Re: sharing printers

2004-03-27 Thread Darren
Brian Futrell wrote:


I'm at a loss for words on this one.

I tried editing the file without running sudo, and I got the message  
'can not open the file for writing'.  I've also tried it with sudo to  
allow access to the file, and it saves properly then.
Not having OS X.x I've not added to the thread.
My question: do you have a root account?
I've followed the thread but fail to see how sudo would work without a 
root login, does the admin login cover this? sorry if I'm looking 
through linux eyes. Gretchen is possibly having permission problems? 
file not found is a common error when a user tries to access a admin 
file or a file which is not included in their group access.
Am I mistaken in thinking OSX does not install a root account by default?


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Re: Reinstalling Win98 on a P166 card

2004-03-27 Thread Darren
Mark D. Chapman wrote:

Hi Folks,

Just an update. I tried the registry rebuild recommended here. 
Unfortunately, all that did was crash the PC. So I gave up and made a 
new drive container. The drive container started up fine. DOS and Win98 
installed with no problems (except taking a huge amount of time). Good 
so far.
You'd have been better off cleaning the rubbish out with a windows 
utility or atleast backdating the reg before rebuilding. Even after 
the rebuild crashes you still should have been able to backdate the 
reg to a time before the attempt. A reinstall is best if you have 
nothing of value otherwise its generally repairable.

Unfortunately, my 64 MB memory card now appears to be kaput (when I put 
it into the 7500 by itself I get the breaking glass sound) and my sound 
does not work. Ah well, I guess I will run on 16 MB for a while.
I dont think the card is as fussy as a mac which is why the card will 
boot with a dodgy simm. Win98 on 16mb isn't any fun, have you tried 
Winlite? You might find it useful regardless of the amount of ram, 
Win95 explorer and 98 functions.
Anywho the ram problem explains the part of you previous post which I 
couldn't figure.

If I put a 128 MB card in the P166 will it work? Will it cause any 
GURU says no!, FPM only but 72mb (8 onboard or 80 with 16) is the max 
supported. Brian is the only person to try 128mb I think. I'd be 
interested since the ram is dirt cheap.
Sadly the link Dana posted earlier is down again.

Once your up to speed install some utility to keep the rubbish down.

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Re: Mac OS support for NuBus 10/100 NIC?

2004-03-27 Thread Darren
Gregg Eshelman wrote:

Doesn't answer a single question I asked. I have the
install guide, the PDF is identical. I already
downloaded that driver and it's identical to what
came with the card. Asante produced these cards then
did absolutely ZERO further development.
So I'll ask again. Does Apple's Ethernet NB extention
in Mac OS 9.1 support any 10/100 NuBus NICs or not?
Well shiet, sorry for trying.
There's zero mention of you having a driver disk "in the box" and no 
mention of you having any version of the driver or any sort of 
documentation. Heck, there's no mention of you trying the Asante 
driver at all or why its no good. Why dont you try a search of apples 
tech notes about Apples NB ethernet extention if the makers driver 
does nothing for you. I'd imagine you'd have more luck with a driver 
from Asante. Its the only nubus card they made, no use for a pc at all 
now why didn't Asante pay a few folk good money to update drivers for 
a multiple of point upgrades so nubus owners could be supported all 
the way to OS10.4? Go figure.

Hey, if I can find a link, you should have no problems at all, right?

You might try the first mac list (whatever its called) where someone 
else is trying the same thing with the same mac.

In future I'll check for your cross posts before wasting my time 
looking for links based on the small about of info you provide.

Can't imagine why anyone would bother going past 8.6 on a 601 nubus 
mac/clone (unless I bought the G3 card for $75 aud even then they cant 
hold enough ram, its 72 pinn and since it sucks mem for the video from 
the mobo it cant be interleaved unless its a real mac which has its 
own vram but still cant interleave the mobo ram). Why mention 
interleaving at all? Well its the best way to get something that feels 
like speed out of any biege mac and even then you must have shit loads.

Now to sit back and watch the flood of more useful comments come in.
Please excuse me for not having your mac and having sweet fa info to 
work with!

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Re: Mac OS support for NuBus 10/100 NIC?

2004-03-27 Thread Gregg Eshelman
--- Darren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gregg Eshelman wrote:
> > I picked up a new in the box Asante 10/100 NuBus
> > network card recently.
> > 
> > Any idea if it'll work with Mac OS 9.1? Does the
> > Apple Ethernet NB extention support 100 megabit
> cards?
> Driver from Asante is
> Enjoy.

Doesn't answer a single question I asked. I have the
install guide, the PDF is identical. I already
downloaded that driver and it's identical to what
came with the card. Asante produced these cards then
did absolutely ZERO further development.

So I'll ask again. Does Apple's Ethernet NB extention
in Mac OS 9.1 support any 10/100 NuBus NICs or not?

Say hello to Juror #49. Yep, I'm on jury duty until the end of March. Gotta call in 
each weekend. Fun.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.

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Re: Reinstalling Win98 on a P166 card

2004-03-27 Thread Mark D. Chapman
I should have mentioned in my last note that the bad RAM card was 
from Velocity Upgrades. Does anybody know what happened to them?

Thanks, Mark
Mark Chapman, Membership Secretary/Secrétaire aux admissions
The Canadian Society For The Study Of Religion/ La societe canadienne 
pour l'etude de la religion

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Re: Reinstalling Win98 on a P166 card

2004-03-27 Thread Mark D. Chapman
Hi Folks,

Just an update. I tried the registry rebuild recommended here. 
Unfortunately, all that did was crash the PC. So I gave up and made a 
new drive container. The drive container started up fine. DOS and 
Win98 installed with no problems (except taking a huge amount of 
time). Good so far.

Unfortunately, my 64 MB memory card now appears to be kaput (when I 
put it into the 7500 by itself I get the breaking glass sound) and my 
sound does not work. Ah well, I guess I will run on 16 MB for a while.

If I put a 128 MB card in the P166 will it work? Will it cause any problems?

Thanks for the input,

Mark Chapman, Membership Secretary/Secrétaire aux admissions
The Canadian Society For The Study Of Religion/ La societe canadienne 
pour l'etude de la religion

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Re: sharing printers

2004-03-27 Thread Brian Futrell

I'm at a loss for words on this one.

I tried editing the file without running sudo, and I got the message  
'can not open the file for writing'.  I've also tried it with sudo to  
allow access to the file, and it saves properly then.


On Saturday, March 27, 2004, at 08:28 AM, Gretchen Summers wrote:


I follow these instructions as you describe, and it works the same, but
after I see the "mime.types" and hit return, that is when I get the
"File not found."
And, I did type pico mime.types without the period.  That was a typo in
the email itself.
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:43:40 -0500, Brian Futrell wrote:
On Monday, March 22, 2004, at 12:33 PM, Gretchen Summers wrote:

Essentially when you open a file with pico, it copies the file to a
section of memory called a buffer.  When it asks you to save the
modified buffer, it's asking if you want to save the contents of that
buffer back to a file.
After you press 'Y' to save the contents of the buffer, it should
have a prompt that says 'File name to write:'.  On my window, it has
the file name 'mime.types'.  If that is not there, you will need to
type it in then press return afterwards.
Normally you should type in 'exit' on the command line before closing
a terminal window, but I don't think it hurts too much when using
pico.  I may be wrong though.
Also, when typing in "pico.mime.types", there should be a space
between 'pico' and 'mime', not a period.  That should get you back
into that file.


OK.  I'm a little closer.  I was able to do the first
part--pico.mime.convs.  When I got to the point where I typed "Y" to
save modified buffer (whatever that is!), it went fine.  When I  
return, however, it said "file not found."  So I closed the terminal
window, and opened a new one.  I typed in "pico.mime.types," and it
said "file not found."  I don't know what else to do.  BTW, I hope I
didn't mess anything up by just closing the window.  I really am a
novice with the terminal.

On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 22:20:02 -0500, Brian Futrell wrote:
This is what I did:

On Saturday, March 20, 2004, at 08:27 AM, Gretchen Summers wrote:


I don't know what to do when you get to this step (this is where I  
hung up the first time).  As I mentioned, I am not very familiar  
the terminal and how to use it.

	4.  	Use a text editor to uncomment the following line towards  
the end
of the mime.convs file (by removing the # sign):
 #application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
I usually use pico as the editor, as it is fairly self explanitory
(sudo pico mime.convs).
At the command line I typed in 'pico mime.convs' (without the  
I moved the cursor towards the end of the file until I saw the line
mentioned in step 4.
I then removed the # sign by using the delete key (del didn't work).
It's like the 5th line from the bottom of the file.
Then I pressed Control  and X to exit the pico program.
It will ask you to Save Modified buffer.  Type 'Y' to proceed.
It will then ask you for a file name.  Press Return to accept the
default file name.

5.  Also uncomment the following line towards the end of the
mime.types file:
At the command line I typed in 'pico mime.types' (without the  
I moved the cursor towards the end of the file until I saw the line
mentioned in step 5.
I then removed the # sign by using the delete key (del didn't work).
Again it's like the 5th line from the bottom of the file.
Then I pressed Control  and X to exit the pico program.
It will ask you to Save Modified buffer.  Type 'Y' to proceed.
It will then ask you for a file name.  Press Return to accept the
default file name.

On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:07:40 -0500, Joe Questore wrote:
I finally managed to share the HP Deskjet 812c connected to my G3
AIO with my Windows XP computer using an article from  Here's the exact link I used: 
Gretchen Summers
I hope my steps help you out Gretchen.  If not, let me know.

The two files mentioned above can only be saved once the sudo  
is issued.  This is done in Step 3.

While I'm not as proficient with the BSD command line, I've used PCs
long before Windows was in widespread use.  The DOS command line was
the only way to do things.
Brian Futrell
"Dentyne": G3/266 AIO 320MB/40GB/Zip100/24x/10.2.6
"FrankenMac": 8500/180-7200 case 160MB/2x1GB/9.1-P166/48MB/DOS
 "Minty": G3/266 DT (oc 300) 256MB/2x10GB/Zip100/16x10x40/10.2.8
Gretchen Summers
Gretchen Summers
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Re: sharing printers

2004-03-27 Thread Gretchen Summers

I follow these instructions as you describe, and it works the same, but 
after I see the "mime.types" and hit return, that is when I get the 
"File not found."

And, I did type pico mime.types without the period.  That was a typo in 
the email itself.

On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 20:43:40 -0500, Brian Futrell wrote:
> On Monday, March 22, 2004, at 12:33 PM, Gretchen Summers wrote:
> Essentially when you open a file with pico, it copies the file to a 
> section of memory called a buffer.  When it asks you to save the 
> modified buffer, it's asking if you want to save the contents of that 
> buffer back to a file.
> After you press 'Y' to save the contents of the buffer, it should 
> have a prompt that says 'File name to write:'.  On my window, it has 
> the file name 'mime.types'.  If that is not there, you will need to 
> type it in then press return afterwards.
> Normally you should type in 'exit' on the command line before closing 
> a terminal window, but I don't think it hurts too much when using 
> pico.  I may be wrong though.
> Also, when typing in "pico.mime.types", there should be a space 
> between 'pico' and 'mime', not a period.  That should get you back 
> into that file.
> Brian
>> Brian,
>> OK.  I'm a little closer.  I was able to do the first
>> part--pico.mime.convs.  When I got to the point where I typed "Y" to
>> save modified buffer (whatever that is!), it went fine.  When I pressed
>> return, however, it said "file not found."  So I closed the terminal
>> window, and opened a new one.  I typed in "pico.mime.types," and it
>> said "file not found."  I don't know what else to do.  BTW, I hope I
>> didn't mess anything up by just closing the window.  I really am a
>> novice with the terminal.
>> On Sun, 21 Mar 2004 22:20:02 -0500, Brian Futrell wrote:
>>> This is what I did:
>>> On Saturday, March 20, 2004, at 08:27 AM, Gretchen Summers wrote:
 I don't know what to do when you get to this step (this is where I got
 hung up the first time).  As I mentioned, I am not very familiar with
 the terminal and how to use it.
4.  Use a text editor to uncomment the following line towards the end
 of the mime.convs file (by removing the # sign):
  #application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-raw 0 -
 I usually use pico as the editor, as it is fairly self explanitory
 (sudo pico mime.convs).
>>> At the command line I typed in 'pico mime.convs' (without the quotes).
>>> I moved the cursor towards the end of the file until I saw the line
>>> mentioned in step 4.
>>> I then removed the # sign by using the delete key (del didn't work).
>>> It's like the 5th line from the bottom of the file.
>>> Then I pressed Control  and X to exit the pico program.
>>> It will ask you to Save Modified buffer.  Type 'Y' to proceed.
>>> It will then ask you for a file name.  Press Return to accept the
>>> default file name.
5.  Also uncomment the following line towards the end of the
 mime.types file:
>>> At the command line I typed in 'pico mime.types' (without the quotes).
>>> I moved the cursor towards the end of the file until I saw the line
>>> mentioned in step 5.
>>> I then removed the # sign by using the delete key (del didn't work).
>>> Again it's like the 5th line from the bottom of the file.
>>> Then I pressed Control  and X to exit the pico program.
>>> It will ask you to Save Modified buffer.  Type 'Y' to proceed.
>>> It will then ask you for a file name.  Press Return to accept the
>>> default file name.
 On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 12:07:40 -0500, Joe Questore wrote:
>> I finally managed to share the HP Deskjet 812c connected to my G3
>> AIO with my Windows XP computer using an article from
>>  Here's the exact link I used:
 Gretchen Summers
>>> I hope my steps help you out Gretchen.  If not, let me know.
>>> The two files mentioned above can only be saved once the sudo command
>>> is issued.  This is done in Step 3.
>>> While I'm not as proficient with the BSD command line, I've used PCs
>>> long before Windows was in widespread use.  The DOS command line was
>>> the only way to do things.
>>> Brian Futrell
>>> ---
>>> "Dentyne": G3/266 AIO 320MB/40GB/Zip100/24x/10.2.6
>>> "FrankenMac": 8500/180-7200 case 160MB/2x1GB/9.1-P166/48MB/DOS
>>>  "Minty": G3/266 DT (oc 300) 256MB/2x10GB/Zip100/16x10x40/10.2.8
>> *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
>> Gretchen Summers

Gretchen Summers

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Re: Mac OS support for NuBus 10/100 NIC?

2004-03-27 Thread Darren
Gregg Eshelman wrote:

I picked up a new in the box Asante 10/100 NuBus
network card recently.
Any idea if it'll work with Mac OS 9.1? Does the
Apple Ethernet NB extention support 100 megabit cards?
Driver from Asante is

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