RE: Handbreak Settings

2013-03-02 Thread Kliphton
I also have a question about this app.  How do you select multiple tracks
like on a DVD that is a TV series?  I wouldn't want to have to do it
individually, that could be pretty time consuming.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Emilio Hernandez
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 10:43 PM
Subject: Handbreak Settings

Hello everyone,

I am putting movies I have purchased on to my computer, but what settings do
I need to enable, so these videos can be played on my iDevice?
I am not sure if the settings I need to interact with are found in the
preferences drawer, r if they are found elsewhere.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-02 Thread ppowells09
Hi folks,
If I'm not mistaken, the money you pay for the app, also get you access through 
your computer. I don't think they charged twice. Login to your MLB account with 
your username and password and take advantage of the subscription on your 
computer or phone.

Pam Francis

On Mar 2, 2013, at 6:45 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

I hardcore want this for my android phone.  It's perfectly accessible and 
streamlined and to be honest, I'm out when the came is on quite a lot.  It's 20 
bucks for the app though, are you kidding me?  Essentially double the price of 
a subscription just for mobile device support.  It's really outrageous.

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 6:33 PM, wrote:

> I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I use 
> the app. Much easier to navigate.
> Pam Francis
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on your 
> computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make no 
> difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
> stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
> significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not wine 
> about it and get on with the game.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>> I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
>> Not real fond of Adobe.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>>> Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
>>> I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>>> ontario disability support program at
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
 Pardon my ignorance,
 Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with
 the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used
 to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
 Pam Francis
 On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
 first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
 Then go to
 Log in with your email address and password.
 At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
 Click this.
 press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
 Type the call letters of the station you want.
 it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice
 to find it.
 press enter once to set focus to that station.
 press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
 Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
 Hope this helps,
 Erik Burggraaf
 Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
 ontario disability support program at
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
> If so, let me know how you got it working.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> --
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Handbreak Settings

2013-03-02 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

I am putting movies I have purchased on to my computer, but what settings do I 
need to enable, so these videos can be played on my iDevice?
I am not sure if the settings I need to interact with are found in the 
preferences drawer, r if they are found elsewhere.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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Re: Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2013-03-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
That is a shame,. It would make life so much easier. Looks like a great feature 
indeed. I hope they fix this in an update. I'll go write Apple Accessibility 
about it right now.

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how do I turn off "1 row added" in voiceover?

2013-03-02 Thread Eric Oyen
hey guys,

I keep getting the "1 row added" indication in mail (and other appps). this is 
rather annoying and interrupts my reading an email or tweet. it means that I 
have to go back and start reading it again. any way to turn this off?


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Re: Crashing Chrome with Chromevox

2013-03-02 Thread BBS
Yep. That's your problem. Remember, Samantha is a Nuance Vocalizer voice and in 
my previous post I said that the Nuance voices don't play well with Chromevox. 
I would suggest you switch to Alex or if you still want Samantha as your system 
voice, there's a good US English voice in the Chrome Webstore. It's free to 
download. I have her and she's awesome.

Sent from my white MacBook

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Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-02 Thread Esther
Hi Lisette,

Voice Dream Reader can't read Kobo ebooks because of the DRM.  It can be used 
for DRM-free ePub books, though.  Kobo handles your authorization for the ADE 
DRM through your initial account setup and purchase records.  Apps like 
OverDrive Media Console make you apply for an Adobe ID that is associated with 
your account, and that can be linked to library or other downloads.  If you buy 
eBooks from publishers who do not use DRM, they can be read in Voice Dream 



On Mar 2, 2013, at 14:18, Lisette Wesseling wrote:

> Esther,
> Do you know if voice dream can  read Kobo books?
> On 3/03/2013, at 12:20 PM, Esther  wrote:
>> Hello Andrew,
>> Lisette is correct, the current version of the Kobo eBook reader app is 
>> accessible if you use it on an iPhone or an iPod Touch.  You need to 
>> purchase the eBooks from the Kobo web site, but with your account login, 
>> they'll appear in your library when you're using the Kobo app on your 
>> iPhone.  You also have the option of downloading a copy of the book to your 
>> computer, but the format will be ePub with Adobe Digital Editions DRM.  
>> (This is the most common type of DRM you are likely to encounter, but it is 
>> different from the Fairplay 2 DRM used by Apple's iBooks).  You can read 
>> your eBooks in the Kobo app fairly easily, but you don't get word or 
>> character navigation on the touch screen.  One bonus is that you also don't 
>> get the reading pause at the end of a page that you find with iBooks, while 
>> it does a simulated page turn graphic.  I have to say that the latest 
>> version of the Kobo app, which again had a major revision just before the 
>> holidays, looks as though it is not accessible when you first download it, 
>> and before you log into your account. In the top half of the screen, there 
>> appear to be just a series of unlabeled buttons, which are apparently random 
>> book suggestions.  Once you log in, these become titles under "My Recent 
>> Reads" from your Library.
>> You will need to do a one-time setup to configure your library and reading 
>> preferences. This involves going into the toolbar settings for reading a 
>> book, and setting the page transition style to "Scrolling", which makes it 
>> easy to navigate to the next (or previous) chapter, and which also lets you 
>> navigate even if you land on a page graphic, such as a cover image, map, or 
>> illustration.  You'll also want to set your library display to list view, 
>> instead of shelf view, for easier access to browsing and searching for 
>> titles.  Since the instructions for doing this can vary slightly with 
>> different versions of the app, this is usually where a new user will 
>> stumble, since anyone who has already used the app and set up their library 
>> this way won't need to bother with this (or even remember how to do this.) 
>> However, I can assure you that this is doable, since I tried a clean install 
>> for the latest version of the Kobo app on an iPhone 5.
>> If you want to read eBooks with ADE DRM on your Mac, you'll need to download 
>> the Adobe Digital Editions software from:
>> You'll also need to follow their instructions for getting an Adobe ID.  
>> Again, the current screen reading experience is still limited, since you 
>> can't navigate by paragraph, line, word, or character in the Mac version, 
>> though I'm told that the latest Windows version of the app does allow you to 
>> do some of this.  One work-around is that you can use the VO-Shift-C 
>> shortcut to copy the last read page to a TextEdit window, where you do have 
>> these navigations options.  The reading experience is not bad for 
>> literature, but I wouldn't want to try reading, say, a computer programming 
>> manual this way.
>> You can also read eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions DRM in the OverDrive 
>> Media Console app on your iPhone, but the eBook reading experience is better 
>> in the Kobo app.  I've only used OverDrive Media Console to directly borrow 
>> and download audiobooks and  eBooks from my public library (with a library 
>> card ID account number to use as a login).   The audiobook borrowing 
>> experience is better than the eBook reading experience with OverDrive Media 
>> Console.  This is just a statement that there is an option to read such 
>> eBooks with DRM on your iPhone.
>> I've generally found the most detailed recent discussions of these topics on 
>> the mac-access list.
>> If you want to set up reading with the Kobo app, Anne Robertson wrote out 
>> some instructions in a comment post at the AppleVis site:
>> If you want to read how to change your Kobo library organization to list 
>> view, you can read that in one of my mac-access list post in the Mail 
>> Archives:
>> • Re: Latest Kobo App on iPhone [Was Re: Help with Adob Digital Editions]
>> htt

Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-02 Thread erik burggraaf
I hardcore want this for my android phone.  It's perfectly accessible and 
streamlined and to be honest, I'm out when the came is on quite a lot.  It's 20 
bucks for the app though, are you kidding me?  Essentially double the price of 
a subscription just for mobile device support.  It's really outrageous.

Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 6:33 PM, wrote:

> I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I use 
> the app. Much easier to navigate.
> Pam Francis
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on your 
> computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make no 
> difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
> stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
> significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not wine 
> about it and get on with the game.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>> I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
>> Not real fond of Adobe.
>> Thanks,
>> Tim
>> On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>>> Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
>>> I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>>> ontario disability support program at
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
 Pardon my ignorance,
 Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with
 the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used
 to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
 Pam Francis
 On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
 first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
 Then go to
 Log in with your email address and password.
 At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
 Click this.
 press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
 Type the call letters of the station you want.
 it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice
 to find it.
 press enter once to set focus to that station.
 press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
 Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
 Hope this helps,
 Erik Burggraaf
 Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
 ontario disability support program at
 Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
 or on the web at
 On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
> If so, let me know how you got it working.
> Thanks,
> Tim
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Re: Yorufukurou Trouble

2013-03-02 Thread Jamie Pauls
That's what I wanted to know.  Thanks for the explanation. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:20 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> Well, leave them on if you want to, but you'll hear the auto-correct noises 
> as you type (with every character) and vo will get mad, sometimes losing 
> focus or failing to read back text. I find it much easier to just leave them 
> off and use the reply command instead of typing names.
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Jamie Pauls  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> You say in your message below that one should disable the username and hash 
>> tag auto fill options. Why is this a good idea? Thanks.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Pamela J Francis  wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> Thank you very much for your in depth explanation of this program. As the 
>>> Twitter client is crap for those of us who use any kind of a screen reader, 
>>> I am grateful to have something usable on my mac. Keep up your good 
>>> explaining.
>>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
 When you start it, the focus should be on your main timeline (once you log 
 in of course). From there, use cmd-right or left to move through your 
 timelines (home, mentions, DMs, favorites). Up and down arrows will read 
 tweets, provided Quicknav is off, and for all other commands, have a look 
 through the dropdown menus, specifically the tweet and timeline menus. You 
 will also wanto to open preferences with cmd-comma, go to the compose tab, 
 and disable the username and hashtag autofill options.
 On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:18 PM, wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I recently installed this program on my Mac. Are the  help files 
> self-explanatory, or is there a good guide to learn how to use this 
> program successfully?
> Pam Francis
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 7:45 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>  wrote:
> When you say you deleted the preferences, what exactly did you delete... 
> I mean like... what files, and where were they located exactly?  I know 
> the .app file, but I mean aside from that?
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
> - Original Message - From: "Steve Holmes" 
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:46
> Subject: Re: Yorufukurou Trouble
> Nope, never had this problem. Only thing I can think of is maybe looking 
> around in ~/library for any psettings files for yorufukurou; not sure if 
> deleting the app always rids you of these settings.
> On Feb 18, 2013, at 5:43 AM, Jane  wrote:
>> Every time I try to re-open Yorufukurou, I get a notice saying that it 
>> quit unexpctedly while trying to open windows. No matter if I hit the 
>> button to open them or not, it continues to crash.  I deleted the app 
>> and its prefs. I re-installed the app. I have tried rebooting. I am 
>> running Mountain Lion.  Does anyone have suggestions for this?
>> Jane
>> -- 
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Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-02 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Do you know if voice dream can  read Kobo books?

On 3/03/2013, at 12:20 PM, Esther  wrote:

> Hello Andrew,
> Lisette is correct, the current version of the Kobo eBook reader app is 
> accessible if you use it on an iPhone or an iPod Touch.  You need to purchase 
> the eBooks from the Kobo web site, but with your account login, they'll 
> appear in your library when you're using the Kobo app on your iPhone.  You 
> also have the option of downloading a copy of the book to your computer, but 
> the format will be ePub with Adobe Digital Editions DRM.  (This is the most 
> common type of DRM you are likely to encounter, but it is different from the 
> Fairplay 2 DRM used by Apple's iBooks).  You can read your eBooks in the Kobo 
> app fairly easily, but you don't get word or character navigation on the 
> touch screen.  One bonus is that you also don't get the reading pause at the 
> end of a page that you find with iBooks, while it does a simulated page turn 
> graphic.  I have to say that the latest version of the Kobo app, which again 
> had a major revision just before the holidays, looks as though it is not 
> accessible when you first download it, and before you log into your account. 
> In the top half of the screen, there appear to be just a series of unlabeled 
> buttons, which are apparently random book suggestions.  Once you log in, 
> these become titles under "My Recent Reads" from your Library.
> You will need to do a one-time setup to configure your library and reading 
> preferences. This involves going into the toolbar settings for reading a 
> book, and setting the page transition style to "Scrolling", which makes it 
> easy to navigate to the next (or previous) chapter, and which also lets you 
> navigate even if you land on a page graphic, such as a cover image, map, or 
> illustration.  You'll also want to set your library display to list view, 
> instead of shelf view, for easier access to browsing and searching for 
> titles.  Since the instructions for doing this can vary slightly with 
> different versions of the app, this is usually where a new user will stumble, 
> since anyone who has already used the app and set up their library this way 
> won't need to bother with this (or even remember how to do this.) However, I 
> can assure you that this is doable, since I tried a clean install for the 
> latest version of the Kobo app on an iPhone 5.
> If you want to read eBooks with ADE DRM on your Mac, you'll need to download 
> the Adobe Digital Editions software from:
> You'll also need to follow their instructions for getting an Adobe ID.  
> Again, the current screen reading experience is still limited, since you 
> can't navigate by paragraph, line, word, or character in the Mac version, 
> though I'm told that the latest Windows version of the app does allow you to 
> do some of this.  One work-around is that you can use the VO-Shift-C shortcut 
> to copy the last read page to a TextEdit window, where you do have these 
> navigations options.  The reading experience is not bad for literature, but I 
> wouldn't want to try reading, say, a computer programming manual this way.
> You can also read eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions DRM in the OverDrive 
> Media Console app on your iPhone, but the eBook reading experience is better 
> in the Kobo app.  I've only used OverDrive Media Console to directly borrow 
> and download audiobooks and  eBooks from my public library (with a library 
> card ID account number to use as a login).   The audiobook borrowing 
> experience is better than the eBook reading experience with OverDrive Media 
> Console.  This is just a statement that there is an option to read such 
> eBooks with DRM on your iPhone.
> I've generally found the most detailed recent discussions of these topics on 
> the mac-access list.
> If you want to set up reading with the Kobo app, Anne Robertson wrote out 
> some instructions in a comment post at the AppleVis site:
> If you want to read how to change your Kobo library organization to list 
> view, you can read that in one of my mac-access list post in the Mail 
> Archives:
> • Re: Latest Kobo App on iPhone [Was Re: Help with Adob Digital Editions]
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:07, Lisette Wesseling wrote:
>> Hi Andrew
>> I read Kobo books on my iPhonewith the Kobo app which is free from the 
>> App store. Now that the  ibooks store  is finally available in New Zealand, 
>> I read kobo books less and less because they are not as accessible as 
>> iBooks. That said, if you choose the epub version of the book at purchase, 
>> the book will download into the app very nicely. You can read the book 
>> either by flicking to the right to read each line, or doing a two finger 
>> swipe d

Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-02 Thread ppowells09
I quit messing with the spring-training games on my computer years ago. I use 
the app. Much easier to navigate.

Pam Francis

On Mar 2, 2013, at 3:00 PM, erik burggraaf  wrote:

Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on your 
computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make no 
difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not wine 
about it and get on with the game.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

> I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
> Not real fond of Adobe.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
>> I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
>>> Pardon my ignorance,
>>> Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with
>>> the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used
>>> to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
>>> listening/watching.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
>>> wrote:
>>> first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
>>> Then go to
>>> Log in with your email address and password.
>>> At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
>>> Click this.
>>> press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
>>> Type the call letters of the station you want.
>>> it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice
>>> to find it.
>>> press enter once to set focus to that station.
>>> press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
>>> Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>>> ontario disability support program at
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
 Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
 If so, let me know how you got it working.
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Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-02 Thread Esther
Hello Andrew,

Lisette is correct, the current version of the Kobo eBook reader app is 
accessible if you use it on an iPhone or an iPod Touch.  You need to purchase 
the eBooks from the Kobo web site, but with your account login, they'll appear 
in your library when you're using the Kobo app on your iPhone.  You also have 
the option of downloading a copy of the book to your computer, but the format 
will be ePub with Adobe Digital Editions DRM.  (This is the most common type of 
DRM you are likely to encounter, but it is different from the Fairplay 2 DRM 
used by Apple's iBooks).  You can read your eBooks in the Kobo app fairly 
easily, but you don't get word or character navigation on the touch screen.  
One bonus is that you also don't get the reading pause at the end of a page 
that you find with iBooks, while it does a simulated page turn graphic.  I have 
to say that the latest version of the Kobo app, which again had a major 
revision just before the holidays, looks as though it is not accessible when 
you first download it, and before you log into your account. In the top half of 
the screen, there appear to be just a series of unlabeled buttons, which are 
apparently random book suggestions.  Once you log in, these become titles under 
"My Recent Reads" from your Library.

You will need to do a one-time setup to configure your library and reading 
preferences. This involves going into the toolbar settings for reading a book, 
and setting the page transition style to "Scrolling", which makes it easy to 
navigate to the next (or previous) chapter, and which also lets you navigate 
even if you land on a page graphic, such as a cover image, map, or 
illustration.  You'll also want to set your library display to list view, 
instead of shelf view, for easier access to browsing and searching for titles.  
Since the instructions for doing this can vary slightly with different versions 
of the app, this is usually where a new user will stumble, since anyone who has 
already used the app and set up their library this way won't need to bother 
with this (or even remember how to do this.) However, I can assure you that 
this is doable, since I tried a clean install for the latest version of the 
Kobo app on an iPhone 5.

If you want to read eBooks with ADE DRM on your Mac, you'll need to download 
the Adobe Digital Editions software from:

You'll also need to follow their instructions for getting an Adobe ID.  Again, 
the current screen reading experience is still limited, since you can't 
navigate by paragraph, line, word, or character in the Mac version, though I'm 
told that the latest Windows version of the app does allow you to do some of 
this.  One work-around is that you can use the VO-Shift-C shortcut to copy the 
last read page to a TextEdit window, where you do have these navigations 
options.  The reading experience is not bad for literature, but I wouldn't want 
to try reading, say, a computer programming manual this way.

You can also read eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions DRM in the OverDrive Media 
Console app on your iPhone, but the eBook reading experience is better in the 
Kobo app.  I've only used OverDrive Media Console to directly borrow and 
download audiobooks and  eBooks from my public library (with a library card ID 
account number to use as a login).   The audiobook borrowing experience is 
better than the eBook reading experience with OverDrive Media Console.  This is 
just a statement that there is an option to read such eBooks with DRM on your 

I've generally found the most detailed recent discussions of these topics on 
the mac-access list.

If you want to set up reading with the Kobo app, Anne Robertson wrote out some 
instructions in a comment post at the AppleVis site:

If you want to read how to change your Kobo library organization to list view, 
you can read that in one of my mac-access list post in the Mail Archives:
• Re: Latest Kobo App on iPhone [Was Re: Help with Adob Digital Editions]

HTH.  Cheers,


On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:07, Lisette Wesseling wrote:

> Hi Andrew
> I read Kobo books on my iPhonewith the Kobo app which is free from the 
> App store. Now that the  ibooks store  is finally available in New Zealand, I 
> read kobo books less and less because they are not as accessible as iBooks. 
> That said, if you choose the epub version of the book at purchase, the book 
> will download into the app very nicely. You can read the book either by 
> flicking to the right to read each line, or doing a two finger swipe down to 
> read the whole chapter. You can't get word or character navigation, but I 
> have found reading Kobo books with a braille display works really nicely, and 
> almost prefer that to listening with speech because you can navigate more 
> easily. 
> The app 

Getting email to sink up

2013-03-02 Thread Jed Barton
Hey guys,

OK, I'm hoping someone can help me out.
I wanna get my email to sink with my iphone, but appear to be having some
imap and setting issues between my mac and iphone.  Is anyone around
tonight, to perhaps get on skype and go through some settings?


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Re: Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-02 Thread Lisette Wesseling
Hi Andrew
I read Kobo books on my iPhonewith the Kobo app which is free from the App 
store. Now that the  ibooks store  is finally available in New Zealand, I read 
kobo books less and less because they are not as accessible as iBooks. That 
said, if you choose the epub version of the book at purchase, the book will 
download into the app very nicely. You can read the book either by flicking to 
the right to read each line, or doing a two finger swipe down to read the whole 
chapter. You can't get word or character navigation, but I have found reading 
Kobo books with a braille display works really nicely, and almost prefer that 
to listening with speech because you can navigate more easily. 
The app itself is definitely usable but takes a bit of figuring out. 
It's not my first choice of ebooks anymore, but if nothing else is available 
I'll take anything and work with it.
I've not tried reading them on my Mac so can't help you there.
Let me know if I can help further with the iPhone app.


On 3/03/2013, at 10:51 AM, Andrew Lamanche  wrote:

> Dear listers,
> I regularly come across electronics books which I would really like to read. 
> They are either in .pdf or epub format but are drm protected. Some of the 
> publishers that have them for sale state that I required adobe digital 
> edition to read them, others require "My Books" application to read them. 
> Kobo requires something different. I'm truly confused. I have seen a number 
> of conversations regarding kobo and epub protected books here on the list. 
> Could someone kindly share whether they find Kobo epub books accessible? How 
> about adobe digital edition for reading epub and pdf protected books? Can I 
> access adobe edition and read easily with VoiceOver? Amazon sometimes offers 
> versions of printed books in electronic format for a different system. What 
> are your experiences of those? 
> Thank you for any tips yo you can share.
> Best wishes
> Andrew
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Reading epub drm protected books from kobo and similar with voiceover

2013-03-02 Thread Andrew Lamanche
Dear listers,

I regularly come across electronics books which I would really like to read. 
They are either in .pdf or epub format but are drm protected. Some of the 
publishers that have them for sale state that I required adobe digital edition 
to read them, others require "My Books" application to read them. Kobo requires 
something different. I'm truly confused. I have seen a number of conversations 
regarding kobo and epub protected books here on the list. Could someone kindly 
share whether they find Kobo epub books accessible? How about adobe digital 
edition for reading epub and pdf protected books? Can I access adobe edition 
and read easily with VoiceOver? Amazon sometimes offers versions of printed 
books in electronic format for a different system. What are your experiences of 

Thank you for any tips yo you can share.

Best wishes


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Re: Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards

2013-03-02 Thread Anne Robertson
By default, the shortcut is Cmd-Space. You can also show all selected keyboards 
in the menu extras.



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RE: Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards

2013-03-02 Thread Mary-Jo Lord
On the Mac?  I have this on my phone.  It would be fun to play with on the
Mac as well though.

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Chris H
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards

There is a button next to the space to toggle between the installed

Christopher Hallsworth

On 02/03/2013 20:28, Traci wrote:
> Hi all, sorry if that subject isn't clear.  Lol!
> Is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut where I can toggle between
the traditional keyboard and the emoji keyboard?  I remember a bluetooth
keyboard actually had a button that toggled between any keyboards.  I
wondered if the Mac had a similar feature.
> Thanks,
> Traci
> 1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your
support. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against
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donate here. Thank you.

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Re: Yorufukurou Trouble

2013-03-02 Thread Alex Hall
Well, leave them on if you want to, but you'll hear the auto-correct noises as 
you type (with every character) and vo will get mad, sometimes losing focus or 
failing to read back text. I find it much easier to just leave them off and use 
the reply command instead of typing names.
On Mar 2, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Jamie Pauls  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> You say in your message below that one should disable the username and hash 
> tag auto fill options. Why is this a good idea? Thanks.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Pamela J Francis  wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Thank you very much for your in depth explanation of this program. As the 
>> Twitter client is crap for those of us who use any kind of a screen reader, 
>> I am grateful to have something usable on my mac. Keep up your good 
>> explaining.
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>>> When you start it, the focus should be on your main timeline (once you log 
>>> in of course). From there, use cmd-right or left to move through your 
>>> timelines (home, mentions, DMs, favorites). Up and down arrows will read 
>>> tweets, provided Quicknav is off, and for all other commands, have a look 
>>> through the dropdown menus, specifically the tweet and timeline menus. You 
>>> will also wanto to open preferences with cmd-comma, go to the compose tab, 
>>> and disable the username and hashtag autofill options.
>>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:18 PM, wrote:
 Hi folks,
 I recently installed this program on my Mac. Are the  help files 
 self-explanatory, or is there a good guide to learn how to use this 
 program successfully?
 Pam Francis
 On Feb 27, 2013, at 7:45 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
 When you say you deleted the preferences, what exactly did you delete... I 
 mean like... what files, and where were they located exactly?  I know the 
 .app file, but I mean aside from that?
 Chris Gilland.
 Founder of CLG Productions
 Phone: 803-760-7136
 Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
 Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
 - Original Message - From: "Steve Holmes" 
 Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:46
 Subject: Re: Yorufukurou Trouble
 Nope, never had this problem. Only thing I can think of is maybe looking 
 around in ~/library for any psettings files for yorufukurou; not sure if 
 deleting the app always rids you of these settings.
 On Feb 18, 2013, at 5:43 AM, Jane  wrote:
> Every time I try to re-open Yorufukurou, I get a notice saying that it 
> quit unexpctedly while trying to open windows. No matter if I hit the 
> button to open them or not, it continues to crash.  I deleted the app and 
> its prefs. I re-installed the app. I have tried rebooting. I am running 
> Mountain Lion.  Does anyone have suggestions for this?
> Jane
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Re: Yorufukurou Trouble

2013-03-02 Thread Jamie Pauls
Hi Alex,

You say in your message below that one should disable the username and hash tag 
auto fill options. Why is this a good idea? Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 2, 2013, at 12:46 PM, Pamela J Francis  wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> Thank you very much for your in depth explanation of this program. As the 
> Twitter client is crap for those of us who use any kind of a screen reader, I 
> am grateful to have something usable on my mac. Keep up your good explaining.
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:
>> When you start it, the focus should be on your main timeline (once you log 
>> in of course). From there, use cmd-right or left to move through your 
>> timelines (home, mentions, DMs, favorites). Up and down arrows will read 
>> tweets, provided Quicknav is off, and for all other commands, have a look 
>> through the dropdown menus, specifically the tweet and timeline menus. You 
>> will also wanto to open preferences with cmd-comma, go to the compose tab, 
>> and disable the username and hashtag autofill options.
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:18 PM, wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I recently installed this program on my Mac. Are the  help files 
>>> self-explanatory, or is there a good guide to learn how to use this program 
>>> successfully?
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 7:45 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>>  wrote:
>>> When you say you deleted the preferences, what exactly did you delete... I 
>>> mean like... what files, and where were they located exactly?  I know the 
>>> .app file, but I mean aside from that?
>>> Chris Gilland.
>>> Founder of CLG Productions
>>> E-mail:
>>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>>> - Original Message - From: "Steve Holmes" 
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:46
>>> Subject: Re: Yorufukurou Trouble
>>> Nope, never had this problem. Only thing I can think of is maybe looking 
>>> around in ~/library for any psettings files for yorufukurou; not sure if 
>>> deleting the app always rids you of these settings.
>>> On Feb 18, 2013, at 5:43 AM, Jane  wrote:
 Every time I try to re-open Yorufukurou, I get a notice saying that it 
 quit unexpctedly while trying to open windows. No matter if I hit the 
 button to open them or not, it continues to crash.  I deleted the app and 
 its prefs. I re-installed the app. I have tried rebooting. I am running 
 Mountain Lion.  Does anyone have suggestions for this?
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-02 Thread erik burggraaf
Dano what to tell you.  The player is in flash and won't even show up on your 
computer unless you have flash installed.  our feelings about it make no 
difference one way or the other, but at least there are hotkeys, as well as a 
stand alone version with accessible controls, and the audio quality is a 
significant improvement over the old silverlite version.  may'z well not wine 
about it and get on with the game.


Erik Burggraaf
Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the 
ontario disability support program at
Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
or on the web at

On 2013-03-02, at 3:39 PM, Tim Mehok  wrote:

> I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
> Not real fond of Adobe.
> Thanks,
> Tim
> On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
>> Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
>> I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
>> Best,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
>>> Pardon my ignorance,
>>> Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with
>>> the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used
>>> to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
>>> listening/watching.
>>> Pam Francis
>>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
>>> wrote:
>>> first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
>>> Then go to
>>> Log in with your email address and password.
>>> At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
>>> Click this.
>>> press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
>>> Type the call letters of the station you want.
>>> it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice
>>> to find it.
>>> press enter once to set focus to that station.
>>> press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
>>> Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>>> ontario disability support program at
>>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>>> or on the web at
>>> On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
 Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
 If so, let me know how you got it working.
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> T

Re: Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards

2013-03-02 Thread Chris H
There is a button next to the space to toggle between the installed 

Christopher Hallsworth

On 02/03/2013 20:28, Traci wrote:

Hi all, sorry if that subject isn't clear.  Lol!

Is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut where I can toggle between the 
traditional keyboard and the emoji keyboard?  I remember a bluetooth keyboard 
actually had a button that toggled between any keyboards.  I wondered if the 
Mac had a similar feature.

1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your support. Our 
efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against blood cancers. Please 
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Re: MLB spring training games

2013-03-02 Thread Tim Mehok
I was hoping that I would not have to install Flash...
Not real fond of Adobe.


On 3/1/13, erik burggraaf  wrote:
> Hi, These instructions were for game day audio.
> I just assumed that's what was being asked for.
> Best,
> Erik Burggraaf
> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
> ontario disability support program at
> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
> or on the web at
> On 2013-03-01, at 11:10 AM, wrote:
>> Pardon my ignorance,
>> Given the fact the games are available on game day audio, why mess with
>> the video player on the computer? The TV broadcasts are not what they used
>> to be. It's geared more for vision is for real sportsman ship and
>> listening/watching.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Mar 1, 2013, at 7:35 AM, erik burggraaf 
>> wrote:
>> first, make sure adobe flash is installed and up to date.
>> Then go to
>> Log in with your email address and password.
>> At the top of the page, you will find a link that says watch/listen.
>> Click this.
>> press control option I to bring up the item chooser.
>> Type the call letters of the station you want.
>> it should come right up.  if not, you may have to arrow down once or twice
>> to find it.
>> press enter once to set focus to that station.
>> press enter a second time and the player window will pop up.
>> Wait about 30 seconds and your game should start.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Erik Burggraaf
>> Follow my series of articles about setting up a small business through the
>> ontario disability support program at
>> Ebony Consulting toll-free: 1-888-255-5194
>> or on the web at
>> On 2013-03-01, at 8:28 AM, Tim Mehok  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Anyone using a Mac and listening to spring training games?
>>> If so, let me know how you got it working.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tim
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password for screen saver, but not sleep

2013-03-02 Thread Traci
I'm curious if I can separate the security rules.  Require a password for the 
screen saver, but not for when my mac is asleep.

Also, could someone explain the benefit to me to have a delay for passwords.  I 
saw under the require password, that it can be right away, 5Seconds, etc.  What 
is the point of this?

Thank you,
A cheer for the fight against cancer!
Who is the star?
The patients are!
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You do! You do!
Be apart of the fight & donate here: thank you!

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Keyboard toggle between 2 keyboards

2013-03-02 Thread Traci
Hi all, sorry if that subject isn't clear.  Lol!

Is there a way to create a keyboard shortcut where I can toggle between the 
traditional keyboard and the emoji keyboard?  I remember a bluetooth keyboard 
actually had a button that toggled between any keyboards.  I wondered if the 
Mac had a similar feature.

1 step, 2 step, ... 1,311 steps! I can do the BIG CLIMB 2013, with your 
support. Our efforts  will help make a big difference in the fight against 
blood cancers. Please give to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Learn more & 
donate here. Thank you.

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Re: Size of albums & playlists in iTunes

2013-03-02 Thread Traci
Excellent info, thank you both.

I like the idea of limiting the size of a smart playlist for my shuffle.

I'll have to look for the setting of a song played a minimum of so many times.  
I haven't seen that one before.

Thank you,
Caffeine & a cure!
I am apart of the “Caffeinated Climbers” & we are climbing 1311 steps to help 
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On Mar 1, 2013, at 5:35 AM, Esther  wrote:

> Hi Traci,
> As Chris pointed out, the status bar that displays the number of items, 
> playing time, and size of your selected playlists at the end of the iTunes 
> window is turned off by default under iTunes 11, and you need to turn on 
> showing that again either by navigating to the "View" menu on the iTunes menu 
> bar and selecting "Show Status Bar", or by using the iTunes 11 keyboard 
> shortcut of Command-Slash for toggling the status bar between show and hide.
> Another way to control the size of a playlist that syncs to your shuffle or 
> other device is to use the smart playlist option of limiting the size of your 
> playlist to a specific size.  For example, let's say that you want to create 
> a smart playlist with up to 1.8 GB of music content that you want to transfer 
> to your iPod Shuffle.  You can use the Command-Option-N keyboard shortcut to 
> create a new smart playlist, navigate to rules section and interact to set up 
> rules for the content you want to include, like "Artist is" or "Album is" and 
> then fill in the name in the text box. Remember that you can set the pop up 
> buttons for any of your rule selections to items like "Artist", "Album", or 
> "Genre", and that once you create a second rule by pressing the "add" button 
> at the end of your first rule, you can navigate back to set the pop up button 
> that specifies whether you want to match "all" of the rules or "any" of the 
> rules.  Once you have set up a few rules for what you want included in your 
> playlist, you can stop interacting with the rules section and navigate to the 
> check box that allows you to limit the content of your playlist in terms of 
> number of items, time, or size (in MB or GB, according to the selected pop up 
> button) and by selected criteria, such as album, artist, highest (or lowest) 
> rating, most (or least) often played, most (or least) recently added to your 
> library, etc.  Then you can go view the resulting playlist content and decide 
> whether you want to modify any of the rules for content or selection.
> Smart playlists are convenient ways to create playlists to specific criteria 
> -- like making a workout playlist that is exactly 30 minutes long.  If you 
> like the selection criteria, and want to freeze the selections, just do a 
> Command-A to select all the items in the smart playlist and then do a 
> Command-Shift-N to create a new playlist from your selection and assign it a 
> name.  That will keep the selection criteria from changing.  However, if you 
> always want your playlist to give preference to the most recently added 
> content of your library, for example, using a smart playlist can continuously 
> update its contents to meet meet such criteria. You could make one of the 
> rules be that only songs you had played a minimum of 20 times be included 
> included in your smart playlist, and that rule would update over time.
> Just some alternate suggestions for creating playlists.  The ability to limit 
> smart playlists by size, and to specify preferred criteria for cutting things 
> down to match this, can be very handy for deciding what you want synced to a 
> device.
> HTH.  Cheers,
> Esther
> On Feb 28, 2013, at 7:23 PM, Chris Blouch  wrote:
>> It is normally shown in the status bar at the end of the window which is off 
>> by default. You can turn that back on with Command-Slash.
>> CB
>> On 2/28/13 5:34 PM, Traci wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm having a hard time finding the size of albums & playlists in iTunes.  I 
>>> see number of songs & length of time, but where has the memory size gone?  
>>> It would be helpful to know, if I can sync a particular playlist or album 
>>> onto my Shuffle.  :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Traci
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Re: Yorufukurou Trouble

2013-03-02 Thread Pamela J Francis
Hi Alex,
Thank you very much for your in depth explanation of this program. As the 
Twitter client is crap for those of us who use any kind of a screen reader, I 
am grateful to have something usable on my mac. Keep up your good explaining.
On Feb 27, 2013, at 12:26 PM, Alex Hall  wrote:

> When you start it, the focus should be on your main timeline (once you log in 
> of course). From there, use cmd-right or left to move through your timelines 
> (home, mentions, DMs, favorites). Up and down arrows will read tweets, 
> provided Quicknav is off, and for all other commands, have a look through the 
> dropdown menus, specifically the tweet and timeline menus. You will also 
> wanto to open preferences with cmd-comma, go to the compose tab, and disable 
> the username and hashtag autofill options.
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:18 PM, wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I recently installed this program on my Mac. Are the  help files 
>> self-explanatory, or is there a good guide to learn how to use this program 
>> successfully?
>> Pam Francis
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 7:45 AM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland" 
>>  wrote:
>> When you say you deleted the preferences, what exactly did you delete... I 
>> mean like... what files, and where were they located exactly?  I know the 
>> .app file, but I mean aside from that?
>> Chris Gilland.
>> Founder of CLG Productions
>> E-mail:
>> Phone: 803-760-7136
>> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
>> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays.
>> - Original Message - From: "Steve Holmes" 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:46
>> Subject: Re: Yorufukurou Trouble
>> Nope, never had this problem. Only thing I can think of is maybe looking 
>> around in ~/library for any psettings files for yorufukurou; not sure if 
>> deleting the app always rids you of these settings.
>> On Feb 18, 2013, at 5:43 AM, Jane  wrote:
>>> Every time I try to re-open Yorufukurou, I get a notice saying that it quit 
>>> unexpctedly while trying to open windows. No matter if I hit the button to 
>>> open them or not, it continues to crash.  I deleted the app and its prefs. 
>>> I re-installed the app. I have tried rebooting. I am running Mountain Lion. 
>>>  Does anyone have suggestions for this?
>>> Jane
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> Have a great day,
> Alex (msg sent from Mac Mini)
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Pamela J Francis

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Re: New Podcast Available

2013-03-02 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi, Chris. Some of your earlier podcasts are missing.

On Feb 28, 2013, at 3:21 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

> Just wanted to write to let everyone know there is a new podcast available on 
> our feed which is regarding how to setup and configure a tethered internet 
> data wifi hotspot in I O S.  In this episode, I show you how to set it up, 
> and how to connect.
> Direct link to mp3:
> To subscribe to our podcast, put the following address into your prefered 
> podcatcher.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays. 
> -- 
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Re: Podcast is fixed

2013-03-02 Thread Paul Henrichsen
Hi. Is there any way to just subscribe to the podcast through downcast or some 
other app?

On Feb 28, 2013, at 6:01 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland  

> I tested things on my end and found the problem.  It's been corrected.  You 
> can here the new podcast I mentioned about earlier at:
> Sorry about that, guys, and thank you Mike for bringing this to our attention.
> Chris Gilland.
> Founder of CLG Productions
> E-mail:
> Phone: 803-760-7136
> Toll-Free: 1-888-405-3185
> Mon-Fri 8A.M-5P.M Eastern Standard Time except weekends and holidays. 
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Re: Arrangement Track in GarageBand

2013-03-02 Thread Phil Halton
I don't think it is accessible via VoiceOver. I tried it once and ran into 
problems too. It looks like a great feature, but I dont' think it is for us 
Vo users.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 10:19 PM
Subject: Arrangement Track in GarageBand


Does anyone know how to use the Arrangement Track in GarageBand with 


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Re: File Sharing Alternatives

2013-03-02 Thread Tim Kilburn

Since you are a GMail subscriber, you could also use Google Drive to do the 
same.  The Google Drive app for iOS is very accessible and with Google Drive on 
your Mac, you can copy and paste items in and out of your Google Drive just 
like you do in the Finder.


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On 2013-03-02, at 6:44 AM, Donna Goodin  wrote:

> Hi Emilio,
> I've just begun experimenting with Documents to Go.  so far I like it, though 
> I just got it on Thursday, so don't have a whole lot of experience.  also, I 
> don't think it lets you share files with others in the way that Dropbox does.
> Best,
> Donna
> On Mar 2, 2013, at 2:47 AM, Emilio Hernandez  
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> After recently listening to an i5 podcast, I have become interested in 
>> alternative file sharing methods.
>> While drop box is a good program, InstaShare allows me to directly 
>> drag-and-drop items to and from my device, but unfortunately since the 
>> dragp-and-drop feature seldom works as intended this does not seem like a 
>> good alternative.
>> Thus, would anyone know of any other ways to move files to and from an 
>> iDevice, which accessible with voiceover?
>> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
>> -- 
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Re: File Sharing Alternatives

2013-03-02 Thread Donna Goodin
Hi Emilio,

I've just begun experimenting with Documents to Go.  so far I like it, though I 
just got it on Thursday, so don't have a whole lot of experience.  also, I 
don't think it lets you share files with others in the way that Dropbox does.
On Mar 2, 2013, at 2:47 AM, Emilio Hernandez  

> Hello everyone,
> After recently listening to an i5 podcast, I have become interested in 
> alternative file sharing methods.
> While drop box is a good program, InstaShare allows me to directly 
> drag-and-drop items to and from my device, but unfortunately since the 
> dragp-and-drop feature seldom works as intended this does not seem like a 
> good alternative.
> Thus, would anyone know of any other ways to move files to and from an 
> iDevice, which accessible with voiceover?
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
> -- 
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Re: File Sharing Alternatives

2013-03-02 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Yeah, I was going to suggest PhoneDrive. I think Dropbox is by far the best 

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Re: File Sharing Alternatives

2013-03-02 Thread Chris H

Try PhoneDrive or Ubidisk.

Christopher Hallsworth

On 02/03/2013 08:47, Emilio Hernandez wrote:

Hello everyone,

After recently listening to an i5 podcast, I have become interested in 
alternative file sharing methods.
While drop box is a good program, InstaShare allows me to directly 
drag-and-drop items to and from my device, but unfortunately since the 
dragp-and-drop feature seldom works as intended this does not seem like a good 
Thus, would anyone know of any other ways to move files to and from an iDevice, 
which accessible with voiceover?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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File Sharing Alternatives

2013-03-02 Thread Emilio Hernandez
Hello everyone,

After recently listening to an i5 podcast, I have become interested in 
alternative file sharing methods.
While drop box is a good program, InstaShare allows me to directly 
drag-and-drop items to and from my device, but unfortunately since the 
dragp-and-drop feature seldom works as intended this does not seem like a good 
Thus, would anyone know of any other ways to move files to and from an iDevice, 
which accessible with voiceover?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

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