Re: Dependency problems after PR 1.2 update to extras builder

2010-03-30 Thread Stephan Jaensch
> Yes, that's what I ended up doing, since I'm building using MADDE it's
> qt 4.5 anyway. Package was built OK by the extras build server and I
> was able to install the package on the device. However it is unstable
> and seems to crash for no apparent reason. I was able to install the
> 386 version on scratchbox and that runs OK. Weird.

AFAIK, Qt on Maemo ist not binary compatible between Qt 4.5 and Qt 4.6. That 
might explain your crashes.
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2 and Extras

2010-02-24 Thread Stephan Jaensch
Hi Niels,

Am 24.02.2010 um 12:21 schrieb Niels Breet:

> - Maemo 5 PR1.2 will ship with Extras enabled by default but will use
> distribution: fremantle-1.2
> - 'older' devices will continue to fetch from distribution: fremantle
> - Autobuilder will be updated when PR1.2 is released and promotion will
> only happen to fremantle-1.2

I think that's a good idea. Separate builders an QA queues would bring little 
benefit but cause a lot of work and confusion.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Is the N900 running X-Windows?! (was: Maemo 5 and hw accelerated X.Org?)

2010-02-10 Thread Stephan Jaensch

>> I've tried both ssh -XC n900 and ssh -YC n900 and then running leafpad
>> for instance, but it gets run on the N900, is not exported to the PC.
>> I've set:
>> ForwardX11 yes
>> ForwardX11Trusted yes
>> in /etc/ssh/ssh_config on the N900 but it's not exported.
>> What am I doing wrong?
> You may need to export DISPLAY and set the xauth tokens (command: xauth add 
> )

Well, there is no xauth available on device. If someone has working X11 
forwarding from the N900 to your desktop X server, I'd love to read about it. :)


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Qt 4.6 & Extras

2010-02-10 Thread Stephan Jaensch
Hi Andrew,

Am 10.02.2010 um 17:31 schrieb Andrew Flegg:

> AIUI, PR 1.2 is still having /opt; so why would Qt 4.6 not use it? OK,
> so it's problematic for things that are part of the base system to use
> /opt, but if the Qt 4.6 libraries which will be included take up more
> room than the out-of-the-box installed Qt 4.5 libraries then PR 1.2
> will take up more of the rootfs space.

Optified libraries are indeed problematic, I guess that's why they moved to the 
rootfs. Actually, the 4.6 libraries should be a bit smaller than 4.5 mainly 
because there is no Qt3Support anymore which takes up 3.1MB (uncompressed) 

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: connect through ssh or telnet to the Virtual Machine with Maemo SDK

2010-01-28 Thread Stephan Jaensch

Am 28.01.2010 um 13:06 schrieb

>> I imagine you could probably install openssh server in the VM and connect
>> to the IP?

> I could try that, but, please, could you tell me how can I know then the ip 
> ot the virtual machine in order to connect through ssh?

As I said, that might not be possible depending on the network configuration 
you chose in VirtualBox. If you're using NAT (the default), the virtual machine 
is not accessible from the outside - including the host. So either you follow 
the steps I provided in my previous mail to be able to ssh into your VM, or you 
choose a different mode of networking configuration.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: connect through ssh or telnet to the Virtual Machine with Maemo SDK

2010-01-24 Thread Stephan Jaensch

Am 23.01.2010 um 20:36 schrieb

> I just installed the  Machine with Maemo SDK and would like to be connect 
> with my nomal linux istalation. Can someone tell me how can I connect through 
> ssh or telnet to the Virtual Machine with Maemo SDK.

That depends on how you configured networking for the VM (I'm assuming you're 
using VirtualBox). If you chose NAT, which is the default, then you need to do 
the following on your host OS:

VBoxManage setextradata "Linux Guest" 
"VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/guestssh/Protocol" TCP
VBoxManage setextradata "Linux Guest" 
"VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/guestssh/GuestPort" 22
VBoxManage setextradata "Linux Guest" 

Replace "Linux Guest" with the name of your VM. If the virtual network 
interface is an Intel PRO/1000, replace pcnet with e1000. After you've done 
this, you can connect to the ssh server on your VM through port  on your 
host system. I.e. do "ssh -P  u...@" on your host OS.

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to destroy your community

2010-01-21 Thread Stephan Jaensch
Hi Tero,

Am 21.01.2010 um 12:56 schrieb  :

> There are problems sure, that bit is apparent. Do you really think any party 
> (community, admins, ISP, me) is right now happy at how the ISP has handled 
> the case? No.

Well then, what is being done to make sure something like this doesn't happen 
again? And just for clarity: I don't see the ISP being the root cause of the 
problem here. The question is: how could "roughly fifteen blades, a few teras 
of netapp" end up at such a bad ISP? Isn't it common sense to use an ISP that 
one has prior experience with and hopefully a known contact? Who made this 
decision? Was that person fit (qualified) to make this decision? If not, is he 
still responsible for these kinds of decisions?  

> If anyone has a blade rack with roughly fifteen blades, a few teras of netapp 
> and fast connections handy, and is willing to watch it 24/7, give root access 
> and guarantee that it will be there for the next three to five years, please 
> step forward. I would love to get that somewhere.

Getting that "somewhere" is obviously not the issue at all, for the right 
price. And I'm guessing money is not the issue either. So it's just about 
having someone who has experience and the right contacts in this regard to make 
the proper choice.

> But ranting on this list will not help.

I don't think that I'm ranting. I'm trying to get to the root of the problem 
here. This might be an important discussion since it's possible not all of us 
agree about the root cause.

>> It is very easy for Joe to just go away or to shut up, without any loss
>> to him.  We should be happy that he doesn't, it would be a loss for us.
>> He can do good for, and I wouldn't be surprised if he can do
>> more good than many of our paid sysapes.  Get him root access already.
> Give root access to a person who walks in here and starts shouting? Are you 
> serious? No smileys, so I assume you are.
> Marius, I want root access on all your machines. I want it, now! :)

Jeff was shouting? I would rather characterize him as one of the (if not the) 
most valued community contributors in regards to infrastructure. Just 
take a look at He was the only one (!) being 
able to provide repository access during the server move. I think he 
has proven that he is capable and can be trusted.

So tell me Tero, what are the criteria for getting root access? Is this a 
community, i.e. a meritocracy?

> Also Marius, would you watch your language. Calling people names is rude. It 
> gives a bad picture of your character, and is against netiquette. You should 
> know better, it's not a kindergarten.

Exactly, it is not. It's high time people started being accountable for their 

> Please show up at the next monthly sprint meeting and take some tasks to 
> improve things then. How much time and energy are you willing to pitch in 
> personally?

I'll be there. How much responsibility are you willing to give away?

maemo-developers mailing list

Re: QDesktopServices::openUrl opens always 2 web pages

2010-01-21 Thread Stephan Jaensch
Hi Sascha,

Am 21.01.2010 um 09:22 schrieb Sascha Mäkelä:

[ Problem with QDesktopServices::openUrl ]

>> Bug 7726 may be of interest.
> Thanks! Somehow I missed that when searching Bugzilla. :)
> Is the fix available already and will it work with 4.5?

Just for completeness: The Qt 4.6 beta by Nokia does not seem to have this 
problem. Don't know it that is an option for you though.


maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to destroy your community

2010-01-20 Thread Stephan Jaensch
> I guess that the problem is that you "demand" rather than request.

Really? That is the problem? The verb he used?

First of all, demand is the right word. It works like this with any website on 
the interwebs. It's always a give and take. Every user *demands* that a website 
is stable and fast, wether they formulate that on a mailing list or not. They 
demand that the site works or they'll leave - because that's the imaginary 
contract a website owner has with his/her users. I'll provide you a service and 
you'll come back, generate content for me etc. pp.

Now, Dave, if you don't care about Maemo's users (and I mean all kind of them - 
N900 end-users, FOSS developers, commercial developers), then you might have 
this attitude. Otherwise, you should be aware of this contract and thus realize 
why they have the right to demand a stable service - it's part of the payment 
for their time (which they could spend elsewhere). The other part of your 
payment is obviously some kind of service you provide them - if and when your 
servers run reliably.

Welcome to the internet age.

Second of all: he wrote a very insightful mail, highlighting many of the 
issues, mentioning the possible solutions he has suggested (and put on the wiki) - and you decide to quote one sentence and comment on one verb 
he used. I think that is a very nice illustration of the *real* problem.


P.S., out of curiosity: are you being paid for the work you do for
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: How to destroy your community

2010-01-19 Thread Stephan Jaensch

> It is important to listen to newcomers.  They can provide much needed
> reality checks and maybe keep you from staring at your own naval too
> much.

I'm another such newcomer. As Quim said, one weak point right now is 
documentation (maybe more about finding what you need than about not having 
enough). While documentation is spread out between and, it seems to me that the wiki will be the principal hub for 
Maemo documentation. Am I correct?

Now, let's look at Maemo. It's a new phone operating system in a highly 
competitive area. iPhone OS and Android seem to be far ahead, and the #2 
handset manufacturer just unveiled their own OS, Bada. So what is needed for 
Maemo? Developers, developers, developers. And while there are many 
applications already available for Maemo (as long-time community members are 
quick to point out), we are in dire need of slick, useful, finger-friendly 
applications. The kind of stuff that gets downloaded in the millions in the 
Apple Store. The stuff users are willing to pay for.

These developers work for companies. They are paid to develop these apps and 
probably aready have experience developing iPhone and/or Android apps. Now 
imagine their manager coming to them, asking about the progress they are making 
and those developers replying "sorry, I couldn't make any progress this 
afternoon, was down".

Now I know Nokia just sponsors, but maybe that's not enough. This is 
not a experience we want newcomers to have. Because it might be our only chance 
to get them as developers. As Jeff said running a website is not rocket 
science. I'm a sysadmin myself. I know it hurts when your baby is down, you 
don't need other people pointing that out, but fact is the situation was 
unacceptable and it dragged out for far too long.

Server migration is not rocket science either. So far we have a weekend of 
downtime plus data loss (!) because of a server move. In a business 
environment, that would seriously threaten the jobs of the people responsible 
for it. If is the go-to place for all things Maemo, then Nokia cannot 
afford to run it like a hobbyist website.

> While it is certainly nice to get these reality checks delivered in nice
> ways, we should listen to what is being said even if we don't like the
> tone.

I too am of the opinion that people need to be woken up. I think the "you need 
to be around for X years to be taken seriously" replies are a dangerous thing 
for Maemo. First of all, this is not just a specialized tablet operating system 
anymore. We are competing against Smartphones now. The landscape has changed, 
the competition just got a lot tougher. People like Jeff (and me) come from 
this background. Frankly, I don't care how things were during OS2007 days. I 
care how things are compared to Android. And I don't need to be here for 
several years to witness the server problems. Having problems accessing No, right? You couldn't take that site down even if you 
tried. That's the benchmark.

Sorry, had to be said. Just remember that all I'm trying to do is wake up 
people before it's too late. I love programming with Qt and I think the N900 is 
a very promising device. But in my opinion we need a critical mass of 
commercial developers for the users to come.

Cheers anyway,
maemo-developers mailing list

Re: Updating the info for Extras-devel non-free

2009-11-27 Thread Stephan Jaensch
Am 27.11.2009 um 11:15 schrieb Quim Gil:

> - Do you want non-free apps showing up in
> ?
> - Do you want non-free apps showing up in
> ?

I'm relatively new to the Maemo scene and am currently developing my first 
Maemo app using C++ and Qt. I have also played with Python and PyQt which is 
quite nice. Just wanted to take this opportunity to say hi to you all and give 
you my humble opinion on the matter. :)

I don't know yet if I'll be releasing my app as open source, it could very well 
be non-free. So this issue is interesting to me both as a developer as well as 
a user.

First of all, my viewpoint as a user: I want as many apps as possible. Choice 
is always good. I own an iPod Touch, and I can say with confidence that my 
criteria for selecting an app is always functionality, quality (hard to gauge 
since there is no "try before you buy", so I'm judging by user ratings for 
that) and price. As a user, I don't care about source code availability. One of 
the main reasons I chose Maemo/N900 instead of e.g. the Palm Pre is that there 
are almost no apps available for their WebOS platform even months after release.

As a developer, I want users to be able to get the app as easy as possible, 
delivering as high a quality as I can. So obviously I would want my app to be 
in extras-testing. But if that is not possible / not wanted by the community, 
appearing on downloads/Maemo5/ would still be important.

> Testers with a strong opinion about open source might not be interested
> at all on this, but other users might be indeed interested in becoming
> betatesters of a non-free app in exchange of checking the lastest
> versions some days/weeks before regular users get them in Ovi or elsewhere.

I agree. I do understand that Maemo has a strong open source (or even free 
software) crowd. I am a big fan of open source myself. If people do not want 
non-free apps on their device, just don't add non-free to your sources.list. 
Problem solved. Same with QA. Nobody is forcing anybody to QA non-free 
packages, right? That doesn't mean that people who actually want to do that QA 
should be prevented from doing it.

maemo-developers mailing list