Re: Xsp pixel-doubling solutions for Nokia 770?

2007-05-01 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Monday 30 April 2007 12:26, Frantisek Dufka wrote:

> Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Specifying that pixels must be exactly _doubled_ is a
> > hack around both the performance issues and a lack of resolution
> > independence.  Apparently an important one, if you happen to like SDL
> > games, but a hack nonetheless.
> Yes limiting ourselves to doubling is bad. Why not to add custom ratio
> if N800 can do that.
> This all leads to request to have some more advanced gaming API. Sadly
> this is probably not what internet tablets are currently designed for.
> Gamers are big target group and this device is meant for entertainment
> so maybe extending target audience to gamers in not that bad idea.
> Gaming devices are moving online too so this is direct competition. Why
> to buy internet tablet if better Sony or Nintendo device in future will
> do this too plus gaming. Unfortunately gaming business has complicated
> rules similar in complexity to devices with GSM radio. BTW are internet
> tablets in same Nokia multimedia division as N-Gage?

Well, SDL is to some extent this advanced gaming API, its current
implementation for Nokia 770/N800 is just poor.

As for pixel doubling, a practical solution would be just to support 400x240
fullscreen resolution in SDL so that no extra hack would be required when
porting each game or emulator in particular. N800 hardware probably 
makes it possible to set any resolution up to 800x480, with all this available
using standard SDL API.

Having support for both pixel doubled and normal graphics in the same game 
may be useful, but it will require extra efforts when porting games, while low
resolution may already work out of the box without doing any tweaks to the
sources. Let's try the simple solution first.

The very first step would be to take Nokia 770 xserver and SDL sources and
tweak them until setting 400x240 fullscreen resolution works transparently for
any SDL applications. Anybody up to this task?

Also it would be a good idea to benchmark SDL, identify maemo or ARM
architecture related bottlenecks and try to fix them. Many older generation 
games worked perfectly on hardware way slower than Nokia 770. So 
Nokia 770 may be a good platform for mobile gaming if properly 
optimized (though I'm not sure about realtime games because of 
unsuitable controls). I could probably do these optimizations myself, but 
have quite a limited amount of free time available for free software
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 20:49, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:

Looks like I have to reply to myself.

> On Tuesday 01 May 2007 17:49, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> > Applied and build without problems for me.
> Thanks a lot for building the package and putting it for download,
> everything seems to be fine, but more details will follow below.


> Anyway, the new xserver package works really good. If we do some tests with
> the standard Nokia_N800.avi video clip, we get the following results with
> the patched xserver:
> #  mplayer -benchmark -quiet -noaspect Nokia_N800.avi
> BENCHMARKs: VC:  29,764s VO:   7,666s A:   0,468s Sys:  64,635s =  102,534s
> BENCHMARK%: VC: 29,0287% VO:  7,4767% A:  0,4565% Sys: 63,0381% = 100,%
> BENCHMARKn: disp: 2504 (24,42 fps)  drop: 0 (0%)  total: 2504 (24,42 fps)
> #  mplayer -benchmark -quiet -noaspect -dr -nomenu Nokia_N800.avi
> BENCHMARKs: VC:  30,266s VO:   5,490s A:   0,467s Sys:  66,286s =  102,509s
> BENCHMARK%: VC: 29,5255% VO:  5,3554% A:  0,4560% Sys: 64,6631% = 100,%
> BENCHMARKn: disp: 2501 (24,40 fps)  drop: 0 (0%)  total: 2501 (24,40 fps)
> Results with unpatched xserver and some more explanations can be found in
> [3]. 
> Yes, now N800 is faster than Nokia 770 for video output performance at 
> last :)

Well, still not everything is so good until the following bug gets fixed:

The patch for optimized Xv performance will not help to watch widescreen
video which triggers this tearing bug. If you see tearing on the screen, you
should know that the YUV420 color format conversion optimization patch 
does not  get used at all and xserver most likely uses a slow nonoptimized
YUV422 fallback code with software scaling.

Fixing this bug is critical for video playback performance. I hope it will be
solved in the next version of N800 firmware too. But it we get some patch to
solve this problem for testing earlir, that would be nice too.

> Video output overhead on N800 is really at least halved. Of course, video
> output takes only some fraction of time in video player. So overall
> performance improvement for Nokia_N800.avi playback is approximately 20%
> but not 250%-300% which can be observed for  'omapCopyPlanarDataYUV420'
> function alone.

Before anybody noticed, correcting myself :) This 'omapCopyPlanarDataYUV420'
has 2.5x-3x improvement which is equal to 150%-200% in percents. Elementary
arithmetics is tough when you are tired
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Standard widget spacing and padding?

2007-05-01 Thread Quim Gil
On Mon, 2007-04-23 at 16:39 +0300, ext Murray Cumming wrote:
> Did you discover anything? Sorry to bug you, but I still feel sure
> that
> some document exists somewhere.

Let's move this to

Documenting widget spacing requirements

Murray, please CC yourself there. Thanks.

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Daniel Amelang

On 5/1/07, Daniel Amelang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/1/07, Daniel Amelang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> about using ldmia/stdmia instructions to cluster sequential

that was supposed to be "ldmia/sdmia", sorry.

Gah, "ldmia/stmia", final answer.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Daniel Amelang

On 5/1/07, Daniel Amelang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

about using ldmia/stdmia instructions to cluster sequential

that was supposed to be "ldmia/sdmia", sorry.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Daniel Amelang

On 4/30/07, Daniel Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> There are two important optimizations in this code:
> 1. Cache prefetch with PLD instruction (added in '_armv5' version) which
> boosts performance to 70 megapixels per second. Inner loop is unrolled
> to process 32 pixels per iteration (cache line size is 32 bytes on ARM, so
> such unrolling is convenient). This is the most important improvement.
> You can try using __builtin_prefetch() from C code to do the same
> optimization.

Ah, sounds useful.  From what Dan Amelang's been saying on xorg@, gcc
should coalesce four 32-bit reads into one 128-bit read, but this sounds
promising as well.

To expand on this: I was referring to fact that gcc is pretty smart
about using ldmia/stdmia instructions to cluster sequential
reads/writes. I see that Siarhei is already using this technique in
his assembler code, so nothing new here.

maemo-developers mailing list

Documenting maemo pearls (was Re: N800 & Video playback)

2007-05-01 Thread Quim Gil
On Tue, 2007-05-01 at 03:29 -0300, ext Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
> Daniel, Siarhei, Eero: I always find your mails to provide great deal
> of tech information about N800.

What a coincidence, me too.  ;)

> However we do not have a central place
> with these information, it would be great if you guys setup a wiki
> page with tech details about drivers, optimizations and weakness of
> current implementations so others could base work on.

Indeed. But knowing about the day to day of these busy guys I kind of
understand why things they write instantly in an email can't be easily
reproduced by themselves in a more formal way. 

But we do want to have all these pearls available in a structured way in Easing web publishing is a step, partially covered now by the
Midgard CMS integration. Providing an appropriate content structure is a
next step (I'm responsible of). Having that doc manager in place will
definitely help, as well, as making sure that every relevant component
in our architecture is officially covered by someone of the team (still
working on this).

Until then we will keep getting busy developers really sensitive to
openness and dialog, finding some spare time to answer questions and
fill indirectly the gaps in our documentation.

... Said that, there is nothing stopping anyone from collecting these
pearls in the wiki.  ;)  

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Next steps in the future of our beloved Nokia 770

2007-05-01 Thread Quim Gil

On Mon, 2007-04-30 at 21:55 +0200, ext Frantisek Dufka wrote:
> So what is the future, do you want just fix bugs or can this be used as 
> a test bed of future device vs OS independence?
> As there are probably more devices in the pipeline and some will 
> definitely run same major version of OS but have different hardware this 
> problem must be solved in future anyway.

Yes, in fact we are working already on device vs OS independence (i.e.
integrating HAL or Hildon scalability), being IT OS 2007 and the N800
our targets. There are other technical processes going on around the
improvement of the IT OS & maemo architecture. This is one of the
reasons why the story of the N800 will be different than 770's. 

It is really out of my scope and technical knowledge how much of this 
work done for the IT OS 2007 can be made available in the Hacker
edition. Carlos (and probably also prominent maemo hackers like
yourself) will know much better. My blind guess is that the community
effort will be important to make all this happen in the 770 & hacker

>  How we can reflect this with 
> maemo SDK and repository structure? Looks like there are such things as 
> subarchitecture and flavors in Debian.

Looks like we have some Debian developers in the house and we are
familiar with this paradigm. :) It is not trivial to incorporate this
(or a similar repository-based structure) to our current setup, though.
It has remarkable technical challenges per se, and it has also
additional challenges for our current development process and business

The question is how far we can and want to go (and how). This is an
uneasy discussion we are having now. 

But well, it is not a coincidence that we are using Debian as upstream
project, packaging system, APT, etc. The public roadmap already lists
features like system meta package and automatic codec installer that go
in this direction of flexibility in system components compared to the
release of monolithic FIASCO images. So we are progressing.

> I have reported the top of the iceberg as a bug here
> But it needs some thinking. How can developers target specific devices 
> with same OS but different hardware? Some developers may already take 
> eqaution Bora = N800 as granted which means some packages will not run 
> on n770 due to compiler flags and other hw specific assumptions.

I guess this shows that the software architecture needs some fixes and
improvement, as well as some of our processes. Again, it is out of my
scope and current knowledge how much of this have we already solved and
are aware of. I tend to be optimistic but filing bugs is always a good
method to make sure your points are taken.

Again, we want to provide one day this software vs hardware detachment.
This means your points are fully on topic. It is probably too early to
know how much of this will end up benefiting the 770, though. I hope we
are able to build a story of collaboration together. 

Quim Gil -

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Frantisek Dufka

Frantisek Dufka wrote:

[sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~/x/xorg-server-] > patch -p1 

patching file hw/kdrive/omap/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 34.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 

patching file hw/kdrive/omap/omap_colorconv.h
patching file hw/kdrive/omap/omap_colorconv.S
patching file hw/kdrive/omap/omap_video.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 39.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 468.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 491.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 

Sorry, my fault, mystery solved. Saved attachement in Thunderbird in 
Windows XP, then moved to Ubuntu inside VMware. The problem was caused 
by DOS CR+LF line endings, patch doesn't like it. Recoded to unix 
linefeeds and now it applies cleanly. I'm using Windows a lot, it is 
strange this never happened to me yet.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: qemu gentoo based cd

2007-05-01 Thread Kees Jongenburger


It has been an while but I did not give up yet!
Here is the first version of the qemu image

It supports both the 2.2 sdk and 3.1. I hope it will help ease the development
of 770 and n800 supporting apps.


On 4/7/07, Kees Jongenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/31/07, Kees Jongenburger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I am creating a gentoo based qemu image for maemo development
> I want to support at least version SDK 2.1 and 3.1 of the maemo sdk.
> The rationale is quite simple I want it for the MUD project so we can
> build binaries

I have now setup a demo of a web based qemu based maemo sdk (2.2 and 3.1) on  I guess that the idea is to provide a
build environment for mud packages where people can test if the
package can build
in a clear environment. I did not give it much testing yet, But I
think it works :)

Next steps would be to setup kernel targets.This "distro" was created
with scripts
and uses a cow file system to keep the original image intact so feel
free to poke around but
don't expect speed (I have a broken wireless network)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 17:49, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> > OK, here is this untested a patch for xserver to add ARMv6 optimized
> > YUV420 color format conversion. Theoretically it should compile
> > (I did not try to build xserver myself though) and work. If it refuses to
> > compile, fixing the patch should be not too difficult.
> Applied and build without problems for me.

Thanks a lot for building the package and putting it for download, everything
seems to be fine, but more details will follow below.

> For testing, I fabricated some video with gstreamer:
> which resulted in [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] videos. For some
> reason 320x240 and 352x288 refused to play with:
> X11 error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
> MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: flip_page while gstreamer did
> play them just fine. Also the Nokia_N800.avi and  NokiaN93.avi died in the
> same way. 

This X11 error on video playback start and also sometimes on switching
fullscreen/windowed mode is a known problem [1] reported in this mailing list.

If MPlayer dies on start, usually trying to start it again succeeds. So these
320x240 and 352x288 videos could be played as well if you were a bit more
persistent :)

As Daniel replied in one of the followup messages, it is most likely some race
condition. The question is which code is a suspect. Is it MPlayer Xv video
output code that has been around for ages and worked fine on different systems
or relatively new Xv extension code from N800 xserver? In addition, a previous
revision of N800 firmware had a serious bug [2] related to video playback. It
should be noted, that MPlayer needed only about 1 minute to freeze on the
initial N800 firmware. So the problem could be identified much more easily
if MPlayer was included in the standard set of tests done by Nokia QA staff
before each new IT OS release. Surely, Nokia is only interested in a
properly working xvimagesink for the software included in IT OS by default.
But testing with more client applications can improve overall xserver quality.

With all that said, I don't know if MPlayer Xv code is bugfree, it wasn't me
who developed it.

> My mplayer is compiled from the svn
> trunk of the garage project, with some additional cflags I use (so
> maybe those were the problem...).

Do you have a set of cflags settings which work better than the default set?
Can you share this information?

> There's something fishy in the decoding or something as the color bars
> in the test video were broken (yellow and cyan to be precise), but
> that seemed to be the case in a "vanilla" image too so nothing to do
> with this patch. I could not see any other glitches in the output.
> But on to the results:
> VIDEO:  [DX50]  640x480  24bpp  30.000 fps  1597.6 kbps (195.0 kbyte/s)
> VIDEO:  [DX50]  800x480  24bpp  30.000 fps  1976.5 kbps (241.3 kbyte/s)
> There is a clear drop in amount of time used to output the videos for
> 800x480 (the numbers were stable trough multiple runs).
> So I gather from the >10s benchmark time that we didn't get to real
> time yet, but close to it? And of course this is just video, audio
> decoding should be considered for real video playback performance
> measurement.

These videos are way too heavy for N800 to decode and play in realtime. We
may expect playback for videos up to 640x480 resolution with <1000kbps 
bitrate and 24fps. This is probably current realistic limit which can be
achieved. Some minor variations to these parameters are possible (for example
we can get 30fps, but should also reduce resolution or bitrate, etc.).

If you want a guaranteed video playback with divx/xvid/mpeg4 codecs, you
should restrict to 512x384 resolution or lower and keep bitrate reasonable.

The results for these 'insane' videos you have posted are somewhat weird, a
complete statistics would  require also a number of frames dropped, otherwise
we don't know how much work was done by the player. Probably missing audio
track resulted in MPlayer not being able to provide a proper report. Don't
know. Also it is strange that you did not see any improvement at all for
640x480 video, are you sure you really tested it with the patched xserver?

Anyway, the new xserver package works really good. If we do some tests with
the standard Nokia_N800.avi video clip, we get the following results with the
patched xserver:

#  mplayer -benchmark -quiet -noaspect Nokia_N800.avi
BENCHMARKs: VC:  29,764s VO:   7,666s A:   0,468s Sys:  64,635s =  102,534s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 29,0287% VO:  7,4767% A:  0,4565% Sys: 63,0381% = 100,%
BENCHMARKn: disp: 2504 (24,42 fps)  drop: 0 (0%)  total: 2504 (24,42 fps)

#  mplayer -benchmark -quiet -noaspect -dr -nomenu Nokia_N800.avi
BENCHMARKs: VC:  30,266s VO:   5,490s A:   0,467s Sys:  66,286s =  102,509s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 29,5255% VO:  5,3554% A:  0,4560% Sys: 64,6631% = 100,%
BENCHMARKn: disp: 2501 (24,40 fps)  drop: 0 (0%)  total: 2501 (24,40 fps)

Results with

Re: Next steps in the future of our beloved Nokia 770

2007-05-01 Thread Rainer Dorsch
Am Montag, 30. April 2007 21:55 schrieb Frantisek Dufka:
> How we can reflect this with
> maemo SDK and repository structure? Looks like there are such things as
> subarchitecture and flavors in Debian.

Good point, Frantisek. I found it quite frustrating when I found out the  
maemo-mapper (bora version) illegal instruction was because it used some 
arm11 features and was not running for that reason on my n770. A debian like 
repository structure would help here a lot.


Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key:
maemo-developers mailing list

Localhost unavailable when wi-fi offline or not connected

2007-05-01 Thread Mike Cowlishaw
Hi, I have a Wiki running on my N800 using the usual configuration (for many
applications) of a TCP/IP server running on the local host address
( and an TCP/IP client on the same device.  (In this case an HTTP
web server and the Opera browser.)

While trying to test this on an aeroplane at the weekend -- with Wi-Fi
offline, of course -- the browser would not connect to the server.  I've
since experimented further and find a similar (or the same) problem occurs
online if no Wi-Fi connection is active.

This is a showstopper for my application as it means I cannot easily view my
data unless online and connected -- is there a fix/workaround?

Thanks -- mfc

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Kalle Vahlman

2007/5/1, Kalle Vahlman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

The server *should* be compiled with '-mcpu=arm1136j-s -mfpu=vfp
-mfloat-abi=softfp -O2', but as I had troubles with the
SBOX_EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS env var being honored some time ago I'm not
guaranteeing it at the moment ;)

Actually seems that I had added the env var to the rules file so it
*is* built with those options.

I can produce a build without them if need be (it does affect
performance in my experience, so if one wants to see the impact of
that patch on a more "normal" version...).

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Kalle Vahlman

2007/5/1, Siarhei Siamashka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Tuesday 01 May 2007 13:36, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> 2007/5/1, Siarhei Siamashka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > OK, thanks. It may take some time though. I'm still using old scratchbox
> > with mistral SDK here (did not have enough free time to upgrade yet).
> > Until I clean up my scratchbox mess, I can only provide some patch
> > without testing, if anybody courageous can try to build it :)
> Given that I fear not the perils of building a X server with
> nonstandard options[1], I shall be more than happy to conduct such
> adventurous acts :)
> And unless Mr. Kulve has objections, the results could be installed
> from a repository as well.
> [1]

OK, here is this untested a patch for xserver to add ARMv6 optimized
YUV420 color format conversion. Theoretically it should compile
(I did not try to build xserver myself though) and work. If it refuses to
compile, fixing the patch should be not too difficult.

Applied and build without problems for me.

For testing, I fabricated some video with gstreamer:

gst-launch-0.10 videotestsrc num-buffers=300 \
   ! "video/x-raw-yuv, width=640, height=480" \
   ! ffenc_mpeg4 ! avimux \
   ! filesink location=640x480.avi

which resulted in [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] videos. For some
reason 320x240 and 352x288 refused to play with:

X11 error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module: flip_page

while gstreamer did play them just fine. Also the Nokia_N800.avi and
NokiaN93.avi died in the same way. My mplayer is compiled from the svn
trunk of the garage project, with some additional cflags I use (so
maybe those were the problem...).

Anyway, then I shut down af-base-apps and matchbox (to avoid scaling
the video) and ran "mplayer -benchmark ".

In the worst case only video playback may be broked. But if everything works
as expected, video output performance should become a lot better.

Video output performance can be tested by mplayer using -benchmark
option, 'VO:' stat shows how much time was used for video output, 'VC:' stat
shows how much time was used for video decoding.

There's something fishy in the decoding or something as the color bars
in the test video were broken (yellow and cyan to be precise), but
that seemed to be the case in a "vanilla" image too so nothing to do
with this patch. I could not see any other glitches in the output.

But on to the results:

VIDEO:  [DX50]  640x480  24bpp  30.000 fps  1597.6 kbps (195.0 kbyte/s)

V:  10.0 300/300 44% 74%  0.0% 0 0 0%
BENCHMARKs: VC:   4.387s VO:   7.436s A:   0.000s Sys:   0.482s =   12.305s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 35.6503% VO: 60.4311% A:  0.% Sys:  3.9185% = 100.%

V:  10.0 300/300 42% 72%  0.0% 0 0 0%
BENCHMARKs: VC:   4.213s VO:   7.265s A:   0.000s Sys:   0.381s =   11.859s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 35.5296% VO: 61.2604% A:  0.% Sys:  3.2100% = 100.%


VIDEO:  [DX50]  800x480  24bpp  30.000 fps  1976.5 kbps (241.3 kbyte/s)

V:  10.0 300/300 54% 114%  0.0% 0 0 0%
BENCHMARKs: VC:   5.466s VO:  11.456s A:   0.000s Sys:   0.366s =   17.287s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 31.6179% VO: 66.2677% A:  0.% Sys:  2.1144% = 100.%

V:  10.0 300/300 53% 70%  0.0% 0 0 0%
BENCHMARKs: VC:   5.346s VO:   7.043s A:   0.000s Sys:   0.449s =   12.838s
BENCHMARK%: VC: 41.6414% VO: 54.8602% A:  0.% Sys:  3.4984% = 100.%

There is a clear drop in amount of time used to output the videos for
800x480 (the numbers were stable trough multiple runs).

So I gather from the >10s benchmark time that we didn't get to real
time yet, but close to it? And of course this is just video, audio
decoding should be considered for real video playback performance

If any of you can build xserver package with this patch, please put it for
download somewhere or send directly to me.

I put the deb up at:

until I get it to the repository. This version also has the composite
extension enabled, but AFAIK it does not depend on the libs or change
server behaviour if composite is not specifically used.

The server *should* be compiled with '-mcpu=arm1136j-s -mfpu=vfp
-mfloat-abi=softfp -O2', but as I had troubles with the
SBOX_EXTRA_COMPILER_ARGS env var being honored some time ago I'm not
guaranteeing it at the moment ;)

Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Frantisek Dufka

Siarhei Siamashka wrote:

OK, here is this untested a patch for xserver to add ARMv6 optimized 
YUV420 color format conversion. Theoretically it should compile

(I did not try to build xserver myself though) and work. If it refuses to
compile, fixing the patch should be not too difficult.

It does not apply for me but should be trivial to fix.

[sbox-SDK_ARMEL: ~/x/xorg-server-] > patch -p1 

patching file hw/kdrive/omap/
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 34.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 

patching file hw/kdrive/omap/omap_colorconv.h
patching file hw/kdrive/omap/omap_colorconv.S
patching file hw/kdrive/omap/omap_video.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 39.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 468.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 491.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file 

Will try this evening. I wonder who has older x server version.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Tuesday 01 May 2007 13:36, Kalle Vahlman wrote:
> 2007/5/1, Siarhei Siamashka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > OK, thanks. It may take some time though. I'm still using old scratchbox
> > with mistral SDK here (did not have enough free time to upgrade yet).
> > Until I clean up my scratchbox mess, I can only provide some patch
> > without testing, if anybody courageous can try to build it :)
> Given that I fear not the perils of building a X server with
> nonstandard options[1], I shall be more than happy to conduct such
> adventurous acts :)
> And unless Mr. Kulve has objections, the results could be installed
> from a repository as well.
> [1] 

OK, here is this untested a patch for xserver to add ARMv6 optimized 
YUV420 color format conversion. Theoretically it should compile
(I did not try to build xserver myself though) and work. If it refuses to
compile, fixing the patch should be not too difficult.

In the worst case only video playback may be broked. But if everything works
as expected, video output performance should become a lot better.

Video output performance can be tested by mplayer using -benchmark 
option, 'VO:' stat shows how much time was used for video output, 'VC:' stat
shows how much time was used for video decoding.

Built-in video player also should become faster. I don't know if this
improvement can be 'scientifically' benchmarked, but it should drop less
frames on high resolution video playback.

If any of you can build xserver package with this patch, please put it for
download somewhere or send directly to me.

diff -u -r -N xorg-server- xorg-server-
--- xorg-server-	2007-03-05 16:17:32.0 +0200
+++ xorg-server-	2007-05-01 15:04:43.0 +0300
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 if XV
-XV_SRCS = omap_video.c
+XV_SRCS = omap_video.c omap_colorconv.S omap_colorconv.h
@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@
 	$(TSLIB_FLAG)		\
-EXTRA_DIST = omap_video.c
+EXTRA_DIST = omap_video.c omap_colorconv.S omap_colorconv.h
diff -u -r -N xorg-server- xorg-server-
--- xorg-server-	1970-01-01 03:00:00.0 +0300
+++ xorg-server-	2007-05-01 15:06:13.0 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ * Copyright © 2007 Siarhei Siamashka
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its
+ * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
+ * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
+ * documentation, and that the names of the authors and/or copyright holders
+ * not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the
+ * software without specific, written prior permission.  The authors and
+ * copyright holders make no representations about the suitability of this
+ * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without any express
+ * or implied warranty.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Siarhei Siamashka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+ */
+ * ARMv6 assembly optimized color format conversion functions
+ * (planar YV12 to some custom YUV420 format used by graphics chip in Nokia N800)
+ */
+ * Convert a line of pixels from YV12 to YUV420 color format
+ * @param dst   - destination buffer for YUV420 pixel data, it should be at least 16-bit aligned
+ * @param src_y - pointer to Y plane, it should be 16-bit aligned
+ * @param src_c - pointer to chroma plane (U for even lines, V for odd lines)
+ * @param w - number of pixels to convert (should be multiple of 4)
+ */
+void yv12_to_yuv420_line_armv6(uint16_t *dst, const uint16_t *src_y, const uint8_t *src_c, int w);
diff -u -r -N xorg-server- xorg-server-
--- xorg-server-	1970-01-01 03:00:00.0 +0300
+++ xorg-server-	2007-05-01 15:06:36.0 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ * Copyright © 

Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Kalle Vahlman

2007/5/1, Siarhei Siamashka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Monday 30 April 2007 17:49, Daniel Stone wrote:
> It's completely safe to upgrade from a deb if it's not broken.  If you
> set up a standard Maemo build environment and run apt-get source
> xorg-server and apt-get build-dep xorg-server, it should work just fine,
> in theory.
> I don't have any tips, per se.  Once I get it all integrated it'll be in
> git, but for now, the only public source is the packages.

OK, thanks. It may take some time though. I'm still using old scratchbox
with mistral SDK here (did not have enough free time to upgrade yet). Until I
clean up my scratchbox mess, I can only provide some patch without testing, if
anybody courageous can try to build it :)

Given that I fear not the perils of building a X server with
nonstandard options[1], I shall be more than happy to conduct such
adventurous acts :)

And unless Mr. Kulve has objections, the results could be installed
from a repository as well.


Kalle Vahlman, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: N800 & Video playback

2007-05-01 Thread Siarhei Siamashka
On Monday 30 April 2007 17:49, Daniel Stone wrote:

> > ARMv6 optimized YV12->YUV420 convertor is about 2.5x faster
> > than current code used in N800 xserver. So it should provide a nice
> > improvement for video :)
> Indeed.  Unfortunately this is slightly misleading in that it only shows
> the raw write speed.  RFBI can't deal with the sorts of speeds that your
> hyper-optimised version is pumping out, e.g.  So it's mainly just about
> cutting the latency into the critical path to low enough that it makes
> no difference.

The 'framebuffer' is just the ordinary system memory, converting color format 
and copying data to framebuffer will be done with the same performance as 
simulated in this test. RFBI performance is only critical for asynchronous
DMA data transfer to LCD controller which does not introduce any overhead 
and is performed at the same time as ARM core is doing some other work
(decoding the next frame). RFBI performance matters only if data transfer to
LCD is still not complete at the time when the next frame is already decoded
and is ready to be displayed. When playing video, ARM core and LCD controller
are almost always working at the same time performing different tasks in
parallel. I think I had already explained these details in [1]

Well, as xomap server is probably compiled for thumb, tried to compile this
test program for thumb instructions set as well and got the following results
(thumb is slower than normal ARM), also fixed some bug in test program
which resulted in memory throughoutput statistics being slightly off, so
the following results should be final now:

# gcc -o test_colorconv -O2 -mthumb test_colorconv.c arm_colorconv.S

# ./test_colorconv
test: 'yv12_to_yuv420_xomap',
time=9.493s, speed=25.394MP/s, memwritespeed=38.091MB/s
test: 'yv12_to_yuv420_xomap_nobranch',
time=8.516s, speed=28.306MP/s, memwritespeed=42.460MB/s
test: 'yv12_to_yuv420_line_arm_',
time=4.736s, speed=50.895MP/s, memwritespeed=76.343MB/s
test: 'yv12_to_yuv420_line_armv5_',
time=3.395s, speed=71.011MP/s, memwritespeed=106.517MB/s
test: 'yv12_to_yuv420_line_armv6_',
time=2.876s, speed=83.817MP/s, memwritespeed=125.726MB/s

If you remember the information posted in [2], mplayer used 12 seconds 
for video output when playing Nokia_N800.avi  (it contains the same number 
of frames of the same size as used in this test for benchmarking). Color
format conversion code taken from xserver and compiled for thumb uses
9.5 seconds for doing the same amount of work.

So now the results of the tests are consistent - when doing video output, most
of ARM core cycles are spent in this 'omapCopyPlanarDataYUV420' function.
Optimizing it using 'yv12_to_yuv420_line_armv6' will definitely provide a huge
effect, video output overhead when using Xv will be at least halved providing
more cpu resources for video decoding.

> > That's fine. Now I'm waiting for further instructions :) Should I try to
> > prepare a complete patch for xserver? I'm really interested in getting
> > this optimization into xserver as it would help to play high resolution
> > videos. If you have any extra questions about the code or anything
> > else (for example I wonder what free license would be appriopriate
> > for it), don't hesitate to contact me.
> If you wanted to prepare a complete patch for the server, that would be
> great, as I don't have time to get to it right now (trying to finish off
> the merge with upstream, among others).  As for the license, just the
> standard MIT boilerplate in hw/kdrive/omap/* is fine, but replace Nokia
> Corporation/Daniel Stone with Siarhei Siamaskha, obviously.
> > I did not try to build xserver sources yet as I did not have enough time
> > for that and xserver requires quite a number of build dependencies. Can
> > you  share some tips and tricks about maemo xserver development. Is it
> > difficult to compile (do I need any extra build scripts, tools, or
> > configuration options) and install on N800 (is it safe to upgrade
> > xserver on N800 from .deb file)?
> It's completely safe to upgrade from a deb if it's not broken.  If you
> set up a standard Maemo build environment and run apt-get source
> xorg-server and apt-get build-dep xorg-server, it should work just fine,
> in theory.
> I don't have any tips, per se.  Once I get it all integrated it'll be in
> git, but for now, the only public source is the packages.

OK, thanks. It may take some time though. I'm still using old scratchbox
with mistral SDK here (did not have enough free time to upgrade yet). Until I
clean up my scratchbox mess, I can only provide some patch without testing, if
anybody courageous can try to build it :)

> > I also tried to use YUV420 on Nokia 770, but it did not work well.
> > According to Epson, this format should be supported by hardware. Also
> > there is a constant OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV420 defined in omapfb.h in Nokia 770
> > kernel sources. But actually using YUV420 was not very successful. Full
> > screen update 800x48