Re: need a Little help please

2007-10-02 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Noah,

I am not able to get CPAN to reload an index.  I cant seem to  
figure out why I cant reload the CPAN index?  Even after updating  
the CPAN URL list - I am still unable to  fetch things from servers.

The output you showed (in all its glory!) might result from not  
having FTP_PASSIVE set to 1 in your environment. If you're using bash  

export FTP_PASSIVE=1

and then going through cpan again. If you're using tcsh then

setenv FTP_PASSIVE 1

and crank up cpan. Failing that it might be worth trying to install  
LWP by hand (it has a few prerequisites that would also need to be  
installed manually, but it's not too bad).

Good luck,

Re: Code Examples for NewAlias

2006-11-04 Thread Paul McCann

Laurence Haynes wrote:

I'm trying to understand how to use the Mac::Files NewAlias  
function. I have not found any code examples and I'm struggling.

The NewAlias function creates a filehandle. How do I create an  
alias file from the alias filehandle?

I'm not surprised: Chris Nandor provided a nicely detailed run  
through of this process some time back (Feb 2003, it seems). It is,  
let's say, pretty grotty, with more emphasis on the grotty than on  
the pretty!

Have a look at

Just for fun I tried it out locally, and unfortunately it seems to  
lack a certain something on my 10.4 machine: that being the alias  
bit, which isn't set on the newly created file. Flicking that on  
(using, say, Path Finder) shows that the file does have  the right  
pointer to the original file, and the creator and type are being set  
correctly, but isn't recognised/represented as an alias in the Finder.

Anyway, I hope this helps gets you pointed in a direction not  
entirely opposite to where you need to be!


Re: perltidy and -w flag

2006-10-05 Thread Paul McCann

Jay Savage wrote:

I can't for the life of me figure how to get it to stop putting
the '-w' flag on the shebang line. It also seems to occasionally eat
my 'use warnings;' when it does it.

I've just tried to replicate this in TextMate (selecting Tidy via  
the Perl bundle with a use warnings; line and no -w flag. A naked  
called to Tidy --that is, I have no .perltidy file-- didn't change  
anything except the indentation of some loops; do you still get the  
overriding of warnings if you move your .perltidy aside? Just for the  
record I have...

% perltidy --v
This is perltidy, v20060719
[...copyright stuff]


Re: Perl Module Installation

2006-08-23 Thread Paul McCann

 Michael Barto wrote:

If you have downloaded the module instead of using CPAN, look at  
the file INSTALL in the module. If should tell you what to do:

#make check = VERY IMPORTANT!!
#make install

Hmm, doesn't look very typical!! Most perl modules don't have an  
INSTALL file, ./configuration will produce an error as there's no  
such file in the directory (you mean ./configure I think, but it  
will also give an error  as it's not appropriate for a perl module),  
and you probably shouldn't be running the first three of those things  
as root...

Mo, just in case you either (a) can't get the cpan script to run  
(it's sometimes a little finicky to set up behind a proxy server, for  
example), or (b) wish to do  things by hand, here's the standard  
sequence to go through in order to install DBI.

If you have downloaded DBI-1.52.tar.gz then move it somewhere  
convenient (eg, a directory called src in your home directory; make  
this directory if necessary). Then

% cd ~/src
% tar zxf DBI-1.52.tar.gz
% cd DBI-1.52
% perl Makefile.PL

[[ At this stage you might get warnings about missing prerequisite  
modules; in that case you will have to install them beforehand using   
the  same procedure described here. This can cause quite a bit of  
cascading backwards if the module you're installing has a lot of  
dependencies: getting stuck in such an installation cycle will make  
you appreciate cpan (the script, not the repository). ]]

% make
% make test

[[ Then if the tests all pass...]]

% sudo make install

The last of  these will ask for your password (I'm assuming you're an  
admin user). The module will automatically be installed in the  
appropriate place on your machine. No need to manually copy anything  

Best of luck,

Re: Math::GMP and Net::SSH::Perl

2006-08-05 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Michael,

I think the problem here is that Math::GMP doesn't look in /usr/local/ 
lib to find the libgmp* libraries, so you need to give it a helping  

Just modifying the Makefile.PL file so that instead of

'LIBS'  = ['-lgmp'],   # e.g., '-lm'

you have

'LIBS'  = ['-L/usr/local/lib -lgmp'],   # e.g., '-lm'

should do the trick.


Re: Mac Perl bug?

2006-07-19 Thread Paul McCann

Hi again,

Ugh: please ignore  my previous example, which split on the empty  
string by mistake (it's even evident in the script you quoted).  

Let me  try and pull this together: splitting on a string containing  
a single space is special in a do what you probably mean way: it's  
not the same as splitting on \s+, in that the former discards leading  
and trailing horizontal white space (ie, spaces or tabs).

So if we have

use warnings;
use strict;
my $string = \t12\t   3\t\t4\t;
print join(**, split( ,$string)),the end;
print \n;
print join(**,split(/\s+/,$string)),the end;

Produces the following output:
1**2**3**4the end
**1**2**3**4the end

In general: when using any regexp as the first argument the split  
function acts very much by the book.


Re: Mac Perl bug?

2006-07-18 Thread Paul McCann

Ende asked...


$a = 1  2 3;
1  2 3
split / /, $a;
[1, , 2, 3]
split  , $a;
[1, 2, 3]

Using a single space as the string on which to split triggers a  
special case: from perldoc -f split

   specifying a PATTERN of space (' ') will
   split on white space just as split with no  
arguments does.


Re: convert string to number?

2006-07-07 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Adam,

sounds like the symptoms you'd get if the value you're sending to R  
has a newline character hanging on the end. Perl will do the  
conversion to an integer when required [1], but if you're passing  
such a thing to R it'll probably get grumpy. Just chomp the line  
before doing the extraction of the values and with any luck all will  
be well.

[1] For example...

use warnings;
use strict;
my $string=98\n;
my $sub=$string-10;
print OK we now have $sub\n;

= OK we now have 88


Re: Mac-Carbon-0.76

2006-06-22 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Chris,

Thanks for all the input, I got a lot of small bugs fixed, in tests  

docs mostly, and a small one in code.  No major code changes, no
Intel-specific code changes.

Smooth as silk here, both with and without MAC_CARBON_GUI set.


Re: Mac::Carbon for Intel ... Done?

2006-06-20 Thread Paul McCann

Hi again,

Yes, AppleEvents/t/event and AppleEvents/t/desc were both failing  
with  the same error message:

AppleEvents/t/eventNOK 2#   Failed test 'require '$Bin/';'

#   in AppleEvents/t/event.t at line 11.
# Tried to require ''$Bin/''.


AppleEvents/t/desc.NOK 2#   Failed test 'require '$Bin/';'

#   in AppleEvents/t/desc.t at line 11.
# Tried to require ''$Bin/''.

 Second, do you have the file AppleEvents/t/

Yep, present and correct.

 Finally, you can hardcode the path to in desc.t and  
event.t and

run the tests again.

OK: after a bit of head-scratching and a few failed attempts to do  
this I scrounged together the following modification to the BEGIN  
block for both desc.t and event.t:

#   require_ok('$Bin/');
push @INC,/Users/pmccann/Desktop/downloaded/Mac-Carbon-0.75/ 


With that in place we get success:

% make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command::MM -e  
test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch') t/*.t */t/*.t

1/17 skipped: This fails on both UFS and Intel ... so just  
stop caring.  It's deprecated.

3/13 skipped: Set MAC_CARBON_GUI in env to run tests
11/11 skipped: Set MAC_CARBON_GUI in env to run tests
2/6 skipped: No parent available
All tests successful, 17 subtests skipped.
Files=18, Tests=2958, 33 wallclock secs ( 2.08 cusr +  0.81 csys =   
2.89 CPU)


Re: Mac::Carbon for Intel ... Done?

2006-06-19 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Chris,

Go play with it, if you have an Intel Mac.  Let me know if you find
anything wrong, and let me know soon, since I have less than a week  

with this Intel Mac.

The module (Mac-Carbon-0.75) was fine through make on my intel Mac  
(modulo all the deprecated warnings of course, which I imagine  
should be ignored).

However make test failed  with the following problem:

AppleEvents/t/desc.NOK 2#   Failed test 'require '$Bin/';'

#   in AppleEvents/t/desc.t at line 11.
# Tried to require ''$Bin/''.
# Error:  Can't locate $Bin/ in @INC (@INC contains: / 
Users/pmccann/Desktop/downloaded/Mac-Carbon-0.75/blib/lib /Users/ 
pmccann/Desktop/downloaded/Mac-Carbon-0.75/blib/arch /System/Library/ 
Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/ 
darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/ 
5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level /Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/ 
5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Network/ 
Library/Perl /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level /System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.1 . / 
System/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/Library/ 
Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Library/ 
Perl/5.8.6 /Library/Perl /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- 
multi-2level /Network/Library/Perl/5.8.6 /Network/Library/Perl / 
System/Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6/darwin-thread-multi-2level /System/ 
Library/Perl/Extras/5.8.6 /Library/Perl/5.8.1 .) at (eval 6) line 2.


Re: Control-D Bug?

2006-02-01 Thread Paul McCann

Jonathan Levi wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
   # [comments omitted]
   print reverse ;

drj2:learningperl4 jonathan$



I'm pretty sure that you're just seeing an artefact of executing in  
the terminal (ie it's a display problem, rather than a problem with  
the output).

If you try to catch the output instead, via  output.txt

and then less output.txt you should notice that the ^D terminated  
input gives the same result as when you point at a file for the input.


Re: backup strategy questions

2005-08-14 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Joe,

I've used the Disk Utility and created a copy that boots.  Thank  
you it was fun.  I haven't done the cron thing yet or the psync  
over it.

One question, it appears like everything on the restore copy is  
exactly the same, however the total file size and the total number  
of files is off by about 1%.  Maybe Disk Utility is smart enough  
not to copy items in the Trash Can or maybe there is something else  
going on?

Good question: I've had a bit of a trawl through my different copies  
and it does seem that there are  some portions of the system that  
Disk Utility doesn't copy. For example, the swap files and associated  
guff (in /private/var/vm). That accounted for about a gig of the size  
difference on my machine. There's also some other contents of the / 
private/var/tmp that seems to escape copying, though I haven't looked  
closely enough to sort out what's taken and what's left.

Similarly, it looks like the some of the caches (/System/Library/ 
Caches) might also escape the copying. I tried hunting down a page  
detailing the process, which is really asr (ie, Apple Software  
Restore, see man asr), but didn't have a lot of luck.


Re: backup strategy questions

2005-08-10 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Joe,

... I wrote a little program that creates a new directory each time  
(ie, 2005-08-09) and does a full backup using psync to the directory.

My question:  In the event of a hard disk failure, will I be able  
to boot from a full copy in a directory?   How would I be able to  

Probably not, but it's not too hard to make bootable copies. Just  
partition your backup drive so that you have a partition for each  
backup copy that you'd like to keep (I tend to roll three, so that  
at any time I have the last 2-3 days of live backups). Then use the  
Disk Utility to clone a copy of your live system onto as many  
copies as you wish to keep. It takes about 30 minutes to clone mine,  
but it's obviously pretty sensitive to the size of your live system.  
This process will produce bootable copies, but you probably don't  
want to be doing this all the time. My strategy is to get psync to  
synchronise each of the backups in turn, instituted via a cron job.

Anyway, in more detail:

(1) Make some appropriately sized partitions, so that each will be  
capable of taking a full copy of your live system. Allow some room  
for expansion. Disk Utility makes this easy.

(2) For each partition: firstly erase the existing contents (takes  
about 5 seconds in Disk Utility), in the Erase tab. I think you can  
also click a button in the Restore tab (see below), but I've never  
gone that route. In any case, erasing any existing stuff is crucial  
to success.

(3) Go to the restore tab and drag your live system into the Source  
text field and your first clean partition into the second  
(destination) source field. Click restore, enter admin password, and  
wait! Repeat as you will.

You might like to test the bootability at this point: I've not had a  
problem with this technique.

That done you can just set psync to consecutively roll through  
synchronising with the backups in turn. The entries in the crontab (/ 
etc/crontab) should be something like

# minutehourmdaymonth   wdaywho command
15  4   *   *   3,5 root/usr/local/bin/psync - 
q -d / /Volumes/backup2  /Users/pmccann/psync_output_2 21
15  4   *   *   2,4,6 root/usr/local/bin/ 
psync -q -d / /Volumes/backup3  /Users/pmccann/psync_output_3 21

Obviously that's for a rolling pair of backups on the imaginatively  
named /Volumes/backup2 and /Volumes/backup3. Iterate as necessary and  
adjust the wday fields. The files psync_output_2 etc will contain  
anything to STDOUT or STDERR from the process. In practice I just  
check that things have run OK by tailing those files and/or checking  
their modification date.

Anyway, the upshot of this is that the backups always maintain their  
bootability. I've even --inadvertantly-- bumped the system version of  
the backups (10.3 = 10.4) using this synchonization technique;  
didn't cause any difficulties, and bootability remains.

Best wishes,

Re: psync backup problems: suggestions?

2005-07-14 Thread Paul McCann
Joe asked,

 As an aside, does anyone know how to turn spotlight off of a volume?
 It immediately starts creating an index and it is causing my
 comnputer to run hot and make everything else run slow.

System Preferences = Spotlight = Privacy

Just drag in what you don't want indexed.


Re: HTML::Tidy Filter for BBEdit?

2005-01-17 Thread Paul McCann
Hi John,
you wrote...

 my question is, how can I create the same sort of script which will 
 use HTML::Tidy?
 Both the module and the library are installed and running OK on my 
 Mac, but I can't seem to get it to work, in fact I can't even figure 
 out from the documentation how to get any output from it at all!

I think HTML::Tidy doesn't offer what you're seeking: looks like it's a
validation tool, not a pretty-print tool. So your output is empty if things
are well in the world of your html, and warnings/errors if there are problems
validating the string HTML::Tidy is fed. 

The following works as a filter in BBEdit, but (as above) I don't think
it'll do what you're seeking!

Do the items in the Markup-Tidy submenu do what you're seeking? I'm
pretty sure they hook into a copy of HTML Tidy that's embedded in BBEdit.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::Tidy;
local $/;
my $input=;
my $dummyfilename='input'; 
my $tidy = new HTML::Tidy;
$tidy-parse($dummyfilename, $input );
for my $message ( $tidy-messages ) {
 print $message-as_string;

Re: A Net::Config problem

2004-11-22 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Vic,
you wrote...

 I've got a .libnetrc file in my home directory. It reads
   'nntp_hosts' = [ ],
   'smtp_hosts' = [ ],
   'pop3_hosts' = [, ],

I've thrown that file into my home directory as .libnetrc, and 
then try to use it with Net::Config via

use strict;
use Net::Config qw(%NetConfig);
use Data::Dumper::Simple;
warn Dumper(%NetConfig);

And out she comes...

%NetConfig = (
   'pop3_hosts' = [
   'ftp_firewall' = undef,
   'ph_hosts' = [],
   'time_hosts' = [],
   'inet_domain' = undef,
   'smtp_hosts' = [
   'daytime_hosts' = [],
   'test_exist' = 1,
   'test_hosts' = 1,
   'nntp_hosts' = [
   'snpp_hosts' = [],
   'ftp_ext_passive' = 0,
   'ftp_int_passive' = 0

I don't know if this is more help than hindrance, but at least it's
another data point!


Re: installing scripts using expat/libxml on 10.1.5

2004-11-02 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Richard,
you asked...

 I'm about to write a number of fairly simple perl scripts. They'll be 
 reading xml files.  Unfortunately they've got to be installed on a 
 client machine that uses 10.1.5, owned by a fairly untechnical user.  
 I've always had control of the environment before, and I've no 
 experience with making installation nice and easy. I'm fairly sure 
 developer tools won't be installed on the client machine.
 I don't need much of a gui interface, so I'm planning on a drop-script 
 front end. What's worrying me is getting the modules and parser 
 How can I find out what is installed on the client machine by way of 
 xml parsers? Did 10.1.5 come with expat or libxml? If so, how can I 
 make installing XML::LibXML or XML::Twig easy? I might be able to make 
 a 10.1.5 environment temporarily to test this out - will this make my 
 life a lot easier?

Ouch: I don't think either expat or libxml2 will be present on the raw
system.  And compiling libxml2 for 10.1.x was, let's say, interesting.
You can get old binaries (via dmg's) of libxml2 and libxslt for 10.1.2
that should work fine in 10.1.5 from

Note however that these are pretty old versions: 2.4.15 and 1.0.12. 

But that still leaves the difficulty of getting XML::LibXML or some of
the expat dependent modules to install. And that's almost certainly
going to require a 10.1.x machine with dev tools, and maybe an older
version of the modules. (Probably depends which route you take: libxml2
or libxslt.) I think you will want to make a 10.1.5 machine to do this.
Doubtless you've thought along the lines: wouldn't it just be easier to
upgrade the client to 10.2 or 10.3?

Anyway, I'm rambling: if you set up your 10.1.5 machine it's probably
worth trying to compile libxml2 and/or expat directly from source so
as to get recent versions. Even then you'll probably end up having to
dump your constructed perl directory onto the client machine, which is
a little gross. Otherwise you might try the above binaries. 

Best of luck!

Re: [OT?] Shebang question

2004-07-22 Thread Paul McCann
Hi ~wren,
you wrote...

 Sorry if this is off-topic, but I seem to recall
 sometime fairly recently (less than a year, more than
 a few weeks) someone mentioned a way to autofind the
 path to perl on the shebang line so you don't need to
 hardcode the path. I can't seem to find the post in
 the archives. Does any one remember the method or what
 thread it might have been mentioned in?

That would probably have been the use of the env utility: instead of


or similar you make the first line of your scripts read

#!/usr/bin/env perl

and it'll find the first perl in your environment. See

for some more info.


Re: opening multiple files

2004-03-29 Thread Paul McCann

 On Mon, 29 Mar 2004, Chris Devers wrote:
  Unfortunately, I get the same error you do when I try to run it:
  $ ./ 
  ## Component Manager: attempting to find symbols in a component alias of type 

This is some sort of issue with Toast; googling for the string gives
--eek, an answer that I posted on macosxhints in late 02--

If I remember rightly this is caused by a Toast titanium file that's put
in the quicktime folder... hmm, here we go...

Go into /Library/QuickTime and move 'Toast Video CD Support.qtx'
somewhere else (err, maybe the Trash!!).

  syntax error: A unknown token can't go after this some object. (-2740)
 In other words, syntax error:

The second bit of the error is because path to charts folder isn't 
defined. Something like path to desktop works fine, but even then
the files open separately. Indeed, with Preview on 10.3.3 I can't 
replicate the many to one behaviour that Joseph is seeking, even
from the Finder. Selecting several files then double clicking on 
one produces multiple windows -- one for each file -- for me.
Am I being slow again, or is this maybe some panter/jaguar change?


Re: opening multiple files

2004-03-29 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Joseph,
you wrote...

 It's easy to replicate from the Finder.  You highlight the files and  
 double click holding shift down.
 Also, you can highlight, then control click getting the menu and then  
 select open.

Thanks for the explanation, but my machine seems to be on a rather
strict one window for one file kick at the moment. No matter what
I try, including both of the above invocations. (10.3.3 here). Anyone
else using 10.3.3 able to do the many to one trick in Preview?

So I can't test whether any of the applescript solutions match the 
Finder behaviour (ie, they *all* do for me!).


Re: opening multiple files

2004-03-29 Thread Paul McCann
Ned Day asked,

 how on earth do i unsubscribe from this?

Try reading the mail headers of any message to the list:

List-Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: xterm color support

2004-01-18 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Gohaku,
you wrote...

 I have a question about the following script:
 use Term::ANSIColor;
 print color(red on_white), Danger, Will Robinson!\n;
 print color(red on_white), Danger, Will Robinson!\n;
 print color(red on_white), Danger, Will Robinson!\n;
 print color(reset);
 Has anybody experienced the same problem or is there a problem with my 

Your script works fine here (10.3.2, using the Term::ANSIColor that came
with the standard Perl installation (1.07), and with my TERM set to
xterm-color). Of course the standard not very white white background
is present, but that's OK: I can see it's *trying* to be white, and just
feeling a little bit off-colour...


Re: /tmp v. /tmp/501/TemporaryItems

2004-01-18 Thread Paul McCann
Hi John,
you wrote...

 Can someone please tell me if there's any reason not to write files 
 in /private/tmp rather than in /tmp/501/TemporaryItems ?
 drwxrwxrwt   29 root  wheel   986 18 Jan 21:49 tmp
 drwxr-xr-x   13 jdwheel   442 18 Jan 21:30 TemporaryItems
 So far as jd and admin there's never been a problem, but would there 
 be a problem if I were a user with fewer privileges?

The big difference between the two locations seems to be that anyone can
read the files you drop into /tmp, while the files in /tmp/501 are
protected from prying eyes. You can of course change the permissions on
files that you make in /tmp so as to shield the contents (or change your
umask), but you have the additional problem of not being able to
overwrite a temp file owned by someone else. See File::Temp (standard
module) for a nice, safe interface to the whole temporary file business.

With regards to writing there's no problem: as per the permissions
above, anyone can drop a file into the /tmp directory, but only the
owner (or an admin using sudo or suchlike) can delete it.


Re: Newcomer with a few questions

2003-11-07 Thread Paul McCann
John wrote...

 The trouble is that it takes an age for the libraries to be loaded, the 
 events to be compiled and for the dialog to appear:
 use MacPerl;
 $phone = MacPerl::Ask(Enter your phone number:);

Hmm, must depend crucially on the machine: on this dual 1G thing
I'm driving at the moment it's about half a second from pressing
return until the dialog's staring me in the face:

perl -e 'use Macperl;$phone = MacPerl::Ask(Enter your phone number:); '

Pretty much the same as Pashua, for example (or applescript dialogs,
for another). In other words: your mileage may vary...


Re: Perl version of GetFileInfo?

2003-10-31 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Conrad,
you wrote...

 I jumped too soon. I tested the MacOSX::File install under Panther and it
 failed with these errors:
 I tried using gcc 2.95 instead of 3.3 and got further but still errored... I
 don't have time right now to try and debug it but maybe later.

If you check the archives of this list the errors are acknowledged
and a patch has been supplied. Check the information for Panther users
on Dan Kogai's page:


Re: Problems installing libwww-perl-5.69 on OSX

2003-10-19 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Mike,
you wrote...

  I'm trying to install libwww-perl-5.69 on my OSX machine to run under  
 Perl 5.8.0.

Try using 5.72 (which is on CPAN now). I installed it this morning and
all tests passed without problem. (This is with perl 5.8.1, but I'd bet
you'll get similar results with 5.8.0.)


Re: psync Warnings

2003-09-29 Thread Paul McCann
Hi David,
you wrote...

 While running a psync backup, I get lots of warnings such as these:

 [[warnings deleted]]

 Should I worry about these? The command I'm running is

While I don't recognise all the warnings that you showed at least some of them
can be removed by replacing Dan's psync script with a modified version
available via versiontracker. More precisely, it's obtainable from

I've been using this version for a few weeks now and it's eliminated a heap of
warnings that used to accompany the circumstances listed below. Just throw the
psync in the expanded sit directory into /usr/local/bin in place of the
original psync. Note the last line below: he's carefully commented the changes.
Here's some info from the README file that accompanies Jacek's revised version:

Fixed bugs: 

1. If a file in source was replaced by a folder the script barfed and did not
backup that folder 

2. If a folder in source was replaced by a file the script produced an error
and did not remove old folder nor backup the file that replaced it.

3. If a folder was removed in source and corresponding folder in destination
contained any of the IgnoreFiles (.DS_Store is almost always there), the ignore
file was not deleted, folder was not empty and could not be deleted either.
After a while there were a lot of empty folders in the destination. 

4. If a file to be deleted in destination was a link with no target, it would
not be deleted (-e $dfile condition would fail). Any enclosing folders would
not be deleted either.

5. Dead links could not be deleted or replaced with folders

6. Locked files in destination could not be deleted (when removed from source)
nor replaced (when changed in source).

Fully implemented -a option (it was already used but only in one place). It is
a full preview of what would happen if the backup was performed, but without
doing anything - -n option only lists total number of files that would be
deleted or copied, but it does not say which files.

Prettified number of files to delete/copy/ignore (removed empty lines)

Added to $IgnorePat (so it is skipped):

You can find all my changes by searching for ###js.



Re: File write/read problem

2003-09-24 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Mark,
you wrote...

 Permission denied at /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/write.cgi
 All the permissions for each of these directories are 755. Something is 
 a miss. So what can I do?! I'm very confused.

There's your problem. 755 will not allow the www user (or whatever
you've set apache to run as) to write into that directory. The
permission for all is read and execute, *not* write. Hence permission

Try getting it to write to some junk directory on which you've set
permissions to be 777 (say). Success will come!


Re: installing expat

2003-09-10 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Chad,
you wrote...
 Unfortunately, I don't seem to be able to figure out how to install 
 expat.  I downloaded it from , where it 
 includes a makefile.  However, my degree in music composition didn't 
 involve much compiling and installation of c libraries, and after much 
 searching I haven't come across any installation instructions for expat 
 - just lots of examples for using it in C.

I think the versions on James Clark's site are *long* abandoned: the
modification dates are all 2000 or before. Grab version 1.95.6 from
sourceforge: you should end up with a file 


Move this into any directory you like (won't affect the outcome);
open a terminal window, move to the directory containing
expat-1.95.6.tar.gz and enter the following commands:

tar zxf expat-1.95.6.tar.gz
cd expath-1.95.6
sudo make install

You'll have to enter your password after the last command. There
will probably be loads of warnings as the make command progresses:
I think they're ignorable (well: the build completes without major
problem in any case). 

Give things a go after that.

Best of luck,

Re: Panther, Perl 5.8.*, threads, etc.

2003-07-15 Thread Paul McCann
Sounds like you might be heading in the POE direction:

Worth a look if you haven't already considered this option.


Re: copy files with everything?

2003-03-30 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Berndt,
you wrote...

 simple question, how can I copy file type, creator and icon  along with a file.
 use File::Copy;

 copies just the file, but the resulting test2.doc has lost the icon, file type and 
 creator. I think there must be a way, which I simply dont now. 

If you haven't already done so, get MacOSX::File from CPAN 
and install it on your machine. From perldoc MacOSX::File::Copy
we have...

   MacOSX::File::Copy provides copy() and move() as in
   File::Copy.  Unlike File::Copy (that also comes with MacOS
   X), MacOSX::File::Copy preserves resouce fork and Finder
   attirbutes.  Consider this as a perl version of CpMac and
   MvMac which comes with MacOS X developer kit.

Having installed the module you can use something like the following:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use MacOSX::File::Copy;
my $srcpath='/Users/pmccann/junk/longlines.lis';
my $dstpath='/Users/pmccann/junk/morelonglines.lis';
copy($srcpath, $dstpath) or die No luck: $!;


Re: [OT] More Terminal/Finder cooperation

2003-02-26 Thread Paul McCann
On Wed, Feb 26, 2003 at 10:46:05AM -0600, Ken Williams wrote:
 Awesome - I'm now adding a little perl script around it to get the  
 absolute path and to activate the Finder:

Nice script: I think you can probably save some execution time
by incorporating both finder calls in the same osascript call:
try something like the following (which I've called psel on
my machine, as select has already been grabbed by zsh). I like
the heredoc quoting of applescripts as it pretty much allows
drag and drop to/from the applescript editor.


my $file = shift or die No file specified;

use File::Spec; 
$file = File::Spec-rel2abs($file)  
  if !File::Spec-file_name_is_absolute($file); 

system(qq{osascript END 
tell application Finder
reveal $file as POSIX file as alias 
end tell

Re: hi and axpoint

2003-02-22 Thread Paul McCann
Marco Baroni wrote:

 Most of the rest of the dependencies are pretty much sorted these 
 days: at
 least once you've got libxml2 and libxslt and have their perl wrappers
 installed (watch the version of XML::LibXML, as per earlier messages. 
 It broke
 some time soon after 1.51 for Mac OS X).
 I haven't consciously done these things -- will I regret it soon?

My apologies: I should have checked up exactly what AxPoint depends
on. Those comments belong in another thread (in another universe). 
I'd been installing all the XML modules together, and have somehow
managed to mash together a couple of disparate modules. 

So... having just checked again, AxPoint *doesn't* require the XML::Lib*
modules, but only PDFLib and some stuff from the XML::SAX namespace, so
the comments of mine quoted above are irrelevant.

Good to hear that things are working; have no regrets!


Re: hi and axpoint

2003-02-21 Thread Paul McCann
Hi Marco,

 In particular, I followed the suggestions regarding the Makefile of 
 Text::Iconv that I found in the message[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04392.html, but that 
 didn't help (it didn't even help wrt to Text::Iconv, which still cannot 
 find the libiconv, despite the fact that I did get it via fink, and 
 that I do keep the fink stuff in /sw...)
 So, I was wondering if somebody did a succesful axpoint install, and, 
 in that case, what was the procedure (I have perl5.8.0 on Jaguar...)

Much to my own amazement I'd actually recorded the changes I made
to install Text::Iconv. These are the two lines in the Makefile.PL
that should allow it to find Fink's libiconv: 

'LIBS' = ['-L/sw/lib -liconv'],   # e.g., '-lm' 
'INC'  = '-I/sw/include', # e.g., '-I/usr/include/other' 

The #e.g., '-lm' hint in the file might not have been all that 
helpful in this case! 

Most of the rest of the dependencies are pretty much sorted these days: at
least once you've got libxml2 and libxslt and have their perl wrappers
installed (watch the version of XML::LibXML, as per earlier messages. It broke
some time soon after 1.51 for Mac OS X). In short, yep, Axpoint is working
fine on my 10.2.4 machine.

Best of luck,

Re: Announcement: PerlPad 0.1

2003-02-09 Thread Paul McCann
On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 09:51:34AM +0900, Thilo Planz wrote:

 I have been playing around with Camelbones a little and placed my 
 results on SourceForge:

 I would like some feedback, basically to see if the thing installs on 
 other computers than my own and if someone finds it useful.

I downloaded the source dmg, copied it to my home directory, and then
opened it up in project builder. It built fine, but stalled when
attempting to run the built application because of a missing perl
module:  Devel::Symdump

A quick trip to revealed the following:

which installed without problem. Post that perl-pad looks like lots of
fun, but I can't get the command-shift-E execution to work, even in
those applications where it shows up within the services menu (eg
BBEdit; seems there's not many apps where command-shift-E is going to
survive). Is there an easy way to change the keyboard equivalent of
Evaluate as Perl Command?

Anyway, I look forward to having a better play with PerlPad down the
track. Thanks for making it available,


Re: Announcement: PerlPad 0.1

2003-02-09 Thread Paul McCann
Thanks for the info Thilo: just in case someone else wants to 
do the remapping. 

Find PerlPad, control click and select Show Package Contents. Open up 
Info.plist file inside the Contents directory (double clicking will 
probably crank open Property List Editor, which is a pretty good tool 
for editing this thing). Then navigate through to


and double click the existing E in order to enter your new keyboard

I chose \ instead of the default E, and all's mostly well.  BBEdit
had already claimed command-\ as hard wrap but was polite enough to
remap it to command-shift-\ while the other applications seem not to
have got their grubby little mits on that combination. One weird aspect
however: the *first* time you try to use the service in any application
via the keyboard equivalent it simply feeds back the alert sound. If I
run the service by hand (ie via the menu) it will then run via the
keyboard equivalent until you restart the application. I think that this
was happening even before I modified anything; this is what made me
think that the keyboard equivalents weren't working in some app's: can
anyone else confirm this behaviour??

Oh yeah, as per Thilo's message, either logout and login again or paste
the following into the PerlPad application itself and click Process.


Then restart some apps to use the modified keystroke in anger. See the
help pages in PerlPad for a very nice way to add new services (and 
register them). 'tis very cute to be able to calculate directly in an
iCal appointment on the main calendar display (amongst other places!).


Re: dmg of perl 5.8.0 on Mac OS X

2003-02-05 Thread Paul McCann
On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 06:03:32PM -0700, Nathan Torkington wrote:
 Please download and test the perl 5.8.0 distribution available from:

Done, and much appreciated. (The machine on which I have
just installed your dmg was giving all sorts of ridiculous
errors when attempting to install from source, so a gentle
thwack from an installer is very welcome.)
 It installs Perl, Berkeley DB 4.1.25, DB_File 1.42 and Time::HiRes
 1.42 into /usr/local/perl5-8.  You'll need to add
 to your path, probably in your .cshrc.  Be warned: it's a 12M download.

But also prepare to be surprised at the width of pipe if you're using
a swift connection. 15 seconds for the 12MB here :-)

Might be worth mentioning here that @INC does not intersect the 5.6.0
Perl that comes with Mac OS X. For the record...

% /local/perl5-8/bin/perl -V

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0) configuration:
Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): 
Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
 Built under darwin
 Compiled at Feb  5 2003 16:32:49

Thanks again,

Re: trouble with DBD::SQLite 0.23

2003-01-28 Thread Paul McCann
Puneet Kishor wrote: 

 I am able to build SQLite 2.7.6 from source without any problem. But,
 DBD::SQLite 0.23 (which comes with its own SQLite) croaks.
 Interestingly, it seems to build and install ok, many tests are passed,
 then 'make test' (regression testing) fails. Running dbish shows SQLite
 is not installed (at least, it is not presented as a choice).  Any
 guidance will be appreciated. 

There's a new version of DBD::SQLite that is supposed to fix this
'orrible behaviour on Mac OS X. While I can't see it via
right now it could be that damn proxy server being recalcitrant!

Watch for DBD::SQLite 0.24 (which includes SQLite 2.7.6).


Re: trouble with DBD::SQLite 0.23

2003-01-28 Thread Paul McCann
Hi again,

 h... if you (I too) can't see it on, how do you 
 know 0.24 exists? I searched on the minimalist, and on 
 Google too... nothing about 0.24. Is there a secret place? ;-)

Hmm, not very sEcReT; Matt Sergeant has a journal

He happened to mention the new release some time in the last couple of
days, and having had the bus error joy with SQLite the info stuck in 
my brain. 

 on a related note -- I am fairly confused about this CPAN installing 
 thing? most perl packages (such as, provided it didn't have 
 to build libsqlite.a) are just text files, no? Hence, why do they need 
 to be installed unless install-ing means simply copying them to the 
 correct place.

For pure perl modules that's pretty much what's up. You can do it
yourself if you *really* want to (that used to be the way with things on
Mac OS before Chris Nandor wrote some nice tools to do the easy things 
automatically). If you really want to know what's being done then have a
gander at the Makefile that's produced via a perl Makefile.PL call.

 And, is the install procedure merely perl 
 Makefile.PL, make, make install... is that all that CPAN really does 
 (provided it doesn't have to follow any dependencies). So, if I have to 
 install something outside of CPAN, do I do perl Makefile.PL, make, 
 make install?

All going well that's what CPAN is doing for you: if you watch the
procedure you'll notice exactly that sequence being executed, but with
the worthwhile twist that it'll postpone installing one module until
it's tried to install the prerequisites (and so on). CPAN uses all the
standard locations, so installing by hand is perfectly in harmony with
the CPAN installation process. It's just significantly more painful if
you find dependencies (and then dependencies of dependencies...).

In short: yep, perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make test ; make install.
Don't forget the make test piece of the puzzle. Habit has me using
sudo make install at the last step, but just glancing through the
directories suggests that the sudo call shouldn't be necessary on Mac 
OS X. 


Re: CamelBones example code?

2003-01-28 Thread Paul McCann
Rich Morin wrote:

 FWIW, I managed to get the data source part working, though somebody is
 making FAR too many calls to numberOfRowsInTableView (:-).  My current
 issue is setting a fixed-width font for the table's data cells.  This:
   $acell = $col-dataCell();

 gives me the nastygram:
  Class NSFont does not respond to selector

Caveat: my knowledge of Cocoa is something of a bad joke. Given that,
Cocoa Browser (nice little app; see versiontracker) suggests that the
method name is incorrect:

Best of luck,

Re: PDFLib

2002-12-03 Thread Paul McCann
On Tue, Dec 03, 2002 at 10:13:48PM +0100, jonasbn wrote:
 I am currently working on a bingo game in Perl (its a long story).
 The next step in the development is to be able to produce bingo plates
 and I have been given some code dependent on PDFLib from a kind soul.
 I have downloaded the PDFLib tarball from, but I cannot
 seem to find any installation guidelines, and the package looks somewhat
 have any of you installed these libraries, and can provide me with a link
 or a brief explanation on how to proceed?

Matt Sergeant described how to generate such things in one of his journal entries. That'd require little more than pdflib
and his module to produce. Maybe that's the code you're
heading towards...

To install pdflib you should grab the source tarball and simply follow
the generic unix installation instructions (ie, ./configure, make, sudo
make install). I'm pretty sure it **just worked** under 10.1.x when I
installed the libraries onto my machine. Yep, just found a noteworthy
piece of shouting amidst my old pdflib compile notes: it goes like


It sounds like you might have grabbed the binary distribution, which
will watermark all the pages it produces until you buy a
not-inexpensive license. At the bottom of the download page
( you'll see

Unix: pdflib-4.0.3.tar.gz

Hopefully that tarball should look a lot more familiar. If you have any
problems with that give the list archives the once-over: details are
provided at

Best of luck,

Re: Process table information

2002-12-03 Thread Paul McCann
Chris Nandor wrote:
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ken Williams) wrote:
  Yeah, that looks like exactly what I want.  Now if I can just 
  get Mac::Carbon working under 10.1.5! =)  Still haven't had any 
  luck with that, it looks like a gcc 2/3 issue to me.
 Yeah, I dunno.  :/  I've not had any opportunity to even test it.  What I 
 could try to do is release binaries next time, putting them on (I won't bother putting them on the CPAN).  I think those 
 should work on 10.1.5.  Let me know if you want me to try (I am aiming for a 
 0.02 release of Mac::Carbon in the next 2 weeks).

For what it's worth, I had to sudo gcc_select 3 to get Mac::Carbon to
compile under 10.2.2. Having changed gcc to 2 in order to get to work properly I was head-scratching for a couple of minutes
when Mac::Carbon wouldn't compile; then I noticed the 2.95.2 in the
output. So I think Ken's on the money here. 

I guess I could be a *little* more precise here... here's how the dummy
is spat when using gcc 2.95.2 

~/src/Mac-Carbon-0.01 % sudo gcc_select 2
Current default compiler is now gcc2.

~/src/Mac-Carbon-0.01 % perl
Writing Makefile for Mac::Components
Writing Makefile for Mac::Files
Writing Makefile for Mac::Gestalt
Writing Makefile for MacPerl
Writing Makefile for Mac::Memory
Writing Makefile for Mac::MoreFiles
Writing Makefile for Mac::Notification
Writing Makefile for Mac::Processes
Writing Makefile for Mac::Resources
Writing Makefile for Mac::Sound
Writing Makefile for Mac::Speech
Writing Makefile for Mac::Types
Writing Makefile for Mac::Carbon
~/src/Mac-Carbon-0.01 % make
cc -c -I/Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon/ -g -pipe -pipe -fno-common
-no-cpp-precomp -flat_namespace -DHAS_TELLDIR_PROTOTYPE
-fno-strict-aliasing -Os -DVERSION=\1.01\ -DXS_VERSION=\1.01\
-I/System/Library/Perl/darwin/CORE  Components.c
In file included from
 from /Developer/Headers/FlatCarbon/Events.h:1,
 from ../Carbon.h:23,
 from Components.xs:32:
/usr/include/gcc/darwin/2.95.2/g++/../stdbool.h:10: warning: empty
In file included from Components.xs:32:
.../Carbon.h: In function `GUSIPath2FSp':
.../Carbon.h:168: parse error before `path'
.../Carbon.h:169: `path' undeclared (first use in this function)
.../Carbon.h:169: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
.../Carbon.h:169: for each function it appears in.)
make[1]: *** [Components.o] Error 1
make: *** [subdirs] Error 2

Re: Installation of LWP fails

2002-10-12 Thread Paul McCann

On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 09:55:18AM -0700, David Wheeler wrote:
 On Friday, October 11, 2002, at 08:36  AM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
  Is this indicative of the Developer Tools not being installed?
 I don't know about that, but if the developer tools weren't installed, 
 there'd be no compiler -- and there was definitely a compiler in the 
 error message sent yesterday -- the compiler it what complained that it 
 couldn't find perl.h.

As per my message yesterday: I'm pretty sure that what has happened in 
these cases is that someone has installed the Developer Tools but did
not choose to install the BSD SubSystem when installing the OS itself.
It's in the mix by default with 10.2, but some people unclick the option
on install (and it used to be off by default). Anyway, it's a separate
pkg on the install CD's, and should install without a hitch.


Re: Perl REs as System Service

2002-10-11 Thread Paul McCann

On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 09:43:27AM -0400, Alexandre Enkerli wrote:
 Did anyone try building a System Service (in the Services submenu) to 
 apply Perl regular expressions on selected text?

Kevin van Vechten has a Perl Service for Mac OS X that works fine with
Jaguar (unlike his SSHAgentServices unfortunately).

This might do what you're seeking. If not, it works great as a cheap


Re: XML::LibXML on Mac OS X 10.1.1

2001-12-13 Thread Paul McCann

 I'm trying to build XML::LibXML and XML::LibXSLT on OS X 10.1.1 and I 
 have no luck doing it.
 I already installed libxml2 Version 2.3.14-1 with Fink.

Not good enough I'm afraid: that fink package must be fairly old. 
From the Makefile.PL for XML::LibXML

 die XML::LibXML needs libxml2 version 2.4.8 or higher\n;

 Anyone can provide a simple  step by step guide to do such a task.

Pretty close to it: try the perl-xml mailing list archives for November
at and hunt for my long message about how to install
these two libraries (libXML and LibXSLT). After that the Perl wrappers
just went on like a dream. Warning: read the whole thing through, as
I've included a lot of false starts!

OK, I'll find it... (it's already so late, so very, very, late: no, I
tell a lie. It's already so early, so )

Good luck,

Re: Creating groups was (RE: OT: mySQL installation)

2001-07-20 Thread Paul McCann

Maybe this will stop the OT stuff: maybe it'll only make it worse!

 Well that still doesn't explain how to create a group

I've inserted a chunk of a nervous nelly step-by-step set of instructions
I wrote a while ago on a macfixit_forum thread below this message. niutil is
probably preferable to the netinfo manager route proposed below if you're
going to be doing a lot of this sort of thing, but the latter gets the job
done with relative ease and reasonable transparency.

You might want to back up your netinfo local databases before changing
anything: the files you want (contra the man pages in osx) are in
/var/db/netinfo/  In particular, you need to back up the local.nidb
directory. To do this you can use something like the following:

% cd /var/db/netinfo
% sudo tcsh
root# mkdir ~/nidbbup
root# tar cpf - local.nidb | (cd ~/nidbbup/; tar xpf -)
root# exit

The above ensures that permissions and ownership are properly preserved.
(Obviously the whole directory structure is going to be owned by root, which
might at least make you hum and haaa for a while before flushing it!).

Hmmm, time to finish: this was supposed to be a cut and paste job.
welcomed with open arms. In particular, I can't find much on single user
mode in osx: is having a netinfo backup in your home directory going to be
helpful? Is there a more helpful/readily_accessible place to throw it?



When netinfo manager opens you should either see, or be able to navigate to
the groups directory, which is where the current group info is stored.
(Note that changing /etc/group won't change anything except in (for example)
single user mode, because netinfo hasn't been started in such situations.)

Click on groups and choose New subdirectory from the Directory menu. If
it's greyed out you'll have to authenticate via the usual lock in the bottom
left hand corner. Now double click where it says new_directory (the
value associated with the name property) and change it to your new group
name. Now add in values for the passwd property (this is almost always *
as noone seems to use group passwords), the gid property, and the members
property. The entries in the Directory menu allow you to do all this. If the
required entries are greyed out make sure that you're cursor is focused in
the properties/values area of the netinfo manager window.

If you want to check the format of such an entry just look at an existing
one in the groups directory. (You might be asked if you wish to save changes
when you try to change to an existing entry from the one you're in the
process of adding; do as you will!).

One gotcha that I just noticed: the changes you make don't take effect
within the current terminal invocation. You really do need to quit
terminal and restart it to see your new group definitions. I was getting
strange output in which typing id would produce different output from id
pmccann (my username) in the terminal session. Seems that terminal caches
that data.

Anyway, as per the above: **tread carefully**. Netinfo manager is powerful
and hence (justifiably) scary. The delete directory button in particular
just radiates destructive potential. You're prompted when you try and delete
a directory, but the confirmation message doesn't echo which directory is
going to be deleted. Yech!

Hopefully the above will get you started. I think I've washed my hands

Re: making a file executable

2001-07-19 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Robin,

  On Friday, 20 July 2001 at 3:45AM  you wrote:

I've included the script below for perusal, it basically kills any
apps which are open at the time of invokation - I got fed up doing it
manually and didn't want to write an Applescript to do it. It works
as expected when run from the command line using 'perl',
but fails silently when I try to call it by name, even after forcing
OSX to place it in  /usr/bin/

Nota bene: even if /usr/bin is in your PATH (which is almost definite: life
in a macosx terminal window without /usr/bin in the PATH is pretty grim!)
you'll need to let the shell know that you've added in the new executable.
Either type rehash so that the shell scans through your directories in the
same way it does when you log in (caching the result), or (more easily)
close the terminal and open a new one.


Re: Make is where it should but where is 'wich' ?

2001-06-20 Thread Paul McCann

Hi Ronald,

 To find make Martin suggested %wich make or %where make. On my machine make
  gnumake are where they should
 be, thougth bash can not find wich or where? Are this to tools part of the
 developer tools?
 They are not on /usr/bin, where else can they be? Otherwise where can I get

which and where are built into the standard shells (zsh, csh, tcsh)
found in MacOSX. Judging by bash on my solaris box (I haven't installed it
for MacOSX) it seems that where is not available in bash, but you can use
whereis instead: I'd guess that where is simply another way to call
whereis in the other shells. which (with the h) works fine in bash.

That is, both of these should work for you:

which make
whereis make


Re: apache wont start on osX (needed to run perl-cgi scrips)

2001-04-17 Thread Paul McCann

Replying to Alan, Scott wrote...

you need to be root to start it.

use sudo

sudo apachectl start

Which nicely explains the message that Alan saw:

httpd: could not open error log file /private/var/log/httpd/error_log

httpd starts up with root privileges, opens the log files, which are
writeable only by root, and in a directory only writeable by root: hence
Alan's inability to make anything in there via an *administrator* account in
MacOS X. [An administrator account in MacOS X is not equivalent to a root
account, but I believe that such a user is thrown into the /etc/sudoers file
with full access by default. So you're about four letters short of root.]
Anyway, getting back to the miserably small point of this overly long
paragraph: after opening the log files apache forks a number of times, and
the uid of the children is changed from root to www (or nobody on some
systems?). These low-privilege babies do all of the accepting/processing of
connections etc. The nice bit is that they inherit the open file descriptors
from the mega-powerful parent, and hence can write to "root only" log files.
But that's the only rootly power they command.

as far as the

you don't have a hostname set for the unix side of things.. Apple hasn't
made this easy, you need to edit /etc/hostconfig and set the hostname

Yep, hit this one while trying to use sendmail, which refused to run while
only finding "localhost" as hostname.  While I added in the fully qualified
version of my hostname I'm not sure that this was needed/correct. Does
/etc/hostconfig want "osx" or ""? The latter seems
to work fine, but it's somewhat unheimlich seeing the fully qualified name
come up in response to a hostname query. (In case anyone's going in the same
direction in trying to use sendmail, you'll also need to make the /
directory non-group-writeable via "sudo chmod g-w /" or something similar.)

Ah yeah, perl, umm. Perl's going swimmingly, shockingly well on the new
platform, which is more than can be said for the Hard Drives on which it is
installed! Disk First Aid helped me for the first time *ever* this morning.
You could have knocked me over with a feather: found errors, repaired
errors, machine stopped flashing my longtime foe on boot (question mark on
floppy drive image) and actually rebooted in MacOS X. Perl, perl, perl...
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel is recommended for profit and pleasure. Lots of fun
for all the MacOS X family. Given that the academic staff here just *lurv*
Excel spreadsheets it's rather nice to be able to feed in a collection of
tab delimited classlists in mbox format (ie coming from about 160 separate
email messages), remove the mail_headers/redundant_messages, rearrange the
ordering of the information, change the widths of certain columns of the
output, and produce circa one hundred spreadsheets in about 20 seconds. I
like *muchly*. (The script's almost certainly too format-specific to be much
help to anyone else, not to mention too ugly to see the light of day.
Suffice to say that it pretty much rides on the back of the
script in the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel distribution, adding a modicum of
formatting to a selection of columns.)
