RE: Introduction from Jonathan Cohn

2009-07-12 Thread Portia

Hi Jonathan,

Sorry if I spelled your name wrong.  To jump, press vO-J. Your vO keys are
your control and option keys.



-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Jonathan C. Cohn
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 2:58 PM
Subject: Introduction from Jonathan Cohn

Hello fellow Macintosh Users,

I live in Northern Virginia, and have been using Macintoshes since   
the late 1980's. I have RP and have not needed full time voice until  
after Tiger came out. My current Macintosh is a e-Mac 17" running the  
latest Leopard and Safari.

My goals over the next few weeks are:

1, Determine how jump mode works in VO.
2. Find better ways to read large e-mails.
3. Determine if it is just me that has issues with VO-F  (Find)  
working with Safari 4 and  HTML e-mail. (perhaps fixed now that  
Safari  is 4.02)
4. Find efficiencies in adding members to address book.
5. Get my Windows smart phone reloaded with the CodeFactory  software  
and sync address book and calendar.
6 Get automatic  move ofNFB  NewsLine newspapers from e-mail  to  
Victor reader.


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Re: Introduction from Jonathan Cohn

2009-07-09 Thread James Mannion

I can comment on one of your questions.  You are not the only one to
have trouble with the find function in safari and I too at first
thought that it was limited to what is visible on the current screen
which is extremely limiting.  Through experimenting I found that on
some pages it is, such as the gmail html view and on other pages it
works as it should and is not limited to what is visible on the
current screen.  I do not know what makes the difference or how to get
around it other than the items chooser.  The problem in some cases
with using the items chooser is if you want the order that things
appear on the page to be preserved, such as messages in a thread in
gmail, and not put in to alphabetical order such as the items chooser
does.  I have found no way around the items chooser insisting on
alphabetical order.  If you don't care about the order in a situation
the items chooser is brilliant.  I think on screen / order in wich
they appear through the page from top to bottom would be far more
useful than alphabetical in many more cases than alphabetical is.  My
mac mini is new to me and I haven't gotten mail really setup just yet.
 I have checked it out some.  Is there a limiting issue with trying to
read messages in mail?


On 7/9/09, Barry Hadder  wrote:
> Well Howdy!
> I don't know what jump mode is. Could you expand on that?  Just curious.
> From what I can tell, the VO fin in Safari only looks at what is on the
> current screen.  I've been using the items list (VO-i) for that purpose very
> successfully.
> - Original Message -
> From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:57 PM
> Subject: Introduction from Jonathan Cohn
>> Hello fellow Macintosh Users,
>> I live in Northern Virginia, and have been using Macintoshes since
>> the late 1980's. I have RP and have not needed full time voice until
>> after Tiger came out. My current Macintosh is a e-Mac 17" running the
>> latest Leopard and Safari.
>> My goals over the next few weeks are:
>> 1, Determine how jump mode works in VO.
>> 2. Find better ways to read large e-mails.
>> 3. Determine if it is just me that has issues with VO-F  (Find)
>> working with Safari 4 and  HTML e-mail. (perhaps fixed now that
>> Safari  is 4.02)
>> 4. Find efficiencies in adding members to address book.
>> 5. Get my Windows smart phone reloaded with the CodeFactory  software
>> and sync address book and calendar.
>> 6 Get automatic  move ofNFB  NewsLine newspapers from e-mail  to
>> Victor reader.
>> JOn
>> >
> >

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Re: Introduction from Jonathan Cohn

2009-07-09 Thread Barry Hadder

Well Howdy!

I don't know what jump mode is. Could you expand on that?  Just curious.

>From what I can tell, the VO fin in Safari only looks at what is on the 
current screen.  I've been using the items list (VO-i) for that purpose very 

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan C. Cohn" 
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2009 4:57 PM
Subject: Introduction from Jonathan Cohn

> Hello fellow Macintosh Users,
> I live in Northern Virginia, and have been using Macintoshes since
> the late 1980's. I have RP and have not needed full time voice until
> after Tiger came out. My current Macintosh is a e-Mac 17" running the
> latest Leopard and Safari.
> My goals over the next few weeks are:
> 1, Determine how jump mode works in VO.
> 2. Find better ways to read large e-mails.
> 3. Determine if it is just me that has issues with VO-F  (Find)
> working with Safari 4 and  HTML e-mail. (perhaps fixed now that
> Safari  is 4.02)
> 4. Find efficiencies in adding members to address book.
> 5. Get my Windows smart phone reloaded with the CodeFactory  software
> and sync address book and calendar.
> 6 Get automatic  move ofNFB  NewsLine newspapers from e-mail  to
> Victor reader.
> JOn
> >

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"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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For more options, visit this group at

Introduction from Jonathan Cohn

2009-07-09 Thread Jonathan C. Cohn

Hello fellow Macintosh Users,

I live in Northern Virginia, and have been using Macintoshes since   
the late 1980's. I have RP and have not needed full time voice until  
after Tiger came out. My current Macintosh is a e-Mac 17" running the  
latest Leopard and Safari.

My goals over the next few weeks are:

1, Determine how jump mode works in VO.
2. Find better ways to read large e-mails.
3. Determine if it is just me that has issues with VO-F  (Find)  
working with Safari 4 and  HTML e-mail. (perhaps fixed now that  
Safari  is 4.02)
4. Find efficiencies in adding members to address book.
5. Get my Windows smart phone reloaded with the CodeFactory  software  
and sync address book and calendar.
6 Get automatic  move ofNFB  NewsLine newspapers from e-mail  to  
Victor reader.


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