Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-04 Thread Chris Blouch
Generally Voiceover, like NVDA on Windows or Linux, takes a stricter 
approach to reading HTML in that it does not attempt to repair things. 
Jaws does try to fix things up but by doing so can guess wrong and/or 
obscure faults in the page, leading web developers to a false sense of 
security and encouraging them to repeat bad behavior in future products. 
So if you're learning how to code HTML accessibly, doing it with 
voiceover is going to be a step ahead because it won't candy-coat any 
mistakes. That said, you should get familiar with html validators, WCAG 
and ARIA standards which is what all browsers 'should' adhere to. 
Safari/Voiceover, like any platform, has bugs but don't be tempted to go 
down the path of hacking stuff for different browser/AT combinations. 
It's a fragile path that usually doesn't end well. Instead go the 
standards way to give yourself futureproof code and eventually the user 
agents will catch up. I'd also keep up with Steve Faulkner who does a 
lot of writings in this area:


On 3/1/13 9:45 PM, Nicholas Parsons wrote:

Thanks, Bill. I've learnt HTML already. Indeed, HTML is HTML, but different 
screen readers read it differently. For instance, for links, does it read the 
on-screen text of the link first, its URL (href attribute), its title attribute 
or the alt text attribute? JAWS is set to read the on-screen text by default. 
I've noticed VoiceOver often reads file extentions on links such as PHP, ASP 
and HTM, which makes me think it's reading the href attribute rather than the 
on-screen text. JAWS, for example, allows the user to choose whether they want 
JAWs to read out the URL of an image, or its alt text, or both, and so on. Does 
VoiceOver treat tables used for layout purposes as tables or does it ignore 
them like JAWS?


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Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks, Bill. I've learnt HTML already. Indeed, HTML is HTML, but different 
screen readers read it differently. For instance, for links, does it read the 
on-screen text of the link first, its URL (href attribute), its title attribute 
or the alt text attribute? JAWS is set to read the on-screen text by default. 
I've noticed VoiceOver often reads file extentions on links such as PHP, ASP 
and HTM, which makes me think it's reading the href attribute rather than the 
on-screen text. JAWS, for example, allows the user to choose whether they want 
JAWs to read out the URL of an image, or its alt text, or both, and so on. Does 
VoiceOver treat tables used for layout purposes as tables or does it ignore 
them like JAWS? 

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Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-01 Thread Phil Halton

I learned HTML from an excellent teaching site

Maybe that's what you're looking for? I don't think there's anything in HTML 
that'll allow coding for a specific screen reader like VoiceOver. HTML is 
HTML regardless of the browser or software accessing it.
Good HTML coding should be perfectly readable via safari or any other 
browser on the MAC.

- Original Message - 
From: "Nicholas Parsons" 

Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 3:02 AM
Subject: Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

Thanks for that, but what I'm looking for are resources on coding HTML for 
VoiceOver, not reading HTML with VoiceOver. I'm fine with using VoiceOver, 
but the HTML code I have written doesn't seem to be read by VoiceOver all 
that well.

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Re: VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-03-01 Thread Nicholas Parsons
Thanks for that, but what I'm looking for are resources on coding HTML for 
VoiceOver, not reading HTML with VoiceOver. I'm fine with using VoiceOver, but 
the HTML code I have written doesn't seem to be read by VoiceOver all that well.

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VoiceOver and HTMLVoiceOver Getting Started Table of Contents

2013-02-28 Thread Phil Halton
Here's a link to the Mountain Lion VoiceOver getting started guide. check out 
chapter six for reading HTML with VoiceOver.

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