>> eliminate a whole lot of variables at once by just hooking them together
>> (with a null-modem adapter) run dlplus on ttyUSB0 and run TpddTool on
>> ttyUSB1 to load and save files to dlplus.
>> Copy files in both directions and then "cmp" against the originals.
>> Assuming that produces clean copies, that proves out and eliminates the
>> linux computers motherboard cpu ram etc, the os, the usb-serial drivers, the
>> usb-serial hardware, and the dlplus software.
>> --
>> bkw
>> On Jan 13, 2018 1:03 AM, "Peter Vollan"  wrote:
>>> TS DOS. I have a Rexx actually. And dlplus under loinux mint. Yes I
>>> know it should not be this hard. I wish we lived in "should" land.
>>> On 12 January 2018 at 21:17, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
>>> > You're still having wiring problems, I guess.
>>> >
>>> > You didn't mention what disk service you're using, maybe you did before.
>>> >
>>> > We really need to have a kit or something for people... it really
>>> > shouldn't
>>> > be this hard.
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Jan 12, 2018 at 3:54 PM, Peter Vollan 
>>> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> Well, darn it, I thought I had succeeded, again. I got a M ->F null
>>> >> modem cable, and hooked it between the usb to serial cable and the db9
>>> >> to db25 cable. TS DOS on my model 100 will show the directory on the
>>> >> host. Then when you try to download something, it says; no disk in
>>> >> drive. Then it turns out the the file is in the m100's directory, but
>>> >> either it is empty or it is fill of pages of "^@" with the wrong file
>>> >> at the end. I can upload most of the time, though. So close, and yet
>>> >> so far. I understand that I should not have to make my own adaptor,
>>> >> but if I do, then I will know that it is right, and the problem is
>>> >> something else. BTW I am back to using the "prolific" serial to usb
>>> >> cable, the consensus seems to be that that part does not matter.
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> On 11 January 2018 at 07:45, Kurt McCullum 
>>> >> wrote:
>>> >> > There is a pinout in the mComm manual in the members file area of
>>> >> > It is under my name. Brian has tested a number of off
>>> >> > the
>>> >> > shelf
>>> >> > cables and found several that work. But if you want the pinout, check
>>> >> > the
>>> >> > manual I put together.
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Kurt McCullum
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 3:48 PM, Peter Vollan
>>> >> > 
>>> >> > wrote:
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >> > Where can I find a diagram of the correct null modem connection for
>>> >> > the Model 100? I may make one myself to be sure to get it right.
>>> >> >
>>> >> >
>>> >
>>> >

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Printers

2018-02-09 Thread Ron Lauzon
Well, you could connect one to the M100 via the serial port.

I've worked with these types of printers professionally (mostly the
Paxar/Monarch/Avery and Zebra).  Most of the newer ones are WiFi, but
all still have some sort of serial connector.

The problem with using these types of printers is that they are
designed to be used as label printers.  So you just can't treat them
as a tty, dump some text to the printer and have it print.  You have
to send them special commands to define a label, define text fields,
etc. then print the label.

Also, most of those kinds of printers use thermal paper - which is
more expensive (and kinda toxic).

At my old company, they were getting rid of the old serial-only
printers, so I picked one up and tried it out on my PC.  It had very
limited usefulness.

On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 4:59 AM, James Zeun  wrote:
> Would it be possible to use say one of those cheap compact thermal printers?
> The ones with the two or three inch paper rolls?
> On 9 Feb 2018 4:14 a.m., "John R. Hogerhuis"  wrote:
>> True story, after helping Ken test his implementation of the epson
>> emulation I had lots of fun feeding the output through imagemagick to add
>> enough distortion to make it look like even more like the real thing.
>> — John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Anybody else at VCFSE

2018-04-21 Thread Ron Lauzon
VCFSE is a little too far for us.  But we will be attending VCFMW 13
in Sept. this year.

On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 8:09 AM, Josh Malone  wrote:
> Is anybody on this list attending vcfse? I'll be there today, probably
> wearing my ancient Compaq t-shirt. This will be my first vintage computer
> show! Hope to run into some model-T folks.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] mComm for Raspi?

2018-06-05 Thread Ron Lauzon
LaddieAlpha and DLPlus both run fine on a Raspberry Pi.

On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 8:23 AM, David Laffineuse  wrote:
> Is there a product such as mComm (or equivalent) that would run on a 
> RaspberryPi?
> Sent from my iPhone

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] mComm for Raspi?

2018-06-05 Thread Ron Lauzon
Check out the archives for this mail list for LaddieAlpha:


On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 8:31 AM, David Laffineuse  wrote:
> Thanks, can you point me to a download site?
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 5, 2018, at 8:27 AM, Ron Lauzon  wrote:
>> LaddieAlpha and DLPlus both run fine on a Raspberry Pi.
>>> On Tue, Jun 5, 2018 at 8:23 AM, David Laffineuse  
>>> wrote:
>>> Is there a product such as mComm (or equivalent) that would run on a 
>>> RaspberryPi?
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>> --
>> Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>   Homepage:
>>   Weblog:
>> TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
>> Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
>> and don't require a big garage.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

[M100] mcomm problems

2018-06-18 Thread Ron Lauzon
I'm playing with mcomm 1.8.1 on my Tandy 102s and I am encountering
some problems.

When I attempt to load a tokenized BASIC program, it's not loading
correctly.  When I list the program, all I get is something like:

17474 EN

I've tried on 2 different M102s.  I am using TS-DOS as the client (one
from REX and one from a TS-DOS ROM).

I am able to see all the files in TS_DOS and I can load non-BASIC
files just fine.
I have verified that the files that I am loading are tokenized BASIC files.

Any ideas?

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] SD2TPDD Project

2018-07-22 Thread Ron Lauzon
Interesting.  You are trying some options that I wasn't aware of when
I did my experiment.

Keep us posted as to how this is working for you.

I think I have all the hardware needed to test this out.  If I can
make some time, I can test it out.

On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 6:00 PM, c646581  wrote:
> Hello!
> As several of you already know, I've been working on a TPDD emulator that
> runs on an Arduino Mega and uses an SD card for mass storage. I've gotten
> the emulator to the point where I feel comfortable releasing it for testing
> purposes.
> Here is my GitHub page:
> It's pretty limited at the moment. It doesn't support sub-directories or any
> of the expanded TPDD features. In the future, I hope to add more features to
> it!
> Try it out and let me know how it goes!
> Thanks,
> Jimmy.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computer

2018-08-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
My PC-4 was my constant companion through college and into my first
job.  I picked up a PC-2 at the Tandy Corporate auction and got bit by
the pocket computer bug.

What I've put together is this:
+ PC-1 - usually had bad screens over time.
+ PC-2 - frequently people left the AA batteries in them when they
stopped using them.  The batteries leaked.  So always check the
battery compartment before buying one.  Leaky batteries can cause a
great deal of damage.
The printer/cassette interface is where the flaws are.  The printer
gears tended to wear out.  Also the rechargeable battery packs are
shot by now and are leaking.
There are some people who refurbish the printers (new batteries and
new gears), but they will be more expensive.  Surprisingly, you can
still purchase the pens.
+ PC-3 - Not much that I know of.  I only have 1 in my collection and
it has no problems.  The printer even works.
+ PC-4 - No problems with the pocket computer itself that I know of.
The printer batteries are shot by now.  Usually they don't leak, but
the batteries are not meant to be replaced. But with some work, the
printers can be made to work with an AC-adapter.

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:01 PM megarat  wrote:
> Hey folks, a recent thread here highlighted my interest in the old 
> TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computers (rebadged from existing Casio and Sharp 
> models).  I always had a fascination with these things as a kid, and I was 
> lucky enough to own one of them for a while (a PC-5), so I'm entertaining the 
> possibility of hunting some of them down.
> I'm concerned, however, with how well these models age.  Specifically the 
> electrolytics (and how easy are they to replace?), the LCD display (do they 
> have a tendency to fade/bleed?), and the keypad (do those little chicklet 
> keyboards still hold up years later?).
> Are there any PC collectors on this list that can offer me some 
> advice/guidance?  Thanks.
> /CAM

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computer

2018-08-08 Thread Ron Lauzon

Atari 1020 BX4204 Color Pen Set (4 pens per set) $3.00
Atari 1020 BX4206 Black Pen Set (4 pens per set) $3.00

You have to place the order over the phone.  I picked up a few sets
for my PC-2 printers.

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 10:08 PM Jim Toth  wrote:
> You can still purchase PC-2 printer pens?  Excellent.  Where?
> - Original Message -----
> From: "Ron Lauzon" 
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2018 9:46 PM
> Subject: Re: [M100] TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computer
> My PC-4 was my constant companion through college and into my first
> job.  I picked up a PC-2 at the Tandy Corporate auction and got bit by
> the pocket computer bug.
> What I've put together is this:
> + PC-1 - usually had bad screens over time.
> + PC-2 - frequently people left the AA batteries in them when they
> stopped using them.  The batteries leaked.  So always check the
> battery compartment before buying one.  Leaky batteries can cause a
> great deal of damage.
> The printer/cassette interface is where the flaws are.  The printer
> gears tended to wear out.  Also the rechargeable battery packs are
> shot by now and are leaking.
> There are some people who refurbish the printers (new batteries and
> new gears), but they will be more expensive.  Surprisingly, you can
> still purchase the pens.
> + PC-3 - Not much that I know of.  I only have 1 in my collection and
> it has no problems.  The printer even works.
> + PC-4 - No problems with the pocket computer itself that I know of.
> The printer batteries are shot by now.  Usually they don't leak, but
> the batteries are not meant to be replaced. But with some work, the
> printers can be made to work with an AC-adapter.
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:01 PM megarat  wrote:
> >
> > Hey folks, a recent thread here highlighted my interest in the old
> > TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computers (rebadged from existing Casio and Sharp
> > models).  I always had a fascination with these things as a kid, and I was
> > lucky enough to own one of them for a while (a PC-5), so I'm entertaining
> > the possibility of hunting some of them down.
> >
> > I'm concerned, however, with how well these models age.  Specifically the
> > electrolytics (and how easy are they to replace?), the LCD display (do
> > they have a tendency to fade/bleed?), and the keypad (do those little
> > chicklet keyboards still hold up years later?).
> >
> > Are there any PC collectors on this list that can offer me some
> > advice/guidance?  Thanks.
> >
> > /CAM
> --
> Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
> TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
> Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
> and don't require a big garage.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computer

2018-08-08 Thread Ron Lauzon
If you use an AC adapter with more amps (like 2), you can run the
printer without the batteries.

On Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 7:35 PM Philip Avery  wrote:
> Wow - all this Pocket Computer activity.
> One thing I encountered when replacing the Ni-Cd batteries in the 
> cassette/printer for my PC-2, was the printer requires these batteries to be 
> present even if the unit is operated on mains power. It uses the batteries as 
> a current sink, the mains unit can't provide peak requirements.
> Reminds me to get my PC-2 and printer out for its yearly run-up. I always 
> marvel at the small-print these things are capable of.
> Philip
> On 9/08/2018 7:41 AM, Jim Toth wrote:
> My PC-2 and CGP-115 do deserve medical grade printer pens.  Nothing but the 
> best.
> - Original Message -
> From: Brian White
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 12:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [M100] TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computer
> You can get new pens, as in actually new, not new old stock, from a german 
> medical supplies company, and you can get new motor pinion gears by 3d 
> printing believe it or not. I have also found the gear in brass, from a r/c 
> helicopter company, but those appear to be no longer manufactured, just 
> existing stock.
> The pens and gears are the same as for the CGP-115 and a bunch of other 
> plotters that all used the same engine. The paper size is different though.
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 10:08 PM Jim Toth  wrote:
>> You can still purchase PC-2 printer pens?  Excellent.  Where?
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Ron Lauzon" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2018 9:46 PM
>> Subject: Re: [M100] TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computer
>> My PC-4 was my constant companion through college and into my first
>> job.  I picked up a PC-2 at the Tandy Corporate auction and got bit by
>> the pocket computer bug.
>> What I've put together is this:
>> + PC-1 - usually had bad screens over time.
>> + PC-2 - frequently people left the AA batteries in them when they
>> stopped using them.  The batteries leaked.  So always check the
>> battery compartment before buying one.  Leaky batteries can cause a
>> great deal of damage.
>> The printer/cassette interface is where the flaws are.  The printer
>> gears tended to wear out.  Also the rechargeable battery packs are
>> shot by now and are leaking.
>> There are some people who refurbish the printers (new batteries and
>> new gears), but they will be more expensive.  Surprisingly, you can
>> still purchase the pens.
>> + PC-3 - Not much that I know of.  I only have 1 in my collection and
>> it has no problems.  The printer even works.
>> + PC-4 - No problems with the pocket computer itself that I know of.
>> The printer batteries are shot by now.  Usually they don't leak, but
>> the batteries are not meant to be replaced. But with some work, the
>> printers can be made to work with an AC-adapter.
>> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 8:01 PM megarat  wrote:
>> >
>> > Hey folks, a recent thread here highlighted my interest in the old
>> > TRS-80/Tandy Pocket Computers (rebadged from existing Casio and Sharp
>> > models).  I always had a fascination with these things as a kid, and I was
>> > lucky enough to own one of them for a while (a PC-5), so I'm entertaining
>> > the possibility of hunting some of them down.
>> >
>> > I'm concerned, however, with how well these models age.  Specifically the
>> > electrolytics (and how easy are they to replace?), the LCD display (do
>> > they have a tendency to fade/bleed?), and the keypad (do those little
>> > chicklet keyboards still hold up years later?).
>> >
>> > Are there any PC collectors on this list that can offer me some
>> > advice/guidance?  Thanks.
>> >
>> > /CAM
>> --
>> Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>> TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
>> Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
>> and don't require a big garage.
> --
> bkw

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] program library in WAV format

2018-08-23 Thread Ron Lauzon
Nice idea.
This is how many people have done software libraries for the TRS-80
Pocket Computers.  In nearly all cases, the cassette interface was the
ONLY way for a Pocket Computer to save/load stuff to an external

But that's the first time I've ever heard the term "quickly load" in
conjunction with the cassette interface of any computer.  8)

On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 8:04 AM Jesus R  wrote:
> Team, I'm thinking of starting a program library in WAV format and list the 
> programs in Google Docs. This allows us to use any digital wav playback 
> scheme to quickly load the programs into our machine. One source for programs 
> are the magazines in the club's archives. Any comments or suggestions?
> Thanks,
> JR

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] program library in WAV format

2018-09-30 Thread Ron Lauzon
This is interesting.  Someone already did this for the TRS-80 PC-2.
Software that will convert a WAV to the BASIC source and back again.
On Sun, Sep 30, 2018 at 5:44 PM John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> For those interested in further discussion of getting Audacity to work, we 
> spent some time in October 5-6 of 2013 coming up with ways to make reliable 
> recordings.
> "test MP3 encoded for M100  "
> One other idea that hasn't been explored is modifying CAS2WAV code to work 
> for the M100. Then we could generate perfect files rapidly.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] ba 2 wav software

2018-11-02 Thread Ron Lauzon
Someone did this for the Pocket Computer-2.

I've used these tools with my PC-2 and they work.

On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 2:31 PM Joel BARBE  wrote:
> Thanks for this link.
> Very interesting list of program in wav format.
> Well, seems no easy way to convert a BA file stored on PC in wav format.
> Maybe I was not 100% clear on my first mail.
> I have ba files created with virtualT , and I want to send it to the Tandy 
> 200. So thinking to convert it in wav and use the Data cassette cable.
> Note I’m using it often to other computer like Oric, Sharp PC …
> De : M100 [] De la part de Kevin 
> Becker
> Envoyé : vendredi 2 novembre 2018 14:57
> À :
> Objet : Re: [M100] ba 2 wav software
> Jesus has been working on converting programs to WAV.
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 3:37 AM Joel Barbé  wrote:
> Hello,
> I done some unsucceful search on internet about a ba to wav software.
> Do you know if it's possible To convert ba file (from virtualt for example) 
> To a wav file?
> I have several cassette cables for the m100 or 200. But no serial cable.
> I know serial transferts is better.  I havn't the hardware To do that right 
> now.
> Thanks for reading.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model 100/102
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

[M100] Portable Computing With The Model 100

2018-11-28 Thread Ron Lauzon
I recently acquired a (good) cassette tape containing the software for
Portable Computing With The Model 100 (Cat. No. 26-3820).

I've put copies of all the programs from the cassette on my github
site.  <>

It has the source as well as the tokenized files.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Pocket Computer 2 - TRS-80 Pocket Computer 4 - TRS-80 Model
100/102 - RC2014
Tandy 1100FD (in the repair queue)
Some people like to work on old cars.  But old computers are cheaper
and don't require a big garage.

Re: [M100] Books on programming

2020-01-08 Thread Ron Lauzon
Yes, but the games wouldn't take advantage of the display capabilities. 

Jan 8, 2020, 11:48 by

> Basic Computer Games by David H.
> Would the programs in this book work ok on the M100?
> I've read it's aimed at an Altair 8080.

Re: [M100] Books on programming

2020-01-08 Thread Ron Lauzon
Yes.  As a matter of fact, I typed in a couple of those programs into my M102 
for fun last year.

Jan 8, 2020, 12:29 by

> Does that mean the programs in that book WOULD work on the m100?

Re: [M100] Books on programming

2020-01-08 Thread Ron Lauzon
No.  They pretty much work as is.

But like I said, they won't use any of the "advanced" features of the M100/102 
(like sound, positioning on the screen, etc.).

Jan 8, 2020, 14:38 by

> Oh that sounds promising, did it work or require a lot of rework?
> On Wed, 8 Jan 2020, 7:10 pm Ron Lauzon, <>> > wrote:
>> Yes.  As a matter of fact, I typed in a couple of those programs into my 
>> M102 for fun last year.
>> Jan 8, 2020, 12:29 by >>>> :
>>> Does that mean the programs in that book WOULD work on the m100?

Re: [M100] TPPD/TPPD2

2020-01-09 Thread Ron Lauzon
TPDD tool should work on Windows without any problem.

Just install Python first - which should be very easy if Windows hasn't already 
installed it for you.

Jan 9, 2020, 12:44 by

> Does anybody know of a way to read TPPD/TPPD2 formatted diskettes on 
> MS-DOS/Windows?
> Howard

Re: [M100] TPPD/TPPD2

2020-01-09 Thread Ron Lauzon
Oops.  That assumes you have a TPDD to read the diskettes.

Jan 9, 2020, 13:04 by

> TPDD tool should work on Windows without any problem.
> Just install Python first - which should be very easy if Windows hasn't 
> already installed it for you.
> Jan 9, 2020, 12:44 by
>> Does anybody know of a way to read TPPD/TPPD2 formatted diskettes on 
>> MS-DOS/Windows?
>> Howard

[M100] Tandy Assembly

2020-02-05 Thread Ron Lauzon

Feb 5, 2020, 16:35 by

> Josh Malone wrote: "Is someone planning to show this at Tandy Assembly?"
> I don't mean to hijack the conversation but I would like to find out more 
> about Tandy Assembly, which I understand is an annual event held in 
> Springfield Ohio in September.  I think I'd like to attend.
> And let me add my congratulations to Stephen for his work on the cassette 
> port modification.
> -CH-

Re: [M100] Looking for TRS-80 Catalog Item 26-3612

2020-02-10 Thread Ron Lauzon
Ah, yes, the PC-2 RS-232C interface.

I have an extra one that I can sell to you.  I'll have to look to see if I have 
all the brackets for it (I might not), and I think I can scare up a power 
supply for it.  The ones that I have have had the batteries replaced.


Feb 10, 2020, 14:09 by

> I have a near mint PC-2 that I want to network to the Tandy 102 over wifi.
> This item from the Radio Shack catalog would make that possible,
> Willing to pay top dollar for this device.
> Thanks!
> Michael Rebar

Re: [M100] Looking for TRS-80 Catalog Item 26-3612

2020-02-10 Thread Ron Lauzon
Ya, when I had my PC-2 RS-232 interfaces apart to replace the batteries, there 
was a good amount of stuff in it.  It certainly wasn't a simple "run some lines 
from here to the serial port".

The ROM probably includes some PC-2 commands.  I know that when you plug the 
RS-232 interface in, BASIC gets some extra commands to deal with it (like set 
baud rate, etc.)

Feb 10, 2020, 19:56 by

> The serial port adapter looks quite a beast internally.  
> The CE-158 is the Sharp interface from which the 26-3612 was derived, the 
> parallel port was removed(?).  Seems it includes a ROM, serial I/F chip as 
> well as a processor.  It looks almost as complex as the PC-2 to which it 
> connects (that service manual is available too) - equivalent to the DVI to 
> Model T relationship but just for an RS-232 port.   It does add quite a few 
> more commands to the PC-2 BASIC so it did add extra functionality.  
> Pictures of the internals: > 
>> /
> From: >  M100 <>> > on behalf of Hank Riley 
> <>> >
> Reply-To: >  <>> >
> Date: >  Monday, February 10, 2020 at 4:13 PM
> To: >  <>> >
> Subject: >  Re: [M100] Looking for TRS-80 Catalog Item 26-3612
>> I'm providing a link to the device.  From just the part number alone many on 
>> this list will not know what it is.
>> Functionally, I hope someone can describe the PC-2 end of the adapter and 
>> the operation of the dapter because it may be fairly simple to build an 
>> adapter.
>> It may not be much more than a serial port to real RS-232 level serial port 
>> circuit.
>> Maybe no need for any top dollars to be produced.
>> __
>> I have a near mint PC-2 that I want to network to the Tandy 102 over wifi.
>> This item from the Radio Shack catalog would make that possible,
>> Willing to pay top dollar for this device.
>> Thanks!
>> Michael Rebar

Re: [M100] We don't bite (often)

2016-06-23 Thread Ron Lauzon
I came to my hobby simply because I got on a vintage computer kick.
The very first computer I ever used was a TRS-80 Model I Level II
(upgraded from Level I).
After high school, I purchased a PC-4 with some graduation money and
that "computer" lasted me through college and into my profession -
Computer Science.

When the Model 100 came out, I wanted one, but was too poor to get
one.  Now I can get one - and I did.  I picked up a nice Tandy 102
from eBay.

Now, I'm going to enjoy remembering the programming style of my youth
and have fun using my Model T to do some things that it was never
meant to do: like being a console for my Raspberry PI web server.

On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 6:05 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> Hello Model T'ers:
> I've noticed several new subscriptions to the list lately.
> Welcome all! We endeavor to be a friendly, mostly on-topic list dedicated to
> the Model 100 and work a-likes.
> When you get a chance please introduce yourselves. How did you come to the
> hobby, how do you use your model T, and of course if you are having trouble
> getting started please ask.
> Cheers,
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] booster pak

2016-06-26 Thread Ron Lauzon
It's here:

On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 5:41 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> Link didn't make it Eddie.
> On Sunday, June 26, 2016, eddie edwards  wrote:
>> you don't see too many of these around (currently on ebay):
>> Vintage Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 100 Portable Computer Bundle Tested
>> Working
>> comes with a booster pak

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] 32k M102 suddenly showing 24k

2016-07-04 Thread Ron Lauzon
Hold the reset button on the back, then press Control-Break.

On Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 7:07 AM, Josh Malone  wrote:
> What procedure should I use for a cold start? I figured the memory power
> should do it.
> On Jul 3, 2016 10:52 PM, "John R. Hogerhuis"  wrote:
>> Sounds like it is crashed.  Try cold starting it and see if memory is back
>> to normal. The typical ways this happens is running an ML program with a bug
>> or attempting to load a untokenized basic program with a BA extension.
>> Logical operators can be used for masking and whatnot. But to shift in
>> BASIC you need multiplication and division by powers of two.
>> -- John.
>> On Sunday, July 3, 2016, Josh Malone  wrote:
>>> So,
>>> I was sitting down to hack on some basic code
>>> (
>>> and typed in a quick basic statement to verify that Tandy 102 basic has
>>> bitwise operators (it seems to). The command was something like "print c and
>>> 2" or something stupid like that. To my surprise, my 102 reset itself. All
>>> my files were gone (backed up, so no real loss) but now the menu is showing
>>> 21446 bytes free. Some gremlin has stolen 8k of my RAM!
>>> I'm so perplexed by this, I just opened up my 102 to visually verify is
>>> has 32k (indeed, all 4 RAM chips installed - although 1 is a different chip
>>> than the other 3). I've let the system sit for >1 hour with memory switch
>>> off and power removed. No change.
>>> What on earth could have happened?
>>> Last clue I have is that I re-loaded FILSIZ.BA and when I run it, I get
>>> OV error on line 9.
>>> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
>>> -Josh

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Getting started with mComm

2016-09-08 Thread Ron Lauzon
I purchased a couple of these:

It's an RS-232 to TTL converter.  I've successfully used this to hook
my T102 to my Raspberry PI.

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Jonathan Yuen  wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a general idea how to make a null modem cable but I was wondering if 
> anyone has the actual pinouts that work.  Or are they specific to the actual 
> adapter?  The last null modem I made didn't have hardware handshaking.  The 
> pi didn't have handware handshaking so it was only 3 wires a level shifter.  
> Now I want to run to a RS-232 to USB connector and I figured I could put in 
> hardware handshaking.  I thought if I made it DB25 to DB9 on the USB-RS232 
> thing I wouldn't have so many pieces lying around.  Thought I'd try it both 
> on the pi and on a phone/other android device.
> Poked around a bit on the web pages but didn't find anything specific
> Jonathan
> Från: M100 [] för James Zeun 
> []
> Skickat: den 8 september 2016 17:18
> Till: Model 100 Discussion
> Ämne: Re: [M100] Getting started with mComm
> Kurt
> I plan on putting one together with some photos, maybe we could join forces?
> I'd like to make up a list of devices mComm works fine with. In theory, it 
> should be fine with most Android phones, in theory ;-)
> On 8 Sep 2016 4:11 p.m., "Kurt McCullum" 
>>> wrote:
> Earl,
> I'll have to do a write up on the basics. But here it is in a nutshell.
> Hardware needed
> 1) USB OTG cable
> 2) USB to serial adapter (FTDI is the best)
> 3) db9 to db25 full NULL cable (Or equivalent adapters)
> Installing mComm for Android.
> 1) From the Android Settings app, go to Security. Set "Unknown sources" to 
> true.
> 3) Download the APK file from the members file area 
> Link<>
> 4) Click on the APK file and it will install.
> Once it's installed, attach the OTG/USB/Serial cable to the phone/tablet and 
> your Model-T. Click the "Start TPDD Service" on your phone/table and then go 
> to your Model-T and use TS-DOS, TEENY or Floppy to transfer files back and 
> forth. It supports the desklink directory extensions as well as the Sardine 
> dictionary.
> Hope that helps. I do need to make a detailed install guide.
> Kurt
> On Thursday, September 8, 2016 7:55 AM, Earl Evans 
>>> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm just jumping on the mComm train for the first time. I discovered that my 
> Samsung Galaxy S3 supports USB OTG. I have an FTDI RS232 adapter. Is there a 
> website that can tell me how to get started? I did some Googling but couldn't 
> find a basic HOWTO.
> Thanks!
> - Earl

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Model 600 telcom

2017-02-25 Thread Ron Lauzon
>From dl.c (Desklink for Unix):

normal_return (0x6E); // file too long error

So the 64K-1 limit is no surprise.

On Sat, Feb 25, 2017 at 4:55 PM, Brian White  wrote:
> Random model 600 discoveries while trying to test the new ram boards more
> rigorously.
> Idea was to:
> Populate both slots, which makes a little over 220k available.
> Generate about 256k of random binary data on a modern machine. I just copied
> 256k of random stuff and used gpg on it a few times randomize it thoroughly.
> Xmodem the blob to the 600 until it aborts.
> Xmodem the blob back to the pc.
> Use dd to copy out a truncated excerpt from the original blob of exactly the
> same size as the blob that came back from the 600.
> Binary compare the two truncated blobs.
> I encountered 2 things:
> You can't xmodem more than 64k in one file.
> So I split the 256k blob into 4 64k blobs and discovered the next thing.
> You can't *actually* xmodem more than 64k *minus one byte*, in a single
> file.
> If you try to send a file over 64k and allow telcom to truncate it at 64k,
> or if you try to send a file that is exactly 65536 bytes, you will transfer
> 65536 bytes both ways, and neither side of the connection will issue any
> warnings or errors. Both TELCOM and the xmodem util on the modern machine
> will say everything went fine. But if you transfer a 65536 byte file from a
> pc, to the 600, and back, the final byte will be changed from whatever it
> was to a 0x20 space. All other bytes are preserved.
> If you transfer a file 65535 bytes or less, the file makes it both ways 100%
> accurate.
> I don't yet know when the change takes place. Is it when telcom receives the
> file from the pc, or when telcom sends the file to the pc? Both? There are a
> few ways to test the individual parts, just it's s slw. It takes
> about 10 minutes to transfer 64k.
> I think this mostly proves out the ram boards, as well as can be without an
> actual ram test program. To really be sure, I should swap the 2 boards
> between slots 1 & 2, and repeat the whole process. Ugh.
> --
> bkw

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Getting a REX for Tandy 102

2017-03-05 Thread Ron Lauzon
I have the hardware working.  You have to make your own cable.
Right now I am debugging the code.  I'm getting some interesting
not-quite-spec requests from TS-DOS.  But things look promising.

Right now, hardware costs are:
Arduino Mega - $46
MicroSD shield - $15
RS-232 shifter - $14
(You can get everything at

I had the wires, serial cable and LED (drive in use light) laying
around, so there was no cost for me for those parts.

It will require some simple soldering - beginner level stuff.  You
need to solder the headers on to the MicroSD shield and RS-232
shifter.  And you'll need to take apart and adjust the serial cable (I
just cut mine in half and changed the wires there).

The code will be open source.  I have it in github right now:
along with the documentation that I've created so far.

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Josh Malone  wrote:
> I am not aware of anyone selling rex units at this time.  However, someone
> (name not coming to me now) has recentlyhad success in building his own.
> It's a very non-trivial undertaking as i understand it, but I'm hoping that
> someone will eventually be willing to make another run for sale.
> fingers->cross ();
> On Mar 5, 2017 11:08 AM, "George M Rimakis"  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve tried getting using the order form on club100, and emailing Ken
>> directly, with no luck. Does anyone know if the REX is still available?
>> ~George

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

[M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
Can anyone point me to information about how to open a .ba file for writing?

My latest project is rather successful, but when I try to

open "" for output as #1

I get an error.  Based on the research I've done so far, writing to a
.ba file is not something that they want you to do, but I know it can
be done (because TS-DOS and Teeny can do it).

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
That's what I figured.  Oh, well.  One more limit as to what project can do.


On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 4:33 PM, Ken Pettit  wrote:
> Hi Ron,
> TS-DOS and Teeny can do it because they are assembly programs, not BASIC
> programs.  From BASIC, you can only open .DO (ASCII Text) files.
> Ken
> On 4/6/17 1:09 PM, Ron Lauzon wrote:
>> Can anyone point me to information about how to open a .ba file for
>> writing?
>> My latest project is rather successful, but when I try to
>> open "" for output as #1
>> I get an error.  Based on the research I've done so far, writing to a
>> .ba file is not something that they want you to do, but I know it can
>> be done (because TS-DOS and Teeny can do it).

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-06 Thread Ron Lauzon
Ya, that's what I want to do.  The .ba I want to write was originally
read from the same box.  So I know it's a valid .ba file.

I just don't know how "special" they are (sort of like the
restrictions on the .co files).

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 5:30 PM, MikeS  wrote:
> Assuming that a .BA file is really what you want and depending on the details 
> of your project maybe you could write a .DO file and then convert it, perhaps 
> using the keyboard buffer?
> m
> ----- Original Message -
> From: "Ron Lauzon" 
> To: "Model 100 Discussion" 
> Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 5:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file
>> That's what I figured.  Oh, well.  One more limit as to what project can do.
>> Thanks.
>> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 4:33 PM, Ken Pettit  wrote:
>>> Hi Ron,
>>> TS-DOS and Teeny can do it because they are assembly programs, not BASIC
>>> programs.  From BASIC, you can only open .DO (ASCII Text) files.
>>> Ken
>>> On 4/6/17 1:09 PM, Ron Lauzon wrote:
>>>> Can anyone point me to information about how to open a .ba file for
>>>> writing?
>>>> My latest project is rather successful, but when I try to
>>>> open "" for output as #1
>>>> I get an error.  Based on the research I've done so far, writing to a
>>>> .ba file is not something that they want you to do, but I know it can
>>>> be done (because TS-DOS and Teeny can do it).
>> --
>> Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>   Homepage:
>>   Weblog:
>>   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening
>>   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
>>   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
>>   sort of job." - Ann Coulter
>> Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
>> Running Ubuntu 16.04

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
This I know.

But what if you have a program source in at, say, 24K.  There
isn't enough RAM in a 32K T102 to do a LOAD "XXX.DO".
It would be nice to just load the file and run it.

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Bryan Ard  wrote:
> If you have a .do file and you load it from basic, if you save it, it will
> save as a .ba file.  Or am I completely not remembering how this works?

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
I would be reading in a .ba file created by the the M100.  So it would
be a valid .ba file.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Mike Stein  wrote:
> RAM is always going to be an issue; even if you could write a .BA file then 
> the new program and the program writing it would have to be in memory 
> simultaneously (although of course a .DO file would be larger).
> It would help if we knew how you plan to create the .BA file that you want to 
> write; creating a non-trivial .BA file can be pretty tricky.
> m
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ron Lauzon" 
> To: "Model 100 Discussion" 
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2017 4:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file
>> This I know.
>> But what if you have a program source in at, say, 24K.  There
>> isn't enough RAM in a 32K T102 to do a LOAD "XXX.DO".
>> It would be nice to just load the file and run it.
>> On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Bryan Ard  wrote:
>>> If you have a .do file and you load it from basic, if you save it, it will
>>> save as a .ba file.  Or am I completely not remembering how this works?
>> --
>> Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>   Homepage:
>>   Weblog:
>>   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening
>>   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
>>   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
>>   sort of job." - Ann Coulter
>> Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
>> Running Ubuntu 16.04

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
Ya, that's what I'm (trying) to do.  It's been 30 years since I've had
to deal with assembler, so I'm not willing to do that.

But, otherwise, it works.  The new project is on:

It implements a sort-of-TPDD protocol and the client programs are
written in BASIC.
But it does work and works quite well so far.

I removed the features of the TPDD protocol that I didn't need (like
format drive and drive status) and changed others ("previous file" is
"change directory" in my project).
I allow you to use all 24 characters of the file name field (for
naming the file on the disk - you still have to deal with the file
name limitation on the M100).
It will "boot" the loader program by doing a LOAD "COM:98N1D and
pressing a button.
Once the loader program is there, you can load the save, list and
utility programs.
I implemented directory handling, so you can use a nice, big SD card
and subdirectories.

I've booted up from a hard reset on my T102, loaded up all the
programs, and played for a bit.  I still need to really kick it
around, so it's in alpha test right now.

About $85 in hardware (I had the 32 GB SD card, drive activity LED,
boot button and 9-25 serial cable laying around).
I only needed to solder the headers to the SD Card shield.  Everything
else was just plug/play.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 12:17 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 8:37 AM Mike Stein  wrote:
>> RAM is always going to be an issue; even if you could write a .BA file
>> then the new program and the program writing it would have to be in memory
>> simultaneously (although of course a .DO file would be larger).
>> It would help if we knew how you plan to create the .BA file that you want
>> to write; creating a non-trivial .BA file can be pretty tricky.
>> m
> I think he's receiving it from an Arduino tpdd server.
> Ron, you'll at least need to write some ML subroutines to create a tokenized
> basic file from received tokenized basic data.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file

2017-04-07 Thread Ron Lauzon
Yup.  That's pretty much all I want to do.

It's a little more than just read from COM write to .BA file since I
have a protocol around it for handshaking, etc., but in essence, it's
just reading from COM and writing to a .BA file.

On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Mike Stein  wrote:
> So all you want to do is read a .BA file from the com port and save it in the 
> M100 RAM?
> m
> - Original Message -
> From: "Ron Lauzon" 
> To: "Model 100 Discussion" 
> Sent: Friday, April 07, 2017 12:43 PM
> Subject: Re: [M100] Writing to a .ba file
>> Ya, that's what I'm (trying) to do.  It's been 30 years since I've had
>> to deal with assembler, so I'm not willing to do that.
>> But, otherwise, it works.  The new project is on:
>> It implements a sort-of-TPDD protocol and the client programs are
>> written in BASIC.
>> But it does work and works quite well so far.
>> I removed the features of the TPDD protocol that I didn't need (like
>> format drive and drive status) and changed others ("previous file" is
>> "change directory" in my project).
>> I allow you to use all 24 characters of the file name field (for
>> naming the file on the disk - you still have to deal with the file
>> name limitation on the M100).
>> It will "boot" the loader program by doing a LOAD "COM:98N1D and
>> pressing a button.
>> Once the loader program is there, you can load the save, list and
>> utility programs.
>> I implemented directory handling, so you can use a nice, big SD card
>> and subdirectories.
>> I've booted up from a hard reset on my T102, loaded up all the
>> programs, and played for a bit.  I still need to really kick it
>> around, so it's in alpha test right now.
>> About $85 in hardware (I had the 32 GB SD card, drive activity LED,
>> boot button and 9-25 serial cable laying around).
>> I only needed to solder the headers to the SD Card shield.  Everything
>> else was just plug/play.
>> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 12:17 PM, John R. Hogerhuis  wrote:
>>> On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 8:37 AM Mike Stein  wrote:
>>>> RAM is always going to be an issue; even if you could write a .BA file
>>>> then the new program and the program writing it would have to be in memory
>>>> simultaneously (although of course a .DO file would be larger).
>>>> It would help if we knew how you plan to create the .BA file that you want
>>>> to write; creating a non-trivial .BA file can be pretty tricky.
>>>> m
>>> I think he's receiving it from an Arduino tpdd server.
>>> Ron, you'll at least need to write some ML subroutines to create a tokenized
>>> basic file from received tokenized basic data.
>>> -- John.
>> --
>> Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org
>>   Homepage:
>>   Weblog:
>>   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening
>>   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
>>   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
>>   sort of job." - Ann Coulter
>> Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
>> Running Ubuntu 16.04

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] Wifi232 serial wfi modem

2017-06-16 Thread Ron Lauzon
Using a Rasp Pi is actually pretty easy.  Hooking up an RS-232 shifter to
the on-board serial port lets you use Model 100 as a console to the Rasp Pi.

>From there, you can pretty much do anything in Linux - as long as it's text
based from the command line.

I've been toying with the idea of doing some retro computing things, but
using the Rasp Pi as the host and hooking up an old PC (or a terminal, if I
can find one for a reasonable price).  With people like Eric S. Raymond
"rescuing" the old text-based games (like Super Star Trek and Advent(ure)),
you can still have a fun time, and pretend that you are young again.

On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 3:44 PM, Mike Stein  wrote:

> Well, one way or another we've been talking about it for what, five, six
> years now, so it'll be nice to see it actually happen; Ken's proposal
> certainly sounds ambitious. Didn't someone already have a Pi connected as a
> bridge? Gonna have to browse the archive...
> I've got a few ESP8266 modules somewhere, so I'm ready!
> I just hope it doesn't go the way of the CP/M project...
> m
> - Original Message -
> *From:* John R. Hogerhuis 
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Friday, June 16, 2017 3:05 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [M100] Wifi232 serial wfi modem
> On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 11:09 AM, Mike Stein  wrote:
>> Hate to be a party-pooper but although it could be fun it seems to me
>> that we're reinventing the wheel with no real place to roll to...
> Yes Mike you're being a party pooper :-)
> I kind of like the idea of putting the "server" on the attached gadget
> just for that reason. Battery powered Pi. Then you're self sufficient with
> the device and an internet connection.
> So the device runs telnet, w3m, mutt, pine/vim/emacs
> No 3rd party BBS required, necessarily.
> The other way to go is device + Model 100 specific telnet BBS. I like the
> idea of a BBS if someone wants to run it. Kurt mentioned one above.
> -- John.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

   DNRC: Lord of All Things That Are Fattening

   "To be sure, conservative radio talk show hosts have a built-in
   audience unavailable to liberals: People driving cars to some
   sort of job." - Ann Coulter

Microsoft Free since July 06, 2001
Running Ubuntu 16.04

Re: [M100] programming question

2017-06-22 Thread Ron Lauzon
No.  A War Dialer was something that called many phone numbers looking
for a carrier (or something to show that there was a computer at the
other end).

What he'a thinking about is one of the full-featured terminal programs
that we used to use.  Many of them had some sort of scripting language
that let you automate tasks.

In theory, if you had something like a Hayes modem set up, you could
write a program that opens the serial port for read and write, then
send commands to the serial port and read the results.
So it may be possible, but not through the TERM program on the M100.
You'd have to write code for it.  I did something similar when I wrote
up my clients for RDOS.

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 8:11 AM, Scott Lawrence  wrote:
> Sounds like a "War Dialer"
> Sent from my fancy-schmancy phone.
>> On Jun 22, 2017, at 1:31 AM, Peter Vollan  wrote:
>> For the Model 100, is there such a thing as a program that will 1)
>> call a phone number 2) connect to it 3) log whatever it spits out into
>> a file, and 4) when the connection is lost, hang up and close the
>> file? I have been look at the code for old programs designed to
>> retreive stock quotes from Dow Jones and such, but none of them seem
>> quite able to do this.

Ron Lauzon - rlauzon at acm dot org

TRS-80 Model 1 Level II -> Commodore PET -> TRS-80 PC-4 -> Computer
Science Degree -> Intel MS-DOS -> IBM MVS/TSO/VM -> HP 1000/RTE-A ->
IBM RISC/AIX -> Intel Windows/Linux -> Raspberry Pi Debian -> Arduino
-> Tandy 102.I think I've come full circle.